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Britain To Send Martlet Missiles To Kiev, While Stormer HVM Failing Tests On Ukrainian Battlefields

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Britain To Send Martlet Missiles To Kiev, While Stormer HVM Failing Tests On Ukrainian Battlefields

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The Stormer HVM system is a high-mobility short-range air defense system that combines the Alvis Stormer armored vehicle with the Starstreak short-range surface-to-air missile. This system is manufactured by the British company Alvis Vickers, now BAE Systems Land & Armaments.

The main role of the Stormer HVM is to protect ground forces and key installations against low-altitude fighter jets, helicopters and UAVs. This system is an important part of the British Army’s air defense system for the low-altitude air threats. The term HVM stands for High Velocity Missile and represents the missile used in the system.

Starstreak and Martlet laser-guided missiles are used as weapons of destruction with Stormer HVM. The first have warheads of three arrow-like tungsten striking elements, the second have warheads with fragmentation-cumulative.

In December, there were reports that Britain handed over Martlet guided missiles to the Ukrainian military, designed specifically to destroy Russian drones. However, it is not reported exactly how many of these missiles were delivered. This is classified information.

The weight of the rocket is 13 kg, the length is 1.3 meters, the body diameter is 76 mm, the maximum range or height is 8 km. Martlet is equipped with a laser beam guidance system, which is duplicated by infrared at the final guidance site. One of the main advantages is the speed of 1.5 M.

These missiles were adopted in 2021, although development has been underway since 2011. Perhaps the British want to test them in real combat conditions in Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers are thrown to death for free, but London will receive valuable and practical information.

Footage of operations of British Stormer HVMs on the Ukrainian battlefield has already proven their complete ineffectiveness against the Russian UAVs:







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more junk from the nazis in london


true indian…

Barry Graves

i wouldn’t say rubbish!

but here, too, the realization applies: give a neanderthal a machine gun and he will successfully throw it at you.

ergo: destroy a stormer hvm and you will probably destroy a briton with it!

Last edited 1 year ago by Barry Graves
the iceman cometh

denazifying brits is always a good thing.

Fishneads and Chips

the british stormer hvms smoke too much when they burn uk should be fined for toxic greenhouse gas emissions


it’s not the stormer hvms but burner hvms (his vicious majesty sinkhole). entire uk reeks of the stench of royal decay.

the iceman cometh

they should let that silly king of theirs run the war with russia. he’d do better i think.


lancet extinguish smokey trails…

the iceman cometh

boris johnson should be guillotined for being a noxious gasbag who killed half a million ukrops and lost half of ukraine for the survivors.


if bojo is gullotined, can no more tackle children during rugby fundraiser, comedy hour over… :(


western leaders are so brainwashed by the usa that they never learn. now it was presented in the media that russia will lose if ukraine is financed until 2026. a senseless waste of human life and money. hungary is the only sensible euro country?


western leaders? what leaders? do you see any of these eu bureaucrats as a leader? they couldn’t lead kindergarten soccer clubs, forget the entire nations. when you take a dump you will see greater leaders than those of france, germany, uk, netherlands, spain etc.


the “leaders’ are pushed from behind by the military industrial complex stake holders. jews holding stocks in bae, raytheon, boeing, etc do whatever necessary to convince the “leaders” to spend their people money on the mic gear to be tossed in jewkraine. banksters and industrialists making war gear always profit regardless of the outcome in jewkraine.


beyond that, kissinger and his affiliated think tanks, were the primary proponents of the entire idea of brics.

it is the reason this war makes little sense from a military point of view. russia could wipe ukraine out in a single week. the reason this war is dragging is because of geopolitical reasons and a host of reasons that i won’t get into right now.

the iceman cometh

scholz would make a good lawn jockey

Peppe il Sicario

they are capable of leading facilities for the mentally-impaired, deranged sex deviants, pedophiles, sodomites and every other degenerate on the list.

the iceman cometh

western leaders follow a dirty old man who takes dirty old money and can’t find his way out of a paper bag without an escort, then asks what day is it and “have we won yet?”


the russians are the true nazis of the 21st century, putin is a lowly follower of hitler, send everything to put an end to the kremlin scum


the derp remains strong in you!

the iceman cometh

that’s not scum, that’s scrub bubbles, scrubbing away the nazty ukrop filth from the toilet bowl of ukraine.


amerikan insect bitter humiliated by russian superiority


i guess you have no idea what does “nazi” mean

jens holm

me rectum like english gay boy

the iceman cometh

all english are gay boys so you have big pick


ha, ha, ha … a debilom vo vb treba poslať prezervatívy, aby sa už viac nerodili takí debili. jasný dôkaz toho, že im dochádzajú zbrane a zbraňové systémy!!!


stormer has arrived…. ohhh noooooo…. (farts).

should have named this british trash “destormer part 5, revenge of storm strumpets”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj
the iceman cometh

biden and sonny boy ask ‘did somebody mention strumpets? are they under age?’


i thought bidens kid was named sunny goy…


new version of stormer (super lancet version) planned. has a single storm shadow installed in undercarriage. once ignited (using matches) destormer hits a top speed of 38 kmph for quick getaway…

the iceman cometh

has lucas ignition system so no matches needed

Last edited 1 year ago by the iceman cometh

my brochure shows its coal fired, are we talking about the same train?

jens holm

dumb fish chip morons dead culture economy ignore own people fund nazis


what kind of mentally retarded person assumes the nickname name of an opponent? the answer is the same one who loves to eat ice cream with his forehead, two brain cells, one of which is drowned in cheap votka, the substance is so little that the russian trolls paid in cents no longer know what make it seem like you get reactions and likes, beggars

jens holm

jenny not opponent, just big punching clown doll for fun, well not so big but fun to punch anyway,

every time you hit, he stick out tongue then bite it hard and make funny face. it all good fun with dumpmarker. they not good for much except make breakfast for number one guests ss soldiers. now they pretend new ss soldiers good friends to even when die like flies in denmarker toilets.

Sicko alert

how do you live with yourself knowing you support a country of morons festooned with nazi tattoos and enjoy shelling civilians to death for ten years? you’re some sicko, you are.


shut ur piehole nuber nazi freak. no wun went n dun n give a fck about ur stupids n denmark…

Orc Rain in Uk Raine

it will burn well like the rest of nato junk


obviously also the brits did not battle with an equal opponent since many years and this vehicle is only good for parades. but now it is time to end the suffering (on both sides). a massive attack is needed to clean up the remaining strongholds on the frontline and keep up the pressure before they can reorganize. together with a fast occupation of odessa from within. something like the night of the long knives to finish off the nationalists who do not belong there anyways.

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