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MARCH 2025

British Media Goes Wild: Now Russia Sends Troops, Military Bases, S-300 Systems And Kalibr Missiles To Libya

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British Media Goes Wild: Now Russia Sends Troops, Military Bases, S-300 Systems And Kalibr Missiles To Libya

Image: The Sun

British media hysteria over the “Russian threat and aggression” reached a new level. The Sun cited unnamed UK intelligence chiefs who have told Prime Minister Theresa May that Russia is sending troops and missiles into Libya to “enforce stranglehold” on the West.

According to the outlet, the unnamed intelligence officials have warned May that Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to make the North African country “his new Syria.”

According to the report, Moscow’s main goal is to seize the biggest illegal immigration route into Europe. The Sun also claimed that it can “reveal” that “dozens” of GRU officers as well as Spetznaz special forces were already on the ground in eastern Libya. They are presumably carrying out training and liaison roles.

According to the outlet, there are already two Russian military bases that are already operational in the cities of Tobruk and Benghazi. The Russian military is, however, using the cover of the mysterious private military company “the Wagner Group” which reportedly already has outposts there.

According to the Sun’s unnamed intelligence officials, Russia is delivering its Kalibr anti-ship and surface cruise missiles and S300 air defense missile systems to Libya.

The Sun also reported that Russia has sided with General Khalifa Haftar, who earlier in 2018 did, in fact, request a Russian military base in the country. It was confirmed by the Head of the Russian Contact Group in Libya Lev Dengov in an interview with Egyptian outlet Youm7. According to him, Haftar had directly contacted the Russian Ministry of Defense to request the establishment of a Russian military base.

There is, as of yet, no official bilateral military cooperation with the forces of General Haftar and the Russian military.

Despite that, the Sun claimed that if Moscow seizes control of the country’s coastline that could lead to a fresh wave of migrants crossing the Mediterranean “like a tap”, according to an unnamed senior Whitehall source.

“What Putin is doing in Libya is straight out of his playbook for Syria and Crimea before that. He sees ungoverned space and is taking it to exact maximum influence over the West. The fact is we are extremely vulnerable to both immigration flows and oil shock from Libya,” the unnamed source commented.

“It is a potentially catastrophic move to allow him to undermine Western democracy, but again we are doing nothing about it,” the source also highlighted.

The Sun also reported that a Russian naval port on the North African coast would also open operations in the western Mediterranean for the first time in years and could potentially threaten the Strait of Gibraltar.

Following the Sun’s report, the outlet cited senior MPs who urged Downing Street to tackle the “Russian threat.”

Commons Foreign Affairs committee chairman Tom Tugendhat was cited as claiming that Russia’s presumed actions are alarming, but also unsurprising.

“It’s is extremely alarming Russia wants to open up a new front against the West in Libya, but it should also come as no surprise. They will without a doubt try to exploit migration routes across Africa. We need a coordinated government response because the destabilization of a sub-Saharan country is intimately linked to UK national security.”

This new round of hysteria follows the US, Dutch and the UK accusations of Russian hacking, as well as various other allegations related to the Arctic, the Skripal case and chemical weapons usage as well as civilian casualties in Syria. The common denominator of all of these accusations is that they are not accompanied by any evidence whatsoever.

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Daniel Miller

thats not how a S-300 looks like…….oh UK you are sutch a silly islamic state….xD


Their governments destroyed the country, which triggered the migration in the first place. Now they are trying to accuse Moscow for new wave of migrants!! WTF

I have no idea how the European citizens tolerate these kinds of news. In fact, they will digest this bullshit. Europeans are living zombies without brain.


Europeans have none idea at all of what is going on thanks hellish MSM lies…

If knowing the true, NONE Europeans will agree,

Notwithstanding tons of lies and manipulations, European majority is pro Palestinians !

John Whitehot

“European majority is pro Palestinians !”

Surely it’s not pro-israel.


But look at the news above. Anyone who has common sense would know that this must be a lie.

Dan IS

Of course, lies are here too, deleting comments. Check this new video celebrating past victories of our heroes fighting for freedom and against disbelief. https://youtu.be/IQ7-S7bRa38?t=25

Concrete Mike

Hey fuck off you israeli tool.

Some muslim you are. Your just an israeli doormat.

The palestinians spit at you and your ancestors.

Dan IS

And we spit on them too, since they left islam and converted to shiism. Not any better than a jew but much worse.

Concrete Mike

And who are you to judge who follows the proper way of islam?

Are you a descendant of the prophet? Of course your not.

What kind of.muslim throws their brothers under the bus like you just did with shia? Also you just outed yourself, only anglophones use shiites.

You got tricked you dumb motherfucker.

Dan IS

Our youth who refused weakness is getting older and older https://cdn.images.dailystar.co.uk/dynamic/1/photos/972000/620x/581721066fb29_jihadijunior1.jpg

Tommy Jensen

On the contrary, European citizens are electing their governments to do their dirty work……LOL.


The last 40 years, never seen a true word in the European Medias !

Tommy Jensen

Those who live in it dont know it and refuse to know it, as fake reality is their safe comfort zone where they get feeded.


Masses are bunch of idiots, particularly in the US

The Simulacra Democracy https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/10/26/the-simulacra-democracy/

… a nation in which 87 percent of eighteen- to twenty-four year olds (according to a 2002 National Geographic Society/Roper Poll survey) cannot locate Iran or Iraq on a world map and 11 percent cannot locate the United States (!) is not merely “intellectually sluggish.” It would be more accurate to call it moronic, capable of being fooled into believing anything …”

— Morris Berman

I cannot remember U.S. culture ever being quite so compromised by ruling class control. Hollywood turns out one jingoistic and militaristic and racist film and TV show after another. Corporate news is completely controlled by the same forces that run Hollywood. It is the complete capitulation of the liberal class to the interests of the increasingly fascistic U.S. elite. And this didn’t start with Donald Trump. Certainly in its current incarnation it goes back at least to Bill Clinton, and really it goes back to the end of World War Two. The ideological trajectory was formed under the Dulles brothers and military industrial complex — representing U.S. business interests and exhibiting a demand for global hegemony. But once the Soviet Union collapsed, the project was accelerated and intensified.

In Switzerland Public Schools quality is better than in Private Schools for dropout and Foreigners, excellent Universities are almost for free, about 1’000.- CHF a year + free subsides for poor to handle a “Normal” life while Student(Housing, food, cloth, Sport, etc)


No matter what governments get elected, things aren’t gonna change. The problem lies within the financial, administrative and political systems. As long as they are in the EU and in the Nato, things will remain same.

Imagine if Europe had it’s own independent policy, world could be more balanced. US could not have got away with it’s dirty policies.

The US can do their dirty works only because the Europeans blindly support them. At least, that’s what I think.


Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article. http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

Europe is occupied by UK/US since 1945,

and Their NATO since 1848….

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe

by Andrey Fomin

Contrary to appearances, the decision of the United States to investigate a possible Russian aid to anti-European parties is not intended to protect Europeans from foreign interference. This is quite the opposite. For 70 years, Washington controls the West European politics prohibiting all forms of genuine democracy. http://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html

Tommy Jensen

Europe is too infiltred in US business wise. Europe cant go against US without loosing business as the big turnovers lies in the US market. In addition deep state and Nato now have cancered everything in Europe since 9/11.

Many countries hoped EU could balance the brutal iron hand of US.

Its International Finance which are the tumor.


UK/US/NATO triggered the migration on Europe for destabilization purposes….

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe http://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html

Sorry, I have it only in French… Machiavel et les armes de migration massive. https://www.agoravox.fr/tribune-libre/article/machiavel-et-les-armes-de-194770

Njegos Maljevic

All you wrote is truth. USA and EU are exclusive culprits for what is happening inside of Libya. Late Gaddafi said that if west take him down (as it is) migrant crisis would flood the Europe


And now those idiots and war criminals are saying that Russia would instigate migrant floods???




UK/US/NATO want to destabilize Europe with migrants, it’s done onpurpouses, on same times it’s ethnic cleansing for Israel… !


US/Israel/UK/France/Nato got what they are looking for with their abuses since too long

US is an Arrogant money spender,

Russians are smart thinkers

John Whitehot

“US is an Arrogant money spender”

US is an arrogant robber




Go Russia! US and NATO can only destroy. Russia rebuilds.

Dan IS

Never give up, no matter what https://youtu.be/SE2R4wb_6ds?t=58

Dan IS

ISIS in Russia Today https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VMI2M6aDBuQ/hqdefault.jpg

Dan IS

And the best evidence of the night before, we turned fifty of the russians to hell and preached to you, and invited you to speak excessively and wait for the next, Allah and Allah and Allah, we will do wonders for you. We will return to those territories

Concrete Mike

For every 1 russian you killed they killed 200 of you jew lapdogs.

Oohhh your so strong im sooo scared of you.

Watch your back boy!


Concrete Mike IS are lap dogs for the Sunni House of Saud. I served 17 months in Syria over the last two years, nobody there is working for the Israelis. You really don’t know much about anything do you. The US MIC is what is running this show, they don’t even think of Israel anymore except as a customer. The whole Russian collusion lie was their idea, to prevent Russia and the United States from cooperating against IS. If the Bear and the Eagle start getting along well, then the US Taxpayers wouldn’t be willing to pay for a $Trillion Defense budget. I suggest you deploy and conduct actual operations instead of making ignorant statements over and over on this forum.

Redsky B

And who owns and runs the US MIC ? The same people who have owned and run the US for over 100 years ever since they took over our money system and nearly everything else. We are only in Syria and the Mid East for Israel and the clan bosses in the US. Israel gets free stuff from the US so how can they be considered a customer ?

Dan IS

There is nothing bad being backed by other muslims in the region, we know the truth and they know the truth. Actually Qatar helped this movement alot with their influence in the media.

Promitheas Apollonious

So israel has nothing to do with the war in syria and the mercenaries there….. Where you serve in IDF or the white helmets?

Dan IS

Many IS members joined white helments only for safety reasons, and their dedication to continue their jihad until there is new revolution.


You and your Isis buddy are lying Zionist shills.

Concrete Mike

Look at the top echelon of us governments all dual citizens.

You cant ignore the us israeli saudi connection. Its inconvient but its there.

Thank you for your service sir.

I find it hard to beleive your downplaying the israeli role in this conflict?

Your correct that the MIC does not want us and russia to fight terrorists, the terrorists belong to the MIC.

I dont think you should tell us what you did in syria.

But ignoring the role of israel i this and calling me ignorant is kinda disengenuous.

I operate concrete plants for a living, im not a soldier….but I aint stupid either.

Concrete Mike

Also dont lump in sunni into this. What the house of saud practices is not sunni its whahabbi, not the same. The saudis are usurping the term sunni.

So i suggest you read and conduct actual research instead of checking wikipedia over and over.

See what I did there?? Not bad for an ignorant hillbilly


And what would you call the Ukraine situation then? Or Serbia/Kosovo one? Or South stream pipeline in Bulgaria? Are the Saudis guilty of that too? Luckily the rest of the world has a memory spanning over years and decades unlike you US lot…


“…The whole Russian collusion lie was their idea, to prevent Russia and the United States from cooperating against IS” – Thats a load of BS. Even YOU don’t know what you are talking about. ISIS is a US army, paid, trained and created by the US.


Yes you will – and you will make EXCELLENT fertilizer!

Dan IS

l am your father, you are children of the Islamic State. State of Iran dogs unclean and God killed you in the fire and killed us in heaven, God Almighty cowards defeated you from Syria and Iraq, God willing, I fought for you a place in Iraq and Sham Sokkat State Manawik Kawawalid https://youtu.be/Tst3PmJPfug?t=177 Yaraoufd, sons of pleasure burned you in the land of Syria and shot you in Mosul and come to Karbala to shoot you and cut your dirty bodies https://youtu.be/Tst3PmJPfug?t=67 Mabal your journey ended and you took the bullet of pride https://youtu.be/Tst3PmJPfug?t=432

Concrete Mike

Hey buddy, go fuck yourself, you are a tool of israel, some muslim you are.

You are altar boy for the jews!!!

How does it feel to be treated like a used condom???

Dan IS

Even the american liars are more honest and tell more truth than you. Read this article Who Are the Yazidi “Devil Worshipers” and Why Is ISIS Trying to Slaughter and Enslave This Ancient Minority? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/brian-glyn-williams/who-are-the-yazidi-devil-_b_9236042.html?guccounter=1

Concrete Mike

Take your article and shove it boy.

Dont try and paint yourself as a humanitarian, usa is way better at it than you are.

Your pseudo hatred of iran and of shia faith outs you as an israel/saudi supporter.

Im way more honest that you will ever be. I dont blame others for my hardships, i blame mostly me and my stupid decisions.

I dont judge other people and other faiths because, i am not at judge, and our prophets yours and mine said not to judge.

A smart greek a longtime ago said: i am the smartest greek because, of all the greeks, i know that i know nothing.

You on the other hand claim to know everything, that somehow your exceptionnal( sounds familiar guys????) That the truth has been revealed only to you???

No, you lie, you follow your script of lies given to you by your lying bosses to support your lying cause to enslave us all.

you cannot win, free minds are unstoppable, it is you who is stuck in a loop that cant think for yourself, my weapons are already in hand, all you can do is.murder the innocents, that your prophet explicitly said to not harm. How dare you go against the word of your prophet?? Oh wait your probably a filthy israeli…my bad


“A smart greek a longtime ago said: i am the smartest greek because, of all the greeks, i know that i know nothing.”

It was Plato quoting Socrates ~ “I know that I know nothing” :-)

The Greeks these days are not as smart. They think that they know everything. ;-)


I block him monts ago….

Ilya Grushevskiy

I have a question – is everything stated after the tahlil in the shahadah idolatry?

Dan IS

Are trying to make us look stupid? We know what we fight for (the truth). Watch this and you will see why we shoot them with our machine guns. https://youtu.be/EJ4LCPzXQmI?t=206 https://youtu.be/MJKLSxFUCL8?t=111 https://youtu.be/KLza8xaw_E8?t=35 https://youtu.be/vhjkXAua0K8?t=96 They should be shot on spot, without asking them further

Concrete Mike

You should be hugged on the spot, kissy kissy kissy. You need love not hate.

I do not fear you for i am righteous, you only seek to kill divide and steal for your masters in occupied palestine.

Come over here in canada so i can give you a big wet kiss!!!


If God killed you in Heaven you musta been real bad not-Godly motherphückers. Better God kill you here before you go pollute Heaven!


Killing people from a hidey-hole with a fancy sniper rifle with no danger to oneself at all – odd isn’t it how all the really big murderers are such cowards at heart?


Dan IS put down the crack pipe, its turned you into a whiny 11 year old girl. We liked you more when you were your normal unemployed self posting bold statements on your Sister’s laptop, from your Mom’s basement, for the 55 minutes a day when you weren’t watching porn.


Yeah Go Russia….at least they bring some Peace & Stability in War Torn Countries that the Great Western Empire has Destroyed & Looted…

Hisham Saber

” We need a coordinated government response because the destabilization of a sub-Saharan country is intimately linked to UK national security.”

The British fools think that Libya is a sub-Saharan country. Pathetic, being that they bombed it to smithereens in 2011. Libya is a North African (MENA) country.

Also, the Chinese have a big interest in Libya. And they want it to be a strategic part of the OBR Silk Roads.

Libya has some of the best quality oil in the world, and lots of it. Its called Light Sweet Crude, easily refined and drilled. Libya also has the biggest oil reserves in aAfrica, plus 50 billion cubic units of natural gas.


plus the underground aquifer Qaddafi built.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol, amazing how they are trying to blame Syria on Russia.

AM Hants

Do you remember what Libya was like, before Nato invaded? Next she will be telling us Russia has invaded Iraq. Forgetting, the lies old Blair told in Parliament, concerning Iraq.


You’re right, and she will be believed by many, the stupidity of the average human is bewildering.


>>“What Putin is doing in Libya is straight out of his playbook for Syria and Crimea before that. He sees ungoverned space and is taking it to exact maximum influence over the West. The fact is we are extremely vulnerable to both immigration flows and oil shock from Libya,” the unnamed source commented.<<

Maybe if Theresa May's predecessor hadn't bombed Syria into the unstable non-state that it currently is you wouldn't have this current problem/vulnerability. It's like Western governments have lost the ability to think before they act, like they are only emotionally driven these days. No wonder you're shaking in your designer shoes so much for a guy who leads a country with the economy the size of France. Putin at least thinks his moves through before he acts. Well, most of the time. In the land of the blind that means he's the one eyed man.

jade villaceran

If that is true, good for the people of libya since russia can help them to attain peaceful sulutions slowly but surely, because they have the best diplomacy for every political factions of libya

In fact migrant will be stop and people can live a normal life again

John Mason

Not true. Russia wouldn’t be that stupid to involve herself in Libya, not in the foreseeable future anyway. Russia is indirectly supporting the non UN faction.



International relations: the calm before the storm?

by Thierry Meyssan

All international problems are currently suspended, awaiting the results of the US mid-term elections. The partisans of the old international order are gambling on a change of majority in Congress and a rapid destitution of President Trump. If the man in the White House holds fast, the protagonists of the war against Syria will have to admit defeat and move on to other battle fields. On the other hand, if Donald Trump should lose the elections, the war on Syria will immediately be revived by the United Kingdom.



The current situation – extending from the Russian response to the destruction of its Ilyuchin-20 to the US mid-term elections on 6 November – is uncertain. All the protagonists of the war in Syria are waiting to see whether the White House will be able to pursue its policy of breaking away from the current international order, or if Congress will become the opposition and immediately trigger the process for the destitution of President Trump.

The origins of the war

It has become clear that the initial project by the United States, the United Kingdom, Israël, Saudi Arabia and Qatar will not be realised. The same goes for France and Turkey, two powers that entered the war against Syria somewhat later.

What we need to remember is not the way in which we were informed about the start of the events, but what we have discovered about them since. The demonstrations in Deraa were presented as a « spontaneous revolt » against « dictatorial repression », but we now know that they had been in preparation for a long time [1].

We also need to free ourselves of the illusion that all the members of a Coalition, united in order to achieve the same goal, share the same strategy. Whatever the influence of one or the other, each State conserves its own history, its own interests and its own war objectives.

The United States pursued the strategy of Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, which was the destruction of the State structures in the Greater Middle East [2]. For this they relied upon the United Kingdom, which implemented Tony Blair’s strategy aimed at placing the Muslim Brotherhood in power throughout the region [3]. And also on Israël, which rebooted the strategy of Oded Yinon [4] and David Wurmser [5] for regional domination. The necessary weapons were stored in advance by Saudi Arabia in the Omar mosque [6]. Qatar stepped in by inventing the story about the children whose nails were torn out.

At that time, Saudi Arabia was not seeking to impose a new form of politics on Syria, nor even to overthrow its government. Riyadh’s intention was exclusively to prevent a non-Sunni from becoming President. By some strange historical evolution, the Wahhabites, who, two centuries ago, considered both Sunnis and Chiites as heretics and called for their extermination if they failed to repent, are today presenting themselves as the defenders of the Sunnis and the killers of the Chiites.

As for the tiny emirate of Qatar, it was exacting its revenge after the interruption of its gas pipeline in Syria [7].

France, which should have taken part in the conspiracy by virtue of the Lancaster House agreements, was sidelined because of its unexpected initiatives in Libya. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppé, attempted to push France into rejoining the conspirators, but the ambassador in Damascus, Eric Chevallier, who could see the distortion of facts on the ground, resisted as far as humanly possible [8].

When France was once again admitted to the group conspiracy, it continued its 1915 objective of the colonisation of Syria, pursuing the Sykes-Picot-Sazonov agreements. Just as the French mandate over Syria was considered to be transitory compared with the lasting colonisation of Algeria [9], it is considered, in the 21st century, as secondary to control of the Sahel. Besides which, while attempting to realise its old engagement, Paris pushed for the creation of a national home for the Kurds, on the model used by the British in 1917 for the Jews in Palestine. In order to do so, it allied itself with Turkey [10] which, in the name of Atatürk’s « national oath » [11], invaded the North of Syria in order to create a State to which the Turkish Kurds could be expelled.

While the war objectives of these first four aggressors are mutually compatible, those of the latter two are not compatible with the others.

Besides which, France, the United Kingdom and Turkey are three old colonial powers. All three are now trying to impose their power over the same throne. The war against Syria has thus reactivated their old rivalries.


The Daesh episode within the war against Syria and Iraq

At the end of 2013, the Pentagon revised its plans within the framework of the Cebrowski strategy. It modified its initial plans, as revealed by Ralph Peters [12], and substituted the plan by Robin Wright for the creation of a « Sunnistan » straddling Syria and Iraq [13].

However, in September 2015, the deployment of the Russian army in Syria, as an obstacle to the creation of « Sunnistan » by Daesh, ruined the projects of the six principal partners in the war.

The three years of war that followed had other objectives – on the one hand, to create a new state straddling Iraq and Syria within the framework of the Cebrowski strategy, and, on the other, to use Daesh to cut the Silk Road that Xi Jinping’s China were seeking to reactivate – thus maintaining continental domination over the « Western » part.

The Syrian / Russian victory and the reversal of the United States

The affair of the destruction of the Ilyuchin-20 on 17 September 2018 handed Russia the occasion to terminate this extended war and come to an agreement with the White House to stand against other aggressors. This is a rerun, on a smaller scale, of the Russian / US reaction to the Suez crisis of 1956 [14].

Moscow has not only given the Syrian Arab Army anti-aircraft missiles (S-300’s), but has also deployed an entire integrated surveillance system. As soon as this system is operational, and Syrian officers have been trained to use it, which will take three months at the most, it will be impossible for Western armies to over-fly the country without permission from Damascus [15].

President Trump announced in advance that he intends to withdraw US troops from Syria. He went back on this decision under pressure from the Pentagon, then agreed with his general officers to maintain pressure on Damascus as long as the United States were excluded from the peace negotiations in Sotchi. The deployment of the Russian armies – for which the White House had probably given its agreement – provided President Trump with the occasion of forcing the Pentagon to back off. It would have to withdraw its troops, but it could maintain the presence of its mercenaries (as it happens, these would be the Kurds and Arabs from the Democratic Forces) [16].

The Syrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Walid el-Mouallem, speaking before the General Assembly of the UNO, demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the foreign forces of occupation, US, French and Turkish [17].

If the United States leave, then the French and Turkish troops will be unable to stay. The Israëlis would no longer be able to overfly and bomb the country. The British have already left.

However, Tel-Aviv, Paris and Ankara still hope that President Trump will lose the elections of 6 November and will be fired. They are therefore awaiting the results of this fateful election before they decide.

If it happens that Donald Trump should win the mid-term elections in Congress, another question will arise. If the Western powers give up on the battle in Syria, where will they go to continue their endless war? This is indeed a reality on which all experts agree – the Western ruling class has become so swamped in bad blood and hubris that it is unable to accept the idea of being geared back behind the new Asian powers.

Wisdom would dictate that once the war is lost, the aggressors should withdraw. But the intellectual disposition of the West prevents them from doing so. The war here will cease only when they find a new bone to gnaw on.

Only the United Kingdom has given its response any thought. It is clear by now that although London maintains its diplomatic pressure on Syria via the Small Group, its attention is already focused on the revival of the « Grand Game » which saw the Crown confront the Tsar throughout all of the 19th century. After having invented the Skripal affair, and on the model of the « Zinoviev Letter » [18], London has just ’caught’ the Russian Exterior Intelligence Services red-handed in their attempt to discover what is being plotted against them by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC).

This geopolitical doctrine is independent of the events which serve as its pretext. The « Grand Game » was the strategy of the British Empire. Its resumption by the current United Kingdom is the consequence of Brexit and the policy of « Global Britain ». Just as in the 19th century, this anti-Russian configuration will lead in time to an exacerbated rivalry between London and Paris. On the contrary, should Theresa May fail, along with the questions concerning Brexit and the maintenance of the United Kingdom in the European Union, all these projections will be cancelled.

If France is now studying the possibility of leaving the Middle East in order to concentrate on the Sahel, the position of the United States is a lot more problematic. Since 9/11, the Pentagon has enjoyed a certain autonomy. The ten combat Commanders of the armed forces no longer receive orders from the president of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, but only from the Secretary of Defense.

With time, they have become the veritable « viceroys » of the « American Empire » – a function which they do not wish to see reduced by President Trump. Some of them, like the Commander for South America (SouthCom) [19], intend to continue with the Cebrowski strategy, despite the admonitions of the White House.

So there remains much uncertainty. The only positive step taken concerns Daesh – for three years, the Western powers pretended to be fighting this terrorist organisation, while at the same time supplying them with weapons. Today, Donald Trump has ordered the cessation of this experience of an explicitly terrorist state, the Caliphate, and the Syrian and Russian armies have pushed the jihadists back. The Westerners have no desire to see their friends, the « moderate rebels », now qualified as « terrorists », turn up in their countries en masse. Consequently, whether they admit it or not, they hope they will all be killed in Syria.

It is the US mid-term elections which will decide whether the war continues in Syria or move on to another battle field.

Thierry Meyssan


Pete Kimberley

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[1] “Aggression disguised as civil wars”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 27 February 2018.

[2] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[3] “Tony Blair speech at the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles”, by Tony Blair, Voltaire Network, 1 August 2006. When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries. The British State’s flirtation with radical Islamism, Martin Bright, Policy Exchange, September 2004. “I had no choice but to leak”, Derek Pasquill, New Statesman, January 17, 2008.

[4] “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties (The “Yinon Plan”)”, by Oded Yinon, Translation Israel Shahak, Kivunim (Israel) , Voltaire Network, 1 February 1982.

[5] The plan A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, July 2006, was attributed to its signatories, mainly Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. However, according to Feith, the text was drawn up by Wurmser, without the signatories having the opportunity to modify it. See “Credit for Israel Report Clarified”, Douglas Feith, Washington Post, September 16, 2004.

[6] Interview with General Anwar Al-Eshki by the BBC, in 2011. https://youtu.be/EGu3sh4MMK8.

[7] “Syria’s Pipelineistan war”, Pepe Escobar, Al-Jazeera, August 6, 2012. “Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern”, Nafeez Ahmed, The Guardian, August 30, 2013. “​Syria attraction: Russia moving into Eastern Mediterranean oil bonanza”, William Engdhal, Russia Today, Januray 13, 2014. “Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria”, Robert Kennedy Jr, Politico, February 23, 2016.

[8] “Alain Juppé accused by his own Administration of having falsified reports on Syria”, Translation Michele Stoddard , Voltaire Network, 22 March 2012.

[9] France, Syrie et Liban 1918-1946: Les ambiguïtés et les dynamiques de la relation mandataire, Nadine Méouchy, Presses de IFPO, 2013.

[10] Accord franco-turc – signed by Alain Juppé and Ahmet Davutoğlu, 2011, not published.

[11] “Misak-ı Milli Kararları”, Voltaire İletişim Ağı , 28 Ocak 1920.

[12] “Blood borders – How a better Middle East would look”, Colonel Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal, June 1, 2006.

[13] “Imagining a Remapped Middle East”, Robin Wright, The New York Times Sunday Review, September 8, 2013.

[14] “Will London, Paris and Tel-Aviv be sanctioned by Moscow and Washington?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 25 September 2018.

[15] “Implication of creating a modern integrated management of the Syrian air space”, by Valentin Vasilescu, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 8 October 2018.

[16] “Trump eyeing Arab ‘boots on the ground’ to counter Iran in Syria”, Travis J. Tritten, Washington Examiner, September 29, 2018.

[17] “Remarks by Walid Al-Moualem to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly”, by Walid Al-Moualem, Voltaire Network, 29 September 2018.

[18] “The Skripal Affair: A Lie Too Far?”, by Michael Jabara Carley, Strategic Culture Foundation (Russia) , Voltaire Network, 23 April 2018.

[19] “Plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – “Masterstroke””, by Kurt W. Tidd, Voltaire Network, 23 February 2018. “The United States “Master Stroke” against Venezuela”, by Stella Calloni, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 17 May 2018.


Thank you, there is plenty there to disagree with but one thought is just like a thorn in my side:”invaded North of Syria in order to create a State to which the Turkish Kurds could be expelled”? You obviously don’t know much about Syria specially about Aleppo and Idlib, the two areas where “Turkmens” (Syrian Turks) live. There is also other dissidents there who all have wet dreams of the Great Ottoman Empire and are looking towards Ankara in hope of any signs of their dreams realization. The Kurds there are totally out of the picture (dream) and their fate was probably dreamt of in line with the fate of Armenians, Greeks, Serbians and other smaller nations who nearly vanished inside the Ottomans Imperia


I am humble and have none pretensions, never been in Syria, but knowing a bit about Damas Omeyyades fantastic heritage they left in Andalusia.

Alhambra is still today a dreams legend.

Versailles is in France what Alhambra is in Spain, but about 1’000 years older….

Spain/Nato bombing Syria is unacceptable !

Aside that I have many long time friends laic Muslims, many VIP former rulers families, Ambassadors, and casual Peoples from almost every Muslim Countries… All of them have an “Humanist” viewpoint, and are scandalized by what is going on in the Middle-East !

John Whitehot

““What Putin is doing in Libya is straight out of his playbook for Syria..”

What the Sun is doing here is straight out of its playbook for a population that has never been so ignorant and intellectually crippled by terrorist medias – population that they can rob simply by writing ravings that exploit its fears.

Concrete Mike

Fear porn.

These idiots have to audacity to label themselves intellectuals.

Iva had more intellectual conversations with my cat.


The Daesh episode within the war against Syria and Iraq

At the end of 2013, the Pentagon revised its plans within the framework of the Cebrowski strategy. It modified its initial plans, as revealed by Ralph Peters [12], and substituted the plan by Robin Wright for the creation of a « Sunnistan » straddling Syria and Iraq [13].

However, in September 2015, the deployment of the Russian army in Syria, as an obstacle to the creation of « Sunnistan » by Daesh, ruined the projects of the six principal partners in the war.

The three years of war that followed had other objectives – on the one hand, to create a new state straddling Iraq and Syria within the framework of the Cebrowski strategy, and, on the other, to use Daesh to cut the Silk Road that Xi Jinping’s China were seeking to reactivate – thus maintaining continental domination over the « Western » part.

The Syrian / Russian victory and the reversal of the United States

The affair of the destruction of the Ilyuchin-20 on 17 September 2018 handed Russia the occasion to terminate this extended war and come to an agreement with the White House to stand against other aggressors. This is a rerun, on a smaller scale, of the Russian / US reaction to the Suez crisis of 1956 [14].

Moscow has not only given the Syrian Arab Army anti-aircraft missiles (S-300’s), but has also deployed an entire integrated surveillance system. As soon as this system is operational, and Syrian officers have been trained to use it, which will take three months at the most, it will be impossible for Western armies to over-fly the country without permission from Damascus [15].

President Trump announced in advance that he intends to withdraw US troops from Syria. He went back on this decision under pressure from the Pentagon, then agreed with his general officers to maintain pressure on Damascus as long as the United States were excluded from the peace negotiations in Sotchi. The deployment of the Russian armies – for which the White House had probably given its agreement – provided President Trump with the occasion of forcing the Pentagon to back off. It would have to withdraw its troops, but it could maintain the presence of its mercenaries (as it happens, these would be the Kurds and Arabs from the Democratic Forces) [16].

The Syrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Walid el-Mouallem, speaking before the General Assembly of the UNO, demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the foreign forces of occupation, US, French and Turkish [17].

If the United States leave, then the French and Turkish troops will be unable to stay. The Israëlis would no longer be able to overfly and bomb the country. The British have already left.

However, Tel-Aviv, Paris and Ankara still hope that President Trump will lose the elections of 6 November and will be fired. They are therefore awaiting the results of this fateful election before they decide.

If it happens that Donald Trump should win the mid-term elections in Congress, another question will arise. If the Western powers give up on the battle in Syria, where will they go to continue their endless war? This is indeed a reality on which all experts agree – the Western ruling class has become so swamped in bad blood and hubris that it is unable to accept the idea of being geared back behind the new Asian powers.

Wisdom would dictate that once the war is lost, the aggressors should withdraw. But the intellectual disposition of the West prevents them from doing so. The war here will cease only when they find a new bone to gnaw on.

Only the United Kingdom has given its response any thought. It is clear by now that although London maintains its diplomatic pressure on Syria via the Small Group, its attention is already focused on the revival of the « Grand Game » which saw the Crown confront the Tsar throughout all of the 19th century. After having invented the Skripal affair, and on the model of the « Zinoviev Letter » [18], London has just ’caught’ the Russian Exterior Intelligence Services red-handed in their attempt to discover what is being plotted against them by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC).

This geopolitical doctrine is independent of the events which serve as its pretext. The « Grand Game » was the strategy of the British Empire. Its resumption by the current United Kingdom is the consequence of Brexit and the policy of « Global Britain ». Just as in the 19th century, this anti-Russian configuration will lead in time to an exacerbated rivalry between London and Paris. On the contrary, should Theresa May fail, along with the questions concerning Brexit and the maintenance of the United Kingdom in the European Union, all these projections will be cancelled.

If France is now studying the possibility of leaving the Middle East in order to concentrate on the Sahel, the position of the United States is a lot more problematic. Since 9/11, the Pentagon has enjoyed a certain autonomy. The ten combat Commanders of the armed forces no longer receive orders from the president of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, but only from the Secretary of Defense.

With time, they have become the veritable « viceroys » of the « American Empire » – a function which they do not wish to see reduced by President Trump. Some of them, like the Commander for South America (SouthCom) [19], intend to continue with the Cebrowski strategy, despite the admonitions of the White House.

So there remains much uncertainty. The only positive step taken concerns Daesh – for three years, the Western powers pretended to be fighting this terrorist organisation, while at the same time supplying them with weapons. Today, Donald Trump has ordered the cessation of this experience of an explicitly terrorist state, the Caliphate, and the Syrian and Russian armies have pushed the jihadists back. The Westerners have no desire to see their friends, the « moderate rebels », now qualified as « terrorists », turn up in their countries en masse. Consequently, whether they admit it or not, they hope they will all be killed in Syria.

It is the US mid-term elections which will decide whether the war continues in Syria or move on to another battle field.

Thierry Meyssan


Pete Kimberley

[1] “Aggression disguised as civil wars”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 27 February 2018.

[2] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[3] “Tony Blair speech at the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles”, by Tony Blair, Voltaire Network, 1 August 2006. When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries. The British State’s flirtation with radical Islamism, Martin Bright, Policy Exchange, September 2004. “I had no choice but to leak”, Derek Pasquill, New Statesman, January 17, 2008.

[4] “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties (The “Yinon Plan”)”, by Oded Yinon, Translation Israel Shahak, Kivunim (Israel) , Voltaire Network, 1 February 1982.

[5] The plan A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, July 2006, was attributed to its signatories, mainly Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. However, according to Feith, the text was drawn up by Wurmser, without the signatories having the opportunity to modify it. See “Credit for Israel Report Clarified”, Douglas Feith, Washington Post, September 16, 2004.

[6] Interview with General Anwar Al-Eshki by the BBC, in 2011. https://youtu.be/EGu3sh4MMK8.

[7] “Syria’s Pipelineistan war”, Pepe Escobar, Al-Jazeera, August 6, 2012. “Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern”, Nafeez Ahmed, The Guardian, August 30, 2013. “​Syria attraction: Russia moving into Eastern Mediterranean oil bonanza”, William Engdhal, Russia Today, Januray 13, 2014. “Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria”, Robert Kennedy Jr, Politico, February 23, 2016.

[8] “Alain Juppé accused by his own Administration of having falsified reports on Syria”, Translation Michele Stoddard , Voltaire Network, 22 March 2012.

[9] France, Syrie et Liban 1918-1946: Les ambiguïtés et les dynamiques de la relation mandataire, Nadine Méouchy, Presses de IFPO, 2013.

[10] Accord franco-turc – signed by Alain Juppé and Ahmet Davutoğlu, 2011, not published.

[11] “Misak-ı Milli Kararları”, Voltaire İletişim Ağı , 28 Ocak 1920.

[12] “Blood borders – How a better Middle East would look”, Colonel Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal, June 1, 2006.

[13] “Imagining a Remapped Middle East”, Robin Wright, The New York Times Sunday Review, September 8, 2013.

[14] “Will London, Paris and Tel-Aviv be sanctioned by Moscow and Washington?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 25 September 2018.

[15] “Implication of creating a modern integrated management of the Syrian air space”, by Valentin Vasilescu, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 8 October 2018.

[16] “Trump eyeing Arab ‘boots on the ground’ to counter Iran in Syria”, Travis J. Tritten, Washington Examiner, September 29, 2018.

[17] “Remarks by Walid Al-Moualem to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly”, by Walid Al-Moualem, Voltaire Network, 29 September 2018.

[18] “The Skripal Affair: A Lie Too Far?”, by Michael Jabara Carley, Strategic Culture Foundation (Russia) , Voltaire Network, 23 April 2018.

[19] “Plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – “Masterstroke””, by Kurt W. Tidd, Voltaire Network, 23 February 2018. “The United States “Master Stroke” against Venezuela”, by Stella Calloni, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 17 May 2018.

Abdul Majeed

…just keep Mr. Putin out and far away from Military matters.

Tommy Jensen

Russia is trying to contain Europe and surround it with military Kalibr bases.

The next Russian military base is planned on Kreta in the middle of Mediterranian to controle British sun beaches on the excuse “Russia was invited by the local government of Kreta”.


Source: The Sun newspaper. That explains it all.

Carne João Pasta

Too f’n bad. Deal with it.

Dušan Mirić

Well, Libya would be much better place if Russians came before Qaddafi was killed

Mark Flynn

Haha, so the Zionists were responsible for the taking down of a Russian plane with the murder of Russian personal, Russia responds and has basically made the Syrian airspace a no go area for the Zionists and now, as usual, the Zionists try and get others to do their dirty work. The Sun newspaper is owned by Zionist Murdoch and now he ramps up his anti Russian bullshit, lol, and people actually buy and read this rag of a paper..

You can call me Al

The Sun is a MSM rag for people with an IQ under 20.

Concrete Mike

Rags are useful, like in painting or in a shop. Dont insult rags please LOL



Ray Douglas

The owners and management of the Sun newspaper have an IQ of 10-. Their readers have an IQ of 1-. This article was written for them. I am surprised that South front would reprint such an article.

Concrete Mike

Oh wow i needed a good laugg this morning.

I will take to liberty to remind our collègues at the sun, that it was in fact uk france usa.and canada that destabilized libya in the first place, that your morronic actions caused the migrant crisis.

Hah it gets even funnier, YOU knew what you were doing in libya, you caused the migrant crisis on purpose. You robbed libya blind, sent the army’s arsenal to al nusra in syria. All under the watchful eyes of our benevolent governments.

To all of you who beleive this article. Its toilet paper, in fact its an insult to shit to scrape it off your rectum with this “paper”.

This is a projection of the evils our governments are doing.

We have done all these things to ourselves. Russia did nothing.

Promitheas Apollonious

well…. according to the brits they(russians) are doing something now. From cross referencing this info seems also to be true, to some extent.

Concrete Mike

Even if it is true, I dont care to be honest, the claim that russia is destabilizing europe with migrants is laughable.

Europe destabilized europe with migrants. Its like calling the cops and say arrest glock.company because i shoot myself in the foot.

Its nonsense. And some idiot is going to beleive that somewhere.

Promitheas Apollonious

Is not a matter of caring or not is a matter of knowing what is happening on the ground there and connect the dots my friend. From libyan and Syrian shores, russia can control the whole of Mediterranean sea, Aegean sea and Ionian sea in case the americans and allies try to close bosporus. For the russians to do such a move it means they getting ready for a very serious war.

Americans in Greece are turning it into a big military base and things are not looking very good here. Turkey is getting ready for attacking both cyprus and greece from the looks of it for the oil and gas and we all wonder where russia will stand on this. Since is the one supplying turkey with S400 and have given her part of syria to keep her happy.

Concrete Mike

Ok i understand what you are saying. Its alarming.

The reason i put this story in the either no or gray basket is simply this.

I feel that the russians would be too vulnerable to set up shop in Lybia.

So after thinking about this, i will put it in my gray basket. I dont know enough of north africa or how it affects southern europe. And it has a hint of maskirovska.about it.

Tommy Jensen

Greece already got a lot of chances, and ran to Wall Street´s debt hole every single time.

Promitheas Apollonious

This is what happens when you vote of pieces of trash and employees of the globalists. Neogreeks are all amerikanized and c*ck suckers with no fail.

Ivan Freely

Turkey getting ready to attack both Cyprus and Greece? Erdie haven’t finished dealing with the US-backed Kurds. Also, it’ll be years before the S-400 is delivered to Turkey.

Promitheas Apollonious

You need to follow what happens in the area and you have your answer. As for S400 delivered to turkey… soon you realize that weapons dont make warriors.

The globalist stooges the neogreeks insist to vote as their government already sold the country out with the directions of the UK/Usrael and allowed to fill the country with the invading armies of pakistanis and afghans and another half a million is waiting at the borders to come in with the european pieces of shit and MKOs to pass them in the country.

Greece is been destroyed and is becoming the prototype of what globalist mean of multi culture as well what the future holds for europe. they turning a traditionally christian country into islamic one. Watch how it ends and I hope the turks instead of farting do what they keep pushing to happen. Then they receive their answer not from the politicians but from our war teams.

Ivan Freely

Thanks. I just read an article regarding the Oil and Gas fight near Cyprus. However, I doubt the Turks would further escalate the situation by invading Greece. They really need to deal with the US-backed Kurds first, and should be more cooperating with regional powers that are at odds with the Kurds.

As for the mass migration, Europeans are slowly waking up, but do they know it’s the Zionists that is stirring the pot, is the question. The situation is very complicated with all the groups and their agendas.

Promitheas Apollonious

Invading Greece no the fight there is about the Aegean sea if they attempt to invade Greece it be also the last mistake they be making. On the other hand with so many isis allegedly refugees in Greece and europe they dont need to invade anything just activate them.

Europeans they not waking up, either slowly or other wise. The ones who are aware of the problem are very few and always been aware of the problem, but with the policies the EU has established even the few they are aware are scare shitless to do anything about it, as you are automatically marked as racist and many more and more than likely you never land a job again since 99% of europe are employees and tax slaves, to the system.

The turks will try and start problems in Cyprus because they think is an easy target and has not the means to do much about it. And we are prepared to burn turkey from end to end and same goes for all the europeans countries who support them. So we see what happens at the end.

Promitheas Apollonious

none thinking person cares what the morons of west are saying Mike. We are informing each other or we trying to as to what facts are and not the hallucinations western morons have, or the bed time stories they sell to their callable voters.


…. and keep on coming, Russia, all the way down.

You FUKUS types make like FUKOFF types


Don’t like another country with bases in the Mediterranean? Set the example by leaving Gibraltar as soon as possible.


“According to the outlet, the unnamed intelligence officials……”

I stopped reading right there.

Tommy Jensen

…usually reliable high placed…


…squeaky clean and beyond reproach…


… can be bought for bargain basement prices…

Gregory Casey

I suppose it never occurs to them to consider that Libya was wholly stable under the rule of Muammar Gaddafi until, Lo and Behold! France, Little Britain and US decided to bomb the Country out of existence so that, according to themselves, they could remove Gaddafi from Office. If they really wanted to remove him they could have assassinated him on any one of numerous occasions throughout the previous few years and/or at any time since but no, the real reason was to crate outright conflagration throughout North Africa all of which has led to the surging numbers of Refugees and Migrants to Europe. The Stupid Fuxxers couldn’e even manage a change of Government in Libya without causing wholesale death and destruction together with uncontrolled migrant flows into Europe. You Reap What You Sow but here, these geniuses sowed Carrot Seeds and grew Nettles.

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