Category: #IRAQ
The Iraqi army has been reportedly deploying floating bridges in roder to link the government-held eastern part of the Iraqi…
The US Armed Forces are increasing their military presence in Iraq. The US Armed Forces are increasing their military presence…
Iraqi police troops managed to kill about 20 terrorists of the Islamic State group near the Tal Afar airport in…
A squad of women of the Islamic State terrorist group has tortured to death a 10-year-old Iraqi girl for the…
The Islamic State terrorist group continues to try to use boats to carry out attacks on the Iraqi Army and…
The French daily «France Soir» released an article doubed “Mathieu Morant «Etat islamique et chars d’assaut: comment les djihadistes emploient leurs…
IMPORTANT: Amazing footage of #Iraq‘s Hashd decimating a Da’ish force of more than 40 militants near Tal ‘Afar. —…
This map shows the military situation in Iraq on February 1, 2017.
The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have launched a fresh advance east of the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, targeting terrorists along the…
A US Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter landed near the village of Mak’houl in al-Jazeereh region controlled by ISIS terrorists on January 28,…
Over 50 members of the ISIS terrorist group has been killed by the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in a failed…
Several millions of dollars of the Islamic State terrorist group have been stolen by a commander of the women’s battalion,…
At least 60 terrorists of the Islamic State group have been killed during clashes with the Iraqi Forces in the provinces…
Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have liberated 6 villages – Musaltan, al-Awad, Tal Shanan, Obaidi, Arab…
According to spokesman for the Iraqi Defense Ministry, more than 50 percent of terrorists of the Islamic State (IS) group…