Category: Americas
Originally appeared at ZeroHedge With oil surging to a six month high after a now confirmed report that Trump will…
On April 18th, the Russian Embassy in the US released a report in answer to the “RussiaGate” investigation, recently concluded…
Originally appeared at ZeroHedge The FBI on Saturday announced the arrest of Larry Hopkins, the leader of an armed militia…
On April 19, US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus came with a statement supporting the decision of the government of…
Written by Stephen Lendman; Originally appeared at Global Research Days earlier, Trump said a third summit with North Korean leader…
Written by James Petras; Originally appeared at The Unz Review Introduction Over the past half decade, a small army of…
The White House has revealed that President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Monday to Libyan National Army (LNA) Commander-in-Chief…
This map shows the approximate locations of US, British, Chinese and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis &…
A visual comparison of Chinese, US and Russian strategic bombers.
A new militant hotbed is brewing in the Central Asia. On April 18th, Colonel-General Alexander Manilov, chairman of the Coordinating…
US President Donald Trump was reluctant of expelling Russian diplomats after the alleged Novichok chemical attack of Russian ex-spy Sergey…
Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared on It is depressing to observe how the United States of America has…
Originally appeared at ZeroHedge Attorney General William Barr said during Thursday’s press conference that while there was no collusion and the White…
Written by Manlio Dinucci; Originally appeared at Global Research Everyone against everyone else – this is the media image of…
Between April 12th and 17th, the US targeted the so-called “Troika of Tyranny” of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua with sanctions….