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Can Japanese ‘Patriot’ Missiles Help Kiev Regime?

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Can Japanese 'Patriot' Missiles Help Kiev Regime?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For nearly two years, the political West has been spreading all sorts of propaganda nonsense about the Russian military running out of food, fuel, shells, missiles (essentially all types of munitions), etc. Moscow supposedly had to “beg” Iran, China and North Korea for weapons in order to keep its special military operation (SMO) running. And yet, not only has all this been debunked a long time ago, but it turns out the opposite is true. While Moscow is packed with everything it needs, the United States is forced to turn to its vassals and satellite states to keep supplying the Kiev regime with enough weaponsThe situation is so bad that their field commanders are allowed to call in artillery support only against large Russian formations, as engaging smaller ones is considered a “waste of shells”.

In order to ameliorate its lack of production capacity (the result of decades of outsourcing manufacturing), the political West has to turn to countries such as Japan and South Korea. Tokyo has a sizeable stockpile of all sorts of American missiles, while Seoul is apparently producing more shells than the entire NATO. As Japanese laws severely restrict the possibility of arms sales, Tokyo is now working on setting up a new legal framework that would allow the transfer of air defense missiles to the Neo-Nazi junta. Officially, this policy shift should enable the export of “Patriot” missiles to the US, supposedly to help with Washington DC’s shortages. On December 20, local media reported that the Japanese government made the decision under US pressure. Hardly surprising, given the nature of their relations.

Namely, Tokyo has been an American vassal for nearly 80 years now. Given its advanced technological base, many American companies, particularly those from their infamous Military Industrial Complex, have allowed licensed domestic production of their weapons and munitions in Japan. The US is now looking to tap into such a resource in order to help the Kiev regime that was forced to go on the defense in the aftermath of its failed counteroffensive. Various American media claim that the move includes the export of PAC-2 and PAC-3 interceptors. The mainstream propaganda machine admits that this is a significant departure from Tokyo’s current laws that prohibit the export of weapons to countries in conflict. Such claims immediately indicate that the actual customer is the Neo-Nazi junta.

In other words, if we know that the US is currently not in conflict with any nation (officially, at least), Japan shouldn’t have a problem with exporting its missiles to the belligerent thalassocracy. Obviously, unless the customer is “someone else”. Given the losses of “Patriot” SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems in Ukraine, one could wonder why doesn’t Tokyo simply send the entire system instead of just interceptors. American sources claim that the existing legal framework allows only the transfer of separate components for equipment produced under a US license, as the export of whole systems is not allowed. However, a much more likely scenario is that Washington DC is simply trying to avoid the possible destruction of the entire Japanese-built “Patriots” in Ukraine.

The Russian military has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to target and destroy supplies of Western weapons with its long-range precision-guided munitions (PGMs). This is a particularly important issue, as the Kiev regime’s air defense capabilities have been degraded significantly. Its massive Soviet-era stockpile of SAMs has mostly been exhausted, while the salad of Western systems it got is inferior in both qualitative and quantitative sense. The escalating conflict in the Middle East has only exacerbated this issue, but the Neo-Nazi junta will need to make do with what its NATO overlords provide. However, will this be enough to protect strategically important military infrastructure? Obviously, the question is rhetorical, as several “Patriots” have already been destroyed.

Nonetheless, the mainstream propaganda machine keeps insisting these missiles will make a difference. The Kiev regime is also trying its best to contribute to these myths with regular reports of alleged shootdowns of advanced Russian weapons, including hypersonic missiles. However, the sheer magnitude of panic unleashed among the Neo-Nazi junta forces and their NATO overlords whenever a MiG-31K/I lifts off tells a completely different story. Russia has a plethora of possibilities to saturate an area with strike weapons, be it missiles, drones or decoys that invariably force the Kiev regime troops to expend their dwindling stockpile of air defense missiles. There are zero reasons to think that Japanese-built “Patriot” SAMs will perform better than the US-made ones that were previously destroyed.

After all, they’re based on the same flawed technology that has been failing everywhere for over three decades now, be it against Iraq during the (First) Gulf War or against Houthi missiles and drones targeting Saudi Arabia. The system is so bad that NATO member Turkey chose the Russian-built S-400 over the “Patriot”. It should be noted that the export version of this system is less capable than the one used by the Russian military. Ankara still opted for it, despite the threat of being expelled from the F-35 program, although this could be considered a blessing of sorts, given that this extremely overhyped US fighter jet is actually an even worse failure than the “Patriot”. Either way, the Kiev regime will most likely get these missiles, while the country and whatever’s left of its military is falling apart.


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ukraine are low on patriot system…??

Merica Watch And Learn

this is for you a surprise? the patriots get hyper sonic hammered weekly! send them all so we can watch them burn, lol! patriot is a tin can with a roman candle inside. when the f-16 arrive then the show will begin, russia already said yesterday it will take them 20 days to take out all 18 planes. and then…?

And The World Remains Silent!

your brain is a tin can! the only air defense system i can recall being destroyed lately, was a russian air-defense system i can provide the link if anyone wants to see it. but basically, the video showed the russians desperately launching a few missiles in the air and then seconds later, a storm shadow missile flew past the camera screen, at a unbelievably fast rate and exploded right above the russians killing them all!

And The World Remains Silent!

i was particularly amazed on how humongous that missile was when showed in slow motion, storm shadow missiles are amazingly big, and also unbelievably fast, one commentator remarked in the video, that modern missiles are so fast, you do not even have time to pray to god, and watching the video, i can confirm that! it was over in a blink of an eye, for the russian air-defense crew! i almost feel sad for them!

Slave In Ukraini

sure buddy! with constant replenishment & replacement of lost stocks. the patriot tin can alley wins a prize at the ukrcarnival daily? step right up folks get ur free ads tin can here! if your uk, usa & nato toys and boys are so great, step up to the plate and swing.


lol “hypersonic hammered weekly”!!! yesterday 3 su 34 were hammered out of the sky.

Slave In Ukraini

if true, this still does not counter the fact that the patriot is an over priced hunk of junk. that does get crushed without much effort by the russian armed forces. causing the us to seek replacements from their slaves, i mean partners from around the world at 1+ billion a whack!


imho russia is playing too much nice guy with kiev. donetsk is still being shelled by ukraine, almost daily….since 2014! ukraine still claims to want it back after killing how may of its own people there? how many children? every time donetsk is shelled russia should shell kiev or a far western ukrainian town to make a point. all the west does os report this inaction/niceness as weakeness and as russia is losing.

Merica Watch And Learn

sure, but after such the west would have what they want. which is msm photo ammo to make russia out as the bad guys to the world. ukrainians are slavs, russia is not in the business of killing brotherly slavs. that is why they move slow. if this were another, russia would roll them over with its might. ex. nato

Merica Watch And Learn

i am puzzle as to why everyone in the west wishes for mother russia to show her might? if this day comes, i can assure you. it will be nothing but total destruction for whomever the receiving party is. russia is a super power and has never not been one. usa via msm spreads the lie russia is not…


are galicians slaws? are the jewish oligarch slaws if not then target them. if they are then why are they killing eastern ukrainian slaws for fun?

Ted Knowzitowits

the “galicia (eastern europe)” people surely are slavs by now, since they were annexed to kievan rus’ in the 10th century. a quick google search and wiki read will tell you all you need to know on this topic. wiki slavs is a good source and read as well, enjoy. have a great day.


germanistan “patriot$” got frazzled in keiv and elsewhere and so now jap patriot$ are to get chucked on the rump ukrapper dumpster fire…it seems onkel schmuel’s mic needs to get all its junk burned to bilk more dollahs from its tax cattle…but how can $lumvillians produce more wunderwaffle$ with no industrial base worth mentioning? perhaps they can outsource their “patriot” and sundry pentacon scrap weapon$ to the dragon?

Merica Watch And Learn

sure that is exactly the case. burn them all to hell then burden the us tax payer with the building of new units. which are no better than the ones already burnt. just to help prop up the failing us economy until the dam bursts. one would think the sheeple of usa would have figured this game out by now…

Last edited 1 year ago by Merica Watch And Learn
And The World Remains Silent!

no nato country is sending their best hardware over stupid! even the russians themselves, when exporting weapons, do not send their most advanced and latest military equipment, so why is such a shock or hard to understand that nato does not do it either? also there is nothing wrong with n.a.t.o. equipment, its the poorly trained ukrainians that is operating it. equipment is only as good as the person that is operating it!

Ted Knowzitowits

sure, it is always the other guy and the wunderwaffe of the west is in the cupboard, lol. i do not get your point at all. your statement is made only to mislead readers. 260,000 ukrainian men were brought to nato standards over 10 years with full western armaments. the proxy is simply losing!

Jens Holm

the japanese should send rice cookers to zelenska and thank the usa for the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki!!!!


now that u say it thay should send the patriots put the names of victims of the bombings and make them shoot down us awacs over the black sea.


depends if japanese or ukrainians are to man them. if the latter it will make no difference cause they have them allready.

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