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MARCH 2025

Car Bomb Attack In Kabul: At least 63 Killed, 151 Wounded

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At least 63 people were killed and 151 others were wounded as a result of a car bomb attack in the Afghan capital of Kabul on January 27, according to media reports.

The bombing took place in the central part of Kabul where embassies and government buildings are located. The car bomb reportedly exloded near the former buidling of the Afghan Interior Ministry.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far. However, most likely it’s the Taliban or ISIS.

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Pave Way IV

No worries. CENTCOM has some kind of new, improved scheme in the works for US soldiers to train the unmotivated, incompetent, under-equipped Afghan Army. An army which exists for one reason only: to protect the thoroughly corrupt, failing, US-puppet Afghan government that most people in Afghanistan hate. Western democracy at its finest! Hey – this time will be different.

I think we’re finally done training the child-raping, corrupt Afghan police, so Afghanis with young children may want to enjoy their freedom in some other country (preferably one the US hasn’t ‘liberated’).


I hear ya Pave. We seem to treat everything like it is a McDonald’s franchise set up. It has all the look and feel of a never ending circus. The difference is that in a circus, when disaster strikes, they don’t give out medals. I wish well to you.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They create an army of special elite Afghan troops for the CIA no bigger than 20,000 who commit massacres protect drugs etc.They leave local militias and police under equipped and poor communication and coordination to deal with these terrorists and Taliban then you wonder why they are losing. The US needs to keep the country in flux in order to steal it’s resources for pennies.

You can call me Al

Looks like the Yankers are losing Kabul; gee – who would have thought it ?.

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