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Capital Socialism: The Great Socio-Economic Experiment

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Capital Socialism: The Great Socio-Economic Experiment

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Note by SF: This article was written by our esteemed author David Cohen. This is an interesting analysis of the situation in Germany, but it is also true for many other countries in the West. The author rightly and very accurately notes the current state of social and economic relations, the dynamics of their development and how they will affect the image of the future, what is often called the “dream society”.

Let us make a few comments on behalf of the SF team. The carefree existence of 80% of the population of the society of capital socialism is possible not so much as a result of a dangerous monetary policy that leads to creeping inflation, and possibly hyperinflation, but due to the fact that the countries of the so-called “blooming garden” of Borrel still have the opportunity to exploit the population of the rest of the world, absorbing their life time and the natural resources of their territories. The current problem of the sharp drop in the standard of living in the Western countries is largely due to the decline of influence in their colonies. The conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Serbia, Ukraine are designed to preserve and expand this influence at any cost. Therefore, from our point of view, the actual model in which Germany, Great Britain and other Western countries live is a surreal mixture of the model of capital socialism, which dear David Cohnen writes about, and ordinary imperialist capitalism, which Marx wrote about.
It seems that the minority, which governs Western society, does not seek capital socialism, but a modern utopia of a new feudal type, and capital socialism is only an intermediate form of their goal.

Written by David Cohnen

In a remarkable reversal of traditional ways of thinking, a country known for its educated and intelligent population has created an entirely new socio-economic reality – capital socialism. This seemingly strange system aims to fuse the fundamental dynamics of capitalism and socialism and opens up fascinating discussions about the relationship between work, reward and society.

The terms “capitalism” and “socialism” have always been embroiled in intense discourses, often emphasizing contrasts between individual success and collective prosperity. But in the age of capital socialism, these contradictions are placed in a new context. In this novel paradigm, the population falls into two clear categories: the wealthy 20 percent and their accomplices who revel in capitalism, and the remaining 80 percent who live in socialism.

The elitist minority and their accomplices, who manifest the capital-socialist, benefit from the possibilities that capitalism offers. You invest entrepreneurially, think and strive for material success. Here, the gold of the free market shines as luxury and extravagance become the norm. This select group and their helpers reap the rewards of their economic activities and play a central role in sustaining the economy.

But the real novelty of capital socialism lies in its relation to the majority of the population. The remaining 80 percent of the people enjoy some form of socialism that has never been seen before. This system allows them to pursue their creative, intellectual, and personal inclinations without the financial worries that usually accompany a non-working lifestyle. They receive an income that is higher than that of those who choose the traditional route of work.

As if capitalist paradise wasn’t already anchored in its own strange dimension, the government has decided to take the extravagance one step further. With a drum roll, they present their newest mission: capital socialism to the whole world! Why limit yourself to the national stage when you can offer the dazzling concept of global wonder?

Yes, you heard right! The capital-socialist government, whose bold experiment is viewed with raised eyebrows by large sections of its own population, wants to conquer the world. They plan to persuade others to also enjoy capitalism for the elite and socialism for the remaining 80 percent.

But what exactly is the bait they are casting to ignite this worldwide capitalist movement? Well, it’s a mix of intrigue and a touch of madness. The government advertises that the country is the perfect paradise for those who don’t feel like working. Professionals, hobbyists and people who just want to enjoy their existence – all are welcome to inhale the scent of doing nothing in this enthusiastic capital-socialist oasis.

The nice thing about it is that it is up to the newcomers themselves whether they want to plunge into the sacred art of working or whether they want to enjoy life in full idleness. The hope of attracting new talent is presented in a context so tongue-in-cheek it’s hard not to grin. Who needs the burden and toil of a job when you can bathe in the warm rays of capital socialism instead?

The global expansion of this concept is eagerly awaited. Will capital socialism be as popular in other countries as it is in this incomparable country? Will global citizens come on board to escape their work and the compelling lure of “why work when you can chill?” to give in?

Either way, the capital-socialist government has laid the cards on the table and the world can prepare for a new era of socio-economic adventure. Indeed, who wouldn’t want to live in a country where work is optional and the pursuit of doing nothing is an accepted philosophy of life?

Capital socialism thus turns the conventional scale of values upside down. It rewards inactivity in ways hitherto unknown and encourages citizens to pursue their individual interests and passions without being overwhelmed by the need to make money. At the same time, those who remain actively involved in the workforce face an unfamiliar inequality. Financial recognition for their efforts is overshadowed by government support for those who don’t work.

The world is watching with curiosity this daring socio-economic experiment. Will capital socialism be a sustainable model or just a temporary anomaly? While the elite bask in the splendor of capitalism and the rest of the citizens enjoy the perks of modern socialism, a few questions remain: How will the work ethic be affected? Will innovation and productivity thrive or stagnate? Will anyone be working at all anytime soon?

In the amazing twist of history, capital socialism has a real shill problem. People from all over the world are almost magnetically drawn to this wonderful country. However, it must be stressed that many of them don’t exactly excel as luminaries in the intellectual and professional ability league. Don’t worry, the state has a heart for them and generously offers the option of state support, which a very large number of them accept.

The capitalists, those gifted entrepreneurs and masters of money-making, initially welcomed the wave of immigration. After all, every new citizen brings additional sales. But this is where it gets tricky. Over time, there is a staggering oversupply of money while the supply of labor becomes scarce. That means only one thing: work will be expensive. And that, in turn, causes our beloved capitalists to start getting restless.

But where does this money come from, which the state donates so generously? Well, to finance all these great comforts and doing nothing, the capitalist state took out a lot of credit. Yes, you heard that right, loans! It’s like using your credit card to shop in high-end boutiques without worrying about the monthly bill. As long as the party’s on, why worry about the bill?

There is only one small problem: These loans also lead to a devaluation of the money. It’s like sending the value of money down a slide to nowhere. Soon, a few euros for a coffee will be worth a speck of dust in the desert. But who worries about that when you can instead enjoy life without work and financial worries?

The capitalists have hatched an ingenious plan to keep their business model going: They demand subsidies from the socialists. “Without this financial help,” they threaten, “we will pack up our know-how, our capital and our yachts and disappear.” The ultimate threat: capital socialism becomes socialism. But not just any socialism, no, a socialism that leaves a totally impoverished 80 percent population while the capitalists take the wealth abroad.

It’s almost as if the capitalists have cracked the secret of capital-socialism: “If you need socialism to keep your capitalism alive, then maybe it’s time to think about who’s really pulling the strings here.” But well, who needs money and success when you can have a little piece of paradise in the form of capital socialism instead. Sometimes it’s just hard to have the best of both worlds, especially when you’re stuck in a mountain of debt and the money will depreciate faster than a lottery ticket you forgot to turn in.

Irrespective of the long-term effects, capital socialism is undoubtedly a fascination of modern society. He reminds us that the limits of what is conceivable can always be redefined and that many surprises still await us in the changing world of economic and social systems.


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this article is confusing.

the only government worthy of being called capital socialism is the cpc starting with deng xiaoping’s presidency until xi jinping’s. germany’s social capitalism and that of the eu as a whole is more on and off, starting in the 1910s, had ‘a little break’ during the 1930s and 40s, gained momentum again after the 1940s while currently it’s in decline yet again.


you must live in an ivy tower, while the rest of humanity sleeps on the streets


if you want fair capitalism , try edward demming’s total quality managment. the us corrupt welfare state is headed for disaster. national socialism worked but you won’t hear that from joo media. communism never worked, it is a joo system of evil oppression. eu socialism is doomed as teddy roosevelt said “when people find out they can vote for a raise, the economy is doomed to fail”. most theories are pipe dreams from people who rarely worked, had to balance a budget or supervise workers.

jens holm

i agree and many other as well.

capitalisme in best is best to the price . its not legalized plundredeng. it should be stopped my´do nt know why.

at something cant. also dennish hopitals and most of the healthare thedicine included ahr the as stat as the only owner.

jens holm

that state usource most thing thing from buildi ng at totilet paper. the privatecompanaies the thas to to compete.

the that results are there. we are better then usa system and to less thet half price. thats .

most facts are 100% free too and taxer paíd. we dont have a lot of non needed inssurence the many lawyrsc in courts . the are there are not there. thy have descient job.

very much is about monopols and divide and rule – i think.

Demons > Humans

what humans fail to understand: – being a liberal does not mean leftist. – politics and religions should be avoided, for a better, more peaceful future. – the world isn’t so black and white, it is way more complex.


both are systems of control. anything that is part of the establishment is by default a system of control. democracy was not subverted just in 2020, it was never real to begin with.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
jens holm

i will not real it.

i starts the road sign missing several directions. most structure things are in central and decentllised version too.

fx it very were thown nazisme and commisne in some aspects are very semilar.

White Gandalf

the reason for “bürgergeld” is not a new form of social organization. it is rather a method of suppression of revolts against the blatantly stupid idiots running the government.

by excluding those who are opposed to the current politics of the government from participation in shaping the society, they create potential for a revolt. but by giving those people a “base income”, they douse such potential hazards to the level where the desire for changing the situation vanishes.


zbohom zdravý rozum.


the system described in the article capital-socialism is simply another diversionary title for the so-called agenda2030 of the davos group the brainchild of the privately owned and controlled – mostly by jews – central banking system. no that system aint gonna work, unless they can defeat russia, iran, china, syria, venezuela …. and take control of their resources which are trying right now.


yes those fucking shitholes must be destroyed!

Ali Bongo

>russia, iran, china, syria, venezuela

what makes you so sure that they aren’t involved? rouhani studied with jack straw. kissinger and putin are friendly.


socialism has failed miserably…even china uses capitalism nowadays…


world needs leninist form of socialism nothing else.

Ali Bongo

ah, lenin. the man who executed boyscouts and deported ballerinas and created modern ukraine. no.

Edgar Zetar

the half wise, always divide lesser humans using propaganda in two polarized and antagonistic views. usa is the best example, the democrats during obumba the puppet tried to disguise their empire pretending to be socialist with medicaid and universal income salary while well disguised underground the empire tried to expand the israel wall to the east (west vs east) and push over middle east, guess didn’t work as expected. gog and magog still have to fight.

"R" Addison

is this not the use of petty – bourgeois inclusion, rather than the use of the word term photocracy?

Ali Bongo

ideology can never replace values.

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