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MARCH 2025

Saudi Arabia Confirms Khashoggi Was Killed In Its Consulate, Sacks Senior Officials

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Saudi Arabia Confirms Khashoggi Was Killed In Its Consulate, Sacks Senior Officials

Jamal Khashoggi

In an official statement released by the Saudi Public Prosecution on October 20, Saudi Arabia acknowledged that journalist Jamal Khashoggi had died as a result of a “quarrel and a brawl” with personnel he met inside the Saudi consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul.

“The Public Prosecutor confirms that its investigations into this case are continuing with the (18) individuals who are all Saudi nationals in preparation for reaching all the facts and declaring them and to hold all those involved in this case accountable and bringing them to justice,” the Saudi Public Prosecution said in the statement, which was released by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

A Saudi official told SPA that after the death of Khashoggi, the personnel involved in the incident made an attempt to conceal and cover what happened. According to the official, the joint Saudi-Turkish security team played a key role in the investigation, which is still ongoing.

Following the announcement, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud released several royal orders, in which he sacked the following senior officials:

– Assistant Chief of the General Intelligence’s Intelligence Affairs, Gen. Mohammad Bin Saleh al-Rumaih;
– Assistant Chief of the General Intelligence’s Human Resources, Maj. Gen. Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Shaya;
– Chief of the General Intelligence’s General Directorate of Security and Protection, Gen. Rashad bin Hamed al-Mehmadi;
– Saud bin Abdullah Al-Qahtani, an advisor at the Royal Court;
– Deputy Chief of the General Intelligence, Ahmed bin Hassan bin Mohammed Asiri.

Furthermore, king Salman ordered the formation of a ministerial committee that will reshape the General Intelligence and update its regulations and powers. The committee will be headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who had been previously accused of ordering the assassination of Khashoggi.

In its first response to the Saudi announcements, the White House said that it will continue to press for “justice that is timely, transparent, and in accordance with all due process.”

The upcoming hours will for sure be decisive for the investigation, and maybe for the future of Mohammed bin Salman himself.

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Outstanding ! The Saud killers where caught red handed. What will Trump tweet about this. HAHAHAHA

Zionism = EVIL

The headchoppers are US and Zionist puppets and are protected. There is a good book called

Shadow Wars: The Secret Struggle for the Middle East by Christopher Davidson that explains western hypocrisy in protecting the Saudis and Zionist crimes. The Saudis have been buying every US, UK and French government since 1928, when the British imposed the al-Saud criminal headchoppers in power to plunder OIL for the west and Jews.

lene johansen



” But where is the body? ”

They’ve got most if it. They just have to locate a few more bags :



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8b0835744468f41f79ff1545932a92423061a4e46c07fe5fff7011c6006e279f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f0f32ef5eb6d81fca2c45d9a47e192e1fa2b9d1a7be203ea127a22a6e33b6b96.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b226dbfa2321fa26aa9729357366d13a0d488b2e545ebf44db14f4e41012e24b.jpg


When allies of the FUKUS gang are accused of crimes, there is always the certainty that the investigations will take a long time. Even decades , as the UK Chillcott enquiry into the now accepted ‘illegal’ and planned war against Iraq.

When enemies of FUKUS are accused the judgements are instant and not to be challenged.


So, MBS is heading the cleanup, how quaint.


Henry Kissinger wasn’t available.


That is funny, thank you Marko. :)


Well, it was obvious that the hit team was liable to be hung out to dry after getting caught. And I’m sure that the Turks saw this coming. So now the ball is in their court and the question is. Are they going to let the Saudis get away with it, or are they going to hold their feet to the fire and release the evidence disproving the Saudi version of events?


Not just a hit team, but some Saudi “Intelligence” are being sacked, Some may disappear, and MBS time may be limited, It’s a good day. :)))


If he hadn’t been put in charge of the “investigation” his chances of being blamed would be a lot higher. But if the Turks provide evidence showing that the whole thing was preplanned. He may be back in the hot seat. But even then, with the intel chief being scapegoated, unless the Turks come up with something implicating MBS directly, he may never get officially blamed.

Zionism = EVIL

This MBS freak has been paying off the tranny Kushner and Trump for ages. The US and its UK and French poodles will not do anything to “punish” the Saudis. The orange fat moron Trump already said that US will not jeopardize the $110 billion junk weapons sales and $450 trade with Saudis as they buy US junk at inflated prices. Most of the Saudi money goes to big US arms manufacturers and other contractors like the ignominious Bechtel group of Abu Gharib fame.


The Turks have the evidence, not the US. If they release it, Saudi money isn’t going to stop momentum against them.


‘ IF ‘ is a wonderful word Richard.


It will all depend on how much money the Saudi’s are willing to pay the Turks I would think :)


That might be a source of controversy in the Turkish government with so many invovlved. Buying everyone’s silence in this day and age would be easier said than done. The information wouldn’t have been released in the first place if the Turks didn’t intend to put the screws to the Saudis for political purposes.

The Saudis work hand in glove with the Jews on mass murdering people in the middle east to keep it safe for Jews. Along with the US, the Saudis are the main implementors of he Yinon plan. Part of getting the Jew problem corrected is getting the house of Saud problem corrected.


I fully agree with you there. :)


If a payoff was the goal, we probably never would have heard of it. And now that the cat’s out of the bag, if the Turks don’t come clean, it’l look like they’re in cahoots with the Saudis. What’s been leaked doesn’t jive with the Saudi version. And there is info circulating that the evidence directly implicates MBS & co. Plus it doesn’t make sense that something like this wasn’t approved at an executive level. Like the king or crown prince.


There are various Machiavellian possibility’s here :) It could though be as simple as a wannabe King thinking he will never be caught as he and his entourage are ‘smarter’ than Trump and his entourage :)

Trump by the way bought Adnan Khashoggi’s super yacht :)


The whole Jew NATO, Israel, GCC triad of trouble is an embarrassment. They parade around like they’re god’s gift to humanity while manufacturing endless premeditated criminal tragedy.

S Melanson

I agree with RichardD. Things have gone to far and the best Saudi’s can do is damage control, and good luck with that.

Turkish Greywolves


Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, the US and Zionist masters will protect the Saudi headchoppers.


Then the U.S. Will pay the Price… Turkey and the Rest of the World want the U.S. Backing Wahhabistan…. Because these Dumbass Washington Cockroaches don’t know or realise what the Evidence is…. Even U.S. Intel got Evidence Taped… Mohammed Bin Salman is a Dead man Walking….this ain’t Skripal…


The US CIA and British intellegince had ordered to Saudis to remove Jamal Khashugi because he has accounts in these countries. The Saudi king comply the order and has sent own death squad to Turkey but in Turkey they brutally murdered in their own consulate.


It was a Set Up in my Eyes… Timing PERFECT…. Audio & Perhaps Video Evidence… Vault7 & GPS Tracking is not only GOOD to Observe & Tap CIVILIANS…But even BETTER to Bring Down ELITIST PIGS….


Actually the Saudi councillor has given him appointment to come on this time and date. The time and date was coordinated with Saudi regime. So Saudi regime sent own death squad to butcher him but they were not so smart to not do this crime in their own consulate.


They have done it before… it was business as usual…. the Turks & many Others used that Knowledge to set up a trap… perhaps Khashoggi was just the Bait…. hehehe… because why did it happen with this Timing? Coincidence? Fate? Bad Luck? Karma?


Mohammed Bin Salman Himself Ordered the EXECUTION of Mr. Khashoggi…. Nothing in Wahhabistan Happens without the Approval of Clown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman


There is no law in Saudi Arabia and in UAE. Their rulers have been chosen by US and England intelligence to loyal to them.


They are the Jewish House of Saud:




And the World is a Little bit Tired of this JEWISH HOUSE of SAUD


Your “reptile” part of your brain is much more intelligent, more like a dinosaur ??


Hey I was right about Khashoggi…wasn’t I? Chopped up by a Saudi Assassination-Team direct orders from Mohammed Bin Salman…???

This shit is Big Time…. gonna give a LoOOT of Folks a LoOOT of Headache…. Good Ol’ Mark Rutte didn’t seem to be to Happy with it Bwahahaha Cancelled a meeting with the Wahhabi Clown Princess… Hey Trumpster! Mohammed Bin S. is willing to sign an 800 Billion-Dollar Weapon-Deal if you don’t throw him in Gitmo..


God damn it… beat me too it.


H Eccles

A lot of wester leaders’ moral indignation has gone through the roof… yet when unarmed protesters get blasted to death, they have nothing to say..


It’s about the media, the Turks leaked the story, and the gruesome details got the headlines. If the empire had got onto the story before the headlines, the story would have been buried like all the others. Or maybe it suited the empire, maybe they want to replace MBS?

Floyd Hazzard

It’s embarrassing. America that used to be the leader of the free world in terms of preaching morality and standard are in league with wahabi salafists. If the Saudis does a shameless and hideous crime like this in Turkey where it can be investigated, just imagine what goes on in Saudi Arabia and Yemen where there is no access. These people are unprincipled scum and America has sunk to snake belly lows.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Oh but they are still number one in preaching though! :p

Promitheas Apollonious

preaching yes but have they ever practice what they been preaching? Unless you are from the ones who taking authority as the truth rather than truth as the authority. From day one they been a rogue colony and committed the worst atrocities globally not only in the lands they stole. Unless you are from the people who fall for the american nightmare.


The US Military and CIA have been ‘cutting up civilians’ with bombs and bullets for many decades and torturing civilians and others for many decades.

So is there really any difference with the actions of the US and those of Saudi Arabia ?

Surely both regimes are violently and cruelly despotic?

Empire's Frontiers

What comes to mind is the close relationship of right hand, left hand, and asshole.

They automatically lay in bed together, and one is always reaching to clean up after the other.


Good point :)


MBS had Khashoggie killed in this gruesome way, leaked the gory details himself to scare other dissidents into silence. This is standard despot operating procedure.


Problem is. This is now news about the Saudi butchers !

Lena Jones

Dismembered in a “fist fight”? LOL yeah sure.


And the body is still missing. That’s one hell of a fist fight. !

Lena Jones

A dismembering fistfight that led to the spontaneous combustion of all body parts :-)

S Melanson

I believe MbS wanted the story to be that Khashoggi committed suicide by sawing off his arms and legs and death finally came when he finished sawing off his head. Advisors to MbS pointed out, in a most respectful way, that the plan was excellent but Khashoggi was not suicidal and so the story would be met with some skepticism.

So MbS went with the next best thing, wrestling naked with other security agents in a vat of chocolate pudding. All was well until someone accidentally dropped a bone hacksaw into the vat and then things got out of control…

Lena Jones


Dark chocolate, indeeeeeeeeed!


The unintended consequence’s of all of this will be fascinating and with luck, a joy to watch :)

Although the anti Trump FUKUS gang will say the final consequence was all planned and Trump will say that he always knew what the outcome would be as he is ‘very smart ‘ :)


The killers will now be killed, for following the orders of their Prince. Serves them right, listening to music whilst cutting him up.


Will Trump risk the petrodollar as reserve currency status? The cornerstone of big irresponsible fiscal for welfare and warfare states for decades? The source of both US econonomy & military bullying? I seriously doubt it.


Then Trumpster will go down with Mohammed Bin Salman

S Melanson

Note that the King basically stripped MbS of his close inner circle. This is very important development as it greatly weakens MbS.

MbS is head of the investigation, not as a reward, but in preparation for his downfall – the King wants someone expendable to head investigation and that it is his son the Crown Prince speaks volumes – MbS is damned if he does a good job (obviously), and damned if he does not – can be accused of cover up and be the fall guy.

The King stepping in so decisively to reassert authority while sidelining MbS is perhaps the most important signal that MbS’s days are numbered.


The Whole story is even Boosted in the West… that Means His Removal has Western approval…

S Melanson

One step at a time… and we WILL get there :)

Lena Jones

Killed by a Sawdi Superhero known as ‘The Dismemberer’, famed for his dismembering punch.


They attempted to Resuscitate Khashoggi by tickeling him with a Bone-Saw

Lena Jones

Tickled to death by bone-saw.


This will interest you Merijn. There is a now claim that a Glasgow (UK ) University trained the surgeon who chopped up the body and George Galloway, who is the host of the RT programme and a past MP (member of parliament) said the man was in once lived in his ( old parliamentary ) constituency :)


Listen to the first few minutes.


Thanks… good one… The Turks, the Russians, the Chinese, Iranians & a whole lot of Others will Skin Trumpster & Mohammed Bin Salman Alive over this issue…they won’t let this Opportunity slip away…. it is now or never.. Hard, Ruthless & Brutal…hehehe


Yes, having the saudi ‘academic ‘ as a guest on the programme was in fact very revealing in what he avoided saying.

Whether this was intentional of not by the show’s producers is unknown but the result was most satisfying as the guests inner thoughts of Saudi retribution were akin to traffic lights flashing on his head.

Safe to go. Be careful. Don’t cross the line .


Observing him…He looked pretty nervous to me…..searchin’ to find the Right words to put it…he’s holdin’ back some information ?

These 15 Wahhabis will sing like Canaries if you put a Little Pressure on’m…they are rats that are Eager to Snitch to safe their sorry-ass Lives…


Killed in a ‘fist fight’! Was that before or after they cut off his fists?


so here is the latest..

saudi arabia will investigate, and in 1 month they will have answers.Head of the INVESTIGATION is……………………………………………………….

Mohammed Bin Salman



sick saudi bastardos…sick jews,,,,, and definetly even more……there is no other way but to cal, them that NOW… SICK AMERICANS…..for being the “bouncer” for all those psychopaths regimes all around including israeli satanic regime, saudi regime,bahrain regime,UAE regime, etc… i quess the americans are to busy snorting coke and watching the kadaschians

Matt Lazarus

Time for a bit of good old-fashioned American-style regime change?


and take a wild guess which countries are HAPPY with the saudi “investigations”……usa sure and UAE,BAHRAIN,EGYPT……all are and i quote “happy” with the saudi explanation.

how fucking sick this bs world has become….if anyone would take oil and gas away from these monkeys thats exactly what is left…… DESERT MONKEYS

Empire's Frontiers

Saudi- All indications are the man died in a car accident driving off a pier…

Reporter- One follow-up question, why was his throat slit with hands tied to his legs?

Saudi- Next question, please.


Saudi Arabia is Black mailed by warmonger NATO pirates ⚔️ and US ☠️ Genocide ☢️ Regime ?️ for Accepting some Responsibiliti in Khashogee Journalists drama ??? shameful Trump threatened to Topple SAUDIA ? kingdom in two weeks in an open Public speech and ?️ then CIA Organized this khasKhash Journalists drama ?

Empire's Frontiers

The question I haven’t seen answered, let alone asked is,

‘Did he deserve it?’

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