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MARCH 2025

Captured Turkish BMC Kirpi Vehicle Spotted In Moscow (Photo)

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A BMC Kirpi Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle captured from Turkish-led forces in northwestern Syria was spotted in the Russian capital of Moscow. A commentary to the photo that first appeared on Russian defense site Lostarmour.info says that it was made on March 13.

During the past years, Turkey supplied its ‘moderate proxies’ in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib with various weapons and equipments in mass. Many of these weapons and vehicles later appeared in the hands of al-Qaeda-linked groups operating in the region because ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘al-Qaeda’ are often the same in Greater Idlib.

The interesting fact is that Anakra has almost provided Idlib groups with a very small number of BMC Kirpi armoured vehicles. BMC Kirpis are mostly used by Turkish troops for their patrol missions and other operations. So, the captured vehicle recently spotted in Moscow may have been abandoned by Turksih troops that were victoriously running away under strikes of the Syrian Army.

Captured Turkish BMC Kirpi Vehicle Spotted In Moscow (Photo)

Click to see the full-size image

The Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle Kirpi is designed and manufactured by BMC for the needs of the Turkish Ground Forces. It features an armoured hull which provides protection against armor-piercing rounds and artillery shell splinters. The V-shape bottom portion provides protection against grenades and land mines.

The Kirpi features shock absorber seats and interior accessories, a GPS system, rear view camera, and an automatic fire suppression system. The vehicle has five firing ports and four bulletproof windows on each side of the troop compartment as well as a shielded position for the gunner on the rooftop. Depending on the modification, the Kirpi can be armed with a 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun or remotely-controlled weapons stations. Passengers enter and leave the troop compartment through a hydraulically operated ramp at the rear of the hull. The Turkish Army employs these vehicles for operations in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.

Kirpi specifications:

  • Mass: around 16,000kg
  • Length: 6.0-7.075m (depending on the version)
  • Width: 2.51m
  • Height: 86m
  • Crew: 3 + 10-12
  • Maximum speed: 100km/h
  • Operational range: 800km


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Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Turkeys are like Saudi scum and now new IEDs will be hitting them soon LOL

Lone Ranger

Always good to study what the other side has. Standard proceedure.

Ashok Varma

Turkey is a very primitive third world country though. Russia is a top military technology power. It is still India’s largest supplier of military hardware.

Lone Ranger

Thats true. But you should never underestimate anybody.


You just said F-22 and F-35 are full of Chinese CPU’s LOL


F-35 is full of shit. Period. At least the F-22 is capable of flying.

Ricky Miller

For vast amounts of cash. It averages $40,000 an hour maintenance between flights. Twelve of them were lost in a hurricane in Florida two years ago because they couldn’t fly out to safety because of backlogged maintenance, because the squadron in question had exhausted their maintenance budget for the fiscal year and were waiting until October 1st, the next fiscal year start, for maintenance. It’s a great plane but in a major war with a capable enemy it won’t be much of a factor after the first four or five sorties because the airframes will all be on the ground (and vulnerable) waiting in line for a turn at maintenance.

Alberto Garza

the f-22 and the f-15 ar the best planes of the world .

Lone Ranger



They can’t make full CPU’s for their phones yet, GPU of Kirin is made in UK

Lone Ranger

It seems Pentagon thinks otherwise…

Gücsög Kis



In the article, the president of the Chinese company brags that the cpu has parts compatible with the AMD Excavator from a 2015 version, well at least they are honest.

Wayne Nicholson

No one has demonstrated whether a flying computer is an advantage or a disadvantage in warfare.

I’m not sure I would be happy having to bet my life on billions of lines of code executing flawlessly hundreds of times a second during a battle. Being confronted with the blue circle of death while customer supports asks you tried turning it off then turning it back on again at 40,000 feet while doing a high G manuever would get on my nerves.

I’m not sure that having omnipotent situational awareness trumps a week of maintenance between sorties when the other guys is just concentrating on getting ordinance downrange as thick as possible.

Time will tell.

Assad must stay

What does that have to do with this? What he said is still true

Kemal Büyük

Keep shitting in the streets. World affairs are not for you.


LOOOOL!!! Because Donmeh Erdogan is doing so well in international affairs recently!!! Today absolutely everyone hates Turks! Now, I don’t hate turks, but you got to admit that Erdogan is doing a superb job at turning every nation against Turkey. And as for shitting in the streets – it is still a lot better than what your government is doing, because they are shitting on human rights on multiple accounts, they are shitting on turkish soldiers by using them as cannon fodder, they are shitting on turkish military uniforms by allowing Al Qaeda scum to wear them, they are shitting on diplomacy and losing, they are shitting on every turkish citizen by wasting the nations wealth, reputation and manpower in wars that don’t benefit anyone in the long term. Self-reflect before you try to ridicule others…


Shut up dude, if you have really seen people shitting at Alang beach orshores of Ganga river during daybreak and get that smell , you would not be talking out of your ass here.


Ahh democracy is working well for you.


An indian street shitter is blaming others to be primitive 3rd world class countries while his countrymen scraps absestos filled vessels at smelly Alang beaches for 10usd/week. One must look at the mirror before writing such comments , unbeliavable…


Best way to find the weak spots is to let the nerds go over it with a fine tooth-comb. Then they can inform the Syrians exactly where weak spots are…

Concrete Mike

16 tons!!! What a pig, must drive like shit!

Joe Dickson

That is why the US military left most of its MRAPs to Iraqi security forces. They are not conducive to mobile warfare. It is for occupation armies.


They do drive like shit. I’ve driven something very similar. God help you if you miss a gear on a downhill.

Ashok Varma

Turkey has fared very poorly in Syria and has exposed its military vulnerabilities and global isolation even from its supposed NATO allies. Russia has handled Turkey like a circus monkey.

Assad must stay

100% true and confirmed


It probably helps if you don’t insult, yell and call your friends and allies Nazi’s all the time. They might be more inclined to help if you treated them nicely. Or have a reliable track record. This is a concept that that ass felching gaytard Erdogan (no insults to ass felching gaytards intended) just can’t seem to comprehend.


I see Turkey got away with murdering a Russian pilot in 2015, backing ISIS terrorists who brought down a Russian airliner that same year (killing 224 Russian citizens), and more recently killing hundreds of Syrian and allied troops and a bunch of equipment. This is hardly a cowed nation. I see an arrogant, cocky, aggressive terrorist state itching for a fight and confident in its ability to win a conventional war with Russia. Otherwise, Turkey would not behave in this manner.

Turkey wants a big chunk of Syria and will not give up without a fight, a fight they expect to win. Sure, Turkey would like to achieve their objectives without a fight, but they are more than willing to get into one, even with Russia, if they have to. What Turkey is NOT going to do is back down. You people all have your heads in the sand just like you did 2 weeks ago.


Nice Nice.

Assad must stay

Should not have supported shithadisrs torki


Russians are still trolling Erdogan – lol!


Why great great russian technology needs to examine war machines of other countries ?

Because nothing changed in Russia in last 100 years , nuclear tech stolen from the Yanks via Rosenbergs , German war tech stolen with operation Soviet Alsos. These peasants even stole furniture and curtains from German homes in Berlin, what else you can can expect from them ?

Legis Legis Juscius

hehe nothing to steal from your backward countrie, soviet even invented rocket equasion formula, radio, satelites, first planetary ”drones”, first space station, first man in space….This will go to war museum, in Moscow there is syrian war museum of all kind of equipmet


Nuclear tech stolen from Yanks , rocket science stolen from Germans. Big, bulky, neglecting human life and adequate safety measures. Thats soviet tech , love.

And taking Vuran ( not Kirpi ) to Syrian war Museum as you claimed , although it was taken from Libya..

When your beloved Russia is insulted you really get out of control, dont you ?

Legis Legis Juscius

im stating obviuous facts, look how many things russains invented, also US tried to steal a lot of USSR tech youtube.com/watch?v=dPz7O8JgUhs&t=6s

Gücsög Kis


Legis Legis Juscius

Yanks stole nuclear tech from germans, and rocket science also, are you to stupid to understand whner von Braun?who he was and which country captured him?


Dear , I dont remember telling that did not stole bits and pieces of German war tech. Anyhow they took it far more then the peasant Ruskies did.

Legis Legis Juscius

what about you?what turks have invented?Genocide against crhistians and thats all…tell me waht you have invented in the first place to even be ablo to tal about this stuff?


Whataboutism at its best.

Just I told you , when your beloved Russia is blamed you all get mad. Why is that ?

The ‘christians’ whom you claimed to be genocided , are the masters of genocide, just like Russia.


You Little facist gimp,its your incest hitler who was the cause of all the crap,just like the nazis pushing ye demented screwges to displace and also murder! How fkn pathedic are you incestive disorderly kweers absolutely dumbed as hell!


Soviet tech exists,what does germany have or usa nowdays without any former scientists in the equation,see kweer you low iq bots don’t understand success bred success,its not in thev invalidity of degenerate kweers you see,flogged!

Legis Legis Juscius

the US stolen most of Germany technologies, atomic bomb, v-2 rocket system for Wernher von Braun

V. Mecki

Why great great russian technology needs to examine war machines of other countries ?

Normally it is not for copy reasons, except in China. Sometimes it is very helpful to take of the blinkers and look, how other engineers are solving a problem. You will get new ideas and perhaps you can reduce developing costs.

Lone Ranger

I guess thats why the U.S. and EU is buying Russian rocket engines worth $billions… Thats why Russia built and runs the core of the ISS(Mir-2 config). And thats why Russia is taking U.S. astronauts to the ISS… You crying here only proves Russia is far ahead. ;)


Supposedly meaning us propoganda,stalin started the research in 1942 cccp had the first atomic enegry powerplant which is more than anyone can say for your very brave (sic) usa atomic bombing japan after surrending weapons to the soviets,mind you and besides germans stolen lots of stuff from peasants our of desperation as opposed to the soviets whom brang home a symbol of victory to remind familys of the glory they had over your incestive dementy sic facists whom you adore like the sht you worship n its cakehole ye low iq stinker,you got nothing

infact can’t even get close to the fastest supersonic passenger jet tu-144 over mach 3 verified! you only have to look into todays powerhouse whom or which of whom only proves societs were always ahead other than ships which by the way never won on land get it,flogged! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88180e070af251dab6622a4dda4d737d02b9903d8a1fb9b66434fb7c184716d7.jpg


Nah it’s just a war trophy and maybe for target practice. Russia has far better MRAP’s than this Turkish junk.

Rafik Chauhan

Russia will see every corner of this vehicle and find the weak point to destroy. Then Russia will pass this weak point to SAA so they can destroy this turks vehicle easily with RPG or grenade


MRAPs are boring. Just ask the Houthis. The South Africans developed them for a low-intensity bush war with landmines, not for conventional conflict, where they are out of place. Even 30mm goes straight through.


The sultan wants his vehicle back!

Saif Imam

Put it in for Garbage disposal duty.

Saif Imam


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