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MARCH 2025

British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

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British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

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L118 105 mm light howitzers recently supplied by the United Kingdom have been spotted with Kiev forces for the first time.

On August 5, photos showing Ukrainian service members with an L118 howitzers in a camouflaged position near an unspecified frontline surfaced online.

The L118, which was designed by the UK’s Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment, has range of 17,2 kilometers with regular 105 mm rounds and up to 20,6 kilometers with base bleeding rounds. The light howitzer can fire six to eight rounds per minute. A crew of four to six is needed to operate the howitzer.

The latest version of the howitzer is equipped with the Laser Inertial Artillery Pointing System, LINAPS, which is used for navigation, pointing and weapon management.

British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

British L118 Light Howitzers Spotted With Kiev Forces (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

In June, the UK said it would supply Kiev forces with up to 50 L118 howitzers. Since then, Ukrainian troops have been training on the howitzers in the UK by British and New Zealander military instructors.

The US supported the UK’s bid to arm Kiev forces with L118 howitzers by supplying Ukraine with 36,000 105 mm rounds. Nevertheless, it is unclear if Ukraine will end up also receiving the American version of the light howitzer, which is known as the M119.

In the last few months, Western states supplied Kiev with hundreds of artillery pieces on the hopes of slowing down the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine. However, the Russian artillery is still reigning supreme in the battlefield.



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Well, that’s a trip down memory lane! I remember training on these when I was in the Royal Artillery, and this year I got my old person’s bus pass. I assume that they have had a few improvements made to them since then, but they certainly look the same and they weren’t new stock when I served, indeed they were very much second choice field artillery even back then. And why is it that every single crew member has their face masked, or the head chopped off from the photos? It can hardly be for security purposes, everyone knows who serves in the Ukranian artillery branch, it is hardly a secret organisation. Is it possible that the crews could be made up of non-Ukranian troops, even current serving members of NATO armies? Or that the photos were taken in training, showing the UK trainers and they still have yet to be actually deployed?


Your right it is so old it is used as the “one o,clock gun ” in Edinburgh Castle.


How I wish that these brits light howitzers could be return back to its place of origin in England attached to a Russian hypersonic missiles.

Retired Troll

The AFU Nazis have totally collapsed as Russia gains more ares in the south now. Many Ukrainian Slavic Orthodox have now realized that they will not die for a Jew faggot who is corrupt to the core and works for global Anglo-Zionist parasites. That is the reason there is less and less resistance to Russian Operation Z which is now proceeding very smoothly.


Wouldn’t we all love to see these landing in London. Yet it wouldn’t matter non to the establishment pedophiles, banks and the other scum out of England.


old piece of crap, will not change the situation on the front


It’s a reminder of how the britz military dispose of its clutters, those junks will be part of the history and soon turn up in Donbass war museum attached with a short story narrating the crimes committed by britz.

Assad Defeated Zionists

It seems Russia must have taken out the M777s and most of all the other NATO suplied longer ranged artillery and all Ukrainian cannon fodder have is obsolete NATO surplus junk.

mohummad your profit

us morons in north amerika humilited by Russia, now China…we #1 lgbt monkey pox


105mm? What is next, the German’s giving them 88mm’s?

Retired Troll

At least the 88mm flak guns were effective, the junk the dumbass hatefilled Americunts and NATO lapdogs are giving the Uki Nazis is pure junk. I just saw two Russian combat engineers laughing at the minor damage the “game changing” himars did to a bridge on the Dnipro, just a few small holes, which the Russians quickly patched up with steel plates and more rebar concrete.


One little nuke fell in Thames in front of British parliament building would do the best job of history of humanity.

Niall of the Nine Hostages

If it’s british it’s bound to be just a load of rubbish. They’ll soon be found and destroyed by Russian aerospace forces or ground artillery. Don’t the stupid ukronazis realise by now that Russia has eyes and ears on the ground as well as aerial and satellite surveillance of everything that moves in 404


Yes it is important to identify the Western military trainers who are instructing Ukrainian military units in the use of these weapons being used to target Civilians in the Donbass and also areas in southern Ukraine. They may cover their face’s on camera. But just as ikeman was found in Argentina and brought to Tel.Aviv the Western trainers will be found and returned to the Donbass to face changes of genocide and crimes against humanity for the murder of thousands of Civilians in the LDPR. The hand of justice will find you no matter where you are and no matter how long it takes 1 year 5 years 10 years or 30 years we will find you and you will answer for your crimes against humanity

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