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British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

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British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

Alexei Navalny

The German government claimed that the politician Alexey Navalny was poisoned with a nerve agent similar in composition to Novichok. To conduct the analysis, doctors from the German clinic “Charite”, where the patient was transported, turned to the toxicology laboratory of the Bundeswehr and the British laboratory Porton Down, the one that in 2018 established Novichok, who poisoned Yulia and Sergei Skripal.

British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

Source: www.bundesregierung.de

British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

Source: www.bundesregierung.de

In recent years, by a completely surprising coincidence, a number of Russian citizens have been poisoned in Britain. In 2013 Russian businessman Boris Berezovsky was found dead after writing a “penitential letter” to Vladimir Putin and planning to return to Russia. In 2018, the poisoning of the Skripals, in which Russia was not interested, was an operation by the British secret services that deliberately framed two Russian citizens, apparently connected to the Russian secret services. Poisoning has already become a traditional handwriting of the British special services.

Today, once again, accusing Russia of poisoning its citizens, the victim’s biomaterial is sent to the same British laboratory Porton Down, which has the ability not only to detect a substance of the “Novichok” type, but also has everything necessary to produce it.

In the current situation, that is pretty difficult for Russia given the instability in its neighboring state of Belarus, President Putin is absolutely not interested in incidents like what happened to Navalny. First, public support for Navalny’s opposition policy is not strong enough. Even according to pro-opposition statistical centers, it does not exceed 3%. Moreover, the fact that the ruling forces are not interested in Navalny’s death is confirmed by operational work to preserve his life. Russian doctors were the ones who provided the necessary assistance in the first days of his hospitalization, thus saving his life. The Russian authorities, in turn, allowed him to be removed from the territory of Russia, despite the fact that it contradicted Russian law, since Navalny has convictions for serious crimes.

British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

Transfer of Navalny to Germany

Moreover, Navalny has been in Germany for 11 days, and the statement about the discovery of Novichok was made only now. A long silence is naturally suspicious.

Thus, the poisoning of Navalny has traces of British interference.

In this situation, there are several possible scenarios. Perhaps, using an unstable situation, interested parties are deliberately spreading information that does not correspond to reality. It is more likely that Navalny was actually poisoned with a substance that may even be similar to Novichok, but not in Russia, rather during or after his transportation to Germany.

British Trace In Navalny Poisoning

Nord Stream 2 pipeline

The latest accusations against Moscow about the use of Novichok are not original. They are clearly intended to deteriorate German-Russian relations and hinder the construction of Nord Stream 2. Apparently, given the reluctance of the German side to stop cooperation with Russia, the Euro-Atlantic elites have nothing better to do than resort to the already proven tool of anti-Russian propaganda.

Angela Merkel has already called on Moscow to answer “questions that only the Russian government can answer.” “And should answer”, the Chancellor pointed out. “I want to use this opportunity to Express my sympathy to Alexey Navalny,” Ms Merkel added.

There is no doubt that someone will have to answer for the incident that happened with Navalny. This situation requires a thorough investigation. The main suspect at the moment is the British security services.


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Damien C

Here we go with the Novichok horse-shit again…..

1) If the Russians wanted this twat dead he’d already be pushing up daises by now

2) Isn’t it just mindboggling how Russia has all these trained assassins just itching to do dastardly things to the enemies of Russia but strangely fail time and time again to actually kill them? Instead they just seem to put then in hospital beds for photo-ops

3) And how dumb they are using the same nerve agent every single time making it easy for the anti-Russian media to point the finger.

4) Perhaps Russia should get rid of all the Novichok, statistically it has a lower death rate than Covid-19 for fuck sa

Lone Ranger

Aside from that why would they let him go? If they had done it, Navalny would be still in Russia. Same class, highly likely… Sounds like a CIA/MI6 op. Navalny was a failure, he is more worth dead or as a victim.


Its about Nordstream 2,the Reich hopes this will put enough pressure on Germany to call it off.

Lone Ranger

In case Germans fold Russia should stop all oil and gas deliveries to the EU. I would redirect it all to China, India, third world countries. And fuck the EU, let them collapse. Fuck them. Germany without cheap energy will collapse within 2 years tops. Enough is enough. If that’s what they want that is what they will get…


Thats just what i would do.

AM Hants

Good point, especially the timing.


There is always an agenda when these incidents happen,the Skripal one happened just before the World cup in Russia and the Russian election,and where the hell are the skripals,are they even alive?


He won’t die, unfortunately. They invested heavily in that traitor and his terrorist organization, they need years to produce another one.


Truly amazing – “the most powerful military grade nerve agent” completely failed to harm Skripals resulting in hysterical antirussian campaign in western media for months. But now we supposed to believe that for some absolutely insane and inexplicable reason Putin decided to use exactly the same worthless shit again? He somehow knew exactly when and where and what Navalny/Analny drinks, directly in front of cameras, not to mention ongoing Belarus crisis… and of course he failed again! Ancient Egyptians had more powerful poisons 4000 years ago than this Novicrap…. 1mg of any serious poison can kill hundreds of people. Yet Novicrap failed 3/3!

Cheap reality show in CAI/MI6/german production, I guess Germans plan to use this traitorous scum, like they used Lenin.. 100 years ago they sent one traitor to Russia in train, now they sent an aircraft to extract another traitor from Russia.


Remind me next time i fly from an airport to take some random photos of people drinking tea LOL!!

AM Hants

Brilliant comparison with the 19th strain of Covid.


cia got tired of navalny now that he closed down his political platform and made away with the cia-funded wherewithal supposed to be used against that damned putin. no fun and navalny seems to have a hard time to see the difference between what is his and someone elses.


I can’t stop laughing,they think we were born yesterday,but what i don’t understand is why Russia allowed this prick to fly to Germany before they found out what or if anything was wrong with him,i could have told the Russians this bullshit would go down. https://media3.giphy.com/media/vWDrezW0rMjmM/giphy-downsized-medium.gif

Pave Way IV

This piece of evidence fell out of Navalny’s gurney as he was being taken to the plane leaving Russia. UK is investigating it closely to identify the potential nerve-gasser. Anyone recognizing this perp are asked to call UK authorities immediately.


Vox Populi

It would appear the the Jew Oligarchs and their British and US masters have decided to implicate Putin and replace him with even a more compliant puppet.

Jens Holm

I am sure You are paid in vodka and not beluga.

johnny rotten

Hey, I wrote it to laugh that they should have turned to the English of Porton Down because they were the only ones able to find Novichok after months, yet they really did, there is no limit to lies in the West, and how predictable they are, beyond any possible joke, how far western governments are falling seems impossible and yet it is what is happening.


They probably produce that Novishit in Porton Down. PD is specialized in biological warfare, they used chemical and biological weapons against their british citizens many times

How the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials during Cold War

During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research.

In more than 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks launched from aircraft, ships and road vehicles.

Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive. The new research, carried out by Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent, has revealed that British military aircraft dropped thousands of kilos of a chemical of ‘largely unknown toxic potential’ on British civilian populations in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, Cardington in Bedfordshire and Norwich in Norfolk.Substantial quantities were also dispersed across parts of the English Channel and the North Sea. It’s not known the extent to which coastal towns in England and France were affected.


AM Hants

US invested £70 million in Porton Down. I wonder why?

Pave Way IV

Because our $3.7 million investment in the Wuhan Institute of Virology went… er, terribly wrong? No, wait – that’s biological warfare. Never mind.

AM Hants

Talking of the US investments in the 400+ bio-weapon labs, with full diplomatic immunity, including Portion Down, UK media are going into hysteria frenzy, regards Navalny.

Boris, who was Foreign Secretary, in charge of UK intelligence and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, when the Skripals were poisoned, is preaching that he will personally look into Navalny. Same Boris who was laying a wreath, where Nematic was taken out in Moscow.

Why is there no chain of evidence, with regards Skripal blood samples? No dates, no times, just what Portion Down say.

Why no Coroner’s Inquest on Dawn Sturgess, post Eau de Novochok, poisoning?

Why do more people die from the 19th strain of Covid then die from a Soviet, military strength, nerve agent, known as Novochok, whose formula Amazon sells?

AM Hants

Nematic, auto-correct error, should be Nemstov.


Say its the British, CIA, Soros, Chinese, say even it was done by Zimbabwe. Doesn’t matter sanctions are coming, in the name of Voldemort:)))

Lone Ranger

Wrong movie Trollstoy… Russia can shut down the whole EU… Careful what you wish for…


yes yes, Russia can, shut down an economy 10times its size. Which is why as soon as nerve agent was identified EUR went down and RUB went up. oh wait… He who cannot be named will prevail!!

Lone Ranger

Without cheap Oil and gas the EU is toast, we both know that. Even Brits would freeze without Russian gas. Why do you think Germany is that stubborn with North Stream 2? U.S. usually says jump and Germans ask how high. Make no mistake the U.S. can’t deliver the EU, they can bring up maybe 25% tops, neither can the Saudis.


Nordstream, for sure why not? If Russia wants to sell me gas for cheam, hell yeah ill buy it. Without Russian gas, EU will pay more, thats for sure. But prices go up and down. when it was up, EU didn’t really become toast now did it? Gotta get rid of delusion of grandeur. its been a while since the last time continent revolved around Moscow. those times are long gone, gotta get over it.

Lone Ranger

Only delusion comes from part of the U.S. And their toyboy EU bureaucracy. U.S. can’t deliver that much, by far. Aside from that Russia delivered cheap oil and gas during the whole time. The contracts are usually set for a whole year with fixed prices, no matter what. Only tards want to pay three times as much, and like I said even if Germans fold the U.S. can’t deliver. There is a propane shortage right now in the U.S. Guess who delivered them propane… If you guessed Russia you were right ;)


Quarter of EU energy sector is gas, and third of it supplied by Russia. A quarter of EU gas imports is from Norway btw, but i guess 9-10% difference doesn’t let them “toast” the EU:))) Mate there is plenty of alternatives. Expensive? perhaps, but plenty. It is Russia that doesn’t have plenty of alternative markets. Otherwise it would be stupid to sell it for cheap if the demand is off the roof. And I personally don’t think Putin is stupid. Not revolving mate, not revolving at all.

Lone Ranger

Most countries sell in a year advance. To avoid volatile price fluctuations on the go. A lot more than a third is supplied by Russia.

Lone Ranger

More close to 40-50% nowdays, and it’s increasing. Also the more west you go the lower the percentage in most east EU countries it’s 75% or more. In case of Hungary it’s close to a 100%.


source please

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger


Jens Holm

I think the dependecy rate as used i this link is better. It has declined a little but isroo big because the EU plane seemes do be delayed by too many.

Jens Holm

Comparing that is very difficult. You have to add we use more but cleaner energy then ever as well as windpower goes up a lot and solarpower some.

I wont name Your % as not true, but they need context.

Lone Ranger

U.S. doesn’t have enough to supply the EU. Even if they had they lack the tankers, ports and pipelines to distribute it. There are initiatives in the Baltics and in the South, but it’s a small amount compared to total need.


Increase Norwegian production, get Qatari LNG, increase renewables, finish off Haftar. so many options. But why bother? If they can screw over Russians and get their gas cheap:))

Lone Ranger

They can’t. It’s wishful thinking. Only good for the U.S. to damage it’s competitors.


But Tommy has said us is world leader!


why not?

Lone Ranger

Because the U.S. neither has the capacity nor the infrastructure to take over.


US? What does it have to do with US? You either are obsessed by US, or incapable of following the conversation. Here is little help for you to refresh your memory https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/763d114463dc3ea00cd1f13d58f2045f1985225276838950014da5f1451f6430.png :

Lone Ranger

Qatar would need a pipeline, that wont happen, same as the saudi pipeline didn’t happen. Norwegen and the UK and Netherlands are already reached peak oil.


You gotta go to a doctor mate. You have a memory span of a fish. Qatar: – LNG mate LNG. LNG doesn’t go with pipeline Norway: – Gas mate Gas, not oil

Lone Ranger

Than call it peak gas. They do both by the way. Qatar would need around a 100 LNG tankers for the EU, plus harbours, plus pipelibes. Good luck…


already present. want sources, ill be happy to. let me know

Lone Ranger

Teo snall ports in the bsktics and in the South is not sufficient. By far not.



Lone Ranger

Is that a soros virus?


at the end of the day for you in particular it will be what you will decide it is:)))

Lone Ranger

Qatar has a total production of 180million cubic meter of gas. Russia is delivering around 250million, expanding in the 300million range. With existing pipes for lower pipes.


yes, and?

Lone Ranger

Not enough, by far. More expensive. Lack of delivery systems.


it is enough yes more expensive https://www.gie.eu/download/maps/2019/GIE_LNG_2019_A0_1189x841_FULL_Final3.pdf

Lone Ranger

Not enough. They cant deliver 250-300million cubic meter gas per year.


300million m3 gas to EU by one exporter? who can?:))))

Lone Ranger

Russia can. They already deluver 240million, when North Stream 2 will come online it will be around 300million. Cheap, reliable, ready to go…


pipeline is transportation not production. So are you claiming that all Russian exports are going to EU?:))

Lone Ranger

Not all, 240million cubic meters per year currently. Expanding…


what percentage u r claiming that is going to EU?

Lone Ranger

Around 26% of total gas production of Russia goes into the EU currently.


percentage of exports going to EU, not production

Lone Ranger

27% of the total production goes into the EU.


not what i asked

Lone Ranger

That is what you asked. Sorry if you cant handle it.


so you are saying export and production is the same thing? because i asked about export, you responded about production. no need to apologies, i understand your hardships:))

Lone Ranger

I was clear enough. Fact based. Better luck next time…


I was clear enough. Fact based. Better luck next time

Lone Ranger

I said it first… Also Im right…


saying it first doesn’t make it right. saying you are right doesn’t make you right

Lone Ranger

Facts do make me right tho ;)


fact do make anyone right mate. but gotta have some. yet could see any from you. but you are welcome to post some sources from time to time, as i did:))

Lone Ranger

I did as well… Sorry about your lost magic wand moment…


its ok that i lost the wand. Voldemort still has it, and its coming hard for 13th

Lone Ranger

But Im aware somebody is trying to twist the facts. Not only you…



Lone Ranger

Total Russian gas production is around 680million cubic meters per year. Also expanding…


Russian exports mate exports. not production. Are you or are you not claiming that all Russian exports are going to EU?

Lone Ranger

Its all produced in Russia. I repeat total Russian gas production is 680million cubic meters per year. From that around 240million cubic meters goes to the EU. Both production and export to the EU are increasing.


Production doesn’t equal export, specially for the country the size of Russia. Because there is internal consumption. Russia does consume the gas it produces. So the production doesn’t equal export. I hope this simple explanation will finally make it clear. So export mate exports, we are talking about.

Lone Ranger

You are the one who doesnt understand it. They produce 680million, they export 240million to the EU from that. Pretty simple…


they export 240gas total. Including china, belarus, turkey and whoever else. the whole world does not consist of EU and Russia:))))

Lone Ranger

Wrong. They export 240mil to the EU alone.


Maybe thats what Gazprom stat wrote:)))) 2018 Exports to Europe 200.8, exports to anywhere outside ex Soviet union 200.8, Where is China? In Miller’s pocket maybe:))) Here is something interesting for ya. Numbers don’t lie baby, they don’t lie:))) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/pdfscache/46126.pdf

Lone Ranger

2018 was two years ago… Since than gas exports and the consumption of gas by the EU have increased.


that is an example of Gazprom stat failure, showing the precedent for possible failure in 2019. 2020 is not finished yet. Look at the newer stat from EU side. that will be useful for you

Lone Ranger

Salty tears detected…


Why cry? no need. Yes Russia is selling its gas for cheap, yes Russian share in EU market has been shrinking so far, yes LNG share in EU has been increasing. But its ok. better than nothing:)

Lone Ranger

Russian share has increased steadily. From a 180 to 240 in 4 years ;)


share is calculated in percentage. u r welcome to refer to math 3rd grade:)))

Lone Ranger

You can calculate it percentege. 33% is one third the share. You are welcome ;)


u assume demand remained same?

Lone Ranger

It actually increased. People need to heat their homes. And new EU directives push clean gas instead of coal, oil and nuclear, so the demand for gas is increasing. Thats especially true for Germany.


yes the demand usually would increase if the economy is developing. but if the demand is increasing faster that the supply of one of the exporters, it means that the exporter’s share is decreasing. You can refer to the link i posted few comments back. its ok if you don’t agree with my source, but then you will have to offer an alternative source.

Lone Ranger

Russian share is steadily increasing. Civs use most the gas, so the economic situation is secondary.


do you really think I will take your word against the official statistics of EU?:))) give me a break. At least offer a Russian stats or any number source. Just claiming that it is increasing doesn’t increase it. I would be rich if it did:))))

Lone Ranger

I did already…


Have you even read your own source:)))) alright. lets go, one by one baby one by one. As I said Russian share is decreasing:))) boom. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a117aba2abd21ff9c6e0a43e4a4594c4da946450fa25705662aaeb5c793cec.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fe15e223be4519c3d5b87a61b4db30799981e0f572991b9b4704ef0866fc2ad1.png

Lone Ranger

Fake news… Its increasing.


oh please, you are welcome to fact check it. im always ready for that. have plenty of time for you, lets do it


its not how world works. i could say my wealth is increasing, but it will not increase just because i said so. so nope.


no source no credibility

Lone Ranger



he is not a representative of Gazprom nor is providing any Gazprom official. he could be pulling number from his bottom for what i care.


not saying he is biased but he doesn’t have proper source


in a proper article you put sources


amateur article

Lone Ranger



doesn’t say anything about share change


irrelevant source to the conversation

Lone Ranger

Better luck next time… Case closed…


case doesn’t close when you want it. sadly


not a judge unfortunately for you


Eu stats and numbers always lie,russian calculations never you low iq branded!


yes yes, no one doubts that:)))


Eu stats mean sht (period)


for sure


More lies,did it occur ignorus,usa can’t even service their own market which is why they export gas from russia too,fkn drr insolent waste of oxygen n failed objectors: Besides fracking is filthier far more toxin gas,even france refused to accept usas:


yes Russia numero onu

Jens Holm

The only delusions dont come from, who You say.

EU has a big plan for less energy dependensy. The worries are the Nordstream to will delay that.

We see the changes here a lot. We have claner air. We have less having broncitis and less things dissapear because of no acids in the air. That goes for the sea as well.

Using electricity and heating is same thing. We use mcuh less elctricity and heating for more m2 pr person.

Our main pollution today are smoke from Polish coalmines.


You are so dumb,seriously you seen nothing as yet,eu only has debt to offer!


everyone is dying from hunger in EU, debt over the roof

Jens Holm

As written above, the glass is full…

Ican only support as I do by replacing as mush as possible of that independency by windpower and solar cells as well as we became lowcost in electricity as well as heasting.

EU has a plan for that. Its working but much slower then the plans are.

Lone Ranger

Hitler was supported mainly by the U.D. and west. Not Russia. Skip reading Soros history books.

Jens Holm

According building up the military forces, it was highly incorrect. They all did their best to keep the militay capabilities down by the treaty after WW1.

It seemes censured away, where You are. A lot is gone and in the Stalin coffin.

Lone Ranger

You are the one getting your history lessons from corn flakes boxes. U.S. propped up Germany not Russia. West let them take one country after the other. Munic Agreement…

Lone Ranger

U.S. knows this full well. Their objective is not to take over the deliveries simply because they can’t, their aim is to damage the economy of the EU as much as possible. U.S. economy is toast, they aren’t competitive anymore, that’s why the threats and sanctions. Germany alone exports more than the whole U.S. U.S. economy is no match to the EU or China.


not talking about US here. wrong thread?

Lone Ranger

Sure we are. They are the culprits.

Lone Ranger

Cui prodest…

Jens Holm

Its about sanctions and USA is in the front with that and EU the moderate ones. So it do a change EU comes closer to USA.

I will remind You USA is agaist the Nordtream2 very much. They even has offered to sell us gas below market price from USA.

AM Hants

An economy 10 Times the size of Russia? How much debt do the EU nations hold?

How many EU nations are debtor nations?

How many EU nations are creditor nations?

The wealthiest EU nation, will shortly find her economy overtaken by the creditor nation Russia. Now remind me, haven’t Russian currency reserves passed $600 billion, with a fifth of the currency reserves gold?


All developed countries have high public debt. That is the way how it works, when your currency is globally demanded and you can print it like nobody’s business. But if it is as you say, all developed countries are dumb, Russia is the only smart one. And since Russians live better than EUropeans, its all good then:))))))

AM Hants

Plus Russia can feed her people, without the need of GM toxins and export the left overs. Together with providing Russian energy to the people. Free healthcare, free education, including university level. Replace infrastructure and not forgetting low and simple taxation. Then when you factor Russia has a defence budget of a similar size to the UK (give or take a $billion) and leaves the weapons and systems of all NATO member states obsolete, it makes you wonder what Western Governments spend public funds on?

Daily Mail, over in Ukraine is freaking out on Navalny and the Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership/Belingcat/77th Squadron and White Helmet trolls are working overtime, to keep the hysteria running. Why does Bill Browder have so much power and control within the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, courtesy Integrity Initiative? Why do so many who fall out with Browder and Khodorkovsky end up suffering some form of poisoning?

Jens Holm

You totally ignore the facts about is written by Sauron as well.

And Our health systems and the rest actually do make people here live muich longer and about 10 more years in Western Europe.


So I can only see Your free here and there is in a much lower level then ours even You save money in 10 years, because Yur old ones dies before Ours do.

And I dont care about Ukriane and Belarus, Those are not restored graveyards for very polluted collapses. So if theings are wrong there, which they are, a mirror might help.

You here of course also ignore we put in billions in the Eastern Europe and hope to make a better life for them, so they can be with us and pay back.

I do recall Stalin sais no to Marshall help, because he then could not kleep the control. Eastern Europe is forced neocolonialisme based on stupid economisme bypeople, which systematicly has made vital errors in it too by running too much by few in Kremlin.

AM Hants

People here living longer?

Remind me, but, have no idea where your ‘here’ happens to be, but is the average age of your death rates actually decreasing, in the 21st century? In comparison, Russia’s average, since President Putin first came to power is increasing, by at least 10 years.

Remind me was Stalin a Georgian who launched the Soviet Union? Didn’t it fall in 1991 and 15 independent nations emerge?

How many of those Soviet members embraced independence and how many galloped to the Soviet styled European Union, complete with begging bowl and professional victim status? How many creditor nations make up the EU and how many old Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union Members contribute under 2% GDP to NATO and have taken all and more from the EU creditor nations.

Will just bite on a Polish apple, the Russians don’t want, whilst you think about it.


Hey dumbass,economies where built by real money,you name one eu nation that built anything this century,see you pro lgbtq soros trolls as usual akways LIED!!! Save the tripe for the phaedo kweer club,incest:


for sure, all currencies are still bound to gold

Jens Holm

You are wrong. Our economy is based on real production. Production.

Its no dumass to buy a taxi by a loan and then make more money by taxidriving then the payback to the loan is. And is it for free. OH NO. The taxidriver work for it as well as it use fuel, are repaired and being cleaned to be nice, som the customers like to use it.

Cows are same thing. You buy by a loand and also feed it well by a loan and then it gives milk, butter and cheese. So if that takes in more money and You can pay7 back every month and there is food on the table, a roof and clothe, You have created a life by work.

Both examples are very simplified examples for, why a lot of debt is very halthy because it makes jobs and benefits.

Jens Holm

You are explained so many times, that debt is not as in Your hands to mouth and behind economy.

Russia being that low, so it has to make a desperation reserve, has nothing to do with us but themself.

Gold makes no money . Machines bouht for gold and driven by clever hard working people do. Right now the oilprice is very high, but it soon can change,

AM Hants

Sorry can you translate?

AM Hants

Gold makes no money?????

Russian economy low?????

Jens Holm

As long as You have fixated Yourself like that, You will deny to understand how the western economy works and will be confused about the rest of Your life.

AM Hants

I will deny to understand how the Western Economy works????

Well, being an economic simpleton, with absolutely no understanding of economics, I prefer to use the neanderthal system. You know, where you balance your incomings with your outgoings. Do believe GDP Debt works that way, rather than economists who only rely on GDP. You know, where they see what is coming in, but, forget about the bills that need paying.

Russian GDP Debt, runs at under 20%. Meaning every $100 Russia makes, $20 goes to paying the bills and $80 goes to Russia, to be spent however she likes. Which is why her $600 billion of savings keeps growing.

Compare to the US GDP Debt. Running at over 135%. Meaning, that for every $100 the US earns, they still have to find $35 to pay their bills. Hence carrying over $27 trillion worth of natural debt.

Yep, I agree with you, I simply have no understanding of Western Economics. Especially, back in 2008 when the experts in the credit reference agencies had no idea a financial tsunami was heading our way. Now why did they fail to notice that, with all their combined knowledge and experience in international economics?


You got nothing on the truth (period) who are the debt whore/fake deutch bonds?



Jens Holm

Thats both ways.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. EU can’t shut down Russia.

Jens Holm

Oh yes.

Lone Ranger

In Disney movies. Russia is energy Independent and net exporter of food. They only need tropical fruits from Turkey, Israel and India.

Jens Holm

And they repair on old russian cars as well.

Look at the Russian import.

Machinery including computers: US$43.2 billion (17.7% of total imports) Electrical machinery, equipment: $29.8 billion (12.2%) Vehicles: $23.7 billion (9.7%) Pharmaceuticals: $14.1 billion (5.8%) Plastics, plastic articles: $9.8 billion (4%) Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $7.3 billion (3%) Articles of iron or steel: $6.5 billion (2.7%) Fruits, nuts: $5.1 billion (2.1%) Iron, steel: $5 billion (2.1%) Organic chemicals: $4.4 billion (1.8%)

And exports:

Mineral fuels including oil: US$220.8 billion (52.2% of total exports) Iron, steel: $18.1 billion (4.3%) Gems, precious metals: $15.3 billion (3.6%) Machinery including computers: $9 billion (2.1%) Wood: $8.6 billion (2%) Fertilizers: $8.4 billion (2%) Cereals: $7.9 billion (1.9%) Aluminum: $5.8 billion (1.4%) Electrical machinery, equipment: $5.6 billion (1.3%) Copper: $5.2 billion (1.2%)

Lone Ranger

Most of these are locally produced inside Russia. They don’t need to actually import them.

Lone Ranger

I doubt they spend $43billion on computers per year by the way.

Lone Ranger

Russia is much less dependent than the US or the EU.


At this stage with the Kremlin trying to pacify and collaborate with the global Ziocorporate terrorists, letting them bomb and invade Syria, turn Ukraine into a Zionazi shithole, etc., it seems better if the Germans decided to cancel Nordstream 2, although even that’s unlikely to deter Moscow from seeking “partnership and business” at almost any cost.

Luke Hemmming

UK and USA intelligence agencies continuing the “Russia did it” narrative. This time involving the German nation. I mentioned on another website when the news broke days ago that this was an attempt to sabotage the Nord stream 2 joint venture with Russia and Germany that the US has tried to bully Germany out of it. Merkel has been strong and resisted pressure so now the intel. Agencies have upped the ante by pulling off this bad play. Of course the sheeple will lap it up and take it hook line and sinker. Sigh.


So now that fat stupid cunt puppet Merkel says that the traitor Navalny was poisoned with Novichok. If it were true, he would have died before he got to his flight. Lies pouring from her cunt mouth. She should close her mouth because her string is showing.


Yes the most deadly military grade nerve agent known to man,but all the other passengers on the aircraft were ok and nobody in Germany was contaminated,yet in Salisbury they turned the town into a three ringed Circus,homes evacuated cars taken away military trucks with men in full contamination gear,what a fucking joke.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Summed up as simply yet another tedious chapter in Operation Beluga. An infantile smear campaign against the Russian state lead by the likes of the big babies that run CIA/MI6 etc.

Probably a SBU/MI6 collaboration, as it is so tediously boring.

Miri Nature

What the hell is the united nations – Eu crying for Navalny then lol. Oh I remember now he was their Sworn Comrade :D

Jens Holm

The Russians are going back to their collapse and are regaining it. Ot does consern us. We had higher expectations for the Russian living standards as well as being more affiliated for own purpose.

AM Hants

Browder’s toxins. Why does he have so much power and control of Integrity Initiative?

Why is there no chain of evidence, with regards Skripals blood samples, which were taken with no dates or times?

Why has Dawn Sturgess, who sampled Eau de Novochok, which only lasts for a short period of time, once made up, is still waiting for her Coroner’s Inquest, to clarify cause and toxic agent, that caused her death?


It is non of the German’s business what Russia does to its citizens; same applies that it is non of Russian business that drones depart from Germany on assassination business that the US conducts. Russia should demand that Germany produces the evidence for examination or better yet, blame the Germans for the poisoning because the jerk was under their care and protection; Navalny left Russia suffering from Glucose deficiency and that is documented.

Vox Populi

There is a key reality missing, Germany is not an independent state and has been brutally occupied by the US, French and British since its defeat at Soviet hands in 1945. The US installed Chancellor of occupied Germany has less power than the Mayor of Kenosha.

Daily Beatings

Doctors at Charite found cholinesterase inhibitors in Navalny, then claim he was poisoned. However when Navalny was placed on a ventilator in Omsk certain drugs were administered, including those that contain cholinesterase inhibitors. It’s pretty simple what’s going on here.


“The Russian authorities, in turn, allowed him to be removed from the territory of Russia, despite the fact that it contradicted Russian law, since Navalny has convictions for serious crimes” ECHR has acquitted Navalny, so he doesn’t have convictions

Jens Holm

Thats easy. Being out or the country makes him out of the sight from the rest of the russians. It also look nice as You say: “We didnt kill him”.

That asyas they could have killed him instead. It dont say other oppinions about a lotof things are an option – it says its not.

Mats Öhlén

As usual, this site produces the most fantastic alternative explanations and conspiracy theories. At first I thought it was amusing but after a whole, I realised that it was really sad.


Don’t blame them mate, they do what they were told. maybe in the heart they even sympathize with Khabarovsk protests and wish Putin drinks some tea. But its just a job. It is very hard for anyone in Russia to be an opposition, harder than we imagine.

cechas vodobenikov

what an idiot—more than 20% communists, 15% LDPR, other small formations, yabloka, etc…I suspect u r an ignorant anglophone


I am an idiot for not considering them as genuine opposition? haha, ok im an idiot. But no worries if there will be enough idiots like me, 13th of September will be very interesting:)))


Bring it on punk!


wait for it, wait for it….


Save that tripe for the eu gaybars incest,what is it with you dumb fks ranting heir-liberals! Get off the feminist hormone sex change medicine first,use your head not their strapon!!


what is a “gaybar incest”?:)))))


then just fuck off and leave the site since it doesn’t fit your infested mind.


triggered by confirmation bias:))))

Mats Öhlén

Well, I like the site when it comes to military updates and analyses.But as soon as it writes about Russia it looses all sense and logic.


Depends on cowards logic,then again cia murdered the ukrane pilot who shot mh -17 right?Don’t pretend you trust corrupt homosexuals theorys over 32mm s/w> That pilot trusted lgbtq/nwo masters,without realising,oh well now thats sad!


Trust any 9th dan blackbelt over any vile cocaine addicted deep state fascist hag/inferiors: Wanna know what’s really sad,morons that crave to legitamise same sex marriage,thats fkn sad!

Julian Clegg

I suppose you believe the British government’s official conspiracy theory of the Skripal farce, do you?


13th of September, lets do it

Albert Pike

From the Rothschild ruling occult point of view the 17th of September is the more important date:

‘Sabbatai Zevi (Hebrew: שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי‎, other spellings include Shabbetai Ẓevi, Shabbeṯāy Ṣeḇī, Shabsai Tzvi, and Sabetay Sevi in Turkish) (August 1, 1626 – c. September 17, 1676[1])’ or: ‘(Jakob) Frank himself was baptized in Lwów (September 17, 1759) and again in Warsaw the next day, with King Augustus III as his godfather.’ or: Soviet invasion of Poland 17 September 1939 or: ‘Russian aircraft crash (17 September 2018):

During Israel’s attack — at 22:02:45, according to the Russian defence ministry[14][10][11] — an Il-20 ELINT reconnaissance plane returning to Khmeimim Air Base, with 15 Russian servicemen on board, was hit by a Syrian S-200 surface-to-air missile 35 km from the Syrian coast.[15][16] The Russian military received a one-minute warning prior to the attack, which it said was not enough time to get the Il-20 out of the way.[17] The plane’s sign disappeared from radars at 22:07.[10][11] Russian officials initially said that the French frigate Auvergne launched missiles during the strikes in addition to the Israeli F-16’s.[18][19][9] France denied any involvement.[19] The following day, Russia’s defence minister Sergey Shoygu said the Russian plane had been hit by Syrian anti-aircraft fire; he, nevertheless, blamed Israel’s military for the accident because, according to the ministry, the Russian military had only received one minute’s warning from Israel about the impending missile strikes and the four Israeli F-16 jets that conducted the strikes deliberately used the Russian plane as cover to allow them to approach their targets on the ground without being hit by Syrian fire.[20][21]’


um… ok.?


Don’t we all happen to mark the number 17 quite frequently, these days? It’s associated with Q.

Albert Pike

I am Q non believer. A ‘truther’ who could not name the Nazi-relationship of the buyer and seller in the Rothschild – Prinzhorn property sale is a fake, since the Prinzhorn group is owned by near relative of Nazi-Guru and friend of Adolf Hitler, (NSDAP soulful leader) Prof. Hans Prinzhorn. https://hive.blog/qanon/@citizens-ireport/qanon-666-black-forest-rothschilds-treason

Q – forgot to mention that rather revealing historical fact, that descendants of the Nazi-NSDAP Nomenclatura could buy historical Rothschild properties (were even their preferential buyer): https://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/rothschild-family-sells-large-austrian-hunting-estate-87753

‘Das Ehepaar Bruckmann war es auch, das Adolf Hitler zum Erwerb seiner Parteizentrale in der Brienner Straße 45 verhalf, dem „Braunen Haus“. Bruckmanns persönlicher Assistent war Hans Prinzhorn, der Sammler von Kunstwerken angeblicher Geisteskranker. Die Heidelberger „Sammlung Prinzhorn“ gedenkt dieser Künstler, die fast alle der Euthanasie zum Opfer fielen. Prinzhorn diente sich den Nationalsozialisten als „seelenkundlicher Führer“ an.’ https://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/literatur/salon-bruckmann-die-unselige-freitagsgesellschaft/1660844.html

Therefore and for other reasons I see Qanon as a very clever PsyOp – like mentioned by Paul E Vallely’s in his crazy MindWar idea, according to his paper: “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” Original here: https://www.slideshare.net/ChristianFranciscoMe/mind-war

Explained here, and it even has missing children in millitary installations – missing cildren (and satanism) are a big in Q’s-World: ‘The “MindWar” paper was disturbing, for reasons beyond its fascistic and occultist content. For one thing, Colonel Vallely’s co-author was a PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader named Maj. Michael A. Aquino. Five years before the circulation of the MindWar paper, Special Forces Reserve officer Aquino had founded the Temple of Set, a Satanic organization which was the successor to Anton Szandor LeVay’s Church of Satan. Aquino would soon be grabbing headlines, which persisted throughout the 1980s, as a leading suspect in a nationwide Satanic pedophile ring, that particularly targetted daycare centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio’ https://larouchepub.com/other/2005/3233spoonbenders.html

Grandmaster (and recently made General) Aquino had mostlikely the laugh of his life, when he wrote the ‘Missing Children’ into his Q-PsyOp Script, because on these he is an expert…


And I’m still wondering why neither the Russian, nor the American president reveal the truth on WWII (and also I).


ps, sounds to me as if Prinzhorn just keeps it for the Rs-clan – which for a reason unknown to me transfered itself to China, as fas as I gathered, a few years ago.

Albert Pike

Everybody just keeps it for them. So did Khodorkovsky, so does Bill Gates, so does Warren Buffet. To only condition is that they use their or Jacobs wealth for his long term interest…


It’s a small world, isn’t it.

Too small for justice, truth, fairness, health, ethics or even a second power to decide over it.


Death has no easy answers for trhey who wish to know,you will be destroyed sorosbots (period)


it will be fun, wait for results

Doom Sternz

“The Syrian Arab Army and with the help of Russia captured a shipment of chemical weapons destined for the Eastern Ghouta. These were British weapons produced at Porton Down in Salisbury. Russia has indicated that the Skripal incident is related to Porton Downs chemical weapons smuggling, Skiripal was working at Porton Down as a chemical weapons trafficker in partnership with a Ukrainian firm. Russia denies attacking Skripal but admits he was under surveillance for his activities involving support of terrorism in Syria and arms trafficking.

Swiss Lab confirms “BZ toxin” produced in US or UK used in Salisbury poisoning. Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with an incapacitating toxin known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate or BZ.

The Swiss lab also commented at the presence of the nerve agent A234 in the samples, but added that the lab noted that its presence in the samples appeared strange, given the substance’s high volatility and the relatively long period between the poisoning and the sample-taking.

cechas vodobenikov

only amerikans/british r so incompetent they cannot poison their snowflake traitors—if Russia wanted him incapacitated he would be eliminated by mountain Chechens in Moscow, never to be found again

Jim Bim

From the moment that the German government last week asked for help from the Brits and their Porton Down lab, it was clear that a new Novichok hoax was in the making. At the same time the Germans refused to answer Russias calls and sharing the test results. it is clear that also Germany is hostile towards Russia. Russia should put North stream 2 on hold and not renew existing EU gas contracts, the Chinese are more than willing to take the gas amount from the european marked. Let the EU buy the very expensive US gas.

Jens Holm

The glass became full. Belarus is in that addiction too. The Belarus TV is by Russian experts now – too.

We also see we are accused as Nato and EU to be agressive against Russia and Belarus. We are not.

So we do have reasons for not bending over.

Poison from KGB is no new thing even it has been denied every time. Being nice from here just say they thinbk we are weak and try to take and arm or more.

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