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Brief Overview Of Recent Azerbaijani Drone Strikes On Armenian Forces (Videos)

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On October 18, Azerbaijani sources shared a video of recent drone strikes on Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The video shows the destruction of the following vehicles:

  • 6 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers;
  • 5 T-72 battle tanks;
  • 5 Military trucks;
  • 1 ZSU-23-4 Shilka anti-aircraft weapon system;
  • 2 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle;
  • 1 D-30 howitzer;
  • 1 MT-LB armored vehicle.

The strikes were apparently carried out by Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones, which entered service with the Azerbaijani military in June.

Brief Overview Of Recent Azerbaijani Drone Strikes On Armenian Forces (Videos)

Click to see full-size image.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan also shared a video documenting some of the weapons and equipment, which were recently seized from Armenian forces. The video shows a number of military trucks and load of ammunition.

Azerbaijani forces maintain a slow, but steady advance in Nagorno-Karabakh. Earlier today, the forces captured the historical Khudaferin Bridge on Iran’s border, despite fierce resistance from Armenian troops.


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Arman Melkonyan


“This is a war by Russia, specifically Putin, against Armenia. Putin is angry at Armenia because it is not the slave it wishes it to be. FACT: Pashinyan has been no more pro-Western than his predecessors. Recall Armenia’s membership in NATO’s Partnership peace and troops in Afghanistan. Plus Western investments, large Western embassies, the western-funded mining operation, and too much more to list here. So Putin has allowed in Turkey, F-16s, jihadis, and ISIS in Russia’s backyward just to “get back at” Armenia. We always knew from history (1920, land giveways to Turkey and Azerbaijan, aid to Ataturk, weapons to Erdogan and Aliyev) that Russia was unreliable. Now Russia has proven it. Russia could have stopped this war in 2 minutes by threatening the three oil and gas pipelines of Azerbaijan that go west. This changes forever Armenia’s view of Russia. A war all because Putin threw a temper tantrum and wants to punish Armenians. Look at the comments by Russians on the web. They think Azerbaijan is a better ally than Armenia. Sick.”


Sick indeed. So much nonsense and bullshit. Pashinyan’s pathetic attempt to blame Russia for his total failure. Probably edited and published by Soros himself. Because it’s always Russian fault! Just few months ago these same Sorosian shitheads had totally different story:

https://topwar.ru/uploads/posts/2020-09/1601264792_7.jpg https://i.redd.it/qolgztovkyz01.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I doubt any of those people are near the frontline.

Civil servants and the professional classes are always the last to fight for their country, the first to invite other governments in.


I see these 3-4 photos posted again and again. There is no Western blaming Russia on Kaukasus war. It’s the other way around, Russia trying to find Soros everywhere.

cechas vodobenikov

sure porky ukrop/amerikan—soros=foreign agent in Hungary, Russia…amerikan agent that funds BLM


Why so butthurt abou others? Mind your shithole

Putin Apologist

You see all these young men happily protesting against Russia and Putin well I wonder how many of them have picked up a weapon and headed towards the front-lines to defend their nation in its hour of need.

Jamie Strafford

Very poor choice of avatar. “Putin apologist”? We could understand Russia apologist but to be an apologist for a POS Zionistwhore like Putin is the same as a Trump apologist, two shits playing the same fiddle. Meanwhile in Syria, Assad can’t even order his troops because Uncle Putinyahoo doesn’t say he can… who would want to be a Russian “ally” or partner as Putin likes to call them hahah

Putin Apologist

Your problem is you don’t understand Putin, Russia or geopolitics. So if you allow me, I’ll enlighten you.

Russia is not in Syria to slay Syria’s dragons, nor Iran’s dragons, nor your dragons. Russia is in Syria to protect and defend Russia’s interests. Nor is Russia in Syria to get into a war with Israel, Turkey, NATO or the Americans, because to do so would not be in Russia’s interests. I’ll leave it as an exercise for you to figure-out Russia’s interests in Syria. Hint: TARTUS.

As for Trump, yes, he is a tool of the Zionists. Why? Because he needs money to fund his campaign. And among his largest campaign contributors we find Zionists. This is the biggest and most dangerous failing with the American political system.


How would Russia threaten the oil and gas pipe lines and why Armenia didn’t?


1 / If Armenia can not stand on its own feet without Russian help then why they are playing such games and performing such a stubborn attitute on NK issue since last 30 years ? Are Russians obliged to help Armenia ? Is it their duty ?

2/ What kind of Armenian / NATO partnerships you guys are speaking about while Turkey is the biggest NATO player in ME and has considerable amount of specialists in Afghanistan ? TR applies embargo to Armenia since last 25 years , how Armenia can enter / exist in NATO while TR is one of the dominant players there ?

You guys are living in a different / alternate reality .


Armenia could be the most spoilt country in the world. Mainly because of the power of their diaspora, and because they portray themselves to World as the biggest victims after the Jews and not going to lie, it is quite powerful tool. They think Russia obliged to protect them because… they are orthodox and west should also protect them because of their victim role and power of their diaspora. However, they are so weak without any help. That’s the reason of those countless hashtags…

Jamie Strafford

This war is a great advert for why Russia is a shit ally and why Turkey is a good ally. You seem to forget Azerbaijan has Turkey propping her up. That’s called spoilt. Armenia has Russian junk for weapons and their “allly” makes useless ceasefires that enable the Azeris to advance further! It’s a shit show and Uncle Putinyahoo is the clown that makes fools of the 4D chess Putinists on this website!

Lone Ranger

This war is a great advert for why USA is a shit ally and why Turkey is a good ally. You seem to forget Azerbaijan has Turkey propping her up. That’s called spoilt. Armenia has CIA junk for advisors and their “allly” makes useless ceasefires that enable the Azeris to advance further! It’s a shit show and Uncle Pimpeo is the clown that makes fools of the 4D chess Trumpot on this website! Fixed Trollstoy ?

Jamie Strafford

*Yawn* ?

Lone Ranger

Indeed ?


Who says that Russia was ally of Armenia?? It seems that from their perspective Armenia should be a puppet state, not more. Just like in the Soviet era. Why would you risk yourself for an “ally” completely depends on you? Armenia had to see this coming. They are trying to play on both West and Russia. But chosing Armenia does not come with a prize. The oil in Azerbaijan alone is simply more valuable prize.

Jamie Strafford

True, except Azerbaijan is in the Turd camp and the Khazari Turds have a Greater Turd Plan like the Zionists have a Greater Israeli plan, and all that cheap oil won’t drown out Turd plans for the Caucasus. Also Turds are still part of NATO, which makes them the best Trojan horse the CIA and Zionists could hope for ?


Beware! I am a Turk too :)

Europe hates America

Pashinyan was looking for the american dick and the armenian’s are now crying about the russians cause they don’t care. The same experience could have greece and serbia


What’s up with Greece and Serbia, how are they related to Armenian scenario?

Great Khan

Gayreek no money, Jew take everything, Alemania pay bill, Serbia war criminal like Armenistan…so no do much but kiss EU llgig..hahahhaha


All ex-Yugoslav beligerants commited war crimes according to Hague. As for Greeks, they like to sleep a lot.

Lazy Gamer

I havent researched much, but it was mentioned that there was a time that the Greek Communists were massacred and Russia stood by or something to that effect iirc.

viktor ziv

“The one who takes the sword, dies from it.” For 30 years, people of N-K were arming and digging. Those moves sent clear message to Az. Armenian political moves didn’t help the cause also. If someone is not reliable, finger must be pointed at Armenian political elite. I don’t see Armenian neighbors calling for peace but Russia and countries far, far away. Armenian neighbors are not so friendly toward Armenia this days. Aren’t they? Why? It’s just retoric. The only thing that matter is people getting killed because of political asses warmed up in chairs far away blaming others for their own failures. 30 years gone with wind of blood.

Putin Apologist

How could Putin “threaten… the three oil and gas pipelines of Azerbaijan that go west” when attacking these pipelines would be a violation of international law, not to mention an act of war?

Are you sure you’re Greek? I have to ask because you sound a lot like every other anti-Russian globalist Jew.


Maybe he’s a kid.


Putin’s main concern is that Russian oligarchy are able to do business as “equals” of the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists, that is “multipolar” globalism. Armenia didn’t help by falling for US/EU geopolitical games though, so it’s now all a very complicated shitshow.

Great Khan

Putin no like little Armenistani loser. Azeri brother STRONK and have mucho togrog.

cechas vodobenikov

LOL–Russians care little about Armeninan traitors. Ask trump for help Louna “adeen, devit vosim chitiri”

Random Dude

I totally support you. Move away from Russian orbit and build good relations with neighbors. As a truly independent country. Don’t be dependent on anyone, west or east. Armenians deserve a true freedom.

Arman Melkonyan

What a devious thing to say.

Turks on both sides want to exterminate Armenians and remove Armenia from their middle.

Americans and Israelis are on the Turks’ side. And Russians only care about the Americans’ green money.

However the Russians are the strongest party in the region and cannot be “moved away” from, their influence and demands cannot be dismissed offhand.

The Armenians are at the mercy of the universe.

In my opinion, their plight proves that there is no God. Armenians become the first Christian nation of the world and this is what they get?

Random Dude

First christians were Ethiopians. and BTW, they called, rental payment is due for their alphabet:) Even if Armenia was the first Christian nation, what you want?.. a medal???:))) Its not a marathon. Stop whining and protect your own country. I swear, have never seen any nation to beg and cry so much. As if other nations have nothing better to do than sacrifice themselves for people that don’t want to move a finger for themselves.

Arman Melkonyan

So you’re saying, Let 83 million Turks, 10 million Azeris, Israel, in collaboration, with NATO behind them, with all their oil wealth, joined by the Muslim Terrorists of ISIS from Syria, exterminate the Armenians.

Jew, Turk,

You are an abomination.

Random Dude

Get out of occupied lands, and live within internationally recognized lands of Armenia. All the fairytales that turk will not stop until kills you all is just a boogieman invented to convince the soldier not to retreat. You think too much of yourself if you think 100 million around you is just obsessed with Armenia. There are much more important issues that Armenia

Arman Melkonyan

Then why are the Turks/Azeris spending so much money and sacrificing so many Muslim Jihadis’ and minorities’ lives just to conquer a small piece of land devoid of oil or other strategic resources, which only had an insignificant Azeri population anyway?

85-90 percent of Karabagh was Armenian.

The adjoining territory between Armenia and Karabagh was taken because the Azeris kept attacking from all sides. It was impossible to supply and defend Karabagh otherwise.

Random Dude

Be even 150%, doesn’t matter. Legally it is not Armenian, so will need to leave. Peacefully or by force. But by force, will devastate the economy, so good luck.

Arman Melkonyan

You’re lying.

Armenians were the first.

The Ethiopians got their alphabet from the Armenians.

Random Dude

ahahahhaa. yes yes, and the dinosaurs were pets of Armenians. You have no idea how the whole world is laughing at Armenian bed time stories. “At the time of Tigran the great, the great Armenia was between to oceans, Van lake and Sevan Lake”, “Armenians built the pyramids, Chinese great wall, even our galaxy”:))))) Make no mistake, no one except for yourselves believes in that bull shit. Not a regular bull shit, the bull is ancient bull Tigran kept as a pet:))))

Arman Melkonyan

You Turks are insane.

Here’s the relevant quote from Wikipedia: “By 301 AD, the Kingdom of Armenia became the first state to declare Christianity as its official religion following the conversion of the Royal House of the Arsacids in Armenia.”


Random Dude

no no, Armenia was already Christian in 400BC and The Christ learned Christianity from Armenians. In fact he was Armenian himself. And the Ethiopians took the Armenian alphabet created in 5th century AD, got into a time machine and went back to 9th century BC to write their first script. You are going deep into humiliation with every sentence you write. Please continue, I am enjoying this so much.

Arman Melkonyan

Keep wasting bandwidth with your stupidity.

You are contesting common knowledge facts about the world.

That’s a Jewish and Turkish specialty.

Random Dude

all opinion. you are welcome to post the so called facts you speak of. so far only fairlytales and armenian bedtime stories. oh my bad, ancient stories:))) Since you are so ancient, I will call you T-rex:)))))

Arman Melkonyan

Because the Turk says so.

How convincing.

Random Dude

you claimed to be the T-rex, you need to provide proof. Pull it out of Mesrop’s butt, i don’t care.

Fog of War

” In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 onwards. Taking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate.

After COVID we can draw two major conclusions:

1) The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt.

2) The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset.

The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil (…) hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. It can be effective for awhile but finally won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them.

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Today the world’s population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The death casualties in today’s World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide.

The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Nevertheless Soviet society was more compact and resilient under an authoritarian regime. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population. The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors but in general terms the most diverse, multicultural, indebted and wealthy (highest standard of living) will suffer the highest toll. The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is overconsumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue. Nevertheless the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more. Not everybody has to die migration can also play a positive role in this.

We expected this situation to unfold and actually is unfolding right now with the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well. There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one.

The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. Actually Russia and China have formed a new alliance to build a long haul airliner. Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West. It was clear then and today is a fact.

Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. In the domain of high-tech 5G has been a success in the commercial realm but the Type 055 destroyer is also another breakthrough with the US gaining a similar capability (DDG 51 Flight IIII) by mid of this decade (more likely by 2030). Nanchang, the lead ship of the Type 055 class, was commissioned amid the pandemic and lockdown in China.

Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe.

Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events. At least in the Soviet system the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed up. We can see the United States claims about G5 being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them.

If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. ”



Something is missing from this article:

For each share, Bill Gates forgives a child of being vaccinated with a chip, spread it and save as many children as relatives you have. Or else tomorrow someone you livw will be diagnosed with cancer.


That sounds too dramatic though still possible, but with the plandemic there are other possibilities like forcing the Western taxcattle to comply through so-called “public health”/medical martial law measures, and everybody in US/EU and Moscow/Beijing happy doing “business and partnership” with each other. Once you’re isolated in your home and living off UBI or telecommuting, elites everywhere will have more free range to sort out any geopolitical differences and dealing with internal social problems there might be.

People will still die, as you won’t get your cancer, heart disease, etc., treatment, or going to the hospital with a broken leg and still die, because “covid1984”

Fog of War

” elites everywhere will have more free range to sort out any geopolitical differences and dealing with internal social problems there might be. ”

Basically, certain groups or population sectors ?



The Ziocorporate terrorists have even AI analyzing how we all can be “sectorised” through policy. People in US/EU are supposedly the “best educated” on earth but very, very far from realising that, the plandemic is a godgiven to appease and equalise them all.

Great Khan

Very educated Europa hahahhaaa


Jens Holm

We live 10 more years then You pipecleaners no matter which pictures You bring.


Armenia is losing because of a demoralized army and not because of technology.If technology was a factor houthis would have lost by now.


The demoralizing in Armenian army comes from the technology gap, they had the same soviet weapons in the first war, they were used to crush with those weapons. Now Azeris have NATO technology and the gap is huge. Is like between NATO and Serbia in 1999.


NATO in 1999. had complete and overwhelming air dominance, they had insurgent/terrorist groups all over Kosovo, they used regular albanian army supported with NATO spec.forces and helicopters trying to break serbian defenses on the border. They even used B-52 strategic bombers for carpet bombing. Yet in 3 months NATO completely failed to inflict any serious military losses, Albanian army and KLA barely managed to push front less than 1km losing far more troops than Serbs. In their anger NATO started destroying civilian infrastructure, bridges, refineries, electrical grid, water supply, hospitals, tv stations in order to force Milosevic to retreat. And he did – but only because they threatened him personally. Serbs were not defeated militarily.

Svincius Savickas

Very true! NATO was afraid of land operation, because the former Nazi (the core of NATO today) still remembered the Serbian partisans.

Jens Holm

Tito was no serb.

We made a no touch operation and didnt fight in the primitivisme loosing soldiers for nothing. It wasnt defeating armies at all. It was defeating or reducing political mistakes of the worst kind.

Your version is not Purs at all. We also reduced the Croatian influence by not letting them have artillery.

Jens Holm

A completly new version for what happend in Yougoslavia. There also is no timetable, where Slovenia went out and next it was Croatians and Serbians killing ech other.

They main weapons given to or bought to the Croatsals was Russian ones from Eastern Europe. The Alabian army was not used at all apart from helping 1 million refugees made by Milosowith in Kosovo.

Of course those Albanian troops didnt go into Kosovo – iddiot. Your version of carpetbombing os overrated too and why dont You include Milosovitch making civile to hostages arounf the Serbian TV tpwerrs and military targets.

Where are the millions of refugees and the KZ camps as well as mainly Croats genosiding muslim Bosniaks.


Nato was not frustrated at all and Nato also was not the only ones getting in there.

We didnt expect that kind of barbarisme was possible in a country even hit harder then most during WW2 and in WW2, so we were slow. We also didnt see any good soultions but the main agressor was Milosovich and Tudjman just behind him.

There is nogood solution even today.

And we did react. You mention B52s

Bruno Gama

Serbians with 1960 soviet S-200 took down the “Stealth” F-117, and take down the program also. Western “Technology” is more a beautiful design than anything else… Syrians with the same systems take down 2 Israelis F-16 in 2018. Indian Air Force MIG-21 took down another F-16 of Pakistan last year… Houthis took down a Panavia Tornado last year with an improvised old Soviet Bomb… I could go infinitely with Western failures in recent wars… What about the “magic” Western Tech?


But of course you could go indefinetely with that bullshit, none of what you said was remotely accurate. And never let the truth destroy a beautiful story, keep dreaming, reality is too harsh for fragile minds.

Bruno Gama

Stop seeig only CNN my friend… The Western weapons are “Invincible” in the Western Media…but they couldn´t catch an Houthi improvised device… Poor brainwashed guy

Great Khan

No CNN in Great Khan yurt, only watch Pornhub.


They are too expensive to be used on individuals, that part is better fought with cheap weapons. But they are very good against armor, bunkers, airplanes, targets that cost money, in general.

Bruno Gama

Western weapons are too expensive to win wars when the enemy has balls… in fact i don´t remember any winning: Iraq, Afghanistan,Syria, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea… An Multi-Role Fighter of 1 Trillion and 500 billion and counting that already has 4 losses, like the F-35… US MIC are corrupted as hell… Einsenhower already says that in the 50s…


Ok, what’s your solution for Armenia to defeat Turkish and Israeli drones in this war?

Jens Holm

I look at the winners. Do I really want to be that kind of winner:)

cechas vodobenikov

US believed they could win in SE Asia w napalm and b-52’s; now they hide in fortresses in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria

Jens Holm

Yes, it was a great mistake taking over from France. Thye should have let the Vietnamese alone, but Russia and next China didnt do that as well.

Jens Holm

Its You biasing things and even conclude from those constructions. And dont MEDIA him and for that matter ME and OTHERS.

We dont see Our weapons as invinsible. We see them giving Our enemies a hard match because they often are some% better.

According You Houti version it is true losses are made. Parts of that also is about good systems by well educated ones at both sides. Mistakes are done as well as You suddenlyu get oppertunities and of course take them.

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your insecurity and pork stupidity once again


Woke up in the middle of the night to drink a glass of vodka?

cechas vodobenikov

too much meth in your trailer park porky? not enough LSD?


How come Russia has the highest suucide rate in the world, too much vodka or too less vodka?


I like you bark at every commwnt I make, good dog.

Vox Populi

Mr. Gama’s claims have no veracity. There is no way on earth a MIG-21 can shoot down a modern F-16 in skilled hands of either the Turks or the Pakistanis, the converse is true from recent engagements.


I’m sure there was at least an article in a foreign newspaper if therevwas a single piece of evidence, like a satelite image. Russia would be the most interested to find that evidence, anyway it was just propaganda.

Vox Populi

In the interest of veracity and not hype, no Pakistani F-16 have ever been shot down by anyone, however a Israeli F-16I was downed by SA-2 and one Bahraini, Jordanian and Moroccan F-16 has been downed in Yemen. MIG 21 is too old and inferior to shot down a modern US aircraft.

Jens Holm

But we have 100s of airplanes and at the same time You lost 1000s fx like 1967 and 1973 where tanks was in tanks as well.


Artskins is losing is because:

1. No international support to its illegal occupation. Even Russia does not support it. 2. Over-reliance on outside forces, form both West and Russia. Over-estimated the influence of its overseas diaspora. 3. Decades of isolation due to its rigid and unpopular policy of occupying Azeri land outside N-K. 4. Bad economy due to the above isolation. 5. Unstable domestic politics. Young generation is influenced by West world. But old generation is tied to Russian world. Difference factions and various forces fight for political domination.


Azeris never would have launched this conflict without the strong support of Turkey. Drones and technical/military aid, plus the Zionist support.:/


Turkey and Israel wouldn’t sell them advanced weapons if they didn’t have all the money to pay with. They have plenty of oil and natural gas.

Servet Köseoğlu

Maybe Russians also convinced İran(they have a good-cost effective drone library) not to sell drones to Armenia to get rid of Pashinyan..Any country in the region knowed that war was inevitable…


Yeah, maybe they couldn’t break UN arms embargo on Iran or were too stuborn to wake up after their first victory.

Servet Köseoğlu

Maybe Russia will sell brand-new su-30’s to iran…https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-says-un-arms-embargo-on-tehran-has-ended/…Moscow said in September that it was ready to boost its military cooperation with Tehran, while Beijing has also spoken of its willingness to sell arms to Iran after October 18. Russia has still bigger chance than China selling jets because of Chinas good relations with gulf-states…


I’m also curious what weapons will sell Russia and China to Iran.

Servet Köseoğlu

if it happens iran will choose russian jets1)China has good relations with gulf states and we know İrans relation with these..2)Russia %100 will give better price than China..ı think it will be su-30

Great Khan

Iran have many horses also.

Servet Köseoğlu

Strange but ı have Equinophobia:)))

Great Khan

Great Khan have Gayreekophobia hahhaa


Probably tanks and S-400 too, what will China come with, some coast guard boats?

Great Khan

Russia want Pissingyan gone, he Soros monkey. Jew now sit in chair in Yerevan while sell Harop to Azeri brother.


This is correct. Putin wants someone more inline with Russian interest.


Apparently Armenia does not receive any weapons from Iran. It has nothing to show for.


Azerbaijan can turn to China to buy even better drones. But China won’t want to get deeply involved like Israel does. China does not have political agenda, but Israel does.

Great Khan

Jew make trouble everywhere Palestine, Kashmir, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria and make money too……

Great Khan

Little Hindu man learn wisdom from Great Khan, Armenistani loser monkey kaputenheimer kishmish.


Nagorno Karabakh authority reported 40 more Armenian servicemen KIA named

Oh, so all those men killed by drones are not part of N-K. Or they are pigs or sheep?


Putin’s main concern is that Russian oligarchy are able to do business as “equals” of the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists, that is “multipolar” globalism. Armenia didn’t help by falling for US/EU geopolitical games though, they could’ve compromised for a 50/50 partition to end the war, and do so through the media and publicly so so Russia would’ve been forced to show whether they’re really backing their Armenian CSTO allies in their quest to end the NK issue, but it’s now all a very complicated shitshow.

A true break from the yoke of the globalist Zioterrorists’ geopolicy would never benefit from extending the instability between Armenians and Azeris with fake “ceasefires” and “peace talks”, much less from making your country dependent on cheap gas sales to the likes of Germany/EU and Turks, but that’s how things are.

Jamie Strafford

Well said! Astute observation that is mostly lacking on this Putinyahoo apologist threads!

Lone Ranger

You spelled Pimpeo wrong Shlomo.

Jamie Strafford

Putinyahoo Zionist 4D chess groupies will cry and rage ?

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ?


Yerevan will recognize the independence of Karabakh if it becomes clear that Baku, supported by Turkey, will not go through negotiations – President of Armenia

Parshinyan keeps talking. Who cares if Armenia recognizes N-K independence. It had 30 years to do so. Now Azeris are inside N-K territory. What is this independence??

What a joke!

Servet Köseoğlu

hihuhahohuaha (Nolan’s Joker Laugh)… Eh Parshinyan…One cannot fool anybody better than fooling himself.And deep-freezing problems never make them disappear in due course of time. Pashinyan looks like, a boy gets when he’s been shot or a… or a land mine takes off his legs, and he’s laying there in the mud, trying to get up, ’cause he doesn’t feel it yet. His brain hasn’t caught up with the reality, which is… he’s already dead.

Great Khan

Correct name PISSINGYAN, hahahhaha


Parshinyan has no future. He is very weak and near sighted. Never the leadership Armenian people want.

Bruno Gama

Old Footage…Already deleted by the Twitter account…

Armenia is loosing because is stupid as hell… is not using it´s AirForce, while Azeris are… Armenia is putting mobile units in trenches? What stupidity is that? Armenia wants to loose the War…an T-72 in a trench? Really?

Armenia is controlled by Western Neoliberals and is paying for it´s defiance of Putin, specially Nikol Pashinyan.

Putin will let Azeris bleed the Armenians. Comparisons with NATO x Serbia are the stupidiest i ever heard…

And the Azeri army is mainly composed of Russian weapons, not Westerners, let´s remember that “specialists”…

Bruno Gama

Pashinyan want´s Armenia to loose the War… So they could try to send off Russians of the country… It´s a Puppet of Washington, and will fail and fall, miserably.

Bruno Gama

And let´s remeber Nagorno-Karabakh is an Azeri region that Armenia have taken in the post soviet Era. I don´t understand this site Hype of Bayraktar drones…we see what happened in Syria, when Syrian was enabled by Putin to respond and attack the drones, the drones fell from the skies like flies, and Erdogan fly to Moskva to plea to Putin… The drones are only doing this because Armenia is stupid as hell, isn´t using it´s Air Force, or wants to loose the war and Russia is supporting the Azeris… There´s nothing relative to “technology”, as the Azeri army is mainly Russian armed…


“There´s nothing relative to “technology” Are you sure about that, it’s called control of the airspace in terrain where there are few places to hide from above. And what Armenian air force? A few SU-30’s recently received and still in training. This conflict is about drone technology and having your ground equipment taken out.

Bruno Gama

Really, it´s very interesting strategy to entrench T-72… Read my post above… Azeri Army are mainly Russian armed, and their T-72 and T-90 aren´t entrenched… Again, nothing related with “technology”…with the notable exception of the LORA, only.


And where do want to park your tank in a barren landscape when on the defensive. Perhaps you missed my point that the Azeris have air control because of attack drones. And you are claiming no tech is involved?

Bruno Gama

And why don´t go in the offensive against ground units if you are going being destroyed anyway? Why Armenia aren´t using it´s S-300 to take the drones? Why Armenia aren´t using it´s Iskander if says Azeris used F-16? Why Armenia arent´s using it´s SU-30? Pashinyan want´s to loose… This is not a total war… Again I say, remember the Bayraktar “super-drones” performance in Syria, before and after the Russia go-on order to SAA to use it´s weapons against Turkish troops… Do you want a Remember? Did the Syrian SAMs take down the Bayraktar drones or not in February? Why The Turks didn´t not advance, and in fact pledge a ceasefire with Russia? Because their drone were winning? No. Their drones were falling from the skies like flies

Bruno Gama

I could remember you what happened with the “drone” tech of Turkey when Putin let the Syrian loose their cannons on the Bayraktar… they fall and Erdogan looses, and goes to Moskva… did you remember that?


Not exactly. Those drones real enemy in Idlib are the Russian SU-35. If Armenia sends its 4 SU-30 in N-K, they will be easy targets for the Turkish F-16 stationed in Azerbaijan. They would have more space for maneuvers.

Bruno Gama

I don´t think a SU-30 will be taken down by an F-16… Any previous cases? Please demonstrate!

cechas vodobenikov

f16 inferior—US pilots inferior; 2 f16 damaged by s200 in syria, 1 destroyed most Azeri weapons Israeli, Turkish, most Armenian old soviet weapons except some Iskander, s300

cechas vodobenikov

porky unthinking–panstir, buk,avangard easily destroy all drones


Until drones dedtroy them. Currently drones shoit flares rockets to exhaust AA missiles if those systems. Houthis employ that tactic against Saudis for years. And Israel against Syrian Pantsirs. So without lasers and emps, those AA missiles of Buk, Tor, Pantsir, are becoming obsolente

Random Dude

Agreed, most probably we will not see any aerial vehicle with a heat signature of a jet over the conflict zone, from any side. Too exposed of a target they are.

Bruno Gama

Azerbaijan army are mainly composed of T-72 and T-90 MBT. Why they aren´t being destroyed?

BMP 1-2-3 and MT-LB again why this APCs aren´t being destroyed and the armenians ones are? BUK, S-300, Smerch, TOS-1, MSTA-S See? A Lot of Western “Superior Technology” Weapons!

Bruno Gama

And finally, let´s remember who´s masterminding the Azeri attack: Turkey. Turkey who had killed 300.000 Syrian soldiers in February alone (irony mode on), with the “magical ” Bayraktar… according to Cavusoglu… In Wars the Truth is the first casualty… Armenia is loosing, but both sides are lying…

Bruno Gama

Armenia is loosing because is weaker, poorer, dumber, and aren´t being supported by a Large country like Turkey… And even with this, the Azeri advance is very small compared to the “losses” NK have taken, not the Armenian army have take, supposing the Armenian Armed Forces are in Armenia… Or there are no Armed Forces in Armenia right now? A little fact check people, less hype…

Great Khan

Great Khan say Armenistani stooopid and coward, not fight like man, shell women and children. Azeri and Turk brother warrior STRONK!

Bruno Gama

The Russian armed Azerbaijan is taking illegaly occupied areas of it´s country by Armenia in the 90, with Russian weapons mainly, i didn´t see a single Leopard, Merkava or Abrams… Only T-72, and T-90s and BMPs. It´s interesting that Azeris MBTs work, and Armenians don´t (irony mode on)!

Lone Ranger

Azeris using the same Russian weapons. But their leadership arent soros lead…

Jamie Strafford

No they have a reliable ally, whereas any poor country that is subservient to Russia gets their backsides handed to them because Uncle Putinyahoo is too busy getting shekels in his panties.


Putin made Russia what it is now. 30 years ago , you could buy half of an ordinary Russian village with a pack of Wrigleys and a pair of Levis 501. Look at Russia now , it became a powerhouse. The guy is only obliged to serve Russian interests , no one elses. Thats the reason he is elected

Lone Ranger

No they have a reliable ally, whereas any poor country that is subservient to CIA gets their backsides handed to them because Uncle Pimpeo is too busy getting shekels in his panties. Fixed Trollstoy ?

Jens Holm



The Armenian fleeing soldiers know, that the probability to get shot by Drones in a Tank and APC is higher then on foot. So they just leave them behind. But if they were forseeing, they should have destroyed them before retreat.


Latest N-K map.


cechas vodobenikov

7 morons now 8 morons–promotes medieval geography lesson derived from Ankara


What happened to the Azeri finger along the Iran border? Was it destroyed? :)

cechas vodobenikov

3 weeks of war and azeris admit they have been unable to steal little territory in artehsk

Lazy Gamer

The armchair general in me says NK can expand the territory that drones must cover by hitting drone cc and hq. NK must hack out the eye in the sky (satellite). They cannot be defensive or field conventional tactics. They must attack(create space)counter attack with mobility in irregular groups. Territory can be momentarily abandoned.

Random Dude

In the southern front first and apparently the only line of defense is broken, so the movement is very fast. Only limited by speed of logistical line establishment.


Some of them are suicide drones. You can easily see it in the video.

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