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Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: World Is Closer to Nuclear War Than Even in the Cuban Missile Crisis

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Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: World Is Closer to Nuclear War Than Even in the Cuban Missile Crisis

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Written by Eric Zuesse

According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BOTS), which had set the nuclear-war clock at 120 seconds to “Midnight” during the peak of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the world is now at 90 seconds to “Midnight.” 

That 24 January 2023 setting of the clock was the latest, and it headlined “A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight: 2023 Doomsday Clock Statement”.

It said that:

the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight — the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.

The war in Ukraine may enter a second horrifying year, with both sides convinced they can win. Ukraine’s sovereignty and broader European security arrangements that have largely held since the end of World War II are at stake. 

Because the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is a U.S. propaganda operation instead of independent, it ignored, avoided to mention, that Ukraine had actually lost its sovereignty and become a U.S. ‘ally’ or client-state or dependency or colony or vassal-nation back in February 2014 when it was grabbed in a U.S. coup. The war began when the Obama Administration in February 2014 perpetrated its coup against what had been neutral Ukraine, to turn it rabidly against Russia, a coup that had been in America’s planning stages since at least June 2011, and which was called by the head of the private CIA firm Stratfor “the most blatant coup in history”. Its objective was for Ukraine ultimately to join NATO and then the U.S. place its nuclear missiles on Ukraine’s border only 300 miles away from Moscow. (In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the danger was that the USSR might place its nuclear missiles 1,331 miles away from Washington DC.) U.S.-and-allied media hid all of that reality from their publics (and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists also ignores it), but the documentation of it is solid and unrefuted by the U.S. Government, which prefers that its media hide it than that its officials deny any of it (since none of it can be denied); but, here is the documentation, including the smoking gun where Obama’s official tells the U.S. Ambassador in Ukraine whom to place in charge of the post-coup government after they complete the coup, and that U.S.-selected person, “Yats,” did become appointed a month later, at the coup’s end on February 27th.

Now the U.S. and its allies lie to accuse the Russia’s Government of having started the war on 24 February 2022 instead of the U.S. Government having started it in February 2014, and Russia had to do this in order to do what it must do in order to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and from then becoming a staging-ground for U.S. missiles. But America’s Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists hides all of that.

Perhaps America’s media will continue hiding the BOTS warning that the world has never before been in as much danger of a nuclear WWIII as it now is, until that “90 seconds” has suddenly become “0” seconds (immediate).

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Erik Nielsen

In my scientific research we end up at 60 seconds to midnight and this is real science. Not this msm bs bulletin. Saying we are 1 minute to a nuclear clash between the Titanics.

We bear the risk that our globe could be cracked in 2-3 pieces by titanium sticks and nuclear bombs directly into the tectonic plates.

Can you imagine 3 different pieces of the earth floating around the sun surviving on their own leaving no opportunity to visit friends and your children in spaceships to the other pieces.

The Han-Chinese living on their own, The White supremachist on their own, and Africans left without any aid and world bank loans. This is the reality we need to face today if we wanna meet tomorrow tomorrow.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen

Wow. That’s 2 bullshit articles on the so called ‘threat of Nuclear War’ published in the same day! You fucking clueless cretins at SouthFront must be getting desperate for attention!


Yawn……..pass the chips.


It depends how you read their statement : “Ukraine’s sovereignty and broader European security arrangements that have largely held since the end of World War II are at stake.” – and Ukraine has mostly been part of the Soviet Union since WW2, and never been an EU member, so you could say they agree it should be Russian, or at least leave the possibility for this interpretation open.


The Castro rocket fiasco was big bs Psyop intended to clear waterways for clandestine & joint US-SOVIET seafloor operation conducted between west Cuba and the Yucatán. Please do cease the kaka and correct the history books, humanity is drowning in it.


If any actual nuke activity does occur it was all carefully Co-plotted


Again, please read the following book in its entireity:


Michel F.

I’m 60 sec. away from a hot coffee. These guys have been crying wolf forever. Many 60 sec. have passed since they created their doomsday clock. In 60 sec. from now I’ll have my coffee, I’ll drink it, take another one, and I’ll still be breathing.

If you want to worry for something worry for cancer, worry for not getting healthcare when you’re sick, worry for not being able to afford basic necessities, worry for global warming and living creatures on this planet. And even then every living thing will die at one point, me, you everything. Everything will come to an end one way or the other. Can anyone tell me how much time we have before global warning kills agriculture and brings civilizations to an end?

Icarus Tanović

Iron Maiden: 2 minutes to midnight.


Well, these “scientists” apparently need to go back to elementary school. “Newks” still don’t exist. Metal is still not compressible to “double density.”

Side note: hey Southfront admins, why aren’t you running a frontpage story on Dr. Akio Nakatani’s book? Have you not read it yet? Please catch up, and let everyone know there is literally -zero- chance of “nukular woar.”

And, even if it was…apparently they got fooled by the old question, “what weighs more (has more mass), a pound of lead, or a pound of feathers?”

Changing the density of a given substance -does not change the mass.- So, allegedly mechanically compressing the “Fat Man” core to double density…did not change the mass. No “critical mass,” no boom. But then, smashing two pieces of metal together won’t cause an explosion.

It’s enough to give an actual scientist a headache. Read the book, Dr. Akio Nakatani had access to some extremely powerful supercomputers, and ran the numbers. Long story short: newks are as fake and ghey as everything else to come out of the 20th century:


Last edited 1 year ago by 1776

But wouldn’t increasing the density increase the chance of the radioactive particles hitting other atoms thus triggering a chain reaction and effectively lowering the critical mass? Didn’t you get to play with geiger counters in science class and measure radioactive things? Perhaps the safety Nazis banned it! Of course, if you accept the possibility anything could be a lie then everything can be fake, it could all be like the Matrix film or something, but there is quite a bit of interlinked science around the subject, some of which you can experiment with to confirm. Possibly the real problem with nukes is they have been superceded by new secret technology hence why there are less around now, the technology is over 80 years old now – apparently Russia has a secret weapon that can destroy any country in the world, but they didn’t say it was nuclear, there are some theories about this sort of thing and what it might be online too.


No, sorry, metals are virtually incompressible, but high temperatures increase something called the neutron cross section making it easier to trigger a chain reaction


Temperature does nothing to slow fast neutrons. And it is the speed of the neutrons (they must be slow), that initiates nuclear reactions. This is why nuclear reactors have moderators. And again, it is not “critical density,” but “critical mass” that is continually hammered home. Mass does not change if you alter the density. What weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers. Think. Basic, basic critical thinking skills.

But again, if you believe “nukulur weppins” are viable, take Dr. Nakatani up on his suggestion and build one. That is the ultimate proof. Make sure you point a mass spectrometer at the results, so it can be verified. Every single fake “test” has been the result of either conventional explosions, or combusting hydrocarbons (since smoke and flames were produced, which would not be the case in a “nuclear event.”)

If it is important for your “mental state” and world concept to continue believing in nuclear weapons, then by all means, do so. It just seems foolish to waste time worrying about something that has been demonstrably deprecated (all it takes is a bit of observation, critical thought, and access to better data).

Edited to add:

More proof debunking the “FAIL” (Fake Atomic Instantaneous Liquidation) hypothesis:

http://mileswmathis.com/trinity.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/bikini.pdf


Believe whatever you want. There’s lunatics that believe the earth is flat. But those of us with scientific backgrounds have already moved on, and are not concerned with “nukes” any more.

Last edited 1 year ago by 1776

First off, metal is, for all intents and purposes, incompressible. You -cannot- get “double density” metals, if you could, the applications in things like tank armor would be widely known. It is more bafflegarble to fool the sheep. Plus, it is “critical mass,” not “critical density.” Critical mass. The mass does not change if you alter the density of a fixed quantity of matter. What weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? -Think.-

And no, the density has nothing to do with the likelihood of a neutron finding a nuclei. Think. increasing the density does -not change the nuclei!-

It is the -speed- of the neutrons that matter. You need to slow neutrons with a moderator to encourage enough neutrons to “see” nuclei and trigger a chain reaction.

“Nukulur bombs” do not have moderators. Once of the keys to let you know they are fake.

I’m not sure why you are presuming that I am not a specialist in “nuclear matters.” I have quite a bit of nuclear physics background.

Nuclear energy is great. Works fine, and should be our primary energy source. It is the very fact that nuclear energy exists that nullifies “explosive nuclear energy.” Since most people’s grasp of things involves “scaling” and “similars,” it is used against them. I developed the “campfire/dynamite equivalency fallacy.” Since a slow combustion (chemical) results in heat, and a fast combustion results in an explosion, most laymen assume the same “scalability” when it comes to nuclear matters. However, the problem is, chemical and nuclear phenomena do not translate. There is no “fast reaction” that will produce high velocity gas (an explosion). But the fraudsters had to come up with something.

And I’m sure that there are high tech weapons that actually exist. They didn’t need to “supercede” nukes, since as I (and more importantly, Dr. Nakatani) have proven, they never existed.

Read the book. It is written for those with above average intelligence. But it proves unequivocally that “newks” are fake, and have never existed.


Edited to add:

There are many more sources that provably deprecate the “FAIL” (Fake Atomic Instantaneous Liquidation) hypothesis:


http://mileswmathis.com/trinity.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/bikini.pdf

Last edited 1 year ago by 1776
peter mcloughlin

The crisis now is far more dangerous than 1962. Then, despite the brinkmanship and danger, both sides were able to step back – desired to. What is unfolding now is the scenario that the nuclear powers wanted to avoid during the Cold War, still do. What is lacking is the ability to control events, and how they unfold. Not reading history, or misreading it , has led us here. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


Dangerous how? The laws of physics have not changed in the past 80+ years. Nuclear weapons are just as fake and non-existent now as they ever have been. Have you read the book? Dr. Nakatani makes a good point: if you believe nukes are real, then build one and test it. Super simple, since your average laptop has a million times the computing power as the “Manahatto Project,” and most (if not all) of the vital information is public domain.

After all, if it is a simple matter of banging two pieces of metal together, a caveman can build a nuke. And would have many times already.

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