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MARCH 2025

Category: Media


Facebook officially joins the ongoing campaign against alternative media THE TEXT BELOW ORIGINALLY APPEARED AT INFOWARS.COM ON OCTOBER 27, 2017 (source):…


Originally appeared at Zero Hedge In a blog post this morning, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey explains why the social media company is banning…


The Ukrainian Embassy in the US published a promotional piece titled “Standing Up With Ukraine Today Will Invest In Security…


Originally appeared at RT A group that claims to be fighting against Russian propaganda and “fake news” is asking a…


Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review A special ‘thank you!’ to my Director of Research, Scott, for…


Al Jazeera, the Qatari-owned international news network, admitted on October 9 that it had installed an undercover reporter inside pro-Israel…


The hysteria concerning Russian involvement in the US Elections doesn’t seem to stop. Despite having apparently hacked everything and everyone,…


An 8 year old Syrian girl Bana Alabed presented her book “Dear World: My Story of War, My Plea for…


On October 3, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq released a video showing two Russians – Roman Zabolotniy and Grigory Surkanov…


The Russian Foreign Ministry has released a statement providing a Russian look on the British-French initiative to counteract terroristpropaganda online (source): The…


Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark; Originally appeared at Global Research “Unauthorized disclosures of classified information have become a cancer which…


The mainstream media (MSM) and pro-militant media outlets and activists have launched a new propaganda campaign against the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance…


By investigative historian Eric Zuesse. Who is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and…


Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at paulcraigroberts.org In the United States, facts, an important element of truth, are not…


Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky; Originally appeared at Global Research A CBS news article published in 2011 entitled “Social Media Is…