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MARCH 2025

British Media Uses Death Of Russian Intelligence Agency Head For More Speculations Over Skripal Case

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British Media Uses Death Of Russian Intelligence Agency Head For More Speculations Over Skripal Case

Igor Korobov

On November 21st, Igor Korobov, the head of the Russian military intelligence agency (often referred to as the GRU) died at the age of 62 as a result of a serious and long illness.

His death was announced in a statement by Russia’s Ministry of Defense.

“The ministry statement said: “The leadership of the Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation, General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GSA) and Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation inform with great sadness that on 21 November 2018, after a serious and long illness, head of the (GRU), deputy chief of the GSA Colonel General Korobov Igor Valentinovich passed away at the age of 63. The memory of a wonderful person, a true son of Russia, a patriot of the Fatherland Colonel General Korobov Igor Valentinovich will forever remain in our hearts. We express condolences to his family and friends.”

Igor Korobov was born on 3 November 1956. He started serving in the military in 1973. He graduated from the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation Schoold of Pilots and Navigators of the Air Defense Forces, Military Academy of the Soviet Army and Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, TASS reported.

He worked in military intelligence since 1985 and assumed various positions in the Main Directorate. He spoke several foreign languages. Over his long military service, he received numerous awards and medals.

Korobov became the head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces in 2016, when he was appointed by a presidential decree. He was became the target of US sanctions in the same year for “acts for or on behalf of the GRU.”

Unsurprisingly, British media lost no time to tie Korobov’s death to the failed alleged assassination attempt of Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

The Standard reported:

“It comes after the GRU chief, 63, was reported to be in sudden “ill health” after a confrontation with Vladimir Putin in October over the Salisbury poisoning,” not even correctly pointing out his age correctly.

According to this very version, after the “independent investigative website” Belingcat reported that the two suspects of the Skripal attack were alleged GRU agents, the complicated plot had failed entirely, thus Korobov brought great shame to his leader and “evil mastermind” Vladimir Putin.

Korobov took over from Gen Igor Sergun, who died of a heart attack at the age of the 58. Michael Carpenter, a Russia adviser for Barack Obama’s administration, tweeted: “His predecessor died in 2016 of a heart attack. Life expectancy for incumbents of this job is pretty low, but then so is the median life expectancy in Russia.”

The GRU has been in the center of mainstream media hysteria since March, especially in British media. Since then the GRU has been accused of various types of misconduct, including the alleged Skripal poisoning, attempting to hack the headquarters of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Netherlands, among others.

Furthermore, Belingcat after thorough “database research” and “investigation” based on multiple anonymous sources revealed 305 other individuals allegedly working for the Russian intelligence agency.

It stands to show how much the hysteria of presumed Russian aggression and spy games has taken over mainstream media if even the death of a person due to a disease is openly celebrated and is part of a conspiracy.

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Tommy Jensen

Koborov suddenly died at 62 because he openly disagreed with Putin´s personal order of poisening of Skripal and his daughter. The previous Sergun also died suddenly at 58 after he personally spoke in the telephone with the US Embassador about freedom. In both cases Putin´s new Syrian passports were found close to the killing places by an FBI representative from the US Embassy.


Do you know where I get get a few passports Tommy? :)


Depends, how many different names do you want to use. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7ba643219443df6cc32a004f7361095203afa1f5ab9dee120082117cb6a7de35.jpg


Lots of names and these days I could even Self Identify and get a passport for a cat. That way, I would have 9 lives and be able to climb trees with ease . I would also be an expert at hunting at night as well :)


Start with this one: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e325d934d1f27e2de541357bb26b6c45e38566bda2dce0e348511a2e46e7db7.jpg


Schhhhh, you will blow my cover :)

Zo Fu

British tabloids are speculating about Russia – hmm. Maybe they should focus on Brexit voters betrayal instead ?

lene johansen

The whole world laugh of British media. Only retarded take it serious

Jens Holm

Not the whole world. And we dont laugh. They have several big problems there. This is only one of them and probatly from the Bolsjoj theatre.

I agree in its a bad thing too blame someone, You dont like for a maybee only. So far I do see a very big maybee.

You can call me Al

Oh, not again.

“Furthermore, Belingcat after thorough “database research” and “investigation” based on multiple anonymous sources revealed 305 other individuals allegedly working for the Russian intelligence agency.”

So no. of intelligence agencies:

Russia = 305

USA = ?,000,000 – https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2015/02/us-intelligence-community-bigger-ever-it-worth-it/104799/


The British government is getting crasser as each day passes Al.

You can call me Al

I know, sad and terrifying to see our collapse.


Shamelessly, how those Anglo-fascists abuse the death of an uncontested and extremely loyal patriot for their own goals and deception. The equally unpalatable insinuations about the far too early death of his predecessor, General Igor Sergun, who died of a heart attack at the age of 58, is sarcastically slandered by the alleged Russian mafia leadership and relatively low life expectancy in Russia. A macabre dance on the back of our dead, the shameless! Western norms and values, I get more contempt every day.

Right-minded citizens around the world will not be misled by this eternal and one-sided hatred and angry insinuations. You are currently seeing the failing democratic deficit rising across Europe with citizens, for example in Belgium and France who single-handedly block the supply roads and logistics of petrol stations due to the exuberant rising prices of fuels and food.

The people are fed up with it and when politicians and trade unions no longer follow the priorities and needs of the people they will take matters into their own hands. What we need is more and direct people’s democracy away from the cult of persons and power politics. Rest in peace, dear Igor Valentinovich Korobov. Russia loves you and is eternally grateful to you.

lene johansen



Russia should accuse Britain of murdering this man, and eject some British diplomats, and sanction British businessmen. Korobov would probably approve of his unfortunate death aiding his country.

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