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MARCH 2025

British government arrests WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on behalf of the American Empire

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Written by Dr. Leon Tressell exclusively for SouthFront

British government arrests WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on behalf of the American Empire

Julian Assange

Today the UK government broke international law by arresting Julian Assange in the embassy of Ecuador at the behest of the United States. The British government has been ignoring for years demands from UN human rights experts to release Assange made back in December 2015 and December 2018.

Assange now faces extradition to the U.S. where the Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted Assange today with a federal charge of conspiracy with Chelsea Manning to gain access to classified government records i.e. the Iraq and Afghanistan War logs. The DOJ’s press release states that Assange faces a maximum of 5 years in prison if convicted of, “ conspiracy to commit computer intrusion .”

Ecuador’s president recently visited Washington and caved in to American demands to withdraw its asylum status from Assange. The former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa, who granted Assange asylum 6 years ago has castigated the current president of his country declaring on twitter:

“The greatest traitor in Ecuadorian and Latin American history, Lenin Moreno, allowed the British police to enter our embassy in London to arrest Assange. Moreno is a corrupt man, but what he has done is a crime that humanity will never forget.’’

The Trump regime with its grave concern for the human rights of people in Venezuela has now decided to step up its war against democracy by attacking the freedom of the press which is protected by the first amendment of the U.S. constitution.

The American Civil Liberties Union responded to news of Assange’s arrest with the following comment:

“Any prosecution by the United States of Mr. Assange for Wikileaks’ publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organisations. Moreover, prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public’s interest.’’

We should not forget that President Obama, who had no problems with declaring that Chelsea Manning was guilty before her trial even started and whose government convened a grand jury to indict Assange back in 2010, backed off from prosecuting Assange in 2013. The DOJ concluded that if it prosecuted Assange then it would also have to prosecute the New York Times, The Washington Post and the Guardian for publishing classified material from Wikileaks.

Not surprisingly, the actions of Washington’s puppet ally in London have been greeted with a furious response.

London based human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell accused Ecuador of failing to protect Assange:

“The decision of the Ecuadorean government to hand over Assange to the UK police is a clear violation of his Ecuadorean citizenship and asylum rights.

“Assange’s arrest will put him at risk of extradition to the US, where he will very likely face charges that could see him jailed for 30 or more years. A secret grand jury has been convened to prepare an indictment against Assange and key Trump officials have said that prosecuting Assange is a priority.

“Assange did not leak anything. He published the leaks of Chelsea Manning, as did the Guardian and New York Times. Why is he being signalled out?

“Assange published evidence of American war crimes. He’s a hero, not a criminal.

“The British government should refuse to do the bidding of the Trump administration. It should give public assurances that Assange will not be handed over the US authorities. His extradition to the US is not in the public interest.”

The leader of Spain’s Podemos party, Pablo Iglesias, has called for Assange to be released. On twitter he lambasted the actions of the UK government:

“Exploitation, injustice and the privileges of the powerful are only possible because they are built on lies. That’s why if there’s something that power fears – in Spain and elsewhere in the world – it’s the truth. Free Julian Assange.”

Time will tell if UK courts cave into American pressure and allow the extradition of Assange to the United States. In early Februray the High Court in London blocked the extradition of computer hacker Laurie Love to the United States on the grounds that conditions in American jails would have left him at a high risk of suicide. This case together with international pressure may yet save Assange from extradition to the U.S.

Regardless, this case is all about American imperialism seeking revenge upon a journalist who had the temerity to expose its war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Pulitzer prize winner Glenn Greenwald, who exposed U.S. and UK global surveillance programmes based upon classified documents supplied by Edward Snowden, makes the same point in a comment directed at those elements lauding the illegal actions of the British government:

“If you’re cheering Assange’s arrest based on a US extradition request, your allies in your celebration are the most extremist elements of the Trump administration, whose primary and explicit goal is to criminalize reporting on classified docs & punish WL for exposing war crimes.’’


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Pave Way IV

Should have dumped everything. Partially exposing psychopaths just pisses them off and results in more repression and control. I was always hoping Assange had a dead-man’s switch for just this kind of occasion, but I was also hoping (very briefly) that Trump would ‘drain the swamp’, Q was real and all the Panama papers would be released. Childish delusional fantasies.


The only man in the USA that could fight the system was Bernie Sanders. And he wasn’t even allowed to be the candidate for the Democrats.


Well, as a former Bernie supporter, he sadly is either complicit or cowardly on opposing US imperialism. Maybe some small social changes could be made by him, but foreign policy wise, dont get your hopes up. EDIT: To be clear, to change foreign policy against the elites will, one will have to risk everything, fight day and night, against 99% of political, administrative and media opposition. It takes someone willing to take all this on him or her, with only a small chance of success. So unless there is someone who is willing to take all this on him or her, and has the intellectual ability and stamina, things will stay the same or worse. Sadly.

Lena Jones

Bernie’s a Trojan.


You don’t know that. He never got the ‘horse’ through the gates. Cause the gates were false gates them selfs, they were a mirage…controled remotely by the system that wanted Hilary on top.


Why is being Greek important?


The word is REVOLUTION. Against the authority of the filthy rich, against the system. But first things first. And first the world needs to realise that different religions are only a means to keep the masses fighting one another and keep them this way under control. Forget all religions and concentrate on EQULIBRIUM / DEMOCRACY (Authentic Ancient Athens style). Kill the rich – feed the poor.


Your point of view is akin to Communism:

• revolt • get rid of religion • kill the rich

Revolution is how the vile elite seized more hegemony, power and wealth. From the French Revolution to Bolivar’s to all subsequent uprisings with Jacobin tendencies; all served the interests of today’s ruling class.

The nearly impossible task of getting rid of religions will only do so much. You then have social, political, racial, ideological, etc differences — all of which have been equally exploited by the same vile elite for the purpose of division and weakening.

Ignoring that democracy existed in Phoenician and Greek city-states before Athens (where it was developed and put into writing), what point are you trying to make with it? Democracy cannot thwart influence that emanates from private wealth nor is killing the poor and feeding the poor democratic.


Is it really so difficult to understand the point I m trying to make …?

Fisrst of all lets get historical fact straight.

Democracy was born in Athens 6th century BC.

The term appeared in the 5th century BC to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens, to mean “rule of the people”, in contrast to aristocracy (ἀριστοκρατία, aristokratía), meaning “rule of an elite”.

Now, you want to stick to schematics and terms such as communism… I do not care not a tiny wee bit about that. I m not a communist and I m not a capitalist either. I just want to see a more fair world.

I did not say it will be easy to get rid of religions.

All other problems can be solved by dialogue amongst the people once they understand who is the enemy. And the enemy is the filthy rich kleptokrates / oligarchs / banksters and their proxies and their puppets and their propaganda.


Repeating the mainstream/imposed narrative of history doesn’t mean you get the “history straight”. The concept of democracy perfected and put in writing in Athens existed in Phoenician and other Greek city-states before Athens. See here:


The reat of your initial comment is nothing but emotional rambling. And good luck with dialogue. Nothing you present can nor will get rid of the oligarchies in question but the eradication of the usury economical/financial system they created and imposed.


BS …Your comments in 2 letters…


I didn’t expect anything less from someone obsessed with pop American TV shows.


And somehow ‘Friends’ has become ‘shows’… how many tv programms called ‘friends’ are there !

Whoa ! You are really something else !

David Parker

Sanders is a complete useful idiot as the KGB said about Jane Fonda.


Yes, the Bernie who told his followers to vote for Hillary after he was defeated. High-5.


He had to say whatr he had to say to survive.

Wouldnt be surprised if they d ‘disappeared’ him too.


Survive what and who? He was no JFK. He said nor did anything that exposed or endangered the vile elite.


His plans and his agenda was against the filthy rich , the elite , the deep state. He was dangerous. Its not rocket science pal.


I understand you’re desperate for heroes to feel a hint of justice in this world but Sanders was no such person.


If you need to know I am desperate for equilibrium and justice for all in this world…

What are you desperate for? …Cause to me it looks like you are desperate for human companionship and are looking for any kind of attention …


Justice and equilibrium are very much needed in this world but don’t be desperate about it. Do something.

I am not desperate for anything; happily married with three children and large immediate/extended family and friends.


If you say so… I am typing from the yacht club my self…actually I got a blonde secretary who types for me while another is busy in other ways… Yeah…


Family and friends is not luxury where I come from.


Is it …fantasy ?


Is the contrary of luxury, fantasy in the USA?


then stop smoking and face reality.


Are your comments always that deep or was this an inspiration of the moment ?

You should be writing this shit down, make it into a book, you could be famous soon !

I mean look, omega has already appreciated your highly inteligent comment, you got his thumb up!

Way to go! Your mother should be so proud.


not as much as yours kid.


Oh I see now…you are a Pronews moron …your disqus profile says it all… Now it makes sense.


unlike you that you are universal moron and have not post on pro news for couple of years when all you morons arrived there no kindly go fuck your self and dont bother me .


You are the one who commented your moronic comment first on my comment and now you want me to ‘not bothere’ you !

You just confirmed that yo uare indeed a moron. And one of the biggest I have encountered too. Your slurs also confirm the lack of brain matter inside your head… maybe that fall you had from the tree taking all the branches down with you …


what ever you say pot head.


Nothing wrong with pot, though I havent had a smoke for about 10 years.

You on the other hand should do your self a favour and quit the out of date drugs that you are taking and seek professional help. You can’t take no more chances…your brain cells are depleting in alarming rates and it shows on your retarded comments.


unlike yours that obviously oozing of wisdom and intelligence. poor soul.


Oooh he is taking the high road now…! hahahhaah what happened to the ‘fuck yous’ comments of yours…?

Get some rest now, and come again when you feel ready, I ll be here to set you straight every time silly billy.


yes moron I am waiting.


Keep waiting …they ll be there soon…. when you hear the siren and you see the flashing lights…thats when you ll know they are getting close, your troubles will be sorted and you ll be in your padded white cell safe and sound in no-time…


is this a threat from a peanut butter brain? been a pothead is not always bad but in your case it seems none teach you to have a more than 2 seconds thinking span. You must be very thank full breathing it is an automatic function of the human body.


Whoa! This is your come back ? Rush me to the burn unit T-shirt is on the favs list, im clicking ‘buy now’ !

I v seen Amoebas under the microsscope with more brains than you !

You are so desperate and hopeless and you are embarrassing your self time after time here… Keep it up, you are amusing to me.


Πιπα κ0λ0 σε παω βλακαμακο, με φτιαχνεις πρωι πρωι ! Ετσι…


oh now you started wet dreaming. maybe if you jerk less and think more it do you good kid. But every retard can have his two seconds under the light. keep dreaming.


Well thats not true now is it !

Look at your self, its definetely been more than 2 secs that I v been nailling your silly biatch ass ! I v nailled your ass so bad you wont be able to go for your number 2s for at least a week boy !


you have ? maybe you mistaking me for your mother who spend all night on her 4 in order to get you your dosages. Whats the matter kid she has a slow night and you are in withdraw?


Oh he brings on the ‘mother’ insults. Are you gona cry now ? Do you need a tissue ? Boo hoo … ‘You hurt my feelings so I m gona talk about your mom now’ boohoo… Go to school boy, thats a good advice I m giving you now, go to school cause you are as dumb as bag of rocks !


it is not an insult when is true kid get over your pain and keep the wet dreams up you have. Already you shown your low breeding but i understand, when you are raised by low level scum as you have is hard to be normal again.


hahaha your attemts of a come back are so lame and pathetic !

I have brought your ‘ring’ down to your knee !

Or as they say in your village ‘Σου χω κατεβασει την μητρα στο γονατο’ ! χαχαχαχα

Βλακαμακο, are you sure that is the nickname you should be using ? Hardhawk ? Was the ‘softcock’ taken already ? Cause that would suit you more …


give it a rest kid already you shown who you are and that is not something you can be proud off. But keep jerking off and dream. I dont intent to follow you down to your level.


hahahaha you are crying !

Salty tears running down your red chicks … Come back again boy, I m really enjoying this. And now with your disqus open you are so fked !

I m gona be your worst nightmare little gay greek boy !

Θα σου γαμω το σπιτι ολη μερα βλακαμακο !


Not the first time, they also got rid of Henry Wallace. The USA is a plutocracy, that has a facade that resembles a democracy.


Trump’s only recommendation is that he isn’t that cunt Clinton (both).



Following a June 2018 visit by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who agreed with President Moreno to improve the US-Ecuador relations which were strained under the presidency of Rafael Correa.

Ecuador launched a security effort with the United States, including buying weapons, radar sets, six helicopters and other equipment, as well as cooperation with the U.S. will include training and intelligence sharing.

Pave Way IV

Hey – don’t forget to mention that US training will include right-wing paramilitary death squads to torture and kill dissident Ecuadorans. We always do that to terrorize our South American debt slaves into submission, otherwise they’ll end up under the Soviet sphere of influence.

Ecuador’s corrupt government just got another $4.2 billion in credit from the IMF. Their external debt is already almost $45 billion with NOTHING to show for it. Whatever isn’t stolen by corrupt leaders goes to pay for interest on their previous theft. Little people Ecuadorans will be debt slaves for generations, feeding their parasitic Western banker overlords. Ahhh… freedom!

Bonus: hyperinflation destroyed the value of the Ecuadorian Sucre in 2000 and they completely switched to US dollars as the national currency – there is no such thing as Ecuadorian currency today. It’s all USD, FFS. Venezuela: I think you can see where this is going.


u said it pal. And add to that Brazil, they are in the same sh*t. I m surprised they are still part of the B.R.I.C.S. But those who are dependent on the US$ will go down with it. Cant wait for that day to come. Russia wont let Venezuela or Cuba in the dirty blood and oil cowboy yankie hands.

Hasbara Hunter

I think the AngloZioNazis waited Quite a Long time to Kick in the Door of the Embassy….For a Bunch of Paedophilistic Autocratic Massmurdering Terrorist Dictators….


They waited until Ecuador invited them to arrest him. If they had ignored the sanctity of a foreign embassy, British spies would get dragged out of many British embassies around the world. They feel it’s important to give the appearance of legality, just like the mafia.

Hasbara Hunter

So Ecuador betrayed Assange..? They must have gotten a Nice Bounty for Mister Assange….


Just another American regime change, they appoint minions to many countries, especially in Latin America. To the Americans Latin America is merely a place to plunder, and a source of slave labour.


They sold Assange for freshly ‘printed’ US dollars I understand.


And an IMF loan. It seems the yanks paid $200 million for Assange, they obviously have big plans for him.

Promitheas Apollonious

4.6 billion loan, from IMF.


This is just another dark day for free speech in the UK. I am surprised that Mr Assange was not snatched from the embassy during the night, in order to avoid as much publicity.

Britain is again awarded the title ‘ Perfidious Albion ‘ for this disgraceful assault on a journalist who has exposed he real crimes of US military murders etc.

Hasbara Hunter

The Damage is already done…Assange sacrificed himself in a way just like Michael Hastings & Many Others did…Truth can’t be stopped….For We are Many…they have hidden Truth for a Long time….Pandora’s Box has Opened & it won’t close


Promitheas Apollonious

no but they can enslave you all as they have already. As for what is happening with the guy is programmed to happen this way for all of you to feel powerless and not above their laws.

Hasbara Hunter

Up in the Mountains I’m a Free Man… and unhooked myself from their society…Yeah they can hunt me down… but they will never catch my Spirit…

Promitheas Apollonious

What is exactly he exposed, that was not common knowledge Florian?


Bradley/Chelsea manning first offered his data concerning US military warcrimes in Iraq to the Washington Post and other US corporate media outlets. They declined to report on these US military crimes.

Without Wikileaks , it is doubtful that the Seth Rich killing and the trove of Clinton, Podesta et al emails would have seen the light of day.

I think it was Marx who said something like ‘ All nations are essentially armed groups ‘.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes but for as much I seen what they released it was not something that was not already common knowledge and all over the net discussed in many forums.


Yes that’s true, however the MSM corporate media chose either to declare it a lunatic fringe conspiracy theory, or totally ignore it.

Those of us who look at news sites with differing opinions and debate it with others are in a growing minority, but not yet a majority.

For the majority, the reality of Democratic Tyranny will not hit home until their lives and even thoughts are totally controlled. They then have to accept ‘de facto’ slavery OR risk their lives to resist.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am almost ready to launch a web site with all my archives for members only on line served by our own servers. When this happens I be clad to send you a link. You realize that in order to resist you dont need to risk your life always but just unite with people with the same mentality as ours even though at times we may disagree between us the spirit is on the right track. It is good to become aware of this people rather than trying to debate serious issues with all the trolls on discuss that change the subject every 5 minutes and make impossible proper communication.


It was the video. A picture said a thousand words and the damage that this video caused will never be undone. After the video a soldier that was on the ground in it stepped forward and verified it. His life was made into a living hell too.


Lena Jones

Julian Assange completely believes the government’s version of 9/11. Julian Assange also never released anything controversial about israel. Strange, all this, don’t you think? This is why I’m ambivalent about him. I think he started off on the ‘good’ foot and soon enough, he got a little drunk on his newfound fame and power – ended up biting more than what can chew. I suspect that years ago, when approached, he made an agreement with mossad to keep israel out of wikileaks. Limited hangout for the mossad.

Really, what bothers me more than his arrest is the fact that the government has cameras and microphones up our personal wazoos but god forbid that any citizen should find out what they’re REALLY up to behind closed doors and on our dollar. They get 100% legal privacy and we get 100% legal monitoring. Oh well, Orwell.


Agree with you Lena, Assange has been very quite on Israeli murders and annexations

al quaida

Those murders and annexations are done in plain site. Wikileaks leaks classified info. Get it?

Cindy Myer

have a look at this then https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/04/12/mossad-agent-assange-finally-kicked-out-of-ecuadorean-embassy/


If you dig hard enough, you’ll find out that Wikileaks is linked to George Soros.


Yeah I saw that written in a crop circle.


Crop circles or not, and Soros aside, his past linked to various US intelligence should raise enough question. The following link sheds good light: http://echkelon-boston-globe.blogspot.com/2011/02/wikileaks-founder-worked-on-us.html?m=1


…the boston glob…. a former subsidiary to THE NEW YORK TIMES…and still an afiliate… Its owner a known broker an oligarkh…John W. Henry… ..thanks but I ll pass.


People who can’t tacklecontent intelligently usually do attack the messenger. Then, there is people like you who invent all sorts of things to render the messenger even less credible.

While I don’t know why the name of the blog contains the word “Boston” and “globe”, it has no relation, whatsoever, to the newspaper of the same name.


I had a quick look at your link , it is a long essey … didnt find Soros’s name mentioned anywhere and / or in relation to Assange… So…makes me wonder…what reasons could u have to slander Assange like that…


My fault; the link I presented doesn’t bring up Soros. It was in another reference with Webster Tarpley.

My intention is not to slander him. I am dubious of his past linked to US intel.


Looks like you failled then…cause all you did was slander Assange without any proof… Does that make you a troll… I dont know …it certainly doesn’t make you objective…


I did not. Instead, I amended correction: that the reference linking Assange to Soros was through Webster Tarpley and not the link I presented.


Only after I told you that I had a look at it… So do you not claim anymore that Assange works for Soros ?

Or you got another link coming…?


No, that is not what I claim and I did explain that the reference was through Webster Tarpley.


I read the references in questions a while again and thought it was mentioned in the link I initially presented here. It’s called an honest omition.


Sorry but there’s nothing honest about your comments …and thats obvious to everyone.


I presented you the link you asked for. Why are you, cowardly, backing off in, for the second time, bringing up “everyone”? Who is “everyone” when I am talking to you? Are you in need of support?

I presented an honest side of Assange (his past tied to US intel and the investigative work of Tarpley linking him to Soros). I could very well be wrong but so far, all you’ve done is throw a tantrum, invent things and divert.



Reading another one of your famous ‘objective’ links …lets…

So…this guy you are on about…Webster Tarpley …who is he…

Wiki says : …he still sells copies of the book on the Bush family he co-authored while working for Lyndon LaRouche.

Webster Tarpley worked for :

Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche Jr. (September 8, 1922 – February 12, 2019) was an American political activist, convicted fraudster and founder of the LaRouche movement, whose main organization was the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC).

He wrote on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.

LaRouche was a presidential candidate in each election from 1976 to 2004, running once for his own U.S. Labor Party and seven times for the Democratic Party nomination.

So Webster Tarpley has worked for a convicted fraudster….thats not good is it…

But what else has he done…lets see…

In February 2017, he agreed to settle a libel suit brought by U.S. First Lady Melania Trump for publishing a “false and defamatory” report In August 2016 alleging that the First Lady had been a “high-end escort” prior to meeting President Donald Trump. Terms of the settlement included providing a public apology in writing and paying a “substantial sum”.

Slandering the first lady’s name….sound familiar…?

‘Like father like son’ they say…

…in this case You posting slanders and giving ‘proofs’ using posts by other slanderers… …this is why Trump has come up with the term FAKE NEWS…for people like you.


At the end of the day if Tarpley is right and Assange works for Soros to cover up other dirty CIA/NSA business…wouldnt Tarpley be buried in the Nevada desert sand right now….?

Yes he would…like so many others…but he is not…he is left out there to spread the fake news that naive people like you (or maybe you are not naive but you are working for them….? who knows…) spread further to various blogs…


You’re more predictable than the sunrise and sunset.

You invented a non-existent relationship with the Boston Globe newspaper in regards to the first link I presented (which contains sub references) and you now attack Tarpley with all sorts of irrelevance in the hope to achieve the same goal: cover up your inability to present any contradictory arguments.

Feel free to engage in such cowardly tactics but if you were remotely aware, you would know that both LaRouche and Tarpley have uncovered and exposed the malice of the vile elite you pretend to despise. Your behavior is very controlled-opposition like.


Your word means nothing no more (if it ever did before). You have been exposed for the deep state representative that you are … You thought nobody would bother look at those links and your propaganda would go unchallenged….nah..not this guy… I ll be here more often from now on , now that I know the fake news people are at it… See u later aligater.


The more you write, the more I wonder how old you are. No one in his right mind and age write like you do — unless you’re trolling or controlled opposition.

You claim I was “exposed” but all you did — and your comments are the testimony of it — is to invent a link to the Boston Globe and attack Tarpley with irrelevance. You presented zero intelligent contradictory arguments.

Unlike you, my profile is public and my comments can be read by anyone to see if I am “fake news people” or not.


The fact that your profile is open means nothing. In fact it is the very convinient alibi you d use for a chance like this. Attacking me personally is a known tactic of your kind of payed services and only proves I m right.


It does very much means something. I have 3690 and counting comments; all of which are against the vile elite you pretend to despise.

What you call “attack” is an observation of your behavior through this discussion (if it can be called that).



You ? Against the elite ? Nice one….Maybe in a different universe, not this one where you clearly work for the secret services. Told ya, too late now, you v been exposed.


Yes, I work full-time for the CIA and NSA and part-time for MOSSAD. Used to work for MI6 but that was a long time ago.

Cindy Myer



hahahahahahahaha you guys are so stupid !

Veterans Today

Veterans Today is an American propaganda and conspiracy theory website.

According to University of Washington professor Kate Starbird, Veterans Today is a fake news site actively pushing the Kremlin party line.

It has published false headlines such as, “Pravda: Ukraine indignant at 80% of Jews in power” and “Water Terrorism by India to Overawe Pakistan.”

A joint article with Press TV, written by Jim Fetzer, was entitled: “Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook?”

According to Veterans Today, Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks in collaboration with the United States and Julian Assange of Wikileaks is controlled by the Israeli government.


Links to US intelligence, you are talking about Assange, the kid who lived down the road with his hippy mum? How about you, I read somewhere that your ex stasi, and ex Disney?


I don’t know, nor care, where he lived and with whom. My point is Assange’s past linked to different US information system agencies (MILNET, DISA, ARPANET, etc) and Wikileaks’ dubious origin.

Who is behind Wikileaks? https://www.globalresearch.ca/who-is-behind-wikileaks-2/22389

p.s. you read wrong, I told your smoking clown friend that I work for the NSA/CIA, Mossad and used to work for MI6.






For someone who just wrote: “and some others are entertained by Big Brother, Survivor, Jersey Shore, Coronation Street and CNN…”; you sure didn’t skip a beat with this one.


Let me know when you come up with a point.


I did. You laugh at those entertained with mindless TV shows but posted a GIF from one.


You are calling ‘Friends’ a mindless tv show ??? ok… I got No comment to that…

Lena Jones

Not only is it a one joke “mindless” tv show, it’s also the way that jews have culturally inoculated you. Sheep.


Dear lena…You are alsmost as sad as your mate omega … Keep watching CNN and Fox and making those deep state propaganda comments… You guys…You keep us entertained …oh bless.

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down with your stupidity already! You’ve been exposed as a Soros defender – shekeled motherfucker!


AHHAHAHAAA You lost your nerve woman. Maybe its your period …maybe you are just stupid…but keep it up dont stop now… Just remember the dishes wont clean them selfs …

Lena Jones

The only one who’s jittery around here is your nervous ass. And thanks for that bit of reflexive sexism. Really classy argument from a shekeled sisterfucker.


Whoa ! What a party mouth you are … Do you kiss your mother with mouth Lena …? Cause if you do I want in on that… I think you need a good drilling down there …it beginning to show on you… the lack of coitus… Why dont you get your cobweb brush out and I am on my way…

Lena Jones

You’re definitely saving your shekels for a penis enlargement op. Lobotomy perhaps? Same difference.


Lena…you are wasting precious time that you could use to clean up the ‘downstairs department’ and maybe some day get laid… …oh wait…you are not one of those African women that they got their clit cut when they were young are you…. Poor Lena…cant even masturbate …feel sorry for you really…

Lena Jones

Stupid, misogynistic AND racist lol! Definitely a soros cocksucker.


So sad your story Lena… You know what, I think you need a vacation, I suggest visiting the lovely Saudi Arabia…they love women like you there…you ll have such a great time…

Lena Jones

Golders Green much motherfucker?


Oh Lena …the things they ll do to you in Saudi Arabia… You ll love it !

Of course you might have to try a little harder your self too you know…after all they do have camels there…

Lena Jones

Definitely jewish lol! Always going for the groinal argument instead of the intellectual one. None of your puerile gentilial comments bother me – in fact, they confirm your shekeldom. ALL you hasbaras operate the same exact way: below the belt cuz you lack FACTS. You think you’ve distracted or triggered me with your pathetic sexual fantasies? LOL little dickhead. I say you need a good shafting yourself by a well endowed Arab.


Obviously you are not just a dumb african fat assc u n t but you also got alzheimers. You started with the fu ck yous and the rest and now u accusing me…! hahahaha

It now becomes clear… you d probably wouldnt even pass as an Arab’s harem biatch. Hope u are good at doing house chores at least… Bet you are sterile too. So sad…

Lena Jones

Still there in peepeeland? LOL! Wanker from Golders Green.


What is Golders Green Lena ? Is that where you go to get your hit ?

What are you on these days ? Heroin3 ? Cok£ ? waky baky ?

A bit of everything ? …yeah a bit of everything…you like to try things dont you Lena ?

Dont forget that donkey in the stable aint gona get laid on its own…it misses you Lena… You dirty blackas$ fat c u n t !

So sad Lena …you life…its just so sad…

Lena Jones

LOL you cannot hide your hairy Limey arse behind your pinky. Obviously, british ziocain is your preferred drug – you just love the racist, sexist buzz it gives you. You live and die for soros’ cock – evidently. Send me a wedding invite.


The absence of a long hard c0ck in your hairy dirty fat african a$$ is making you delusional. The solution is that donkey… Dont over think it. No human being is going to touch you not even with a barge pole. Oh wait , yeah there is actually one human …George Soros…he might touch you….he is a philanthropist after all…. …hahahha you dumb C U Next Tuesday !

Lena Jones

Still struck in same soros caca land – fucking rape-fantasist, racist cunt!

And btw, I am Welsh-American and white as snow motherfucker lol! Now go collect your shekels via tongue from soro’s ballsack.


“Friends” is pop-TV. You laugh at those watching pop-TV shows when your reply was a GIF from a similar pop-TV show.

Lena Jones

You’ll find many people defending Assange today and that’s to be expected, but do take note of the people who are actually defending Soros ;-)

I most certainly find your proposition plausible.

Cindy Myer

also veteranstoday.com have exposed Assange as a controlled disinfo agent for Mossad. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/04/12/mossad-agent-assange-finally-kicked-out-of-ecuadorean-embassy/


WIki can only release information provided to it from inside sources that they verify. Perhaps they have no leakers in Mossad or the upper levels of the IDF. Israel has one of the best security & intelligence services there is so its not surprising they would be hard to crack open.


No point in talking logic to a conspiracy theorist, where even a leaf falling from a tree is a CIA or KGB plot.


Don’t be gullible.

Lena Jones

It’s not just “leakers” who provide wikileaks with info, it’s also hackers and the mossad is hackable as hezbollah has already proved. Whichever way you look at it, Assange’s silence towards israel is highly suspect. And for such a smart person, for him to say that the 9/11 government report is an accurate assessment of the event is also supremely suspect.


I agree with you on the truth of 911 . I’ve watched too many Richard Gage vids to think otherwise. What is a shock to me is Julian Assange position on the matter if you are correct

Lena Jones

Yeah I was shocked and disappointed too when I first watched the video. But it was another important lesson in how to spot a deceiver.


That my friend is exactly my point to Lena

Pave Way IV

Eight years and I’m still waiting for those 3,700 Israeli documents. Should be any day now…

Honestly, that’s sarcasm. If they ever existed or were released, they would either be worthless or subtly feed the Hezbollah = evil narrative. There wouldn’t show anything the least bit damaging to Israel or its ‘interests’.

Remember that 1.3 GB insurance file Assange released back then, ‘just in case’? Something about op reports from Iraq or Afghanistan – I can’t even remember. Who the hell even cares if he DOES release the password? I wouldn’t even waste the time looking at it because it is guaranteed to contain NOTHING really damaging to the US military. Nothing against Assange or his efforts – the material just didn’t live up to the hype.



People love a good fairytalesque hero. Gotta keep them entertained.


Some of us are ‘entertained’ by a hero like Assange and some others are entertained by Big Brother, Survivor, Jersey Shore, Coronation Street and CNN…

We cant all be the same.


A while back, I came across a movie called “Zipper” (not really a good movie); a political thriller of sort. Renown actor Richard Dreyfus told the main actor (forgot his name) towards the end: “people need their fairytales”. You’re one of those people.

That said, if you can explain what happened to the thousands of promised (in 2010) documents on Israel and Assange’s past linked to DISA, MILNET, ARPANET, etc; I am all ears.


Do you know me pal ?

Do you know what my name is where i live and what I do for a living ?

No…you dont !

But somehow you know that I am ‘one of those people’…

You reply is laughable and downright childish.

And you want me to explain to you now what happened to Assange’s documents…

ok… no , I ll let you inform us about those, since you know so many things icluding how Assange was working for Soros…



Be less emotional. I don’t know you nor do I care to. I presented a link shedding light on Assange’s past linked to various US intelligence and to a greater extend to Soros.

All you’ve done so far is invent a link to the Boston Globe newspapers and reply with silly GIFs. But somehow, I am the childish one. Right.

Since you believe Assange was such hero, you should have no trouble explaining what happened to the thousands of documents promised in 2010 on Israel. I asked you a question first; don’t turn this on me.


Right…so now you can read emotions too through people’s comments… You must be some kinda of psychologist amongst your other skills…

And yes you are acting childish and not even like a clever child. I already written on the previous comment below that I m not in a position to know what Assange has done with his documents, didnt you read it ?

Do you think I am Assange’s secretary or something ? LOL Cause I m not ! haha

And I think the gif I posted is funny and to the point…but I guess thats just a matter of opinion.

I am glad that at least you admit on your comment below that your link has nothing to do with Soros and your initial claim that Assange works for Soros…

When you are ready you can give us the correct links.


One does not need to be a psychologist to read emotions over reason. Your usage of capslock, exclamation marks, etc are indicative of so.

Your first statement to me acting childish was in regards to me supposedly knowing you – nothing to do with you not being able to answer my question about Wikileaks’ 2010 documents release on Israel. Focus a little.

Don’t twist things. I did not admit I was wrong on a link between Assange and Soros. I amended correction in stating that it was in another reference and not the one I posted.

Who is “us”? I am talking to you.

Promitheas Apollonious

all morons think are more than one, since they have multiple personalities due to their self medication. Why you give him so much attention and waste your time?


Aside from his evident mental problems, he and his ilk resort to include others (“everyone”, “we”, “us”) when they’re unable to present anything of value – as if it’s taken for granted that all agree with him. To answer your ending question: I can only blame myself.


Crop circles, have the aliens probed you?


Care to explain what you are raving about?


May I ?




Of course you may. Nothing less was expected from someone in love with mindless American pop TV shows .


Your comments expose your ignorance…and arrogance pal. Including this last comment.


Feel free to read what you have posted so far. You invented a link between the website I presented and the Boston Globe newspaper to discredit the content and GIFs. Ignorance; right.


You haven’t prove that the link YOU presented is not actually related with the Boston Globe and THE NEW YORK TIMES. So the connection as far as I am concerned might as well exist. The fact remains you believe (proof or not, and its a NOT) that Assange works for Soros.

You made a booboo fella not me.


You’re only examplifying your desperation, and intellectual deficiency must I add, when you write such silliness. I don’t need to prove to you that the link I presented has no relation, in any shape or form, to the Boston Globe. If it did, it would be accessible from the Boston Globe’s website. You established that link based on the name of the blog and have been exploiting it to discredit the content (Assange’s past linked to US intel) for having nothing else to say.


Right right my deficiency right… When will your ‘efficient’ self come up with an answer …?

Do you or do you not believe, like you posted earlier (slandering his name) that Assange works for Soros ?

Its a simple question … Your mate Lena thinks that Sanders works for the deep state too… Are you working in the same office… nah…surely she s got to be in the basement…. But yeah…any time you are ready….


You are very much so intellectually deficient.

If you go back and read my initial comment, I wrote:

If you dig hard enough, you’ll find out that Wikileaks is linked to George Soros.

My subsequent comments stated a link between Assange and Soros; not that Assange directly, and knowingly, worked for Soros.

I don’t know how this is related to Lena but I suspect that you’re only looking to divert; again. Since you brought it up: Lena is entitled to think what she wants. If you believe she is wrong, feel free to provide contradictory arguments. Throwing a tantrum, being emotional, diverting and sending GIFs and videos to cartoons is no such thing.


I read your second link too…just more baloney…you are giving links by frauds and CIA/NSA agents …I gave you your answer.

You are a tool of the system and very small and silly tool too if I may say.

You have come here with one goal, to slander Assange’s name and legacy.

But no matter how hard you try you wont succeed simply because we got the numbers and the TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.


I presented a first link shedding light on Assange’s past tied to US intel (MILNET, ARPANET, etc) and a link to Tarpley explaining a link between Wikileaks and Soros (link that others have also confirmed).

You claim to have given “answers” when all you did was invent a link with the Boston Globe newspaper and go after Tarpley personally. Read your comments again.

My goal is to get to the bottom of the truth instead of falling for the usual controlled opposition. I rather question and be wrong while looking for answers than – and unlike you – docilely swallow a controlled narrative to one day realize I was duped. I am objective and open to be proven wrong. You’re emotional and refuse to engage an intelligent discussion.

Who is “we” and what “numbers” have you got?


ahahah you are not fooling anyone.

You are trying to put doubts into people’s minds about Assange by throwing links made by the people you work for and my dirty cheap slander.

I had a doubt my self about you when I started reading your comments, I though maybe you are just naive… but the plot unraveled pretty easily.

You are a deep pstate propaganda tool most likely working for CIA or NSA and the rest of them.


You only go deeper the abyss of desperation when you write such silliness.

I have the right to question Assange’s past to US intel, the undelivered promise of thousands of documents on Israel, etc. That doesn’t mean my intention is to put doubt into people’s mind. If you were remotely intelligent, you would know that it’s called critical thinking. If you think I was/am naive and wrong, you should have had no trouble proving me wrong in presenting intelligent and contradictory arguments. Instead, you invented a link to a mainstream media and attacked Tarpley with irrelevance. Feel free to engage in such cunning tactics but expect me to take you seriously. Needless to say, you now attack me for no good reason but to further cover up your inability to reason.


Always start your comment with an insult, you got to fill those lines with content somehow after all…

So, just cause he hasnt delivered documents about Israel doesnt make the rest of the documents about IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN VOID. DOES IT ?

Whats your opinion about that, lets hear it. If you are not here to slander Assange answer. Lets hear your ‘critical thinking’….


I don’t know why you keep on confusing observation with insult but alright, I’ll ponder.

I repeat: I am not slandering Assange. I have the right to question. Never said it renders the rest of the leaks void either; but what about them really. The killing of civilians in Iraq from US military helicopters is making the obvious public – good for attention (Wikileaks is the real deal). More war leaks on Iraq were said to reveal the support of militias by Iran (talk about pushing an agenda). War leaks on Afghanistan revealed more killing of civilians, the said hunt for OBL, etc. Leaks on Gitmo’s manual – so what other than sensation? Leaks on Clinton’s stolen emails – it was perfect timing for the upcoming election.

What has Wikileaks revealed that helped mankind move closer to freedom, justice and equilibrium?


…right into the deep state narrative… You cant even hide it. So in your opinion the world would be better off without wikileaks ever exposing anything ?

Would you be happier if anything was ever exposed by someone else…? Cause I got this strange feeling that no matter what the name was, Assange or wikileaks or otherwise you d still be here, still working hard on your propaganda and still getting your wages by the same people that pay your wages now…

Promitheas Apollonious

forgive him, he been mating with kangaroos and his single cell is effected by the act.


I would have opted for an intelligent discussion rather than entertain his sarcasm but anyway.

Promitheas Apollonious

he is not able to do that.

Cindy Myer

Sinbad just for you https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/04/12/mossad-agent-assange-finally-kicked-out-of-ecuadorean-embassy/


Yeah hero’s are popular, but unlike the movies, the hero’s lose, and the evil empire adds another skull to its victory museum.


Assange was/is no hero; only the illusion of it.


scalp ? They had good practice on native Americans

Promitheas Apollonious

the joke is on the idiots who think he is a heroic figure a jerk off and a half that with the other bubble burst, helped pass the laws on the net for his masters. But then again anything you feed the sheeple will swallow it and ask no questions.


“Julian Assange completely believes the government’s version of 9/11”.

can you back that up with evidence? link to a video interview?

“Julian Assange also never released anything controversial about Israel.” Are you implying that he had damaging info on Israel but failed to publish it? Because if you were fair-minded you could could come to the conclusion he did not have anything to publish that wasn’t already in the public domain. Meaning that Israel has fewer or none whistle-blowers that have a conscience. No-one to spill the beans on their Nuclear bombs or treaty with Saudis

Lena Jones

Sam, I just tried to find the video (which I’ve seen several times in the past) but it appears that it’s been ‘disappeared’. However, here’s his quote on the 9/11 which is easily verifiable thru google.

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” – Julian Assange 19 Jul 2010

Note that his response appears to be that the ‘competition’ is annoying him when they provide an alternative view, yet he is not “annoyed’ with the official version which is a giantly blatant CONSPIRACY in itself. In the ‘disappeared’ video, Assange is further asked if he is “satisfied” with the official 9/11 investigation and he long-windedly babbles on about the government’s impressive scale of investigation before he finally ends his answer with a positive “yes”.

Yeah, power got to his head and he, being somewhat spineless, allowed himself to be co-opted by bigger powers.

That being said, I am against him getting hunted down by the same forces that co-opted him in the first place. Yeah he was wronged. But wronged us too. He became an asset to shadowy forces – definitely related to the mosad as Assange scandalized just about every country on the planet except for… israel. And I think the mosad used him in a timely manner and disposed of him when he dried up like a prune. He was always disposable to them – a useful idiot goy.


well said.


So what?

Lena Jones

You evidently enjoy being the rat following the pied piper – no skin off my back – go ahead, knock yourself out with a million such stupid questions.


So you tell me who killed Seth Rich, I know your sitting on the evidence.

Lena Jones

Another incongruous and stupid-stupid question.

al quaida

Hey Lena, have you heard of doing a Google search? I did one for you: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/wikileaks-on-israel Maybe you could do one next time before spewing your conspiracy theories?

Lena Jones

How’s the weather in tel aviv asshole?! You think ‘token’ leaks count? LOL! Fucking moron! There’s NOTHING controversial about those leaks at all. What would be controversial are leaks to do with israel’s role in 9/11! Capish sheep?!

al quaida

Anyone who doesn’t agree with your deluded conspiracy theories is a Mossad agent. Do you not see how arrogant that is? Of course you don’t…

Lena Jones

So you got fooled by the slimy jews and you’re taking it out on me? LOL!

Either produce a single israel wikileak that drove the Knesset to declare Assange an ‘enemy of the state, like we did, or just stfu sheep!

Carol Davidek-Waller

That’s a gross interpretation of Assange’s comments about 911. What he said was.he didn’t believe in false conspiracy theories. He believed in conspiracy theories supported by facts. That’s a long way from believing in the official explanation which is poorly supported by facts.

Lena Jones

I guess you missed the part where he said that he ACCEPTS the official 9/11 story. This is the basis of the context. Please REFRAIN from spoon-feeding people YOUR interpretation as this is in itself is seriously “gross”. And whatever happened to publishing “3600 israel papers” that Assange PROMISED 5 years ago? And why did he live with a globalist billionaire with ties to Soros for a WHOLE YEAR before taking up residency at the Ecuador embassy? Listen, you can make Assange your Christ all you like, but don’t expect people who think for themselves to be your dumb sheep. I am staunchly against the hunting down of civilian whistleblowers, but it’s hard to fit Assange in this category and it’s his damn fault: he played both sides and got burned for it.


The Brits are of course the former Tyrants of the world. The Yanks took over that position between the world wars. Yanki Psychopaths have demonstrated time and again their contempt for justice and the rule of law. “The law”, of course is drafted to suit their criminal needs, but when those laws fail to deliver, yanki contempt is demonstrated by flouting them. Should Assange be freed by the British courts, he will be either ‘murdered by a madman’ or kidnapped by CIA proxies and delivered bound and gagged to Guantanamo. Let’s face it the West is ruled by Fascist thugs


Exactly. He ll never go to trial, they ll ”dissapear” him. Or kill him and say it was suicide.

The UK needs Corbyn fast !


He will go to trial and be given a life sentence. They want to send a message to all journalists that if they embarrass the plutocrats their lives are over.

It’s not new, read about John W Powell. He and his wife imprisoned imprisoned for 7 years before they won their freedom in court, there was no evidence against them, non at all, and on the first day in court, the Government dropped all charges. They imprisoned his wife, to force him to plead guilty. American justice is like everything else in America, it’s for sale.

They will make Julian live a long life in terror and pain.


They know better not to make a martyr out of him.


Exactly, they still smart at the mention of Che Guevara.


Yeah, thats why I m saying putting him in jail will only cause people and organisations for freedom and free speech to protest and make a fuss and make noise… But ‘disappearing’ Assange wont have the same effect… They ll pretend they dont know what happened, they ll most likely say that Putin kidnapped him and he is in Moscow or something….


Yeah blame Putin, that seems to work in America, even bad weather is a Putin plot in America.


The Brits of course the former Tyrants of the world. The Yanks took over that position between the world wars.

That’s a misconception. The British empire never died but only shifted to become the Anglo-American empire. Same tyrants, different suit.


Only true to small extent. The vast profits generated by the Rockefellers, Carnagie’s, Ford’s, Du Ponts, Marburgs & Morgans by 1920 outstripped by 170 to 1 the wealt being generated in the UK. Of course a number of British Capitalists d-camped to the US of A in the twenties many of whom got fleeced by the engineered crash of 29 by the above “self-made-men”.


You’re missing the point completely. The industrious families/people you mentioned are secondary and therciary. The primary clique in question are the owners of the money printing press (operating from the financial center of the world in the City of London) and land owners (known as the British Commonwealth). I invite you to peruse/read Carroll Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment” (free on his estate website) to see for yourself.



The real difference is the average Briton knew they were merely slaves to the ruling class and did not support the tyranny. America is different, the average American supports the vile crimes of the USA.


It always makes me laugh when I read/hear the average American saying it’s for their “freedom”.


A young distressed American woman in the wake of 911 asked, “why do they hate us so much”. They have no idea of the magnitude of Americas crimes against the weak and poor.

From an evolutionary viewpoint, American genes are regressive.


It all comes down to capitalism, the economic system of the bankers. Once the US pillaged most of the worlds gold during WWII, they effectively owned the world. Of course the greed of bankers was not satisfied with most of the worlds gold, so they printed mountains of dollars, and anyone that complained got killed by the military.


You mean the British oligarchs pillaged the gold. Technically, it was the Nazis who did the dirty work and the BIS bank laundered it – both of which have the British fingerprint on them.


So the British pillaged it, then put it in Fort Knox?

Use your brain man, why do you think US gold reserves went from 2000 tons before the war, to 8000 tons after the war. Also the US forced many countries to store their gold at the Fed, which the Fed then gave(loaned) to commercial American banks who then sold it.

It was American planes that flew the gold out of Ukraine Libya and Iraq, never to be spoken of again. The French invaded Mali to steal gold so they could pay back Germany. The British are certainly not innocent, but they are a Frank Nitti, whereas the US is the mob boss, Al Capone.


It was the ruling class of Britain who instigated WW2 to 1) have Germany and Russia (two competitors) destroy each other and 2) create the hostile environment against Jews so they migrate to Palestine, and the US.

Who stole all the good during WW2? Nazis. Where did it end up? The BIS. Who owns/runs the BIS? Do the math. And yes, the gold may have ended up in the US but so what? The same ruling class had made plans to shift the capital from Britain to the US – before WW2 – to continue their way. The (enforcer) US is nothing but the continuation of the British Empire by the same people in Britain (the brain). There is reason why all of the main US Think-tank organizations (CFR, Trilateral Commission), etc.) are linked to mother organization (Chatham et al.) in Britain.


WHO GOT THE GOLD? The thieving Americans that’s who, liars and thieves nothing more, trying to cover your filthy crimes with conspiracy theories won’t save you from the hangman.


Are you demented or trolling? Where do you read me cover up any crimes and how are they mine? You confuse explanation with justification. Whatever Britain started, the US has continued. This is no theory; I provided a reference to Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment” earlier in the thread.


What about the 65’000 tons of Gold and Precious Stones from the Tomoyuki Yamashita treasure Douglas MacArthur got in 1945 ? Dose it melt into thin Air alike the Libya-Gaddafi money ?


more likely by communists zionists thugs.

jim crowland

It is time for this criminal to face justice!!


Agreed, the USA should be arrested tried and executed. Every single American over 18 is complicit in the crimes of the USA and should be executed for their vile crimes.


You cant put them to trial… they are too dumb !

That will get them off the hook. Dumbness !


Well America executes mentally retarded people, live by the sword, die by the sword.


THEN U SHOULD BE KILLED TOO! Australians helped in every American war! So go kill yourself Sinbad if u truly believe in justice!

What was that Sinbad? Oh u think this doesnt apply to u? hmmmm Well lets see there is Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, vietnam, korea! Then there are the intel ops we were involved in! U think the UK intel services are guilty but we arnt?? REALLY?

This post u made here makes u a certified fuck wit! Note to self, confirmed Sinbad is a fuck head!


The difference between you and me is I was in Vietnam, I saw what happened. You are just a pissweak faggot, I’m 67 years old with a dodgy heart, but I would still beat the shit out of you if you threatened to kill me to my face. But like all you faggots, your only brave at the keyboard, out in the world you are just a maggot. Where about in Oz are you, I can travel?


1. i wasnt old enough to be in vietnam! 2. u were in a national draft when people HAD TO do compulsory service! 3. YOU SAID (YOU DUMB CUNT) “the USA should be arrested tried and executed.Every single American over 18 is complicit in the crimes of the USA and should be executed for their vile crimes.”

YOU SAID THAT! You want to execute every person over 18 in the USA? Yet by your own words, u are even MORE complicit in US Crimes because you actually fought over there! YOU!!!!

So if u fought in Vietnam AND u believe anyone over 18 in the US (many werent even born then) should be executed because they are inherently complicit then what does that say ABOUT YOU actually being there fighting in a US war and actually being FACTUALLY Complicit and involved!!!!!!

Kill yourself right now! Do it! Murderer! u are scum! u killed innocent people! u were complicit in the invasion, rape and murder of innocent men women and children! u were actually there with a gun in your hand!

REMEMBER this is according to YOUR STATEMENT!!




ALSO, even at your peak, i KNOW i would beat the shit out of u within 30 seconds! I dont think this i KNOW this! i know im harder than u! u and ur weak dumb comments! u love china traitor! and u want to kill all US people over 18 huh? yeah? ooh u so tough saying that arnt u! So fuckin tough to kill everyone in the USA? But somehow this does not include YOU!

Your comment alone proves u are a weak piece of shit and if u wanna meet me lets do this! i live in melbourne and u can have my phone number!

ill turn up at ur front door and ill show u what it means to say “kill people over 18” ill show u what i wanna do to u for being a traitor! nothing makes my blood boil than a traitor, hypocrit, china lover, dumb ass who actually cheers for zionists because he’s too fuckin dumb to know who the bad guys are!

Dumb Hypocrit weak ass wants to kill others but not himself for the same crimes he says other committed! Scum weak cunt! i want u and ur sons at the same time!!!!!! AT THE SAME TIME IN YOUR LIVING ROOM!



“This man fought in Vietnam yet wants to execute every single American over 18 for their complicity in foreign wars” “This same man loves China” “he does not believe he should be involved in an execution for his own involvement in the wars” “AND, this guy THINKS he’s tough!”

Thats going on your front gate AFTER i beat the fuckin shit outta u and your sons!

Thats what i wanna do to you!

And guess what Sinbad, im gonna post your comments everywhere u go! Show people who u are!!! EXPOSED!


you are such a dumb CUNT! i said “THEN U SHOULD BE KILLED TOO according to your own statement!” That means kill yourself u fuckin dumb ass!

And, where do u go saying execute everyone over 18? u actually FOUGHT int the fucking war! u are 10,000 times more complicit than an 18 yo American who wasnt even fucking born!

you are so fuckin dumb!

bring ur sons and yourself to . melbourne, we can meet or ill come to ur fucking living room myself!u china loving traitor weak cunt!


And Brexit is instantly forgotten, the Tories know they will lose the next election, so they have nothing to lose. The Skripal poisoning was also a cover for May’s efforts to prevent Brexit.

Theresa May is a total cxnt.


Julian is dead meat. Nothing will save him because the global states are too gutless and most of their governments are corrupt. Julian should have organized an escape plan years ago.


if he goes to the USA (which i think he is) he is safe! Assange is the SOURCE to some very important information that will rock the world! Assange just needs to make it to the USA in once piece!

Good for Trump and the world Bad for Clinton’s and deep state!


“if he goes to the USA (which i think he is) he is safe!”

Yeah like Bradley Manning type safe, raped so many times he thinks he’s a woman.


Bradley manning was half female even when he was a male officer! U could just tell he was a fairy and almost there! his voice was so small!

Oh and by the way, he committed the REAL CRIME according to the US! He leaked “classified information”, remember he was an intelligence officer!

Assange is merely a journalist!!!!!!

So like i said, small prison time and let off!



Not only will this guarentee him a pardon but also as a hero in even his most hated enemies! He can bring down the Clintons and the Democratic party single handidly and also exonerate Trump!

Thats why he will be free’d and granted US citizenship!

Im literally telling u the future no because i know, but because i was told!

Told by much smarter people than u who think china is the good guy! lol


By the way, this picture is during the Bush era and was done deliberately as the way to create ISIS from former Iraqi (sunni) republican guards! Im sure u have read about it!

This is CIA stuff done on purpose!

you are confused, the CIA under john Brennan is now Dying!


Seth Rich! look him up and try to understand for once what the fuck is going on! God knows ive tried to help ur little confused love affair with china WHO’S MODER WORLD WAS CREATED BY THE CIA!

Seth rich and his relation to the DNC and its “hacked server”! If u havent heard of him, then just admit to urself u know nothing about this world! just get ur pom poms and kick ur legs and say ” go syria, go russia, go china”!

J Roderet

More proof that the US/UK are not “democratic” at all and are nothing more than Neocon dictatorships that only understand brute force. The world desperately needs Russia and China’s military and economic might to prevent the Neocons from dominating the entire planet. A Neocon-dominated Earth would be a dead, grey world filled with masses of obedient slaves and a few ultra-rich, cruel masters lording over them.


Assange Good Snowden Bad Assange, if extradited to the USA will be pardoned after small time in jail. Hailed as a hero! Assange helped bring down the Deep state! Please try not to laugh at this because i know what i am talking about and those who think otherwise will have to deal with the pain of realising they dont actually know whats truly going on in this world!

Assange a journalist who protects his sources (whistle blowers) via encryption is not doing anything illegal which is why they made up charges on this rape stuff! Snowden was and still is a CIA Agent who was placed into the NSA to bring its signals spy tools to the public eye as the NSA was a huge threat to the CIA!

The CIA (Globalist Intel agency) doe snot work for America, it transfers US secrets (political, military tech, commercial tech) to China! Just like the Clintons begun this same transfer of US industries too China because China was to be the New Globalist HQ for obvious advantages!

The CIA cannot legally spy on the US population (where as the NSA can) so the CIA funded and created Facebook, twitter, google etc etc

An intel war has been occurring in the USA for the last 14 years but has taken this long to get a white hat into the oval office! Now the USA takes its industries back and stopped the flow of tech to china (and North Korea) in fact, K J Un was a puppet prisoner of the CIA! This is all coming out folks! Easy to laugh at but the people who know this have been saying this for 2 years now and have informed all of us this is going to come out and rock the world!

I know some of u hate the USA super bad, and yes so did i but we all hated Globalists / Zionists! Let me tell u, those globalists hijacked the USA! u know this! So u need to seperate your disgust and analyse it!

U all know the CIA owned and created Al-Queida and ISIS! We all know the UK owned and lead the IRA leadership, bombing its own citizens for a hidden agenda! But u have fallen short on just how bad they are! People on this site seem to love china but fail to admit how china came to power so fast! From peasant farmers to and industrial and tech power!

U know the industries were transferred but what u dont know is that the tech was too!

Dont go loving china so much! They are the PERFECT nation for Globalist new HQ! Communism, spy grid, President for life, will own all industries!

CIA (globalist intel network) puts the USA into endless wars for the profits and goals of its sponsors but to also deliberately collapse the USA into debt and transfer all tech and economy to China!

So while we sit here and hate on the USA, u end up cheering for China and China is a CIA creation! (both China and North Korea)

people will either hate reading this or will laugh! but what can i say, i will take the abuse as a badge of honour! I will be able to say i was the one guy (there may be others) who Tried to wake up this forum! Told the truth while others who THINK they know whats going on were actually small and insignificant peeps who dont truly lust for knowledge on how this corrupt world works, but only are cheer leaders for the nations that they deem to be good guys!

Here is ur new list!

Russia GOOD USA (has become good since Trump arrived) u will find out why soon! Syria GOOD

China Bad (but they had no choice, China was chosen by globalists) North Korea (a CIA black site about to be free’d by Trumps admin) Israel EXTREMELY bad and the root of all evil!

Iran, 50/50 good and bad! (they were actually creating military grade uranium in Syria!! Plus MRBM’s and this is how they were “avoiding” sanctions during Obama) NK was exporting such tech and systems! Iran’s Uranium came from Russia but it was US uranium sold in a deal between the Clinton’s and Rusatom! Scandal was called “Uranium One Deal”!

Why? A planned and controlled nuclear war! one Nuke set off in the USA (blamed on North Korea) but exploded by black hats on the ground (not via a missile) Fake war but real bombs! India vs Pakistan Iran vs Saudi and Israel

In the end, USA economy collapse and messed up! UN control of space weapons (so it can never happen again) Communist spy Grid China to be world leader

FULL ZIONIST GLOBALIST CONTROL! The only country with true freedom would be Israel who would control a lot of AI tech! (self driving cars etc)

This was the plan!

To imagine how bad the world could be is like this…. Either u get a world like China or u get a world like North Korea! But u would never be free again! whatever u say, think or do will be controlled and no nation or leader could do anything! They would disapear and the weapons in space would be the ultimate power of control!

This is not bullshit! This will be admitted very very soon! Proven! At the highest levels!

Nothing is what it seems! The Vatican is not just full of pedos, the vatican is actually a human trafficking business! There is far more than this! People just cant handle this info! its too much which is why it has been said , the choice to know will be yours but the world will only get 60% of the truth because the truth will destroy people! People will not understand that those organisations they donated too and devoted their lives too were actually pure evil!

Clinton Foundation, McCain Institute, Planned Parenthood, the Vatican and thousands of other organisations are pure evil!

OIL is NOT the number one business in the world! Human trafficking is, was and always has been! The elites at the top pretend they make their fortunes from being magnates of different and acceptable business! But the real truth is that they all traffic human beings and kids for sex, slavery, body parts and rituals!

Cant handle this info? i get it! But is it real? u better believe it and u will witness some of these organisations going down within the next 2 to 3 years! i hope u all can remember this, have ur laugh but remember it! This will help u understand better when the time comes!

The good guys are winning again :)

Russia and the USA to become allies after 2020 elections in the USA


We are gong to space people! This is the plan!



…one more thing… Communism was created in NEW YORK. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/4G0iNtM.jpg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgYgMP1S9Y8


From what i have read, Communism was created by the UK! Any country with a red flag is a UK proxy! Zionist Controlled!


you sound like a confused puppy. You got too much info and your cells can not process it so you are in twilight zone.


Mental illness.


just remember what i said! My name is Justin! Just remember!


I am sure you remind me if I forget justin. In the mean time try and enjoy your self and land on mother earth from time to time.


I loved your reply! i can tell your a good person! i know u were not being sarcastic! Cheers


no I am not sarcastic. Just try and see things as they are rather than wanting to believe there is still common sense and good intentions in this world they are not.


That was a little hard to understand! As for what i believe is not based on something i dont know! what i am saying is i know and that others on this site do not know! The reasons they dont know is because they are stuck in a narrative of: Cia bad therefore USA bad Russia good even though russia used to be bad Syria good Iran good China good Israel bad!

This is the basic belief system on this forum! So i explain it to them that they are both correct and incorrect and that its not black and white! Do i know what i say to be true? Yes i do! Its not belief!


You got to have brains to be sarcastic, and you have proven to be an amoeba boy !

Stop talking out of your amoeba ass !


yet, hundreds of millions of extremely informed people in this world believe the same thing! 100’s of millions! and i have proof on this! Ask me to prove it! i live for moments like this!


So I ask you to prove it.


i said a lot of things so u need to be more specific!

i’ll assume u mean Assange?

ok then start here an article by “the hill” who are known for being straight down the middle and not at all a deep state propaganda network!

This is 2017! https://thehill.com/policy/technology/348773-could-trump-pardon-assange

Fast forward to current days! People are talking about Assange and a “plea deal” which would grant him either a pardon or his freedom by the courts in return for information on the DNC hacks, who leaked to him the DNC emails, what info he got from the server and also if he has info from the Clinton bathroom server! on top of that, Assange will be able finally prove Russia did not hack the server and that the info leaked was in fact leaked by Seth Rich (a DNC IT guy) who was then murdered by MS-13 and then those MS-13 members murdered also (to cover up)! Assange has already alluded without naming names that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leaks however in interviews maintained his long standing protection! But now that the source is dead, he may in fact name the person (Seth Rich) thus ending finally the “Russia collusion” narrative once and for all!

Not only that but assange has much more damaging info that he had to protect him (almost like a dead man switch) which he admitted to having in many interviews which is why he was untouched!

Also look at the timing of it all now the muellar investigation is over! Even that Qanon guy has stated recently “We have the source”! As if to say ‘we have the source of the DC hack’!

Keep in mind that Assange was a journalist and Bradley manning was an actual US intel officer who served 7 years and was pardoned! Since Assange in a way has helped Trump and can help him even more now, Assange being a journalist and already spending 8 years in a room in an embassy in london, t is likely trump pardons him and the other (Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Stone) etc all in one moment as they were all in jail simply because of this investigation into the Trump campaign which turned out to be a coup!


People WHO KNOW, know that Assange is KEY! He was the LINK between Trump and Russia according to the DNC and intel groups! If Assange proves it was Seth Rich, its game over! To assume He is not pardoned or offered a plea deal is insane since the NYT & Wpost leak all the time!

So as for assange, this is the info i have and the writing is on the wall!

Snowden is another story! So tell me what u wanna hear!


Listen from 2:50 onwards! (The timing of the arrest is super important) like i said, Assange too be pardoned, offered plea deal and given US citizenship for protection! US citizenship means he will be protected by rights a US citizen gets! https://youtu.be/kyt7apdF4ns?t=170


Sorry for the delay to ask you. Ok prove it to me I am listening.


Like i said to Ronald, i mentioned a lot of stuff! So u need to be specific, i am not here to write a book! If its a bout Assange, look below at the reply i gave to Ronald or ask me a specific question!


I think is very clear what I ask you to prove based on what you claimed. As for 100s of millions of brainwashed people believing everything they read or watch on TV this is a well known fact since we see how they vote and what they stand for believing every single moron and their claims as well the way they vote for a master.

When you say you can prove something it means actually you can back it up with prove and facts not claim that 100s of millions stupidly believe what you do as well.


u are lazy! u cant even ask me what u want me to prove! this web page is talking about Assange! So i should prove assange is going to be OK in the USA and that he is a Source for the Trump Admin?


All the other stuff i spoke about!

Name the exact thing i should prove because i am not here to write a book! Pick on of the subjects i spoke of!

Its that so hard?


k read your own post and stop farting that you can prove anything. First try and connect your fingers to your brain if you have one. And try lay of from what ever is you taking because you sound like scrambled eggs for brains.


You are talking out of your ass again boy !

Joe Kerr

If the CIA works for China, it wouldn’t have been necessary nor advisable for China to kill over a dozen CIA agents recently. Just google “China kills CIA agents”. Seems your sources (assuming you have some) are fictional ones.


Do u know the difference between white hats and black hats? If not, have u ever heard of the well known and well used labels? i can send u actual mainstream news TELLING u that google does for China and teh CIA spying FOR china! So while u are telling me about China “says they killed 10 CIA agents” I CAN ACTUALLY SEND U SENATORS AND THE TOP JOINT CHEIFS SAYING THAT GOOGLE WORKS FOR CHINA AND THAT THE CIA GIVES CHINA MILITARY TECH!

SENATORS TOP number 1 JOINT CHIEF! ON VIDEO IN SENATE HEARINGS! WITH PROOF PLUS JAIL TIME TO THOSE WHO DID IT! indictments hearings! That enough proof for ya sunshine?

Not double agents! ITS ORGANISATIONAL!!!

This is the moment u are supposed to be shocked and outraged but u are still in the pen eating grass! u havent woken up yet!

u believe China made its own industries and not that they got those industries from the west when globalists transfered those industries u belive china invented all their tech even though u KNOW they copy and steal not just military secrets but even cloths brands that u can buy at a market in thailand!

U already know the CIA created and supported the so called bad guys “isis” and “AQ” but u didnt realsie they also created modern day china and North Korea since 1990 and the fall of the soviet empire!

What, did u think they just decided in 1990 to start invading countries with oil? or did u think maybe it had something to do with Russia being out of the picture!

So what i am asking u to do is…. find out! are u going to make me send u the VIDEOS that prove what i am saying? U want it on a silver plate? u want to be hand fed ur info? this is the whole problem with this site, if they dont read it here, they dont believe it! Get off ur ass and READ! You are exactly what i am talking about! “ohhh it doesnt make sense” Yeah? Then why are senators and Generals saying it?

And intel war is happening right under ur nose dude! and ure here sniffing the flowers and waving ur pom poms around like a cheerleader!


King Tower in China (open window pre attack)


Residue from “flash bang entry grenade”! Window open to stop blow back effect! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d36cd7f236737b46179ed361a8af5d112071338764155248ec7b40d8ee0ea3b2.jpg

Tell me what u know about this? Who surveilled this? The NSA? Who was in the building? CIA!

Who killed who?

Do u even KNOW what u are talking about? Do you KNOW???

Am i saying the NSA killed CIA agents???


But u wont read that on SouthFront sweet heart!

Intel war! the New USA administration vs Globalists The new USA admin = NSA Globalists are and have always been = CIA

Are u starting to understand or are u still confused?

Example: Snowden outed the NSA but where was snowden from? The CIA! Intel war! NSA vs NSA! Where did Snowden go to first? CHINA!!!!!! Why not go straight to equador? Was Snowden aided by China?

NSA was hunting for Snowden! CIA and China were aiding him!

Remember, nothing is what u think it is! if u FELL for the Snowden Whistle blower thing, then u were fooled by the CIA again! They are smarter than u and they KNOW u believe their lies!

U actually think Snowden is good and China is good! And im telling u, you are wrong!



yeah nothing to see here! Just Eric Schmidt the head of Google Parent Company “Alphabet” in North Korea! Not fishy at all huh!

Also ask yourself WHY did he resign as soon as Trumps Ex Order on Human trafficking was produced??

Google is CIA (u know this) same as Facebook! CIA is the Globalist intel agency! Globalists shifted to China!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3249d672c32fa95cfa72ff61744c9c82ceee44272fbdeb7cdaa1aabc08ecee7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8366f8293619adc9033171f5a4ad9da5c7437fcc90cfd0acedb48e3da0c259c.jpg

A Jew marries a Chinese women! Just so happens to be the head of Facebook! Nothing to see here! BAAA BAAA sheep! lol


Ahh would u look at that! DARPA creates Life Log and then kills the project! Then Facebook launches THE NEXT DAY!





Its not just one spy! its organisational! Its like saying the vatican has a few pedos! When the reality is the whole vatican is doing it!

Same kind of thing for CIA! there are not just one or 2 double agents in the CIA, the CIA works for China!

But hey your gonna hear this soon! It will be on southfront about 2 years after i found out about it for myself!

So u will know 2 years after me! and ill know ure just a fan boy on this site following the heard!

Rex drabble

You are wasting your time here Justin!!! These commentors want TROUBLE. It gives them a thrill to think they know what is really going on. Some like PEACE Some like Tirbulance. Go back 4 years and these clowns here were saying the same stuff!!!!!


Someone who GETS it! thanks Rex!


So much for the “free” West. Only glad that the city of London banking clan and its excuse for a state, the UK is brexiting hard. Not that the rest of Europe hasn’t got its part of corrpution etc. but it’s still different. The AAE is corruption itself.


ya they are good at breaking international law they act like they are above all laws yet they speak with forked tounge with julian says he thinks he is above the laws no may you child abusing pedo lover think YOU are above the law i can’t even fckn look at you witch!!


I hope someone managed to smuggle him some Novichok.

Xoli Xoli

Most plastic cheap nation is Britain.

Xoli Xoli

African must stop diamonds sale to British and stop all trade to Britain. UN must draft a resolution time for none NATO countries to impose sanctions gainst Britain.

Xoli Xoli

British think with skin color and rule with skin color.British think skin color is power.British implement laws which are base on skin color.British wants Britain exit on skin color separation.Whites only Britain.Currently all none British are foreigners, illegal immigrants, Refugees or Foreign base soccer or rugby players.None British experts are call foreign laborers. Racist white skin British.


These days the UK establishment rules under the Rainbow Flag of political intimidation.


Meet Sajid Javid Home Secretary of the United Kingdom. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Official_portrait_of_Sajid_Javid_MP.jpg/1200px-Official_portrait_of_Sajid_Javid_MP.jpg

Cindy Myer

Assange has been outed by the guys at VT. They have articles exposing him and wikileaks as nothing more than a mossad run disinfo collection point. here is the latest article by VT https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/04/12/mossad-agent-assange-finally-kicked-out-of-ecuadorean-embassy/


hahahahahahahaha you guys are so stupid !!!

Veterans Today

Veterans Today is an American propaganda and conspiracy theory website.

According to University of Washington professor Kate Starbird, Veterans Today is a fake news site actively pushing the Kremlin party line.

It has published false headlines such as, “Pravda: Ukraine indignant at 80% of Jews in power” and “Water Terrorism by India to Overawe Pakistan.”

A joint article with Press TV, written by Jim Fetzer, was entitled: “Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook?”

According to Veterans Today, Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks in collaboration with the United States and Julian Assange of Wikileaks is controlled by the Israeli government.

Joe Kerr

Assange’s reluctance to even consider an alternative to the official story about 9-11 and its magic jet fuel tripe is the giveaway, something even a high school physics student knows to be impossible.

Joe Kerr

No surprise, as Assange has free legal advice supplied by the Rothschilds.


Yeah cause what you said makes so much sense !

The Rothchilds that make their money from arms sales and war would want the secrets of the attrocities the yanks committed to come out to the public… …sure…no…no you are not a deep state trol …no….



Pursued for ‘exposing evidence of US atrocities’: Corbyn opposes extradition of Assange.

Leader of the opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has publicly opposed UK’s possible extradition of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to the US, saying he exposed evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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