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UPDATED: US Military Claimed Russian Su-27 Fighter Intercepted US Reaper Over The Black Sea. Russia Responds

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UPDATED: US Military Claimed Russian Su-27 Fighter Intercepted US Reaper Over The Black Sea. Russia Responds

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The Russian Defense Ministry reported:

On the morning of March 14 this year, means of the airspace control of the Russian Aerospace Forces detected an American MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle flying over the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula in the direction of the State Border of the Russian Federation.

The flight of the unmanned aerial vehicle was carried out with the transponders turned off in violation of the boundaries of the area of the temporary regime for the use of airspace established for the purpose of conducting a special military operation, of which all users of international airspace were informed and information on which was officially published in accordance with international standards.

In order to identify the violator, fighters from the air defense forces on duty were lifted into the air. As a result of sharp maneuvering around 9.30 (Moscow time), the MQ-9 UAV went into an uncontrolled flight with a loss of altitude and collided with the water surface.

The Russian fighters did not use airborne weapons, did not come into contact with the unmanned aerial vehicle and returned safely to the home airfield.

A Russian Su-27 fighter jet collided with an American MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Black Sea, the U.S. European Command reported. According to the US military, the incident took place on the morning of March 14.

The Reaper drone was reportedly conducting a routine reconnaissance operation over international waters over the Black Sea when two Su-27s were sent to intercept it. One of the Russian jets intentionally flew in front of and dumped fuel in front of the UAV. Then, it touched the drone’s propeller. The damage to the propeller forced the US to bring down the Reaper in international waters in the Black Sea.

“At approximately 7:03 AM (CET), one of the Russian Su-27 aircraft struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters. Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner. This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional,” US Air Force Gen. James B.Hecker, commander, US Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa said in the statement.

US President Joe Biden was informed of the incident, White House spokesman John Kirby said. He called the incident “unsafe and reckless.” Kirby also said that the State Department intends to contact the Russian side about the incident. He said that the United States “will continue to fly in international airspace and over international waters, including over the Black Sea.”

Kirby said it was “not uncommon” for Russian aircraft to intercept US aircraft over the Black Sea, and said there had been other intercepts in recent weeks. However, there were no reports of any similar incidents so far.

The US has been operating Reaper drones over the Black Sea since before the beginning of the war, using the spy drones to monitor the area. The NATO UAVs and aircraft of other NATO member states are always spotted in the area during any Ukrainian provocations, including their attempts to hit Russian territory with UAVs.

The interception of US Reaper UAV may become a pretext for the upcoming escalation between Russia and the US, NATO.


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Michel LeBlanc

Lol dumping fuel on the drone love it!

As if the us air force cares about the environment.

Yall didnt give a shit when you were dumping tons and tons of agent orange though.

You hypocrites make me sick!


Are you the same genetic bloodline r1b as these faggots?

M biyd

When your bluff is called… The danger is the weaker the US becomes the more provocative her opponents will be. No one is afraid of the US anymore. The US has reached the stage of 1930’s England. By the 1930’s England was too impoverished and militarily weakened to be feared and Germany and Japan challenged her hegemony and ultimately succeeded from the 1950s onwards and became the regional powers post WWII

Last edited 1 year ago by M biyd
Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽


The whole thing seems like an invention of Libtard AgitProp. Pure agitational nonsense from the US Department of Bullshit.

The Reaper drone is the most accident-prone aircraft in the USAF. And USAF is flying a lot of junk from 1950s.

The stupid drones have been circling over the Russian Territorial Waters in Black Sea every day for more than a year. Call sign FORTE. It started leaking fuel, engine failed and it fell. Simple as that. With history of crashes for this drone, I am surpised it flew without accident over the Black Sea that long.


The US army cares about the environment : their depleted uranium shells are gluten and GMO free.


Fuel makes US military angry ? What should I say that they were destroying my country former Yugoslavia and its people with depleted uranium ?!? Bring more fuel Russia !


Remember the US did not care about the release in the ocean when it blew up the Nordstream Pipeline either.

Buford T Justice

Makes me sick too , and I’m an American. I guess blowing up the Nordstream pipeline was a Greta approved / environmentally friendly affair .

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T Justice

Declare the black sea a russian sea and shoot those planes and drones down who are used to help the ukrainians target russian military and civilians. Thats what the us would do, what china would do and probably at least a couple other countries who are supposed to be weaker then russia…

jens holm

Pls Putin. Declare the stones in Our garden to gold as well. Them we will buy electric guitars and play rockmusic.


The US air dominance over the black sea has stopped now. NATO is not allowed to fly over the black sea and Moldova. Where is the problem? They used it to fight Russia now they are forbitten to do so.

Last edited 1 year ago by AliG

Yes the US have even carried out piracy on the high seas,Russia need to start playing by US rules,in other words there are no rules.


Hopefully this is part of a trend of destroying US equipment and testing how cowardly and inept they actually are when directly challenged. The US losers have no spine and can be pushed all the way back to their shores, they don’t belong in the Black Sea or in the Gulf of Mexico.


Why can’t this comment be liked SF?

jens holm

No wonder we donate so many weapons to Ukraine.

Russians change. So many men has only one leg and the children are born with no ears.

Erik Nielsen

Russia deliberately wanted to murder an innocent drone who had done nothing wrong.

This is against the Geneva Convention of unconventional warfare, environmental genocide and its prohibition of harassment against its personnel.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen
jens holm

They know none of that. The Duma has erased human rights a couple a months ago too.


That drones are part of the conflict because they warn Ukraine air defense in the moment that these US drones spotted a cruise missile launching from Russian black sea warships..

jens holm

Og course they most likely are. But they use them as well as pthers outide theRussian airspace.

By the way there are several versions of the incident.

Hans Richardt

Time to use hypersonic missiles more often on Crests military gatherings.

jens holm

The only result will be the Ukras get more long range weapons.

Soon they can take some TV antennas in Moscow too. You ask for it, dont You?


inferior senile nazi jens bitter tantrum delicious—we will merely liberate 20% more ukraine permanently—your dildo only frightens lgbt Danes

Top Kek

Flying in front, around and fucking it up sounds very professional. No SU-27 was hurt during these maneuvers.


the kek is on jew

Ultrafart the Brave

Unfortunately, the only professional armed forces are the Americans – professional a**holes that is.

These are the people that publicly announce blowing an innocent Afghan family including a bunch of beautiful little children to smithereens was a “righteous” act.

Like it or not, despite their resurging Bible Belt, there’s going to be a disproportionate number of genocidal American a**holes roasting in Hell for all Eternity. Probably already is.

And BTW – good on the Russians for messing up the American drone. Hopefully much more to come, but I’d be really pleased if someone would target the drone’s operators sitting there thousands of miles away in their safe space. It would be so very gratifying to see that particular playing field put on a level footing.


live by the nuke, die by the nuke (on Judgement Day)


Chris Gr

Japanese fascists lost on WWII and now you are making excuses.


It aint over till the fat transincelphalite sings.

jens holm

Maybe You should start singing instead and have a toilet for it too.

Psionists slaves of America

Those Russians are spitting in our faces and not even having the courtesy of calling it rain anymore. If Brandon doesn’t do anything about this act of war it will give Putin a green light to shoot down every Reaper and other drones over the Black Sea.


Os jodeis yankis apestosos


Russia has not admitted to any propeller damage. Nato uses these drones in a manner that causes harm to Russians the SU-27 pilots can hardly be blamed for the drone operators poor flying skills.

jens holm

Sure – Most likely Putin even has forbidden the pilots to see the rest of the world by radars.

Reapers are very slow.


Russia needs to declare a no fly zone to prevent such incidents. Hopefully, salvage will highlight preventative opportunities.

jens holm

I agree. The Russians should not fly there at all.


UAV was in restricted area closed for the SMO period. Another such incident is happened several years ago in east Mediterranean. “Global hawk” was shot down, but Pentagon claimed it crushed over Pacific near cost of California. No it’s vise versa: we are claiming that UAV is felt by malfunction, Washington regime – it was attacked.


Time Russia took the war to those gangsters in Syria stealing Syrian oil like the mafia thugs they are.

jens holm

There is no hope for someone like You.

The Bathist were the only ones having the oil(with foreign oil companies).


Then ISIS took the oil and SDF and mainly by the USA took it.

What country are You from. Do You give everything stolen by thieves back to them.


Fuck the US drone. The US psychopaths and war criminals have no business over there. Long live Russia!!

jens holm

We as most of the rest of the world comes for trade and devellopments. By that we help the livingstandards in the many USSR crashlandings up.

Thats why we have most of them joint with us in EU and see Ukriane and Belarus as enough bufferzone to the Rustican decliners.

jens holm

That of course goes for USA as well. And of course they defend the right to letting this dountries decide themself. And its a something for something.

You have no idea about the rest of the world and how well we are parts of each other and affiliated.

It seemes You deny to understand our kapitalistic or semikapitalis structures as well.

Thata You choise in You own country by electios.

jens holm

I am old bitter senile nazzi


RT: “The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday denied claims by the US military that a Russian interceptor came into contact with the American MQ-9 drone over the Black Sea, causing it to crash.”

“As a result of sharp maneuvers around 9:30am Moscow time, the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle went into uncontrolled flight, lost altitude, and collided with the water surface. The Russian fighters did not use weapons, did not come into contact with the UAV, and returned safely to their home base,” the defense ministry said in a statement.

jens holm

Thats a version too. A small maybe.


The American drone saw the Russians coming and shit its pants. That’s all.


NATO clowns most likely cashed the drone and just blame the Russian. They fuking trying to safe face, at is all.


You mean remote operator shitting his pants after his hands shaked holding remote controller for UAV spotting russian military airplanes he/she dropped remote controller and UAV lost control to fly ? I was thinking same 😂💪👍

Ultrafart the Brave

Maybe they need to outfit their ultra-expensive drones with adult diapers. Only the very best, of course – this is the American MIC we’re talking about.


I like the “environmentally unsound” part of the statement. This one will be good when Washington is burning.

jens holm

Sure. Moskva already is on the bottom of the black sea and their only aircraft carriers is only usefull for smoking salmons and kings craps.

jens holm

in dumbmark we spy on Norway and Sweden for CIA—all amerikan mulatto drones welcome in my anus

jens holm

It has stopped. There are punishments about it too. Shame shame from here.


Sería bueno destruir todos estos drones espía que no pintan nada en el mar Negro.

jens holm

Its easy. Th Rusticas just retreat to their own country.

Christian Chuba

Since the U.S. is providing targeting info to Ukraine, what else do you expect?


USA was and is a member of the recognize warfare. Now Russia has defended its own interests and all are crying foul. Self defense is a right for everyone. Helping the opposite war party with intelligence information is a participation in this war. Now it is clear that NATO is a war member. Either they withdraw from the neighborhood of Ukraine or they are destroyed as a retaliation act. That’s quite fair. Either you are no member of war or you have to accept combat loses.


AW BOO HOO WAH WAH WAH, Maybe your DRONES should firstly NOT BE IN A WAR ZONE where you say your not a participant and secondly should NOT BE IN RUSSIAN TERRITORY this drone was only 60km from RUSSIA CRIMEA the NAZI USA should NOT HAVE ANY AIR ASSETS flying over a war zone and especially over RUSSIAN TERRITORY. Your FUCKING LUCKY RUSSIA did not STRIKE the base it came from as you violated Russian territory and therefore that base is a LEGITIMATE TARGET. =Z=


Dúfam, že nie je posledný!!! Verím, že teraz sa už konečne RF postará o každý jeden takýto provokatívny útok. Bolo na čase dať tým debilom z USA poriadnu príučku!!! Myslím, že teraz si budú veľmi dlho lámať tie ich sprosté hlavičky, že čo sa to tak stalo. No nič iba ste poriadne nasrali Ruského medveďa, tak to sa stalo.


K tomu môžem iba toľko povedať. Dobrá práca!!! Svetu mier!!!


Russian jets pissing on American drones over the Black Sea LOL.


The environment?! This hand wringing from the entity that blew up NSI and II, spewing as much CO2 into the atmosphere as is emitted from Uncle Sam’s ass in a year! SMH…

Not Sure

Far worse than CO2. Methane.


USA are one of the biggest climate gas emitters. But unfortunately nobody frees us from them. :(


Russian Su-27 pilots have not lost their professional intercept skills over the decades. I remember when an Su-27 intercepted and diverted a Norwegian P-3 by hitting its propeller with the vertical tail and made it home just fine.


jens holm social worker returned his laptop; senile tantrums continue to entertain at SF

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