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MARCH 2025

British ISIS Member Says He Spent Time “On Playstation And Riding Bikes”

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British ISIS Member Says He Spent Time “On Playstation And Riding Bikes”

FILE IMAGE: news.sky.com

22-year-old Shabazz Suleman told Sky News about his time in the terrorist group.

He said he spent some time in Syria in 2014 “doing aid work,” but then crossed over again in 2015 while on a family holiday in Turkey. He was caught by Turkish authorities on the border and put in jail with dozens of IS fighters where he says he bowed to “peer pressure”.

He agreed to be part of a prisoner swap which the Turkish authorities had brokered with IS in exchange for Turkish hostages and has remained in IS territory for the past three years. He claimed that at the beginning he had been swayed by ISIS propaganda, calling it a “romantic jihad”, which was all about protecting civilians.

“It was there to defend the Syrians – honestly I came here for that first, but ISIS changed. Four or five months into ISIS I wanted to leave,” Suleman said. He admitted receiving weapons training early on and was sent to fight on the front line of the Iraqi border, although he claims he did not fire a single shot, having managed to avoid active combat. He claims to have spent some time in an ISIS jail in Raqqa after a failed escape attempt. After a month of imprisonment, he agreed stay with ISIS, but asked for a role that kept him away from the fighting.

He said he was transferred to the Military Police – part of the IS structure aimed at keeping order amongst the civilian population. But again Suleman insisted he was mostly office-bound, playing games on his laptop or on guard duty at checkpoints. Suleman spoke about how he’d gone into hiding to try to avoid fighting, sitting in various houses in Raqqa playing Grand Theft Auto or Metal Gear Solid on a PlayStation and having “a normal life in IS territory”.

He said he would ride his bicycle and see the bodies of those who had been crucified and hung around the notorious roundabout in the city centre.

Suleman is currently help up in a Free Syrian Army jail on the Turkish border, and seeks to return to UK.

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Bi Esm

Proof https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b118e474a8adcae5ff71d53bd1a5c67411dfb2a9356718e64bc11420070d6f82.jpg


Bullshit. He was paid to say that.

All you can say is that sunnis are very stupid people. They act irrationally. They are too sensitive and think they must “help” others by converting them or by controlling other lifes instead of working for themselfs.

Nobody told this pig to help Syrians. Did Syrians ask you to help them.

I’m so disgusting by the stupidity of Sunnis. This stupidity makes them very dangerous for others.

Kira Binkley

You must be a Shi’ite. Am I right? Sunnis are easy to beat, am I right? Being stupid and all…



Simple mind. Because I say “Sunnis are stupids”, so I’m a shiite ? XD. How did you make this conclusion ? XD.

Sunnis are just one of the most stupid and most hypocritical people on earth. That’s why USA is using them.

People like you comme to “protect” them to use them after just like the west do. The west is playing double game with sunnis. They let them alive just to use them. If sunnis don’t want to play this game, why don’t they stop ? Because they are stupid to play a lost game.

Kira Binkley

So are you a Shi’a Muslim? Because those who are not Shi’a might think Sunni are not stupid. You didn’t answer my original question, did you?


I’m not shiite. I don’t believe in abrahamic fake god.

Kira Binkley

What do you believe in? The greatness of America? Because if so, that is your false god.


I believe in weapons.

Kira Binkley



Of course. Give me 500 intercontinental nuclear nukes. That’s what I believe in.

Kira Binkley

I’ll turn them right over, Dr. Strangelove.


It’s just for purely defensive purposes. Humans can’t be trust especially Americans.

Kira Binkley

And the upshot, when it’s all over, is that 1/12th of the population of the planet will still be alive. That’s what they’re counting on, anyway. The people who desire, or intend to use, nukes. KiraSEER


Kira, judging someone based on one comment does not generally produce a right conclusion. If I’m not mistaken, some times ago you concluded that I must be a Turk, because in one comment I talked about terror acts of PKK and despite I clearly mentioned I’m Iranian in the same comment. I may search my history if you can’t remember.

Kira Binkley

My only “judgment” of you, Garga, is that you are an idiot. In every other case, I asked, I didn’t “judge”.


Great response! I like it when people resort to personal attacks instead of an answer.

Kira Binkley

I know you like to talk to me, so I’ll just say briefly that it wasn’t a personal attack per se, only the truth.


Oh yes, because I know how “desirable” you are.


Kira Binkley

Don’t make me sick! KiraSEER


Are you getting sick by remembering your own”desirability”?

Kindly get lost. Or don’t, I put you in my ignore list…. Done! Please feel free to perform all kinds of personal attack.

Kira Binkley

Ah-hah!! Now we know who you are! One of my followers from OPP. (Consider that remark a “personal attack”. Didn’t know there were any neocons on that forum. KiraSEER

Kira Binkley

I tell the truth. If you want to think of them as “personal attacks” that is your hang-up. Guilt feelings, maybe? KiraSeer


The only people that are really stupid are those either lackintg intelligence or those that are being manipulated by their religion, any religion.


I’m sure ISIS cadre are understanding humans. You don’t want to fight? Then don’t, no problem! You don’t like Killing people? Why didn’t say so? You want to just sit and play? Here! A stolen playstation we pulled from the clutches of a dead Syrian boy we killed along his family just yesterday.

Here, have a bicycle and ride in the city filled with crucified Syrians we intended to protect, but remember to return before the dark and brush your teeth!

Almost any ISIS member will claim the same when they’re captured, luckily a lot of their victims are still alive and can identify them.


Did you listened to an ISIS member captured in north Iraq by the Kurds ? He was saying “We were bring here to fight”. These people were heavily mentally manipulated and they were given weapons and be protected by the USA. Like Sunnis are very stupid and easily manipulated and very violent, it was an easy task for USA.


Ah, Kurds and ISIS. Read this article, it’s most enlightening: https://www.globalresearch.ca/kurdish-peshmerga-helped-isis-terrorists-flee-their-stronghold-in-northern-iraq/5615940

Unfortunately, Shi’as and Sunnis have a vastly different view towards each other. Shi’as see Sunnis as their brothers and sisters and don’t care about other people’s religion which are in need. On the other hand, a big part of Sunnis don’t consider Shi’as as humans and believe if they kill enough number of Shi’as they will be absolved of their sins and will go to heaven (hence Shi’a killings in Pakistan for example). While all Sunnis are not like that, this thought is still widespread. I remember a rumor regarding some Palestinians refused to accept blood transfusion donated by Iran because they think Shi’a blood is unclean. Wahhabi “schools” play a big role in such matters..


Sunnis are the problems. Shiites don’t care about Sunnis but Sunnis want to kill Shiites. Everytime there is a bomb attack in Iraq, shiites are targeted.

But, sunnis don’t want to understand that they are the problems.


Agreed on the first part. They are being used. Some of them think their problems will be solved if there are no more Shi’as. It wasn’t like that 40 years ago. The problem are the ones who instigate and use this hatred for their own gains. Without them, this behaviour will probably cease to exist within less than a generation.


I don’t think it will cease to exist but it will not be like it is now. Of course, they have to solve their problems. Otherwise, others will use it to control both.


It’s called Wahhabi. It’s a different sect that taught that there’s a people that were chosen from the start to populate the heaven no matter what and there’s a people that don’t no matter what they do. Those who practices this break the taboo that the religion is to be taught piously without any lie or ulterior motive such as political objective.

Icarus Tanović

We Bosnians are all Sunnis and we don’t make any difference. As you smart targeted issue, those that promotes that are wahabies. And theirs Zionistic creators and protectors. Wahabies, that’s right.


There are not only sunni or Shiite. actually it is more relevant to the region and demographic. Poor/uneducated/persecuted people will be an easy target to pick to be radicalized. Then again there’s also a shill who is just in for the fun or the profit or as a States sponsored actors.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right, they come to pick from most vulnerable classes.



I know the majority of Bosnians are ethnic serbs and croats and most surely those are not sunnis.

Are you sure that you are Bosnian, claiming all Bosnians are sunnis?


You think you know, but you’re probably wrong. “Bosniak” or “Bosnian” are used as a name for the Muslims of Bosnia.

First: Ethnic demography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina

Second: Religious demography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina

If the text bores you just look at the charts and tables.


No, you specifically used Bosnians, not Bosniaks. in the latter case you would be right. All the people that have a bosnian passport of the state of Bosnia are Bosnians, whatever their ethnicity. You seem to confuse nationality with ethnicity which are often, no always, two different matters. An Albanian ethnic person who holds a Macedonian passport, is a Macedonian national. Not an Albanian national.


First, I didn’t, Icarus Tanovic did. Second, even if you you knew more than a Bosnian about Bosnia, Muslims are still majority not minority, both ethnically and religiously. Third, you don’t need to try. You were wrong in your statement and making fun of others, accept it.


You know, You are partly correct. Googled Bosnia and Bosniaks are 50.11% of the population, so a (very small) majority.

Of those Bosniaks, 50% do not adhere to any specific type of Islam, are more or less secular.


If you agree, I’d say a Bosnian may know more than you and me about Bosnia. You may be right, as many people in many countries are identified by a religion which they don’t actually practice, but they’re considered of that religion nevertheless.

I posted the links in my first comment. Why nobody checks the links I post to back my word? Or is it the norm and I shouldn’t check every link I receive?

Icarus Tanović

Theres way more than 50.11, there are 65% of us here. Threre would be even more if Cro-Serbs terrorist didnt decimated us for four years. Many people run away from here. So, there are around 78-79% of us here/rooted here, that have parrents here. Many of people runned away to Western countries, many to USA, many more to Turkey, because weve had minority there going on for lots of time. Even in Syria there are around 200.000 Bosnians with muslim religion.

Icarus Tanović

No need for insulting, friend.


I was not insulting nor did I mean to be.

There are so many trolls here that I just ask when something seems suspicious.

Icarus Tanović

Were close to both of those but were worlds appart, man. Just language, Sometimes its hard to understand Serbs and so croats. By mentality were on the different continent. I know what those little imperialists claims, and that isnt true, believe me on word, Im not lying to you thats the way it is.

Serious Dude

You Bosnians always hate Greeks and Serbians! Bosnians are Turkey lovers.

Icarus Tanović

That’s not true.

Serious Dude

Look at what happened to World Cup qualifiers that Greek players got beaten.

Icarus Tanović

Man, theyve started first by beating seriously Senad Lulić, Manolas did that by purpose, to lame us. Senad was hospitalized afterwords. That one Greek warrior wit Allaw ggber got his mouth shout and couple teeth out of his jaws. That was after the match. Referee was just an arsehole, theyve had a red, yellow and penality and he didnt even bother to do anything. We were pisssed off after all, holms!

Serious Dude

Everyone has seen that our player Gianniotas was hit and lost a tooth. Dzeko also was against his teammate in Roma. Bosnians are always threatening that they will use Fyromian flags in matches against us.

Icarus Tanović

Screw Džeko! He’s selfish egoist, but Senad was NOT! Gianniotas attacked and got his mouth busted. Fair by every standard. WTF is Fyromian flag?

Serious Dude

Flag by the nation that is above us and calls themselves “Macedonians”.

Icarus Tanović

I don’t know whay you worry about it? You’re of famous Helen nation. I wouldn’t.

Serious Dude


Kira Binkley

Well, if that’s the case, then the U.S. could have beat them quite a while ago, don’t you agree? But the U.S. couldn’t. You know what the Sioux said after they massacred Custer, don’t you? They said their enemy fought well, and therefore took courage and bravery to beat. (It wasn’t true; Custer’s last stand was mostly a rout.) I guess the Yanks can’t say that.


How can this guy be this bald at 22?


He scratched his head while playing GTA. Or too much Testosterone. I’d like to have a better look at his teeth though, synthetic drugs are very popular among terror groups and it affect their body, including teeth, skin and hair.


What a stupid fucktard. Let him rot in jail till he dies


This guy sounds like the Shawshank Redemption. There are no guilty people in jail, only innocents. I was in ISIS, but I didn’t do nothing. I didn’t do it. It was the other bad people. Wir haben es nicht gewust.

In theory I guess its possible to slip through the cracks and get caught up in some madness and by an innocent bystander. And try your best not to know, keep your head down. I heard that a lot of Germans who fought on the Eastern Front did their best to ignore what the SS was doing behind their backs. And in theory the Western legal system operates on the principle that it is best to let 10 guilty people go free then put one innocent in jail.

But we’re dealing with ISIS here. One of the most vile reprehensible evil organizations to have come along to give humanity a bad name. One that stands out among other sick clubs, like the Khmer Rouge, the NKVD, the SS, and the various rebel groups that plague Africa to this very day. For the betterment of mankind do we really want to take a risk that one of these mad dogs will get away. Even if he did nothing but play video games, what does it say about his IQ and EQ that a fool like him allowed himself to be shanghaied into ISIS territory, and that he played videogames while other people got raped, mutilated and crucified?


Well is 90+ yo mechanics working in the neighborhood of Auschwitz after being drafted into the army can get a serious sentence it should be no problem to put him away for life.


Aid worker (yeah right), asked a position away from fighting (and was given, yeah right), got a job with the MPs as an office-bod (yeah right), played mostly computer games (yeah right). I bet he got a job with the MPs because he wanted to have the license to break into people’s houses and rape women at gunpoint. That’s what he’s been doing. He doesn’t look like he could dispense discipline among the fighters, he’s too skinny for that.


Most likely he played the lute when having nothing to do at home too.

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