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Casualties Reported Following Turkish Shelling On Northwestern Hama, Southern Idlib

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On January 2, Turkish forces and their proxies shelled settlements near the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

Early in the morning, Turkish-backed militants shelled the town of Jurin. The town, which is located in the northwestern Hama countryside, hosts a large military camp. Russian troops are situated there. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the militants’ shelling wounded two civilians, including a child.

Casualties Reported Following Turkish Shelling On Northwestern Hama, Southern Idlib

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Turkish-backed militants also targeted a civilian van parked in the eastern outskirts of Jurin with an anti-tank guided missile. Nobody was injured or killed in the attack.

Meanwhile, in the southern countryside of Idlib the Turkish military shelled the town of Saraqib. The town situated on the Damascus-Aleppo highway (M5) and the Lattakia-Aleppo highway (M4).

These attacks are a blatant violation of the Turkish-Russian agreement on Greater Idlib, which was signed on March 5. The agreement was meant to stabilize the region.

The Syrian Arab Army and its allies usually respond to such violations by shelling militants’ positions in the southern Idlib countryside. However, this tactic has failed to deter the militants and their backer, Turkey.

Turkey has not been taking active actions to discipline of Greater Idlib militants. On the contrary, Ankara appears to be supporting the militants’ provocative behavior.


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Now what would turkey ever gain from a few worthless mercenaries compared to russia + eurasia, Don’t insult intellect,of course deep state wants low iq dumbasses to believe motive,except we ain’t:


greed….. and Ottoman ambitions is Turk horizon of “understanding” of the future….nothing to be stolen from Eurasian project, thus less interesting for Turkey…..Turks want it all ! Cake and eat it too….to become Empire on detriment of every-bodies interests and to pretend to be false “allay” only when it suits their interests…


Well Putin must know that,i still can’t understand what his long game is.

Fog of War

” i still can’t understand what his long game is. ”

Occam’s razor states he doesnt have one, but I doubt it. Pootie poot is playing his part just perfectly.


if we “can’t understand what his long game is” than at least that game is not transparent and that is basic pre-condition for any good game. One thing is sure, Aikido approach was dominant in the past. They wait for an attack, to react swiftly and use aggressive energy of enemy against him. It is actually more readiness for any situation… than a specific plan. More like clear direction than concrete objective. Till present day we “can’t understand what his long game is” than at least that game is not transparent, and that is basic pre-condition for any good game. One thing is sure, Aikido approach was dominant in the past. They wait for an attack, to react swiftly and use aggressive energy of enemy against him. It is actually more readiness for any situation… than a specific plan. More like clear direction than concrete objective. Till present day, Russia is reacting on actions of other actors, than imposing her game. Still military base in Red sea is clear direction where Russia is heading. To be world power… not only through nukes, but as well established global power solidified in her status beyond any doubt, with her regions of influence. It is process that takes time.


You are correct. Timing is everything and the arrogance of a hubristic foe is best absorbed until the overreach of the arrogant becomes their downfall.


It is true to say I think, that every empire has been detrimental to the citizens of foreign lands. All nations have already got enough citizens of their own ‘who steal from their neighbours’, without any need for the thieves of a wannabe empire :)


Surprise suprise,this won’t change until there is a full scale Syrian Blitzkrieg to stop this bloody nonsense.

Icarus Tanović

I really think so, but we are repeating our selves.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks actually shelled a gathering of SAA personnel at Saraqib but there’s no info on what the SAA were doing, maybe they were getting ready for an assault perhaps? I linked a report a few days ago telling us the Turks blocked the M4 highway near Arihah with cement blocks, which means the Russian/Turkish joint patrols from Sariqib must be on hold for now, unless they travel to Idlib first and then come back south to Arihah to start their joint patrols, which is the long way around. 3rd December was the last Turkish patrol of the M4 and the Russian’s didn’t participate in that patrol, and before that we had more solo patrols from Turkey on the 8th and 1st of October and the 15th of September, but we have to go all the way back to the 25th of August to find the last joint Russian Turkish patrol. They started joint patrols on the 15th of March but the first one had to be cut short, so they weren’t off to a good start were they, and then they got 5 months of constant protests, road side IED’s, rocket and mortar attacks during their joint patrols, and now we’ve had 4 months of solo Turkish patrols, so someone’s definitely got the bad end of the bargain. But strangely the M4 is safe enough for the Turks to use all the time, they use it to reinforce their positions, establish new checkpoints and OB posts, and also make the occasional solo patrol, so why isn’t it safe for the Russians to use, at least on the parts of the highway the Turks control?

Rhodium 10

Please dont be naive…Putin allow that Erdogan save his face in Idlib because otherwise a defeat in Idlib compromised Erdogan sultanate…and Russia need the airspace of Turkey to supply its troops and not be dependent of Iraq because at any moment can be there a war between US forces and Iraqi PMF and the airspace will not be safe… but above all there are an enemy worst than Turkish backed terrorist…it is the US looters troops ..which are financing SDF and ISIS ( Al Tanf) with stolen petrol…otherwise SDF and ISIS would now be a marginal force. or would no longer exist!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Please don’t be naïve, if things were the way you believed they were the Turks wouldn’t dare to continue to put Russian soldiers lives at risk by attacking so many of the locations Russian soldiers are present. Saraqib, Ain Issa, Tall Tamir, Tall Rif At, all these locations have a Russian presence and yet the Turks bomb these areas all the time, which means Putin’s derelict in his duty, Putin isn’t keeping Russian lives safe, he’s letting Erdogan put their lives at risk.

Please don’t be naïve, if the US was really as much of an enemy to the Russians as you think they are, then why is it the Russians, the Americans, the Turks, the Iranians, and the US are all strongly pushing for the implementation of resolution 2254, only Assad himself is trying to avoid implementing the new political process that all the rest of them are pushing for. That puts the US, Russia, Iran and Turkey all on the same side with Assad on the other.

Please don’t be naïve, the US are currently making about 30 million a month from the stolen oil which is about 350 mill a year, but it costs the US 1.5 bill a year to stay in Syria, so the US are still losing 1.15 bill a year, great business venture isn’t it.

Please don’t be naïve, the US is no longer financing Isis or supporting them, Putin’s mate Erdogan is doing that now, I can still remember the Russians blowing up all those Isis oil tankers heading to Erdogan’s son’s oil refinery in Turkey, they were lovely photos and video evidence that the Russian’s supplied, Putin may have forgotten but some of us haven’t.

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