Category: UK
Written by Finian Cunningham; Originally appeared on Irony is dead when British state media controllers accuse Russian news outlets RT…
On December 23rd, British Prime Minister Theresa May gave her Christmas message to the armed forces. In her address, she…
On December 12th, a debate took place in the British House of Commons regarding the Institute of Statecraft (IfS) and…
British reconnaissance ship HMS Echo has entered the Black Sea. Aaccording to photos released online, HMS Echo transited the Bosporus…
The Anonymous have released another batch of documents shedding light on some of the project’s activity, published on the Cyber…
On December 10, UK Prime Minister Theresa May addressed the House of Commons after the canceling the parliamentary vote on…
British media, as well as the MI6 security services refuse to allow anybody to forget of the alleged Skripal case…
This map shows the approximate locations of US, British, Chinese and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis &…
Sometimes it seems that maisntream media outlets are just pulling their stories from Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere or some other parallel universe…
On November 5th, the Anonymous released a number of documents which they claimed relate to the British “Integrity Initiative” propaganda…
On November 14th, Wired published a story about the UK’s 77th Brigade, which deals with information warfare, written by Carl…
March 29th draws nearer for the UK to officially leave the EU. The first ever departure from the European Union…
UK intelligence was aware of the plan to murder Jamal Khashoggi three weeks before he entered the Saudi consulate in…
While the mainstream media and the Western diplomacy continue blaming and shaming China and Russia for their alleged “militarism” and…
The British Armed Forces are training for a massive cyber attack on Russia in case of the military conflict between…