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Was a building ever lighten up in the colors of the Serbian and Russian flag?

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Was a building ever lighten up in the colors of the Serbian and Russian flag?

Originally appeared at IN4S, translated by Цвеја exclusively for SouthFront

The awakening was very unpleasant. Guernica 1937 was a shock for everyone, for the first time civilians were the target of airplanes, which were flying so high up you could barely see them.

Until then war was fought between two armies. Killing was always a part of war, but the rule was to defend the civilians. This soldier’s honor was replaced by the immortality of the world in which the soldier will be guarded and in which the civilians will be the hostages and victims.

Belgrade was bombed in 1999 so the human rights in Kosovo could be protected, allegedly. As far as I know soldiers did not die at the Battle of Valmy so the human right could be defended, they died so the national borders could be preserved. And everyone who has lost the will to defend the borders has lost his mind.

On the day that Europe, in the name of over sovereignty, renounced the borders between countries and exchanged humanity for politics, and when it allowed the bombing of an European city the first time since 1945- Belgrade, it sunk into discord and madness.

Because the war in Europe in 1999, a war against Serbia, was waged in the name of nationalistic Europe. A bloody absurdity, an absurdity which only Swift’s irony and Valter’s humor can adequately respond to.

And now the people from Europe are surprised by the tragedy in Paris. Angela Merkel is giving a statement of solidarity, Obama declares that everyone is feels solidarity with France. And they should be. But, was there any solidarity with Russia concerning the tragedy in Beslan, the Moscow theater or the newly downed civilian tourist airplane over Sinai? Did anyone in Europe step up to declare solidarity with the dead Russian tourist? Is any building lighten up in the colors of the Russian flag? That did not happen, at least not as much as it is happening with France.

I wouldn’t want to measure the size of the international sadness, but I am captivated with that state of hyper-security that is taking place in the west for a long time now. Something like a cult of a forever young body that must not get older, an infantile dream of safety or omnipotence, all under the fake and shining cleanliness.

‘’France is at war’’, the French politicians say. Was the 2011 bombing of Libya and the interventions in Syria child’s play? Is the French elite floating in the unreal a long time now? IF you drop bombs on faraway lands, you must expect the enemy to do so as well. Seeing as the enemy does not have airplanes or submarines, it will answer the only way it can – with terrorism. And seeing as the civilians are the easiest targets, it will target them. As the civilians are the ones who chose during the elections.

The appeals, declarations and announcements to unite and fight the terrorism have no effect now. Because, firstly, everyone will have to agree on what is the terrorism in that case. As that is impossible, because terrorism is to someone a helpful strategy, Paris will do it again. In some other place. Because the terrorists are being funded by 40 countries.

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