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MARCH 2025

BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated

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BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet's Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated

The Russian official media outlet RIA Novosti quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying that the missile cruiser Moskva of the Russian Black Sea Fleet had detonated ammunition as a result of a fire.

The Guards missile cruiser of Project 1164 Moskva is the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet. It was built at the Nikolaev shipyard and commissioned in 1982. It was originally named Slava.

There were conflicting reports from the Ukrainian side. The head of the Odessa regional military administration, Maxim Marchenko, said that the cruiser was hit by two Neptun anti-ship missiles.

According to Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, a fire broke out on the ship. “There are 510 people on board. We can’t understand what happened. Either two sailors were smoking in a wrong place. Or they once again violated some safety measures”.

The TV channel Sky News, citing its sources, reported a fire on the missile cruiser Moscow. According to it, other Russian ships were coming to the rescue. According to the source, the ship was 25 nautical miles off Snake Island south of Odessa.

There are reports that after a fire and explosion of ammunition on the ship, the cruiser Moskva sank.

BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet's Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated

There is a strong possibility that the burning of the cruiser Moscow is the result of a strike against it by missiles deployed in Ukraine, sabotage or negligence. This is a suitable diversion from the events taking place in Mariupol.

According to preliminary information, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, was indeed attacked by the Neptun missile launcher from the coastline between Odessa and Nikolayev. The missiles struck the port side, causing the ship to roll heavily. The crew of about 500 were evacuated after the threat of detonation of the ammunition. The buoyancy of the cruiser was made difficult by the sea weather conditions. As a result of all the cumulative factors, according to preliminary information, the cruiser sank.

In any case, this is a major blow to Russia’s military image.


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hans raus

I am so happy now, nato superiority and ukrainian will to fight is perfect combination. Now is time to bomb some airfields on russian territory ^^

hahahahahaha ruskiye bots will cry tonight

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Putin's MASSIVE Balls teabagging hans

Pathetic, Haha… One ship lost yet Ukraine has no navy at all. Russia is still winning jackass, whatever.

Jacob Wohl

There are only 3 Slava class cruisers deployed. Each one provides long range air defense and early warning for each battle group. Now the Black Sea Fleet has lost all its early warning and air defense capability. Only 2 slava cruisers left, but they cannot come to the Black Sea since Turkey closed the Bosphorus.


Nonsense. They can return whenever they want, they are not very important.

Jacob Wohl

Imagine how dumb the Russkie ship commander must be to sail a huge warship that is the Flagship of the fleet only 30km away from Odessa shoreline knowing they can have antiship missiles? Dumb people! :-)


It was dumb. Especially since they are at war and need to stay aware of Ukraine firing anti ship missiles from shore.

G2 man

There is a lot of truth to your observation. On an operational level some of the Russian commanders are many astonishingly inept decisions that border on sheer incompetence. However, to be perfectly objective, Russia is fighting 30 modern NATO armies in reality and they are testing their best weaponry to bleed Russia.

As most professional military men has observed, I also find Russian velvet gloves tactics quite illogical and inviting more destruction of Russian men and material. Ukraine is being controlled by Zionist and NATO officers whose sole aim is to bleed Russia to an extent that Putin will be overthrown and a puppet government installed in Kiev and then Russia to be Balkanized on the Yugoslavian template.

I sincerely hope Russian leadership takes serious stock of its military tactics and increase the cost to the Ukrainian Nazi regime. Russia needs to destroy Kiev and set an example. On a tactical level, in the era of very accurate SSM, floating a large 13,000 ton missile cruiser next to a hostile coast in simply insanity. The Zionists also found their flagship HANIT hit by a Hezbollah C-802 SSM, unfortunately Hezbollah only had two in its inventory and the fuse was not primed properly and only damaged the Corvette. Luckily, today Hezbollah has more superior and numerous Iranian FAJR, NASR and various other lethal SSM.

The Neptune missiles that struck the Moskva is based on the Soviet Kh-35 anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range and electronics. From my observation and damage assessment, it appears that the ship is salvageable and not listing. The fires have been put out and the excellent dry docks at Sevastopol will be able to repair in good time. The Iranian frigate Sabalan suffered far greater damage during the cowardly US Preying Mantis. Sabalan was repaired in 1989 and has since been upgraded, and is still in service with the Iranian navy. The Russians will do the same and upgrade the weaponry on the Moskva as well. These incidents are part and parcel of war, but Russia needs to learn from these unfortunate events It also proves that large ships operating in hostile waters are very vulnerable to SSM attack. The US air craft carriers do not stand a chance against Russian, Chinese or Iranian SSM batteries and cruise missiles. The Iranians are very astute to have avoided large surface ships and invested in hundreds of frigates and Fast Missile Attack corvettes. In the the narrow confines of Persian Gulf or Formosa Straits, a mass SSM attack would sink any USN aircraft carrier in less than ten minutes. I am certain the PLA Is taking notes.

I hope the Russians improve their tactics and take the war to Kiev as the US criminals and NATO lapdogs are arming Ukrainian Nazis to the tune of $30 billion since 2008 and $6 billion since the start of Operation Z. The US defence contractors are making billions and are producing weapons on a war scale and Russia needs to to the same. The Chinese and Iranians should be ramping up their missile and drone attack capabilities. The DPRK is also very proactive in producing a range of missiles as a deterrent to US warmongers. The Russians should be mobilizing all their resources for a very long and brutal conflict as their survival depends on crippling the Ukrainian Nazis and their NATO masters.


Great comment. My first thoughts were that if USN ships get hit by this old missile they are goners. The new metals of modern ships are like tin cans. We ain’t talking about grandpa’s battlewagons nowadays.


As for the velvet gloves you mention, there are several US generals that would disagree with you who fully understand these tactics and believe they are on the right path. Where is your mention of that? What would be the outcome of the aftermath if they followed your advise? How different would the ME situation be if the US had followed these Russian tactics, not that they would in the first place as the goal was and still is eternal chaos from illegal wars? The US had a chance to pursue this line in Iraq, but didn’t. What was and still is the aftermath? The Russians are thinking ahead years, not just for the day. Do the Russians want to create more Iraq’s and Afghanistan’s to bleed them like the US has been? I think not. The Russian’s are the best strategic thinkers on the planet, the US is not. Following the US example, which is what you are advocating, is not in the best interests of the Ukrainian or Russian people. Listen to those coming out of those areas where the Russians have come to save them. They are grateful. This is the mindset Russia is working towards.


The mindset of the Russians? You are from what planet? The Russians are barbarians, inhuman army, war criminals and oppressors . Ask you the question and tell me why Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia, Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards. .


Salvable and not listing? It sunk. Do not count on the Chinese they have their own national problems and in the end their people need to eat and live and need more and more freedom. Russia buys 50 billion $ from China yearly and now less, Europe 450 billion $ and the US also 450$ billion. Read $ not roubles. Everybody will chose the money and not the beggar. Iran has even more problems at home and if they are to difficult we might unleash Israel they eat everyday 10 of those lose canons at breakfast and even do not brag about it. You are empty handed, you should pass or must go bancrupt. Sorry you are already in default,ok you have still 30 days to look for the money.


Great comment G2 man.

I agree with all your major points, including the one about the necessary fate of Kiev, which of course first must be emptied before it is destroyed. But I still feel that we should give Putin and his generals a little bit more time, before turning Kiev into rubble. We are still at the early stages of this conflict, but unfortunately it seems to become more serious by the day as the involvement in Ukraine by the demonic entity of Nato steadily increases.

I am, however, confident that the Russians will succeed in attaining their objectives in Donbass and Ukraine, because they have no other option but to do so. You mentioned Balkanization — that sheer thought alone will motivate every Russian to fight for their homeland to the bitter end.

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

REPLYING G2 MAN:Respect Your Very Thorough Analysis.I Wonder Why With All Their Previous Dry Runs in, CRIMEA,2014,And SYRIA Since 2015They Haven’t Got it Perfected At Combined Arm’s Coop And Airmaritime Force-Protection Capabilities?!.My Biggest Worry Remains That with increasing Conventional Engagement Attrition Frustration’s,They May Triple Escalate in Reaction and Sooner Not later Deploy Tactical Nuke Device’s As Force Multiplier s To Acheive Total Victory.REGARDLESS OF THE DISASTROUS POTENTIAL GLOBAL CONSEQUENCES RFR ISN’T READY TO LOSE THIS WAR!!!.


It was dumb. And so is your comment. They can return to Black Sea whatever they want, Turkey is obliged to let them in.


No, Turkey has closed the straights to all war ships, except those returning to home port. If the Ukraine somehow manages to sink the entire Black Sea fleet, Russia cannot bring in ships from the northern or pacific fleets. The Moskova Cannot be replaced without the consent of Turkey.

The sinking of the Moskova is a $1,000,000,000 loss that Cannot be replaced anytime soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

Do you globohomo nazi dills think turkey will start ww3? p00fs mentality!


Sebastopol is probably home base to those ships and as such Turkey has a treaty agreement to let them pass unhindered.


Yes, Odessa was (and is) something to keep an extremely close eye on. This is sadly one of those moments where shit happens, but probably a few people messed up and things just didn’t go right. Russia will recover, they always do, but this is one of those mess ups in both contingency planning and probably crew responsible for air defenses.

The maharaja

That ship had no chance of defense. It was a floating museum at best. It has the same weapons on it they got in 1982. The ak 6-30s are aimed with a ring site and eyeball. The radars on the ship for the 630 is the first series top dome 1974.. Radars have run times before fails I dont think a radar that old could be working at all. The radar for the 130 mm is from the 1950s and the sams are old as shit. The osa on the back were state of the art in 1982… they were obsolete by 1990. It should never have been anywhere near the coast.

In reality its probably a good wake up call to forget about making giant ships they cost way to much and one Buyan m has more ability at 900 tons than a slava. Putin was sitting on close to 900 billion and he should have spent a few hundred of it if he planed on going to war. The Russian training, tactics, etc leave a lot to be desired. Now they have switched to big guns and sieges will see but no way they get it done with 200k men…. nope. They will need more this may bring them? may not will see.

jens holm

Much as You descreibe someones X wife


Yes Putin WAS sitting on close to 900 billion BUT OLIGARHS spend them on luxury yahts nad apartmens in LONDON ! BILIONS upon BILIONS are FROZEN on yahts and property. Russia is CORUPT third world place !!!

The maharaja

Might be hard but life is much better when you are honest. Oligarchs is simply a word for business man. The Russian state had 900 billion. No debt. The fact they have some rich people with big boats? Do you live under a rock or some sh!t? I live in the US we have lots of people with a hundred billion dollars and big boats. They tend to prefer space ships these days as boats are so 90s. Russia is far from third world your just a hater. Just pick your side and live with it no need to make sh!t up if you have to do that whats the point? You going to hate on Russia for something you know is not true? seriously that is pretty fucking stupid.

Johny cash

How the hell r they honest man were talking about corruption here. Stealing from ordinary russians is not honest. They seems to be so corrupt that just look at them i mean such huge landmass yet so poor

Pamfil Military Academy

So you’re imbecile and don’t realize that in US same things happen from ages…


Okay expert. Great evidence, verry accurate ‘facts’ and totally not paroting the western media. Very good independent thinking too


Since you are just making shit up why not say 900 Godzillion?

Günter Düsterhus

So korrupt wie London oder Kiew. Unsere nationalen Parlamente werden von Oligarchen gekauft, egal ob man Sozialisten oder Konservativen regiert wird. Nur Idioten glauben an Demokratie.


Yes, Russian oligarchs are bad people. Woooozers, it looks like the West though has even more oligarchs, and these one run the government.


Tell me more about Russia’s national debt and then compare it to that of the USA.

Johny cash

Your being way too kind. Ive said frm day 1 their military leadership is complete utter joke their incompitence is second to non

Last edited 2 years ago by Johny cash

surely there was modernisation? New Radars, missiles, etc.?

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely Military Academy agree. I told many many times before: Russia have a too small army compared to it’s huge land and interests to defend

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Most of Russia’s terrain is very hard to just roll through. It’s terrain is it’s main tactical advantage. And vast area’s are uninhabitable so yeah, why create a massive army for terrain that’s hard to cross, or conquer?

G2 man

Some of the Russian incompetence is quite baffling. The Moskva has 16 P-500 Bazalt or P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles/SSM which were never fired. There was evidently also not a perimeter picket to protect against SSM as Odessa port is well armed and defended as Russian never targeted the SSM installations and shore based artillery there.

Russia needs to realize that it is fighting 30 NATO nations and can not play by soft rules. The Kiev Nazis must pay a heavy price and all their infrastructure needs to be taken out.


Well Russia is going to have to take ALL of Ukrainian coastline end of story

Florian Geyer

Exactly, I agree that its a strategic necessity for Russia to control the zio-mobster snake pit that is Odessa. Odessa has been a vipers nest for hundreds of years.

It is also possible that the Ukie anti ship missile was, in fact, one of the promised UK anti ship missiles. Just a thought.

Michigan Man

And there are more to come. Anti-ship missiles. Drones. Sniper guns (likely Barret 50cal). Short and middle-range missiles. Portable anti-tank and anti-air-craft systems. A never-ending stream of volunteer fighters. In addition NATO military advisers. More and more tunnel-systems are build everywhere in and around large ukrainian cities the moment we speak. So yes, Russia is fucked. They lost the war the moment Putin started it !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

No they are not DUMB ! They ware DRUNK ha ha ha


Nazi globohomos are the dumbest people,for a jew you love nazis eh mr holohoax judean anti semite semite,fkn drr err.

The Objective

The ship was at the port of Sevastopol. Hundreds of kms from Odessa.

Johny cash

Dumb aint even the word. They been botching things left right and centre from day 1

Pamfil Military Academy

Correct. Fire the chief of the Black Sea fleet immediately.


Their must be something wrong with their defense !


Gee, it turns out that it was not a missile attack, dumbass. It was an accident aboard ship. How about the BonHomme Richard in San Diego 2 years ago? The battleship Iowa, 1989, 49 dead? The Cole off Yemen? The Vincent, hit by an Exocet by Iraq? None of which happened during war. How many aircraft were lost in Vietnam? In Iraq? The Ukrs did use their Neptuns before this and no ships were sunk.


You can imagine all you can but there was no Ukraine Anti-Ship Missiles. You need a Swarm of 50-60 to overcame the Moscova Anti-Cruise Missile Defenses


Fullovit! If anything the turks are blocking nato,ye nazi luving turd!

The Objective

Sevastopol has its own air defense. Via S-400s. That has twice the range of the S-300 on the Slava class.

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re idiot. The international agreement is valid ONLY for not neighbors combatants of Black Sea shores. So, any russian ship can pass.


You do realise that there many of other newer ships in the area and i don’t count the subs and some can be brought in from Caspian sea

Choke the Woke

Russia should go ahead & nuke DC & the other Blue Commie infested cities & drop this proxy crap & bring the pain to the US limp wristed pussys! It’s time they tasted the pain they’ve been dishing out to nations that couldn’t punch back! Russia will KO NATO & even their gaming scenarios say so!!


You stupid fuck, weren’t you arrested for your crap in the US? The crap where you lied your ass off and got caught? Where is Wohls Nose when we need him? Just another Israeli operative spewing the same drivel over and over. You and your ilk are the real reasons behind this and all the other crimes against the world. F.O.


The Ship was designed to Hunt Carriers and Submarines (USA Wikipedia for Morons). Ukraine has no Air Force and 20 Russian Satellites provide Early Warning


Yah Russia does seem to be winning, its holding most of the territory it took, but this is some very expensive land. And the ship is a $1,000,000,000 loss. Not to mention another humiliation and black eye to Russias claims of dominance.


So first you say they seem to be winning and holding it’s territory, but at the same time this is a black eye to it’s “claims” of dominance? Riiiiiiiiiight


Imagine being this pathetic like this degenerate…

Of all losers and rejects on internet you are by far the most repulsive, sad creature whose only purpose in “life” is to troll this site. I almost feel pity on you… but mostly only disgust.

The maharaja

Ya he is a douche bag no doubt. Hes not the only one there are many on here. Makes comments that have any value pretty rare mostly just shit talking ass hats all day. Too bad really the videos are pretty good.

jens holm

Thats not trolling. He represent parts of the oppinion for the rest of the world, You are censured away from.

Dirty rats invading other countries like this should be crusified upside down.

According sober medias here many 1000s has been killed in Maripol.

If Putin start bombarding Kiev again, its a realitic option we have to help Ukraine with long distance stuff and make Russia into a non fly zone all the way to Moskva.

A TV tower or two in Moskva might be a very good hint.


As long as by “dirty rats invading countries” you mean the Mafia Jews of Odessa and the USSD. And haven’t you crucified enough women and children you ugly POS? Wait til the rest of your zombified slave army hears from the 2000 UAF who surrendered this week in Mariupol. It may become a Tsunami of surrenders. They named the jew.

helene matz

danish pastry on steroids pathetic little porn country

Michigan Man

Good comment ! That’s also my opinion. De-militarize Russia ! That’s the best thing to do. But funny thing is, with the stupid invasion of Ukraine and all the losses they have it will likely take at best 2 years and russians can only throw with stones and attack with sticks. They have lost so many military equipment, gear and soldiers in just 48 days, no army can sustain and absorb such losses in the long run. That’s for sure. So time is running out for Mr. Jewtin !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

I always think of @RausHans as Smeagle.


If you support that evil demonic communist tyrant, then you support your eternal father, Satan. That goes for anyone out there. Jesus, (God) condems anyone for supporting this evil, murderous animal. You are as responsible in the eyes of the Almighty God as if you committed these atrocities yourself. Remember that eternal HELL is Forever! This is from a conservitive and not a liberal loser. I stand for humanity! Politics be Damned! God Bless America, NATO, and Ukraine! FJB! PUTIN enjoy eternal HELL!


Get a grip orthodox hateth homosexual,your the feminazi dumfkd rant either way you cannot defeat the truth,as it slowly but surely reveals your mini midget khazarian dildo is the epitome of satan,fkn well looks it too fugly libby creep,you will die in vain,LIARS!


NATO is evil, killing people in Iraq, Afghanistan syria is not humanity

Michel LeBlanc

Its 1 ship, russians are still kicking your ass daily.

I guess for once you shot at something else than your own civilians, congrats.

hans raus

i assume that you overdosed COPE. Tell me about kiev, still dreaming about capital and replace Zelynsky with your own russian puppet? ………………………..loser

jens holm

Nice if we could see Putin in a Ukra uniform too.


Putin is not a poseur, fool.


Nah! Replacing Zelensky with anyone would be doing you a favor. He is losing this war and destroying Ukraine as planned. Never bring a little Mafia pet bowlegged faggot comedian Jew to a real war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Platon

Lol, why do you keep inventing objectives for Russia? The military operative has only 4, and all of them are being accomplished: destroy Ukraine military infraestructure, retake the Donbass, denazify and prevent Ukraine to enter nato. Any other narrative is just mirroring of what nato does in other countries.


That ship was pure luxury. Russians fight better without luxuries.

sleepy biden

Go sleep with sleepy biden the son of a bitch. maybe you can dream that russia is losing. In the real world that is not happening

jens holm

Its allowed to hope.


Hands raw?… Yeah I get it, if you didn’t work on the Neal and Bob team so much your hands wouldn’t be raw… Lip balm?


NATO will pay. Ukraine is now dogfood. Enjoy your one day of laughter in a bleak 50 days and brace yourself for extinction.


Nato superiority ? you are maybe mongoloide? never heard anything of hypersonic missile, there nothing you can buy in EU without made in china labeling

The Objective

You will cry more for after the payback ukrotrash.


hello nazi.


You should not be happy about this. Major war is ccoming. Red line crossed.

Hans muss rauss

NATO is so stupid to send military equipment to Ukraine..I guess Germans have forgotten how the russkiye destroyed the Nazi’s.. You should be thankful to them instead of sending weapon and take part of the war

helene matz

well whoever you are kraut or yankfascist,have you been in a war,have you been in a hollywood production of war,the only place the yanks win haha,if you are a kraut or eisbein eat your heart out,the nazos got theirs once and they will get it again,raus

Pamfil Military Academy

Actually I’m happy too. believe it or not. Thus maybe KREMLIN will wake up and start treat NATO Ukraine without any gloves. The best response will be a swift encirclement of Odessa and switch to plan B (again ?!) to take entire southern Ukraine from the banderist filth.

Choke the Woke

You won’t be happy for long you Ukropian retard! 🇺🇦Has never really been a nation & is demise is as guaranteed as it gets and NATOs days are numbered! Globohomos twilights last tinkle!! 🤣


🇷🇺⚡️Russian Ministry of Defense:

▪️ The source of fire on the cruiser “Moskva” is localized. There is no open fire. Explosions of ammunition have been stopped.

▪️ Cruiser “Moskva” keeps buoyancy. The main missile armament was not damaged.

▪️ The crew was evacuated to the ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the area.

▪️ Arrangements are being made to tow the cruiser to port.

▪️ The cause of the fire is under investigation.


This is not the good attitude sir, more of a debiele, the Russians must stop speaking just kill them of their enemys !


The moskal floating tin pot went pop and sunk at the bottom of the black sea. Slava Ukraine

Putin busts a nut up Bangdera's Butt

You’re still LOSING! :)

That’s stupid

The war is just beginning.


Very true. This is what I am afraid of and you should be too. Personally, from now on, I am expecting carnage unleashed by new Russian command everywhere, especially in Odessa, Kyev and Kharkhov. You are a toast. The same goes for all NATO supplies crossing the Polish – Ukrainian border. Just wait a day or two.


Russia best chance was probably the initial week, now Ukraine is Mobilized, they surprised themselves and the world by stopping, the advances. Their soldiers are confident fresh from the victories in the north and images of thousands of destroyed Russian tanks, APCs etc. and now a billion US dollar cruiser. More weapons are poring in from the west, potentially even long range missile systems. the conscripts are getting more experienced and confident every day. The images of Russian war crimes is hardening their hearts and resolve to the struggle ahead.

It’s going to be a meat grinder as they say, and 10s if not hundreds of thousand of more lives will be lost.

I hope this gets resolved quickly as war is a a terrible waste of lives and money.


And Russian are fed up dying for a fantasy . https://t.me/c/1736151536/4935

jens holm

Days are long in Russia. Winning was 2 weeks. 3 weeks?


Russians are not stupid enough to put a date on it. You are. It will be over when everyone like you is dead or living in Moose Crotch, Alberta.


Usa + all combined nato forces + teorrists 20 yrs,still lost,syria 11 years still nothing but debt to show,whats your point? Russia also managed to build europes longest bridge to boot,that is real progress slowly but surely unlike your human reights just for blek gays!


I agree Putin is probably gay, and enjoys the feeling of a young man’s body wrapped around his needle dick. Seeing as Putin is only 5/6 the height of a real man. Do you think his penis is only 9cm?


‘probably’ really defines the personal incredulity in your “statement”. And what’s up with the penis fixation? Projecting your own insecurities?

The maharaja

I heard the guy who actually was in charge of air defense was watching a video of 14 ukranians taking a 125 mm to the face! Have you seen that one? I watched the ship vidoe not very exciting old ship guess the gal went out in style but that video of the tank to the face! Thats the money shot right there….


The other video gave meaning to the nasty joke ‘Rest in Pieces’.


Yes it was impressive, probably just 20m away


Careful that the winning Russians don’t blow your head off while you are in mid-gloat.

The Objective

Meanwhile Ukropisis military has collapsed.

Arzt Injektion

First time I am hearing the ship actually sank. What reports is SF referring too?


Could be new sponsors, aka tic tok,unless official memos from russian military? (crucial)

Mariupol has been 250% liberated

It’s just a minor fire, because of minors, child rapists have collected them from the beach. Nothing to worry about, just a minor evacuation

Putin kicks you into the Dirt

1000 Ukrops surrendered today, 500 killed. Yes, Mariupol has been Liberated.


Barbecued Assoff.


irrespective hit or not,sank or not,that is a ukranian built ship,russia shouldnt really mind losing 1 luxury cruiser.

Last edited 2 years ago by AISO REPs=DFAT NAZI ( O ) ANAL:
emanuel fernandez

It is not cowardly to recognize an enemy cheap shot. Could it be that the fire was caused by one of these new Ukrainian anti-ship missiles donated by the cowardly English puppets of the Americans in England, right? Hopefully that’s not the case, but if it is, I hope my beloved Russia’s response to her enemies will be very, very painful.

Last edited 2 years ago by emanuel fernandez

No it will be harsh words for her “partners” and nothing more lol.

Michigan Man

It is just one ship yes, but a big one, and one of high value for the morale of the russian navy and the overall russian forces in Ukraine. And now it is smoked. So, yes, the invaders and their butt-boys here supporting them, should seriously think about these developements. How can you get out of this mess without losing face ? You cannot ! You are already in deep, well in deepest shit. You’re in it. You stumpled into quagmire, and there is no way out, and you’re sinking deeper and deeper into your own blood. And now the proud honourous valour ship, the mightly Moskva, went straight to the bottom of the Black Sea. This is where the whole Putin so-called “military operation” is heading now. Downwards !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Michigan Tranny another mutated cockroach just crawled out from Joe’s shitter

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
rider kick

Russia occupies mainland Ukraine. you pathetic man

jens holm

I hope so. Putin has more then 35 million enemies in Ukraine.


About 5 million if truth be told (google it) in the West in Lemberg. The Poles and others will be paying you a visit soon, once Ukraine is just a carcass and NATO is defeated. NATO will abandon you as soon as you start surrendering. Then the enemies who hate you Galicians for such good reason will do the mopping up. But cheer up, you can always move in with faggot Trudeau and dwarf Freeland in Canaduh.


You mean more than 44 million silent supporters more fkn well like it bio weapons?fkn drr


Biden has 6 billion enemies around the world!


Overwrought horseshit. You UkroNazi crypto-jews are fucked up, genitally mutilated neurotics. Fucked in the head too. Russians aren’t. They will take this in their stride and win. Exactly as they always have in the past and as God ordains. The 2000 UAF Marines who gave up this week just in Mariupol, read the writing on the wall. Soon it will be a flood of surrendering.


Their Bismarck went down, what a blame!


The illegal regime in Washington announced today they would be giving more “information” to Ukraine, then this happens. They have zero idea what they are launching. This is now, in fact, a war between Russia and NATO. Ukraine is the pawn, as the globalist neocon warmongers intended all along. We edge closer to tactical nuclear war. Western Europe is about to find out what war is.

jens holm

Eritrea, Assad, Cuba, Levashenko and North Korea support You.

Putin is working hard to involve us more.


It has been since the start. It is the russians that don’t want to understand this simple fact. The ukrainian issue must be dealt asap. Capture Jewensky, hang him in Kiev and put another government in power. Then use the resources of Ukraine to fight the nazi insurgency. Is it that difficult?

Also, start covertly striking at nato assets. Arm terrorist groups and foreign countries to the teeth and let them play with the american cockroaches.


Ha ha ha Russia’s respon STRONG condemnation ha ha ha


90% it was a sabotage by nato stooges, maybe in order to reduce the russian naval in power in the black sea and try another evacuation of their cockroaches trapped in Mariupol

and the ukrops said they did it, to cover for their nato masters and to score some point

Russia must understand that this is time to up the game. They must start covertly attacking nato assets around the world. Strike Kiev centers where politicians and vips are hiding.

Florian Geyer

Whatever is hidden in the tunnels under the Avostal complex must be very important and that means illegal nuclear and bio warfare research, in my opinion.

Florian Geyer

I agree that the use of UK anti ship missiles is a distinct possibility.

Two Ukrainan anti ship Neptune missiles

The ship has been smoked by Ukraine. It seems that the Muscals are taking vigorous steps to hide this humiliation. Why report it at all? Some idiots have been smoking in the wrong place. Who in the world would even believe that?

jens holm

No offence: I think an anti smoker has written that or has smoked himself


Uncle Scram and NATO did it. They will pay. But so will the dying Ukraine.


When russian military comfirm the case,ill consider it not fake news/stats,untill then lets see motives one may ponder if nato pows where too much for the deep nazi state to let it go,time will tell for sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by AISO REPS FOR (0) ANAL:

Well they have confirmed serious damage, though not the sinking. They blame it on a fire with the cause undetermined, so not inconsistent with a Ukrainian missile strike that set off secondary explosions. They Russian navy does claim the entire crew was rescued.

jens holm

Yes, we nedd more and better verified information. We not even know id there was 2 explosions or not.


No one may know better where kebooms are stored,this was built in ukraine,but where is the real footage?

jens holm

2,15% nazis are no deep nazi state. For very good reasons they prefare them instead of your kind.

They had no choise. 17,8% Russians in Ukraine should not run it for the Russian infection. That was what Maidan was.



C’mon man! Just the RADA is 80% Nazi Jews.


Ok there was the element of the wicked 5th column but you know these blokes mainly deal with the west,even ukranian oligharchs,why are you so against a leader whom effectively is slowly but surely draining the swamp and doing something about the new gen bio weapon labs,do you really want to die that bad,surely you know by now there is a valid reason for everything,yes there were russian lies,but the russian lies back then stemmed from compromised cia agent traitors,well well! ever since putin realised the west has no plans to respect russia as a nation,the time has come where they whom offenced most including destroying the world economies so to try to hang on to a far outdated and needs to be modernised gold/fossil backed concept,than maybe the very same bullshit you proclaim as yet another russia problem,will be leveled out and solved, but really you dont want that do you? (independant currency and freedom of trades)

P.s Ukraine is 80% combined orthodox,14% catholic and 3% protestant.

Last edited 2 years ago by AISO REPs=DFAT NAZI ( O ) ANAL:
Lesco Brandon

This is a major blow for Russia.


Not in military terms. But it is embarrassing. Completely unnecessarily. Perhaps they were close to the coast to launch missiles on some city in W.Ukraine. But still, it’s a big risk.

jens holm

They have fired big missiles from their ships. So a something for a something makes sense.


Perhaps incompetence, perhaps faulty equipment? You know corruption is a Russian talent.

Jacob Wohl

Having morons in command does that.


Backfires ocurred from time to time too and where is the proper footage south front?




Sinking,i take it the infamous f35 supewior swike fighter subs,with rapid steal technology for ideology:


Chiness pronouns,where they got their ideas from,of course we love to see the f35 have a real go,if? Yak (soviet) concept,russia created verticle take off,so much for bullish imf/cia asswipes!

Zegema beach


Zegema beach

This Southfront is very peculiar they’re the first website to report the sinking on the planet For a crowdfunded job they really have some inside info


Southfront is the epitome of Russian incompetence: they can’t even remove uktrotrolls from their own site.


I’m surprised your mom is letting you on the computer this late neo-Nazi bitch, but Southfront visits went up 500% from December to February and probably considerably higher since then. I’d say it’s much more substantial than Der Stürmer.


But the beggars her will not be able to pay and I rather die then I support Russian propaganda


They are funny to have around, why bother?

jens holm

Danish TV2 news had it with a Moskva picture 24 inutes ago.

The text in short terms says, that Ukras has shot at the ship – Russia says ammo has exploded and the crew is evacuated.

Truth Hurts

“In any case, this is [another] major blow to Russia’s military image.”

Next, Putin will make a harsh comment that “our partners are undermining peace efforts” and may announce a tomato ban and an S-400 sale to follow the year after… 12D chess at its finest!






Do not forget. Still selling OIL and GAS to Europe ha ha ha PATHETIC !!!!


Neither Putin nor Russia will announce anything. They are not loudmouthed 5 Eyes + Israel assholes and they take their revenge cold. You may not even know it happened as your media keeps things from you cases of childish arrested development in the West. But Russia will know and they will drink a cold merzavchik of Russkij Shtandart Vodka, followed by red or black caviar as a zakuska, in honor of anyone who died on the Moskva, if anyone died which they probably did not. But Russia will not let that spoil the fun described above. And the sweetest, choicest thing is that you dumbfucks of NATO and the Zombie West will never understand that.


In short, nothing to be mentioned will happen and the Russian suffering will go one as will the corruption and drinking and we Russians are proud of it .


Israel does not let those thing ( sinking of a cruiser ) happen and attacks before you know it. Everybody will have noticed what they did but they will not comment on it, so you know that you should be careful or deus ex magina will streak you.


What percentage of the firepower of the black sea fleet did this comprise? Seems like it was about 3x the size and crew of the next ship in the fleet.

It is good to hear that the sailors made it off safely.

The maharaja

Honestly they are big old garbage cans. The things were serious for 1985…. but the missiles it carries p1000 or P500 while large are to large to actually score hits. Its air defense was s300f which gave it 100km of air defense, the only anti missile defense it had was some ak 6-30s with radars from the late 70s and the OSA san4 sam also late 1970s tech. It should have been no where near a fight. They could have been great ships had they put money into them. However as they are today they are floating disasters and huge targets. By contrast a good air defense ship would have missile that can hit targets 300 to 400 km out. It would have layered air defense so also Tor and S350 with new ciws like Pansir and Palmas gun missile with aesa radar laser track etc. The Slavas are closer to WW2 then a modern ship.

Putin was sitting on 900 billion and the navys floating in ships that are 40 years old. He still needs to raise an army as it wont stop here. Until you hear Russia is calling up 400k to 500k troops and the factories are churning 24/7 the slog will continue. Russia needs at least 100k more men in Donbass alone. maybe this will be a wake up call? The attacks on Belgorod continue as well?


That’s exactly why she shouldn’t be there in the first place….

Lesco Brandon

It’s pathetic they didn’t detect the incoming missiles and shoot them down.


With these old air defense systems it’s actually not that easy to shot them down. It was mistake to be there in the first place.


Also, there should be more ships nearby to cover it if they are going into high risk mission for some reason. I truly can’t understand this shit. Deputy commander of the Black Sea fleet was killed, still don’t understand how. They started this war way too relaxed and they still don’t understand this is serious.


It’s one of three cruisers the Russian Navy has (or of five cruisers and battle-cruisers, which are, along their single aircraft carrier, the largest ships in their navy). It’s a big blow: the Russian Navy is not that big except in terms of nuclear submarines, Russia is after all a land-oriented power.


Poutine is going to have another tantrum and cry in fits of rage and blame this on the West again and Martians and aliens who stand in the way of Russian greatness. Go to sleep little Poutine, don’t forget your captagon


I wouldn’t be surprised either way to be honest. Russia has a track record of having serious issues with their ships due to fires. But at the same time it is entirely possible the ship was hit by a missile strike of some sort.

Jacob Wohl

It was only 25-30km off Odessa coastline. Commander of the ship is a moron of the highest level. Russkies did it to themselves. Just like all their previous failures, common sense and good intelligence could have prevented this. But thankfully they never learn from their mistakes and Ukraine will continue to win.


A new level of Russian incompetence.

Jacob Wohl

Imagine sailing a huge expensive battleship (only 3 in existence), the flagship of its fleet, only 25km off the borders of Odessa, knowing that Ukraine still has potent anti-ship missile ability.

Dumb dumb Russkies :-)


They’re a laughing stock! NATO would squash them like a bug. Russia has been exposed for what they are All bluster and getting their butts kicked royally. I LOVE IT!

Michigan Man

Yes, and this is only the first 48 days of this war. It is before the large amounts of NATO ammunition and weapons have arrived in Ukraine, before all the recruits and volunteer fighter are fully NATO trained and at the scene. This is just the beginning and russia has already lost between 10 and 20 thousand troops, a Black Sea large cruiser flagship , half a thousand of battle-tanks and even more other armoured vehicles and s.o. This amount of losses is unsustainable in the long run. It is no rocket-science to realize that. Therefore bottom-line is: Putin has lost. His “military operation” has turned around and went straight to where it belongs. Directly into his arse. Likely a very painful experience for little-wanna-be great conquerer Putin. But he deserves it, as he is a war-criminal, a communist and a jew. Resp. an ugly enemy of mankind.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

The captain wanted to get home and was fed up with the idiots in the kremlin and on his ship. He thought i can as well blew up my own ship ” Vladimir don’t smoke on deck go smoke in the weapon room.


Of course they are incompetent. They can’t or won’t remove you fungus infestation from their own site.


Not just incompetence. They ware DRUNK ! ha ha ha


Why the fuck the ship was in range of enemy anti-ship defenses in the first place??

Jacob Wohl

Because Russkie allows 60 IQ sailors to command their most important battleships. And because Russkie air defense technology is crap. Couldn’t even defend against their OWN designed missiles (KH-35U).

Last edited 2 years ago by Jacob Wohl

Where is the footage?

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

What are doing ( if its true) a warship close to Odessa ( 25km) knowing that is in the range of artillery, rockets and antiship missile?…

Jacob Wohl

Yes, knowing full well Ukraine has Neptune KH-35U missiles and is receiving more anti-ship missiles from UK and USA like Harpoon. Complete and total incompetence at the highest level in the Russkie Navy.


No usa has that award remmember their f35 laden newgen decimated by lgbtq sodomites,fkn drr!

Jacob Wohl

Moskva armed with upgraded advanced radars, advanced electronic warfare jammers, 96 S-300F long range missiles (250km), 40 OSA-8 SAM missiles (15km), and 6 AK-930 CIWS (5km) failed to detect and shoot down 2 KH-35U Neptune missiles launched by Ukrainian Army.

Ship was 50km off coast of Odessa oblast. Now is at the bottom of the Black Sea

I don’t know what’s more embarassing. This or negligent sailors smoking in a wrong area.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jacob Wohl
jens holm

Real Jacob Wohl is in prison, dropping the soap in the shower. Now that’s embarrassing.

Jacob Wohl

You wish


“In August 2019, Wohl was arrested on felony charges for allegedly illicit securities sales that took place in July and August 2016.”

Jacob Wohl

So what? My roommates in Rikers island like me a lot. Especially Abdullah. He even calls me Jacqueline :-)

None of Jews

Faggot ^^^

jens holm

Faggots are the best. They have time for education, work hard and pay a lot of tax. Its a benefit they seldom makes children as well.

Too many can make children.They cant control themself and often the children too.

jens holm

This is Gagarin. The gave his brain to laika the dog. The brain never was connected.

I can qote jacob Wohl about meals. The worst with good meal are, You sooner or later loose Your appetite:)

jens holm

Jens Holm Denmark never wrote that.

jacob Wohl in seveal matters has almost autistic knowledge in detail. By that he is a very usefull person. I can learn. To learn is to live.

He sometimes write crap too.

Jocob Wohl likes very good meals. They are two. The other one is a very good waiter:)


Male id bet,when nice man is spiritually circumcised in prison ( o) sideways,oh well!

Last edited 2 years ago by AISO REPs=DFAT NAZI ( O ) ANAL:

May he reap the fruits of his labours ( O ) the poor bastard! He use to seem kinda straight!


Where is the factual footage?


In Arma 3.

Neptune missiles up Putin's white ass

The ship was equipped with advanced anti-ship-missile systems and wasn’t able to counter two Ukrainan designed and built Neptune missiles What a humiliation for Russia What a public relations disaster They could hide the tens of thousands of dead and wounded in Ukraine But they can’t hide something like this I’m going to sleep really good tonight

Last edited 2 years ago by Neptune missiles up Putin's white ass

“I’m going to sleep really good tonight”

No you won’t. You never will. And when you wake up, if you wake up, you’ll still be a lonely, depressed sad loser and total reject with no purpose.


And anal fistulas.


You’re of Satan and eternal HELL is where you’re heading. Seek Jesus or your soul will be with putin and Satan. Enjoy MF!

Jacob Wohl

Neptune missiles are just KH-35U with a modified rocket booster from the S-125 missile system. So it’s faster, but uses the same radar and seeker technology. Still a huge embarrassment. Russkie weapons can’t even defend against their own weapons!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jacob Wohl

Rarely happens.Conversely how many s300 systems they decommisioned? hundreds! Makes me wonder how many s400s,s500s,s550s they have ready on standby then!


Russia already fired like 1800 missiles on The Ukraine and they didn’t counter a single one lol.

Jacob Wohl

That’s because Ukraine doesn’t have THAAD or Patriot-PAC3. Iskander missile is hypersonic and KH-101 stealth cruise missiles cannot be intercepted by S-300PS or BUK-M1. Meanwhile Mosvka had S-300F, OSA-8, loads of CIWS like AK-930 and advanced electronic warfare, and still got sunk by 2 KH-35U missiles with a modified rocket booster. HAHA :-)

Last edited 2 years ago by Jacob Wohl
jens holm

Ukras could tr to parashute some soldiers at the red square too.

So many people always says they have the best weapons.

I remember how ISIS took Palmyra. Assad supporters were proud of new infrared glasses. A sandstorm was comming. Here such glasses are of no use. They not even had extra guards. Those ISIS would not come.

But ISIS took the gab and took and destroyed 30 armed vehicles, many Assad milisias was killed and the Russans has to escape many kilometers west.

So there are chances if You are an opportunist.


THAAD is anti-balistic missile system, not anti cruise missile system. xD


In time it will be a new tourist attraction for divers and a home for the fish. I’m sure Russia will build a replacement flagship. The Moskva certainly had a good run, built back in the early 80’s. Probably most of the Crew were not yet born at the time it was constructed? Yes, it’s a blow to the Russian navy image and Zelenskyy will milk it too, but it doesn’t change the outcome of this special military operation to demilitarize and deNazisify Ukraine. Putin has made that emphatically clear. I’m stunned how Russia has preformed, slow, methodical and professional. They have gone above and beyond to limit, as much as possible, the loss of civilian lives and unnecessarily destroying critical infrastructure. Imagine the hellhole were Russia to adopt the American methodology for prosecuting a military campaign, Ukraine would be utterly destroyed. Zelenskyy, not Putin is the real war criminal.

jens holm

2,15% are nazis in Ukraine.





Sebastien Bush nucular balls

They say the ship was equipped with nuclear warheads Now sitting at the bottom of the black sea First flagship sunk in the black sea since world war two Americaninsky to retrieve the nucular warheads

Jacob Wohl

It has no nuclear warheads or missiles. Only 1980’s variants for S-300F long range air defense missiles. It’s an 80’s era warship. Little upgrades since then.


Assuming that to be the case and it really sunk,maybe then russian military not so stupid nato!


Total nonsense.


Factual footage is still not revealed,but if it helps you sleep better then,you will need it more than me!

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

British sheffield destroyer during Falklands war was the first

Crimea has been liberated by Ukraine

Are we still losing?


Im over a k better off,all legal tender,none of that dodgy bitcoin 50% over taxed rubbish.


Should we expect retaliatory strikes from the Russian Armed Forces? The Russian Ministry of Defense said that they don’t rule out strikes on decision making centres from which the Russian army has so far refrained.

Last edited 2 years ago by joebiden

Absolutely. Things will really ramp up now.

Jacob Wohl

Dream on. AFU command centers are in underground fortified bunkers. Can’t hit them.


Really? Kinshal? Chasiv Yar?

Karl Wolfe

That’s really Funny 😆

Omas Bioladen

They are in Washington. Ukrops get dustified at the frontliens.


They don’t call it the dagger,to (impress some sodomised nato bio maggots)for nothing?

Jacob Wohl

AFU Command are in fortified bunkers underground. No amount of Iskander or Kalibr missiles will touch them.


Talk to their corpses.


khinzhal goes 60meters deep through solid concrete so hope theyre over 300ft down otherwise shock blast will kill them. The events of Moskva are fire first then explosion which doesn’t sound like a missile or torpedo event, that would be explosion then fire. no confirmation of distance from shore, we’ll just have to wait for MoD.


wouldn’t be ideal to use; still would do some damage.

Besides the point though, as surely Russia has something with a bigger payload and greater velocity that’s more optimal for bunker buster role, or something modifiable, eg longer range bigger ICBM which is refit with heavier ground penetrating warhead and optimized with trajectory for best impact speed.


Lets see how good these bunkers are shall we? Hold onto your brain buckets!

Lesco Brandon

Very restrained. They should have taken the gloves off a long time ago.


I see a strike on his ass in Zelensky’s future.


Hahaha, I finally got to the russian cocksucking moderators. Too funny! Enjoy eternal HELL you Damned evil ruskies. Hell awaits you! Don’t forget, russia is FINISHED!!! LMAO! WOO HOO!


Russia has almost finished the job in Ukraine and Ukrops are capitulating in their thousands hahaha!!

Michigan Man

Very true. That russian ship was of high value for the morale of the russian navy and the overall russian forces in Ukraine. And now it is smoked. So, yes, the invaders and their fan- and butt-boys here supporting them, should seriously think about these developements. And Putin should do so too. The Putler Red Arsehole Army is stuck in deep shit. How can you get out of this mess without losing face ? You cannot ! You are already in deep, well, in deepest shit. You’re in it. You stumpled into quagmire, and there is no way out, and you’re sinking deeper and deeper into your own blood. And now the proud honourous valour ship, the mightly Moskva, went straight to the bottom of the Black Sea. This is where the whole Putin so-called “military operation” is heading now. Downwards ! Very good. Slava Ukraine !


That was related to attacks against Russian soil. The warning was very specific about that. This is not the case.

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