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Brief Look At Military Situation In Syria On November 26, 2018 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the current military situation in Syria. Over the past days, the situation in the country has notably escalated. The key reason is a chemical attack carried out by “moderate rebels” on the city of Aleppo.

Brief Look At Military Situation In Syria On November 26, 2018 (Map Update)

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South Front, what are your sources to represent on a map an fortified ISIS zone northwest of al Safa, and now (has grown) with a similar size to the volcanic plateau of al Safa. Besides that, the colour to represent the volcanic plateau is a dubious colour, we can’t say for sure if it represents the former ISIS fortified zone or if it represents geographically the plateau.

Jens Holm

I dont see the usefull of Your comment at all. Things are not as black and white as You demand.

Many areas in the red zone has no 100% Assad control 24 hours but only “main control” and no resistance troops – But they reamin having small hostile groups ortganizing, what they have left.

You can see exact the same for the SDF zone. Along Eufrat many has promised not to resist as well as some are still armed some and closer to ISIS then the Sekular Moderates in SDF.

We therefore can expect pop ups there until they are dead or has accepted, they are not running the business anymore. Well I hope so. FSA and Assads seemes to be none there. Much like the arabs there wont take away Sharia hardly giving Sharia right to especially the women there too.


North to Al Safat there is a black spot. ¿ Haven’t Syria troops gotten rid of this ISIS pocket yet ? This is not a volcanic area ¿ what is the excuse here ?


The south Front map is the only map I know that represents that black spot = an ISIS fortified zone. I doubt there’s any ISIS fortified zone in that place.

Jens Holm

I mainly see those spots as contested not controlled 24 ours by fx SAA. Around it, it can be same thing.

Very difficult to make 100% accurate maps, but it can help if You calm down and accept things are not black and white.

I see it in comment here too naming many sqaure kilometers as deserts. Much is not but grassland. Poor people grow food there almost every year and in an old book I have taken down here, parts are named as Baal corn land and we can see the fields.

Many are abandonned now by urbanisation, but they could give a lot of extra, if it again was needed if food was more expensive by lak of it.

Thats on maps, but ignored and named as desert even parts are very usefull having no stones and rocks.


After an estimated 30 to 40 aborted assassination attempts against French President General Charles de Gaulle during the 1960s, the French intelligence bureau, SDECE, exposed the same Permindex as the financier and controller of the OAS (Secret Army Organization) death squads. (4) SDECE gathered reams of evidence showing that Permindex had been the recipient of funds laundered into Geneva and Basel through Zionist “charitable organizations” and Israeli intelligence fronts such as the Bank Hapoalim of Histadrut, the Israeli trade union movement and Socialist International affiliate. These funds had been channeled into the OAS as well as into the neo-Nazi terrorist groups in West Germany and Italy.

De Gaulle issued vociferous personal protests to the Swiss and Italian governments. As a result, Permindex was forced to shut down its offices in those countries and move to a more friendly location, Johannesburg, South Africa. (5) The Paris-based Western European branch headquarters of Israel’s foreign intelligence service, the Mossad, was kicked out of France and reestablished its operations in Belgium and the Netherlands.

In 1970, the prestigious Italian newsweekly Panorama published an account of the mysterious death of Italian Oil Minister Enrico Mattei in an October 1962 plane crash on his was to a historic economic summit in Africa. (6) Mattel’s plane was sabotaged during a contrived unscheduled stopover at an obscure airport in Sicily. Forty-eight hours before the crash, New Orleans mobster and Permindex associate Carlos Marcello had been identified by local police in Sicily as the mysterious American who showed up at the airport while a four-man team was tampering with Mattel’s plane. Marcello owned a private fleet of chartered jets called the United Air Taxi Service, which shared its staff of pilots and mechanics with Permindex. One such “shared employee,” David Ferrie, was also a pilot for Marcello and Clay Shaw. Ferrie was found murdered days after he was subpoenaed to testify before Garrison’s grand jury on the Kennedy killing. (7) Within months of the April 1978 kidnapping and murder of former Italian President Aldo Moro, the Italian Carabinieri were in hot pursuit of evidence firmly implicating Italian Jewish banker George Mantello (aka George Mandel) in the affair. (8) It was believed that Mantello’s Rome villa had been the first safehouse where Moro was brought after his abduction by the Red Brigades. Weapons found in a Carabinieri raid of Mantello’s villa turned out to match the weapon used to kill Moro as well as that used in the 1977 Baader-Meinhof gang kidnapping-murder of West German industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer. An agent of the Black Guelph House of Savoy (the pretenders to the throne of Italy), Mantello is a board member of a Permindex subsidiary, Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC). Mantello’s Swiss holding company, Capocetto, was exposed by de Gaulle’s SDECE as a conduit for Histadrut funds into Permindex. (9)


Sixteen years have passed since Permindex conducted its first known assassination deployment. Despite all the accumulated evidence, none of the principals has been brought to justice; Permindex today is one of the best kept secrets in the world. What is Permindex? Who are the powerful forces protecting his nest of assassins from prosecution for crimes of high treason against no fewer than three sovereign states?

As we shall soon learn, Permindex is a top-secret branch of one of the most sophisticated and well-financed intelligence agencies in the world and a convergence point for every filthy network that we have met so far — from the British Far East banking and shipping magnates who run the dope trade at the top to the gutters where Mafiosi, neo-Nazis, and the Order of Zion function as retailers for Dope, Incorporated.

The starting point to unravel the story behind this International Assassination Bureau is the office of the chairman of its board. The founder, president, and majority (50 percent) shareholder in Permindex since its incorporation in Montreal in 1958-59 is Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield.

Bloomfield is a man of many hats. He was a founding partner of the prestigious Hofjuden law firm of Phillips, Vineberg, Bloomfield and Goodman, the firm that represents and controls the Bronfman family holdings. Bloomfield’s name was formally removed from the firm’s letterhead in 1968 after the de Gaulle exposures of his Permindex assassination bureau threatened to create an embarrassment. Such cosmetic gestures, however, have little significance in the murky world of Canadian politics where the most prestigious names all appear on the board of directors of Dope, Incorporated.

Among his business holdings, Major Bloomfield controls the Israeli Continental Corporation, the Canadian subsidiary of the Dutch Heinekens Breweries, and Credit Suisse of Canada, a correspondent bank to the Credit Suisse of Geneva that was among the holding agencies exposed by SDECE for laundering “hit money” to the OAS. (10) All these corporations are listed among the investors in Permindex.

Like his law partner, Lazarus Phillips, and his clients, the Bronfmans, Major L. M. Bloomfield is an outstanding Zionist philanthropist. Among his numerous honorary positions, Bloomfield is the annual chairman of the Histadrut Campaign of Canada, which collects “charitable contributions” and passes them on to the Israeli labor movement. Curiously, these funds have been discovered on several occasions to have found their way back to Permindex after recycling through the Histadrut’s Bank Hapoalim. (11)

Bloomfield’s charitable activities extend into his chairmanship of the Canadian Red Cross ambulance service, a position traditionally held by a top-ranking Knight in the Queen’s official chivalric order, the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. As an operating arm of the Sovereign Order, the Red Cross ambulance service has been a frequently called upon front for terrorism. (12)

Bloomfield’s business interests extend into the field of transoceanic shipping. A former head of the Israeli Maritime League of Canada, Bloomfield has been the Consul-General in charge of the Western Hemisphere of the Liberian government since World War II. Liberia is notorious as both a tax shelter and smugglers’ port-of-call. With no shipping regulations to speak of, Liberia is the flag of convenience under which the majority of ships bearing bulk shipments of Far East narcotics are registered, and also serves as one of the secondary ($7 billion in average daily transfers) offshore banking centers through which British drug revenues are laundered.

The only other foreign-stationed Consul-General for Liberia is Bloomfield-Permindex associate and Israeli Mossad official (ret.) Tibor Rosenbaum, whom we shall meet shortly. Beneath his various hats as banker, philanthropist, prominent attorney, and Permindex director, Bloomfield is first and foremost an agent of the most secretive branch of Her Majesty’s Intelligence service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). Bloomfield was recruited to the SOE by its director, Sir William Stephenson, in 1938. (13)

Stephenson, a Canadian-born protégé of

Round Table founder Lord Beaverbrook, appointed Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and “agent handler” for the newly created counterespionage and espionage branch of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five. (14) Agents of Division Five, in turn, have been among the points of the New Orleans grand jury investigation into the Kennedy assassination. Guy Bannister, the head of the southeast regional office of Division Five (located in New Orleans) at the time of the Kennedy murder, died under mysterious circumstances shortly after the events in Dallas. (15)

Bannister was the owner of a New Orleans office building that housed a number of Division Five fronts and groups under close D-5 surveillance. These included the left-radical Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the violently anti-Castro Free Cuba Committee. Lee Harvey Oswald was alternatively a member of both these groups during various stages of his “laundering.” (16) According to one source, in 1962 Bannister was also the personal conduit of at least one $100,000 payoff to the OAS for an assassination attempt against de Gaulle. One of his agents flew directly from New Orleans to Paris to deliver the funds. In 1966, that courier, who operated a Permindex front, the Caribbean Anti-Communist League, died when he was thrown out of a sixth floor window in a San Juan Puerto Rico, hotel. (17)

How did Louis M. Bloomfield, a Canadian citizen, manage to assume a highly secretive top post within the Hoover FBI? And what’s more, how did he manage to retain that post for over 30 years — even after his name had been raised in conjunction with assassinations against officials of three governments? Stephenson, using the “special relationship” that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had cultivated with Franklin Roosevelt, arranged Bloomfield’s commission as an officer in the

U.S. Army (hence the rank of major) assigned to the Office of Strategic Services, the wartime predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency. Bloomfield was only one of many Canadians brought into the U.S. military under Stephenson’s auspices. (18) Stephenson was creating an SOE in-depth penetration into the American services that could run clandestine operations under an American cover. This became a particularly important feature of SOE postwar activities in locations like Italy where Churchill’s open role in installing Mussolini in power had engendered a profound hatred of the British.

Unfortunately, very little of the publicly accessible information about the SOE is reliable. It is known that the SOE was created at the personal initiative of Sir Winston Churchill as an expansion of Section D (for “Destruction”) of the British Secret Intelligence Service, the branch responsible for “aggressive espionage and sabotage” against enemies of the British Empire. (19) Evidently, after World War II, the United States, in Churchill’s eyes, fit the definition of “enemy.”

As the top secret action branch of British intelligence, the SOE operated through “cutouts,” especially commercial and philanthropic fronts. Stephenson set up SOE headquarters in New York City’s Rockefeller Center under the name of an importing-exporting company and established its communications and clandestine center at a resort complex at Montego Bay, Jamaica. (20) Under Major Bloomfield, Division Five’s spies operated as a Christian missionary group, sending its devotees to every corner of the United States and Latin America. (21)

It should be noted that all the SOE’s activities were conducted under the protective umbrella of Her Majesty’s Official Secrets Act. Any British Commonwealth citizen releasing information about the SOE without the advance permission of the monarchy is liable to prosecution on charges of high treason, punishable by execution. No wonder that the reliable sources of information on the SOE are French, Italian, and West German intelligence agencies. A relevant feature of the wartime Stephenson-Bloomfield team was its use of Mafiosi as “intelligence agents” for the U.S. OSS and FBI Division Five.

Charles “Lucky” Luciano is the best-known case of a convicted drug-runner, pimp, and suspected murderer who was “rehabilitated” under OSS-SOE sponsorship. (22) Luciano was dispatched to Sicily to reconstitute old networks that had been dispersed or expatriated during the Mussolini period. Our point here is not to provide a biography of Luciano, but to show that Permindex’s Major Bloomfield came into active collusion with Meyer Lansky’s narcotics syndicate by no later than the close of World War II—when he was more openly under the official auspices of the British monarchy.

According to a four-part series of articles published in October 1978 in the Soviet youth magazine Ogonyok by Julian Semyonov, the Bloomfield-Luciano collaboration was still operational in 1962 when Luciano was the case officer on the scene in Sicily for the Mattei assassination. The decision to go with a plane crash was made by Luciano only after the options of hiring an OAS team or an American “leftist” controlled by a Texas oil company (invested in Permindex) were determined to be too politically explosive. (23)

Based on this profile of the many-sided Major Bloomfield, the first pieces of the Permindex puzzle fall into place. Far from being a small international trading company, Permindex is revealed to be a subsidiary branch of the most powerful, well financed, and well-protected intelligence agency in the world — a subsidiary branch responsible for carrying out the most important political assassinations of the century. The next step in completing the Permindex puzzle is untangling the complex web of holding companies, dummy corporations, and offshore sealed bank accounts through which the Permindex Assassination Bureau works.


United States Incorporated

England, Canada, Australian and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “VicePresident.”

Corporations have Presidents and VicePresidents. What does this mean?

“For those who think America controls the roost it would do well to consider that the Queen of England is still the official head of Commonwealth (123 countries) and the official monarch of Australia and Canada along with the United Kingdom … add to that the fact that all Bush Sr. got for his two terms as president of USA is a mere knighthood of the British Empire.”

The US Presidents rule from the “White House.” The Russian Presidents rule from the White House.

The Jesuits, a large force behind the Illuminati, have their own White House as well. England is ruled from “Whitehall.”

“The United States government is being ruled from the ‘White House,’ the government of England is being ruled from what is called ‘Whitehall,’ and Whitehall, like our White House, is the symbol of power because the hall is like the Masonic hall, the lodge hall, the union hall.”

The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag. You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag? Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?”

What about the gold-fringed flag used by the military, hung at all courts, schools, and government buildings?

It all has to do with the British Maritime Admiralty Law of Flags.

“This is also known as British Maritime (military) Law and this is why the American flag always has a gold fringe when displayed in the courts of the United States. You find the same in government buildings and federally funded schools. The gold fringe is a legal symbol indicating that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code military and merchant law not common or constitutional law, under the Admiralty Law of Flags, the flag displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (in this case the court) is regulated.

Anyone entering that ship (court) accepts by doing so that they are submitting to the law indicated by that flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked by defendants who know the score because that changes the law under which the court is sitting. If you appear in a court with a gold fringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime (military /merchant) Law.”

International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day. that the way we trade commerce today is modeled after the

Masons’/Templar Knights’ 1000 year old system. Notice how regardless of whether you send a product by air, water, or land you “ship” it. The ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.” The Captain has to provide the port authorities with a “certificate of manifest” declaring the products he has brought. Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.” That’s why the “doc” signs your “berth” certificate, your “certificate of manifest.” You’re kept in the Maternity “Ward.” Why a ward? No other hospital areas are called wards. Prisons have wards and wardens.

The United States Corporation came about just after the civil war. The Act of 1871 was passed by congress creating a separate form of government for DC, essentially turning it into a corporation. It was decided that employees would be called “citizens.” So when you say in court or on paper, that you are a citizen of the United States, you are not a free American, but an employee of US Inc.

When you get a fine, a ticket, a bill, or get sued, you must sign in all capital letters. When you die your Masonic tombstone by law will have all capital letters to show their employee has died. The entity that is your name in all caps is your maritime admiralty product code. Upper and lower case legally represents you, your body.

“The Uniform Commercial Code was approved by the American Bar Association, which is a franchise, a subordinate branch, of the British legal system and its hierarchy based in London’s Temple Bar (named after the Illuminati Knights Templar secret society). As I have been writing for many years, the power that controls America is based in Britain and Europe because that is where the power is located that owns the United States Corporation. By the way, if you think it is strange that a court on dry land could be administered under Maritime Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7.

It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations:

(1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In other words, mainland America.

All this is founded on Roman law because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider ‘journalists’.

Those who realize what is happening and ask the court for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the ‘legal system’ are always refused this information by the judge. The true creditors in such cases, and the ultimate recipient of the fines, are the bankers to which the corporation ‘country’ is bankrupt.”

Lawyers or “barristers” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine.

These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England. Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts. This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict/control trade within the city of London. They were taken down during 19th century, but the each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just rebuilt the Temple Bar in London.

“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a ‘Federal Government’ when, after the manufactured ‘victory’ in the American War of ‘Independence’, the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.

In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the ‘former’ colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms.

These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and ‘Feds’. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia and the current president of the corporation is a man called Donald Trump He is not the president of the people or the country as they are led to believe, that’s just the smokescreen. This means that the launched ‘war on terrorism’ on behalf of a private corporation to further the goals of that corporation.

It had nothing to do with’ America’ or ‘Americans’ because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term ‘federal’. This includes the Federal Reserve, the ‘central bank’ of the United States, which is, in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American. This is the bank from which the United States Corporation borrows ‘money’.”

If you notice on the bottom of your birth certificate it says Department of Commerce. It is a property of the Department of Commerce because you are nothing more than a piece of commercial material. That’s why if you’re out of work you don’t go to the unemployment office, you go to the Office of Human Resources, because you’re just a human resource.

The Judge sits on the bench for the bank. Banks are on both sides of a river. A river bank directs the flow of the current/sea the currency, the cash flow. The current sea is “deposited” from bank to bank down the river.

We’re just “consumers” to advertise to, just “human resources” to be used up like batteries, and they are the “social engineers,” molding us “useless eaters” into wage slavery.


“I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring … a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many … Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong – essentially wrong – a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

US President John Quincy Adams, “Letters on Freemasonry” 1833…


“The Masonic fraternity tramples upon our rights, defeats the administration of justice, and bids defiance to every government which it cannot control.”

US President Millard Fillmore

“All secret oath bound political parties are dangerous to any nation, no matter how pure or how patriotic the motives and principles which first bring them together.”

US President Ulysses S. Grant

“The institution of Masonry ought to be abandoned as one capable of much evil, and incapable of producing any good which might not be affected by safe and open means.” Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall “Masonry was a state within a state and that one day Masons would overthrow the democratic government of the United States and would crown one of their ‘grand kings’ as ruler of this nation.”

Rev. John G. Stevens, “An Inquiry into the Nature and Tendency of Speculative Masonry”


“Freemasonry was the driving force behind the ideals and tenets … of the American Revolution. What is less well known is the fact that there was a very close connection between the French and American Masonic lodges at that time … In those days Freemasonry in America was regulated by United Grand Lodge in England, which appointed ‘Provincial Grand Masters’ in various regions of the North American Continent.”

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, “Talisman”


Before the Revolutionary War, the “New World” of the Americas lacked unity and autonomous identity. For almost 300 years there was no military, constitution, or federal government. Then within two short years, the snap of a historical finger, America had Continental Marines, Continental Congress, and the Articles of the Confederation. With the Declaration of Independence, the British colonialists (or “Americans”) officially separated from the British nationalists.

Freemason and bloodline General George Washington became first President of the now United States of America, and royal rule of America switched from overt to covert. Royal and secret society rule had not changed, only the perception of governance changed while the same DNA stayed in office.


There is another statue just like it in France on an island in the Seine. The character propagated as “Lady Liberty,” supposedly derived from the Roman goddess Libertus, is simply a patriotic pseudonym for the public.

Lady Liberty has been known throughout history as Isis of Egypt, Semiramis/Ishtar of Babylon, Athena of Greece, Astarte of Syria, Cybele of Rome, Ashtoreth of Israel, and Diana of Ephesus.

She is the Pagan mother Goddess of the Brotherhood, nearly always depicted dressed in robe, wearing a crown of thorns, and carrying the torch of illumination. She is symbolic of both the Moon and “dogstar” Sirius, which is why the English word for God is simply Dog backwards. The “dog days” of summer was coined after Sirius and was believed to be an evil time.

J. Brady in “Clavis Calendarium” says the dog days were known as a time,

“when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies.”

This hot time was associated with hotheadedness. This is why you’re Sirius when you’re Serious. This is also the occult origin of the all American “hot dog.”

July 4th, America’s Independence Day, just happens to be the 2nd of Sirius’ dog days – an important date to the pre Masonic Knights Templar.

“It is the date of the Templar’s massive defeat by Muslim armies in the Holy Land at the Horns of Hattin on 4 July AD 1187, which was followed by the loss of Jerusalem to Christendom. There could therefore hardly be a more evocative ‘Templar’ or ‘Solomonic’ date than 4 July evocative, that is, of the aspiration to build Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

The reader will also be aware, of course, that 4 July is Independence Day in the US, commemorating the signature of the Declaration of Independence and converting the date forever into a powerful talisman that spells out ‘Independence’ and ‘Freedom” for the New World and, now by and large, for a new world order.”


The Brotherhood has placed their sexual architecture at key geomantic points all over the Earth.

“The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. This is the symbolism of the Oval Office (the womb, female) in the White House which looks out on the Washington Monument, the vast stone obelisk (phallic, male).

These symbols attract and generate the energy they represent: they are a physical thought form. The obelisk also symbolizes the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament.

It is known as Cleopatra’s Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria… A sphinx has been placed on either side at its London location. Another Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minute’s drive from the scene of Diana’s crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise.

The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk. The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid.”


Albert Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. He created the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite, co-created the KKK, and remains a revered figure in global Masonry.

In 1891, when Pike died his funeral was held in the Washington D.C. Freemasonic Temple at midnight with the room draped entirely in black. This is a man who wore a wristband through which he claimed to maintain constant communication with Lucifer. On August 15th, 1871 Albert Pike wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini outlining three world wars that would be necessary to bring about world government.

The first two happened precisely as Pike had planned decades prior, and the third eerily resembles the current world political situation.

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Albert Pike in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, excerpt from William Carr’s “Pawns in The Game”


so folks,,continue your believing of a free world..continue with your bs syria,yemen articles..or russia here and there etc……… u r all commenting in a theatre play, were all are actors and take orders to fullfill their agenda of a one world government…you donks…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You didn’t agree with what I said in my post yesterday and sent me this.

Erdogan is distancing himself from HTS???????????????????????????????????? r u on LSD dude??? 2 days ago i quote erdogan ” there cannot be peace achieved as long as the brutal assad regime which gasses its own people is in power.” wake up , and stop bs here with such bs fairty tales

How is this message going to stop one world government from taking over, it’s the sort of message the one world government thrives on, you’re helping them. How about the next message you send to me [if you ever do] you try and explain why you think I’m wrong, maybe even suggest alternative ways of reasoning, instead of doing what the one world government wants you to do, attack me for my perception and opinion, that’s what the MSM do isn’t it, and they’re tools of the would be one world government, at least I think they are. The people you say are trying to bring about a one world government look at your original post to me, and then my equally rude response to it and laugh, they say see, they are all just a bunch of “donks”, they even fight each other over mere opinions, they really do need us to rule over them.


Soon it will be time for Syria to kick out all the Kurdish militants from Syrian land and liberate the indigenous Syrian people.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x