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MARCH 2025

BUK Air Defense System Crashed Into Shopping Mall In Kiev After Independence Day Military Parade Rehearsal (Photos)

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A BUK air defense system crashed into a shipping mall in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev last night. The Buk transporter erector launcher vehicle was part of a large military colum, which was passing the area.

The incident took place after a military parade rehearsal in Kiev. It will be held on the Ukrainian Independence Day on August 24.

No casualties as a result of the incident have been reported so far.


BUK Air Defense System Crashed Into Shopping Mall In Kiev After Independence Day Military Parade Rehearsal (Photos)

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BUK Air Defense System Crashed Into Shopping Mall In Kiev After Independence Day Military Parade Rehearsal (Photos)

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BUK Air Defense System Crashed Into Shopping Mall In Kiev After Independence Day Military Parade Rehearsal (Photos)

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Only in Ukraine would forward mean back, and back mean forward.


Maybe they imported Italian transmissions? Italian tanks are said to have more gears in reverse then forward.

Ivan Freely

Don’t you mean the French?

You can call me Al

No, the French wave their white flag from when they start the engine.

Concrete Mike

Bwahahaha good one


The French fought and lost one campaign in WWII for just 6 weeks. THe Free French fought many a successful battle afterwards for the rest of the war. The Italians on the other hand fought and lost EVERY campaign throughout WWII. Their most infamous defeat was in 1940-41, when a 220.000 strong Italian army in Libya was defeated by a 30.000 strong British corps.



leon mc pilibin

Well maybe it can still be used to shoot down another civilian aircraft and blame the Russians. That’s one thing they are very good at.


It MUST have been Russia’s fault as the driver was pissed with Russian vodka Leon.

At the very least , Russia is ‘Highly Likely’ to be fully responsible for this outrageous attack on Ukranian Democracy as the Buk system was ‘developed’ in Russia. :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You forget it was “Russian vodka” laced with Novichuk (Russian = Soviet). Chuk, chuk, chuk!!!


Perfumed Novochok as well :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It must have the one I gave my EX-girlfriend last year, still hanging around foggy England, so the combined numbers of Scotland Yard, MI5/6, GCHQ and the locals missed it, after the Skripal hoax. Who are they kidding???


” Who are they kidding???” Only the cretins in Foggy Bottom :)


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The “exceptional” US is bent on sanctioning its own arse!


The US is fast becoming the arsehole to nowhere anyway :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Aah, not quite. The droppings are falling squarely on the faces of all those who wish to be “partners” to the US: the NATO/EU, India, the RF liberals etc.

You can call me Al

I dont believe it, you beat me to it.


They drive them as well as they use them. Funny how one of the claims here in the Netherlands you hear often is that Ukraine doesn’t have BUK systems so they couldn’t have shot down MH17 (which they obviously did).

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Aaah, but this is Russian made BUK, because Russia = Soviet Union. What can we do with this disgusting and wilful ignorance in supposedly developed societies? How many flatearthers are there in the Netherlands?


Probably less then in the US. We at least got a decent education system. ;-)


There are many Flat Earthers in the Netherlands and the Netherlands is indeed rather flat :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Spot on!!!


Flatearthers are religious nuts. The few religious nuts we have here are mostly muslim with some christians and some jews.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Come on. There are nut-jobs in every religion and country: they have to kept under control, if not under lock and key. The trouble is that in Kiev they are in power, and some of them are driving around in tanks and BUKs.

Concrete Mike

Nah thats purely a hydraulics issue….ive seen it before

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What! You mean Putin cut the hydraulic pipes too? I thought he was at the Austrian FM’s wedding yesterday and then meeting Merkel. How does he do it? No wonder the US/EU/NATO gangster “leaders” are paranoid!


They are in power in the US,UK and most of the EU as well. Its the new religion called the Shoah :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You are right. Anti-Russian RACISM and hysteria is the New Religion: no EVIDENCE needed.


With them in power at least the Ukraine won’t get into NATO.

Concrete Mike

My my calling some muslims nuts…a bit bold.

I like it, call it like you see them, dont let that pc bullshit get in the way.


I never heard that claim being used. The claim has always been that it was a Buk missile being fired from inside rebel territory. Unlike Russia, the West tends to pick a single story and sticks with it. Which in my opinion always makes for a better lie then the Russian method of scatter shooting a thousand theories and hope that one or two will stick.


Well the first narrative in the West was of a conversation of a rebel leader that was caught on tape about them shooting it down.

Brother Ma

Yes you are both right. I remember that narrative as well. Yet, it is easy to fake conversations .Even if it was the rebels then it is simply accidental. The USS Vincennes supposedly did that and was let off. Why can’t the rebels get the same courtesy? Yet Holland and the Nato world do not want to hear that. They simply want to punish Russia and who cares what the truth is.

Concrete Mike

First time i heard a ship did it, i was leaning more towards a ukri su25….but please elaborate if you can

Brother Ma

Concrete, I also entertain some theories. Many witnessed ukro fighter jets before the crash .Some say they saw the ukro jets shoot down the the passenger plane. So it is plausible that rebels did shoot it down accidentally thinking it was a fighter jet.

What is unanswered is why this mas plane was cleared to go through this area by ukro air traffic control. Strange when no others were and many other airlines chose not to go through even when not warned about specific problems. There was a war on! So,plausible that nato,zio ,ukro types told the plane to go there knowing something would happen even by accident so they could blame the Russians.Have you seen a ukro airtraffic controller or their bosses charged for negligence? I haven’t . Hmm?

Remember the fake “the iraqis saddam are killing babies in hospital!” rubbish mentioned at the UN before Gulf War One? It turned out the independent witness was the Kuwaiti ambassador’s teenage daughter!

Concrete Mike

Yes the air traffic controller is the party to blame here, its funny how the russians did it lie came out rather quickly.

Who was in air traffic control ? You fucked up bad son!!

AM Hants

What happened to Carlos, the Spanish acc operative? Why was there no Ukrainian primary radar working? Why did Ukraine send them into a war zone, then ordered the plane to lower it’s height to the ceiling zone of a SU 25? If pilots were flying with oxygen. Why did the DSB ignore the BUK manufacturer’s evidence, presented in a court of law? The manufacturers produced the BUK system for both Ukraine and Russia. Why was their no public, autopsy report on the pilots of the MH17? Why was their no forensic analysis report on the shrapnel fragments in the entry/exit holes, which would provide detailed evidence, as to whether the flight was taken out by a surface to air missile, air to air missile, or combination of both. Why did the BBC delete the witness statement interview? Why did Kolomoisky, apologise for taking out the wrong plane?


I’m Dutch and I want to punish the Ukraine for ordering the plane into BUK range for no reason yet given. After that it doesn’t matter who shot the missile.

Brother Ma

Well said. An honest and clear-thinking man at last!

AM Hants

The tape, uploaded on ‘You Tube’ the night before, consisting of 3 merged tapes.

Kolomoisky, apologised for taking down the wrong jet. Plus, Murdoch’s channel, broadcast a documentary, where the Donbass Fighters, spoke of Ukraine taking the plane down and them taking out the military jets, shadowing the plane.

I do wonder why the DSB, ignored all evidence from the BUK manufacturers, who produced the system for both Ukraine and Russia?

Leaked email by Dutch diplomat on MH17 says separatists do not have ability to take down a plane. Kolomoisky being set up for fall? Following a leaked Dutch diplomat’s email saying it could not have been “separatists” that brought down MH17, we are left with oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi who received intelligence that Putin’s aircraft was due to fly over the region, and ordered what was to become the shooting down of the MH17.


Published 3 years ago on April 6, 2015… http://redpilltimes.com/leaked-email-by-dutch-diplomat-on-mh17-says-separatists-do-not-have-ability-to-take-down-a-plane-kolomoisky-being-set-up-for-fall/


Kolomoysky: Sorry about the MH17 – but it is a trifle – ENG SUBS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrfKZUttEwE


Breaking: MH17 May Have Been Downed By Ukrainian Jet, According to BBC Documentary… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/04/25/breaking-mh17-may-have-been-downed-by-ukrainian-jet-according-to-bbc-documentary/


MH 17 Cover Up Blasted Open by New Video, So much to hide Updated…

If true, the conversations made on camera prove that the alleged self-defense fighters arrived at the site of the Boeing crash searching for the Ukrainian Sukhoi fighter.




The transcript also said that while the fighters were examining the site of the crash of the civilian plane, there was another crash site, presumably that of the fighter.

“The Sukhoi brought down the plane and we brought down the Sukhoi. IS IT FAR FROM HERE? WHERE DID IT FALL?




The website however prefers not to notice the evidence of the existence of a second plane, which shot down the Boeing. It mostly concentrates on the people examining the remains of the Boeing and stubbornly insists that it was shot down with the surface-to-air missile…


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Russia was excluded from Dutch JIT, which was stuffed full of NATO hacks, but was instantly blamed and convicted. NATO countrie’s “professionals” are too brainwashed to complete an INDEPENDENT investigation on anything except their butts. Even then someone else may need to look at their butts. Time to bring the nations that are not from the collectively deluded US/EU/NATO gangsters. As for the West (“superior and civilised”, of course) sticking to a “single story”, how about providing some evidence instead of computer graphics and doctored SBU tapes on MH17? Consider the Novichuk hoax. After the May statement that RF was “probably guilty” of an “act of war” on British soil, the UK media had all sorts of stories: It was the luggage, it was the buckwheat, it was their car’s air conditioning, it was the Zizzis food. Meanwhile, the world careers towards WW3. Now its the door handle, and amazingly, no-one died with the use of “weapons grade” Novichuk because of the amazing skills of our world class NHS doctors? Who are they kidding? Now, every-time I touch a door handle I am reminded just what a bunch of bare-faced LIARS our UK elite in “government” have become. Again, apologies to RF and the critical world on behalf of millions sceptical UK Plebs.


That’s the beauty of sticking to a single story, the more you repeat it and stick to it, the more believable it becomes. Whereas a poor liar changes story all the time. That is how they always get exposed. That is why I think Russian should stop launching a thousand theories and just pick one and stick with it. Because just the constant new theories are what make Russia untrustworthy.

Pick one story and stick with it. Ignore all evidence to the contrary and stick with it. It works! Every time.

And I hope you understand that I’m not arguing here on whether or not the MH-17 case is true or false. Just the way the West and Russia have handled this case in the media.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I understand about sticking with one “narrative”. But this is not about stories, it is about legal attribution of blame that could lead to escalation of tension between nuclear powers. This requires EVIDENCE and a burden of proof even more than “beyond reasonable” doubt and way beyond the “highly likely” standard farted by PM May. Lets look at facts: 1. No evidence is provided on the Russia collusion allegations, and yet there is a systematic campaign against Russia, with sanctions. 2. The Met Police are still carrying out the investigation over the Skripal “poisoning”, but PM May has already found RF guilty and passed punishment. 3. What evidence was provided in Khan Sheikoun and Douma “chemical attacks” before FUKUS launched missile attacks that could have started WW3?

In these circumstances, RF is entitled to point out alternative explanations of events that did not happen in their territory and which they are not in charge of investigation.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution side. I never thought that the FUKUS would sink so low!


That is what I said about sticking to a story and ignoring all evidence to the contrary. It works. And why I think pointing out alternative explanations by the Russians is a failing strategy. Humans are not governed by rational thought, we are governed by emotions. Rationalization only comes after the emotional decision has been made. And to the emotional mind if you have the truth on your side you stick with it. Whereas the guilty constantly change their stories.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Well, let’s see what happens. The jury is still out. Emotionally, a lot of normally sane people have accepted Russia’s guilt over a range of matters, I would say for simply being Russia. This is testimony to the power of the government and billionaire controlled media of the US/EU/NATO cabal and the ability of their “leaders” to “sing from the same hymn sheet”, ie toeing the Soviet Party line. Thanks for an interesting discussion.


I get what you’re saying but I refuse to believe Russia turning to the U.S./Nazi method of propaganda is the answer. People who swallow official narratives in the face of overwhelming evidence generally do so from their side of the aisle. These people would not take Russia’s word on the grass being green if Russia spent 10 years constantly driving at that point. The U.S. (if that’s whose crap they’re buying) could having a press release that ice is hot and to these fools it would be gospel as soon as they saw the source. The mindless fools would be putting ice trays in the oven and thinking they were doing something wrong not that their government lied. I fail to see how catering to the brain dead is the answer… even if you miraculously make gains all you gained was dumbasses you have to think for. We need critical thinkers, our stock of morons is overflowing.

Promitheas Apollonious

try to drive them……


Based on the evidence I’ve seen Ukraine having or not having buks (after this even those with severe bias can’t deny Ukrainian buks exist, damn now they’ll need to cook up some new fairy tales) isn’t of importance as it would seem a buk isn’t what hit MH17. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and more than one way to down a plane, especially when air traffic controllers guide it to the kill box.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

GOTTITT! The wee Banderised darlings were practicing to bring-down another civilian air-liner and mistook the office building for a plane. This is what Banderisation does! Or maybe, they were looking for some much-needed cash? The BUK system would come in very handy when robbing a bank!

Ivan Freely

Funny way for fund raising. Perhaps damaging your own property and then blaming it on the Russians?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Not funny, but the Russians would be perfect! I bet that they are already blaming “Putin hacking” for this incident in the social media comments of the Banderised Ukrainians. Just as my own UK will be blaming RF if our bath tub (mistakenly called an aircraft carrier) malfunctions. Did you hear about how the Royal Navy launched a trident missile towards the US when practising out in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida?

Ivan Freely

re: Trident Yes I did. LOL

Brother Ma

And now spanish pilots let loose with a missile on the Estonians? Lucky it didn’t hit people. If it did they would be blaming Putin!

Hey my Grandad farted….it was Putin’s fault!

Concrete Mike

I didnt hear about that, lol

Brother Ma

With Banderisation you lose!

Ivan Freely

Damn those Ukies are retarded.

Concrete Mike

Yep, yet they seems to run part of our country…explain that

Army of conquest

Even in Ukraine air defence is drunk.

Dmitry Lunyov

article on the Ukrainian website where the assistant to the President says that in Ukraine there are no ” BUK” systems : https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3523477-poslednyi-buk-ukrayna-prodala-hruzyy-sovetnyk-poroshenko

Brother Ma

Hey? Did the interim reports by Dutch and others mention that the Banderites have BUK or did they conveniently remain silent on that?


They may not be dropping any airliners with that unit.

Promitheas Apollonious

I think it was a discussion between the driver and the navigator if BUKs can also hit buildings.

The driver proved they can.

pippo pluto e paperino


pippo pluto e paperino

After the spanish missile lost in Estonia, we where just needing also this!!!

Brother Ma

Hey, the women look hot. Send them around to my place.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Control yourself, Brother Ma, this is serious!

Brother Ma

I am no rapist dog ,Brother. I am a real man always seeking real women. I never said to send them forcefully to me. They can come and go as they like!☺

Haha though. We have to laugh and joke sometimes Yerevan .If we didn’t we would only have crying as the only option with the injustice going on in this world?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I know exactly what you mean.


By the first one reference that turning the tracked vehicles should have a rather good response and tight turn. The second one seems accelerated on the turn results in wide turning right into the building. Probably the brakes ? But why they have to use that narrow street for military parade ? And on that fast pace no less ?

Concrete Mike

It could have been a plunger in a valve bank that stayed open too long, making outside track spin faster….and in ya go.


Kharma is a bitch! With their arrogance it is probably the actual unit used to shoot down MH-17. Just celebrating our psychopathic, murderous, cleverness!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Wait till they use their new “wonder tanks”!


Update: The mortally injured National dignity of Ukraine died over night in hospital. We will update you on any further casualties.

Carol Davidek-Waller

I’d read the Ukranian army was poorly trained. Proof positive.


Siberia Airlines Flight 1812, Donbass, now this….


bad transmission.. like the one that supposedly went to Russia, but then one of the crew members set the record straight. For all the reading I’ve done.. I like the average Ukrainian little guy and his or her parents. This is the NWO and what they are going to impose on everyone they can at their finest.. and the troops are well aware. They are going to fight (for long).. just enough to surrender and kill their commanders and the nutters in their units.. as it was done in Vietnam.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Kieve puts on display the type of rocket they used to shoot down passenger planes.


The biggest mistake Stalin ever made, was trying to educate these monkeys.


There is countless of photos with military (funny) accidents in Russia, on englishrussia.com . you can go freak out there too.

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