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Briefing by Russian MoD On Morning Of May 26, 2022

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Briefing by Russian MoD On Morning Of May 26, 2022

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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

During the day, high-precision air-launched missiles hit: 48 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; two artillery batteries, two ammunition depots in the areas of NIKOLAEVKA and BERESTOVE of the Donetsk People’s Republic. In the area of the Dneprovskoye settlement of the Mykolaiv region, the Ukrainian electronic intelligence center was destroyed, including 11 military personnel of the combat crew, as well as 15 foreign specialists of engineering and operational personnel.

In addition, in the area of the settlement of NIKOLAEVKA, Donetsk People’s Republic, the launcher of the anti-aircraft missile system “Osa-AKM”, and in the area of CHUGUEV, Kharkiv region, the radar of illumination and guidance of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system S-300 were destroyed.

Operational-tactical and army aviation hit 49 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two mortar crews, as well as a warehouse of rocket and artillery weapons and ammunition.

In total, as a result of air strikes, more than 350 nationalists were destroyed, 96 units of weapons and military equipment were disabled.

One Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopter was shot down by Russian air defense over the settlement of Gusarovka, Kharkiv region. Also, a military transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Forces delivering ammunition and weapons was shot down in the air near KREMIDOVKA, Odessa region.

In addition, 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including two Soviet-made Tu-143 “Flight” jets, were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of ZELENY GAI, Kherson region, BOLSHYE and MALYE PROKHODY, Gavrilovka, VESELOYE, Kharkiv region, Epifanovka, KIROVSK, Luhansk People’s Republic.

Rocket troops and artillery hit 62 control points, 407 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 47 artillery and mortar units in firing positions, as well as three ammunition depots.

In the area of the POKROVSK railway station of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as a result of the strike, units and military equipment of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which arrived to strengthen the Ukrainian grouping in the Donbas, were destroyed during unloading.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 179 aircraft, 127 helicopters, 1,019 unmanned aerial vehicles, 323 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,266 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 433 multiple rocket launchers, 1,682 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 3,190 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.


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Dolfy H

Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiners war ein Befehl!

Wer sind Sie, dass Sie es wagen, sich meinem Befehl zu widersetzen? So weit ist es also gekommen? Das Militär hat mich belogen! Jeder hat mich belogen, sogar die SS!

Die gesamte Generalität ist nichts als ein Haufen niederträchtiger, treuloser Feiglinge!


Die Generalität ist ein GeschMEIß des deutschen Volkes! Sie ist ohne Ehre!

Sie nennen sich Generale, weil sie JAHRE an der Militärakademie zugebracht haben, nur um zu lernen, wie man Messer und Gabel hält. Jahrelang hat das Militär meine Aktionen nur verhindert. Es hat mir jeden nur erdenklichen Widerstand in den Weg gelegt.

Ich hätte gut daran getan… vor Jahren alle höheren Offiziere liquidieren zu lassen, wie STALIN!

Ich war nie auf einer Akademie. Und doch habe ich allein, allein auf mich gestellt, ganz Europa erobert!



Es war ein ungeheuerer Verrat geübt am deutschen Volke!


Meine Befehle sind in den Wind gesprochen. Es ist unmöglich, unter diesen Umständen zu führen.

Es ist aus.

Der Krieg…ist verloren.

Aber wenn Sie, meine Herren, glauben, dass ich deshalb Berlin verlasse, irren Sie sich gewaltig! Eher jage ich mir eine Kugel durch den Kopf. Tun Sie, was Sie wollen…

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Seig hell to all Nazi losers and Ukie assholes…LOL SLAVA ROSSIYA!


I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. that is what I do.. 𝑾𝒘𝒘.𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒉𝒅.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn

And my personal sHitler kaput to Ololodimir Elenskiy.

Von Tzu

Ghost of Kiev where are you now?!

pappa gone

ghost all around the rogue evil west….. where are now? ever spreading nonsense of ukronazia winning? we Joe are, all around the world awaiting the finally blamed denazification of ukrozionazia and after of USA and the white criminal collar of bruxelles bankists

Ian Cooper

I don’t think Ukraine is quite to that point yet. But it seems not so far off.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The brave Russian military is tearing the ukie hohol loser assholes a new ass…SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Russia has been busy again. When are you going to sink the US aircraft carriers and the City of London, the City. They have been telling us it would be underwater since the 70s.

pappa gone

city of zio London, the world centre for riciclation of khazarian mafia and the political criminals of the decadent west…. implodent west


I’d like to know military casualties of Russian forces. DPR is reporting as of 19 May that they had 1,808 soldiers killed and 7,536 wounded (4.17-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio).

Zelenskys incompetence helps Russia

The only thing you need to know is that no matter how much you try to deny or resist the truth, the end result in Ukraine will be exactly what Russia was aiming for. Ukraine could have avoided all of this, blood is on their hands. And spare me the “both sides are guilty” nonsense.


How are both sides not guilty?


Ummmm …. maybe because it was ukros who were ethnic cleansing Russians since 2014 in the Donbas?

It was them who overthrew a democratically elected pro Russian president and wanted to enter the EU at all costs, and Poroshenko was pissed off when he realised a legit referendum would possibly have a large majority voting against it (including ethnic Ukrainians themselves), so launched the ‘ATO’ in Donbas aka murde rfest in a fit of rage and blamed everything on Russia, even started staging false flag attacks and always saying it is Russian and separatist shelling.

And then when peace was reached for an 8 yr frozen conflict and new president was elected on the grounds of promises of reconciliation with Donbas and withdrawing troops and tanks stationed there, and even letting them vote in their territory, well …. none of that happened and Minsk 2 peace accord conditions of artillery withdrawal were never honored.

To the contrary, while the West were banging on about satellites showing Russian buildup they conveniently ignored the Ukrainians also massing more tanks and armor on the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts.

Like seriously there’s only 1 guilty side and its not Russia, Wake up


The dead are gentiles. So it wont matter to their Jew masters.

Muhammad your Prophet

The end result is that the Putin cockroaches are a bunch of deranged rapists in front of the entire world. Only one side is guilty. Your side.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Blood is on their hands and hands of puppet masters from Washington, London, Berlin, Paris, Brussels.


According to your propaganda reports, the all russians must be dead now if every day 1800 soldiers where killed ,i don’t understand why you are spreading such propaganda.


What are you talking about? DPR has reported to have lost 1,808 soldiers killed and 7,536 wounded. Don’t shoot the messenger. Or perhaps DPR figures sounds not so nice to you.

Vlad the Imposter

What’s the point of the ratio? Modern weapons mean more casualties but better body armor and modern CAS means fewer wounded die.


In fact there are less casualties in modern warfare because battle zone is huge compared to 1914-45. In Jom Kippur war around 25 soldiers per km2. In Ukraine even less. I bet 10-15 soldiers per battle zone km2.


30,000 Russian soldiers killed. 5000 tanks destroyed. 900 fighter/bomber jets shot down. 0 Ukrainian soldier killed. 0 Ukrainian tanks destroyed. 0 Ukrainian airforce planes shot down. (Source: pentagon). Are you happy now?

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian
Thomas Turk

Brit Intel would double that number, they are more trooph-full.


Excuse me, but AFU and the Nazional Guard manpower decreased by cca. 14.000 people ONLY in Mariupol?

If these people weren’t losses what the f- they were?


The Russian strategy of eliminating supply routes and ammunition dumps is smart. The $40 billion that Biden just got for Ukraine “protection” will be going up in smoke, after enriching the military-industrial complex, that is. It looks like America will soon decide it has to send more than just munitions. There is talk about sending in troops in midsummer, and using weaponry against Russia itself. It is impossible to trust the Empire of Lies, Fraud and Violence. The sooner Ukraine collapses, the better.


No troops going no where near Ukraine unless they will have decided to fight WW3 which you can’t put past them


Won’t happen. There will be no active U.S. troops units send into Ukraine to fight against Russian forces and stolen election not POTUS Biden when he first enter office was never given the launch codes to conduct a nuclear strike. Which was keep in the hands of the white hats in the military. WWG1WGA

Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

No, not only that, we also raised gasoline prices in America by 300% (remember Biden’s words “Putin did it”) As well as record inflation in the EU countries, and complete dissonance regarding sanctions, the 6 package has stalled, and they are being paid 100 billion euros for gas. So the successes are much more than one Popasnaya, Mariupol and the Kherson region, part of Zaporozhye and others, and a bunch of captured fascists fed by NATO. And if we take into account that Ukraine screamed that they were the best army in Europe, then the rest of Europe is doing even worse. And their weapons are burning here for a lot of money. Oh, and would not forget the food crisis in Europe and the USA, anything else? In Russia, EVERYTHING is there, both food and energy, in Russia we pay $ 40 per 1000 cubic meters. And parallel imports will bring every luxury. And there is no more petrodollar, the Sheikh of the UAE called Moscow a second home. But the gas ruble is getting stronger, 49 countries are already paying for gas to OUR banks. Is there something else?


“the 6 package has stalled” We put these packages to a package with other packages.


Sound about right. The only downside for some is you lost McDonald. LOL Don’t know about there but here McDonald’s is the last place I would go for hamburgers. WWG1WGA

Joseph similia

FAMINES Like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A QUART OF WHEAT FOR A de·narʹi·us and three quarts of barley for a de·narʹi·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine”- Revelation 6:6. Note, food would become very expensive, 2 pounds of wheat for a denarius which was a days wage in bible times. Don’t even think about buying olive oil it says.

We are in the end of times for this old wicked system. We need to stay awake because he will come as a thief in the night, Jesus said. Read the bible , pray for God’s kingdom to come, seek out those that have faith.

Don’t be caught sleeping.Those calling on the name of Jehovah and have faith in Jesus will be saved, says Romans is 10:13-17 ” For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent out? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” 16 Nevertheless, they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: “Jehovah, who has put faith in the thing heard from us?” 17 So faith follows the thing heard. In turn, what is heard is through the word about Christ

Only God’s kingdom can bring an equitable human society with plenty of food and plenty of good things for all. Pray for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Its a pity your “Evangelical ” Christian words aren’t posted in Tel Aviv as the Zionists adhere to the words in the Talmud NOT the bible which is basically= Destroy all non-Hebrews and those let live –keep them as slaves and servants till they are no longer of use.


Don’t bother, Jerusalem will be destroyed one more time in the end of the times, it’s written in the Revelation.

Thomas Turk

Nabbling to imaginary deities via robed non-believers gets you nowhere. The Laws of The Creation control all.. try theyfly.com and get re-educated from an advanced race.

John Tosh

The Choice

The G7 countries and collective West have two options. First, push further fighting Russia and soon China. This ends up in World War 3

Second option: cancel US sanctions on Russia, call the Russians to a meeting and become friends. This buys time for the USA and the rest of the world. Creates new opportunities.

The suggestion to go with the second option has been on the table for over 5 years.

The most likely option chosen will be option one. The West will go up in flames and take the rest of the developed world with it.

Remember it was your choice. There will be survivors of World war 3

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

WTF are you taking about? You can shove your wussy second option up yours. Russia has the capability to be self reliance and they should never do business with crooks or be friends with them.

Why would you be friends with the evil that always wanted to destroy you? Are you fuking stupid?


With all the hate and fear we’re living in, WW3 isn’t all that bad. And I won’t give a fukc it’s nuclear or not. Just look at all the atrocities committed in conventional wars. People being treated worse than animals. Look up “My Lai massacre” or the recent videos of Ukrainian militants executed Russian soldiers who were wounded, bound, blindfolded on the ground.

John Tosh

More hate and revenge?

I warned the CIA years ago when things were not as bad as they are today. The same sentence. The Western countries need to drop Russian sanctions and try to become friends with Russia. They can choose to push further on the path they are on now and see how it ends.

New York City Nuked (3 ICBMs knock out NY city). Florida Georgia North and South Carolina faces sea based Tsunamis caused by an offshore nuclear explosion.

I made sure I lived and enjoyed those cities before they go out in the future. My heart cries for those cities especially Florida and South Carolina.

I can only warn about what I see. I cannot change it.

The Central Intelligence Agency has to make the choice to help the USA survive


Whatever the Jews want, the CIA will do. The CIA has been coopted by the Mossad for decades now.


How? The Ukrainians said that the Russians were almost out of missiles…..


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Last edited 2 years ago by DoloresSchell

It’s “Putin’s cartoons” or “air-conditioner blew up” on-board. Hohols could say, it was the last missile that downed 90th TB-2. Though they say about strike missiles (ballistic, cruise, anti-ship and another guided missiles), not anti-air.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

It appears Ukraine is willing to sacrifice their entire army, one brigade at at ime in the meat grinder called Donbass.

The 10th Assualt mountain brigade has entered the battlefield with much of its equipment destroyed in the last couple of days.

This force is full of NAZIS. Show no mercy. Dead NAZIS are the best NAZIS. Good hunting. It’s a good day to shoot fish in a barrel.


15 foreign specialists? I want to know more. Curious how they know the exact number. Maybe they had identified all of them prior to the attack. Electronic warfare specialists are directly connected to governments. These weren’t soldier of fortune grunts.


What the incompetent Ukrainian leadership is doing is a shame, A simple waste of human life over and over again, its a disgrace and a same??

pappa gone

not only them…. Biden, Johnson, macron, draghi, and all the west are sacrificing their population to poverty, the poor Ukrainians to die with NO HOPE to obtain nothing, if not to be crushed by the same real heroic soldiers of great mother Russia. Russia fight for his existencial chance to be sovereign at their home, what usa wants is to balcanize Russia as they did all around the world bombing civilians, no mention where, there isn t a continent where Americans committed lot of crimes. propaganda isn t sufficient to cover the immensity of that crimes….. from 1945 to now


Johnson is the clown of London. Looks like he was selected to promotion, because of his extravagance (starting from haircut) that he used as some kind of advertisement. It’s easier to control and manipulate fools.


Soon ukropistan will be speaking proper Russian ….no more of this broken Russian aka Ukrainian language bullshyt! Teach every hohol to speak Russian the right way !


They know how, because they are ethnic russians actually, same as people in Belgorod, Minsk, Rostov, Voronezh and Vladivostok apart some ethnic minorities. It was shown by genetic studies in 2000’s. “Gallup” research (2006) says that 86% of population using rus.language as native. They found it by sneaky method: researchers gave a choice to fill the same questionnaire form written on russian and so called mova. 86% took the sheets with rus.text by their own will.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Muhammad your Prophet

In the area of the People’s Republic of Lunga Lunga the Putin cockroaches are still trying to encircle Severdonetsk by destroying civilian infrastructure and murdering as many civilians as they can in continuation of the Russian president’s terrorist campaign.

hunter bidé lab pork !

they feed so much the anus of zelonsky that now its gonna explode in their dead brain !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Zelonsky its the owner of the world !! the Nazi Jew gay parazitic Dictator ( joe C I A biden hunter labtop in the anus ) . Wait Zelosnky im gonna send the mother and father of all Bombs directly to your ANUS !!!!! wait and see ……………………………….


“since the beginning of the special military operation, 179 aircraft, 127 helicopters…”

Honestly, reduce numbers of all claims half (50%) then think again are RF MoD claims still exaggerating and how much.

Johannes Ekhman

Molotov claimed Red Army lost only 48,000 killed in Finnish Russo Winter War. Stalin claimed in Feb 40 that “we have killed more than 60,000 Finnish fascists”. Stalin exaggerated Finnish losses 300% while historian Pavel Petrov gave Soviet losses 167,976 deaths. True story of Soviet pseudo reality.

Johannes Ekhman

Biden is ready to sacrifice Ukrainians as eagerly as Stalin motorized Ukrainian 44th Division in horrific Road of Raate. Finns hunted hungry frozen Ukrainians like rabbits in forests. There is always room for useful idiots.


Remember about Rovaniemi and be happy that the fate of this city had not fall at the rest Finland, it was very possible punishment for allying with nazis. Tell about Rovaniemi to all, who want join the Atlantic pact. “Calibers” and “Iskanders” will do their job even faster than 2 weeks needed for USSR air-force in 1944 to make Finland out of war and start to fight with germans, who destroyed city of Rovaniemi to the ground.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Only very naive people believe in all claims of Russian MoD and Ukrainian military High Command. I don’t know a single war where some army has lost more than enemy claimed. More likely enemy always double or tripple or quadruple those real losses. Both armies are descendants of Stalinist Red Army. Kingdom of liars.

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