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MARCH 2025

Caitlin Johnstone: “Assange Has Been Arrested For US Extradition. The Time To Act Is Now.”

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Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested and taken into custody by the London’s Metropolitan police, just as WikiLeaks warned days ago was about to happen. Assange’s lawyer Jen Robinson reports that his arrest is related to an extradition request from the United States, which the British government has until now refused to admit exists.

Caitlin Johnstone: "Assange Has Been Arrested For US Extradition. The Time To Act Is Now."

“Just confirmed: #Assange has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request,” tweeted Robinson.

“From #Assange: The US warrant was issued in December 2017 and is for conspiracy with Chelsea Manning in early 2010,” Robinson added.

So there you have it. Extradited for journalism. In a blur, everything that Assange and WikiLeaks have been warning about for years has been proven correct, contrary to mountains of claims to the contrary by establishment loyalists everywhere. The same government which tortured Chelsea Manningis in the process of extraditing her publisher so that they can silence him forever. Everyone who has ever denied that this was happening needs to hang their heads in shame for scoffing at a very real threat to press freedoms everywhere when they could have been opposing this obscene agenda. It’s time for some serious soul searching.

The time to act is now. It’s too late to prevent Assange from losing his asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, so the goal now is to fight extradition. Activist groups are swiftly organizing as I type this, so it will be easy for people around the world to find rallies to attend and online movements to help boost. I encourage everyone in the US, the UK and Australia to contact their elected representatives and politely but urgently inform them that the agenda to extradite Assange to the US must be fought at all costs. Educate yourself as best as you can on Assange’s case, and inform everyone you know about what’s going on.

This is seriously gut wrenching news. Here are ten thoughts on the matter in no particular order:

1 — The Metropolitan police were let into the embassy by the Ecuadorian ambassador, his political asylum revoked under entirely false pretenses in gross violation of international law. Shame on Ecuador.

2 — Assange is an Australian citizen. As of this writing, the Australian government has still not interceded to protect its citizen. Shame on Australia.

3 — The US government is setting a precedent which, if carried out, will constitute a grave threat to press freedoms the world over and a greater leap in the direction of Orwellian dystopia than the Patriot Act. Shame on America.

4 — The UK government is collaborating with the US government’s efforts to imprison a journalist for publishing evidence of US war crimes, just as it has collaborated with the US government in perpetrating war crimes. Shame on the UK.

5 — This arrest warrant was issued under the Trump administration, in full alignment with what the Trump administration has openly been saying about its agenda to silence WikiLeaks. Shame on Trump, and shame on anyone who continues to support him.

6 — This arrest is a Trump administration action, and has nothing to do with the 2016 Russia nonsense that Democrats have been shrieking about, yet these same Democrats who claim to oppose Trump and oppose his war on the press are currently cheerleading for Trump’s prosecution of a journalist who told the truth. Shame on Democrats.

7 — I am going to have a zero tolerance policy for QAnon cultists who try to tell me that this is actually 5-D chess by Trump to overthrow the Deep State. Stay out of my comments, stay out of my social media notifications, stay the hell away from me, and please rethink your worldview.

8 — The precedent set by imprisoning a foreign journalist under the Espionage Act will enable the US government to arrest leak publishers anywhere in the world who expose its crimes. This will cripple our ability to hold the most powerful institution on the planet to account in any way. There is no excuse for any journalist anywhere not to oppose this tooth and claw. If you see anyone calling themselves a journalist but failing to oppose Assange’s extradition, you should call them out for the frauds that they are.

9 — And yes, like it or not, Assange is a journalist. There is no legitimate argument to the contrary.

10 — This is it, folks. This is where we find out what we’re made of as a species. This is where we find out if humanity gets to survive, and if it deserves to. If we can’t stop the empire from imprisoning a journalist for publishing facts right in front of our eyes, we might as well roll over and tap out right now, because if we lose this one it’s never going to get any better from there. If we can’t pass this test, the oligarchs and the opaque government agencies which are allied with them will march us into extinction or Orwellian dystopia, and there’ll be no tool in our toolbox to stop them. We need to seriously dig deep on this one.

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John Whitehot

“This is where we find out if humanity gets to survive, and if it deserves to. If we can’t stop the empire from imprisoning a journalist for publishing facts right in front of our eyes, we might as well roll over and tap out right now, because if we lose this one it’s never going to get any better from there”

Those that are behind Assange confinement and imprisonment are not part of humanity, they dropped all human connotations many years ago and chose instead to become ballast weight to evolution.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The British/Norwegian mixed blood has always been an enemy to God’s creation. They have spent 800 years doing nothing but invading and destroying God’s tribes everywhere. Europeans are not in anyway responsible for these people. England is an island isolated from the indigenous European people. Lebanese ‘called Phoenicians’ back in those day are the English. When they first colonized England they found lots of tin, and so the Phoenicians named it ‘The Land of Tin’ that is where the name Britain came from. They have nothing to do with Europeans. In fact they have always tried to conquer and enslave Europeans. They kept invading the indigenous French and indigenous Spanish and indigenous Teutonic and indigenous Suebian and indigenous Gothic tribe. Believe me, Europeans need help to throw the yolk off from the UK-empire and their little USA dogs. http://ihr.org/


Yeah right.. “Real anti racist Action” talking “The British/Norwegian mixed blood has always been an enemy to God’s creation”. You been always funny, but now you are on true Goebbels level. Congrats.


Why will mainstream media not support journalist Assange? Simple…. because they stopped practicing journalism long ago and don’t worry about the precedent being set regarding journalism; for they now act just as nothing more than the mouth piece of the Deep State.


Assange is a Zionist shill, this entire fake arresting incident is a psy op to raise his profile and credibility. The very fact that his name is all over (((the media))) is enough proof to out him. There are hundreds of real truthers who are currently serving years of jail sentences whose names you’ve never heard. What has Assange ever done to warrant all this attention?

Doom Sternz

What really is obvious is that a significant number of humanity has no humanity and is only to willing to be disgusting for what? An incredibly small piece of the pie?

Age of Panic, Time for revolution.

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

This. 100% this.

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

“What has Assange ever done to warrant all this attention?” Erm…..founded a website that has released countless classified documents and information which has exposed corruption and war crimes committed by governments? While I do get what you are saying….the last sentence sounds more like a d*ck measuring contest.

He didn’t “find” any website, the CIA can at any moment pull any website off the internet without explanation or reason, and they can arrest and imprison any person on their territory (and beyond) without explanation. They’ve done it to many websites I used to visit regularly. Are you really that gullible to think some random guy decided to open a website and all the whistleblowers in the world decided to leak information to him? Yes granted there were some good leaks that came through wikileaks but that’s required in ordered to gain credibility but the CIA also leaked a lot of garbage disinformation like Pizza Gate through wikileaks in order to confuse and derail the truth movement. Assange has literally been living on UK territory, his name has been mentioned by all (((mainstream media))), he gets (((Hollywood))) celebrities visiting him personally. Sorry but if you don’t see through the charade you’re not awake enough.

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

found2 /found/ verb past tense: founded; past participle: founded 1. establish or originate (an institution or organization), especially by providing an endowment

the CIA can at any moment pull any website off the internet without explanation or reason

No. It depends on the host and hose country

they can arrest and imprison any person on their territory (and beyond) without explanation

I don’t think anyone is denying that

Are you really that gullible to think some random guy decided to open a website and all the whistleblowers in the world decided to leak information to him?

I think you watched too many spy movies.

Yes granted there were some good leaks that came through wikileaks but that’s required in ordered to gain credibility

How do you have no issue with that sentence? You know as much information as anyone else and for you to decide what is used as a “front” and what is being fed is nothing short of an egocentric statement. This is literally like listening to some religious-level wacko telling the people that his interpretation of the book is the “right one”.

The gullible one if you. At least one of us is open minded.

1. Dude are a troll or just retarded? You don’t use the past tense when you’re using the word “did” right before a verb. The correct grammar is what I wrote, what you wrote is wrong, you don’t say “He didn’t found”, that’s incorrect. I can’t believe I’m arguing with you about elementary school level grammar.

2. Wikileaks was/is based on Western internet domains, it can be easily pulled at any second. The dailystormer website has been pulled off the internet at least 20 different times because unlike kosher wikileaks they actually discuss real critical issues that threaten the Jew World Order that completely owns and controls the West.

3. If you’re not denying that then ask yourself why they haven’t done that to Assange all these years if he was such a threat? I’ll tell you why, because he wasn’t a threat.

4. You failed to provide any rational response, even your stupid response doesn’t make sense and is not relevant to what I said.

5. Your response comes across to me as trollish, either that or you’re just too dumb. In either case I’m done wasting time on you. You’re blocked

AmounRah ✔️ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

1. Dude are a troll or just retarded? You don’t use the past tense when you’re using the word “did” right before a verb. The correct grammar is what I wrote, what you wrote is wrong, you don’t say “He didn’t found”, that’s incorrect. I can’t believe I’m arguing with you about elementary school level grammar.

I will let you take a second on it and re-read my original post.

I’ll wait………..

Lee Vanderheiden

Get a real life. REPEAT helicopter murder

Kell McBanned

Australia is now nothing more than a vassel state for the Empire, the last Prime Minister that attempted a Nationalistic program that put Australia first vanished never to be seen again, an acting Prime Minister!

Seems the rest got the hint..

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