Category: Economy
Flood in Georgia, Bilderberg group in Austria, Britain recalls secret agents abroad, Albanian march in Makedonia, ISIS forced back thousands…
MERS is spread and 12 policemen killed in Afghanistan. The US under cyber-attack, newly-released letter 9/11, accusations in spying on…
Ukrainian authorities must bury their plans to get rid of Russia in energy sector. Royal Dutch Shell considers stopping the…
US plays on the “foreign field” and supports fascist regime. New victims of MERS outbreak, kidnaped staff of Tunisian diplomatic…
Tragedy in Nigeria, massacred Shiite recruits in Iraq, Malaysian “Boeing” hit by Porshenko’s regime, Pope waits Putin, Ukraine will not pay…
Wow: Almost every indicator having collapsed over the first 6 months of this year, market ‘pros’ just act as though…
THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: George Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush was one of the financial backers of Nazi Germany Some of Prescott Bush’s…
No changes in World Cup 2018/2022 and sanctions against Russia and Crimea, China increases influence, MERS Outbreak in South Korea,…
Ukraine has always been a powerhouse of agriculture, it’s been called the breadbasket of Europe. The rich soil and its…
The two ports are linked by the Baikal-Amur railway which connects to the Trans-Siberian railway in Sovetskay Gava and Vanino in the Far…
At night aggressive people in masks demolished the tents of protesters on Maidan. This was reported by activists on Facebook…
More than 100 protesters were hurt by police ahead of a G7 summit in Germany, as thousands gathered to decry…
A Ukrainian court has arrested 46 real estate objects owned by group companies of businessman Dmytro Firtash’s “Ostchem”. This news…
The inflation rate in Ukraine was recorded at 58.40 percent in May of 2015, State Statistics Service Of Ukraine has reported. Inflation…
Today in Kiev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has danced for Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in order to get financial…