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BREAKING: Third Attack Of NATO Drones Targeted Russian Voronezh-DM Radar In Armavir, Krasnodar Region

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BREAKING: Third Attack Of NATO Drones Targeted Russian Voronezh-DM Radar In Armavir, Krasnodar Region

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On the morning of May 29, another kamikaze UAV targeted Russian strategic Voronezh-DM radar in the city of Armavir in the Krasnodar region. Teh local governor confirmed the incident, claiming that the enemy UAV was destroyed by Russian air defense forces.



This is the third attack that targeted this radar station which is part of the Russian Missile Attack Warning System aimed to detect the launch of ballistic nuclear missiles on large distance. On the night of May 27, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported the destruction of 12 drones over several regions of Russia, four of them were shot down in the Kuban. Then, Russian sources shared the photo of the UAV that was reportedly intercepted when heading towards the Voronezh-DM radar near Armavir.

The footage confirmed that the strategic component of the Russian nuclear missile shield was targeted by Tekever AR3 converted into kamikaze UAV.



BREAKING: Third Attack Of NATO Drones Targeted Russian Voronezh-DM Radar In Armavir, Krasnodar Region

Click to see full-size image


These UAVs are manufactured in Portugal, and the company’s office is located in Britain. Most likely, the British military is involved in the combat use of UAVs in Ukraine. Thus, NATO weapons are used to disable the Russian Missile Attack Warning System.

The first attack on the Voronezh-DM radar station in Armavir took place on May 24 and it resulted in some damage. On May 26, an unidentified drone crashed in the Orenburg region near another Voronezh-M type radar station. LINK On May 23, the Center for Deep Space Communications in Crimea was  struck by 4 US-made ATACMS missiles. LINK, LINK




Despite the attempts of some Western leaders to blame the Ukrainian military for the risky attacks on the Russian Missile Attack Warning System, that are allegedly launched by Kiev itself, it is obvious that NATO warmongers are behind the strikes, which are coordinated by NATO reconnaissance in the Black Sea region, launched by NATO drones and missiles, and planned by the NATO military.

ATtacks on the Russian Missile Attack Warning System are beneficial exclusively to NATO which is waging war against Moscow. The targeted radars are parts of the strategic nuclear security system of the Russian Federation. Their damage or destruction prevent the Russian military from timely launching the retaliation strikes in the case of nuclear attack on the Russian territory. The constant attempts to reach the radar stations are ongoing amid the recently launched exercice of the Russian military on the deployment of the non-strategic nuclear weapons. This is a highly dangerous escalation launched by NATO warmongers, in particular from London and Washington.


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keep poking the bear….just dont complain when it tears you a new one

Shoigu's Clown Army

russian bear is drunked.

Escalating to Armageddon

ukrainian third reich eagle is stoned.

Boris Chamberpot

was that a third reich eagle on that azov flag i was holding? i thought it was an american eagle.

oh, hell…..what’s the difference? any eagle but that two headed eagle is good for me.

anyway, it was nice of azov to make pillow covers out of its flag for me.

Last edited 8 months ago by Boris Chamberpot
Crocus Shooters Executioner



and smo’s 3rd day rooskies in kiev and kharkiv🤣


teddy bear?

sat kilers and hyprsonic nukes

well then the rf has now to keep her promise of destroying the donors of such drones. i suggest a nice poseidom induced tsunami

Crocus Shooting Gallery

russia has struggled to a stalemate against afu…usa-nato will kick their azzes all the way to moscow…


US is becoming a shithole

nato armies are not geared up for a big land war, there is only the us that has real strength among them

Empty Skulls

the experience of napoleon and hitler were not enough for the western braindeads. a wise man once said avoid a land war in eurasia. but thats true only if you dont have shit for brains

AM Hants

they are too busy studying lgbt plus 62 varieties than studying history at school these days. russia, remembers her history well, both good and bad times. sadly our leaders have more interest in their coke supplies, than they do with regards history.

Boris Chamberpot

only nato member geared for a land war is turkey and they hate the us’ guts.


putina is a big nothingburger. under the influence of aleksandr “rasputin” dugin, putina will lead russia to destruction and we will then divide russia fairly with the east. moscow is ours so we kick their azzes to siberia were they belong.

AM Hants

yeah, how many times have the west tried to do that? remind me, what were the end results?

F35 crashing

they are awaiting a pallet of cocaine to arrive

Boris Chamberpot

ah, that old swayback stalemate tale again. keep flogging it, maybe it’ll get up and stumble a few more feet before joining the ghost of kiev.


looks like third worldwar on european soil is on the menu bois!

keep it going eurotards, we americans will reap the rewards just like we did after we financed adolf!


Gneaus stapo

lol sure dawarish, ur american and i am the emperor of china.

stopp it with the nonsens.

anyway flathead,there is a reason why the term world war is used, we would be all in it together and unlike ww2 everyone will be toast. not too difficult concept,unless u are russian propaganda consumer, which u obviously are u sob.


hello emperor iam-dung!

as a proud american, i welcome your delusion. you communists are almost as guillable as the eurotard nazis.

best regard, usa! usa! usa!

Last edited 8 months ago by _TomSawyer_
Boris Chamberpot

i’m american and i confirm what he just said, krappy kraut.

like grandad used to say, the only good kraut is a dead kraut and he knocked off more than a few himself.

Last edited 8 months ago by Boris Chamberpot

crazy sodomites from the island have no chances to be world’s leaders in peace, so they decided to start a war. but it’s not 19the century, you can’t sit on your island while nearby lands burning, because missiles and nuclear torpedoes can reach any point on map, portugal, england or new caledonia – doesn’t matter.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон
Boris Chamberpot

stupid neocons had a dream, to run the world. when this is finished they’ll be lucky if they can run a two bit shell game on 42nd street.

captain hohol

it’s not going to be a conventional war, also i suspect that the united states is going to pussy out and will be too terrified of being nuked to get involved, the united states is going to let the uk and france get nuked.


russia is about to get its ass kicked.

captain hohol

russia is about to fuck up the uk and france in a way that hasn’t been done since the end of world war 2.


sorry for the typo:

russia is about to get its ass l1cked clean. we also do hand and bl0w j0bs

Last edited 8 months ago by IMHO

rus won’t do anything effective, it has been effectively static now for two whole years, content with killing slavic conscripts while usa and chums bomb wherever and whenever using increasingly effective weaponry. some hit some miss, but all are fired by nato with no fear of consequences.

usa would have flattened mexico if it had dared to fire a single russian drone at california.

is p scared, stupid or bought? who cares, he’s too busy selling energy to usa and eu…


au o gândire… sa nu ii deranjeze pe toti

Slava Joe Biden👍

russia’s buk-m1 sam system destroyed by fpv-drone 100 km from the front line. 👍👍👍

captain hohol

ukraine is at bingo conscripts and won’t be able to keep up attrition which is why they’re trying very desperate and risky measures such as attacking radar arrays, that’s the sort of thing that’s going to get ukraine nuked and may also result in the uk getting nuked as well as france.

and frankly both the uk and france deserve it, they’re rotten from the inside and need to cleans themselves in nuclear ash.

the united states heads of state will sit this one out, watch.

Chechen inbred cocksucker

i guess you never were in rasha. why would anybody care about these parasytic civilian cunts and gopniks in tri poloski? they had better lives during cccp than any western chump. and then sold that for a snicker bar and a pepsi bottle. they need more bombs to keep them in place. thanks biden.

US is becoming a shithole

russia has a dead hand system for their nukes, if the leadership is decapitated this wont prevent a response


russian leadership already appears to be effectively decapitated, certainly there’s no signs of any coherent strategic intelligence. a dead hand response is a defacto admission of defeat – as well as ushering in the apocalypse.

had rus stood firmly against ukr bombing from 2014 there would be no puppet usa govt in kiev now, and no risk of ww3. rus prevarication and cowardice is 100% the reason we stand now on the brink.


exactly, i even think they could have prevented this all already in 2008. the russian responses were always too weak. if they would have eliminated georgia completely after their stupid attack on russian forces all the other provocation and colour revolutions including the maidan probably would not have existed.


once a state turns a blind eye to threat its days are numbered. weakness encourages unrest, often backed by foreign powers.

p denies his primary duty to defend borders and people. prigoz’s june 23 rebellion should have meant death for all involved; instead p served tea and cakes and discussed contracts. the tucker interview was yet another fail.

instead of facing up and reacting to events militarily and politically rus relies on its nuclear threat. it loses either way.


intr un târziu se vor trezi.

AM Hants

you mistaking president putin for biden?

Chechen inbred cocksucker

hey inbred sand shitskin, too much uncle’s cυm in your ass, eh? 😂😂😂😂 keep thinking only with your butthole much? i guess you have not seen these prigozhin cocksuckers on tv behind bars lately. they were on every channel and in every paper.

Last edited 8 months ago by Chechen inbred cocksucker

to prevent coups you need to destroy washington, london, paris, berlin and several tens of other capitals and large cities. while these sodomites have enough resources they will create new coups here and there.

AM Hants

2008 georgia, when prime minister putin was enjoying the chinese olympics. georgia invaded the russian dependent territory of south ossetia. russia responded. it only took 3 hours before the cia installed president of georgia was begging for a ceasefire. first orange revolution in ukraine was 2004, followed by 2014, when russia were enjoying the russian winter olympics.


nu vor sa facă primul pas spre razboi total.


but it is rus’s failure to face up to (and take out) ukr’s nazi puppet government that has pushed the world towards nuclear war.

conflicts start because one party fails to stand firm, p fails to understand this fact (read sun tzu). it is p’s ignorance, cowardice and lack of statecraft that will end up being the very step that leads rus (and the rest of the world) straight into the nuclear abyss.

AM Hants

in your dreams. meanwhile, so many are ignoring the nafo bots and trolls who work so hard for their monthly bonus.

captain hohol

your country is going to be hit with nukes before the end of the year, you should prepare.

Jack Black

russia has a huge problem: nato no longer believes p.’s threats because all its previous threats were false.

The West Is The Best

we laugh at russian military.

captain hohol

i saw that happen to two school bullies one time and they both got sent to the hospital when the person finally snapped.

nato is a bully and they’ve got worse than a broken nose coming to them.


it is obvious france,usa and britain are attack russia by hitting crucial military targets in russia.putin will be hit with suprise while he plays cool dddy game on expense of russian highly sophisticated military targets in russia suffering.

captain hohol

putin is safe and secure, and will survive the wars.

Bobby Stones

what prevents russia from taking out those reconnaissance drones operating from the the black sea. the us wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate any potential threat to its military infrastructure and security. russia need to send signal to nato it means business in regards to her security. russia’s mixed messages are sending out the wrong signals and encouraging her opponents to be audacious their criminal enterprise.

Allahists are Nazis

unfortunately, most of the western population lives in the 90-ties, drunk on the victory. after armavir, there has to gloves off. either to kinzhal american radars in poland or romania or to down drones/ew planes used to attack russia. if not, we will end up in a nuclear ww3 and then it’s..gigi well played for us all


apparently, they can’t.


russia should directly nuke a strategic target in ucraine as direct and inmediate response to such attacks. blow away the barracks of the french legion, the rada building in kiev or the entire city of lwow and say “sorry it was a malfunction of the damaged radar station, we got the wrong warning” ;)


to pollute with radiation own land that soon will return to russia? no sane person will do it. better to strike poland or england with portugal or just wait till next maneuvers of english navy, may be next time a missile will finally hit the minister with submarine launched the missile. though i agree about lvov. it should be destroyed before giving this region to poland.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

it’s not a good idea to use nuclear weapons on slavic lands. these countries are occupied by a puppet regimes and western ngos and should be carefully purged of them, what’s the purpose of wiping slavic peoples who are not asked for an opinion when the most don’t support war against russia and are disgusted by their own ruling oligarchies.


even poles are not much supportive about war with russia but the oligarchy is flying on uk and us support just like in wwii, doing the same stupid error. katyn forest was a long term strategical mistake made by stalin hunting russia-polish relations up to today.


“strategical mistake made by stalin” this is not stalin’s mistake, but goebbel’s lies as nemmersdorf, racak, srebrenica, bucha, salisbury, iraqi or syrian wmd etc. there were not “22 thousand officers”, but ~2 thousand guards who murdered ~80 thousand red army soldiers in death camp in tuchol. some of them were sentenced to death in 1939 after russian lands back to ussr, some got prison terms and survived, but they are still in the goebbel’s list of dead ones.


by the way, an albanian criminal “killed by serbs in srebrenica” was taken recently in attempt to capture civil plane.


if you want to accomplish quick success, decapitating uk (london’s city, royal house, british navy), new york and washington, underground bases for western “elites”, chief masonic lodges in france and germany and german/french secret/inteligence (sic), bankster cities of switzerland with davos and eliminating super-rich western european aristocracy families down to the last memeber would be a thorough and most gentle solution to the current and historical troubles of the world.

NATO War Planners

this is strong evidence of a planned nuclear attack by nato which only increases the likelihood of a russian first strike.

Z - It's Winding Down

you’re fooled by kremlin propaganda.


first strike will fail and after that the counterstrike from us spaceforce. russian z is then the last generation.

captain hohol

nope, there is no space force, that’s an idiotic meme, russia has volume of nukes and it would only take a few hits across the united states to throw it into utter chaos and cause a civil war that would then ensure the united states falls.

biden’s handlers know this and will avoid getting hit at all costs, russia holds all the cards.

captain hohol

they’re desperately trying to blind russia for that purpose and that means russia will strike first and imo i think that russia will strike the uk and france, and i think the united states will relent and beg to not be nuked by refusing to get involved.

Moshe Dayan

the criminal war organization nato is the military arm of the satanic world economic forum. nothing more and nothing less. they must be stopped.


take a deep breath and think some nice things like beautiful women.

captain hohol

beautiful to me is leftists dying.


about time the bear reacts.

Gerry Francis

at the end – russia always collapses.

captain hohol

russia is winning this one.


russian army – the laughing stock of the world 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


sorry guys, i am on my medicine again. ignore the nonsense above please.

🤡 😆😆😆


russian armed forces are public joke all over the world.

eliat diggins

people who worship satan don’t understand things like reason and understanding or even the word “no.” they just understand your subjugation, domination, and destruction. it’s kill of be killed, and they will never stop. ever. like cancer, there is no negotiating with them, there is only eradication with extreme prejudice.

eliat diggins

look at their eyes when they speak. they’re gone, they’re not there. they’re soulless capsules under some kind of remote demonic control.


don’t try to be dugin 2.0 fool.

eliat diggins

look at their eyes when they speak. they’re gone, they’re not there. they’re soulless capsules under some kind of remote demonic control.

Uffe Sterner

putin’s nose get longer and ears moving when that pathetic russian little man is speaking.

Allahists are Nazis

the ones responsible for this should charged, tried and convicted as war criminals. this is a clear attack on russia’ statehood and thus eligible for nuclear retaliation as per doctrine. are they mad?

Rufus Von Der Wienerschnitzel

breaking: red line found in putin’s rectum. peskov’s face dark red.

Shoigu's Clown Army

russia is becoming more and more irrelevant. putin spreading myths and legends ridiculed.


putina is a hollow vessel. only a lot of noise about red lines blabla. do you remember that turkey shot down a russian plane and had the pilot brutally murdered by erdogan’s isis friends in syria? don’t poke the russian cuddly bear, haha.


the moment putina deploys a nuclear weapon in ukraine, every nuclear facility in russia will be destroyed. nato will then liberate european russia and it will serve as a living space and breadbasket for the europeans. western taiwan fka china, japan and south korea will liberate eastern russia.


and where are the air defenses?

Potemkin Village

these rooskies were drunked as always?

South Front Is Pure Joke

3 days war diary: “russia must”, “russia needs”, “europe is down on its knees”, “winter is coming”… 🤣


no matter who was behind the attack. what matter is russia doesn’t seem to prevent such attacks. this is very dangerous. in the event of a full scale war, russian radars can easily be wiped out by its adversaries.

Vlad The Put Put

one of the most beautiful things in the world are totally defeated and humiliated russian and pro russia militaristic fascists. some of these militaristic russia worshipping fascists are living in usa, even in europe.


nsto thinks everyone else is stupid and cannot see its end game. the norwegian school teacher is out of his depth and suffers from zelensky/macron syndrome.

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