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MARCH 2025

BREAKING: Ukrainian Military Suffered Heavy Losses In Russian Strike In Druzhkovka, DPR

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BREAKING: Ukrainian Military Suffered Heavy Losses In Russian Strike In Druzhkovka, DPR

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At night, Russian missile hit the military target in the village of Druzhkovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic which remains under control of Ukrainian military.

The strike took place right at the moment of an on air broadcast by French TV reporter. The locals also filmed the destruction.

In its daily briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed the strike and revealed the target.



BREAKING: Ukrainian Military Suffered Heavy Losses In Russian Strike In Druzhkovka, DPR

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In Druzhkovka, Russian missiles hit a railway station where an echelon with MLRS “Himars” launchers, Czech “Vampire” MLRS and ammunition for them was destroyed. In addition, it is reported that mobilized Ukrainian servicemen who were supposed to reinforce the AFU units that had suffered serious losses near Bakhmut arrived to the station on this echelon. As a result of the attack, the AFU suffered heavy losses.

As a result of missile and air strikes on a cluster of military equipment near the Druzhkovka railway station in the Donetsk People’s Republic, two launchers of multiple rocket launchers “HIMARS” made in the USA; four combat vehicles of multiple rocket launchers RM-70 “Vampire” Czech production; more than 800 rockets to multiple rocket launchers; six cars, as well as up to 120 Ukrainian servicemen were destroyed, – the report of the Russian MOD reads.



As a  result of the attack, an ice stadium located nearby was destroyed. Russian sources supposed that it was used for accommodation of Ukrainian soldiers. In their turn, Ukrainian sources deny that the facility was used for military purposes and shared video showing the destruction. As a result, Ukrainian media showed burned mattresses inside the ice stadium which were likely used by Ukrainian military then by Ukrainian hockey players. It is not clear wether the ice stadium was targeted by Russian missile or it was hit by missiles that exploded at the railway station after Russian attack.


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Azov Batallion called Lloyd Austin a dirty Ape

This is what you were supposed to do from day 1: To destroy NATO tools when they are arriving, i.e. before they are even set up. In this case the launchers were bombed when they arrived at the station. You already lost precious time.


HERE’S TO DAY “1” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk-ZnXt14MY !… And the deafening silence for 8 long years by the Russian Federation!…

Perhaps if Russia had been more vocal after V. Nuland’s husband did this https://ifamericansknew.org/us_ints/nc-pilger.html … With China and India on behalf of it’$ busin$$ a$$ociate doing THIS https://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html the Eastern Donbas like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen would have been spared?!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

‘Russia more Vocal’. No one in the west has listened to Russia since the Soviet Union collapsed. Even now no one listens to Russia. Russia only has one means of communication left; guns.


Being “vocal” has many influences and meaning.

I wonder what might have happened had Russia decided to leave the biggest LIE that is the ultimate betrayal to the rule of international law at 405 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017 that they ALSO betray every day they choose to remain?… And that claimed the life of their Ambassador after the Maidan coup???…

Is Russia waiting for something magical to happen like India and China forfeiting their membership to the UN Wh0reH0u$e “FIR$T”???…

So many question(s) in earnest unanswered since the infiltration of Chechnya by the CIA/MI6/Mossad training terrorism inside it’s borders after the Soviet Union’s collapse… the sinking of the Kursk… the Georgia South Ossetia/Abkhaz war… then the Jew with horns delivering cookies in Maidan permitted on their watch unabated?!!!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Cut the gas, oil etc. They will listen big time. But Russian, Chinese, North Korean big thugs are demented by Western luxury, Mercedes, BMW, Rolls Royce, Maybach, Ferrari… Yachts, villas and castles in Spain, Malta etc. They are rotten to the core.


“They will listen big time. But Russian, Chinese, North Korean big thugs are demented by Western luxury, Mercedes, BMW, Rolls Royce, Maybach, Ferrari… Yachts, villas and castles in Spain, Malta etc. They are rotten to the core.”…

You words could never be truer. If you ever decide to come to the DMV that IS the “Bermuda Triangle” look me up and I will give you a guided tour of who own$ it after G.W. Bush and The “Dick” Cheney scrapped the immigration laws of the U.S. in favor of a DHS “revolving door” and unlimited H1-b visas that have replaced the American population ever since 3 buildings 2 planes that made those “second homes’ possible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
The Objective

No match for the barrack massacre


Well the Russians killed hundreds in a single night of strikes. Also yhe loss of artillery pieces is a major blow for Ukraine. Also look at all the charred mattresses. Look closer and there are some blood pools (feint as they are) there. Several dozen Ukrainians killed in that ice stadium. The Russians started using heavier measures since the 1st of this month. The air raid sirens are almost nonstop now across Ukraine. Before there were lulls between strikes noe its almost continuous.

Last edited 2 years ago by CentralAsianStudies


Common and get real, man. And wake up ! The Putin medias now try (using this worthless ice stadium or burning ukr bakhmut positions stories) to deflect public attention away from the real news, which is the full-hit, and total destruction of the school-building in Makiivka, where a giant number of freshly mobilized russian troops was housed.

The official russian Kremlin Propaganda just admits lousy 63 russian soldiers killed, but lots of witnesses and even higher ranking current and ex-ru officiers have already admitted that the real number of killed russian troops in this perfect attack goes into the HUNDREDS. One of them, who stated this, is the famous and well known Igor Girkin.

Inside the building were more than 600 russian troops stationed officially, with much more russians from other detachments in addition attending the “party” as well. To this add the pure madness that according to several sources large amount of ammunition were stored eigher directly inside the building too, or at least directly beside the building. Result was that when the building was hit by the HIMARS missiles, everything erupted in explosion, and not much left of the stationed russian troops.

Ukraine says at least 400 russian troops killed. The ex-russian officiers Igor Girkin stated that the death-count of killed russian troops sadly is in the HUNDREDS. So it is not clear if 200 or even 400 russian troops got killed, but at least it is much more than the Kremlin admitted 63.

So we now know that this attack was one of the most deadly against the russian invader forces since the beginning of this whole war in Feb. 2022. And of course Putin and his media-thugs desperatly try to downplay the size of this catastrophe as far as possible. And if the current trumped up news of a destroyed empty ukraine ice station can compensate for the deaths of up to 400 russian troops is, at least, highly questionable.

Btw. Putin himself is highgrade absolvent of WEF Klaus Schwabs “Young Global Leader’s”-Programm. These assholes are all working together hand-in-hand against the naive masses of mankind. They play this cheap and shabby “USA+EU vs. Russia & China” theater to get the world into WW3 and to accept their NWO&JWO !

But fools who still believe in eighter the west or the east-jewish brainwashing medias can t see it, and stupidly cheer their own destruction.

Open your eyes, fool ! Sunak, Trudeau, Zelensky, Macron, they are the WEF young generation puppets, but look at this video where Klaus Schwab speaks it out openly that Trudeau, Macron etc. are absolvents of his young global leaders the new generation-programm. He says that after mentioning that he is very proud not only for them but also for the former absolvents which included for example Mr. Putin and others with which the WEF managed to infiltrate the “cabinetts” of the world. So here you have it. THEY ALL belong to these satanist Klaus Schwab-Rothschild-Rockefeller Chabad jewish SYNAGOGE OF SATAN.

Video see here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LH0xCHwsYji9/

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

“Own nothing and be happy” : not even the Bolsheviks said it so loud, clear and sadistic. Also, there will be “eat nothing and work to death for our lousy happyness” as a direct consequence.

Chris Gr

Klaus Schwab is not even Jew. Why you say that Jews are the problem when the problem is secret societies? Look at who founded KKK. Albert Pike, the 33rd degree Illuminati.


The elite that roll the dice, is a Jew, is a Nazi, is a…whatever, they’ll be knocking back the martinis, shoulder hugging each other on a job well done.

The theatre is theirs not to participate but to control, we the ordinary people are the victims of their games, their greed, their agenda.

If they want to contaminate humanity with a lab virus to bolster their profits, so be it. If they wish to start wars to bolster their profits so be it, if they wish to manipulate the market and banking, so be it.

The global elitist are cowardly Baal worshiping cunts that hide in the shadows. Oh what if, the world knows who they are, Soros? Bill Gates? Zuckerburg? or maybe we should aim higher Rothchilds?


They should have attacked every main train Station in Ukraine,some of us have been saying that from day one,then the only way to transport weapons would be by packs of Donkeys.


as soon as they crossed the border line they should have been taken out so they did not even survive 1 km inside NAZI UKRAINE the other mistake Russia made was to be to careful about civilian casualties (which should be taken as a priority as much as possible) in war too many times in History nations have held back for too long before unleashing full war operations, in WAR you go in HARD, FAST, and without mercy and you do NOT STOP UNTIL they have signed the surrender. NO HALF MEASURES. =Z=

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

Le materiel a été livré depuis 2014 .

Vladimir Lenin

Revenge for the thousands of Russians who died.


Every orc caught wandering on Ukrainian soil will meet the same fate.


Good thing they are wondering on New Russian soil then.


With 10 month delay, better than never… Who knows maybe some day, true patriots will be in charge of Russia.

The Begin of Barbarossa OP's Fail.

What a pathetic Anchor , looks like a bisexual cuck waiting for the Bull.


So, you destroyed an ice stadium…..

The Begin of Barbarossa OP's Fail.

The locals (incl. soldiers) are not allowed to film the burnt launchers and ammo you idiot. The SBU is watching. So, cope, son of a suka.


Notice the initial and immediate secondary explosions. This is INDICATIVE of munitions exploding at once.


The forces of evil die in great numbers. The Apocalypse is upon their heads.



The Putin medias now try (using this worthless ice stadium story) to deflect attention away from the real news, which is the full-hit, and total destruction of the school-building in Makiivka, where a giant number of freshly mobilized russian troops was housed.

The official russian Kremlin Propaganda just admits lousy 63 russian soldiers killed, but lots of witnesses and even higher ranking current and ex-ru officiers have already admitted that the real number of killed russian troops in this perfect attack goes into the HUNDREDS. One of them, is the famous and well known Igor Girkin.

Inside the building were more than 600 russian troops stationed officially, with much more russians from other detachments in addition attending the “party” as well. To this add the pure madness that according to several sources large amount of ammunition were stored eigher directly inside the building too, or at least directly beside the building. Result was that when the building was hit by the HIMARS missiles, everything erupted in explosion, and no much left of the stationed russian troops.

Ukraine says at least 400 russian troops killed. The ex-russian officiers Igor Girkin stated that the death-count of killed russian troops sadly is in the HUNDREDS. So it is not clear if 200 or even 400 russian troops got killed, but at least it is much more than the Kremlin admitted 63.

So we now know that this attack was one of the most deadly against the russian invader forces since the beginning of this whole war in Feb. 2022. And of course Putin and his media-thugs desperatly try to downplay the size of this catastrophe as far as possible. And if the current trumped up news of a destroyed empty ukraine ice station can compensate for the deaths of up to 400 russian troops is, at least, highly questionable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

The Americans thought they were winning in Vietnam…. every year was the right one…………….. The Americans suffered a very bloody CATASTROPHIC DEFEAT…… which ruined them forever.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

The same story in Irak, Afghanistan… Their only success is Kosovo. For now.


Just keep copying and pasting that, Ihor. Somehow it should bring about a successful conclusion of the eight-year ethnic cleansing ATO in Donbas, right?


The Army said 63 because that’s the number of bodies they had in their hands. As the seriously wounded continue to die and scraps of flesh are identified by DNA as belonging to different people, the number will rise. Anyway, that was treason, not an accident. (getting hundreds of fresh troops together and storing ammunition next to them)


a French journalist feeling a bit of heat. Getting a bit close the war? Regretting your ex president Hollande was a low life cheating betrayer when he signed Minsk? If Hollande put a bit effort into making Minsk work, we woudl nto ahve this war now.


And French people elected Hollande 2 in 2017 then Hollande 3 in 2022. In worse.


There seems to be many spies on both sides of the frontlines.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

It is more like a civil war.


It was but not now,this is the US Reich trying to destroy Russia using Nato to do it,of course they will fail like Hitler did.


Will they fail, indeed? Back then they were allied with the bigger USSR against Hitler, but now they’re all together against smaller Russia! We can do nothing but hope, wait, and see. Hope dies last, anyway!


It was never a civil war, this was planned by the US before or after the coup d’état. We are moving into the next phase, 12000 Poles already in Ukraine fighting Russians. The next phase will be bombing of Warsaw and the absorption of Baltic States into Russia, it is only then the EU, Americunts and paedo Brits will realised they chewed more than they could deliver.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

120 Ukronazis dead while Russia lost more than 600 people and a huge pile of ammo in the Mariinka bombing…

Russian army is doomed by the idiots it is made of.


Typical Ukretard math. Are you sure Russia didn’t lose 6 million in the strike? Maybe it was the Ghost of Kiev that delivered the ordinance. I understand he’s pretty lethal.

Sionist Slaves of America

I’t so much fun to watch Ukrainian natzies and foreign white-supremacist neo-Natzies being turn to ashes.


Great video! https://youtu.be/40wMWQOdVdg?t=400

Last edited 2 years ago by Swiwer

“TVP World is Poland’s first English-language channel.”

Why the fuk would I ever believe a Poo-lish in my life? Those sub-humans even shit talk the US and the EU who are feeding them to this very day. Bitch – I believe Ukraine funded “news sites” more than Polish pigs.

If you didn’t know the US/NATO going to send in these sub-humans in Ukraine next so they are brainwashing their rtded soldiers now.

Chris Gr

Thankfully, we have a non-retard like you and we are seeing the truth. Not.


What was your point in that comment, beside being it useless just like you.

Your asshole hurt so much by my comment that you had to send a reply, grow the fuk up.

Chris Gr

Actually, I am laughing.


Both side are losing troops – but surprise surprise Ukraine losing so much more than Russia. Even after you add mercenaries/DPR/LPR troops as “Russia soldiers” the fact is they aren’t.

Go on Telegram and it would take you hours to finish seeing dead Ukrainian troops.

Romanian whore

The overall ratio is 6:1 in favor of the russians for the entire war till now. But there are specific frontline zones where ratio varies a lot; for example in Bakhmut zone the ratio is only 2:1 in favor of the russians. In the Kupiansk zone is over 7:1 in favor of the russians. Finally as of the 3.I.2023 ukroshit rats have aprox 106.000 KIA and about 300.000 WIA.


Thank you for the infos. and a Happy New Year!

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Yes, but Russia has about 175 millions while USA alone has about 300millions and counting. A lot of hopeless thugs there who would volunteer as mercs. There are also the Eurotrash for that, and some mercs are from as far as Taiwan, Hawaii etc. Russia might really run out of missiles before exterminating all that vermin because more and more are poured into the meat grinder. Russia is doing a favor on her expense to the West by culling this mass of troubled individuals.


Troubled individuals? coming from the person naming themselves ‘Usa is a shithole’ and agreeing with another person named ‘Romanian whore’…… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ wow ahahahaha all i can do is laugh


Americans have lost their best fighters since 1941 ………… today’s they are much scarcer and of lower IQ. When youths are lost in wrong and evil wars, the country’s wealth goes to waste.


Where in Telegram can I find those pictures?


Anyone got proof (picture/video) of this “two launchers of multiple rocket launchers “HIMARS” made in the USA”?


Russians are completely desperate 😆😆😆


“Russians are completely desperate ” why this? There is no reason on their side , just the opposite. Frontlines are stabilised. Losses diminished (even if you count the dead of Makeevka), the offensive is being well preparing and general Armaggedon in a good mood. You should do a runner if you are still lost somewhere in Ukraine.

300K more mobilization

You heard Putin’s New Year’s speech. Russia will be in FULL WAR MODE during 2023.


yes this is my impression too. They are fed up with false promises , lies and treason.


People seeing Burnt Mattresses when in reality it’s just celling insulation that’s common in steel buildings.


Exactly. The stadium was empty.


A new war tactic is getting more and more important. Ukraine and Russia try to hit collections of soldiers before they even enter the war field. Cruelty arises in this war.


The Empire is far more cruel because it hits collections of scientists and other civilians! (in Russia, too)

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

This is what war was all about since the development of artillery! Then it came strategic bombers etc.


Watch as the parasite leaves behind the “cocoon”$ it’$ destroyed for it’s new H0₽t…


If this doesn’t tell you why Damascus 7 years later doesn’t have adequate missile defense systems for protection and the Syrian Army keeps getting whacked by I$rael as Russia’s military keeps “looking the other way”… Now you know!

Russia you’ve been WARNED too many times to count!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Like Syria… Say it ain’t so Little Vladimir?!…


Might as well ask the Jew wanna be midget if it was deliberate?!… And we can only hope that this will translate into a Dmitry Rogozin “replacement” -by force if necessary!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

zerohedge.com? LOL! Not the most reliable source of information that’s a US intel outfit. My recollection I think I’m still banned and honestly, you can’t go around quoting the J word on that site.


Tis true. moi aussi “thrown out as well”… But don’t be too high either on a site that says it’s pro-Russian that pulls comments when that same “J” word gets cranked up and plugs “$Bitc0n?!… Having said this we still don’t have all of the details on what happened with this particular incident along with many other instances during the last 8 years we may never know about regarding NATO casualties or Russian?…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Kev not Kiev

Matresses or batons of insulation from the ceiling and HVAC? Looks more like insulation batons. The first pic shows tonnes of water jugs on the left, obviously for supplying troops with water, still a legit target for attrition warfare, no water, no fighting…


This is what every single building in ukraine-404 should look like.


Death to Anglo Saxons and their global financial system. Death to the American and British Empire of death. Both to hell.

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