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MARCH 2025

Can China Confront and Defeat the U.S. Navy?

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This video is based on the analysis “Can China Confront and Defeat the U.S. Navy?” released by SouthFront on January 4, 2020

China is on pace to achieve regional naval supremacy by the year 2025. This has been a long-term goal of the Chinese national and military leadership, the foundations of which were laid out in the early 1990s.

Chinese naval supremacy, and the absolute necessity of it on at least a regional basis, is tied not only to the development and security of the maritime segment of One Belt-One Road, but also access to China’s growing presence on the African continent. The modernization and expansion of the Peoples’ Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has been conducted in parallel with the fortification of islands in the South China Sea and the establishment of military bases in and around the strategic Horn of Africa and the Strait of Hormuz. After centuries of isolationism, internal strife, a devastating cultural revolution and later an economic boom, China is now on the cusp of global expansion. This will not just be a limited or one-dimensional expansion, but one of economic, military and even cultural dimensions.

In contrast to the U.S. leadership of recent decades, the national and military leadership of the Chinese Communist Party has been diligent and focused on implementing long term programs. While both the military industrial complex of the U.S. and the authoritarian communist systems of government of these respective nations both breed rampant corruption, social and economic inequality, and a multitude of dysfunctionalities, the Chinese system is inherently more singular in focus, as all authoritarian regimes are. While one could reflect on U.S. foreign policy over the past forty years and determine that it has been quite haphazard, disjointed and even schizophrenic in nature, the opposite must be said of China. This fact becomes readily apparent when contrasting the development and expansion of the PLAN and that of the U.S. Navy.

A U.S. Navy in Disarray

It can rightly be asserted that the U.S. Navy is a force struggling to define its core mission and strategic focus as the year 2020 begins. Since the dissolving of the Soviet Union, the U.S. military industrial complex has encouraged a wasteful bureaucracy, an inept and overly confident civilian and military leadership, to invest vast sums of money in a growing wish list of high-tech weapons aimed at achieving full spectrum dominance over every possible adversary. Little thought was apparently given to the opportunity cost of investing in such programs, and how they would be employed in a broader national defense strategy. The U.S. Navy stands out as the worst example of these failures and is poised at a crossroads today.

After the Soviet Union disappeared as its chief adversary on the high seas, the U.S. Navy maintained its age old obsession with the aircraft carrier, and utilized its many aircraft carrier strike groups (ASG) to great effect in attacking any disobedient nation that lacked a robust navy or air defense system. While the modern ASG proved effective at power projection against weaker adversaries, its viability in a modern maritime environment heavily contested by a peer adversary has yet to be established. The U.S. Navy has decided to ignore this obvious fact and has continued to embrace the ASG as the cornerstone of naval strategic planning well into the future.

The U.S. Navy has maintained ten ASGs and launched the latest generation of aircraft carriers in the form of the Gerald R. Ford CVN-78 in 2013. Although commissioned in 2017, the carrier has yet to reach operational readiness and has been plagued by many technical problems with its most essential combat systems. The CVN-78 is the most expensive warship ever constructed, with current unit cost approaching $14 billion USD.

While the U.S. has invested vast sums of money, energy and focus in developing a massive new class of aircraft carrier, it has done very little to improve the one asset most crucial to the carrier, the carrier airwing that it carries into battle. Instead of committing to develop aircraft tailored to specific functions, the Navy chose to embrace the one-size-fits-all concept of the F-18 Super Hornet. In addition, the service also committed to this concept to a much larger degree, in throwing its support behind the F- 35 Joint Strike Fighter. Neither the F-18 nor the F-35 rectify rectifies the combat range deficiency now inherent in the aircraft carrier airwing. In short, an ASG will become a target of both land-based anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) and even land-based Chinese aircraft equipped with anti-ship guided missiles, long before the ASG can achieve striking distance with its carrier borne aircraft. This problem becomes even more glaring when one considers the scenario of a Chinese battle group forward deployed and operating within range of its own land-based Anti-Air Warfare assets.

What has the U.S. Navy done to modernize and improve its surface warfare vessels over the past two decades? Not surprisingly, the service embraced new ship designs that were long on high-tech promise, yet did not fit into a specific, traditional and vital function within the broader strategic framework of the service. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program and Zumwalt DDG-1000 programs were ill-conceived at the outset and resulted in two classes of vessels that consumed vast amounts of funding, time and energy that could have been used to improve upon traditional, proven warship designs. At an approximate unit cost of $350 million USD per LCS and $8 billion per DDG-1000, both vessels have proven long on cost and short on capability.

The Arleigh Burke class DDG is arguably the backbone of the U.S. Navy and is a highly effective and proven warship. The latest upgrade to the design, the Flight III, will not begin production until sometime between 2023 and 2029. A multi-purpose frigate vessel program known as the FFG(X), meant to pick up where the LCS failed, has yet to reach an advanced design phase. There are currently five contenders for the new FFG(X) proposal.

At the same time, there is no replacement at all planned for the aging Ticonderoga CG-47 class cruiser. The Ticonderoga class CGs perform a vital AAW and surface warfare function in the established U.S. Navy carrier strike group structure. The only other navy in the world fielding a similar warship is China’s, with the introduction of the first Type 055 class in 2018.

A Chinese Navy in Ascent

While the United States Navy struggles to identify its purpose and maintain its preeminence in the 21st century, the PLAN has embarked on a robust program of modernization and expansion based on sound strategic principles and proven technology.

China has produced a long list of modern, capable classes of warships in recent years. Not only has the PLAN designed, constructed and put a new generation of warships into operational service in the past two decades, it has engaged in an ambitious ship building program that has seen these vessels fielded at an unprecedented rate. Standardized designs for corvette, guided missile frigate (FFG), guided missile destroyer (DDG), large guided missile destroyer/cruiser (CG), landing platform dock (LPD), landing helicopter dock (LHD), and logistical support vessels of multiple classes have all been adopted and fielded in significant numbers in the past 20 years. Running in parallel to this, the PLAN has also developed a fledgling aircraft carrier program, including the 100% indigenous Type 001A Shandong. Such a feat is unparalleled in modern naval history.

The question must immediately be asked; why would a nation engage in such an ambitious program to transform and expand its naval warfighting capabilities in such totality? The answer is obvious. It intends to use this capability. But in what fashion and to what end?

In order for the Chinese nation to complete and secure the ambitious Old Belt-One Road economic trade corridor and to ensure the economic prosperity of the country into the next century, a sizeable navy of unparalleled capability will be required. Such a naval force is currently in an advanced state of completion, yet a further 5 years are likely required before the PLAN will be in a position to fight and win against a determined U.S. naval effort to confront it through force of arms.

If current production levels are maintained, the PLAN will field an impressive force of major surface warfare, amphibious warfare and aircraft carriers by 2025. By this time, major surface warfare combatants will include 50 x Type 056 Corvettes, 30 x Type 054A Frigates, 18 x Type 052D Destroyers, and 8 or more Type 055 Destroyers. The amphibious warfare fleet will be comprised of approximately 38 x LSTs, 8 x Type 071 LPDs, and at least 2 x Type 075 LHDs. The Type 001 Liaoning and Type 001A Shandong will both be operational, while the first of the much more capable Type 002 CATOBAR carriers will likely have reached operational status as well. These warships will be supported by no less than eleven logistics support and underway replenishment vessels and four garrison support vessels of modern design.

A major strategic advantage that China has achieved over the United States is that it has built the most robust and productive shipbuilding industry in the world. China has been ranked as the world’s top shipbuilder for 5 years now. The United States by contrast, ranks tenth. The gross tonnage of vessels of all types produced in Chinese shipyards; however, is 77 times greater than the total produced by U.S. shipyards.

The Greater Strategic Picture

It is important to view the development of both navies within the larger context of the respective geopolitical strategic positions of both countries. China undoubtably enjoys a stronger position today than it did a decade ago, while the opposite must be said for the United States. Not only has China gained greater political and economic influence on a global scale, but it has moved to secure military supremacy in all areas along its national borders, and increasingly within its expanding maritime territory. By contrast, the United States has lost both political and economic influence in many regions of the world, largely through its own failed policies

China has managed to develop greater economic ties with nations that have decided to participate in the One Belt-One Road project, which has also afforded them a greater political influence over these nations. China has negotiated the establishment of military bases, mostly logistical support facilities for its growing navy, which will also allow for the deployment of rapid reaction forces to deter and interdict threats to the One Belt-One Road trade corridor. China continues to solidify its presence on the Africa continent. The military base established in Djibouti, and fleet support agreements established in Gwadar, Pakistan and the African nation of Tanzania provide the resources needed to be able to exert military force if required to back up Chinese economic and political efforts on the continent.

Although the U.S. maintains numerous military bases and facilities in Africa to secure its own strategic interests in the region, it lacks the same political and economic influence that China has established. The U.S. military has been aiding a number of nations in Africa to battle Islamic extremist insurgents, but has made little investment in those nations in a broader sense, and thus exerts far less influence.

Although outside of the maritime sphere of influence of China, the nations of Europe have increasingly responded favorably to the promised benefits of the One Belt-One Road trade project. On a political and military level, China has largely remained out of European affairs. The same cannot be said for the United States.

While the Obama administration began the disastrous, multifaceted war against the Russian Federation, the Trump administration has only expanded it, while antagonizing its most traditional European allies in the process. The Trump administration appears to have doubled down on the failed Ukraine policies of its predecessor, increased U.S. military presence on the European continent, and has leveled trade tariffs on key allies. By propping up the phony Russian threat narrative with increased military deployments, the United States is squandering vast sums of money and diverting large contingents of front-line fighting forces to confront an enemy it knows to be a threat conceived through its own propaganda alone.

China has responded to the U.S. led effort to internationally isolate Russia, by leveraging its position to provide an alternate market for Russian goods. It has supplied political support for Russia on the world stage and has increased military cooperation with Russia in key regions where both nations share an interest and are forced to confront the United States. Both nations have increased bilateral cooperation in developing the northern arctic shipping route and have conducted joint naval exercises in the maritime regions of Europe, Asia and the Indian Ocean. Iran most recently joined the two in joint exercises in the Indian Ocean.

Can the PLAN Win?

A scenario where the PLAN and U.S. Navy engage in open conflict is improbable at present, yet not impossible. Although China has strengthened its position to such a degree in the South China Sea that no other nation, including the United States can change the strategic realities that exist there today, increasing interaction between PLAN and U.S. warships may lead to a tragic encounter. U.S. freedom of navigation patrols are largely symbolic in nature and do not present any real threat to Chinese interests in the region, yet they do require a response Such a situation could lead to a confrontation where an accident occurs, or an overzealous vessel commander makes a decision that leads to a military engagement which could escalate in a very short window of time.

It is most probable that China will do everything possible to avoid such a situation at present. This may not be the case after 2025, when the PLAN enjoys a much stronger position relative to the U.S. Navy and its allies in the Asia Pacific. China will occupy the central position, enjoy regional guided ballistic missile supremacy and be able to take advantage of land-based air assets in support of its navy. Surveillance and early warning facilities established on various artificial island and atolls will by then be fully operational.

If fire was exchanged between a U.S. warship and PLAN warship in the South China Sea, and the incident was not immediately deescalated, the U.S. vessel would inevitably be destroyed. The PLAN would suffer significant casualties in the exchange without doubt. China would immediately move to deny all access to the region through its already robust Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) capabilities. The United States would then have to decide what level of sacrifice would be acceptable to the state and the American public in rapidly deciding upon its level of military response. The authoritarian Chinese state would find this decision much easier to make.

The U.S. seventh fleet would be hard pressed to mount any immediate military response, beyond mounting a retaliatory attack via attack submarines forward deployed in the region. Any large effort mounted to attack Chinese island garrisons in either the Spratly or Paracel islands would be met with overwhelming force by a combination of anti-ship guided ballistic missiles, submarine, surface and air attack. It is hard to see any such scenario taking place, without the confrontation elevating to a full-spectrum war of global proportions. Most regional allies of the United States would calculate that such an outcome would render overwhelmingly negative results and would not outweigh the tragic loss of one or two U.S. warships and their crews.

Assuming that a hot war could be avoided, a new cold war would inevitable result between an ascendant China and a U.S. in decline. If current military, economic and political trends continue from the present through 2025, China will only strengthen its strategic position both regionally and globally, while the opposite will likely be the case for the United States. It is important to note that the leadership of both nations see such a conflict as undesirable and not inevitable, yet miscalculations, mistakes and poor judgement can scuttle any grand plans. History is unequivocal in this regard and must be analyzed and understood to avoid repeating disaster. We ignore the lessons of history at our peril, yet a current period bereft of insightful, measured and reasonable leadership in Washington, does not bode well for avoiding what may prove to be an unavoidable conflict between two global superpowers.

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Short answer: not in the course of the next decade.

Wong Tan

I dont know about that one. Remember what they can do in just 5 years?


First, let’s see how they do in the next 5 weeks against a microscopic enemy.

Ricky Miller

Overblown hysteria. China’s population was 1.4 billion people at the beginning of the viral outbreak. You know what China’s population will be when spring is in full bloom and the viral outbreak grinds to a near halt in China? 1.4 billion people. Most of all the fatal victims are over 60, with a large proportion of those over 80. China’s growth rate for the quarter will suffer but it’s aggregate economic growth rate for 2020 will still end up being between 5 and 6%. If you’re rooting for this virus to take China and it’s ascendance down you’re rooting for a certain failure.

Ivan Freely

And those victims had existing medical problems. What confuses me is their response. I wonder if it’s to send a message to Washington of what they can do and it plays into their domestic politics rather well.

John Brown

Yes exactly right China’s economy is strong it is the USSA that needs to worry about a collapse.

John Brown

You are in the mentally incapable of resistance category.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.


And not without its own destruction and most of the world.

Ivan Freely

One of the few times I agree with you. They don’t have enough assets and more importantly experience. Military exercises can only take one so far.

John Brown

The USSA gets most of the parts for its military hardware from China. How then can they win a war against China???? Do you think China will supply the USSA military in a war against China??? Do you not know these facts? Besides all China needs to do is to take down the Zio USSA dollar to defeat the USSA military without firing a single shot.

Ivan Freely

I find it difficult to believe the US would place their entire supply chain on China. Items such as uniforms are from China but I’m sure the most important items like jet engines are built locally. Regardless of where they source their parts from, your last statement is what’s important. Bring down the USD and it’s game over. Everyone knows it.

John Brown

You are 100% wrong. Its not the entire supply chain, but yes a lot of it is in China, the most important parts.

“I find it difficult to believe the US would place their entire supply chain on China.”

It does not matter what you believe it is reality that counts. Its a supply chain, you take out a few important links and there is no supply chain. A chain needs all its links to function. That is the reality of today. Go and look it up for yourself.

To get them back will take decades. With the current racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship ruling the corrupt USSA government it will never happen.

Its over hence these desperate moves by the rapidly declining empire

Ivan Freely

You admit it’s not the entire supply chain but then state that I’m 100% wrong?

There is nothing wrong for a nation being independent from foreign manufacturing, especially on the matter of defense. Quite frankly, such situations should never have happened in the first place. The news articles that I’ve read are from second hand sources (MSM) and some of them are clearly propaganda-like special interest groups like americanmanufacturing.org. Again, nothing wrong with bringing home jobs.

A Oct 2018 Reuters post mentioned of a study (no mention of who was conducting it) containing a detailed inventory of all of the weaknesses in the supply chain. Unfortunately it is classified. Thus, people like you and I will argue on this subject to infinity.

I partially agree on your last thoughts regarding that one special interest group that no one is willing to tackle on. It should have been clear to anyone when Trump allowed his favorite daughter to convert; not that he could stop her. However, to say “never” is bad practice. It’ll involve some blood-letting to get the ball rolling.

I sincerely hope it’s over for the Zionist Empire. If true, we can then start restoring the Republic to the way it was meant to be.

John Brown

You don’t appear to not know the meaning of the word chain. How can any piece of equipment work if half the parts are missing????

If the chain is not complete there is no chain.

In the case of the USSA military industrial complex, the most important and hardest to replace parts of the supply chain are in China. To replace these important parts that took decades to build and a few years to destroy will take decades to rebuild and it will likely never be possible This was done because it is about making money not protecting the USSA. The USSA is to corrupt to ever recover and is in rapid decline in all areas.

John Brown

Hello. You don’t appear to not know the meaning of the word chain. How can any piece of equipment work if half the parts are missing????

If the chain is not complete there is no chain.

In the case of the USSA military industrial complex, the most important and hardest to replace parts of the supply chain are in China. To replace these important parts that took decades to build and a few years to destroy will take decades to rebuild and it will likely never be possible This was done because it is about making money not protecting the USSA. The USSA is to corrupt to ever recover and is in rapid decline in all areas.

Ivan Freely

You appear to believe there is only a single supply chain like a tree trunk for all items (i.e. tree branches). There are multiple supply chains, and many products / items don’t always share the same supply chain.

Let’s take the Hellfire missiles for example. The chemical Butanetriol used by them were made in China for six years until 2014. Thus the Hellfire missile is now all USA made.

Yes, it’ll take awhile for the US to recover back to the pre-Clinton days. Thus, some items are given priority over others.

“…it is about making money not protecting the USSA.”

AGREED. The policy makers have realized that now. But is it too late? Time will tell.

John Brown

You are living in a dream world. It is over for the USSA hence its desperate lashing out.The last factory to make Penicillin in the USA closed over 8 years ago.its in China now.

Read Paul Carig Roberts.

The US is now more backward than India a half century ago and is no longer competent to design and construct an airliner

Americans live in a fantasy world about their Great Country, their Great Economy, their Great Military System that ensures them Hegemony Over the World even though after 17 years the World’s Greatest Military has been unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan, their Great Everything. But in fact, insouciant Americans live in The Matrix. They have no idea of their real situation.

A quarter century of capitalist flight from the American work force has left the United States similar to India a half century ago, a country whose jobs consist mainly of lowly paid domestic service jobs. The absence of livable jobs is why so many Americans aged 24-34 cannot live an independent existence and live at home with parents or grandparents. It is why university graduates cannot repay their student loans and have been turned into debt slaves.

America is also failing on the economic front. My columns and my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which has been published in English, Chinese, Korean, Czech, and German, have shown how Washington has stood aside, indeed cheering it on, while the short-term profit interests of management, shareholders, and Wall Street eviscerated the American economy, sending manufacturing jobs, business know-how, and technology, along with professional tradeable skill jobs, to China, India, and other countries, leaving America with such a hollowed out economy that the median family income has been falling for years. Today 50% of 25 year-old Americans are living with their parents or grandparents because they cannot find employment sufficient to sustain an independent existance. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-27/why-are-half-all-25-year-olds-still-living-their-parents-federal-reserve-answers This brutal fact is covered up by the presstitute US media, a source of fantasy stories of America’s economic recovery.

The facts of our existence are so different from what is reported that I am astonished. As a former professor of economics, Wall Street Journal editor and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, I am astonished at the corruption that rules in the financial sector, the Treasury, the financial regulatory agencies, and the Federal Reserve. In my day, there would have been indictments and prison sentences of bankers and high government officials.

In America today there are no free financial markets. All the markets are rigged by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The regulatory agencies, controlled by those the agencies are supposed to regulate, turn a blind eye, and even if they did not, they are helpless to enforce any law, because private interests are more powerful than the law.

Even the government’s statistical agencies have been corrupted. Inflation measures have been concocted in order to understate inflation. This lie not only saves Washington from paying Social Security cost-of-living adjustments and frees the money for more wars, but also by understating inflation, the government can create real GDP growth by counting inflation as real growth, just as the government creates 5% unemployment by not counting any discouraged workers who have looked for jobs until they can no longer afford the cost of looking and give up. The official unemployment rate is 5%, but no one can find a job. How can the unemployment rate be 5% when half of 25-year olds are living with relatives because they cannot afford an independent existence? As John Williams (shadowfacts) reports, the unemployment rate that includes those Americans who have given up looking for a job because there are no jobs to be found is 23%.

The Federal Reserve, a tool of a small handful of banks, has succeeded in creating the illusion of an economic recovery since June, 2009, by printing trillions of dollars that found their way not into the economy but into the prices of financial assets. Artificially booming stock and bond markets are the presstitute financial media’s “proof” of a booming economy.

The handful of learned people that America has left, and it is only a small handful, understand that there has been no recovery from the previous recession and that a new downturn is upon us. John Williams has pointed out that US industrial production, when properly adjusted for inflation, has never recovered its 2008 level, much less its 2000 peak, and has again turned down.

The American consumer is exhausted, overwhelmed by debt and lack of income growth. The entire economic policy of America is focused on saving a handful of NY banks, not on saving the American economy.

Economists and other Wall Street shills will dismiss the decline in industrial production as America is now a service economy. Economists pretend that these are high-tech services of the New Economy, but in fact waitresses, bartenders, part time retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services have replaced manufacturing and engineering jobs at a fraction of the pay, thus collapsing effective aggregate demand in the US. On occasions when neoliberal economists recognize problems, they blame them on China.

It is unclear that the US economy can be revived. To revive the US economy would require the re-regulation of the financial system and the recall of the jobs and US GDP that offshoring gave to foreign countries. It would require, as Michael Hudson demonstrates in his new book, Killing the Host, a revolution in tax policy that would prevent the financial sector from extracting economic surplus and capitalizing it in debt obligations paying interest to the financial sector.

The US government, controlled as it is by corrupt economic interests, would never permit policies that impinged on executive bonuses and Wall Street profits. Today US capitalism makes its money by selling out the American economy and the people dependent upon it.

In “freedom and democracy” America, the government and the economy serve interests totally removed from the interests of the American people. The sellout of the American people is protected by a huge canopy of propaganda provided by free market economists and financial presstitutes paid to lie for their living.

When America fails, so will Washington’s vassal states in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Unless Washington destroys the world in nuclear war, the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignificant part of the new world.

John Brown

You can’t take it. You are living in a dream world. It is over for the USSA hence its desperate lashing out.The last factory to make Penicillin in the USA closed over 8 years ago.its in China now.

Read Paul Carig Roberts.

The US is now more backward than India a half century ago and is no longer competent to design and construct an airliner

Americans live in a fantasy world about their Great Country, their Great Economy, their Great Military System that ensures them Hegemony Over the World even though after 17 years the World’s Greatest Military has been unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan, their Great Everything. But in fact, insouciant Americans live in The Matrix. They have no idea of their real situation.

A quarter century of capitalist flight from the American work force has left the United States similar to India a half century ago, a country whose jobs consist mainly of lowly paid domestic service jobs. The absence of livable jobs is why so many Americans aged 24-34 cannot live an independent existence and live at home with parents or grandparents. It is why university graduates cannot repay their student loans and have been turned into debt slaves.

America is also failing on the economic front. My columns and my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which has been published in English, Chinese, Korean, Czech, and German, have shown how Washington has stood aside, indeed cheering it on, while the short-term profit interests of management, shareholders, and Wall Street eviscerated the American economy, sending manufacturing jobs, business know-how, and technology, along with professional tradeable skill jobs, to China, India, and other countries, leaving America with such a hollowed out economy that the median family income has been falling for years. Today 50% of 25 year-old Americans are living with their parents or grandparents because they cannot find employment sufficient to sustain an independent existance. http://www.zerohedge.com/ne… This brutal fact is covered up by the presstitute US media, a source of fantasy stories of America’s economic recovery.

The facts of our existence are so different from what is reported that I am astonished. As a former professor of economics, Wall Street Journal editor and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, I am astonished at the corruption that rules in the financial sector, the Treasury, the financial regulatory agencies, and the Federal Reserve. In my day, there would have been indictments and prison sentences of bankers and high government officials.

In America today there are no free financial markets. All the markets are rigged by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The regulatory agencies, controlled by those the agencies are supposed to regulate, turn a blind eye, and even if they did not, they are helpless to enforce any law, because private interests are more powerful than the law.

Even the government’s statistical agencies have been corrupted. Inflation measures have been concocted in order to understate inflation. This lie not only saves Washington from paying Social Security cost-of-living adjustments and frees the money for more wars, but also by understating inflation, the government can create real GDP growth by counting inflation as real growth, just as the government creates 5% unemployment by not counting any discouraged workers who have looked for jobs until they can no longer afford the cost of looking and give up. The official unemployment rate is 5%, but no one can find a job. How can the unemployment rate be 5% when half of 25-year olds are living with relatives because they cannot afford an independent existence? As John Williams (shadowfacts) reports, the unemployment rate that includes those Americans who have given up looking for a job because there are no jobs to be found is 23%.

The Federal Reserve, a tool of a small handful of banks, has succeeded in creating the illusion of an economic recovery since June, 2009, by printing trillions of dollars that found their way not into the economy but into the prices of financial assets. Artificially booming stock and bond markets are the presstitute financial media’s “proof” of a booming economy.

The handful of learned people that America has left, and it is only a small handful, understand that there has been no recovery from the previous recession and that a new downturn is upon us. John Williams has pointed out that US industrial production, when properly adjusted for inflation, has never recovered its 2008 level, much less its 2000 peak, and has again turned down.

The American consumer is exhausted, overwhelmed by debt and lack of income growth. The entire economic policy of America is focused on saving a handful of NY banks, not on saving the American economy.

Economists and other Wall Street shills will dismiss the decline in industrial production as America is now a service economy. Economists pretend that these are high-tech services of the New Economy, but in fact waitresses, bartenders, part time retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services have replaced manufacturing and engineering jobs at a fraction of the pay, thus collapsing effective aggregate demand in the US. On occasions when neoliberal economists recognize problems, they blame them on China.

It is unclear that the US economy can be revived. To revive the US economy would require the re-regulation of the financial system and the recall of the jobs and US GDP that offshoring gave to foreign countries. It would require, as Michael Hudson demonstrates in his new book, Killing the Host, a revolution in tax policy that would prevent the financial sector from extracting economic surplus and capitalizing it in debt obligations paying interest to the financial sector.

The US government, controlled as it is by corrupt economic interests, would never permit policies that impinged on executive bonuses and Wall Street profits. Today US capitalism makes its money by selling out the American economy and the people dependent upon it.

In “freedom and democracy” America, the government and the economy serve interests totally removed from the interests of the American people. The sellout of the American people is protected by a huge canopy of propaganda provided by free market economists and financial presstitutes paid to lie for their living.

When America fails, so will Washington’s vassal states in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Unless Washington destroys the world in nuclear war, the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignificant part of the new world.

John Brown John Brown Ivan Freely a day ago Hello. You don’t appear to not know the meaning of the word chain. How can any piece of equipment work if half the parts are missing????

If the chain is not complete there is no chain.

In the case of the USSA military industrial complex, the most important and hardest to replace parts of the supply chain are in China. To replace these important parts that took decades to build and a few years to destroy will take decades to rebuild and it will likely never be possible This was done because it is about making money not protecting the USSA. The USSA is to corrupt to ever recover and is in rapid decline in all areas.

EditView in discussion John Brown John Brown Ricky Miller 2 days ago The Chinese economy is bigger then that of the USSA and will likely be twice the size of the USSA economy by 2025. The real size of the USSA today is about 16 trillion once the fraudulent info is removed.

If not for the zio dollar being the reserve currency which won’t last much longer the USSA would go into hyper inlfation, with a super depression and its economy would rapidly shrink to a less 10 trillion economy maybe even down to 7 trillion or lower.




Maybe, but the try would be at the cost of China as a nation and much of the rest of the world.

John Brown

Wrong! All China has to do to defeat the USSA navy is to bring down the USSA zio dollar!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes



At the doorstep of China & SCS, there is no way US can win a battle. All USN & bases in Asia Pacific are within range and will be devasted by China missiles and Air Force upon confrontation.

The only way for US to effectively fight is to strike China inland bases, but that will immediately escalate to a retaliation of striking US mainland using ICBM, leading to nuclear exchange that US can never able to endure.

So the cost of confrontation is too high for US to ever contemplate, while China just has no option to retreat but to defend & strike out in full force.

The leaders decision and scale of warfare strategy will be totally different.


Nor can China beat the US.


No one can beat or will invade US that is surrounded by oceans. The logistic alone to send millions army invading US vast land is out of question.

But a full exchange of nukes destroying hundreds of cities, or a few exploded megatons nuke at NY coastal sending radioactive tsunami to flood all US coastal cities might able to educate Americans, war is always unbearable painful when you meet a peer.

John Brown

All China has to do to defeat the USSA navy is to bring down the USSA zio dollar! It is happening as we speak.

Ivan Freely

Correct!!! And the funny thing, Washington is giving everyone the excuse to dump the USD.

John Brown

There is no USA they are the conquered slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship. Part1a See former congress woman and American hero says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship Israel, above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America. So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. So its the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship. Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/ The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mWR5OaRO8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOp1b1obC04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw You are a stupid goyim slave. Your purpose is to die for your Jewish slave masters. They will fight to the last stupid slave you. They never risk their lives except for Jews who don’t go along with their lord satan like in World War 2. American’s are slaves and will never do aty such thing never dare attack Russia without the permission of their Jewish slave masters. Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0

part1b Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw Proof of the controlled media. Nothing beats the voluntary confession. http://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4 See the confession video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TqgQd1cLl8 Reminds me of this Flintstones episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqFM9carOgo Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0


How Jews treated blacks when they ran the slave trade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_5umimLnvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8cbwOandk

John Brown

You are one of the few on this board capable of an independent logical thought process. Wars are won by preventing the other side from making new soldiers and weapons during and before a war to replace their loses .

If the Japanese economy had been fully functioning during world war 2 it is unlikely the USA could have defeated them as the cost would be too high. They would have had to sign a peace treaty with Japan.

Now it is the USA that can’t sustain a war or even its own economy even in peace time, but not because of a lack of natural resources as wtih Japan, but due to the parasitical nature of its racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship occupiers, who have destroyed the USSA economy, its industrial base, education system, media, culture, religious and demographic base etc. The USSA would need at least 30 plus years to recover from this, which I doubt is even possible even with a revolution.

AM Hants

Do you ever wonder if it has been designed that way? With Coronovirus, launched to take the blame, when it all goes belly up?

The US ran out of money on 16th Feb and all of a sudden, the ly stories you can find in the media are Coronovirus, and Ironically the standard strain of flu causes more deaths than the Coronovirus.

Not forgetting the MSM is not reporting Turkey’s support for aQ/ISIS, over in Syria.


China doesn’t have either an erge, nor a need to take out the US. Time is on their side, and they can “win” (becoming the world clear superpower) by just continue as today. The US on the other side is desperate to find a way to counter this. But since economic war, kidnapping of CFO’s, strong arming others to stop contact, constant propaganda war, instigating colour revolutions – have all failed. A full out war, now even a limited by proxy is out of the question. What else can the US do? Biological warfare?


The problem with biological warfare against a major power, outside of wartime, is that modern epidemiology is pretty good at tracking down the origins of disease outbreaks. The Chinese would probably be able to figure out, and even prove, what happened. The worldwide repugnance for biological warfare would make that an important risk.

Sure, the US got away with lots of biological warfare against Cuba, but only because Cuba is small and nobody would listen to them.

Now that I think about it, a lot of the biological warfare against Cuba was directed against crops and livestock. Doesn’t have the same stigma as killing people; they might get away with some of that kind of thing against China. They may already be doing it.


I think that the swine fever that hit Chinese pigs very well could be such. It was reported as criminals trying to kill off local pig farms to increase their own profit. But seems a kind interpretation for some reasons, 1) it’s virus, not bacteria, you really need to know what you’re doing to spread it with drones. 2) to huge parts of China 3) but also to parts that aren’t connected at all, so couldn’t have spread naturally between, and which local criminals seems unlikely – unless you connect to a lot of local criminals and teach them how to modify drones to spread virus.



RT News | Did patient zero really catch new Chinese virus by eating infected bat soup? It’s actually perfectly possible: https://www.rt.com/news/478997-bat-soup-china-virus-wuhan/

A Russian geopolitical ally could do almost anything and you would make excuses for the behaviour of some authority figures?

South China Morning Post | Chinese city of Shenzhen to ban eating cats and dogs as part of moves to stop spread of coronavirus: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3052545/chinese-city-shenzhen-bans-eating-cats-and-dogs-part-moves-stop

I strongly disapprove of Andrew Anglin and the rest of daily stormer, but they make a good point and this extends to people other than Jews and Muslims. Perpetual victim mentalities are toxic: https://dailystormer.su/similarities-between-jews-and-muslims/

[Both originate with Semitic peoples in the Middle East.

Both eschew pork.

Both practise the genital mutilation of children.

Both developed a moral code based on an in-group/out-group concept, with members of the out-group being portrayed as impure.

Both have strong cultural sanctions against marriage to members of the out-group.

Both see contemporary and historical events through the prism of a victimhood narrative, in which each is the victim of other people’s wrong-doing.

Both display an astonishingly strong sense of empathy with other members of their in-group living elsewhere in the world, coupled with an equally astonishing disregard for members of their out-group, even people they have grown up with or interact with in daily life.

Both falsify history to claim that European civilisation’s ascent to global dominance would have been impossible without them. Generally, this takes the form of laying claim to inventions that are alleged t have played a key role in this ascent.

Both claim that anyone who criticises their conduct must be motivated by irrational, pathological hatreds: Islamophobia and anti-semitism. Curiously, there are no other examples of such alleged motiveless hatreds of any other people or religion found elsewhere within the historical record.

Both are incapable of admitting historical wrong-doing because this would conflict with their divinely-mandated self-image as faultless: Muslims “The Perfect Nation”, Jews “The Chosen People”.

Both developed moral codes that permit the use of deception against members of their out-group.

Both have developed cultures and ideologies that are, in effect,

forms of borderless nationalism. As such, they act in opposition to

nationalism of the more traditional type, that is the attachment of

peoples to their historical homelands.

Both demand that governments use their power to criminalise and otherwise repress free expression.

Both cultures have been characterised by very high levels of

consanguineous marriage and the genetic abnormalities that follow from


Both share a long historical experience of living as minorities in other people’s countries.

Both obsess about defensive reactions to their past aggression

against others, excluding from their standard narrative the initial

action that provoked the defensive reaction from the out-group. Muslims

obsess about the Crusades, omitting to mention the fact that the

Crusades were a reaction to centuries of Muslim invasion, conquest,

murder and enslavement of indigenous Christians. Jews obsess about

fascism, omitting to mention the fact the fascism was a reaction to the

Jewish-dominated Bolshevist movements that victimised millions of

indigenous Christians.

Both are strong advocates of diversity, multiculturalism and

immigration within European societies but show no interest in such

policies within their own homelands.

Both have developed cultures of rule-following with elaborate systems

of rules governing the minutiae of daily life, derived from revered

written texts and time-honoured commentaries upon them. In the tension

between bureaucracy and democracy that characterises our own times, that

is the practise of rule-following versus the use of independent

judgement, this perhaps predisposes both sets of Oriental peoples to

favour the former.

Both exhibit an overblown pride, amounting to a sense of supremacism,

that sits curiously at odds with the historical failure of their own


For both, the obligation to emigrate forms part of religious

tradition. Jews believe their god told Abraham to emigrate to Canaan to

found a religiously pure community. Muslims believe their god told

Muhammad to emigrate to Medina to found a religiously pure community.

When resident in countries not their own, both tend to construct

parallel societies within the greater society, featuring separate

schools and legal systems.

Both view themselves collectively, developing institutions intended

to represent their collective interests to the outside world.

Both eschew fact-based discussion, tending to express disagreement by

launching moral accusations and invoking emotionally-charged symbols

and associations rather than engaging in rational, evidence-based



I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the Jewish Question, but China is on good terms with Jews and Israel.


I know China (the Republic of China in those days) was one of the first to take in Jewish refugees when Nazi Germany at first wanted to deport them. Without much other knowledge about it, I assume that has been a good reason for why they kept on a friendly side. They have hardly have had any needs to come to bad terms with each others what I can think of straight off the bat.


First of all, the National Socialist never called themselves “Nazis”. Second, the Germans had very good reason to expel them after everything they had already done and continue to do to this very day.

The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by I. B. Pranaitis – Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman – The Paradoxical Ascent To God: The Kabbalistic Theosophy Of Habad Hasidism by Rachel Elior by Rachel Elior

– International Jews by Henry Ford – Jewish Supremacism by Dr. David Duke: archive[]org/details/JewishSupremacism_203/page/n11 – The Jews And Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart – The Jew’s Trail Through the Ages by Alfred Rosenberg – The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones – Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany 1937 by Olaf Peters

-You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (the original English version with 221 pages instead of the abridged version with 96 pages) , skimming through to page 155: prnt[]sc/q5s84i – Unheroic Conduct by Daniel Boyarin

-Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture (Goldstein-Goren Series of American Jewish History) by Josh Lambert


John Brown

All China has to do to defeat the USSA navy is to bring down the USSA zio dollar!

Turkey, Russia, Syria, China and Iran are playing the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, perfectly.

Erdogan will be sending many millions of Covid virus refugees to Europe at the request of China in retaliation for Israel ordering its USSA slaves to release it in China, nad this will be to bring down and over throw the the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, occupation governments there. I bet we will see the zio collaborators, Merkel, Makaroni etc flee for ther lives to the USSA or Israel. World war is breaking out started by Israel and it lord its lord Satan with their biological warfare attack on China.

Erdogan did go along with the overthrow of Syria orw of it until the Zio death squads came for him. All those in Turkey who still support the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, will now lose all credibility when they don’t come to Turkeys aid which will solidify Erdogan’s rule .

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts:

If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.

Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil adn gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Putin is fighting fire with oil literally. I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!! Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krag-4DDkqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBS0OWGUidc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF_iorX_MAw https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/dadb7a89-63f4-4e34-8720-743fc8fb6ab9 https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a45b0a12-a206-46ca-86c0-8a942667eaa9 Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil and gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid.

cechas vodobenikov

China will not need to defeat the US militarily—they have already done so economically…the US ruling class is far more aware than the murikan peasant…they will never risk war w a powerful nation like Russia, China or N Korea




China creates infastructures,usa only destroy them,based on that fact usa has been defeated!


the problem for usa is that capital has no homeland.


No, that is a benefit since it comes here from the rest of the world.


yea the bankers get richer and middle class poorer

cechas vodobenikov

precisely—US wealth is a chimera…but then amerikans do worship money and consider money to be happiness —‘the narcissism epidemic’ Twenge and Campbell…as Tocqueville wrote, “as one digs deeper in to the national character of amerikans one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world according to the answer to a single question: how much money will it bring in?”

Ivan Freely

“China creates infastructures,usa only destroy them”

A beneficial mutual relationship. China provides the US with a target rich environment while the US provides China shovel ready jobs!!! ;p

cechas vodobenikov

exactly …china has poured more concrete in 2 years than has the USA in the past century…the US association of engineers ranks US infrastructure D+…obvious to anyone that has observed decaying amerikan airports, bridges, roads, etc

Ricky Miller

It’s true. I’m shocked at some of my travels here in the USA. I turned a corner on my bicycle a few years ago during a long distance bicycle trip across the U.S. and rode straight into the third world, right in Toledo, Ohio. The decay was bizzare, with barefoot kids standing outside the dilapidated 1920’s homes they live in. The levels of homelessness and litter, and hoarded garbage was beyond anything I had encountered in the past during my travels across America. It is, in large parts, a decaying landscape.


You should stop using an English name and continue using the Slavic one you were born with.

Frank Dudley

And your real name is really Zarathustra. Give us a break from your whining.


The US has almost a third of the entire world’s net wealth. Try to get the basics correct.

Ricky Miller

On paper. The bubbles that produce those asset totals are beyond the popping point. The U.S. actually makes very little anymore and entire skill sets are being diminished or just lost outright.

Ricky Miller

And your stat is also wrong. Before being adjusted for purchasing power parity, which is what a national currency buys in an internal market as compared to a different currency in it’s internal market, the U.S. economy represents 24.2% (2018) of the global total. But a good part of that is overinflated speculative property holdings, the fat in the dysfunctional health access insurance scam, and government produced deficit financed public sector spending. Once adjusted for how much the U.S. dollar buys internally comparitively, the U.S. falls behind China in economic heft. China is currently consuming far more massive volumes of building materials, refined metals, concrete, electronics, student populations, health services, agricultural production, vehicles, machinery. It’s all off the chart. The U.S. is surviving off past glory, diminishing savings from the production boom eras of previous generations, and printed government money securitized as debt holdings. It’s all been very clever and has delayed the fall but most products are now built elsewhere and the decline of American living standards is pronounced. Or you thought Trump was elected because the electorate was feeling great about their pocketbooks? You think young people aren’t coming out for Sanders like gangbusters because they’re confident about their economic prospects in contemporary America? Get real.


You clearly never lived in the countries you talk about. I guarantee living standards are higher in the other countries than in Russia or China, as if anyone should care about that.


They wouldn’t fall behind China if they stopped outsourcing any of their manufacturing jobs, among other jobs to China.

John Brown

The Chinese economy is bigger then that of the USSA and will likely be twice the size of the USSA economy by 2025. The real size of the USSA today is about 16 trillion once the fraudulent info is removed.

If not for the zio dollar being the reserve currency which won’t last much longer the USSA would go into hyper inlfation, with a super depression and its economy would rapidly shrink to a less 10 trillion economy maybe even down to 7 trillion or lower.

John Brown

The USSA is bankrupt!!!!


It isn’t bankruptcy, it’s usury.

John Brown

Yes you are right. Woodrow Wilson sold out America to Satanic Jews.

“If the American people ever allow private banks (Satanic Jews) to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” -Abraham Lincoln

Woodrow Wilson Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant (Satanic Jewish) men.” -Woodrow Wilson

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.” Otto von Bismark (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after the Lincoln assassination.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.

Daily Beatings

… and 6 trillion of that wealth just disappeared last week. Have you not been paying attention again?

Frank Dudley

Oh come on now Jake, most of that is worthless paper and the bit that isn’t is nearly all in the hands of the 0.1%. The poor US people, like yourself live in a rotting sh*thole.


Experience with blue water combat, accounts for over 50% of likely success in blue water combat. For instance, it takes decades to learn how to effectively use modern carrier battle group assets on the high seas. The U.S. has unparalleled experience in this regard. Japan and the UK are next up. China is still years away, the prinicpal reason for which they have put on hold their plans to build supercarriers.


What is massive infrastructure when many other areas of the country are neglected in favour of national image? However it’s a good think if China has adopted it’s own form of corporate syndicalism.

China has a mixed economy but certainly isn’t third position, more like inspiration from market socialism.

‘Corporatism In Depth’ by. Zoltanous: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/65ztOo4t23NB/

Responding to Criticisms of Third Position: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tEnfOR2nO46v/

Depicted from left to right in the thumbnail of the video “Core Components of 3P Philosophy”:

1. Aristocles Plato, 2. Georg Hegel, 3. Friedrich Nietzsche, 4. Giovanni Gentile.



It should be understood that IQ isn’t equally distributed among the races. If the US for instance were to have had no black population in 2010, their national IQ average would surge upwards by seven points up to 105 which is around the level of Japan.



Well, it could try and bring an end to China…and likely the rest of the world. Oh, when did China become a superpower on the level of the US? It might get there one day but for now it’s only a want-to-be. And then there is that other want-to-be superpower has-been, Russia…

Ricky Miller

China is on the cusp of distancing itself from all competitors, including the United States. Half the engineering, physics and chemistry manpower in the world is in China now and most scientific, engineering and medical papers are published in Asian journals. China’s cities are high-tech star wars level supercities, complete with growing smart hubs and 5G for everything from policing to education and manufacturing. With every year that passes China gains dramatically and the U.S. slips down in nearly every critical capability. Did you read the article? This is the third source I’ve encountered that claimed a Chinese shipbuilding ratio realitive to the U.S. of better than 70-1. 70-1! Similiar production figures are showing for steel, aluminum, electronics, heavy equipment, mining, medical devices and on and on. Anyone refusing to see it, like you, is simply living in denial about the world that is coming.


Just to add to your good summery; is that WIPO now say’s China are rewarded 2.5 times more patents a year to country number two (the US) on the list. In a not to distant future (less then 10 years), China will hold more total patents the world leader of today does (the US again). In other words, most current technologies are dominated by the US. Most future technologies will be dominated by China. So much for copying.


You don’t seem to realize that Whites are being held down by their jewish occupiers, without them China wouldn’t be where it is today.


http://www.informationliberation.com/files/human_accompishment_europeans2.jpg http://www.informationliberation.com/files/human_accompishment_europeans1.jpg


Almost a third of all US Nobel Prizes in the Sciences have gone to Jews as have almost a quarter of ALL Science Nobels from the get go, Adolf. Try to get the simplest things correct. What has held Whites like you back is picking the wrong parents. Or if you are the Putz Putin Troll you seem, binging on too much of your Vodka ration, Igor.


I’m not a Russian. If you prefer to cling to insults in the absence of evidence, I’m afraid you would then have already lost the argument.

Vladimir Putin acknowledges Jewish upbringing: bitchute[]com/video/IVSNyeJjYfGC/

Jewish Laws Against Non-Jews: bitchute[]com/video/FD1fRUP7f7Hd/ — More information can be found in the comments section.

The Other Israel by Rev Ted Pike 1987: bitchute[]com/video/4pdCmJccPRV4/

“Europeans are Amalekites” ~ Rabbi Elyahu Kin of L.A.: archive[]org/details/rabbisayseuropeansareamalek

Esau’s “pathological hatred” was caused by Jacob (who later became Israel) stealing Esau’s inheritance or birth right from their father Isaac the Blind.

Redheaded Esau: youtube[]com/watch?v=z7IWBmPvK9Q


Hypocritcal Jews push Open Borders Worldwide, But Closed Borders for Israel: bitchute[]com/video/G8ixBsCZjDzg/

bitchute[]com/channel/mryuribezmenov/ bitchute[]com/channel/uZSBURGTMACb/




Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? (Menachem Mendel Schneerson, 1902-1994): ifamericansknew[]org/about_us/educationday[]html

Haaretz | Mad ‘Max’? The paradox of the murdered Brooklyn Hasid: bit[]ly/2DCTxWz

[According to Samuel Katz, who was brought up as a Satmar but later became secular, boys in the community are taught that non-Jews aren’t quite human. Speaking from Berlin, where he is doing biomedical research on a Fulbright fellowship, Katz explained that growing up in such a community, “you don’t see commonality with people who aren’t Jewish. There is a completely different taxonomy of people. There are Jews and then there are non-Jews, who don’t have souls.”

When the messiah comes, “every boy is taught that the bad goyim will be killed and the good gentiles will have the privilege of serving us, of being our slaves,” he told Haaretz. “The way Stark dealt with tenants is part of that world view… It’s not “taking advantage of them,” [rather] that is the world order you’re taught to expect.”]

Satmar Hasidism is a branch of ultra-orthodox Judaism founded by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum from Sátoraljaújhely, Hungary (1759-1841).

Books for Goys: bitchute[]com/video/8vzDbRVXZwag/

More books on the subject: bitchute[]com/video/VaGQCqTb2dej/

– The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by I. B. Pranaitis – Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman – Jewish Supremacism by Dr. David Duke: archive[]org/details/JewishSupremacism_203/page/n11 – The Jews And Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart – The Jews’ Trail Through the Ages by Alfred Rosenberg – The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones

Culture Of Critique – An Overview: archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

Cultural Marxism: threadreaderapp[]com/thread/1185286151910805504[]html

– Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movement by Kevin MacDonald

– Libido Dominadi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control by E. Michael Jones

– Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany 1937 by Olaf Peters

More recent examples of modern “art”: youtube[]com/user/PrisonPlanetLive/search?query=art

– The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer and Steven Walt

– They Dare Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby by Paul Findley

Books written by Jews on the subject of Jews themselves: bitchute[]com/video/K19fPs3KLjgM/

-You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (get the original version with 221 pages, versus the abridged version with 96 pages)

-Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture (Goldstein-Goren Series of American Jewish History) by Josh Lambert


It wasn’t like that until after WW2 and due to nepotism, which wasn’t the case before WW2. Tests have shown that Germanic peoples have a higher visual-spatial intelligence than jews, the latter has a higher verbal intelligence which can be explained more in terms of their verbosity than genuine intellectual superiority.


America was very pro-jewish throughout all of its history and yet they only started started making up 1/3 of all UN nobel prize winners from the US years after WW2. It’s far more due to nepotism than intellectual merit.

There are many good books on the subject.


cechas vodobenikov

only an idiot believes Nobel prizes r significant—politics aside, little jackie is ignorant re symbolic logic and cannot comprehend the concept of false equivalence—as usual she does amuse


Learn to not write in broken English.


“little jackie is ignorant re symbolic logic”

First of all:

A.) Learn to write properly instead of broken English.

B.) Don’t be an acerbic, self-righteous little shit.

C.) I’ve presented evidence your little mind clearly cannot hope to grasp as if falls outside the realm of your programmed thinking. Even referencing books written by jews themselves, or Israeli media articles doesn’t spur your attention as it would require you to remove your horse blinders.


The idiot here is you who cannot refute anything I presented, so you insult me and run away like a coward that can’t admit you’re wrong.


Have you checked to see how many are actually granted? And how many are basic and unique and not just holders? No, I didn’t think so. And a leading indicator of originality in science are the Nobel Science Prizes. How many have gone to China of late compared to the US? To help you out, only 6 have gone to Chinese over all these decades and of those only one is a citizen of China. Just last year, 8 went to US citizens. Damn, more Science Nobels have gone to the graduates of just one New York Public school than have ever gone to Chinese in total. The Chinese have a long ways to go before becoming the preeminent leader in the sciences and innovative technology.

Ricky Miller

Nobel prizes are awarded years or even decades after the work that earned them was published. In ten to fifteen years the work from today will be evaluated and that disparity will be far different. Also, most scientific breakthroughs are incremental and do not win a nobel prize. Nobel awards do not reflect the use of science to power engineering and technology breakthroughs across a wide range of disciplines. It would be something like judging a singer/songwriter by how many Grammy’s they’ve won. That elite measurement surely doesn’t in any way judge how impactful an artist or band is in terms of popular culture or how influential an album is even if it isn’t record of the year.


The myth of superior jewish IQ.


Years after years, both WIPO (World Intellectual Patent Organization) and World Economic Forum have been in agreement about China’s IP rise. But what do they know about IP and patents… In 2017, China and the US both ranked equal with four leading fields within the eight core scientific fields. 2019 China was ahead in seven of those eight, and very close on the last.

A good example about the difference in real world and Nobel prize is 2019 years Economy price. It was awarded to three persons from the US for their theoretic work on reducing poverty. About 15 years ago I first got to China, then China, EU and the US all had about the same poverty level according to UN definition, between 15 and 12% with EU on top, and China with the least. Now 15 years later EU and the US still have about the same poverty rate, but China has just under 1% – if anyone deserves the price for poverty fighting, it should then have been the CPC, but who among us could imagine such a thing would ever be dared!


They are a want-to-be and not there yet as I said. By the way, the same was said of Japan overtaking the US some 30 or so years ago. And now? And then there are the Black Swans like the one destroying China’s economy today. Most of China’s economy is based on other countries using it as their support servant today. That will be changing. Germany was going to beat us. The USSR was going to bury us. Japan was going to top us. Guess it’s China’s turn to give it the old college try. Oh, speaking of collage, millions of China’s best and brightest students have come here to study. And damn, even though they would be the next rulers of China, some 60% stay in the US to become Americans. Maybe these really smart Chinese know a wee bit more than you.

Ricky Miller

In terms of naval power they’re already there, in terms of being able to keep U.S. naval vessels away from China’s near sea zone. China now has more than a thousand land based anti-ship missiles, both ballistic and tactical. That’s before a single Chinese warship joins the fight, or the wide disparity in sheer numbers of Chinese aircraft are brought to bear. The type 055 destroyers are really modern battleships and are more powerful than any American surface combatant today, including the malfunctioning Zumwalts, which look all scary but have a hard time leaving port and staying out. Only one 055 is active today but five are in sea trials. Five, with two more under construction. The missile loads they are carrying are enormous, and the anti ship missile armament attack at supersonic speeds, something the U.S. has yet to manage. Oh, about the irrelevant snipe regarding Chinese students staying here, your statistic is basically right but your conclusion wrong. Many of these top notch engineers and scientists keep dual citizenship and return home later, with large volumes of knowledge about American technology and business practices. Many who stay are sources of information for the Chinese state and Chinese companies so your dig actually works both ways.

cechas vodobenikov

jackie the troll amuses—-data demonstrates that 85% of Chinese graduate students in the USA return to China when their studies r completed. Of course amerikans so incompetent now require immigrants to occupy talented work and manual labor—now a nation of incompetent waiters and accountants…expected in an empire near collapse…of course there r many Chinese now studying in Russia, especially at Tomsk State U, in Europe also….the monolingual amerikan is becoming ever more stupefied as the Emory professor Mark Bauelein demonstrates in his recent book, ‘the dumbest generation’


Russia is the worlds #1 atomic superpower,you are living off your lgbtq/nwo fake stocks n shares Don’t insult intellect mr 24 trillo (worse case managment in the history of mankind)All lies failed!!!


What usually fails is your faulty auto bot writer. And then your Vodka pickled brain. Whether you can destroy the world a 1,000 times over compared to 999 times over hardly makes a difference, junior. And note, your Glorious Russian Soviet Empire had even a greater nuclear lead over the US. And where are they today did you say? Get real.

cechas vodobenikov

poor Jackie is a CIA durak—obviously the US has no defense against Russian hypersonic technology…while the USSR often lagged behind this is no longer true….as the US empire crumbles w a 23 trillion debt conditions in Russia and china have improved substantially in the past 25 yrs where there is nearly no foreign debt—-jackie is at best, as all sociologists observe, the typical insecure amerikan



[Patagonia if needs be could hide a standing in wait military force to suffocate the whole of America.

So lets see some more cohen’cidental patterns … Oy Vey!

1. In the early 1990s the Mossad front group “CIA” allowed Jews to sell U.S. secrets to China” doing so for over a decade previous. –


2. Israel gave the Kaifeng and Harbin Jews of China the Keys to Its Largest Port –


3. For public consumption ‘Israel’ feigns concern that they may have made a mistake allowing “China to maintain its nuclear submarine array in Haifa! mentioning nothing about their Harbin and Kaifeng Jew cousins leading a NWO Yiddish ambush –


4. ‘Israel’ in 1982 having provided their Kaifeng and Harbin Jews in China with advanced missile tech that helped upgrade their tank fleet to reinforce Israels defense relationship it also cohen’cidentally. prospered even more so after the events at Tinanemen Square.


5. Israel and China’s Kaifeng and Harbin Jews’- Increases China’s liability/futures trade debt to $13 billion, approx 260 times what it was in 1992 –


6. China’s Harbin and Kaifeng Jews gave their Wahhabi Saud cousins explicit backing for their war on Yemen –




8. Now tell me its not a from end to end a Zio-Jew war –



Most notably soviet secrets after the cccp split and that’s the gods honest truth,unlike fake x!


Your vague sarcasm is not amusing.


“While both the military industrial complex of the U.S. and the authoritarian communist systems of government of these respective nations both breed rampant corruption, social and economic inequality, and a multitude of dysfunctionalities”

The corruption and inequality in both countries isn’t on the same level. Whilst more nationalistic, a lot of stuff going on in China wouldn’t fly in America or vice versa.



Wrong person to refer to if you want to be taken seriously. Not a single person who knows more about China, or do/have lived there have any respect for sarpenza. He isn’t only constantly dishonest to rightful lying about that country, he also lied pretty much exclusively about who he himself is, and his contacts.


Funny because I’ve seen no evidence to the contrary, tell me how eating “exotic” animals is anyway civilized? You like to give the false impression that China is this worker’s paradise whilst the west is a shit hole by comparison responsible for every ill on earth, neither could be further from the truth.


Name any country that 1) doesn’t eat wild animals 2) doesn’t have some citizens who do.


“Name any country that 1) doesn’t eat wild animals”

How is eating bats and tiger penis comparable to eating fish, beef, pork or poultry? I know some will like to point out that a fully grown pig has a degree of intelligence comparable to that of a three year old human being, therefore being more intelligent than a cat or dog. I think in hunter gather societies, especially in Europe some other places. Cats in Agarian societies throughout Europe, North Africa and Mesopotamia (until a certain point) were useful in catching and eating insects and rodents that were destroying their crops. In this regard, humans developed close relationships with these animals in certain parts of the world.

Race And Environmentalism: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/wbYMsK7DVz0H/

“If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an airplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.” — Prince Philip

“2) doesn’t have some citizens who do.”

I don’t think you finished your sentence.


How is eating ox balls? That’s something in the US. The bats clip you likely refer to wasn’t from China, but you missed that it was false news, and came from an island in the Pacific. And you can’t be serious if you compare wild animals with processed ones. All nations – yes, ALL, eat various wild animals, and it’s thought of as delicacies in many of them – by at least some. You also seem to have a hard time to grasp that from 1.4 billion people, you can find pretty much most, just as you can find enormous diversity from just one million people. But what you don’t seem to understand is that some things some people do, but not an average person. What you mention is extremely rare, so rare that it statistically could be eaten just as often from most other countries – as long as anyone ever tried it, which is bound to have happened.

Are there videos of people shitting in public from almost any country? Probably any. Now, do a populous multiplier to get to 1.4 billion, and you (should) understand why there are more so from China (and India, Indonesia and so forth in a falling trajectory). It’s so basic it’s incredible people can’t figure it out.

Yes, the Cantonese are the ones who’s joked about to eat “anything” (which from an environmental point of view is very good). You know the Cantonese, the minority in the south whom among a lot were ruled by the British, not the super duper extra über evil heathen communist Han that’s the vast majority you do give an impression of seeming to hate.

I don’t think you finished your sentence.

Please try to read it again and analyse. It can be understood, it’s not Greek, just give it some more time, you can do it!…


“Please try to read it again and analyse. It can be understood, it’s not Greek, just give it some more time, you can do it!…”

I think there’s a little bit of a language barrier, then again you know at least two languages. Maybe more.

From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/187723.Lee_Kuan_Yew

I know that M.S. King, or by his second alias The Invisible Critic portrays himself as a bit of a lunatic, but he makes a good point:

The Sassoon Family / Opium Wars: https://www.bitchute.com/video/W4FD4nXKqnN8/

Most Cantonese don’t live in Hong Kong, most were not under British rule. As you know, there were various port cities under European control other than Macau (Portuguese control) and Hong Kong (British control). Most were better off under British rule after WW2 when Mao was in power, the same man who deemed peasants qualified enough to produce steel in their backyards. I know that is a moot point since China had yet to mass industrialize and living conditions weren’t ideal in Hong Kong until the 1960s or 70s.


We seem to have a pattern here. You like to read, but not to take it in. I wrote

whom among a lot were ruled by the British

, and you shows that most Cantonese weren’t under the British yoke – as you should have noticed, is that “a lot” is not all, it’s not even a majority. The British also ruled over many a Cantonese in Singapore and Malaysia, among others. Sigh…

Ideal in HK from the 60’s or 70’s??? Such as they weren’t allowed to even be second grade citizens in the British dominions? They never got those passports, they didn’t have freedom of the press, they didn’t have free larger gatherings, and they got the governor appointed by London. Hmm, interesting that all those things weren’t given to HK by the British “free democratic human rights”-lovers, but by the “evil freedom hating authoritarian” Beijing. That must be what they mean when they say that Beijing isn’t respecting the British rules.

But yes, HK in the 60’s or 70’s would have been preferred by me over what was then the boarders of the PRC. In 2020’s? Life in HK is far worse.

I’m leaving the debate here.


“means that you first need to find a country that doesn’t eat wild animals”

What about eating live stock? Cultural differences led to there being different attitudes towards animals depending on what part of the world you’re living in.

“Such as they weren’t allowed to even be second grade citizens in the British dominions?”

China was rarely if ever open to non-Chinese immigration, the British lost Malaysia in the 1950s and Sinagpore in 1965. If it hadn’t been for anti-colonial sentiment among White people worldwide, they would not have been any political pressure to let go of their colonies so easily. Only France persevered in their intent to keep Indo-China until Charles De Gaulle retired. Many probably couldn’t have pointed out half of their nation’s colonies on a world map.

“they didn’t have freedom of the press”

China didn’t either, it still suffers from government restrictions.

“In 2020’s? Life in HK is far worse.”

Because of the riots, bombs and arson?

“I’m leaving the debate here.”

I don’t think there was much of a debate in the first place.


I guarantee that westerners consume meat from oxen, especially not their testicles. There is consumption of exotic meats from bats to cats and dogs, I don’t care if China does it or not. Different customs. You make a good point about natural meat being much more healthy than processed meat, rewind 70 years and only a smaller percentage of people of European descent consumed processed meat. The only processed meat they consumed was intended for soldiers overseas, before they tried to advertise it to school children. The widespread consumption of processed meat is very negative effect on nutrition.

There are countries whose citizens tend to publicly defecate or urinating in public more often than others, though the situation seems to gradually be improving in some parts of the world. I know that several great American metropolises like Detroit and San Francisco were much cleaner two or three decades ago, but have quickly degenerated since then due to several factors. The media narrative started to worsen in the 90s and thereafter, it’s truly shocking how much things have changed for the worse in a little more than a decade or two.



I guarantee that westerners don’t consume meat from oxen, especially not their testicles.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicle_festival , festival in eating testicles in the US. So much for guaranties. Ox and bull are the same, but names ox in most languages I know of. In the English language it’s if the ox/bull has been castrated or not that differ. So if you eat biff, you eat ox/bull.

We do seem to agree though on the processed food.


The article is 10 years old talking about a Serbian dish and only one reliable outlet that isn’t someone’s no-name internet blog.

Instead of doing this to a human being, imagine it were someone’s pet dog. Carving them up alive before killing them.



I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I seem to hate the Han people, in fact I don’t hate them and always admired their history and traditional Chinese culture. But we certainly have different perspectives on certain things. Should all of the animals be hunted down and resources extrapolated from the earth until it is nothing more than a barren wasteland, or should our globalized economy focus on serving the people and not the insatiable lust for of relatively few CEOs at the expense of the planet and all its inhabitants?




“How is eating ox balls? That’s something in the US.”



“Wrong person to refer to if you want to be taken seriously.”

Communism is quite successful at impairing critical thinking. Yes I know China is pseudo-Communist, yet they still praise Mao and you can be imprisoned for illegally [openly] criticizing the Communist party.

Is that footage of rural China a movie set or some nearby country? I’m sure you realize China is classified as a developing country and not a developed first world country.

Solzhenitsyn — The Marxist ‘Scholar’ [Excerpt from Gulag Archipelago]: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/PAnTvDjRjwxs/

“He is imperturbable. He speaks in a language that requires no effort of the mind, and arguing with him is like walking through a desert.”

“he also lied pretty much exclusively about who he himself is, and his contacts.”

Evidence please.


Any search engine will give you all the disqualifications. Do your diligence before.

No, that is also false, you can criticise all you want. You cant however try to start turmoil, or spreading lies. In China you have to stand for what you write.

From what you write, you really do scream out that you know nothing about China. So why do you seem so against it?


“Any search engine will give you all the disqualifications.”

Any search engine can also support my claim. Serpentza likely does exaggerate, but I know for certain that not every part of China is highly developed and that goes for many countries.

“No, that is also false, you can criticise all you want. You cant however try to start turmoil, or spreading lies. In China you have to stand for what you write.”

Are you referring to the parable taken from Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, or the claim that people aren’t allowed to publicly criticize the Communist Party in China?

I’m not deliberately trying to propagate lies or stir civil turmoil, I don’t even the latter point is even possible. I guess I’m ignorant on the subject.

“In China you have to stand for what you write.”

Would that be in front of a police officer and/or courtroom, or deportation to the nearest flight terminal?


“Any search engine will give you all the disqualifications.”

Any search engine can also support my claim. Serpentza likely does exaggerate, but I know for certain that not every part of China is highly developed and that goes for many countries.

“No, that is also false, you can criticise all you want. You cant however try to start turmoil, or spreading lies. In China you have to stand for what you write.”

Are you referring to the parable taken from Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, or the claim that people aren’t allowed to publicly criticize the Communist Party in China?

I’m not deliberately trying to propagate lies or stir civil turmoil, I don’t even the latter point is even possible. I guess I’m ignorant on the subject.

“In China you have to stand for what you write.”

Could that be in front of a police officer and/or courtroom, or deportation to the nearest flight terminal?


So a person who completely lied about his part in China, should be trusted about China? I think you proven the point…

It clearly reads what it was referred to, but I assume your wonder about it also gives away how you read and interpret other things.

I live a lot in China, but comes from Europe. I know you are wrong. Just as I could say you would be shot directly on the street if you said “down with the Queen” in London, would also be a lie. But from what you wrote so far, you really seem to want to believe in any badmouthing about China – which is really sad. It’s quite an industry to do so, but it doesn’t make it any less sad.

cechas vodobenikov

u bother to converse w a fascist like Z? LOL As Goffman observed, “the amerikan mind is bureaucratized”…in a nation of “over-conformist semi-automatons” (David riesman) where “there is no independence of mind nor any real freedom of debate” (Tocqueville) and where people cannot make connections nor think dialectically–Tocqueville, Gorer, Berman, Sennet, Lakoff, etc), one should be mindful that as Christoher Lasch wrote, “America requires a stupefied population”


Yes I’m sure there aren’t any Chinese in the mainland that behave like subhumans. They totally don’t run people over with their cars and either sought to kill them on the spot to avoid being sued by their victims, or more often continued driving as if nothing happened.

I know this probably has occurred in most if not all countries at some point, but not all people and cultures are equal. Traditionally in Chinese, saving face has long been considered more important than upholding truth. I generally consider culture to be a product of race and a people’s ancient experiences in their natural environment. Obviously there are pros and cons to that depending on the circumstances.

Chinese children being run over by moving vehicles: https://www.bitchute.com/video/H1le1Pq3mDMp/ — The Slavic man giving commentary uses the alias Dragan Glasvasic (his username is Galactic 74), I do think he’s a bit off-kilter. He often speaks the truth, though I disagree on a number of things, such as having a harsh attitude towards other races and how he thinks women should be treated.

Shocking Differences — William Luther Pierce:

Article: https://nationalvanguard.org/2018/12/shocking-differences/ Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRrp9qUpv5ZN/

Shenzhen is one of their most modern cities after Hong Kong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3LYfq5t4f0&

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’d suggest it is almost inevitable the American exceptionalists will decide to put some sort of offensive package upon the island of Chinese Taipei, threatening China directly. if so I don’t see any other option for China other than to push the U.S. off Chinese Taipei, defeat the USN in Chinese waters and possibly strike U.S. military presence upon Guam hard, to prevent strategic bombers being used from there.


And bye bye China…and likely much of the rest of the world. Hope the Chinese leadership is not as stupid and suicidal as fools like you.

Ricky Miller

Good point. Maybe the U.S. should stop trying to dominate military and nuclear capable major powers who at some point will get pushed to their limit and strike back. The need to provoke them isn’t dangerous until it is, until it goes too far. Then the responsibility will be with both parties, not just China or Russia when they respond to yet another in a long line of provocations aimed at one or both.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Try it on and it will be the end of your culture… However I think such a conflict would be not as catastrophic for the world, just Pax America. (which would quickly become a just another regional power again)


Yes,not so kweer societys history proved they without incest cursed moral disorders,never got the edge!


Your computer comment writing program needs a bit of tuning.


Indeed !


It can try if it wants to start WW3 and have China wiped out…along with the rest of the world. Why does SF have such silly articles?

Ricky Miller

The U.S. is more likely to start it. Or have you not been keeping up with current events since 1991, you know about who has gone where and done what to whom?


That was not the question. Try to focus.

Ricky Miller

It was for me. You said that if wants to start ww3. It’s more likely that China would respond to things the U.S. was doing. Anyone paying attention to what’s actually going on in the world would focus on that as the potential cause of conflict, not China’s move to defend itself.


joke321 is of the leper colony not out to add anything of value but to dissemble coherent thought and patterns or with other words, be a spaniard in the works and pro-squatter./jew and so on and so forth.

cechas vodobenikov

this forgets that amerikans r death fearing cowards—-their toys have little relevance in modern warfare…demonstrated by the astonishing number of wars the US has lost…Afghanistan being the most recent humiliation…that the US spends more on its military than the next 14 largest military nations combined merely proves that the US is a military dictatorship designed to oppress its population of emotionless automatons….of course these phenomena r observed in all empires near collapse….while china has brought 700 million into the middle class in 25 yrs, the US middle class has shrunk to 12% of the US population….yet the functionally illiterate US peasant continues to identify as “middle class”


Why did the Soviets lose in Afghanistan?

“to oppress its population of emotionless automatons”

Why by the way do they score a little higher higher than Russia on national IQ averages?

You say that when Russia is more autocratic and you apparently never lived in the place you’re criticizing, the average monthly wage in Russia is $750. Although I’m sure that differences in the costs of living standards make up for that.

Whether or not you believe in what you are saying is irrelevant when you apparently possess angst for the American populace. Imagine if someone from the “west” were to criticize Russians as harshly as they criticize Americans?

There is no need to skip out on the increasing anti-white racial politics throughout the “western” world, those who claim we “deserve it” have no clue what they are talking about.

1. There were more white slaves in early America than black slaves.

2. Whites have historically fought more than anyone to end slavery and were the first to abolish it.

3. More Europeans were enslaved in the Barbary slave trade than all black Africans enslaved in the Transatlantic slave trade which Muslims and African tribe leaders provided to Jewish dominated Transatlantic slave trade.

4. More blacks were enslaved by Muslims than enslaved by the European transatlantic slave trade

5. Some slave owners in the American south were black

6. Native Americans owned slaves of their own

7. 8/10 slave owners in America were jewish.

Unequivocal Proof for White Genocide: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oFj2A6g4ZpPO/

When Video Doesn’t Fit Their Narrative, Anti-Cop Protesters Refuse To Believe Their Own Eyeshttps://www.bitchute.com/video/FaVOWd8PrBz7/

‘Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry’: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25058167-don-t-make-the-black-kids-angry

CNN’s Don Lemon (he’s half-black): https://www.bitchute.com/video/O3NYhi9AW3lq/

“We have to start doing something about white men. There is no travel ban on them, you know, no white guy ban. So…what do we do about that?” -CNN’s Don Lemon

From an organization that repeatedly advocates the genocide of white people and gets almost no media coverage, despite that the research done in these books is solid evidence proving that jews are almost entirely responsible for the Transatlantic slave trade which jews seek to blame on White people to justify our erasure:

Amazon Bans The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews: https://noirg.org/articles/amazon-bans-the-secret-relationship-between-blacks-jews/

‘Jews Selling Blacks’: https://noirg.org/articles/jews-selling-blacks-book-stirs-reparations-movement/

Ernst Zundel & Michael Hoffman On White Slavery: https://archive.org/details/theywerewhiteandtheywereslavestheuntoldhistoryoftheenslavementofwhitesinearlyame

Jewish Involvement In The Slave Trade By Dr Tony Martin: https://archive.org/details/jewishinvolvementintheslavetradebydrtonymartin


cechas vodobenikov

of course the USSR dis not “lose” in afghanistan–a typical misconception from an amerikan durak….your xenophobic racist stupidity deserves no substantive response—as all sociologists observe amerikans r profoundly insecure self loathing narcissists—Tocqueville, Gorer, Lasch, Berman, Riesman, Sennet, etc…’the narcissism epidemic’. Twenge and Campbell unable to make connections, think dialectically or dialogically, u parrot the yellow journalism from your censored media ” in the USA for the 1st time in western civilization slavery was tied to race”. D Boorstin as usual an amerikan racist, envious of Jews…u display your inferiority and self loathing


All you’ve “proven” is your extreme ignorance in the fact of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. If you’re a hasbara troll, you’reare simply too brainwashed to think outside of the box.

“your xenophobic racist stupidity deserves no substantive response an amerikan racist, envious of Jews…u display your inferiority and self loathing”

Yes I’m just so “envious” that I’m not 40% more prone to schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems. Only jews can become citizens in Israel, how is that in any way not xenophobic? None of your pre-programmed responses will prove otherwise other than reinforce your programming. You still have yet to disprove any of my points.

But no, that’s too hard for you isn’t it? It’s easier to crawl back into your hole in the wall and pretend that America is no different than it was in the 1950s. I don’t think we would be having this conversation in person, because if it were to occur there’s a good chance you would be hospitalized with a broken spin for being a shitty person with a ridiculous amount of ingrained ignorance on the subject. Go on and report this to the Communist Commisariat for being an obedient little goy bot.

Or as Thucydides said in ‘The Greek Peloponnesian War’: “So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, readily accepting the first story that comes to hand.”

Why not take your psychology projection collection elsewhere and suck on your HIV-infested foreskin collection?

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes AshkeNazi Jews to Schizophrenia:



Literally everything you said is attributable to jews, you’re simply too brainwashed to think for yourself. Rather than look into the subject with an open mind, you can’t help but respond with reprogrammed responses on subjects you know little about. You’re simply incapable of knowing how to argue your points, all you can do is delve into the subject through infantile insults befitting of an adolescent.





Go run away like the little rat you are. You don’t have the brains or guts to debate me, not online and certainly not face to face.

Robert Ferrin

Never debate an idiot for they will only bring you down to their level and defeat you for they have more experience,so that’s why no one wish’s to debate you.!!@!.!!


To respond to your grossly misinformed response:

“When the argument is lost, ridicule becomes the tool of the loser.” — Charles Simmons.

Apparently that idiot brought me down to his level.

“so that’s why no one wish’s to debate you”

No that isn’t why they don’t wish to debate me, it’s because I presented evidence that is different than what they think. Meanwhile they are unable to refute me, so they personally attack my character like the childish people they are when I presented the facts, whilst they claim to be right because their feelings tell them so. They likely believe other people’s rights ends where their feelings begin.



My “stupidity” is a projection of your extreme ignorance and narrow-minded thinking, ad hominem attacks without ever stopping to read what the other person said to begin with. You just mentally block that out and solely focus on attacking those you disagree with.


You are unreliable to the extent that the only way you could debate is if you were threatened to do so at gunpoint.


It’s strange that quote you pulled from Mark Twain is something I already quoted before.


If you can’t prove me wrong then you are wrong, your cognitive dissonance prevents you from understanding that.


Keep your sick furry fetish to yourself and don’t put it in your name.


You ironically gave advice to an idiot when I should be following that advice myself. Hard to imagine you idiots are fully grown. then foolishly think I’m an idiot for stating that China is culturally backward when it’s verifiably true. Then you fools respond by reiterating untrue stereotypes about the states or the western world.

You can’t fathom that you can possibly be wrong and ignore the causes of the problems you cite, I showed you evidence to back up my statements and you did was involve yourself in ridicule because you can’t prove me wrong. Your refusal to discuss the matter any further is a pathetic excuse to avoid admitting you’re wrong as a result of your inflated egos.



Continue smoking your crack cocaine if that makes you feel better, lousy harbara troll making pathetic attempts to provoke people into “exposing” themselves in replies they can easily delete. Even if that were your intent, what’s the point? They must be incredibly paranoid to think they must attempt to control every conversation on social media.


We’re Charging the CBC with Hate Speech!



It had nothing to do with race, I already sent you proof informing you that jews started the transatlantic slave trade and profited the most from it. Since you cannot refute anything I’ve said, you proceed to cling to your programming like the good little goy you are.

You’re simply repeating garbage you’ve heard over and over with nothing to refute me, other than childishly insisting that I’m “jealous” for disagreeing with the status quo and lies spread about my people. Then you run away like a coward whilst harbouring the delusion that you had “proven” your point when you have nothing to refute me with, other than decades of lies that you believe are true because your government and media say so.



— “in the USA for the 1st time in western civilization slavery was tied to race”. D Boorstin

Daniel D. Boorstin was jewish; the “you’re just jealous” type of dog whistling/ insult uttered by his ilk is little more than a cop-out disregarding all opposing evidence. Their rabbis have openly stated in filmed sermons to endorsing unscrupulous dialogue and fiendish criminal behaviour towards gentiles (non-jews) in order to gain the upper hand for themselves and the rest of international jewry as a whole in nearly every area of human activity.

Books for Goyim (non-jews): bitchute[]com/video/8vzDbRVXZwag/

It is forbidden for Jews to save non-Jews from death/ The Non-Jewish female is put to death from the age of three if a Jew rapes/”falls into sin with” her:


Why is it that [non-jewish] Whites are the most innovative race of peoples throughout history? Why did at least 97% of all scientific achievement occur in Europe and North America? If this was only achieved by stealing other people’s resources (which isn’t unique to anyone), why didn’t everyone else measure up to Whites in human achievement despite having plenty more resources at their disposal than Europe?

As for freedom of speech, Russia has more restrictions than most European countries, and certainly any country in North America and Oceania. Fortunately they still have a much greater degree of free speech than was permitted under any Communist government, nowadays Russia’s media has certainly become more accurate than western media. So much for the Communist historical dialectic.

In Russia there is also more government consolidation over the media and economy, a greater internal market monopoly harming competition as a product of the Yeltsin era, not to mention that the government and media regurgitate many of the very same lies about the “west” that were propagated in the west since the nineteen-sixties. Despite having openly embraced “liberalism” and “democratic” capitalism, plutocratic scumbags still have less control over the government than in most countries.

Do you have any idea how screwed up people were and still are in Africa before, during and after a series of colonization efforts among the ancient Egyptian, Arabs and other ethnic groups whose majority population consists of Muslims, followed by European Christians? Africa was ironically more stable, more civilized, and much safer whilst under European rule in the first half of the twentieth century compared to the now and everything else that had taken place after World War Two?

Blacks in Sub-Saharan Africa were always less advanced that every other part of the world, the Afrocentrics and their ridiculous Wakanda fantasy never existed, nor was it ever in their nature to built. You should see how the Egyptians treated the Nubians under the rule of the Hyksos and pharaoh Akhenaten thereafter (Amenhotep IV), and the Muslims much later. Both greatly surpass the level of cruelty towards Sub-Saharan than any member of the White race had inflicted upon them, any exceptions among Europeans in the last 500 years are far and few between.

Debunking the “Out of Africa” Theory: prisonplanets[]wordpress[]com/2016/08/04/man-did-not-come-from-africa-debunking-the-ooa-theory/

How could “Black” BRITONS Become “White”? [Varg Vikernes]: bitchute[]com/video/GhS90i17F5ex/

Ancient Egyptians depicting negriods in artwork: youtube[]com/watch?v=vkp8_Dj1TzA

They Were White & They Were Slaves – The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America by Michael A. Hoffman II: goodreads[]com/book/show/1212328.They_Were_White_They_Were_Slaves

White Slavery in the Barbary States by Charles Sumner: ostarapublications[]com/product/white-slavery-in-the-barbary-states/

Black Slaves in Egypt under Islam: youtube[]com/watch?v=ev1IFWp9B8E



AM Hants

Wasn’t it the Soviet Union, that was in Afghanistan, from 1979 – 1989? How long have the US and NATO been there? When did the Soviet Union fall and how many independent nations, besides Russia emerge?

How much money does the average Russian require, to live in comfort then compare to cost of living in US?

Free health care Russia. How many US citizens cannot afford health insurance?

San Francisco, known for it’s human faeces and homeless problem what Russian cities have a problem with cleaning up human faeces? Free education, including University level, in Russia. How much does it cost the average US citizen to graduate?

GM free diet and home produced agriculture, from Russia, the self dependent, 1q time zone nation.

How much agriculture does the US import and how much of their diet is GM free?

Russia, minimal debt, simple taxation system, 13% for all, healthy currency and gold reserves.

US, world’s largest debtor nation with over $22 trillion to payback.

Ukraine, when Crimea returned home to Russia, how much did social benefits rise by, starting with the pensioners?


See how you feel the need to change the subject and circle jerk back and forth 24/7? This is all about typing online all day and all night about how much you hate the western world and everyone else is a hapless victim who can do no wrong. Then obfiscate the arguments of everyone else and ridicule those you disagree with.

“San Francisco, known for it’s human faeces and homeless problem what

Russian cities have a problem with cleaning up human faeces?”

I guarantee it was a FAR cleaner city in 20-30 years ago, you’re talking about a country whose people shit and piss on the ground to a far lesser per capita than somewhere like China.

“Free education, including University level, in Russia.”

Taxation isn’t “free” and only “free” if you meet those requirements.

AM Hants

5D media disinformation script.

Deny Discredit Derail Discourse Disagree

Remind me, but, the comment I replied to, did it not ridicule the average Russian wage and IQ of the people of Russia?

My reply, did it not compare the Russia cost of living, to the American cost of living? Followed by comparing pension rates in Russia, compared to Ukraine? Are there any cities in Russia that are famous for their human faeces problem?

In fact, are there any cities in Russia, who have a similar homeless problem, that the people of San Francisco are experiencing?

Did I mention China in my comment? Although, is there any city in China that is famed for human faeces, lining the pavements and roads?


You accuse me ridiculing the average IQ of the Russian people (97 national average versus 98 national average, does not mean the average person in each country has an IQ of 97 or 98) Yet regularly calling Americans unintelligent themselves. I never mentioned Ukraine, yes Russia has lower costs of living compared to the US, Canada and EU. Remember what Russia was like in the 90s? It’s improved since then. The human feces problem you mentioned is relatively recent in a country that is being bled dry by the usual suspects.

AM Hants

Yet regularly calling Americans unintelligent themselves???????

Who has said that? I know I comment on the stupidity of Washington DC, but, that is not generalising the people of the US.

Russia was bankrupt in the 90s, the Yeltsin era. Oligarchs fleecing the nation. US writing taxes and laws on the back of 3rd World Shared Partnership Loans, where Russia got 20 cents to the $US on her natural resources and the US got 80 cents of every $ of Russia natural resources.

The people of Russia having an IQ of around 98. Really, considering all that Russia has gifted the world. There again, at least not single digit IQs.


“Yet regularly calling Americans unintelligent themselves??????? Who has said that?”

People on here.

“that is not generalising the people of the US.”

Flip the situation around 180 degrees and the reaction would be very different.

“The people of Russia having an IQ of around 98. Really, considering all that Russia has gifted the world.”

97 (Russia), 98 (US). Do you not understand what national IQ average means? There are minorities in Russia with two digit IQs in the 90s, same with the US and Europe. Italy for instance has a higher national IQ average than both countries, then if tens of millions more people from Africa and the Middle East are imported into Italy I guarantee their average national IQ score would drop like many other countries in Europe.

Eastern European IQs are around 100 on average. It’s interesting that Ashkenazi Jews can get away with claiming to have an average IQ of 125, whilst other jews such as the Sephardi having a lower IQ. They don’t seem to care as long as they’re jewish, but if you’re White (god forbid a straight “cis” white male) then you literally have to tip toe around everyone without being called a “racist” for not hating yourself, or for mentioning verifiable facts they find uncomfortable. People nowadays are brought up to have such fragile egos.

AM Hants

There are people on here who insult the Americans??????? So?

I am English and if I was given a penny every time we were insulted, would have saved at least a £million by now. Just as well I have no desire to behave like a snowflake, rather than understand why others have formed their views on our politicians behaviour.

IQ, Russia is 97, US 98, UK 100 and Singapore have the highest IQ on average. Funny, but, know more Russians, whether engineers, scientists, writers or performers, who have made their mark in the world, than I do, citizens from Singapore. Bearing in mind, Singapore figures would also be based on the law of average. South Korea, followed by Japan, came next. Interesting how Asians have a higher IQ than Westerners.


You can say anything about yourself on the internet when you’re anonymous, doesn’t mean it’s true.

East Asian’s mean IQs center around a average IQ than “westerners”, white people have more fluctuation between above average and a little below average and tend to produce more geniuses. You also neglect to mention the IQs of “westerners” have dropped by 14.1 points since the Victorian era, only recently did East Asians begin to innovate more in technologies invented by White people and fields of science that are still dominated by those very same people. Asians aren’t under the burden of Cultural Marxism and an abstract guilt complex imposed on them through black propaganda. And despite all of the pressure placed on us and the immense contributions they receive through us, they have managed to get a little bit ahead.

“Funny, but, know more Russians, whether engineers, scientists, writers or performers, who have made their mark in the world”

You say that when the US, Britain, and Germany have each made more contributions to science than Russia.

“Just as well I have no desire to behave like a snowflake”

Russians and Chinese are more readily offended when their countries are criticized, or at the very least the toxic internet denizens who populate the web.

AM Hants

Darling, I did not realise I was meant to provide a thesis on international IQ averages in my reply.

Not rocket science to realise why Western IQ levels have dropped since the Fabian Society took control of Western Education, going back to the 20th Century. Whilst Asian society stuck with the traditional education system, which encourages critical thought. With the West focused on same sex education, physical concerns and the rights of gender neutral toddlers, from kindergarten stage.



AM Hants

Not something you find in Russia, now is it? San Francisco, the human faeces problem has gained international attention, has it not?

‘Is America a banana republic, yes or no’ – President Putin


Putin bans holocaust “denial” and works to preserve lies. As for the situation in Russia in the 90s, a lot of that persisted into the 2000s. It was not a puppet state and most of the oligarchs responsible for what occurred have gone unpunished because Putin acquitted them.

AM Hants

Darling, is that why so many oligarchs from Russia now live in exile?

Could go on, but, cannot be bothered wasting time with a troll using nought but soundbites, with the insomnia factor.

The good oligarchs, who were happy to pay their taxes and keep out of politics stayed and the oligarchs who could not do that went to live in exile. Worried about what the Russian black mafia, independent of the Government, would do to them.

AM Hants

Taxation isn’t free.

Remind me, but, what is the basic level of taxation in the US and what does the average person get for it, besides the NGOs doing exceedingly well, out of the US tax payer.

Food stamps Lack of infrastructure projects Lack of affordable health care Etc. Etc. Etc

Russia, those who earn enough to pay tax, from lowest income workers, to oligarchs, pay 13% flat rate tax.

Free education, including University level Free healthcade Bonuses if you produce more than 2 children Infrastructure investment, as witnessed during World Cup. Railways, airports, high ways, new towns and investment in industry Natural resources majority shares belong to the people of Russia. GM free diet. Nation that can produce enough to feed her people Comfortable with culture, tradition and history,


zarathustra is a rabid pro-jew participants of little value.

AM Hants

I have an addiction, where feeding trolls are concerned. Keep forgetting they get there monthly bonus, for every reply up/down vote.


a) their monthly bonus and b) they are paid regardess so you’re wasting time.


and note that zarathustra all of a sudden turns up when the usual suspects, joke321, ironzionist, occupybacon etc, find themselves under some kind of scrutiny – zarathustra turns up and writes lengthy crappy comments and has managed to get together some 148 or so – should tell you something

AM Hants

One and the same, so comes to mind. Did not realise the others were having problems.


How paranoid are you? “Writes lengthy comments” Have you not seen other people’s comments on here? “Crappy comments” meaning I sent links exposing jewish supremacy and lies about WW2, the holohoax included. Race realism isn’t “white supremacy”, it isn’t senseless “racism”. It’s factually verifiable. China has lots of problems too, nothing wrong with pointing that out.


You assume I’m a troll for daring to disagree with you, that’s nothing but ad hominem vitriol with no evidence whatsoever.


You assume I’m a troll for daring to disagree with you, that’s nothing but ad hominem vitriol with no evidence whatsoever. Notice how you have no desire to debate the subject? Thinking that China is more developed than the west is a joke, it was all given to them by Whites (they didn’t invent any of it).

Your anti-western attitude is anti-White, wishing for the destruction of it because jewish oligarchs control it despite also controlling Russia and China, yet you want them to succeed over the “west” despite Russia and China being on the side of ZOG as indicated by their pro-jewish and pro-israeli stance.

Repeating lies and stereotypes doesn’t help your case when accusing me of things that aren’t true, try looking in the mirror for a change.

You should also know that Disqus is full of glitches and the impact that can have on comments.

Race And Environmentalism: bitchute[]com/video/wbYMsK7DVz0H/


None of this “that was 3 months ago” shit.


How paranoid are you? “Writes lengthy comments” Have you not seen other people’s comments on here? Your idea of what I wrote is several months out of date, either that or you have difficulty with reading comprehension. “Crappy comments” meaning I sent links exposing jewish supremacy and lies about WW2, the holohoax included. Race realism isn’t “white supremacy”, it isn’t senseless “racism”. It’s factually verifiable. China has lots of problems too, nothing wrong with pointing that out. Why should I not criticize their inhumane treatment of animals?


I’m not a troll either.


Have you seen none of my anti-jewish posts?


Making false claims about what is evidently false makes you look like a troll and liar yourself, thinking I’m pro-jewish makes no sense in light of what I stated about them. Falsely accusing someone of being a troll with no evidence is exactly what a troll would do.

As for “crappy comments”, you clearly don’t understand cause and effect. If someone is rude to you, why not show them disrespect in return? The same happened to me and you couldn’t connect the dots.

Don’t like you’re some foolish child arguing with another child on the playground with “he said, she said” bullshit and putting words in people’s mouths.


You should ask yourself why you decided to expand the subject towards biased arguments that had nothing to do with me criticizing China’s treatment of animals. Or the fact that its infrastructure is less developed in the countryside compared to other countries, instead you focus exclusively on economic matters and other subjects everyone’s already heard before. This doesn’t address life for ordinary people, you don’t have to bring up matters we already know about.

You complain about the US medical system when most of their citizens aren’t lower class citizens, every other white country other than the US have functional universal healthcare.

All the points you bring up in defending Russia completely ignore the fact about Russia and China being involved in globalist projects, the geopolitics is political theatre.

If they weren’t under jewish control they would already be opposing international finance and left globalist organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, WTO, WHO, UN, and similar organizations. They would have sought autarky from the very start and wouldn’t be on good terms with jews nor Israel.

Xi Ping and Vladimir Putin aren’t our saviours, they’ve always sided with the enemy of mankind.

AM Hants

Darling, my comments relate to what I decide. Do not run a script, provided by somebody else, unless posting links. Comments are subjective and it is personal choice what each and every poster decides to put in their comment.

Do believe you will find apart from supporting China’s ‘one belt and road’ project, BRICS, SCO and the fact they are not a military offensive nation, I have little knowledge with regards China.

Russia, I am interested in her economy, investment in infrastructure, military power (owing to defence budget similar to own nation) and respect for her leadership. There is a lot, with regards the 11 time zone nation that I am ignorant about. So why would I comment on the parts I have no informative knowledge of?


Look in the mirror! Russia still propagates Bolshevik lies that form the backbone of globalism today, all date back to Abrahamic universalism and religious scripture “predicting” that jews will inherit control over all nations of the world.



Swift Laggard II

you sound like a sick individual. please get help


And you sound like a shallow troll with no sense of irony or any understanding of cause and effect. The fact there are trolls who pick their target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it (Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals) goes to show dangerous peoples governments are.


A “sick” individual for subjected to ridicule by nameless losers on the internet?” Or wrong think”, just like how Warsaw Pact countries confined counter-revolutionaries to mental hospitals. After all who in their right mind would oppose Communist totalitarianism other than “madmen”?

That picture I sent of a man being cut up is called Ling Chi — Death by a Thousand Cuts. Chinese authorities handed out capital punishment in the streets for thousands of years by stripping them naked and slowly cutting the condemned to ribbons over the course of three days as they stood restrained to a pole.

The practice continued until it was banned in the early 1900s, but was still illegally practiced in remote parts of China up until the Second Sino-Japanese War and briefly afterward in Chinese concentration camps during the Cultural Revolution and Mao’s Leap Forward.


a good summary of china’s accomplishments and a good summary of the faltering and spluttering disunited states of A – useless toads as they are.


How about stop making disingenuous comments and pretending you never said anything bad about jews?


ok stupid, to make it clear – I’m all for a one state solution – palestine! and the illegal squatters or the jews to be kicked to kingdom come, either they leave voluntarily or they’ll be 6 feet under pushing up daisies. the jews have forfeited the right to be respected as a people and can thus be hounded to theír dying days. and why is that, because they murder, they lie and the steal,they operate concentration camp gaza with intention to decimate the palestinians to nill, they steal land a la hitler’s lebensraum program and operate an ethnic cleansing programand all of these have the same focus – the annihilate the palestinians. and that is something the world can’t and shan’t ever accept and the only party that will have to take the consequences is the jews, in palestine and elsewhere.

where they should go -talk to the american senate, which is bought and paid for by the jews, and they might offer a sanctuary.


ok stupid, to make it clear – The governments of Russia, China and India are on very good terms with Israel.

But as long as they leave Israel you don’t care what happens elsewhere, only as long as they leave Palestine?



the jews are a disgrace to mankind and ought either to find another place where their lies and murders and thievery will be better accepted or be buried 6 feet under – they have no value to mankind and are parasitic vermin of no value to us, the genteel and the africans and the chinese and the russians and so on.

have I made myself clear toad.


“they steal land a la hitler’s lebensraum program and operate an ethnic cleansing program”

I already presented information on this website debunking that and you’ve taken no effort to understand otherwise, it’s above your pay grade in a country where it’s illegal to disagree with the government and media lies on that subject. It’s inconsistent with what they say in school and in the media. As for the ethnic cleansing part, Islam and Judaism find genocide justifiable when they are in the position to do so. The jews on the other hand believe they’re the master race, they tend to project their worst tendencies onto their victims and adversaries.


“where they should go -talk to the american senate, which is bought and paid for by the jews, and they might offer a sanctuary.”

So you admit they control America, yet you couldn’t care less.

You people have awful personalities.


how ’bout being intelligent and knowledgeable on the subject/issue you bla bla bla about.


Your mentally challenged concept of “honour” is clinging to the hive mind and not being mentally capable of debating anyone you disagree with, even if they drop mountains of evidence at your door step you assume they are “wrong” because it is not consist with the lies you were told all your life.

Rabbi Explains The Importance Of Metzitzah B’Peh (Oral Sex) After Ritual Circumcision: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/P8TYNGmlKqEw/


cechas vodobenikov

as everyone from Tocqueville (the least reproach offends amerikans–the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce)to Gorer—“amerikans r troubled b y a basic insecurity” has observed, your self loathing narcissism—Lasch (the culture of narcissism), Sennet, Konrath, etc…Twenge and Campbell’s recent, “the narcissism epidemic”, precludes the possibility of conversing w amerikans—where… as Tocqueville wrote, “there is no independence of mind or any real freedom of debate”….and of course, as many have documented, amerikans cannot think dialectically or dialogically—-Tocqueville, Sennet, Gorer, Lakoff—-in a nation of robots—thinking is illegal….of course everyone from Tocqueville to Slater, observed that u people r emotionless ignorant robots…Riesman described u as “over conformist semi-automatons….Koestler compared u to 5th century Romans: “a similarly contactless society populated by AUTOMATONS…a similarly soulless, politically corrupt, everybody for themselves society”…this is all fully explored in Alan Bloom’s 1987 book, ‘the closing of the amerikan mind’ next…

Assad must stay



of course it can and will if the disunited states is so reckless as to start a war.

Neo Onh

Close to mainland China: chinese win. Far from the mainland: US win – unless Russia gets involved, then RUssia + China win.


The day a US naval battlegroup is sunk will be a day of rejoicing for the majority in the world I would think. :)


Makes you wonder why the Chinese are building aircraft carriers of their own.


Business is above everything. Both side don’t have any interest to do the war. The US are the first client of China and make huge profit and ++GDP thanks to low price China products. As for China, which mainly depends on exports, it would be very dangerous, and their container carriers easily sinkable…




“the Chinese system is inherently more singular in focus, as all authoritarian regimes are.”

All states are authoritarian; the only differences are the lies they tell about the people they kill.

Anthony Papagallo

The U.S is dying from within. White women simply do not make enough children anymore and what children that are born they surgically alter their genitals or inject them with chemicals to change their gender.

Take a look inside any American high school, seventy percent of their pupils are Somalian, Bengali, Sri Lankan, Pakistani, Farsi, Pashtun, Yemeni and of course, Hispanic. For them english is a third or forth spoken language – and these are the future of the U.S.

The Chinese are the least of the U.S’s problems – American white culture and history is slowly being erased and its being done by their own hands.


Not without the Russians


Preach to the choir. But I guess that’s what its for. I miss the early days of South Front when it gave views that were from another perspective. Now its the same story in every story. Might as well watch a CNN video.

Honestly hear you didnt even try, American Navy bad, Carriers are so outdated concepts, cruisers old falling apart. China’s navy on the other hand, has a plan, Ya,, they do they copied the USN down to the color of shirts worn on flight decks! Facts are pretty clear, yes China has money, yes China has a powerful Navy built to challenge the US. More facts less opinions, be daring!

Paul T.

The Chinese are just as likely to shoot each other as anyone else. The US combined military forces, if attacked, will level every chinese island base in the SCS and sink ever Chinese war ship in the area over just days. The US won’t attack the mainland thus demonstrate restraint but will retaliate on those bases that do. China is full of talk, the US walks the walk. The US is exhausted from stupid middle east wars, absolutely! But if China sinks a US war ship, the battle hardened US will literally wipe the SCS clean of all Chinese presence then sit upon their ill gotten throne there.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x