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MARCH 2025

‘Buk Scandal’ Between Ukraine And Georgia

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'Buk Scandal' Between Ukraine And Georgia

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Georgia refuses to transfer back Buk anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine. According to Ukrainian officials, Kiev cannot convince Tbilisi to give back the systems that were transferred to Georgia in 2008. In their turn, Georgian officials refuted Ukrainian claims.

Ukraine’s charge d’affaires in Georgia, Andrei Kasyanov, wrote in his article that Kiev asked Tbilisi to give back Ukrainian Buk systems. Ukraine’s request also included Javelin anti-tank weapons provided to Georgia by the United States. According to the charge d’affaires, Washington agreed the transfer of Javelins to Ukraine, and offered to replace them with new complexes, but Tbilisi refused to provide military assistance to Kiev.

The diplomat said that from the very beginning of the Russian military operation, Ukraine has consistently sent requests, including to Georgia, asking for weapons, military equipment and ammunition.

According to Mr Kasyanov, Ukraine “will be consistent in its requests to all international partners,” including to Georgia.

Kasyanov also clarified that Ukraine has already openly claimed its vital need for weapons.

'Buk Scandal' Between Ukraine And Georgia

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Tbilisi promptly commented on the issue, clarifying that the claims from Kiev do not correspond to reality.

Georgia will not give Buk anti-aircraft missile systems back to Ukraine, because they were not provided for free but Georgia bought them in 2008, the Georgian Defense Ministry claimed on January 10th.

“The fact that Ukraine donated Buk air defense systems to Georgia is not true. The Defense Department received the Buk systems in 2007 through a multimillion-dollar purchase. This was carried out by a secret agreement, which is why we do not have more specific details,” the Georgian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The Georgian Ministry noted that Georgia also “paid tens of millions of dollars to purchase Javelin anti-tank systems from the United States in 2017,” which means Tbilisi will not sen them to Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defense emphasizes that Georgia continues to provide humanitarian and political support to Ukraine, but “the Georgian government has repeatedly expressed a firm position” on this matter of transfer of dual-use weapons and equipment to Kiev. In early December, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili once again claimed that his country would not supply Ukraine with weapons, since it was not going to become a party to the conflict.


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Clever move from Georgia. Not becoming a part of the conflict !!! In the end, every one who delivred armaments to Kiev will be a legitime target.

Captain Hohol

Georgian government already knows who is going to win and does not want to piss them off.


How is it possible that Georgia can keep a sane government despite beeing pro western?

A Mistake in the Matrix?


fear after getting their ass kicked before , does wonders


Well same happened to ukraine. Georgia does not like russia but different to ukraine did not try again after failing the first time and if you look at percentage they lost more territory then ukraine in 2014. So it does seem their leaders have more sanity then ukrainian leaders.

I mean serbia wants kosovo back as well but knows if it tries nato will bomb them again and so waits for a better moment. Ukraine could have waited as well perhaps until a color revolution in belarus works out.

Notes from the subconcious

They figure they already suffered enough under that halfwit NATO puppet Saakashvili. I think they’re not interested in any participation whatsoever in a sequel to that suicidal NATO clown show.

Captain Hohol

Georgian politicians see which way the conflict is going, Russia can be nice or at least “not mean” or they can punish local traitors.

They know Russia is going to win, and want to be on their good side.


Western governments are made up of great geniuses. Misery and defeat ensue. You call them, if you want, idiots.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Filthy Ukronazis scammers, they sold the stuff and now want it back for free?!

Pay, scumbags! Pay the price according to the market! Pay in advance as nobody would ever trust you as the whole world knows you are broke, crooks, scamers, thieves, rogues.


Well they are not used to pay for things anymore

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

According to the clown logic every country on the planet should send their weapons to Kiev. Even Congo and Uganda etc. so if you are Black, send your knives and rifles to the Nazis NOW. Yes, Black ppl sending weapons to racist Nazis. Pure comedy ad absurdum. Funny!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Most have and most of what they have sent has been destroyed.


The Ukrainians are getting desperate since the majority of western weapons are old junk and the quality ones are prime targets for the Russians. The West is running out of 155mm shells to send and are in no position to increase production. I fear Biden will blunder into an escalation that we will all regret but if he doesn’t, the West will need a decade to build their arsenals back up and Russia will still achieve its goals.


Nič sa nedeje. To sa iba v Tbilisi rozhodli zahrať si partiu pokru. Chceli by s toho vyťažiť čo sa len dá. Samozrejme darebácky štát USA sa zdráha, lebo mu došlo, že husou ktorú sa chystajú ošklbať sú práve oni samé. Ha, ha, ha …


I’m sure you do


“The fact that Ukraine donated Buk air defense systems to Georgia is not true. The Defense Department received the Buk systems in 2007 through a multimillion-dollar purchase. This was carried out by a secret agreement, which is why we do not have more specific details,”

And guess where that “secret” money has ended up? I bet you it didn’t end up in Ukraine’s state accounts…

Notes from the subconcious

Ukraine has never ‘donated’ anything except chaos, grief and misery onto the world.

Notes from the subconcious

Georgia basically told Ukraine to go fuckoff. I LUV it.

Captain Hohol

They do not want to be known as a traitor after the war ends.

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