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Can Turkey Help The Palestinians Militarily?

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Can Turkey Help The Palestinians Militarily?

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Written by Damir Nazarov

In connection with the ongoing genocide in Gaza, in early August, Turkey joined the judicial process initiated by South Africa against the Zionists. The UN confirmed Ankara’s move. The Cold War between Turkey and the Zionists is gaining momentum, but can such a conflict go beyond diplomacy?

At the end of July, speaking to AK Parti members in Rize’s hometown, Erdogan pointed out that “If (we) become stronger, Israel will not be able to do what it is doing now in Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we can do the same with them.” The Zionists responded by recalling the fate of the infamous dictator Saddam Hussein. Experts seriously wondered why the Zionists reacted so nervously to the words of the Turkish president?

Observers found Turkey’s contradictory position in the economic direction. It was in this area that Erdogan and his party were reproached for not fulfilling their promises. We are talking about trade with the Zionists, when the head of Turkey called for an end to such trade, but not everyone responded to such a call. The Turkish energy company is still promoting Zionist terrorism, and other exporters have come up with ways to bypass direct trade altogether. And journalist Bekir Shirin noted the sale of weapons to the Zionists. So far, no one has been arrested or even fired or stripped of their license for trading with Zionists. Thus, Turkey continues to trade with the occupiers of the sacred land.

Another fact of Turkey’s indirect involvement in Zionist crimes was noticed by vigilant journalists from the daily newspaper Turkiye Gazetesi when they pointed out that “4,000 Turkish Israelis went to fight in Gaza, 400 of them came directly from Turkey, and the rest through a third country. Of these 4,000 people, 65 were killed and another 110 injured. It goes on to say that a total of “250,000 Jews in Israel have Turkish citizenship,” while “20,000 Turkish Jews with Israeli citizenship live in Turkey.” The article also mentions that “the participation of Turkish Jews in the crime of genocide is organized through licensed associations in Turkey and Israel,” and provides an interesting fact that “the general who runs the Iron Dome system has Turkish citizenship.”

Now if you look at the situation from the other side. The other day, the Zionist press claimed that after the deaths of Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh al-Aruri, Zaher Jabarin became a ”rising star” of Hamas. Zionist terrorists claim that Zaher Jabarin is responsible for the huge financial network he built with the help of the Turks. I would like to mention that in November 2023, two Turkish volunteers in the al-Qassam brigade, the Lebanese wing, became martyrs during a clash with the occupiers. Further, in April 2024, Turkish citizen Hassan Saklanan was killed by Zionists after he stabbed an occupier in the occupied holy al-Quds. Was Turkish intelligence aware of the readiness of the mentioned fighters for Palestine to embark on the path of martyrdom? One hundred percent, yes. Did MIT assist Hamas in its activities in Turkey? One hundred percent, yes. The conclusion is that there is a struggle inside Turkey between the pro–Palestinian and pro-Zionist directions. Such a hidden war affects not only the bureaucratic corridors of power, but also the sphere of economics and ideology.

Such a split is particularly evident in the ruling AK Parti, which includes people such as Ibrahim Kalin, who in his youth, as an activist of the local Islamic movement, translated the works of Imam Khomeini into Turkish and such pro-Zionist figures as this “adviser” Erdogan. A similar situation is observed in the ranks of the main opposition, the CHP.

To summarize. Despite Erdogan’s traditional populism on the Palestinian theme, his words about the readiness to send troops to occupied Palestine are similar to the truth. Firstly, compared to 2014, times have changed, the region has not been the same for a long time. Today there has been a strong shift towards the influence of the Axis of Resistance. Secondly, we are witnessing the rise of the Chinese role* in the region, and here it is worth recalling that Turkey is the most important strategic partner of the Republic of China. Now let’s imagine a certain equation, China – the Silk Road, + Turkey, + long-standing ties of certain Islamic-oriented figures of the Turkish establishment to Iran and + ties with Hamas, the output is = a large probability of Turkish troops entering to help the Palestinians.

*- China has been a long-time ally of the Palestinians since the Cold War.


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bullshit. turkish people are,so tired of economic situation, hight enflation. mostly people dont care filistin because they are hungry in turkey almost a civil war starting because people dont want arab refugees they says arabs stealing their jobs and working for lower wages 1 month ago at kayseri district there was a civil war but no politics wants to undetstand turkish people israel is the biggest econony partner and most of the business men are from erdogans party akp

Moshe The Dunce

that was in regard to syrian refugees not palestinian


…because israel is turkeys biggest business partner as you say turkish people tired of economic situation and high inflation.

in other words: since the beginning of the so called partnership whith israel, israel is taking your bread an bullshitting in your throat.

israel has nothing to make business with. all they do is deceiving and stealing. what turkey get for it’s almost for free goods from israel? yes a throat full of bullshit.

Shit in ur mouth

israel is bullshitting in your throat


learn own words you pice of little shit.


if turkish people are go to the streets like england it will not finish like england will be so much bloods on the streets


you are a jew in turkey and you want it that way. but first of all, when it comes to that bloodshed: we know your places…


turkey is belong to the turks. my place and my dick will be in your mothers arab pussy


you just fucked your own mother you jew bastard. because you are blind of eating jew shit. if turkey belongs to the turkeys so tell me only one company in turkey that is not jewish.

i respect your proud you little shiteater. but it is true that the jews have infiltrated you. just look what your goevrnment is doing – the exact opposit of what its saying.


nobody can trust turks, they’re probably the closest thing to jews, in a way worse because they do not even have loyalties to fellow muslims.


turkey is run and ruled by zionists. erdogan is official a member of the masonist club in turkey. even his member number is public.


no thats wrong. the people are only opposed by parasitary jews. they have bound hands and are afraid of standig up. just like almost everybody in these times.

Skip 59

follow the money, all wars are bankers wars. the world’s money is controlled by jewish bankers, george soros family fortune as well..! money buys political power, armies & even countries..!

Miguelito Escobar

interesting question 🤔 the question will be, is israel really committing genocide or is just an orchestrated plot by more than one state involved?

Miguelito Escobar

i think is a little too late for anything to save. 😠

Turkey is a joke

the red triangle in the palestinian flag was designed as a symbol of the arab revolt attact against the ottoman empire(turkey). the red triangle in the palestinian flag was designed as a symbol of the arab revolt attact against the ottoman empire (turkey).

Turkey is a joke

filistin bayrağındaki kırmızı üçgen, osmanlı devleti’ne karşı başlatılan arap isyanının sembolü olarak tasarlanmıştır. bu üçgen, arapların osmanli devletine saldirdiklarinda türklere karşı döktükleri kanı temsil etmektedir. yalan mi ?

Tarihi oku pic

dış destek: şerif hüseyin’in liderliğindeki araplar, britanya ve fransa’nın destek sözü alarak isyan etme cesaretini buldular. bu dış destek, isyanın başarılı olmasında önemli bir rol oynadı. sykes-picot anlaşması: araplara bağımsızlık vaat eden britanya’nın, savaş sonrası osmanlı topraklarını paylaşma kararı (sykes-picot anlaşması) da arapların isyanını tetikleyen bir faktör oldu. bu durum, arapların ihanet hissi yaşamalarına yol açtı

Tarih oku pic

dış destek: şerif hüseyin’in liderliğindeki araplar, britanya ve fransa’nın destek sözü alarak isyan etme cesaretini buldular. bu dış destek, isyanın başarılı olmasında önemli bir rol oynadı. sykes-picot anlaşması: araplara bağımsızlık vaat eden britanya’nın, savaş sonrası osmanlı topraklarını paylaşma kararı (sykes-picot anlaşması) da arapların isyanını tetikleyen bir faktör oldu. bu durum, arapların ihanet hissi yaşamalarına yol açtı

Raptar Driver

that would be amazing if they actually did that. nato will be dissolved. drive them fake jews into the sea.


in turkey crypto-jews are all over and deep in institutions like finance, military, science, media etc… they would sabotage turkey so fast.


i would say in a whole of turkey, there’s maybe twenty percent of real men and women still alive, at least give palestine weapons.


70% of israel energy is delivered from azerbaijan and kazakhstan (muslim countries!) and the pipeline goes via turkey (protected) to israel, one ultimatum is enough to force israel to withdraw from gaza and west bank, but of course these 3 f.. ing will never ever do that, look at the egypt, only a small move from it’s military is enough for the withdrawal of israeli military from gaza etc but egypt rather takes the money from us, this is a play and many countries are involved in that!


erdogan just playing games just like with russia. he just wants the west to sweeten his deal a bit so he feels better about not doing anything about gaza.


bayrakta bulunan kırmızı üçgen manası nedir bilir misiniz ?

1.dünya savaşında bağımsızlıklarını ingilizlerin yanında,türk askerlerini öldürerek almışlardır.

ve o kırmızı üçgen döktükleri türk kanı anlamına gelir.


filistin bayrakta bulunan kırmızı üçgen manası nedir bilir misiniz ?

1.dünya savaşında bağımsızlıklarını ingilizlerin yanında,türk askerlerini öldürerek almışlardır.

ve o kırmızı üçgen döktükleri türk kanı anlamına gelir.

do you know what the red triangle on the palestinian flag means?

they gained their independence in world war i by killing turkish soldiers on the side of the british.

and that red triangle means the turkish blood they shed.

alfonse pedisto

those are not real jews. they are imposter ashkenazi, zionist and are not of semetic origin. so get rid of israel altogether, let palestine take back their own country and run it like a proper muslim state, ahul us sunnah wal jamaah ! none of this shia organizations. just quran ! but we all know they nato u.s. will never let it happen. don’t forget turkey secular gov abolish calipha. mustafa kamal ring any bells?

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