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MARCH 2025

Breaking: US, UK and France launch airstrikes on Syria (Videos)

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On April 14, the US, the UK and France launched a large scale missile strike against several positions of the Damascus government in the Syrian capital, Damascus and other unspecified areas.

The US Army and Syrian sources confirmed that all the targets that were hit are facilities of the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC).

According to Syrian pro-government activists, most of the targets were located in the districts of al-Kiswah and Barazah inside Damascus city. Other positions like al-Qutifah missile base and Dumayr airbase were also hit.

The Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV said that the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAAD) were able to shot down more than 13 missiles over Damascus city.

A preliminary list of the US-led strike targets looks this way:

  1. Som targets near the Damascus International Airport (Damascus)
  2. Mezzeh military airbase (Damascus)
  3. Targets near Al-Kiswah (Damascus countryside)
  4. Republican Guard Brigade 105 base (Damascus)
  5. Jabal Qasiun air defense base (Damascus)
  6. Two scientific research facilities (Damascus and Damascus countryside)
  7. Military sites near Al-Rahiba (Eastern Al-Qalamoun)
  8. Targets close to Lake Qattineh (Homs coutnryside)
  9. Dhanha warehouses (Homs countryside)
  10. Khalkhala Airport in Suweida
  11. An alleged Iranian facility in Azra (Daraa)

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Another WWF stunt that will zero affect on the war.


This was just a test run. Expect main barrage soon.


fuck you you freak


What’s your fucking problem?

Real Anti-Racist Action

I do not think Zarathustra was saying they desire this attack, but simply warning how the Zionist-west operates. They probably wanted to see how many out of 60 missiles could hit targets inside of Syria. If successful, Israel and the UK-Empire and the US may launch a second larger attack for regime change inside of Syria in a week or so. I think that is all that was implied.


Sorry, looks like Trump is impotent and yellow clown like 1 year ago. :DDD


Where’s Putin?

Real Anti-Racist Action

In Bunker in Moscow. I got word that Mossad and MI6 are debating regime change inside of Russia. They are contacting their agents inside of Russia, and tossing around ideas on how to implement street protest and possibly assassinate Putin in the coming weeks.

Nigel Maund

You got word you lying shit!

888mladen .

Pusin’s fate will be the one of Slobodan Milosevic’s.

Bird of Prey

He’s apologizing to his 7 angry oligarch buddies, the ones who got sanctioned, because they went broke.

HighLord Gaz

Moscow. its a big city in Russia.

In anticipation of your next question, Russia is a big country straddling the northern extremity of the Eurasian landmass.


Why isn’t he atop the Empire State, swatting USukfIs terrorists?

Juden Devshirme ErdoBot

He is busy sucking his bibi in Tel Aviv.


Sucking American d1ck LMAO

Real Anti-Racist Action

Every single target has been hit and successfully eliminated. Russia and Syrian anti-air missiles have failed to defend. Russian anti-air systems destroyed 0 enemy aircraft and Russia has sunk 0 enemy ships. Russians retreating, Putin in bunker in Moscow, Mossad debating if to assassinate Putin within the coming days and launch regime change inside of Russia.

Ivan Freely

You better hope to God Putin isn’t assassinated. No bunker is going to save your ass!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Actually, lots and lots of Russians including Generals would like a try at being president of Russia. To many greedy Zionist inside of Russia to care about a war. They want money and power. They want their turn to be top dog.

Nigel Maund

More rubbish!

888mladen .

True. They don’t care about their own people at their doorsteps in Donbas. They let they die by slow death under Ukrops salvos.


Syrians are claiming 13 missiles were taken down but who knows the truth its too early to say Not surprised Russia did nothing if they were not the targets

Bird of Prey

It was a limited attack, just a spanking to remind Assad not to use chemical WMDs against his people. Pretty sure that Putin, who has seen Russia become very isolated, will tell Assad to cut it out.

HighLord Gaz

Are you fucking stupid? The Syrian gov did NOT use CW!!! Its CLEARLY a false flag event staged by Wahabbi terror gangs…


You are falling for these staged hoaxes. They are made to serve as a pretext for a planned or wanted bombing by the U.S. Assad and his army were winning against the U.S.-backed rebels/terrorists, so the U.S. has to do something like this to give its terrorist tools a break and allow them to regroup.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I was gassed earlier today by NATO forces, spraying cancer causing chem-trails over my house. NATO is gassing humanity into extinction. The US has aborted more then 60 million babies, more babies killed by NATO then all other nations killed in the last 10,000 years.


I am not a nato supporter but in this case, I am sorry they missed to do the proper job.

Nigel Maund

What a lot of rubbish!


Look at their coordinated disinformation. They’re paid trolls. Ignore or block them.

Nigel Maund

Thanks! I reckon their low order CIA.


Yeah, one look at his up-voters says it all.


“Spanker Dane”, “Sexy Sue”, etc. Seems a bunch of wannabe porn stars, liberals and Jews.

Floyd Hazzard



His up-voters are a likely lot. Recognize them?

Real Anti-Racist Action

Stating that no US aircraft were shot down makes me a propagandists? If any evidence that any were shot down I would revise my news update. On Russia’s word alone without evidence I would correct anything. Russia does not claim to have shot any aircraft down, and the US has lost none. So I stated that 0 aircraft were lost, and no ships sunk. I call that being truthful.

888mladen .

Look I don’t take pleasure in what’s happening. It is sad reality that there is no earthly power able to stand against the “woman riding on the beast”. Pusin lost this war on many fronts: Serbia, Libya, Donbas and now SY. The next will be IR.


I must support the amusement value of these comments!

Tom Tom

don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

HighLord Gaz

Not sure if this is supposed to be sarcasm… I hope so, otherwise I can only assume that you are the first official survivor of pioneering medical operations to remove the cerebrum and replace with transplanted excrement.

2nd thoughts… i’m sure its sarcasm… if so, yeah i get it…

Abe Manhattan

What a joke. Natanhayu and Putin are buddies. The Russians allow Israel to bomb Syria whenever they want. Why would the Mossad want to assassinate Putin?

888mladen .

Not many do realize that in this discussion? Now the house of cards has come down tumbling and their only hope is to cling to what has proved to be a false hope.

Ivan Freely

Trump is finished. It would be best for him to hide out in his golf course for the remainder of his term.

Gabriel Hollows


HighLord Gaz

Nah, the ZOG minions are Slaaneshi followers. Never leave your kids alone with them…

John Brown

Looks like a repeat of the attack last April 2017, just for show, on empty fields, empty buildings and empty air fields with maybe some rusted out jets and wrecked cars etc. to allow the empire to save face. We will know more by tomorrow.


Er- NO! The admitted list of yank targets were widespread and focused on TESTING Putin- but america hit far more targets than it admitted. A classic probing action- with a FRACTION of the targets matching the CW claim, just so fools can tell themselves all is OK with the world.

Trump wanted something now while the invasion force is being assembled. Bolton wanted PROOF of Putin’s craven cowardice to present to military doubters in the US, UK and French command.

But our usual fools, having been proven so very wrong once again, will spin in every possible way- to try to make out that being wrong is somehow the same as being right.


Yellow clown is afraid of Russia. That’s why strikes are sooooo limited. Your words have no meaning. :D

Zionism = EVIL

50 dud missiles were fired at farmland of eastern Damascus and 44 were shot down. Plenty of social media videos confirming the interceptions. The idiot Trump and his two UK-French poodles look more stupid. Not a single US or NATO aircraft came close to Syrian airspace as all missiles were fired from the Mediterranean. Syria now needs to declare all its airspace NO FLY ZONE for all illegal NATO planes,


Britain illegally entered Syrian airspace and bombed Syria. Britain gave Putin advanced warning under the hotline rule used to control the airspace and avoid accidental contact between Russian and NATO power jets- confirmed by both the Kremlin and Washington. US bombers flew over Syria. Is our side REALLY going to lie to itself to make itself feel better?

Zionism = EVIL

Also no S-400 were used as pre-arranged. This is just a stunt to save face. Makes Russia look weak and clumsy though.


The 2nd sentence ist western thinking. Russians and many other cultures see it exactly opposite. So while the US, UK and French presidents think they saved their credibility it actually shows their weakness. They were too weak to either stand down or make a full scale attack as announced, they rather spend weapons worth millions to achieve nothing than bringing up the strength explaining reality to their people. Russia, Syria, Iran and I guess the half of the world again realised how weak they actually are.


What else to do when all you have left are lies and vodka? You can’t drink vodka all day.


Do know so much within minutes? Go and fly your kites somewhere else


Answer to gaslight It is to early to say but this seems like an action similar to the action one year ago that chanced nothing of importance. In other words its a show piece wihtouth substance, This was expected as no one wants a WWIII except some members of a certain (((tribe))).


No quite, for it also establishes precedence, and if it’s one thing a narrativist loves, it’s precedence. Power comes through the belief in such a power by those who aquiece to such power. The narrative is supreme among the elite of the Anglo-zionist empire. China knows that Russians couldn’t stop the missiles in March 2017. Kazakhstan knows Russia let the F-18 that shot down the su22 in June of 2017 fly right back to its meditaranian carrier. The Syrians know that their was no penalty for the *accidental* killing of 100 Syrians in Deir Ezzor in Dept of 16. And now every partner that Putin approaches about defense issues knows that Russia can be sweet talked into allowing hundreds of Russians get mowed down near the Euphrates.


Unfortunately, Russian ignorance about how the modern media environment works is not limited to the Kremlin. You’re preaching to ears that will not hear. All this dissembling about “restraint” and being “nonprovocative” would be fine for peacetime; at this dire hour, it betrays complete denial that Russia is at war.

Putin is finished now. Unless he’s replaced soon, Russia is finished too as a sovereign country. Will the Russian military stand for that?


You should know that there is a big difference between being literate and intelligent.


Unfortunately this is exactly how it is. It’s sad to see so many otherwise wise commentators on this forum failing to understand these simple facts.


I’m not quite ready to give up on Putin yet, but if they aren’t as media savvy as we are in the states, Russians should at least see history repeating itself. The spread of Nazi influence before Checkloslovakia was alarming to all the ww1 powers b and yet they were paralyzed to do anything besides threaten. The very act of threatening without consequences only made Germany more prepared for war when the fighting did come. We see the same thing in Syria, Russians flaunt weapons that are rather impressive, but reward an attacker with no consequences when they are bypassed. Again, I know it takes time to get people into shelters and what not, the Russian response need not be instant. Still, if too much time passes any response will look ham fisted, bitter and revenge driven rather than just. In 2017, the US gave Russia an hour warning before launching a missile strike on the Syrian airbase. Israel too would provide a heads up to the Russians before attacking.tonight and a couple of weeks ago, neither the Israelis more the US gave any warning of their respective strikes.

Something has changed.


Yes, the Russkies love to show off their toys. Then Russia Insider and outfits like it write triumphalist garbage about Yankees wetting their pants, while the facts before us show that Russian deterrence has evaporated completely.

Anyway, when Russia’s mortal enemies show up to buy some of the toys, the Kremlin critters get intoxicated by the smell of money and convince themselves they’ve got a good thing going. Would be a pity to upset the apple cart by making a stand, even in a war for Russia’s very survival as a sovereign country.

John Brown

Er your stupid. how can you believe anything the USS of AIPAC says, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, in Syria, Gulf of Tonkin, remember the Maine etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. We will know in a couple of days.


Russia might wait for the artificial reefs to arrive in target formation courtesy of US and French navies before it finds cause to respond.

888mladen .


Zionism = EVIL

It appears to be a theater of of the absurd again and a US losers face saving exercise. Most of the dud missiles were shot down.


Hahaha, dream on you f*cking loser. America absolutely humiliated all of you Russian, Iranian, and Syrian terrorist f*gs.

Zionism = EVIL

Name calling means that you are humiliated :)


Its called adding insult to injury…because we have, like, zero respect for you mud dwellers.


Hey Master Blaster Go suck Trumps Dick and leave this Blog Homo Bitch! Anglo Cave Ice Dwellers Will be defeated!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Then you must be dung dwellers does that make you any better than anyone else other than you lay in your own filth and crow about it.


You still in here bitch…the Dude is waitin’ for ya…get out!

Ariel Cohen

He and his fellow denizens of the Zionazi entity were already humiliated hundreds of years ago, when European civilizations began to uncover the sordid beliefs and practices of the Talmud. . .

northerntruthseeker .

Here comes the JIDF/Hasbara agents…. This one is as much a laughable idiot as the rest of them.


I guess there are two of us then…what is a JIDF? or a Hasbara? I’m in Washington DC and I’m laughing my ass off. OK…now lest see that big bad Russian response of yours to our 100 air launched cruise missiles. I’m waiting….tick tock.


The Russian Defense Ministry has commented on a joint US, British and French missile strike on Syria, which took place on the day, when the OPCW experts are set to start a probe into allegations of a chemical attack in Douma, a claim denounced by Damascus as a provocation.

The Russian Defense Ministry stated that most missiles launched by the Western states on Syria had been downed by the Arab Republic’s air defenses, when approaching targets.

“The Syrian air defense system has been conducting an anti-air fight,” the ministry added.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Syria repelled the Western attack by air defense complexes made in the USSR over 30 years ago.

“Syrian means of air defense: S-125, S-200 air defense systems, Buk and Kvadrat were used in the repelling the missile strike.”


US and their British and French NATO poodles had to launch missiles before the OPCW findings began and any legitimate doubts over the White Helmet based gas allegations in Douma set in – so NATO launched missile barrage during the very last window of opportunity before that transpired. Quite an act of NATO desperation really.

888mladen .

That’s pure lawlessness.


Laws are a peacetime concept. The longer Russia continues to be in denial that it is *at war*, they less they’ll have left when they finally wake up–if ever.


You week Anglo US Zionist She-Male Mother Fuckers are Shooting Blanks Bitch! Bring Your asses to the Mediterainian So we can Literally blow you out the Water and watch your Naval personnel bodies float in the Sea White Anglo Bitch!

Ariel Cohen

Hey Shlomo # 2, why the Che Guevara avatar? Why not Menachim Begin, or Ariel Sharon, or any one of a hundred other Zionazi leaders that have stolen, raped and killed over the past 70 years? Wouldn’t that be far more appropriate schmuckbrain . . .?


This single event US missile tantrum will have zero impact on the ongoing Syrian-Iranian-Russian prosecution and course of the Syrian war. Syria-Iran-Russia are winning the war and this won’t change anything. Nil.

888mladen .

That’s exactly the understanding of an retired US colonel interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ZyhxwZO7g


This colonel made succint quip – ‘I’m sure John Bolton is excited at the prospect of bombing, somebody, somewhere.’ Cheers for link.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny how they have a Hasbara University in these big US cities everywhere.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well France announced on AFP that a “Large part ” Syria’s Chemical arsenal was had been destroyed, just wondering if they hit The White Helmets private reserves although there was claim these missiles were “smart” and “very smart” at that!!


Go Fuck yourself You Fucking ZioNaziLizzard….you must be Pompeo’s Whore…he must have given you lousy a tip bitch…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Apparently the missiles took on the personality of their owners the US were blunt the UK were passive aggressive and the French had an existential mid air crisis and never made it!


Russia’s air defenses haven’t been used to repell the missile strike on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, the military said.

“None of cruise missiles launched by the US and its allies did not enter the zone of responsibility of the Russian air defenses, covering objects in Tartus [naval facility] and Hmeymim [airbase located in the Latakia province],” the Russian Defense Ministry explained.

Ariel Cohen

You spelt your name wrong Shlomo ….it should be TheJude . .


Actually the US just fired missiles at Damascus city in Syria, a war torn third world country that represents no threat to the US mainland – and US missiles will have invariably killed Syrian civilians in the process – that is US state terrorism.

888mladen .

“US missiles will have invariably killed Syrian civilians in the process”. And it doesn’t make any difference as you have written, does it? Who is supposed to care about SY casualties RU or US who savagely attacked it without any provocation.?


JEWISH TERRORISM, NOT American. most of tjt people i know are agsinst every one of these wars.


Perhaps all those American people could go to the American government and tell them to get their troops out of other countries….isn’t that a good idea? Because other people are getting a bit tired of getting killed by American soldiers…it’s not the American People…it is the American People doing Nothing…..Just make sure Trump is getting out of Syria…that sounds reasonable…perhaps the American Government listens better to American People…because they Don’t listen to the rest of the World…and besides that it is American Tax Dollar$ that makes it all possible….so you all finance those wars


U R a genius-anti-war marches-tax protesting (not paying taxes) -calling representatives-now why didn’t WE think Of those things? Ignoring people, slandering them, jailing them, and killing them is the usual result of such actions but the government is honorable now and not puppets of the Joos? Hmmmm….. maybe the solution is more complex than your brain can comprehend-the govt does not represent us-does not listen to us-they poison our food water and air but hey maybe they will turn from being demons and be righteous…………then again……..


I think you are a coward….


You sound tough enough to take on the world, what are you waiting for? Go get’em tiger ?Maybe even a war dance will do the trick.


Even better.. I leave the west for what it is…it’ll starve to death…

888mladen .

“maybe they will turn from being demons and be righteous” Not in my book. As individuals perhaps but corporately never.




‘course it is: terrorism is violence in pursuit of political goals. In the hands of professionals, it works.


Earlier, a local security source said that at least 6 civilians have been injured as a result of a missile strike on a military depot to the west of Homs. Also, SANA agency reported that at least three civilians were injured as a result of the western states’ strike on a Syrian military facility in Homs. The broadcaster also refuted reports about nine targets, which were allegedly hit by the Western strikes.

While Damascus has not made any official statements on the total scale of the damages or casualties as a result of West’s strikes yet, the Syrian state-run SANA news agency reported that missile strikes carried out by the UK, France and Britain on a research center in Damascus had only caused material damage.

“Several missiles of the three countries [the US, the UK and France], which struck a research facility have only caused material damage to a building, which includes an educational center and scientific labs,” SANA reported.


Sneak attack by America and their bitch poodles …May and Macron. I had not noticed the similarities of their names before, probably same litter by different daddy!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most of those missiles were intercepted 73- 95 not sure how many were fired 103 possibly all with no real impact, now who is embarrassed? Think the Tripartie Terrorist Fag hags were and why so many in NATO and GCC refused to help them. Cry to your momma bully boy or do you need another smackdown!!


What does it matter, the strike didn’t pursue a conventional military goal, just like the “gas attack” was not a conventional atrocity. They got Putin to bend over, and desert his loyal allies. In this, they were successful.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What is being overlooked and glad you reinforced an intuitive assumption of mine that Russia did this a way to both humiliate and fluster the Cabal of Evil by allowing the Syrians to defeat the missiles themselves. This has boosted the confidence and defiance in Syrians and as the more I look into this may have more of a rallying cry to Syria than the west is willing to letting on. Just we have to remember Russia is a master of manipulation in comparison than the Cabal of Evil can ever imagine to be.

This may show to the weaker Arab Nations under the Foot of the US and western boots that there is a way to defy them. Look at it from there perspective as you will see how they control and lead the narrative without actually manipulating the situation overtly.


Interesting point. Then again, by failing as usual to exact any price from the aggressor, the Syrians will very much need this skill to defend themselves in future. Maybe as soon as the Truman strike group (ehmm sorry, “peace group”) comes in range.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All that tracking , jamming and shooting was done by Syrian AAD they are better trained with the equipment and familiarized with it and new AAD should be coming along with those S-300s promised. USS Truman Group will be dealing with more Russian ships and armed fighters with anti ship missiles. The “Piece Group” just might be that and is the US willing to go that far to force Syrian people to capitulate and let them be ruled by CorpoRats from the West. This will just ignite that civil war the US is so worried about back home. We see many governments are already seeing backlashes for their participation , let the games begin!


Get the fuck out of here Zionazi Bitch… you earned your Shekels..go buy the Beer and bother some other people… don’t come back….


He Dude Go Fuck your ZioNaziBuddy MasterBlaster7….he just told me he is waitin’ for ya….Pompeo already softened him a bit up for you…

888mladen .

Can you tell how is Trump different from Bill Clinton? Both are sexual maniacs and psychopaths who have been blackmailed by shadow government into bombing sovereign countries without mandate from UNSC in blatant violation of INT law. By supporting their crimes with you comment you humiliated yourself making a public disgrace of yourself.


I wonder how many more “face saving” operations Syria will have to endure?

Zionism = EVIL

This one was even more of dud and gave the SAA an opportunity to test the Pantsir S1 and it passed with flying colors. Dr. Assad is having the last laugh as usual. Russia and Iran will only cement their alliance and beef up presence in Syria and make the US bleed. This is very expensive for a bankrupt US as its supply lines are extended and every idiotic stunt drains its debt ridden economy. The idiots Trump and Bolton should invest in a map instead to see how easy it is for Russia and Iran to pour forces into Syria.


Actually, if the US stands down, Iran will demand the bombers be removed because of the Iranian Constitution. They’re only good for smashing US ships in the gulf anyway.

Zionism = EVIL

Or bombing the US terrorist training camps in eastern Euphrates valley. I think SAA will launch an offensive to liberate the oil fields soon. Russian RORO ships are bringing in a lot of amphibian and bridging equipment. However, this time the SAA and its allies must be protected by a SAM umbrella like the Egyptians had in crossing the Suez in 1973. Pansir, BUK and S-400 should be moved to Dier Azzor and Iranians supplied with SU-35 and S-400 too.


Like I said before such strikes are just good for show but will hardly degrade the military capabilities. Waste of money

Melotte 22

it is still another slap in Russia’s face.


Yes, unfortunately it is. Or more correctly, it’s many slaps in the face of someone bullied into submission.


Empty? LOL. Several casualties reported.


“LOL. Several casualties reported.”

Laughing at casualties, especially when it hits those fighting the worst terrorists this world ever seen, is pure evil. It also reveals you, hasbara troll.

One day humanity will had enough of your kind.

888mladen .

We are still waiting on RU response. It looks like it will be of diplomatic nature rather than military one. “See, you trust in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt (RU); where on if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh (Pusin) king of Egypt (RU) to all that trust in him.” Iz 36:6


I wonder if this will affect the chemical weapons investigation?

“As of now, it appears the U.S.’ primary targets were the West Ghouta (Kesweh, Jamraya) and the eastern Qalamoun bases.”

– US Coalition attack on Syria appears to be over –


Nigel Maund

The US and NATO will target the site of the so called chemical attack to wipe out the evidence it was carried out by their operatives!


BREAKING NEWS- are you effing kidding me. While every REAL civilian run outlet on the net covered this in real-time- Southfront, a kremlin funded outlet that PRETENDS to be ‘civilian’ , in reality has full-time salaried staff who work fixed hours. Note when this site STOPS getting new ‘headlines’ each day- bit of a clue there.

I have no problem with assets on our side being russian funded. I do have an issue with the sickening incompetence shown by Southfront tonite. Not one member of the salaried staff wanted to work “out of hours”- and now this site has to PANIC and bang up an ages late headline in its PRETENCE to be run in a way it most certainly is not. Shame on you Southfront- shame.

HighLord Gaz

fuck off troll dickhead

Marcos Edder

WTF? so everyone who disagrees with your imperialism is a kremlin troll or site? did you even hear yourself? …


I understand your frustration. You can either give up the payment for your modest contribution here or shut up. You won’t be missed.

Floyd Hazzard

Russia begged for that. Appeasement does not work.

Sexy Sue

Russia is a poor country with few friends. Even China rejected its pathetic efforts at the UN. Russia had no choice.

HighLord Gaz

Interesting handle and avatar, given you’re a 46 yo male, grossly obese with a prostate the size of an apple and a bulging colostomy bag that needs an urgent change….

You should also consider having a shower once in a while…

Oscar Silva Martinez

That was funny LOL!!!!


Now it’s Russian call. Or would they fold ? Anyway keep calm and observe the situation. If they did targets important and significant military targets then they means business and they’ll be more bold to do the same thing again. If they hit insignificant and unimportant sites then it’s again face saving.


Russia’s on the ropes, the Deep State has just slammed Putin in the gut with an almighty jab. What comes next is NOT a recovery by Putin, but more rapid blows by the Deep State. You NEVER give a sucker an even break.

Russia is about to have their usual drunken bast–d cry at the UN (after he gropes Nikki Haley once again no doubt). That’s going to be the extent of Russia’s response.

HighLord Gaz

If Russian assets were not hit, their will be no response against US forces.

The Russians are not stupid. They will not give the Neocon warmonger cunts any real ammo to whip up war frenzy in home-town Buttfukistan USA. Pin prick tomahawks hitting inconsequential targets is not an excuse to throw away hard won gains and give the US neocons an opportunity for more serious skullduggery.


Yes my thoughts as well. Syrian Army would just get strengthened from now on and i think they’ll have their own chances to retaliate eventually.

Douglas Houck

This is Option One, the PR stunt, not much different than the last one. It’s almost as if everybody got together before hand and agreed on the targets. Hopefully, few if any persons are killed. It’s a “one shot” deal, and President Trump is still saying he does not intend to stay in Syria for long.

This is insanity. How/why do “world leaders” do this? If anyone actually believed that President al-Assad gasses a few of his own people for no good reason, why would you send some missiles, illegally, to send some “strong message”. It’s normally considered an act of war, requiring Congressional action before hand. This is not in defense of the US. It makes absolutely no sense. Where is the strategic/tactical reasons for any of this? Insanity.


That’s because they didn’t want a response from the Russians.

Douglas Houck

Obviously, which is why it is Option One. Anything else would have escalated too fast, too far. Which means, nobody really believes any of this, it’s just for show. All the jets had been moved, all the “chemical manufacturing” sites had been destroyed by the OPCW years ago. What an insane world. Maybe it was as the Turkish government said, “mostly for domestic consumption”, and The Donald wanted some cover before he fires the Assistant FBI director.


NO- it’s a probing action designed to PROVE to worry-worts at the UK US and French military command that Putin really IS a paper tiger. Mission achieved yet again by the Deep State.



Ricky Miller

For once I’m inclined to agree with you. Vladimir Putin did nothing tonight. Now, they may have been successful at blunting the size of the strike by posturing but to allow this strike, including with manned aircraft, will just embolden the Washington nuts. And calls into question Putin’s claim to fame. That he’s tough and has made Russia strong and respected again. If I’m a Russian voter I’m going to begin to question that. For adversaries to lie about and attack a client state, with your premier air assets quiet, with them assuming you’d do nothing, is evidence that Russia is not respected by them. At least Libya fought back. At least Milosevic fought before surrendering. The Taliban fight against long odds, whatever we think of them. Syrian Air Defense soldiers used their outdated technology and stood their ground. They tried to fight back. Russia. Did. Nothing.


Actually the Libyan air force and anti-aircraft defense did NOT fight back. That was the word of a U.S. pilot involved in the bombing. He was surprised. He’d been involved in bombing Serbia, and noted the difference between Serbian anti-aircraft defense being heavily employed but next-to-nothing in Libya. I guess Libya had pretty much given up on that front. They did intensely fight the western-backed rebels for several months before that, but when the U.S. and a couple other countries bombed it, Libya essentially didn’t use its air defense.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Not only that, but the Libyan army captured a number of SAS remember that? But then they gave the SAS back to the UK-Empire and kept their copter. They should have hung the SAS invaders as terrorist. A few days ago the SAA captured SAS troops, in was in the news. But I have not heard what happened to them? Probably given back. Once SAS troops are hung, then the UK-Empire looses their regime changing experts.


It seems the best way to handle the foreign spies is to have them killed but make it look/seem like an accident…like make it seem they didn’t realize the building was holding spooks (even though they knew it) and bombed it – or came in guns blazing, acting as if they were just thinking they were ordinary rebels. Oopsy! Not!

888mladen .

Not “deep state” but “shadow government” You need to find what’s the difference between those two.

Rabih Saad



Good questions. Keep asking and sharing!


It generated at least some need to replenish the US missile stocks. Small profit is always better than none.


It the Russians had counterattacked, and some Murricans were finally killed, Trump would have been impeached and this would be over in no time. The tensions would rise, the U.S. Vice-President would be a worse one, but there would be not further escalations.

Now there will be further escalations because the Russians are not worth a shit. They are bloody morons who simply don’t understand the world in which they are living.


This Kedmi fellow makes the same point on Russian TV: why are you bargaining on behalf of Trump? Why would Russia suddenly be responsible for him? He has never denied being a bully; so when he’s found a cowering punching bag, he almost certainly enjoys the action.


This first action- far more widespread than the yanks admit, was just a PROBING action. There are still ‘assets’ in the UK, US and French war machine UNCONVINCED of the safety of taking down Assad and invading Syria. They need convincers as to how much of a paper tiger Putin really is- today will go a LONG way to reassure the worry-worts. The invasion just moved one step closer.


It’s a good thing that they don’t exactly try to be elaborate in disinformation operations. We now know who’s the paid trolls.

Tom Tom

This should all end well, in WW3.


Hmm, they attacked Damascus and avoided Russia in Latakia. Not much damage and approximately 20 missiles intercepted according to other reports. So basically another useless PR stunt like last time.

Getting real sick of this American arrogance. I think the Russians need to open up a new base near Damascus and fortify the hell out of it, only that seems to deter these American and Zionist bastards.

Tom Tom

Its possible the U.S. told the Russians where they were firing their missiles. Face saving exercise, that’s all.


Russians claim no warnings this time, just like the Israeli attack a few weeks ago.


When this is plan B, it’s easy to see why they chose Plan A.


HighLord Gaz

It lacks the nice little details, like 5000+ USN personnel splashing around trying not to drown, or get sucked under when the ship finally goes glub glub glub…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



It provides a way out from further escalating a war! The Americans will beat their chest and tell everyone to behave! The western press will report a great victory and Trump will keep America great again!

Oscar Silva Martinez

I agree with you 100%, and tomorrow Assad and the SAA will continue getting rid of the western proxies.


..Or struggle to fight off their perfectly timed, massive counter attacks…

Juden Devshirme ErdoBot

Hahahah Where is Stronk Mother Russia bitch? Looks like reality is different than South Front’s colorful propaganda world. Too bad Putin can’t get this jooish dick out of his mouth.


Zio propaganda may better suit your tastes!

Juden Devshirme ErdoBot

Stay away from me retarded ape

Marcos Edder

Dër Juden.

Juden Devshirme ErdoBot

You fanatical clowns are so simple that I almost throw


When the alternative is being on the receiving end of a few of these, bombing some empty buildings in the middle of the night looks like an overwhelming success:




Yes, but you have to fire them first.


Another WWF stunt that will have zero affect on the war isn’t worth escalating the situation. I’ve read reports that 13 missiles were shot down.

Co Ragoo

My heart goes out to the Syrian people, the Great Satan would be driven from your land and in body bags they shall return to their dens

HighLord Gaz

I suppose this means that the OPCW inspectors (who were to arrive this weekend) will now have to cancel their work?

Hmmm… how very convenient for the Western narrative, that actual physical evidence from the scene of the alleged event will now not be collected with a verifiable chain of custody?… I guess the OPCW will simply have to render a judgement based only on the videos, photos, eyewitness accounts and blood samples provided by the Wahhabbi terror gangs themselves. Meh, why worry, its not like terrorists would ever lie about such a thing?……


Boy, this is an all out attack. The troll army is here on SF in force! 5, 6, no…7. Did I miss any?


I was just about going to say that it is really funny to see the zio -troll department out on the “battle field” just because their insane masters dropped a few bombs. Oh, boy, this bombing was predicted a few days ago. So, the zio- mafia thinks now that they have saved face. Bullshit! They once again demonstrated their frustration and weakness.


I want to see what is next. To be blunt, the OPCW is forming up in Douma to inspect the area. Pretty intense doing this while a UN inspection team is on the ground. Overall, very dumb move by the Occidentals.

Marcos Edder

There’s a coordinated group of trolls?

HighLord Gaz

Whenever is there not? Its times like this that Mossad, Langeley and the GCHQ offer big bonuses for “special-event” weekend work…


There’s 14 million Jews on a planet of 6+ billion people, SF must be a problem for them with so many of them attacking it.

Oscar Silva Martinez

As expected!!!


You’ll notice all the ‘ONE LINE’ zionist troll regulars that infest this forum try to spin events as confirming their previous statements- of course they’ll trust you won’t check what they wrote over the last month.

– they told you the british, french and americans would NEVER work together. -they told you that actually america would not dare strike Syria now -they told you if they did strike, Russia would not stand down -they told you the MI6 false flag was just incompetent brits doing silly things, and was just something to laugh at.

They told you, and continue to tell you a series of well-co-ordinated LIES, lies that have to change as new facts emerge, of course.

Now the one line trolls call anyone whose statements prove ACCURATE “disinformation”. Which is funny for this reason.

We all know the Russian government issued warnings about false flag gas attacks in East Ghouta weeks ago,and these warnings are a matter of public record. So what do the trolls in places like Reddit do to dispel the undeniable significance of the accurate predictions. They call the TRUE predictions of Russia DISINFORMATION. Yes telling people the truth ahead of time is now described by jewish trolls (as here) as ‘disinformation’- you couldn’t make this up- but this is how thick the regular ‘one-line’ zionist trolls that operate here think you are.

Wanna know how trolls really function- go read Animal Farm (it ain’t a long book, and you can probably listen to a version on youtube- but once you do you’ll have perfect insight as to the operation of zionist trolls on our forums).




He doesnt do short posts – its a rambling monologue or nothing


I sometimes wonder if it’s a bot.

Zionism = EVIL

A bot with a circuit malfunction :)


Like a half a dozen posts appearing all at once, which I’ve seen.

Zionism = EVIL

True to some extent, but also makes Russia look very weak as it S-400 remained it cotton and wool, however the SAA did show its expertise at using Pantsir S1 and downed most of the dud missiles. The remains of sum look like practice missiles and not even real. Many videos coming out of Syria show the very limited extentof this circus.

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