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MARCH 2025

Canada’s Foreign Minister Proposes Regime Change Operation In Russia

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Canada’s Foreign Minister Proposes Regime Change Operation In Russia

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Russian authorities want clarification from the Ministry on whether this is the guidelines given to Canadian diplomats in Moscow.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Increasingly, blackmail and direct threat become the main mechanisms in Western foreign policy towards Russia. Recently, Canada’s Foreign Minister said that her country hopes to overthrow the Russian government, suggesting that Canadian intelligence would be planning some kind of maneuver to destabilize Moscow through a regime change operation. The case is further evidence that on the part of NATO’s powers there is no sign of respect in bilateral relations with Moscow.

The threat was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Mélanie Joly. According to Joly, only “isolating” Russia would not be enough for the West to achieve its goals, which is why she expects something more disabling to be launched against Moscow. Joly believes Russia should be attacked economically, politically, and diplomatically, so that it becomes absolutely unable to continue its operation in Ukraine. In this sense, she also hopes that, as a consequence, the Putin government will be overthrown, and he and his allies will be considered guilty of war in the future.

“We’re able to see how much we’re isolating the Russian regime right now — because we need to do so economically, politically and diplomatically — and what are the impacts also on society and how much we’re seeing potential regime change in Russia (…) The goal is definitely… to weaken Russia’s ability to launch very difficult attacks against Ukraine. We want also to make sure that Putin and his enablers are held to account (…) I always make a difference between the regime and the people of a given country, which is fundamental”, she said.

As expected, Canadian animosity was praised by the leader of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime. Vladimir Zelensky came to media to express his support for Joly’s irresponsible words and ensure that Kiev is working in the same direction, seeking to encourage international society to further sanction Russia, especially concerning aluminum and steel – sectors in which Canada recently imposed new sanctions. The goal is to increase coercive measures until Moscow eventually becomes unable to continue fighting.

“We are also working to add new sanctions against Russia (…) Recently, Canada took a significant step by expanding sanctions on imports of Russian aluminum and steel. I thank Canada for this decision – for this signal to the international community”, Zelensky said.

Obviously, the Russian reaction to the Canadian minister’s words were severe. On social networks, Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokespersons commented that Canadian elites encourage a pro-drugs and anti-family liberal agenda in the country while supporting the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, thus showing the obvious difference both in moral values and political principles between Russia and Canada.

“Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly declared regime change in Russia foreign policy goal of Canada… officially (…) Sorry to see the ruling liberal clique having subdued Canada with decadent anti-family, pro-drug & support for Ukrainian Neo-Nazis agenda”, spokespersons published on the Ministry’s official Twitter account.

In the same vein, the Russian Ambassador in Canada responded to the Minister’s words by stating that he was “perplexed” with her speech, and asking for clarification on whether she guides the Canadian embassy in Moscow to work for a regime change in the country.

“Quite perplexed to hear from Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly that her goal is ‘regime change’ in Russia. Is this how she instructs the Canadian Embassy in Moscow? (…) And by the way, what reaction would we expect if, for example, someone in Moscow had said that Russia’s goal is ‘regime change’ in Ottawa?”, he said. In another occasion, he also emphasized the popularity of Russia’s government, saying: “What Joly or other decision-makers in Ottawa don’t want to recognize is that the current Russian policy is supported by the ultimate majority of the nation” – the goal apparently was to respond to Joly’s statement that she makes “a difference between the regime and the people of a given country”.

It is not surprising that the Canadian state acts this way. In practice, Canada works much more as a 51st American state than as an independent country – and, as well known, the US is currently at a proxy war with Russia. However, the case shows how relations between Russia and the West are deeply broken, close to a point of non-return. It is absolutely unacceptable for a state officer to publicly affirm that she plans to carry out a regime change operation in another country. This is a serious and frontal threat that could justify various retaliatory measures on the part of Russia.

Regarding sanctions, the strategy of “suffocating” Russia has already been failed due to the resilience of the Russian economy. It remains to be seen now whether Joly’s words are only bluffs or if the US-Canada (and allies) axis will actually encourage some kind of “color revolution” in Moscow in the coming months. Knowing the threat in advance, certainly Russian intelligence will act in a preemptive way to avoid any mutiny.


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Subjects of England’s monarch should change their own regime and stop using pencils (which easy to erase) at elections and post voting before barking at others. Ah, this mighty Canada, who are you to say something against Russia? Nothing, zero, nil, afro-american (ex-black) hole on political map. “Who are you to f***ing lecture me?” as Lavrov said to Miliband. Melanie, go to kitchen and cook a soup, your kids are hungry.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон

Arguably the worst of the Five Eyes Team Degenerate. Smug, rigid, ignorant, self-righteous and completely subservient to imperialism. https://yvesengler.com/2017/02/24/ottawa-helped-overthrow-africas-most-popular-leader/

When elected representatives are openly calling for the overthrow of the Russian government, it’s war.


That’s why they selected foreign minister of Canada to pronounce this crap – nobody take her seriously/ No need to bark, if you have a dog (english saying, not literally, but close to the sense). In the same time it’s a signal like liberal-fascists love to say – “We sent a clear signal to…” They love to play on nerves with such inadequate and rude sentences. But if something goes wrong, they can punch a dog and say that poor animal did it by mistake – another favorite word. Iraqi WMD not found, but Hussein is dead — oops, it was not crime, not aggression, but simply mistake, kids are joking a bit in sandbox. These kids deserved new Nuremberg tribunal.

Chris Gr

Yes, because Stalin and Uncle Brezhnev never did “imperialism”.


Stalin has been deceased for seventy years, and Brezhnev for forty. You’re really obsessed with dead reds under the bed, Golden Shower Child. How are you coming with rounding up that enormous trove of Holodomor evidence that you claim exists?


What did he said? Can i ask moderators to not delete messages of other people except obvious trolls? Other way we are losing the thread of discussion. I doubts that Chris could say something new and shocking that wasn’t said previously by such russophobes like R.Pipes or A.Beevor. We can discuss any theme, if it’s serious and smart talk (not like Jensy).

Chris Gr

Stalinophobia actually and not Russophobia. Communism had the advantage to win in Cold War because they had many states and many peoples to support them but they lost horribly because all these communist states had minds like Clyde or the other Romanian idiot and the so called capitalist West surpassed them, because the West had healthy minds back then only. Now the West is in massive decline.


“Stalinophobia actually and not Russophobia.”

But almost every anti-sovetic hater of Stalin is also a russophobe. Coincidence?

Chris Gr

Neo-Stalinists are more retarded than original Stalinists. Neo-nazis are more retarded than original nazis. Neo-jihadis are more retarded than original jihadis.

Chris Gr

Hitler is also deceased for eighty years but you mention him all time.


Not deceased, Stalin killed him, led to suicide. And that’s good, very, very good. That’s why Stalin will stay in history forever – he stopped hell’s forces of nazist reich (~55 million victims, including germans) and fascist Japan (over 30 mln murdered people in China). And who sponsored nazis and rise of german industry after the 1st world war, do you remember? The same “healthy minds” that you mentioned above, nothing has changed these days, we just have more information. These “healthy minds” put economic blockade on USSR with refuse to take money and even gold for industrial good so needed to prepare for incoming War. Stalin started preparations in 1932, a bit later then France started construction of Maginot line (late 1920s). Grain was selected as the only instrument for pay. This led to hunger in 1932-33. By the way, hunger is golod, and holod is cold. That’s for you to understand how false this lies and how stupid people looks when repeat this lies. It was constructed not even by hohols, but by “healthy minds” like A.Beevor or R.Pipes. They also lied about 2 million raped women in Germany, while a) there is no such data in archives; b) modern research of Miriam Gebhardt from Germany shows real data about rapes committed by anglo-american and french forces, and it’s much higher. Beevor and Pipes cover their own sins with dropping the guilt on others as western MSM and “historians” do often, like Litvinenko or Scripals hoax. Same with hunger in 1932-33. 1.It was not only in Malorossia, but in Volga region and kazah steppes. 2.You can find photos of hungry kids among other “proves”, but this photo was shot in 1920s in the US as few other photos. In the same time (early 1930s) hunger is happened in the US, people had no money for food and farmers burnt and sunk tons of grain, because nobody bought it. Roosevelt created labor armies consisted millions people for soup and 2 or 3 dollars daily. Now say something about GULag. Again, for your understanding, this how it spelled right, not “gulags”, because GULag is the building in the capital — the General Administration of Camps. There were no prisoners at all, just officers of stuff. Number of prisoners under its direction was lower then number of prisoners in the US now (3 mln people, more than in China or India, it’s almost 1/2 of all prisoners in the world). Private companies can hire prisoners of private prisons, this is business their owners.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
Chris Gr

Gangsters also kill other gangsters. That doesn’t mean that they are not gangsters. Nazi, Stalinist, Japanese and Maoist totalitarians all created massive casualties and human suffering. Of course, the West is not perfect and in fact it is in decline, like Spengler has said. And you are correct, Kazakhs also suffered. These kooky totalitarians were responsible for millions of deaths of their own citizens and then they fractured into several factions and were fighting each other. There are so many prisoners in the US because the US is a heaven for many criminals and drug dealers. China is not. China also executes many criminals so there is fewer prison population. By bright minds, I don’t mean the politicians only but the common people. Americans left the cowboy mindset and created something good and now they reverted back to that cowboy mindset.

Chris Gr

Probably these fruitcakes support the mental deranged Harry and not the real monarch in UK.


You’re a fan of the “man who would be a tampon”? But how could you not be, Golden Shower Child?

Chris Gr

Who is the man who would be a tampon? Such gutter words. lol

Michel F.

Mélanie Joly is just a cute little thing without any power whatsoever. Think of her as a Canadian Kamala Harris (but with cuteness on top). Before that she was minister of Canadian heritage, in other words they didn’t know what to do with her. Just a lapdog and a mouthpiece for Trudeau, Trudeau himself being a lapdog for God knows who. He couldn’t point Russia on a map even if you hold his hand.

The western political class is the worst we have seen in decades.


“Think of her as a Canadian Kamala Harris”

Thanks for clarifying. This is even worse than I thought.

“Trudeau himself being a lapdog for God knows who.”

At least he has funny childish socks. Not so funny as Boris (the clown of London and the drunkard from 90’s), but still. Such people leading us to nuclear war, and this is not funny anymore.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
Michel F.

Personally I would vote for Mélanie Joly just based on her smile. I’ve stop expecting brains in the political sphere a long time ago. BTW, the word ‘Joly’ comes from ‘jolie’ in french, which means ‘cute’ or ‘pretty’.

Haven’t look at Trudeau’s socks but I can tell you he’s in politics because of his family name. His father was Canada’s Prime Minister for a very long time and he left a deep imprint on the country. Some would say for better, some would say for worse. At least his father held the line against the US from time to time. Justin was some high school teacher. The Liberal Party needed some figurehead to get into power and they went looking for him.

The problem we have in Canada is we don’t have anything better on a national level. Tells you a lot about the actual state of politics here.


I read “WEF Young Global Leader” on her forehead. She is as “cute” as Jacinda Ardern, who served as a neoliberal dictator in New Zealand to kill and steal for the globalist “elites”.


Canada’s Foreign Minister is a stupid and stupid cunt, how stupid do you have to be to make such statements


Norwegians and Canadians are the most vicious of all of these parazytes. They are hiding behind US.


How to understand a threat spelled by clueless spineless selected pussy that just read a script? Is it supposed to be threatening, ridiculous, funny or appaling? What to say about the script writters who hide in the shadow to avoid having to take responsability for their “scary” bad words?


Putin needs to convince the Russian people that he embodies the spirit of mother Russia, hence any opposition to him either foreign or domestic is an existential threat to mother Russia. Unfortunately the propaganda apparatus and control of the press may enable him to succeed in this effort.

The Russian people need to remember Putin’s clique of oligarchs acting out their playboy life styles around the world on super yachts. Is this the man for whom you are sacrificing your sons?

The Russian offensive has collapsed. The Kremlin can’t deal with this truth.

Let the mothers and grandmothers eat their soup and bread with their sons and grandsons, not with memories of them being sent to die for despotism.


I live in Toronto !! WHERE IS CANADA ?? what is canada ?? WHO IS CANADA ??


If they could, they would. But they can’t, so the only thing they can do is cry and rage.


There must be a target group in Canada for this sort of goofy propaganda.

Michel LeBlanc

No its to show uncle sam were kissing ass.


Moscow and China among others should work for a Regime Change in Canada. That country is really lost….


According to the Five Eyes media, the Chinese installed Li’l Magus Trudeau, just like they say that the Russians installed Drumpf.

Chris Gr

Trudeau is a globalist tyrant. Trump was kind of patriot but with many flaws.


Trudeau is a place-holder installed by handlers to keep Canadians trapped in their absurd belief that they live in a progressive, middle-of-the-road democracy. Drumpf is a simpleton real-estate con-artist likewise installed by handlers, but to run nationalism off the tracks in the United States.

Chris Gr

You are not wrong on these statements but you are still basement dweller.


100%, the Canadians have deserved the Regime Change in their beautiful country


And what will we get? Useless waste of resources, if not to change regimes in Washington and London. Ottawa is addition to their policy.

Chris Gr

The peoples of the so called Anglo-American world are engrossed with neoliberalism so they won’t change the political environment. They can only put either left-wing populists or right-wing populists in power, hoping for more things to be done and also less corruption but the system from behind is the same.


True. But regime change never happens from inside, it’s always inspired from outside or at least has significant support of foreign powers (private or state). And new regime can be even tougher with sponsors than previous one.

Chris Gr

Russia and China still are in the UN and World Bank and stuff like that so they support the capitalist system despite being anti-US.

Chris Gr

But, like I said above, the West and the capitalists in general won the Cold War because they had better minds and better peoples. These fruitcakes, who you see that comment here, mostly flourished on the Eastern Bloc as ruffians. The West back then had some values at least, despite being capitalist. Now these ruffians flourish in the West, because the West is becoming degenerate. And these people are not ruffians anymore but incels or basement dwellers and stuff like that. On the other hand, the emerging powers of the world want to progress. In the new Cold War the new USSR has become the USA and the new nazis are the Antifas and the radical Islamists.


There is no such thing as “the west”. There is only the United States empire and its vassals in Europe, the Antipodean colonial settler states, and the Asian satrapies like Japan and South Korea. There was a single value in the US empire, and that was conquest of anyone and anything. The Nazis remain the Nazis, that is, capitalist power recreated through the mechanism of the state. The US has always been a fascist enterprise, but it was so rich that it was able to deceive its citizenry and a vast swathe of the global population. The Americans and British created and own the “radical Islamists”.

Chris Gr

Fascism is a movement of the middle class not the rich. When the middle class gets angry because it has lost its previous power, it becomes fascist.


Radical islamists are sponsored by western powers, they killed more muslims than westerners or zionists directly. ISIS or JAN (“Nusra”) is their tool for dirty job, same as wahhabi terrorists in 1990’s in Caucasus. Wahhabism was raised by England 100 years ago for uprising in Osmanian empire and for separating Suez + Persian gulf emirates from Turkey. Both regions became England’s colonies for ~40 years. Western oligarchs helped NSDAP to rise and industrialize Germany after WWI. They fed Rhine DMZ, Austria, CZ (1/3 of german tanks was produced by “Skoda” plant in Czechia) and later Poland to nazis for creation of common border with USSR for attack. Same Poland that refused USSR’s proposal to give a corridor to Germany to fight for CZ, because Poland was influenced by London like by Washington now. Poland also annexed small part of CZ. The US, Canada, Vatican and “Red Cross” helped thousands nazist criminals to escape in 1945. Now they are sponsoring nazis in Kiev again. If you take a look at modern movies of Germany, they still have sympathies to sHitler and hate the Red army, i.e. Russia. Scholz proved it with words that Germany has no more historical guilt, because Russia is daring to slap ukronazis. So new nazis are the same old nazis from 1930-40s. Another proof – failed ukrostate project is officially the heir of so called Ukr.People Rep. led by S.Petlyura/M.Grushevskiy and banderite reichskommissariat under german occupation. They denounced legal inheritance from UkrSSR (one of 15 republics of USSR), so they are officially the same nazis that we fought in 1941-45. SS captain Shuhevich is their “hero” as well as terrorist Stefan Bandera. SS is prohibited in modern Germany, but they are arming, training and healing banderites then and now, so they are same nazis too. And Japan is the same fascist, xenophobe Japan as previously, with the same regime of emperor and rule of one party (Lib-Dem.Party of J.) for decades. They are under anglosaxons since 1860’s (Meidji restoration), the only difference — England was their main sponsor in first half of 20 century. Japan attacked us in 1904, and 2 times in 1930’s. Now they are rapidly raising they military budget again, building aircraft carriers and buying 400 “Tomahawks” which can deliver nuclear charge.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
Chris Gr

You are partly wrong. Radical Islamists are supported by many countries that weren’t pro-US, like the Erdoganist Turkey or the Islamist regime of Bashir of Sudan or the Khomeinist Iran or even the secular regimes of Assad and Saddam. The war in Ukraine is not only about nazis and stuff like that, because all of the countries there are so called “democracies” now. It is about influence and the push of America for domination.


Like Schwab of WEF said they penetrated the government of Canada. The corrupt stooges in the Canadian government are no different than the corrupt stooges in all the Western governments. The Ziomafia banking parasites have enslaved Canada to the tune of 2.9 trillion in debt ensuring that Canadian, their children and grandchildren will be forever slaves to these Ziomafia parasites. The puppets placed in government are there for their low IQ, narcissism and ability to nod and follow orders. There’s not a single politician in Canada that is not a corrupt stooge. The prime minister has 8% approval rating and while one ought to be brain dead to support this charlatan or his crew of incompetent buffoons, the vast majority of Canadians do not agree with them.


Canada don’t exist, it’s indian territory.

Last edited 1 year ago by jorge
Erik Nielsen

Putin is not the only one who need to be replaced. Xi also need to learn how to behave as he has no clue about managing a country under free market conditions.

The Chinese were all smiling and happy with their lives before the Hitler Xi regime banned all public smoking houses where the Chines could get free love and smoke a pipe in freedom.

If I were Canada and a Coalition of the Willing I would start a land war with China to teach China a lesson. This is my 2 cents.

Captain Hohol

I would pull Russian diplomats from every country that spoke this way about Russia.


Canadian politicians will say anything – anything at all – to win the voting support of Canadians of Ukrainian descent. Many of those Canadian-Ukrainians are children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Ukrainian Nazis who fought for Hitler in WW2.


Chrystia Freeland, a high ranking member of Canada’s government, is one of those Canadian-Ukrainians. Her grandfather, from the far western provinces of Ukraine, did media work for the Nazi SS Units who were committing genocide during WW2.

Her grandfather used his Ukrainian newspaper to recruit and organize Ukrainian men who functioned guards and executioners at the many Nazi death camps established in Eastern Europe during WW2. Many of those Ukrainian SS men also performed executioner duties at the massive massacres such as Babi Yar, among others. Clearly the grandfather played an important role in those WW2 crimes against humanity.


The only question now is, at what age did Freeland become aware of her grandfather’s true identity and past. It’s disgraceful. Tragic. But that’s what’s happening in Canada these days.


Considering that Chomiak was smuggled into the country and basically hidden on a farm outside Edmonton, I think Freeland must have been aware at a pretty young age. Her uncle or brother-in-law, I forget what the relationship is, is a Ukrainian-Canadian “historian”. It’s high comedy to see these people try to log-roll the full-blown ultra-fascist nature of Ukrainian nationalism. The fact that they are allowed to send their kids to “Plast” Bandera scouts in Canada and the US is nuts.


Chomiak (or Homyak) is a hamster in translation from russian language. You can easily recognize a hohol by his funny surname, because almost every second has name like frying pan (Skovoroda), prop a mountain (Podoprigora), dismal (Suprun), ratty (Pasyuk), fur hat (Kuchma).


It’s a pidgin Russian.


Even worse. Pidgin version is result of mistakes and bad knowledge, but hohols know rus.lang very well, because they are ethnic russians and this is their native language which they are trying to bastardize, because poles and austrians taught them in the end of 19th century with repressions and via finds like Soros’ foundation of present day. Same with belorussian variation. So common pidgin has no vile intentions at its core, ukro/belorussian pidgin has, because this is separatist and russophobe project, part of informational war. It was my point of view even before maidan, and i’m not affected by actual events, they just proved what i knew before.


Armed with hockey sticks, a band of brave Canadians will storm the kremlin to overthrow Putin.


Canadians took their shot in Russia over 100 years ago and left with their tails between their legs.


Outlook: We will see many Western politicians dancing on the end of a rope in near future. Not many people will feel regret. Most people won’t miss the neoliberal mass murderers, leeches and scammers which populate Western governments now.

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