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Caitlin Johnstone: “Top 5 Dumbest Arguments Defending Trump’s Venezuela Interventionism”

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Caitlin Johnstone: "Top 5 Dumbest Arguments Defending Trump’s Venezuela Interventionism"

Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog

Ever since the Trump administration announced that it was no longer recognizing the legitimacy of the elected government of Venezuela I’ve been arguing with people on social media about this president’s brazen coup attempt in that country. The people arguing with me in favor of Trump’s interventionism are almost exclusively Trump supporters, with leftists and antiwar libertarians more or less on my side with this issue and rank-and-file centrists mostly preferring to sit this one out except to periodically mumble something about it being a distraction from the Mueller investigation.

I engage in these arguments not because I enjoy fighting with strangers on the internet, but because it helps me get an idea of what propaganda narratives have been seeded throughout various political sectors. Take a stand online and you’ll quickly have people running up to you saying, in effect, “My media echo chamber told me I’m supposed to disagree with you about that,” and spelling out what they’ve been told to believe.

I have not received a single robust argument in favor of Trump’s Venezuela interventionism, but I have received a whole lot of really, really stupid ones. Here are the top five most common and most astonishingly idiotic of them:

1. “Socialism is bad!”

This one is easily the most common and most stupid of all the arguments I’ve been receiving. I’m not familiar enough with pro-Trump punditry to be able to describe how the MAGA crowd got it into their heads that attacking Venezuela has something to do with fighting socialism, but it’s clear from my interactions over the last couple of days that that is the dominant narrative they’ve got swirling around in their collective consciousness. Most of my arguments on this issue have either begun as or very quickly spun into an attempt to turn the debate about US interventionism in yet another South American nation into a debate about socialism vs capitalism.

Which is of course absurd. The campaign to topple Venezuela’s government has nothing to do with socialism, it’s about oil and regional hegemony. The US has long treated South America as its personal supply cabinet and destroyed anyone who tried to challenge that, and the fact that Venezuela has the most confirmed oil reserves of any nation on the planet makes it all the more central in this agenda. Yes, the fact that large sectors of its economy are centrally planned means there are fewer hooks for the corporatocracy to find purchase to manipulate it with, but that just helps explain why the US is targeting it with more aggressive measures, it doesn’t excuse the aggressive targeting. Venezuela does not belong to the United States, and attempting to control what happens with its resources, its economy and its government is an obscene violation of its national sovereignty.

Trying to turn a clean-cut debate about US interventionism into a debate about socialism is like if your family found out that your sister had just been raped, and you all started bickering about the pros and cons of feminism instead of focusing on the crime that had just happened to your loved one. It wouldn’t matter what kind of economic system Venezuela had; trying to overthrow its government is not okay. The narrative that this has something to do with championing capitalism is just a hook used to get Trump’s base on board with another unconscionable foreign entanglement.

2. “It’s not interventionism! There are no boots on the ground.”

Oh yes it is interventionism. Crushing economic sanctionsCIA covert opsillegally occupying embassies, and a campaign to delegitimize a nation’s entire government are absolutely interventionism, and that is happening currently. It’s stupid to make “boots on the ground” your line in the sand when, for example, vast amounts of US resources can easily be poured into fomenting a “civil” war that could kill hundreds of thousands and displace millions as we saw with Syria. And from today’s news about the Trump administration’s appointment of bloodthirsty psychopath Elliot Abrams as the special envoy to Venezuela, it’s very reasonable to expect things to get a whole lot bloodier. Modern warmongering isn’t limited to the form of “boots on the ground”, and making that your litmus test is leaving yourself open to all the same disasters ushered in by the Obama administration.

3. “Maduro is bad!”

I’ve never entered into any kind of argument about whether or not Nicolas Maduro is a nice person, because it’s not my game. If I spent all my time analyzing the quality of all the world’s governments I’d never get anything done; I focus my time and energy on the imperialism of the US-centralized power alliance because I see it as the single most dangerous force in the world. I’ve got no more reason to go picking apart the quality of Venezuela’s government than I do any other country in the world, yet my arguments against US interventionism in Venezuela are consistently met with a tsunami of social media posts about what a bad, bad man Maduro is.

I refuse to legitimize that false argument. It doesn’t matter whether Maduro is a saint or the worst person in the world; Venezuela is a sovereign nation and US regime change interventionism is always disastrous. Completely ignoring the obvious fact that the empire always launches an aggressive propaganda campaign to manufacture support for the elimination of its targets, there is no valid reason to support that targeting. Trying to drag the conversation into a debate about just how bad Maduro is is an attempt to legitimize an agenda that has no validity.

4. “I support the Venezuelan people!”

Again, that’s not the argument. The argument is whether it’s okay for the US government and its allies to violate Venezuela’s sovereignty with starvation sanctions, CIA covert ops, an active campaign to delegitimize its government, and possibly much worse in the future in order to advance the agenda of overthrowing its political system.

Of course there are people in Venezuela who don’t like their government; that’s true in your own country too. That doesn’t make it okay for a sprawling imperialist power to intervene in their political affairs. You’d think this would be obvious to everyone, but over and over again I run into people conflating Venezuelans sorting out Venezuelan domestic affairs with the US-centralized empire actively meddling in those affairs.

The US government doesn’t give a shit about the Venezuelan people; if it did it wouldn’t be crushing them with starvation sanctions. It isn’t about freedom, and it isn’t about democracy. The US backs 73 percent of the world’s dictatorships because those dictators facilitate the interests of the US power establishment, and a leaked State Department memo in 2017 spelled out the way the US government coddles US allies who violate human rights while attacking nonconforming governments for those same violations as a matter of policy. Acting like Trump’s aggressions against Venezuela have anything to do with human rights while he himself remains cuddly with the murderous theocracy of Saudi Arabia in the face of intense political pressure is willful ignorance at this point, and it’s inexcusable.

5. “You don’t understand what’s going on there! I talk to Venezuelans online!”

Do you now?

First of all, this common argument is irrelevant for the reasons already discussed here; sure there are Venezuelans who don’t like their government, but their existence doesn’t justify US interventionism. Secondly, it’s a known fact that online trolls will be employed to help manufacture support for all sorts of geopolitical agendas, from Israel’s shill army to the MEK terror cult’s anti-Iran troll farm to the Bana Alabed psyop for Syria. And here’s this example, just for your information, of a Twitter account talking about how much fun she’s having in Paris and then a few days later claiming she’s in Venezuela waiting in “5+ hour queues to buy a loaf of bread.” Be skeptical of what strangers on social media tell you about what’s happening inside a nation that’s been targeted by the empire, please.

And that’s about it for this article. Let’s all try and talk about this thing with a little more intelligence and sanity, please.

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In the past (some month ago) i was fun of Russia , however, right now i realize that Russia wants to fight against USA using venezuelans, peruvians, colombians and ecuatorians as weapons . Russia should leave Maduro, the “war” there is over and USA has won and Russia while supporting Maduro is becoming unpopular.

leon mc pilibin



Haven’t you noticed that Spit and Sun are either the same prson or they belong to the same team working from somewhere in the bowels of the beast?

Kelli Hernandez


Concrete Mike




“”Caitlin Johnstone: “Top 5 Dumbest Arguments Defending Trump’s Venezuela Interventionism””

He is basically saying, that no one will defend Venezwuela. White Nationalist for example know that this was the staging ground for Blacks to enter America. South America is a Huge Lie, Columbia for example. Not the country that Makes the Coke… You all didnt know this before I told You. Venezuela Needs to be invaded, it is a Step into saving the White Race. Maduro needs to go.

leon mc pilibin


Kelli Hernandez

Zionazi hasbara sociopath !

H Eccles

to quote the spit… “You all didnt know this before I told You”

yeah of course we’re all hanging around here waiting for a gangrened phlegm to inform us…


Ah…… CJ, ia an lioness, isnt she, I love it when she/they( incl women) are able to so simply massacre their oponents with something so unherd of among those creepy little, dickless rats, aka the quire of castrats, something, drumroll…….. the mofo truth, boy/s, huh, the only man I have seen for years is an 16 year old school boy, the rest I will not give an rats ass for. You prozac schewing morons cant handle anything even remotelly close to the truth before your fuses poops, huh.

I agree in allmost everything, for the first time you have the list right infront of you, and never ever forget this is Trumsteins and Co war, not to blame anyone else than Trump, just look at the wolf pack this village idiot from NY managed to put together and you drool something witch is nothing but an echo of decades of drooling idiocy coming from an people whom have to be the most brainwashed pack of morons walking on this god forsaken planet, the AmeriTards. And for the nth time, nobody have ever said that socialism is about making everybody equally f…. poor, where in the name of heaven have to idiotic meme managed to be somehow an description of socilaism. And you idiots wounder why we dont even bother to eplain it anymore, go to ZH and read for your self, the idiot bin is packed with wankee doodle drivel about things they know jack shit about, equally stupid as the AGW to the even dumber Vaccine pimpers, the low level of intellegence is downright scary.

Hasbarah is one thing South F, and I hope people suports you, in fact, you rests alone on the top of the (info in real time) montain, keep up the good work and never mind the bollocks from the lunatics, they are loosing this, and all they have left is riddicouling and attacks with mindeless nonsense, witch just confirms their Pavlovian nature, yeah, I am like old Bismark, the more I mingle with humans, the greater is my respect for animals, no expetions what so ever.

But hey, do continue, its an revelation to the rest, those few that still dont get it, the entire 2 year freak show about Trump was just that, an Kabuki theater, but now the real deal comes into the daylight, and of course, the quire of vassals is not even an surpirce at all.

Oh….. loook an squriel tapdancing, sweeeet.



An “article” by some woman from Internet who describe herself as: “Rogue journalist. Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonaut. Guerrilla poet. Utopia prepper” WTF is a “Bogan socialist”?


I´m searching for a history of sanctions which the USA has posed on Venezuela. Can anybody provide some links as I found little to nothing.


Difficult, most data that shows the crimes of the USA is excised, and a we are the champions of world version used to replace the truth.


What do you mean you found nothing? What keywords did you use? Here are some links, please let me know if they are useful:

US Department of State US Treasury Department https://www.cmtradelaw.com/category/venezuela-sanctions/ https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/IF10715.pdf


They are – thx a lot.

Kelli Hernandez

There are tons of Americunts narcissists who will regime change scream from here to eternity.. This runs a REAL RISK of turning into a 3rd world war. This is as much about CONTAINING RUSSIA AND CHINA SO US EMPIRE CAN BE NUMBER ONE ON THE PLANET. China and Russia together against the US MEANS AMERICUNT EXCEPTIONALISTS WILL SEE BOMBS DROPPED IN THEIR OWN BACKYARDS WHILE THEIR ELITE, HAVING GOTTEN TONS OF SOCIALISM OFF THE BACKS OF US TAX CATTLE RUN FOR THEIR BUNKERS , WHILE AMERICUNTS WILL BE HIDING IN MANHOLES. And the WHOLE WORLD WILL CHEER AS A DECREPIT SICK SOCIETY FALLS. Americunt society has turned into a pathological sick mess of ignorant stupid slaves amidst serious moral decline Send the regime change screamers FIRST to the front lines .


Basically the USA has said we are going to destroy Venezuela, and the rest of the world better come along for the ride, or you will be next.

This is really about is the USA demonstrating its power of control over all other countries.

al quaida

But I’m sure Venezuela’s oil reserves bumped it up the list of countries “that need to be made an example of.”


Why is South America such a backwater, whilst the rest of the world advances, South America stagnates?

The answer is the Monroe doctrine. South America is an American economic colony, and billions of dollars flows from the poor in the south, to the rich in the north. This year the US needs more money for bombs, so Venezuelans have to pay.

Every time America screws up its economy, it takes the pliers and blowtorch to its colonies.


Chile seems to be doing very well. I reckon it stagnates for various reasons. The biggest reason to me seems to be it has a long history of corruption and nepotism, where the elites seem willing to screw over everybody and anything for money and power. And the continent has a long and not so proud history of producing brutal dictators, leftwing, rightwing and any crazy variety imaginable in between. The history of Paraguay alone in that regard makes for chilling reading. And that happened long before the US reached the point that it could insert its greedy tentacles into the continent.

I agree with the writer though, however bad Maduro is, however inept his socialism is, it shouldn’t be any of our business to meddle with it, let alone get involved with regime change.

Radom Persey

I’m sick of the usa stamping their feet as they scream democracy when people point out how much they ruin and exploit the poor. The mentality of the us is that of an insecure control freak who has been spoiled his whole life and now can’t handle the world not licking his balls. So then he stamps his feet and throws a fit and ruins other nations then plays victim when he falls out with his former allies.

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