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Cargo Ship Attacked In Northern Indian Ocean Is Not Israeli One

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Cargo Ship Attacked In Northern Indian Ocean Is Not Israeli One

The previously Israeli-owned CSAV TYNDALL is seen sailing near the port of Pireas, Greece, on January 15, 2021. (Screenshot: YouTube)

The cargo ship that was attacked in the northern Indian ocean on July 3 has been identified as the Liberian-flagged CSAV TYNDALL.

Many sources, including the al-Mayadin TV that was the first to report the attack, claimed that the ship was owned by an Israeli firm. This claim turned out to be inaccurate.

CSAV TYNDALL was previously owned by the London-based Zodiac Maritime which is owned by Israeli billionaire shipping magnate Eyal Ofer. However, earlier this year, the cargo ship was sold to JPMorgan Chase investment bank which leased it to the Danish Maersk Line.

The ship was possibly hit by a missile. Despite sustaining serious damage as a result of the attack it continued its journey and it is currently anchored at Jebel Ali Port in the UAE.

Israeli defense sources told the N12 TV that they are checking if Iranian forces were behind the alleged attack on CSAV TYNDALL.

Sources with knowledge on the incident told the al-Mayadin TV that the attack on the cargo ship might be related to a sabotage attempt that targeted a building of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) in Karaj city, near the capital Tehran on June 23.

Israel and Iran have been exchanging sabotage attacks for a while now. The attack on CSAV TYNDALL was likely just another episode of this covert war.


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Arch Bungle

jew owned. thats good enough. pop the champaign!


Sold to jpmorgan chase can imply anything. Any number of methods could be created to obscure true ownership.


From one zio terrorist jew scumm owned cabal to another… SSDD… Same Shit, Different Day.


JP Morgan is as evil as Goldman Sachs, so this is great.


Many are Liberian flagged,that doesn’t mean the Israelis don’t on it.

A clown like you

Yeah, that’s why you wait for more info as I said, before running around like some stupid kids here saying pure BS about events they don’t even understand, A.K.A Nazi Dane and Indian cow piss drinkers.

But I still do want to know what that ship was carrying and to whom. Also, like most of the people here point out, “ownership” of cargo ship is fuked, it is hard to even know which country own which cargo ship. “Most merchant ships flying Panama’s flag belong to foreign owners wishing to avoid the stricter marine regulations imposed by their own countries.”

Jens Assholm

Retard, India had 25% of world GDP as in 1700s but Anglos and Jews from London plundered them thoroughly, Britain robbed India of some $50 trillion during 200 years of occupation. Toilets? They can use you mouth just like your yankee and jewish masters, you have no other purpose but to suck butts.

A clown like you

“Running around like some stupid kids here saying pure BS”

I’m wasn’t joking…what are you even saying, nothing but pure BS.

Shylock Yid

Yids cry the most when they lose money. Good job who ever struck the money lenders.


Kikers God is money, this will cause a lot of pain lol

Americunt Losers

No by Danish pimps.

Jens Assholm

Blind retard, we know you can’t write but you can’t read either you absolute imbecile: “the cargo ship was sold to JPMorgan Chase investment bank which leased it to the Danish Maersk Line.”

Btw. Entire Denmark is owned by Jews, you’re just a brainIess cattle. Actually, a cow is 100x more worthy (and more intelligent) than you slave PoS.


Iranians obviously do not keep up with maritime registries.

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