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Caitlin Johnstone: “The Revolution Has No Hollywood Ending”

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Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog

After struggling against our own self-destructive tendencies throughout the entirety of recorded history, humanity is now at a point where that struggle is probably going to be resolved, one way or another, within the lifetime of most people reading this.

The movie about this struggle has been written with one of two possible endings. In the first, we are unable to overcome our self-destructive tendencies, and the last of our species dies by radiation poisoning or choking on the dust of an uninhabitable planet. In the second, we evolve beyond our self-destructive tendencies and move into a healthy relationship with our minds, our ecosystem, and each other.

Caitlin Johnstone: "The Revolution Has No Hollywood Ending"

Neither of these two endings would work in a Hollywood blockbuster. In the first, humanity dies off not with a bang but with a whimper as a result of nuclear fallout or climate collapse. In the second, conflict and drama as we know it will cease to exist as we pull up and away from the self-destructive patterns which brought us to this point. We’ll either keep along this same destructive trajectory and meet its inevitable end very soon, or we’ll deviate from that trajectory into something wildly different. In either case, there is no kissing the girl while the credits roll, no coolly striding away from the explosion, and no spin-kicking the bad guy off a cliff into lava after uttering a short, memorable line.

I say this because it seems like a lot of people are kind of hoping for a Hollywood ending in some way. People are hoping that Donald Trump gets arrested for conspiring with Russia and dragged off in chains and everything goes back to normal. People are hoping that President Trump drains the swamp, locks up Hillary Clinton, arrests most of Capitol Hill for child molestation, and destroys the Deep State. People are hoping there’s a violent revolution which restores individual sovereignty to the citizenry. People are hoping there’s a peaceful people’s revolution which ousts the ruling class and replaces the status quo with whatever their personal favored strain of leftism is. Everyone’s subconsciously looking for some big, momentous climax where the Good Guys are vindicated and the Bad Guys are brought to justice.

And it just isn’t going to go down like that.

If you’ve paid much attention to human behavior throughout your life, you know that we reliably repeat the same patterns until there’s inner healing and personal growth. If you’ve experienced inner healing and personal growth, you know that the actual experience of it is generally anti-climactic. True healing is always a game of subtraction, and it moves in the exact opposite direction of the egoically satisfying mental narratives which Hollywood has grown so skilled at providing us. When true inner healing takes place, it doesn’t usually make for a good story, and its effects often go unnoticed for some time, because they are evidenced not in the addition of something new but in the subtraction of something old. You look at your memories of your old unwholesome behavior patterns and think “Hmm, how strange that I used to do that sort of thing!”

If humanity transcends its unwholesome patterns at the end of this movie, it’s going to happen in much the same way. Not in an egoically gratifying way where we see our most hated political figures punished and our own ideological preferences uplifted, but in the simple falling away of old patterns. If human consciousness evolves to the point where we can avert our own destruction, then it will necessarily have dropped the egoic patterns of fear, greed and negativity which kept us bound to our old destructive behaviors. Were that to happen, we’d probably struggle to even remember what we used to stress and rage about when looking at the state of our world.

Nothing else will do the trick. If we do come to some dramatic, egoically satisfying climax, like where all the oligarchs and warmongers are guillotined and their wealth distributed among the needy or whatever, then it isn’t the end of the movie. We have not arrived at a point where we’ve transcended our old patterns, we’ve just seen those old patterns manifest in a way which happens to be egoically pleasing to us in this particular instance. And we will soon see them manifest in ways which we find far from pleasing again.

We will not arrive at our happy ending unless we collectively heal away those old egoic addictions to drama and conflict. Even if we did somehow manage to create a utopia without healing away those old egoic addictions, it would be quickly destroyed and the countdown to doomsday restarted by the gnashing, looping patterns which brought us to the brink of extinction in the first place.

Because guess what? From the perspective of our current state of drama-addicted and conflict-addicted collective consciousness, a world without drama and conflict is dull and worthless. Those addictions will keep leading us toward our destruction until we shed them, if for no other reason than our psychological inability to live in a peaceful, harmonious world.

Are you able to live in a peaceful, harmonious world? A world that is boring to the ego and unsuitable for Hollywood scripts? When I look at the behavior of a lot of activists on social media, it seems like a lot of them fear an end to drama and conflict more than they fear the end of the world. It sounds funny to say, but I think this is legitimately the case for many people. Our addiction to drama and conflict is so strong and our ability to just be at peace in the here and now so weak that keeping things from becoming harmonious can feel like an existential life-and-death need. And we all know people who are strongly predisposed toward stirring up drama to feed that illusory need.

To be able to live in a peaceful world where we collaborate harmoniously with our ecosystem and our fellow humans, we’ll have to transcend our inability to simply be. To have a world where all human ingenuity is pointed at making the world a better place instead of inventing new ways to create landfill for mass consumption and new ways to kill and exploit each other, we’re going to have to have minds that are able to survive in an environment with a lot less conflict, and, once our ingenuity really gets going, a lot less work as well. Minds that can rest comfortably without frenetic busyness or drama. Such minds are currently rare among our species.

The reason there are so many Hollywood movies about dystopian futures and hardly any about utopian futures is because there is no drama and conflict in utopia. Hollywood movies bring in the big bucks by being egoically pleasing to watch; it’s ego candy to watch heroes kicking villains off cliffs, because we can place ourselves in the role of the protagonist and imagine ourselves emerging triumphantly from the drama and conflicts displayed on the screen.

This is why I refer to myself as a “utopia prepper”. In order to have a peaceful, harmonious world, we’re going to have to have minds that are receptive to such a thing. I consider cultivating such a mind to be the most important thing I do in paving the way for paradise on earth, abandoning all attachments to our old ways of operating and opening a path within myself for something new. This will necessarily happen among us all if we’re to see the happy ending of this movie, and if we do it won’t be spectacular. It won’t be egoically gratifying. We’ll simply cease engaging in unwholesome patterns in a very anti-climactic way, begin channeling our ingenuity into making the world a better place, and perhaps once in a while look back on history and think, “Hmm, how strange that we used to do that sort of thing!”

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Tommy Jensen

Thumbs up to Caitlin.


Keep dreaming, Caitlin. Your dreams are the only place where your utopian fantasies are possible.

Pave Way IV

“…If human consciousness evolves to the point where we can avert our own destruction, then it will necessarily have dropped the egoic patterns of fear, greed and negativity which kept us bound to our old destructive behaviors…”

WTF, Caitlin? Really? Gosh… if we evolve to a point where we can stop getting infected by bacteria, then we can stop washing our hands and start licking the sticky handrails of public escalators whenever we want. Yay!

Fear, greed and negativity are part of our DNA for a reason: survival. I’m rather surprised that Caitlin can pound out this entire screed without mentioning the 800 pound gorilla between us and this better world (‘utopia’): PSYCHOPATHS

Psychopaths – diseased humans – obsessed with exploiting OTHER’s innate fear, greed and negativity (and a shitload of other normal positive/negative human emotions) for their benefit. Economies of scale apply: exploit a powerful organization (corporation, government, religion) instead of individual little people and the rewards/efforts explode.

Read again, Caitlin: EXPLOITATION of OTHER people for the BENEFIT of the psychopaths and their spawn.

Decent people seem to be pretty damn content when they are neither exploited, nor forced to be dependent on or part of any psychopathic organization exploiting others.

Want utopia? EMBRACE YOUR INNER PSYCHOPATH. The little people can spend their time providing for your security. No more fear! They can also work their ass off to provide so much excess crap for you that your material desires are mostly fulfilled. Greed? Hell, you can afford to be generous! And you can isolate yourself from those miserable, gloomy little people with all their problems and surround yourself with positive, uplifting people instead. Ahhh… Utopia!

I’ll take my chances in a dangerous world of normal humans with healthy emotions, as long as people wake up the latent survival instinct in their DNA to deny psychopaths their self-declared privilege of secrecy, punch those f’king psychopaths in the face on sight and burn their organizations to the ground. Killing them is useless. I just want them to be terrified of the little people. That’s my utopia. Is that too much to ask?

“They’re on to us…SHUT IT DOWN!”

Promitheas Apollonious

killing them is not useless it is a must. everything else it will not work

Sharon Marlowe

Technology will advance far enough for a missile defense system that protects an entire country from attack from the air. The closer this comes to be realized, the more think tanks will demand a first strike with nuclear weapons. This is as far as I get on envisioning the future:(

Hisham Saber

Put all Jews on large space shuttles with just enough fuel to get them past Orion’s Belt. Then the world, and humanity will see peace, justice and prosperity.

Promitheas Apollonious

why pollute space with them, when you can fertilize earth with them?


“channeling our ingenuity into making the world a better place”? and without any pecuniary motivation, i suppose? I think we are talking about communism here, if you are able to transcend all the bad rap heaped up on the Soviet communist project by enemies of the Soviet Union (but in reality, enemies of Russia and of everying that puts “human” in humanity)


Not just the Soviet communist project, ALL communist projects. It simply does not work and we should stop trying to excuse it on the basis of some no true communist fallacy, It doesn’t work, it will never work, because human beings are flawed apes, not rational logical actors. Instead of wasting time on trying to make Marx’s mad ravings work maybe we should look for a better solution instead? One that takes into account actual human behavior, rather then ideal wishful thinking.

Anja Boettcher

Judging from the intellect exposed in your writing, I can see that you have not even read a single line of any of Karl Marx’ works, let alone that you had the slightest chance to understand what he wrote. Nor is there anything inside that has anything in common with your delusional views of what they might be about.

This is certainly due to the fact that you are not even half-ape, but certainly rank below the IQ of an average shimpanzee.

Just a modest proposal, USAist: Just talk about topics you have something to say about. I know that your lousy school education would in then force 99.9% of USAists to stay silent when educated people of proper nations are around. However, this would definitely make the world a much much better place. Dante Alighieri knew why he ended description of hell with Christopher Columbus’ first glimpse of the American continent. Poor native Americans who first saw him made a really ghastly discovery…


We will get there. The only question is who will do the funding. The technology exists. Governments will only put up the money unless they think it resonates with voters. Corporations will only put up the money if they think there is money to be made. Considering the increase in commercial space flights that we’ve seen I think the latter will be far more likely.


I had a third scenario also without a Hollywood ending. The humanity will almost get extinct by a full scale world war but a handfull of people will continue to survive. Most probable the very ones who started the war helped by access to better technology. But survival will be so demanding and traumatic as no weapons of war will be ever again produced. Lesson learned.


its going to be a good ending! Evidence of this starts on March 19 and 20!

make sure u watching the news! Even the news orgs u trust! They will ALL be reporting this news! The whole fucking world will be! and it will be just the beginning of whats to come! Remember what i have said for 8 months now…. “after 2020, Russia and the USA will become allies”! Remember i said that…. if it doesnt come true….. attack me…. if it does, just remember i said it! ive been on this site for 4 years and i have always supported Russia and Syria 100%. My views on Iran have changed a little (towards their rulers and what they were really doing in Syria) and i have always thought China was as useless as tits on a bull!

i will be proven right! WATCH! Clintons (and many many others) are going DOWN!!! Obama is FUCKED!!!!! Watch!

The Farney Fontenoy

There certainly will be a utopia on Earth in the not-too-distant future, however it will be preceded by a series of devastating wars with a colossal bodycount, and even that utopia won’t last; it’s leader will not be satisfied & will begin the final war.

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