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Brussels Bans Pro-Russians In Europe

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Brussels Bans Pro-Russians In Europe

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Written by Piero Messina

P9_TA(2024)0079: this is a code to remember. It is the acronym of the resolution of the European Parliament, voted on 8 February. With this decision, Brussels has decided to “ban any entity that has direct or indirect relations with the Russian government”, a procedure that the EU intends to continue with the recommendation of “closer cooperation with NATO”.

Brussels reaches this decision after years of analysis on the topic of Russiagate, a dossier that supports accusations of Russian interference in the democratic processes of the European Union. For the European Parliament, “foreign interference is a systemic threat that must be countered with determination, hybrid warfare and the manipulation of information and foreign interference are not only issues of foreign policy and security, but actually threaten the real basis of our democracies”.

On a theoretical level it is even understandable. On the other hand, in Brussels they certainly have full awareness of how the democratic nature of a country can be manipulated. It is history that reminds us of this. Evoking closer collaboration with NATO can only take us back to the Cold War era, when to control Western democracies, NATO set up a powerful clandestine network: Stay Behind. That network enveloped Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, France, Belgium, Switzerland and even Australia, who knows why.

The mission of Stay Behind was simple and clear: it consisted of the organization of a secret network (not necessarily of a military type) intended to remain in place (stay in English), even in the event of enemy occupation which forces regular military forces to abandon the field, taking action to operate within one’s own country behind enemy lines (behind enemy lines in English). Preparation consists in the creation of weapons stocks and the training of volunteers deemed to be highly reliable, recruited from civil society, ready to take action for tasks such as the recovery of information for intelligence purposes, propaganda to strengthen the sense of resistance among the population, sabotage, preparation of a surprise attack, support for military operations (such as the recovery of downed pilots), kidnapping or elimination of key people, aiding and abetting insurrections up to a coup d’état .

Brussels’ move, therefore, is a total closure with the Eurasian world, a leap back thirty years for a new Cold War and probably not just a cold one. The main concern of the European bureaucracy is aimed at the 2024 elections, when the European Parliament will be renewed and everything suggests a landslide victory for the “sovereign” forces.

For Brussels, in fact, “the Kremlin manages a large network of agents of influence throughout the EU, who have influenced electoral processes and policies on fundamental strategic issues such as energy infrastructure; whereas these agents of influence actively target all areas of public life, in particular culture, historical memory, the media and religious communities, as well as politicians and their families; that dozens of investigations have demonstrated links between important European political and public actors, active or retired.”

The report that marks the end of any relationship between Brussels and Moscow also contains a list of the “bad guys”. In the sights of the European Parliament, and this is nothing new, are Marine Le Pen’s party (for a loan of EUR 9.4 million in 2013), the German AFD party (reported as winning by all political polls) and Matteo Salvini’s League in Italy. Former German Prime Minister Gerhard Schröder is also accused of obtaining “blood-stained” money from Moscow. The reference is to Schröder’s role in the company that manages the Nordtsream gas pipeline. The deputy reader Tatiana Ždanoka also ended up in the crosshairs, believed to be a spy in the service of Russian intelligence. Zdanoka was accused of having established relationships with agents of the Russian secret service. To the journalists of the Insider site Zdanoka replied that “I can testify that the only people with whom I have sat at the same table, and with the certain knowledge that they are/were Russian FSB officers, are Vladimir Putin and Sergei Naryshkin” and that “I cannot consider this text to be questions put to me because it is based on information that you supposedly have, which by definition, you should not have.”


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Dick Von D'Astard

nazi roots taking hold.


when speaking about blood-stained money and meddling in elections and running (not so) secret network of agents, eu (and not so great britain and the u.s.) are clearly projecting. this is their cup of tea.


“radici naziste anglo-us-raeliane? dubito.


the clear 4th reich tendencies of eu, including the debate between eu army or a change to nto command structure to accommodate non-elected brussels puppet leaders, was an issue that surfaced during the brexit debate in 2016.

although denied by uk’s pro-eu politicos (the vast majority btw) the british electorate saw thru the lies, and dragged blighty out of the protonazi project before empress ursula albrecht (soon to be of nto) assumed command.


isn’t western democracy grand tho?


when applied to a single issue question it sure can be grand.

unfortunately (with maybe the exception of switzerland) politicos from eu, us and uk avoid such simple plebiscites to keep ‘democracy-lite’ strictly within the party political domain and easily manipulated electoral systems where independents have no chance.

as an example, watch how pkstn overturns khn’s ‘democratic’ victory.


i guess the european parliament decided to ignore israeli influence. taking on the russians is one thing but taking on the friends of israel, well, that’s a dangerous risk of an entirely different nature.


somebody wants nuclear war and want it before usd and fiat monetary system collapse and sheep start to ask questions where are their savings and pensions.

Last edited 1 year ago by huh

its about keeping war narrative going. they have extra work to do after tucker pro peace interview.. they know how to get their world war, they re expert at it

Trol Slovenski

what about murican interference????

fucking hypocrites.

nobody from citizens agreed to that. and it was voted by unelected officials in the clown eu parliament.

i will take a seat proudly if it comes to that.

badge of honour. same as myrotvorets.


the americans own the system that is designed to serve them. there can be no interference if them acting in any nation in the world in their interest is how the system is supposed to worked and how it has been designed after ww2. the sowjets failed to stop it taking root in the nonsowjet world. and after their collapse it was installed in their former nations as well.

stephan williams

the americans “own” nothing. they’re simply the muscle assigned the job of being bodyguard for that “shiiiittty litttttle cuntree” in the muddled east on the commands of the rottenchild’s criminal consortium.

americans are slaves to these monsters in all but name – much like the people living under the boots of the jue wish-controlled european union.

it’s gonna take a revolution to rid ourselves of these psychotic parasites.


no revolution will rid us of those who came to power in revolutions. the entire concept of a “people’s uprising” is their concept to replace the former elites of a region with their own ones.

Edgar Zetar

yeahhh, but if you are european you should explain better your comment, with more facts and data, but i do like what i read in your comments

Trol Slovenski

guys, dont forget to like the news. nafo is around destroying ratings.

CEO of Yapping

the us wants to pushing to ban russian e-sport players… the yanquis can’t even win in e-sport against the eu or asia lmfao. i can see them banned asian e-sport players down the line to win something.

p.s. my point being that is how low they are going right now.

Last edited 1 year ago by CEO of Yapping

right now? it’s been going on for decades, they’re just stepping up their game


the crumbling european countries have found a boogie-man in russia so as not to look at their own political and intellectual failure . and perhaps prime what ignorant masses they can find for a war so they can make the supreme sacrifice for this globalist scum.

jens holm

we are colonies of amerikan kleptocracy–we must accept all lgbt sodomy

_Tom Sawyer_

yes jens my love. now bend over and take that american wiener that you love so much!

Donald Moore

we in the eu support freedom as long as your think and do what your told!

crocodile tears

i’m truly sad that european propaganda isn’t working as well as they’d hoped. probably because they can’t get scholz to make stupid videos in his t-shirt yelling through crooked teeth and tongue that russia is losing everything and we will be victorious one day, like that bozo johnson fellow.

Peter Jennings

yeh, you are free to do what we tell you.

_Tom Sawyer_

goebbels would be so proud of the eu! like we americans are proud!

stephan williams

goebbels would be horrified seeing what has been done to europe under the deliberate misgovernance of the juece. the truth is goebbels stated many times over that he believed the best propaganda was the truth.

it’s lying sacks of shite like u that continually ignore the brilliance of the man and deliberately paint him as a monster despite all the evidence to the contrary that poison honest discourse because you have no debate strategy available to you other than “cheating to win”.

stephan williams

by the way, i intentionally referred to you as “that” rather than “who” because i’m confident you’re not remotely human from the neck up.

like so many of your ilk.

_Tom Sawyer_

i am currently transitioning, if that is what you mean!


ah yes, self isolation has always been such a great move! cutting out all other things russian has really been a great move so far lol.

Peter Jennings

there is no longer any democratic processes in the european union. these people sold out european’s when they signed death warrants for the jabbed. they made fortunes. these people now want to sell european’s out again. this time down the war river. they will keep doing this until the people come for them. the farmers are already there in hell central, soon to be joined by millions of people who just want to live in peace and prosper.


just wait for neighbours called upon to start pointing fingers….nazi methodes all over….

concerned citizen

applying that as written would cripple the eu. so it’s probably just a tool that allows to apply arbitrary punishment for those who annoy the bureaucrats.


more conspiracy-theorizing from the european union


eurotrash projecting their own sins onto the object of their animus. how very american of them…

Massa John

their teeth are slowly sinking in with no walls to close-in on this rat demons. their citizen are destined to fight their wars and hold their bags.

Janne Kankaanpää

as a finn i must say that today in europe we have freedom of speach to say what the politicians allow us to and we have freedom of opinion just to agree with our governments. that is nowhere as evident, as finland and estonia demanding russians to denounce their russian nationality and german government forbidding demonstrations against genocide. it is a sad day to be european.

Edgar Zetar

what could you expect from ue, european union was created by the usa anglo masters that divided the world in several regions and to establish non military supra national goverments, so usa could deal with blocks and not with tiny goverments. that is european union (ue), and nato is the military arm subject to usa anglo empire masters. so, what could you expect from them? you should be a fool if you expect anything else than direct submission or obedience to their masters.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
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