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Campaign Against SouthFront

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SouthFront has once again become the target of a technical and media pressure campaign.

Since January 27, we have released several reports covering the crash of the US Air Force E-11A electronic surveillance aircraft in Afghanistan. Following the principle of freedom of speech, SouthFront has covered facts, positions, and the claims of all sides concerned. One of the reports addressed accounts of the supposed death of the top CIA officer reportedly involved in the US assassination of prominent Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. It would seem that the wide reach of this article triggered Google’s censorship department.

On January 28, the Google search service started showing a new widget for people searching keyword “SouthFront”. The widget presents one of SouthFront’s old cover pictures uploaded by some third-rate pro-NATO propaganda website as the official symbol of our organization. SouthFront used this picture specifically as a cover for its reports on the conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2015. Nonetheless, it has never been an official logo of our endeavour.

Apparently, when SouthFront once again crossed the Deep State’s red line, this picture was used with the aim of associating SouthFront with the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine. Likely, they think that the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics are an infamous part of modern east European history. The widget also links to the poorly worded 2016 article accusing SouthFront of being a “Russian proxy site”. During the past few years, even the fiercest defenders of the NATO agenda stopped publishing articles claiming that SouthFront was “backed by the Russian government” because this has no basis in reality.

The Google widget content can hardly be explained by some Google algorithms. The same Google search shows many other SouthFront cover pictures. These pictures are more recent and uploaded by websites much more popular than the NATO mouthpiece promoted by Google. Rather, this situation is another example of how Google services and algorithms are being manipulated to influence its audience.

At the same time, Google AdSense restricted a number of southfront.org pages claiming that they allegedly include “dangerous or derogatory content” (they do not). We are going to cover this topic in deatils in the following video on the topic.

We, the SouthFront Team, are happy to see that our work sticks in the throats of mainstream platforms which stand on the side of the globalists. We want to seize this occasion to reiterate that the SouthFront Team is not going to stop and will release even more reports and analyses that will cause concern to mainstream media outlets and their corporate backers.

Dear friends, we want to say a big thank you to all who support SouthFront. Our work is possible thanks only to your regular contributions.



Account: southfront@internet.ru

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Ari Asulin

they’re obviously forcing you to post fake news for 1 out of every 3 stories, maybe start there?

Neo Onh

f.u k.k. google + globalists + cia-nazis

Pave Way IV

A screenshot would help… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c178a9af641cc09084753c6b8b0814f6c7c6ee90ffa3a93312a4aa1d26bde96.png

This site – SouthFront – is unrelated to “South Front”. The circled image links to https://www.airsoftkombat47.com/gran-concentracion-internacional-south-front-portugal/


Pave Way IV

Hah. Google just changed the image to a string of images:

1. Airsoft (paintball) Portugal “South Front” site 2. Real SouthFront 3. Joel Harding’s ancient, failed FDD-funded anti-Russian-propaganda site: https://toinformistoinfluence.com/2016/05/23/exposing-russian-proxy-sites-yet-another-southfront/ 4. Almasdar News repost of SouthFront article https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfa89fec00908fac2ccfb4ada6601286e71d9691b18dffb27719c490ba189907.png


No, they mean this one, i qoute my post from above:

Maybe you are afraid this old logo of yours will surface again? Proving that your claim of being an international “team of volunteers” is a sham, and you are russian based, and russian run? As i have said before, i have no problem with that, as i read RT, Sputnik, and personally see the new cold war against Russia as one of the major problems and threads of our generations. But as i said before, i have a problem with astroturfing, with lying. So please dont hide who you are, what you were, and why you used the russian eagle as you logo. Before anyone here claims i doctored this image: Every Southfront reader who is here from the start like me know this logo, it is no secret. And as you see, it is saved on other sites who reported on southfront like the Saker (Though i dont know if he now tries to scrub it, loyal infowarrior he is). And when you know this, the Southfront name even makes sense. Syria, Middle east, Afghanistan = The southern Russian Front. The bits fall into places.

Google it, make a reverse image search of the logo, and you will see. Or ask someone who is here from the start. Or just stay ignorant. Your choice folks. And to Southfront: It for your own good to be open. Most everyone here has no problem with you being Russian, we mostly all read RT etc, and want to know the Russian viewpoint. Just dont see us as idiots and fools who are too stupid to google and think. We are NOT.


Pave Way IV

EveryoneIsBiased – I agree with most of your post, but I question your use of the term ‘Astroturfing’. That implies a big organization with an agenda publishing its material or narratives as if they’re coming from grassroots (little people journalists) sources. Is that literally what you mean, here? (I can’t tell).

For SouthFront, that would mean the Russian government, in some form directly or indirectly, 1) provides the material for SF articles, and 2) directs the narrative here (SF) to support Russian propaganda efforts.

In other words, you use of astroturfing = SF operates wholly or mostly under the direction of the Russian government, and most of the articles (and the site itself) are intended to support Russian government narratives.

I can’t argue with or against you on that point if that’s what you mean – I honestly don’t know. And, like you, it really doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think it matters to 99% of the audience, here.

SouthFront: I DO agree with EveryoneIsBiased general feelings about your transparency. You’re a bit too guarded about your origins when many posters already know and have repeatedly said specifically that they don’t care. Did SouthFront start off because of a few Russian nationals (or ex-pats) were pissed off at the lopsided, anti-Russian, pro-US-Deep-State coverage in english western MSM? Was it started in response to the US overthrow of the Ukrainian government? So what? What’s wrong with that – seems reasonable to me. Is SF a FSB project to counter anti-Russian coverage? Again, so what – that’s the same role CNN, the NYT and WaPo play for US intelligence agencies.

What’s wrong with the old double-headed eagle -or- the fact that you changed it? If you changed it to remove the appearance of bias, then you should say so. So what if 99% of your staff are Russians posting from Russia on a Russian server? (I have no idea) At least give your audience the benefit of a doubt: Most of us have the IQ to understand that a site in Russia run by Russians doesn’t guarantee it’s an FSB front.

To be perfectly frank, your ‘About Us’ page sucks. It’s mostly the SF mission statement or vision and tells nothing ‘about’ SF. Like who or how many staff run SF from where? Who owns it? How many volunteers and from where? Does SF have ‘owner(s)’ or managers that are compensated but don’t write articles? You run on donations (apparently) but has this always been the case? Any government grants or NGO funding?

There’s just nothing on your about page as to ‘who you are’ or ‘where you came from’ or how SF got started and by whom. Nobody expects you to list personal names and home addresses, but anyone clicking on that on ANY site’s ‘about’ page whats to know who/where/why and some history behind the site. Yes, that might provide your detractors some tidbits of information to claim as proof of your bias. So what? Anticipate that. Don’t remain silent about it – it looks damn shady. Most of all, don’t apologize for ANY of it.

AM Hants

Keep up the good work. Plenty of other search engines, as Google lose their audience.


As does Youtube

Luke Hemmming

Thou not much better but doesn’t censor as badly as jewggle I use Bing. Duck duck go is preferable for anonymity coupled with a VPN. I read that Google alphabet is operated under the umbrella of the CIA.

Greg Schofield

We need to promote better search engines, however, while I use a few I am not sure how they can be tested for quality.

Migrating out of the US software orbit would be a good thing.

Huawei just announced that even if all sanctions were lifted they will not be using Google Andriod :—: they have some interesting moves where opensourceing will support the use of their technologies by other manufacturers is likely.

What they seem to be doing is migrating to open source RISV (reduced instruction set 5) instruction sets running versions of ARM cpus (Advanced RISC Machine) that have a SOC (system on a chip). The approach to GPUs (Graphic processors) I find a bit unclear but open graphic standards aided by silicone accelerators all open source I believe sounds good. Neural networks and AI seems to be included in most chips.

They have released a very fast server board and a version for desktop computers, which I am saving for now. All their software is ARM architecture, X86, X86-64.

The OS systems seem to be a move away from monolithic kernels to micro-kernels, aided by on-chip caches, and (HongMengOS)/ArkOS/HarmonyOS, seem to be versions of micro to macro OS systems, these are Linux opensource micro systems, the full desktop OS seems to be Deepin desktop environment on a EulerOS (based on CentOS) and I would guess a monolithic kernel or a micro-kernel depending on Hardware.

The linux system seems to be used for a new phone OS. The result when this comes together in the next few months, is an ubiquitous software environment, all Linux, open source from micro (internet of things) to integrated macro (supercomputer arrays). An app therefore theoretically runs on anything (if the silicone has the muscle).

The war against empire has a technical front that is issuing in a whole new level of communications. Huawei is just one element, but it is taking a substantive lead, I believe other manufactures will be following that soon enough , first in Asia and Russia then the rest.

As an Australian I will be celebrating when the local ‘eye’ five-eyes surveillance is pocked out.

cechas vodobenikov

journalism is always suspect whether accurate or not; it oversimplifies and necessarily omits, decontextualizes and particularizes

Traiano Welcome

The real anti-southfront propaganda campaign is being waged by trolls generating large amounts of spurious noise in the forums.


True, but when they get demolished by truthers, they just expose their agenda for the scam that it is.

cechas vodobenikov

these 9 year old trolls r transparent, such as jackie here—self humiliating, they merely repeat CIA propaganda


Damn, SouthFront is no more a Kremlin site than RT or Sputnik. Nor that truly erudite objective site, Russia Insider.

Ricky Miller

And yet, here you are. It’s beyond your comprehension that citizens around the world, even in Russia, operate media sites conducive to their worldview which is by necessity way different from yours, because the Western media narrative supports views that are not at all friendly to the needs of other people in the World, not just the governments of other states. It’s easy for you and MSM to label everything as some other government media cabal rather than deal with the fact that hundreds of millions of people around the world call bullshit on the quality and truth of the info paraded around on corporate aligned MSM.

cechas vodobenikov

RI is amerikan

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans hate truth….”the least reproach offends Americans—the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce”. Tocqueville “the men amerikans most admire tell them the most extravagant lies–the men amerikans most despise r those that try to tell them the truth”. Menkhen “Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon “amerikans have b een liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “nowhere in an amerikan public education r the concepts of truth and falsity ever addressed…no people r more entertained and less informed than amerikans”. Neil Postman “the amerikan ethos is that my ignorance is as good as your knowledge” I Asimov “amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell quite obvious!


As PaveWay showed you, this is NOT Google “censoring” or discriminating you. This is just googles algo. As everyone with a minimum of experience in SEO knows.

But i think you know this yourself. But a clever way to drum up support and paint yourself as victim. There are real cases of censoring, like with Fars news recently. Dont cry wolf unless it really is the case, or no one will give a shit when its for real.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec025531ce954a47bf34db7122a2e6672cb4deb7dda9106a0b84222426da779c.png Maybe you are afraid this old logo of yours will surface again? Proving that your claim of being an international “team of volunteers” is a sham, and you are russian based, and russian run? As i have said before, i have no problem with that, as i read RT, Sputnik, and personally see the new cold war against Russia as one of the major problems and threads of our generations. But as i said before, i have a problem with astroturfing, with lying. So please dont hide who you are, what you were, and why you used the russian eagle as you logo. Before anyone here claims i doctored this image: Every Southfront reader who is here from the start like me know this logo, it is no secret. And as you see, it is saved on other sites who reported on southfront like the Saker (Though i dont know if he now tries to scrub it, loyal infowarrior he is). And when you know this, the Southfront name even makes sense. Syria, Middle east, Afghanistan = The southern Russian Front. The bits fall into places.

Google it, make a reverse image search of the logo, and you will see. Or ask someone who is here from the start. Or just stay ignorant. Your choice folks. And to Southfront: It for your own good to be open. Most everyone here has no problem with you being Russian, we mostly all read RT etc, and want to know the Russian viewpoint. Just dont see us as idiots and fools who are too stupid to google and think. We are NOT.

Deputy John

What the fuck are you guys? I can’t figure you out. Russian propaganda? What? Putin supporteres? Trump supporters? What?


SF runs ex-FSB officers. You can find their names, addresses if you use google.

This is kremlin propaganda.

If you read long time SF, you can see the chenge of their argues always in direction of changed kremlin propaganda.


Let’s put it this way, SF is friendly to Putin and Trump just because Putin likes Trump. It’s an obvious coincidence !!!!! I will support SF as long as they support the Syrian liberation from Al Nousra, other jihadist organizations and establishing their sovereignty against US , Turkey and Israel.


also the disqus is owned by trolls

StevieRay Hansen

King David Had This Down:

The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers, The Cowboys. The round pegs in the square holes misfits. The ones who see things totally differently. They’re not comfortable with the rules. And they have no respect for the status quo Pharisees “hypocrites”. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do–is ignore them”. Because they change things. They push GOD’s human race forward and that bothers the politicians and otherworldly liars. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, I see a genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. SRH….

Aaron Aarons

i have a problem with your describing the enemy as “globalists”. They are the international capitalist class and we need to fight them as internationalist/globalist anti-capitalists, in the traditions of the early 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Internationals, before each of those degenerated.

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