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BRICS Summit In Kazan Significantly Advances Geopolitical Transition Towards Multipolarity

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BRICS Summit In Kazan Significantly Advances Geopolitical Transition Towards Multipolarity

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

It is still too early to assess the results of the BRICS Summit in Kazan. However, it already seems clear that this event will have significant impacts on global geopolitics – possibly changing global power structures in some way. As the Kazan Declaration made clear, the multipolar reality can no longer be ignored, as new centers of power are gradually forming.

In Kazan, the main leaders of emerging countries met to discuss geopolitical issues of great importance. The event brought together not only delegations from BRICS member countries, but also from candidate countries and even from countries that have not applied to join the group but are open to cooperating in some way with the member countries. An important aspect of BRICS is that it is an aggregating group, where all countries are welcome to cooperate to some extent.

Mutual respect and cooperation are vital aspects of the BRICS project – and this was made even clearer in the Kazan Declaration, where the member countries agreed to call for the recognition of new international actors, thus trying to establish a fair, balanced and integrated order.

“We note the emergence of new centers of power, policy decision-making, and economic growth, which can pave the way for a more equitable, just, democratic, and balanced multipolar world order (…) We reaffirm our commitment to the BRICS spirit of mutual respect and understanding, sovereign equality, solidarity, democracy, openness, inclusiveness, collaboration, and consensus,” the document reads.

The Declaration also expressed a strong critical view, firmly condemning the attitude of certain countries to impose unilateral measures on states considered “enemies”, which, as well known, has negatively affected international trade. Measures such as anti-Russian sanctions and restrictions imposed by the US on Chinese products significantly disrupt the world market, generating negative consequences for emerging countries – which is why the BRICS, as the organization representing emerging nations, expresses a joint condemnation of such illegal practices.

“We are deeply concerned about the disruptive effects of unlawful unilateral coercive measures, including illegal sanctions, on the world economy, international trade, and the achievement of sustainable development goals (…) [The BRICS countries condemn] unilateral measures introduced under the pretext of climate and environmental concerns” and opposes “unilateral protectionist measures that deliberately disrupt global supply and production chains and distort competition (…) Acknowledging the role of BRICS members as the world’s largest producers of natural resources, we underscore the importance of strengthening cooperation among BRICS members across the entire value chain and agree to take joint actions to oppose unilateral protectionist measures,” the Declaration adds.

Furthermore, the Declaration also contains paragraphs explaining the need to advance the de-dollarization process – which appears to be a priority for all countries in the group. Both the initiative to create an intra-BRICS payment mechanism – with both a currency of the bloc and a common interbank system – and the proposal to expand the use of local currencies were well received by the Declaration. It seems clear that the greatest goal of the BRICS is to make de-dollarization possible, regardless of the method that will replace it.

The Declaration also included words expressing the BRICS bloc’s understanding of the current armed conflicts taking place in Ukraine and the Middle East. The BRICS’s stance is one of neutrality on the Russian-Ukrainian issue, respecting Moscow’s reasons for launching the special military operation. Regarding Palestine, the BRICS jointly condemned Israeli actions, the results of which led to thousands of civilian deaths. In addition, there was a public call for diplomacy between both sides, prioritizing the search for a ceasefire and respect for international resolutions on the local territorial dispute.

In practice, it can be said that this Declaration was the most significant and, in a way, bold in the history of BRICS summits. The group expressed itself jointly as a united bloc with a common political agenda, which is the creation of a multipolar order. The main global issues, such as conflicts, monetary transition and geopolitical changes, were accordingly discussed in a joint and peaceful manner, respecting the individual interests of each member and overcoming any specific differences in favor of a common agenda.

It is not yet clear how the BRICS will act in this new multipolar order. Some authors believe that the organization will be a kind of global platform for emerging nations within the conventional structures of the UN. Other authors believe that, in a way, the BRICS will replace the UN itself, completely changing the global decision-making process. In any case, one assessment is clear and irrefutable: the BRICS are contributing significantly to expanding the participation of emerging countries in global issues.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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i am not too enthusiast about brics summit. turkey, kazahstan, venezuela,and indonezia was not accept into members of brics. alternative to swift was not set.

s n o w _ d e n

brics is nothing more then china and bunch of 2n grade states that have maybe a lot of people, but are disparate in power, quarrelsome, corrupt, selfish and more or less stupid. it is too easy for u.s. to take them down with color revolutions or make them fight each other. i don’t trust turkey, i don’t trust india… . brics are “united” only because all of them are screwed by america but china is not better regime then the u.s.

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