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MARCH 2025

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia Halts Military Operations In Yemen

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BREAKING: Saudi Arabia Halts Military Operations In Yemen

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced that it will all military operations in Yemen from 6 a.m. today. The decision was made with the eye of reaching a permanent solution to the conflict in the neighboring country, the spokesman for the Riyadh-led coalition announced. The war in Yemen has been going on since March 2015. 

Earlier, the Yemen’s Houthi movement (Ansar Allah) had offered a three-day armistice, which they said could be permanent if the Saudis agreed.

“The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition hereby announces cessation of military operations in Yemen beginning at (0600) Wednesday, March 30 2022,” the coalition spokesman Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki announced just before midnight.

The Houthis have recently renewed their attacks on the Saudi oil facilities. This caused more panic on the markets that have already suffered from a shock due to the military operations in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. The Saudis were forced to agree on the truce as the US are now interested in stability. All efforts are now directed to the destruction of Russia.


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Houthis warned they’re going to stop attacking oil refineries so it doesn’t affect Saudi citizens, but they also said they’ll start attacking other targets more aggressively and often. They warned Saudi if they don’t take the deal they’ll regret it. Glad to see the wahabis are terrified

Mattie J

US and EU are terrified…


Smart Saudis….. Thou don’t mess with the Houthis (a U.S. Green Berets cadence)

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Saudis have been bogged down and taking a beating at the hands of the Houthis for over 7 years now and now Saudi cities are being hit daily. The best option is to declare victory and stop this unwinnable war as Houthis how have large quantity of NLAW and Javelins courtesy of Iranian reverse engineering from Ukrainian captured stocks. The Saudis simply don’t have the manpower of the capability to take on the natural born warrior Houthis.


saudis no longer wish to be US colony like former ukraine


Saudis are a dynasty, not a nation.

What Arabs actually want, especially brutally degraded Arab women, nobody knows because SA is the worst dictatorship on Earth. It will fall and it will fall soon.


MBS does not want this outcome and slowly turns against the fake protector.


Who’s MBS? US people continuously use acronyms, which often make no sense to clueless readers like myself.

Ah, Mohamed Bin Salman, I’ll guess. Is he still ruling the dictatorship? I thought he had been somewhat sidelined by his father on some reason or another. I’m surprised his dad is still alive to be honest, considering all the crimes of MBS, as you call him.


Dam, another war over. Soon there will be peace across the world and it will be really boring. Maybe the South Americans will go to war, they havn’t done much in decades.


We’re fine living peacefully although the US has done its best to push Colombia against Venezuela.


From my travels to Colombia I learned that the Colombians view the Venezuelans as their brothers and sisters. It’s the same as everywhere where the USA maintains a puppet regime: Only the politicians and business people follow the US Dollar.


Of course they will the US has always to create a war even if there is no need of one. It’s called state of permanent tension, invented by that 180 IQ socialpsicopath of Zbnegniew


The pull out from Afghanistan and from Yemen means there are more mercenaries in Ukraine. Russia has to realise that they are fighting against half of the world in Ukraine. Russia is also fighting against a bottomless pit of fake money that the US generates.


And when Russia wins the crumbling americant empire will only be a bad memory and a sidenote warning ⚠️ in history books.


Cyber attacks, drone operators, mini drone operators, the satellite systems, a trillion dollar supply of arms, the world’s best and most experienced shooters and sophisticated operators of computers and system, the massive amount of those employed in information and propaganda warfare, people and nations bribed, bought threatened & blackmailed with that bottomless pot of money which pays people to carry out threats and threatens those who do not carry them out.


All that defeated by a rag-tag popular militia. Go figure! It has happened over and over in recent history and tyrants haven’t yet learned the lesson apparently.

Peppe il Sicario

The world’s biggest liars and thieves, you forgot those two.


Orders from Washington. We have to keep oil-price at bay!

G2 guy

After watching the Zionist and NATO puppet regime in Ukraine get thrashed by the US and NATO eunuchs standing by with impotence, the Saudis are hedging their bets and are opening up to the Russians and initiating peace talks with Iran, the unquestioned superpower of the region. As the daily Palestinian freedom fighters attacks in Zionist occupied Palestine attest, there is a major war coming to the region and the Saudis are trying to be on the right side of history. The west as Ukraine has amply demonstrated, will not die for for anyone. We are on the cusp of a totally multi-polar word with a weak US just a mere by-stander.

Peppe il Sicario

Iran has been given the green light on Israel. Let all those Ukie and Russian Jew oligarchs settle in there and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
basement in US embassy in poland

saudis know who the boss in the middle east is now. it isn’t yanquis anymore. with iran, russia and china firmly in control of the persian gulf and middle east, saudis need to turn to them for its protection. saudis are gonna accept yuan for its oil export.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland
G2 guy

Russian and Iranian axis of freedom has been greatly enhanced by the outcome of the Ukrainian situation. There is now a political, economic and military realignment taking holed across the world and in middle east and Eurasia in general. NATO has been exposed as a castrated eunuch.

Peppe il Sicario

They are the EUnuchs.

G2 guy

The racist Anglo-Wasps operate by divide and rule, they ruined the Arab world by starting sectarian wars and planting the cancer of Zionist in Palestine. Ukraine is very much a cancer for Russia as no matter what, it will always be used as a base to destabilize Russia. I believe Russia would be wise to continue its rightful military action to cleanse Ukraine of Nazism and a growing global terrorist concentration backed and armed by the west. If Russia ends the conflict now without achieving a total disarmament of Ukraine, it will pose a very serious territorial threat to Russia itself, as NATO will arm Ukraine with far more deadlier and heavier weapons. Russia has taken a big bite and can not and should not let go now or future costs will be far worse. Russian initial hesitancy to use massive firepower has proven costly. Hopefully, the lessons learnt will be applied by the Kremlin now.


Hm… you have a point but I don’t see China as being “the boss” yet. It’s rather a power vacuum where nobody is ruling effectively the region, and you know what that means, don’t you?

G2 guy

You have raised a valid point, we will see growing global instability for a few years as the post 1945 Yalta Anglo-Zionist American hegemony falls apart. Chinese model will mostly be based on trade and economic interests. The Anglos were deluded and looked at the world like a football game of winners and losers. The days of imperialism are over and US is now pretty much a lame duck with severe economic, domestic and international problems..


Days of soviets are over… just watch how russia will collapse before summer and don’t you worry – Nato has nothing to do with woke California. We can still destroy any dictatorship without even moving our soldiers. You, soviets always believe your own success propaganda, it is so funny – you can’t even design and build proper tv set!

G2 guy

I don’t believe Russia will crack that easy or go down without a nuclear Armageddon. However, the Jew agenda as repeatedly and blatantly expressed by Blinken is the ultimate destruction of Russia, its Balkanization and control over immense Russian resources. Putin was right to point that out. Even if there is some sort of armistice signed in Istanbul, the US and its NATO eunuchs will not stop the destabilization of Russia. It would be wiser for Russia to completely destroy Ukraine and prepare for a long war of national defence against the US hyenas. Russian initial hesitancy to use massive firepower against the Ukrainian forces, armed to the tune of $10 billion by NATO with 20,000 ATGM has proven costly. Russia should just pummel Ukrainian cities and infrastructure like US and NATO did in Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan and Libya.


It’s not “Jew” agenda, it is “Straussian” agenda (some Jews, not all Jews). Look for more on that at Thierry Meyssan’s outlet Voltaire Net.

(Meyssan is a French investigative journalist that was persecuted by Sarkozy and exiled himself in Syria, with whose government he keeps good relation).

Michel LeBlanc

They can design and build a proper rocket engine though.

Its all about tv american fatass.


Russia is not “soviet” in any way anymore (in fact it was Lenin who killed the soviets, rather ironically, by imposing single party tyranny but regardless…), Russia is a typical capitalist state and so is China (atypical maybe in governance but otherwise extremely capitalist today).

On the other hand there’s no realistic option almost in the short run, but say mid run (a decade or so), but to really go eco-socialist big deal everywhere, but very especially in the crumbling West. Capitalism can’t plan ahead, it’s nothing but “loot while you can” and that “while you can” is basically over, much as in Douglas Adams’ flying party building that ravaged all the planet under it in search for yet another pack of chips, another lot of whiskey, the party is over, everybody is gradually awakening to that reality but, unlike in the fantasy, there’s nowhere else to go, so the whole thing needs to be rebuilt on better principles, even if it needs to go through a revolutionary catharsis to reach that point (and it will be needed, the harmful inertias, the capitalist corruption, are overwhelming and can’t be removed without radical surgery).

The soviets will be back, for real this time and they won’t necessarily come from Russia but rather they will be native Western ones.


Hmm. My take is that China will have little choice but to be more assertive in terms military, be more like the USA as it becomes the first global power, especially in the Indo-Pacific region, where they already have some naval build up (string of pearls). Else their interests will be at risk. But then of course, if they do that, they may get into more trouble than it was worth; IMO they should speed up renewable energy self-sufficiency (Europe should do that too), avoiding much oil and gas related trouble as result (they can always run on coal but it’s so extremely dirty, and thus self-harmful, that it’s not worth the effort, nuclear energy is not really viable for such large scale energy production and fusion remains a chimera).

On its side, the USA will eventually have no choice but to go socialist as its empire crumbles, but that’s another story.


Cool uniform, looks like something from Formula 1.


So they will retreat from Yemen now or what??


As someone explains above (another comment), they just have accepted that their own air power is powerless to stop the guerrilla attacks with cheap drones and home-made missiles by Yemen (Sa’ana is the legitimate coalition Yemen government, “Houthis” are just a powerful faction in it) that is threatening very actively the Saudi dynasty core domains (not Mecca but the oilfields of a mostly Shia region where the locals remain restive in spite of all the repression) and declared unilateral ceasefire. That doesn’t mean that Yemen will stop trying to reunify the country, all the opposite: they will increase their attacks inside the country now that Saudi air power has been at least in principle neutralized. This probably means that the puppet Aden government is done, but we’ll see.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

apparently Saudi air strikes are continuing. Do they need more billion dollar damages to their precious aramco plant? Houthis dont disappoint :D


Don’t believe anything that Sufyani Saudi-Arabia claims.

Zionism is Prostate Cancer

Houthis demonstrating what power is through force ❤️


Paraphrasing good old Mao Zedong: “Power is in the explosive payload of a drone”.


Good news. I was hoping that the war spilled to SA and defeated the theocratic tyranny. But guess that revolution will have to wait untul “Saudi” Arabs get their own destiny on their own hands somehow.

In any case, even if China doesn’t care and is making business with them, the worst tyranny on Earth can’t survive for much longer IMO.


more evidence that machiavelli was correct—economics never wins a war—the amerikants spend more each year than the next 14 largest military nations combined yet they lose all wars—sodomized by the formidable taliban Air Force that had no helicopters or fighter jets—amerikants the most impotent incompetents on earth

G2 guy

Iran and China are very mature nations and will not be goaded into a sapping conflict like Russia unfortunately was. The west has exploited both the Arabs and the Slavs into fratricidal wars. Russian initial hesitancy to use maximum force and a bigger military into Ukraine has proved costly. The US and 60 NATO and other puppets invaded Iraq with over a million men. Iraq barely had 24 million people and an area 25% smaller than Ukraine. Russia ideally if Operation Z had been planned and executed professionally would have required a million Russian soldiers for a quick victory.

The Iranians and Chinese are much smarter and will not rush into ant rash military adventure. The Chinese will simply economically integrate Taiwan and use force as a last resort. The Iranians pretty much are the undisputed superpower of the region since they defeated the Romans and took Valerian prisoner in 260 AD.

Russia will have to take a very serious soul searching look at its military and must re-institute conscription as the NATO war on Russia is only in its initial phase. For a country that faces and existential threat, Russia needs a standing military of 1-2 million soldiers and 3000 frontline aircraft. Russia is paying the price of neglecting its military since the break-up of the USSR. Hopefully, Russia will apply the lessons of Operation Z into building a modern military and revamp its logistics, planning and C3I. Russia also needs to invest in EW and ELINT as its ability to conduct live real time intelligence based air operations has been exposed as weak. Russia failed to take out the Ukrainian airbases and communications or use massive firepower initially.

Russia’s military progress has been slower than expected, largely due to its poor leadership and planning. The invading forces broke from the Russian doctrine that relies on overwhelming use of artillery and long-range fires—rockets and missiles—to soften up defenses for the battalion tactical groups that would then smash Ukraine’s mechanized forces. The Russians used extreme restraint and were led down by very poor intelligence, even about the Soviet era Ukrainian airbases, that were not simultaneously neutralized.Use of massed armor on narrow roads in the era of cheap and effective anti-tank weaponry like NLAW and Javelin also proved a fatal flaw. The low sortie rate of Russian airforce also highlighted operational issues.

The Chinese and Iranians have learnt a lot of valuable lessons from Russian experience in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 guy
Zionism is Prostate Cancer

Spot on! 100%

Barba Papa

Russia invades a country, extreme sanctions and international outrage follows. Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen, no sanctions follow, no outrage, media blackout and covert Western support follows. The US invaded Iraq, freedom fries are created after mild pushback by France and Germany, who spent the next 18 years humbling themselves to kiss and make up for it.

I can’t help but notice that the international reactions to invading countries is not quite ‘uniform’.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

It is called western hypocrisy and double standards and also a large amount of open racism. For the Anglo and WASP racists black and brown people don’t matter. The Ukrainians were supposedly blond and blue eyed and had to be saved.

Bayraktar TB3

RUAF losses in barely 4 weeks of fighting 4 SU-34 ($144,000,000) 4 SU-30SM ($152,000,000) 11 SU-25SM ($121,000,000) 8 KA-52 Alligator ($256,000,000) 5 Mi-35 ($150,000,000) 1 Mi-28 ($17,000,000) 4 Mi-24 ($100,000,000) against mostly $38,000 stinger missiles and $20,000 Igla and upgraded Polish Igla.

Russians need major work to improve their DIRCM to defeat infrared/UV guided missiles. Their current flare and directional IR countermeasures are outdated or inadequate against stingers

Not just work on their countermeasures for heatseakers, but also electronic warfare against radar guided missiles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bayraktar TB3
G2 guy

As an objective observer, I can tell you that most of Ukrainian claims can be discounted by 90% or more. If you tally all the Ukrainian claims, they have wiped out a Russian army twice its numbers. Russia has suffered some losses in armor and aircraft, but nowhere close to Ukrainian nonsense. Russia needs to use heavier firepower and increase it sortie rates on remaining airbases. This Ukraine war is a test sideshow for NATO plans to destroy Russia itself.

Bayraktar TB3

These figures are from Oryx who uses open source pictures and videos from people online (twitter and telegram mostly) so they are verified

not just some claims. At the same time, Ukraine has dozens of S300 and BUK still in operation that could have taken lots of these planes and helicopters out with also.

G2 guy

I would agree, Russia has done a very poor job in neutralizing Ukrainian airbases, even though they had all the blueprints dating back to Soviet era. Russian EW capability is below par than even Turkey and Iran. Russian drones are basically off the shelf from stores. As I have posted before to the chagrin of many naive one dimensional trolls, Russian operational planning has been very poor and C3I even worse than most Arab armies. Russia did not invest in building a modern army post USSR and those shortcomings are being exposed. I am quite amazed that Ukrainians are openly moving around in APC and tanks as there is no Russian air threat. However, Ukrainian armor has been degraded to around 200-300 tanks and APC, unless Poland is transferring more Warsaw pact era Soviet weaponry. All knowledgeable and serious military observers believe that Russia losses have been around 1200 tanks and APC destroyed, captured or disabled. Ukraine started with 2275 tanks and in now down to a couple of hundred. The proliferation of NLAW, Javelins and even RPG have taken a very heavy toll on all sides and a warning for the future of armored warfare.


Ukrainian losses are 10times higher. Aside from that according to an Azov commander may he rest in pieces the Stingers are clise to useless against the laser directional countermeasure system on the Ka-52 and Mil-28, they fired 18 stingers on a Ka-52 and couldn’t take it down over Mariopol.


These losses are pretty absimal against an adversary that sported the second most powerful air defense system after Russia in Europe. U.S. would have lost far more jets.

G2 guy

Historically, US planes have come out second best against Russian SAMSdating back to the Vietnam war and then even Egyptians in 1973 managed to shoot down half the Zionist airforce F-4 and Shyhawks in the first few days. So far US has bombed defenceless countries like Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan etc. Even against tiny isolated Serbia, fighting on its own against whole of NATO, it managed to shoot down a “stealth” F-117 at least and perhaps more. If Russians deployed a mass overlapping AD system of SAMS with BVR radars coupled with AWACS and real time satellite information, the US will lose large numbers of aircraft. As I have objectively, tried to explain, Ukraine is not a real war as Russians have been fighting with unheard of restraint. But this Ukraine campaign Z, does give Russia a very good template to improve its tactics and airpower use doctrine. In a total war, there are no restraints as US and NATO hyenas have shown with relentless targeting of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 guy

when russian goal is not level down towns ,not to kill civilians useb by UA army as shields?.. you fight with 1/3 abilities and same ammount of soldiers.as enemy … only one moment is real.. ethnic russians on historical Russian soil does not invite them ,because youth was zombified for 8 y from 2014 brutal way … their political leaders became a commanders and laws was screwed down to the level of no way out… death of fight until dead …

Michel LeBlanc

Go to hell you fucking beggar.

Bayraktar TB3

Bayraktar Kizilelma to have smaller radar signature than Bayraktar TB2, F-22 raptor and F-35 stealth fighters. This will be huge pain in ass for S400, patriot, let alone BUK or pantsir ha ha

G2 guy

In all fairness, Turkish and Iranian drones and loitering munitions are superior to anything the Russians have deployed so far. This is a lesson for China as well.


Keep dreaming. The S-400 can track and lock on to a plastic ping pong ball from 60km. F-22 around 250-300km. Normal jet 600+km.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bird



„The destruction of Russia“. Calm down

Timothy McInnes

⁣⁣⁣𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤… 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞!!!! 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 $𝟗𝟓/𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞… 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟔 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐢’𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞-𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫……http://Jobsthings.ml/

Last edited 2 years ago by Timothy McInnes

Thank God, Houtis won this war. Now it is time for Saudi to rebuild Yemen.


No war is not over


Saudi is lies


[107:1-7] Do you know who really rejects the faith? That is the one who mistreats the orphans. And does not advocate the feeding of the poor. And woe to those who observe the contact prayers (Salat) – who are totally heedless of their prayers. They only show off. And they forbid charity.

A qoute From the Noble Quran, see those that have been given eyes to see, and hear the message, there is Only one that can judge us, nobody else, be very careful, tread lightly and treat everything with respect, and gain wisdom.

So, Saudi have been kicked into the reality of our world, and also figured out that the Empire only cares for it self, the half baked lies and ilutions clothed with gold was just an sales pitch, and been their friend is fatale and above all, cant be trusted, even their military gear turned out to be scams, like their over the top hyped MANPADs. No wounder the Ukrainians gets truck loads of them, they dont work, one video is all, and I question if that was genuine. But, if this truce holds it is a brave move, to end something witch eventually will drain you all, incl Saudia, and the pack of UssAs bitches around the Persian Gulf. Yemen, its just sad to witness something precious been dismantled right infront of our eyes, an ancient nation with an proud people, and I also hope the fractions, have Yemen in their best intentions, eventually, everybody will benefit. You should seek out images of Yemen before the wars began, its unbelivable beautiful and green.

You see, unity in the Arab world maybe the only way forward, not as much to alianait one self but cutt he chains of the western imperialistic terror forces, and if you really want recurity, peace and mutual understand will be the safeguarding of your regions future, incl Iran, witch after all, havent done anything but defeded their own land and people, like others claim they have done. The world is changing, and the west have just trusted their heads further into the sand, and forgets their ass is stil in the air. Stupid and ignorant people, lead by an mafia, the pirates on Potomac, in the District of Criminals, in the Imperial banana republic UssA and its cluster of dangleberrys better known as the EU, witch is preoccupied in shooting limbs of their own body. I am in awe.


L du Plessis

Victory for the Houtis against the US vassals. 🏆😂


This is the second best decision saudi Arabia has made in the past 100 years, now it is time to help with humanitarian crisis.

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