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MARCH 2025

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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The escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the on-going protests in Belarus and deadlock in negotiation process on Eastern Ukraine: the European region is witnessing unprecedented deterioration of relations between Russia and the collective West. This vector is rooted to the mid-2000s, when the Russian Federation embarked on the way out of neo-colonial dependence on the United States and the Euro-Atlantic elites. Since that time, relations between the two parties have deteriorated consistently and steadily, passing through regular acute crises, like in 2008, 2012, 2014.

After 2014, the issues that served to demonize the image of Russia among the Western population emerged every year. They were logical, and their goals were clear: the formation of the image of a dangerous external enemy in order to unite the Western population and distract it from ongoing sociopolitical crisis.

The shift in the relations between the two sides that we have seen since April 2020 differs significantly from previous crises. A series of events led the parties to a sharp fierce confrontation, and even calls to unleash an armed conflict are heard from the leaders of several countries.

In April, against the background of the SARS COV-2 epidemic, Russia was accused of using the coronavirus crisis to increase its information pressure. These accusations were accompanied by an ongoing scandal about the fictitious intervention of the Russian Federation in the U.S. electoral campaign, which is gaining momentum as November approaches. Russia was accused of organizing and supporting the BLM protests in the United States in order to destabilize the situation before the Presidential elections, despite the fact that Moscow does not receive any benefit from the ongoing unrest on the other side of the Atlantic, unlike local American actors interested in destabilizing the situation in the country and reducing the popularity of the incumbent President. (LINK)

The unfounded accusations have led to strict censorship of all significant media that represent alternative point of view different from the Western mainstream agenda.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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Recently, Russia has been accused not only of interfering in the affairs of other countries, but also of “wrong domestic policy”.

Vladimir Putin’s campaign for amending the Constitution, which strengthened the country’s political construct and also legalized the alternative path of development that has emerged in Russia over the years after the collapse of the USSR, received wide coverage in the Western media. (LINK)

Months after the adoption of the amendments, the European Parliament does not lose hope to dissuade Russian decision makers and influence the internal sovereign policy of Kremlin. The alleged “illegality” of the constitutional reform is spoken of in the resolution of the European Parliament, adopted on September 17, which was regarding the situation in Belarus and around the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.

Against the background of all current accusations against Moscow, European parliamentarians call on the EU authorities “to demand from Russia to cancel or revise all laws that are not compatible with international standards,” the document says.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

Alexei Navalny

Despite the appeals to Kremlin to change its policy, there are active measures to support the non-systemic Russian opposition, which was clearly observed during the protests in Khabarovsk in July 2020 (LINK, LINK), and reached its highest point in the awkward case of the Alexei Navalny poisoning.

The fake story about Navalny’s poisoning by the Kremlin, and mainly the international hysteria that followed, in which Navalny himself has already been forgotten, once again emphasize the negative image of Russia, and in particular of President Vladimir Putin, both on the international arena and within Russia. (LINK, LINK)

The staged case of Navalny poisoning became one more pretext to renew a sanctions regime for violation of human rights, similar to the Magnitsky Act. The hysteria itself is nothing more than another attempt to suspend the Nord Stream 2 project. On the German side, the initial initiative to abandon the construction of the pipeline was expressed by the leader of the Green faction. Calls for an end to construction were heard in the United States, and were supported by a number of Western countries, as well as Ukraine. (LINK)

While Germany is paying a heavy price for its commitment to maintain the Nord Stream 2 project, Turkey is forced to dub up the supply of Russian S-400 air defense systems.

In addition to tawdry accusations, information warfare, strengthening of the sanctions regime, obstruction of any cooperation with Russia in the international arena, the Euro-Atlantic elites are moving to active actions that threaten not only Russian stability, but also security and sovereignty of its neighboring countries.

If their previous goal seemed to be the maintaining of frozen conflicts along the Russian border, as it was the case of Eastern Ukraine or Southern Caucasus, then current trends indicate the transition of these conflicts to a hot phase. An armed conflict near the eastern borders of the European Union or even in its own eastern territories is today a quite probable scenario, since it fully meets the interests of the globalist elites.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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I. The recent escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region is the symptom of the upcoming spread of armed conflicts around the Russian borders.

The transition of confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan into war phase posed a direct threat to all regional actors, including Russia.

On September 29, commenting on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Russia to shelve the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia independence and withdraw its troops from their territory.

Russia found itself in a complicated situation. If during the incidents that took place this summer, Moscow had the opportunity not to actively interfere in the conflict, today a real war begins, which leaves it no room to maneuver. It may seem that Moscow remains Yerevan’s main ally, despite all the measures of the Pro-Western Pashinyan regime. Still, in terms of Realpolitik, neutrality or even tacit support for Baku may be more beneficial for the Kremlin in conditions when Russia de facto does not have reliable allies, but has all-round political and territorial pressure backed by the collective West.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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Armenia’s foreign policy in recent years has largely undermined its ties with Russia. (LINK) However, today, when a dangerous threat hangs over Armenia, there are no more marches against Russian “occupying” forces held in Yerevan, unlikely it was a case a few years ago, when the groups motivated by the external forces actively supported the country’s independence from Russian influence.

“I draw the attention of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states and the entire international community to the seriousness of the situation. The beginning of a full-scale war in the South Caucasus, which is actually taking place, may have the most unpredictable consequences. It can go beyond the region and reach a much larger scale, threatening international security and stability.” – claimed Armenian Prime-Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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II. Following the war in the Caucasus, an escalation of the situation in Belarus in the near future should be expected.

It may take the form of terrorist acts organized within the country. The possibility of direct military action by the Baltic States or Poland should not be excluded. Organization, financing and management of opposition movement in Belarus do not have the only goal to overthrow Alexander Lukashenko from the presidency, but a general destabilization of the situation in the country according to the Eastern Ukrainian scenario. (LINK)

In order to maintain alleged adherence to international law, it is most likely that there will be provocations on the western borders of Belarus, rather than direct intervention. They can be organized along the border, or at border checkpoints. A similar incident already took place on September 24, when  Belorussian Mi-24 helicopters intercepted balloons launched from the territory of Lithuania. More large-scale provocations by NATO countries, the movement of troops within the borders of Belarus, or, for example, the opening of fire on the border checkpoints are possible. such provocations will be justified by the fact that the Western countries do not recognize Alexander Lukashenko as the legitimate president.

According to the current Belarusian agenda, the organization of terrorist attacks by the radicals is more likely. (LINK) This assumption is confirmed by the recent statement of the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin.

“So-called “fighters for a new Belarus” are trained in Poland, Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltic States with the participation of instructors from the CIA, the Pentagon, NGOs affiliated with the American State Department”

According to Naryshkin, the SVR was informed about the preparation of a “resonant provocation” in Belarus by the forces of local radical nationalists. The State Department has launched efforts to engage extremist elements to the protests.

“According to available data, the extremist opposition members, who are currently hiding abroad, plan a resonant provocation, implying one of the authoritative clergy of the Roman Catholic Church to be arrested or even injured or killed. This will significantly increase anti – government sentiment among Catholics and encourage them to participate more actively in street protests,” the head of the SVR concluded.

In recent days, there have been more calls on social media for protesters to use force against law enforcement authorities. Photos and personal information of members of the Belarusian OMON, who became a “target” for their compatriots, are shared with the public. (LINK)

Violence among protesters is on the rise. Aggression is already manifested not only towards the servicemen themselves, but also towards their families. The case when a Belarusian doctor refused to provide assistance to the 3-year-old daughter of a soldier captured the headlines. The cruelty that is now increasing among the Belarusian society was not acceptable even in wartime.

The real directors of these events, by creating another point of instability on the border with Russia, are trying to create a new lever of pressure on their geopolitical enemy.

Pro-Western Belarusian media, which are mostly located or funded from Poland or Lithuania, propagandizing cruelty and violence, are actively supported by the leading “democratic” European countries, and probably act on the instructions of the Euro-Atlantic elites. (LINK)

The Western countries, who fully support the opposition sentiments in Belarus, silently agree with calls to physically violence against Belarusian citizens serving in the law enforcement agencies of their own country. The tacit support for the growing violence in Belarus seems especially surprising, given that the liberal, “democratic” Western countries had assumed the role of global defenders of press freedom, fighters against propaganda. For the same reasons, in particular, an active campaign is being conducted against independent media like SouthFront, which has never called for violence during its entire existence, and only pursued a pacifist agenda. (LINK)

The propaganda of cruelty and calls for violence, which are intended to destabilize the situation in Belarus, and as a possible consequence to undermine the country’s industrial potential competitive to European one, fit the neo-liberal agenda, which the Euro-Atlantic elites see as the only one to have the right to exist.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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III. The ongoing protests in Belarus and the artificially whipped-up hysteria on Navalny poisoning have a direct impact on the negotiation process on the de-escalation in Eastern Ukraine.

On September 9, there was another breakdown of the peace initiative. Once again, Kiev quite deliberately put an end to the peace initiative, exposing to the DPR knowingly unacceptable conditions for its implementation. On September 10, the Ukrainian military opened fire on the OSCE inspection who arrived at the separation line in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Apparently, Kiev’s goal was to hide the new positions that they had erected near a strategically important facility – the Northern Donetsk-Donbass water conduit, allowing them to control water supplies for the entire region.

The negotiation process on Donbass has actually been stopped. There has been no progress for several months now, and the situation doesn’t appear to ameliorate until the US presidential election in November.

During this time, the Ukrainian side is asked to do everything possible to freeze the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. For this, various levers of influence are used. The information agenda of the Ukrainian media focuses on the cultural and economic transformations of the “Ukrainian Donbass”. This agenda is promoted through the TV channel “Dom”, specially created for broadcasting in the DPR and LPR. Kiev always has the ability to disconnect the republics from joint networks and resources of water supply, electricity networks, gas pipelines.

In parallel, a powerful propaganda campaign is being conducted, accusing Russia and the republics of disrupting the negotiations. Probably, under this pretext, Ukraine will demand the transfer of negotiations from Minsk to one of the EU platforms.

Ukrainian political elites are looking forward the candidate from Democrats Joseph Biden to win the presidential elections in the United States, who is already helping the Ukrainian regime in the fight against Russia in various ways, and promises to significantly increase the support.

Kiev, backed by the American Democrats, is aimed at disrupting the negotiation process, since this primarily prolongs the sanctions regime against Russia.

The United States is also interested in prolonging the current “no war, no peace” situation in Donbas. Washington do not encourage Ukraine to launch an open offensive against the DPR / LPR, which may end with the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the loss of its territories and destabilization in the country. But, at the same time, they suppress any attempts to finally end the war through the partial implementation of the Minsk agreements.

If the collective West is still preserving the semi-frozen conflict on the territory of Eastern Ukraine, in Nagorno-Karabakh, it has already been transferred to the stage of war, and probably, a similar fate awaits Belarus. Highly likely, the escalation of an armed conflict in Ukraine will finish this chain reaction.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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The Euro-Atlanticists have already carried out preparations for the conduct of the offensive actions near the borders of Russia. Against the background of all of the information campaigns and active political actions mentioned above, the military units of NATO and the United States are being redeployed closer to the Russian borders, which the world media do not find interesting enough to cover, unlike the poisoning of Navalny.

In June 2020, the United States decided to withdraw part of the military contingent (12 thousand troops) from Germany, some of which should be redeployed to Poland. This maneuver served as an unambiguous message from Trump to Berlin. However, such a “message” has more than one addressee. The redeployment of troops to Eastern Europe cannot remain without a reaction from Russia. (LINK)

The American presence in Poland is being strengthened on a regular basis, not only by the troops withdrawn from Germany, but also due to the transfer of the American Army units from the United States.

On August 15, the Trump administration announced that it is deploying another 1,000 troops to Poland pursuant to a new defense cooperation agreement signed on the anniversary of the victory of Poland in the Polish-Soviet war of 1920, which reflects the US intention to locate a string of strategic offensive and defensive military infrastructure along Russia’s western border, from Norway in the far north to the Black Sea countries in the south. (LINK)

In the Baltic States, reinforced battalion tactical groups of a multinational composition of up to 1,000 servicemen each were deployed. The American initiative “3 to 30” is being implemented, which provides for the readiness to use 30 mechanized battalions, 30 air squadrons and 30 warships of NATO countries within 30 days.

A new NATO Strategic Communications Center in Riga and a Joint Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn have been established to wage a large-scale information war. The main task of these structures is to disable the computer networks of critical facilities and infrastructure of a potential enemy – primarily Russia – by disrupting the functioning of government systems, financial institutions, enterprises, power plants, railway stations and airports.

The establishment and steady expansion of major military bases, logistics and operations hubs located along Russia’s western border is accompanied by an increase in strategic long-range strike exercises and drills involving bombers and submarines operating alone or jointly with other NATO countries or non-NATO partners such as Ukraine and Georgia.

The strengthening of American forces in Eastern Europe comes against the backdrop of statements about the withdrawal of military contingent from the Middle East, as well as from Afghanistan. Trump’s campaign aimed at ending America’s participation in “endless wars” in different parts of the world, apparently does not exclude the outbreak of a new conflict, which is likely to take place in Eastern Europe.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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All of the issues mentioned above emerged during less than six months. Such dynamics of deterioration in relations between the collective West and Russia have not been observed over the past 30 years, since the end of the Cold War. This only suggests that the military-political leadership, primarily the United States and NATO elites, is deliberately undertaking activities that can be characterized as preparations for unleashing an offensive war.

  • Indeed, there are outreach activities aimed at creating and consolidating the image of a dangerous external enemy.
  • There are economic measures aimed at weakening the enemy; consistent political measures are also being taken to deprive the enemy of allies and destabilize his political system.
  • There are ideological measures aimed at vulgarizing the enemy’s way of life and way of thinking.

This policy can be explained by the challenges that the Euro-Atlantic bureaucracy and globalist elites face today.

They are worried about possible disintegration processes in Europe and are forced to confront the threat of Donald Trump’s re-election. Their position is complicated by the fact that they have proven their inability to offer the world, or at least “the golden billion”, a model of socioeconomic development that could help in overcoming the global financial and economic crisis.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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The hysteria they initiated around SARS-COV 2 brought them tactically positive results in the form of additional profits of more than 200 billion for big pharma, additional profits for high-tech corporations. The crisis atomized society, thereby creating the most favorable conditions for strengthening the digital dictatorship. It created persistent phobias among a significant part of the Western population, primarily among those who share the liberal values and values of the post-liberal world. These phobias fit perfectly into the model of a unique isolated personality, in other words into that post-human format described by the concept of transhumanism.

Even so, the globalist elites failed to fully achieve their goals. In particular, they did not gain dominant influence in the national systems of the world’s leading States and did not completely suppress the will for real, not virtual, freedom among the population of Western countries.

The situation in the world system has returned to the state where the most effective scenario for achieving their goals is the initiation of a regional armed conflict.

For this purpose, the necessary image of a terrible external enemy has already been formed – a conservative Russia oriented towards traditional family and collective values.

At the same time, it is important to prevent the transition of a regional conflict to a global one. That’s why unleashing a war with Russia seems unlikely. Ideal “sacrificial lambs”, those who can be spared to be burned in the coming conflict are the countries of Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and the Ukrainian regime that joined them. The global leading players assigned the role of cannon fodder to these countries. Judging by the foreign policy of these same countries, they strive for it by themselves.

These countries have already been repeatedly playing the sacrificial role earlier in history and always with an obvious result: the loss of a large part of the population, the economy destruction, up to the loss of independence. For example, it is enough to recall the first and second partitions of Poland.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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The main alarmists in the European Union are the Baltic countries, fearing that Russia has plans to seize their territories, as it allegedly did in the East of Ukraine, despite the fact that it is Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia who have territorial claims to Russia, and not vice versa.

Today they have no choice but to tearfully ask the leading European states and NATO bureaucracy for protection, because it is precisely for ephemeral security from the nonexistent Russian threat, which NATO is ultimately unable to provide them, that the Baltic countries have traded the development of their own economies and a stable position on the international arena.

The situation in the Baltic States is aggravated by silence from the northern NATO or EU member states: Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The Scandinavian countries are absolutely not interested in fueling conflict with Russia. They have no direct territorial claims against Russia, except the Karelian issue between Finland and Russia, which, however, is not capable to lead to an open confrontation.

The refusal of Norway, which is the main support of the United States in the region, to participate in the NATO Cold Response exercise, which was to be held in March 2020 in the northern regions of the country, was indicative.

The national elites of the Northern Dimension countries are guided by the principle “near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin,” and refrain from aggressive foreign policy. Even if one day the Euro-Atlanticists manage to convince them, the probability that the population of these countries will support the decision to participate in a military conflict is very low.

The neutrality of NATO’s northern flank is one of the main reasons for the disastrous situation in the Baltic countries, where NATO is forced to rapidly build up its military power.

Caucasus Burning. Who Next?

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Taking into account the escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh and all the geo-strategic parameters of the European region, today only 2 scenarios are probable, which are included in the agenda promoted by the Euro-Atlantic elites:

  1. A scenario that might be called “New Barbarossa”: incitement of protest sentiments in Belarus and their transition to the stage of armed confrontation, followed by the introduction of NATO troops into the western territories of the country and inevitable military clashes with national troops. At the same time, the escalation of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is intended to “divert” part of the Russian troops that will be intended to support national government.
  2. Domestic political destabilization of Russia through the tools of color revolutions. The collapse of the Russian political system, leading to a sharp increase in separation sentiments among the peoples that inhabit the Russian Federation. The outbreak of civil conflicts within the country will lead to a call from pro-Western local leaders for help, right up to the introduction of military forces. Limited intervention will be accompanied by political support in the international arena and financial support for those regions of the country whose local elites declare their aspirations for sovereignty. Such a development of events will lead to the split of the Russian Federation into 7-9 new entities.

Both the first and second scenarios are in the interests of the Euro-Atlantic elites. The first will allow the collective West to distract its own population from the socioeconomic problems caused by the global economic crisis, to get a new flow of qualified labor from Belarus and Ukraine, as well as get the industrial potential of Belarus and transform Ukraine into an agrarian “growth” of the European Union, etc. According to the second scenario, the collective West has a chance of a de facto territorial seizure of vast Eurasian spaces.

No matter what scenario will be realized, the stabilization of situation in the European region does not seem possible in the near future. Most probable, the approaching 2021 will bring much more “unpleasant surprises” than unstable 2020 did.


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Felipe Luker

It is a Shame that Russian Citizens lend themselves for the purposes of NATO and the United States, They do not know what a Neoliberal Dictatorship is, Wild Capitalism, Really If with what they have seen of the Ukrainian Maidan, they do not take an example is a lack of logic to the Russians DON’T Want You In The West Leave That American Dream. It is a real nightmare. Look how they have used the Turks, they are given only illusions and all the governments of the Soviet sphere ……… They are only going to create, loot, privatize, and destroy the values ​​of the family and culture. Love And Respect For Their Homeland. NO to the NEOLIBERAL DICTATORSHIP of the West. Do not be robbed.


The Deep State is getting desperate. They know they are running out of time. Once the US economy collapses due to their massive economic issues and ongoing soft civil war, their efforts to destabilize Russia and its allies will be severely weakened. Just imagine what will happen if Joe Biden does not concede, even if he loses, this November.


That is a very optimistic view. Russia is a weak state and Putin is even more than Yeltsin in terms of subservience to his western “partners”. Turkey will incite the ethnic minorities from Tartaristan to Chechnya with Ukrainian and NATO assistance. The signs are ominous for Russia, unless it gets a competent government, capable of rational strategic defence and foreign policy, not a washed out corrupt ex-KGB major.

Jens Holm

You are fiascos Yourself and prefare USA becomes a fiasco as Yours. We and the rest of the western economy will never allow that. USA can decline but they cant collapse.

And the deep state is made Your self by all Your internal infantile assumptions. Most things You say is deep can be found right on the internet or borrowed at the local libraries here or bought direct from Our Gverments and Parlaments.

But that don fit into Your propaganda. When I even give links and tell what I know for sure, its all lie from me. So actually You tell we has collapsed many decades ago.

You have no idea abóut how we are and has no structures to compare with. You also not even has language for how we handle things. Its much as You try to explain we need to devellop better hay for the cars. Something like that.

We have to intensions in destabilizing Russia. Why should we? The economic dwarf sell us a lot of Raw materials and very cheep because everything in Russia is cheep and often second class. Even their many male prostitutes are worse then others.

A big country which cant even produce one kind of good cars to the price is a no good. Russia has not changed. they are declining again and has no corona. For them putin corona is some mexican beer.

The Russians has to drink vodka again. That will improve a lot. They will not need pension for so many years and many wil die in internal figtings as well as in bad treatments in hospitals in standards from just after WW2. No wonder Your doctors are dressed as Our butchers.


Take my word, Nothing is going to happen! for now.

As the west, the USA precisely, knew very well that any idiotic move in Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia-Azerbaijan that endanger the sovereignty of Russian Federation’s territory will be met by severe response or even total destruction of EU-UK-USA in a matter of minutes.

However the EU, those vassals states are running by total moron, but I think they got realized that the USA wants this event keeps going on and on, and Merkel & Macron had lost their senses, so sooner than later the sound of war is coming to the Berlin, Paris, and London, and this time, no mercy for the hypocrites!

We are going 100 seconds to the midnight, and keep decreasing.


Russian weakness and Putin’s incompetence has brought this disaster in the Caucasus. Russian policy is missing in action as US and NATO have now encroached into Russia itself and it will not end well. Turkey saw an opening and took advantage and now the region is headed for further conflict and fragmentation.

Jimmy Jim



A crumbling empire that stretched too much, living behind wars and teritorial disputes while in slow but continuous disintegration, like the colonial powers 80 years ago.


Sorry for the lenght, and I just jump thru some few aspects.

You should know this after all this years, we know what the west is doing, we know also that the “facts” is distorted to such an extent that many infact belive their own peopaganda, yet the truth on the ground tells us otherwise, nobody in Russia takes Navelgny seriously, 2% maybe, but like much else, its all western prodjections, and so on, I dont bother to go into details because all in all I agree with the assesments made in this article. BUT, what is the real problem, is been exposed in it this war on Armenia, suddenly, if you run an tiny nation, with no resources to such an extent to talk about compared to Azerbijan, you have to look everywhere else, to then claim they are anti-russian is a bit riddicilous, then we have the gang of those that sees western NGOs etc everywhere and claims just because they are present, they are present all over the f…. globe, incl Armenia, and why then should not the Armenian Gov deal with the west, just by doing that some people claims thats because they are NATO stuges, again an assesment I find riddicilous, because of real politics I dont see any real issues in that sense, and then we have the die hard whiners whom even managed to drool something about Catalans where all because of Sore-ass, The Saker did it, MoA do it when it comes to Armenia, but I know that this acusations where either deliberatly faked or lied about, because the Catalans wanted an referendum and have wanted that for centurys, and like NK they had that 30 years ago, and wanted independence, yeah, good for me, not for thee, to continue to debate that is for me an blind ally, or is deliberatly done to undermine Armenia, and I am cyniclay enough to know that is deliberate, I am not an f…. novice in this games.

Its a lot of bullshit swirling around this days, but what surprices me, is the inability of the Russians to take an more genuine stand, because as some of us have warned Russians about, that the attack on Russia, morons, is coming, its right now an slow train moving but its steady, creaping into the Caucasus region, and the Turds like the UssA have been grooming this Russian Rim states for years, and the population is by large whats defines as Turko-Mongols and muslims, all the way to western China, they have been preparing this move for years, nothing in this scale happens by chance, this is well prepared and now, expectuted, bit by bit, like the warning from one of the Saudi-barbarians about an new war in Chetzhenia, and stil some of you dont see that, that alone amazes me, then we have those that drools something about Russians dont have jack shit of any kind of obligations, well, that, will come back and bit the Russians asses, belive me, if Russis dont sooner or later slams the foot down, they will continue to loose, but again, greed and ignorance is what leads the poltics in Russia to day, and like in Syria, if the Russians want credibility, then they should have gone all in, instead they have shown that they indeed lack spine, to apease everybody, you end up with nothing, and right now thats the main problem.

I dont think for an moment ZATO would go to war on Russia because of the f…. Turds, huh, give me an break, nobody wants to die because of the Turds, what on earth are you sniffing, and again, this war, I am afraid will be another “briliant” example on Russians inability to do the right thing, again, their words means jack shit, again they bow to the west, that, SouthF is what pisses me of, I dont give an f… about Putin, he have shown that He is everything but an chess player, just another bizzenizze man whom cares more for short term goals and their own wallet to give an f… about what happens in their own neighboor hood, throwns parters under the buss, time and time again, and Turds are kicking their asses. I have an growing contempt for the present Russian politicians, and when this war came, it just grew more because what I see is that Russia/Putin is them self undermining their own credibility, nobody else, and why I write like this, because I know if the Russians took out the sledgehammer, and stopped this, with hammering the Turds, because once you have done that, the war ends, to sit idle by an ride on your own tumbs solidly jerked as far up their own asses is much more dangerous, because right now, Russia isnt respected as it should have been, but thats all done by them self.

Forget the propaganda, I dont even bother to read them, but I attack Russia because they deserve that ,for their failure to safeguard the future of Mother Russia against the insane epire of chaos and its petty vassals.


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