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MARCH 2025

Caught On Camera: Israel Targets Civilians With A Chemical Weapon Drone

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Originally appeared at Zero Hedge

For the first time, Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV released new dramatic footage showing Israeli forces using a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) against a Hamas rally in the Gaza Strip, according to the Times of Israel.

Caught On Camera: Israel Targets Civilians With A Chemical Weapon Drone

The short video clip published by Al-Mayadeen shows a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) targeting demonstrations in the southern Gaza Strip, controlled by the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The UAV is seen flying through the skies above hundreds of protestors, while operators of the aircraft drop chemical weapons into the crowd. The Times of Israel states that the UAV released tear gas, formally known as a lachrymator agent, which causes severe eye and respiratory pain, skin inflammation, bleeding, and even blindness.

The intense footage could provide us with the early knowledge that governments are willing to use high-tech military technology against civilians in a non-combat environment…

Israeli Border Police Deputy Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai, the government official behind the deployment of the weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), told Hadashot TV news that the tear gas drone provides security forces with an extended range to hurl chemical weapons at protestors.

“Beyond the fact that this equipment neutralizes any danger to the troops, it enables reaching places that until now we could not get to,” Shabtai told Hadashot TV news.

The weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “can carry up to six canisters at a time, and drop them individually, as clusters, or all at the same time,” said the Times of Israel.

The Israeli-based online newspaper did not provide the manufacture’s name of the UAV, but it is rumored that ISPRA Ltd in Herzelya, Israel, is the developer of the drone, dubbed Cyclone Riot Control Drone System.

ISPRA’s Anti Riot Drone provides law enforcement units with an extremely large range mode of work, enabling them to react against rioters and demonstrators at an early stage of the event, at a distance while avoiding direct confrontation with rioters. This unique and innovative solution, developed by Ispra, allows law enforcement units to react when a barrier or obstacle is separating between the parties. With several drones, a continuous presence over the rioters can be maintained, dispersing non-lethal ammunition and providing commanders with real-time video image of the situation on the ground.

Developers of ISPRA present a short informational video of how the chemical weapon drone works.

The Times of Israel adds that Israeli officials are preparing for months of border protests, which will lead to a large demonstration on May 15. According to an Israeli TV report, Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization, has budgeted $10 million to fund the upcoming protests.

“We want to frighten the Israelis with the images of massive crowds of people who peaceably gather and sit close to the border,” Hamas spokesman Ahmed Abu Retaima recently told Bloomberg.

Retaima added, “We are working to bring out more than 100,000 people for the march.”

Meanwhile, Sputnik news agency states that Israel did not sign the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, which enables the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to legally deploy chemical weapons such as tear gas against civilians.

“The use of tear gas in quelling civil disturbances is legal; however, the use of tear gas in warfare was banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, to which Israel was not a signatory, but has acceded.”

Israel’s decision blend high-tech drone technology coupled with chemical weapons against civilians paints a turbulent outlook for spring uprisings in the region. Nevertheless, please do not mention this technology to the countless militarized police forces across the United States; otherwise, this dystopian technology is coming to a town near you.

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Michał Hunicz

ISISrael once again is exposed as a horrific terror state.


Tear gas is NOT CHEMICAL WEAPON, you stupid author!!!


It is a chemical weapon, banned by various international treaties. But that does not include Police tho, but still..


No, these categories are not banned. Therefore can use the police.


Yes correct, police can use them as I pointed out in my post, but your statement that Tear Gas is not chemical weapons is dead wrong.


Look, this is difficult question. Each chemical substance acting harmfully on you can be chemical warfare agent. But also herbicides. What i wannt to say to author, his articl, suggesting the use of tear gas is as big war crime as using sarin, soman, tabun, VX, is very ugly!

Tear gasses ar npt part of internatoional convention. THAT was my point. So, their use is fully legitim. In my country you can use also in self defence. Rather slight irritant then weapon. Weapon shall couses mass killing. teargas no kill.


Yes agreed, the author did overdue the article abit, but the main point of the article is that a Drone/drones was used to release tear gas. Thats his point I believe.

Tear gas is banned in warfare that was my point, just wanted to point that out.

And I believe you mean Pepper spray? that is used for self defence.

Tear gas tho can kill if aimed directly at people.


No, real tear gas. Pepper spray is the another one. But i meant real tear gas.

Tear gas is not banned as warfare. I wrote, it iis not on the list of international convention. You can produce as much as you will. The real weapons not. It is controlled. Phosgen and some others are used in chemical industry, but their production is highly controlled. From modern chemical weapons can one country produce 100/year, but only for reason to develope defense clothes, masks. It is also controlled.

You also wrote, tear gas can be used by pilise. There is not possible to ban and in same time give exceptions for use as “weapon”.


Tear gas is banned in warfare thats a fact, not my idea. And you can argue how that is when its legal to use against protesters by police, I agree it dont make 100% sense.

But it is a chemical weapon that makes you feel like your drowning. Just because it’s legal to use it against civilians doesnt mean its okey or that it deserves only benign descriptions when spoken of in that context.


Give me a link, that it is banned. But link to real international document.


Link to OPCW own conclusion.


Check page 4 bottom right for instant reading about Tear gas


there is what i told. special category. IL used as anti riot agent. so, whats the problem?

damscus also van use as anti riot agent. no problem.


The problem is that you din’t want to call it chemical weapon and that it wasn’t banned/prohibited for use in warfare. Other then that no problem, if used by police its okey as I’ve said from my very first post.


How about we let the SAA use tear gas in Ghouta and than listen to what Nikki Haley has to say – you crackkpot…


Yeah thats a very good point Hrky75, very good point..


The best solutions against terrorists in tunnels.


it is allowed for use as anti riot agent. you crackpot


Yeah ofc, but Hrky75 point is that Nikky Haley will twist that in someway to make it look like crimes against humanity have been done..


hrky should fuck niky haley :))

Concrete Mike

Perfect time to slap her around


hrky on niky :))


…Spraying a chemical agent from drone s is allowed…Really? I suppose you can quote an international convention that allows it? Or is it allowed because the Chosen do the spraying and the “Arabushim” do the choking – as stipulated in Chapter I,Section I, Convention of Zionist Atrocities…


yes. and in this case were dropped the granades, not sprayed.

i use also tear gas spray against russian hooligans :P


Absolute garbage. Police can use them against their own citizens not against others country people.

It’s very hard to be the advocate of israel as israel is always wrong. That’s why, people say that truth is antisemitic.

Monte George Jr

Perhaps it’s more accurate to say that it is a ‘chemical weapon’, but is not a ‘weapon of mass destruction’.


Good one Monte George Jr, that is spot on!




Don’t worry, Saudi Arabia is protecting sunnis Palestinians. XD. Don’t worry, Russia is protecting orthodox Palestinians. XD.

What is funny is that Hezbollah and Iran are the only countries who can protect Palestinians despite Palestinians are not shias !!!

Turkey can also protect Palestinians but Turkey has fallen in a trap.

j. jaxson

very true and shame on sunnis for screwing up islam.


Did you have seen those europeans who want to protect the “christians of the Middle east”. They always show up with an arabic letter. They want to “help” the christians of the middle east in Lebanon and Syria for imperialism purposes only. You never ever heard them about protecting christians Palestinians.


If you are not honest in helping people, don’t help. And the one who seek for help has a duty to first help himself and second never taking help from dishonest people.


And also, something very funny related with what I said yesterday. Do as I say, not as I do. Europeans want to help the “christians of the middle east” but they become furious when Saudi Arabia or Turkey do the same with muslims in Europe. Isn’t that hilarious ???


How will they name the upgraded version – Cyclone B?


Allah is Gay


..what do I care – it’s his ass…literally…

Concrete Mike

Nothing wrong with being gay dude…more women for us.


exactly my argue! :)

j. jaxson

JHVH is a transsexual i think. am i correct mr. moel?


i am atheist, you shemale! :)))

j. jaxson

i am not of a religious preference either. sorry for the testy remarks.

j. jaxson

whats that have to do with good old jhvh. i must be jhvh shortcut to jehovah.?


Isn’t that funny that israelis don’t respect judaic laws ?? They want a country based on fairytales but they don’t want to respect the fairytales !!!! XD.

Whay aren’t the gays killed ?

Leviticus 20:13 “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

j. jaxson

they want others to follow the laws not them.


Also something that I have never understood. I don’t know what is a christian. It seems that christians are non jews jews. XD. They are jews who don’t respect the old testament or respect what they want.

It’s very hilarious that god so-called create a book and then send his “son” to say that what he write on the book is false or irrelevant. XD.

I think i understand the Greek Democriticus. He used to laught because their is nothing much to do when you see how stupid people are.


As I’ve said many times, Israel is a terrorist state. It’s actions, lack of observance of it’s neighbors borders by overflying and bombing them with paltry excuses, it’s apartheid murderous actions against Palestinians to steal their land and it’s active support for terrorists on it’s neighbor’s countries, proves it! Actions speak louder than words and Israel speaks very loudly.


Yup, the creation of Israel in the way it was done was a huge misstake if the intention was to have peace in middle east. It makes you wonder that the intention wasn’t to promote peace but to sow discord and caos, if seen in that perspective the creation of Israel was a success to certain powers.


The devious schemes of Empires both past and present. I often wonder what the human species could aspire to if it could just overcome it’s greed for it’s neighbors possession.


Yeah I agree totally, well our planet resources dont last if we continue like we do – for ever so someday we have to leave earth and go into space and then there is infinite amount of resources for everyone I guess. Question is will humanity survive until that time comes.


Will you bring water or food from space ?? XD.

There is very few drinkable water on earth and people are polluted the water. Same for the soil. Same for the air.

Of course, you can possibly bring hydrogen or iron or whatever from space but these ressources don’t make you live. There are only extra.


Well I was generalizing abit about space colonisation etc, I hope for the best when thinking about space but time will tell..


Well, I don’t believe that much in space colonization. You have to have similar planet as the Earth. If the planet is not very similar, you don’t know what will happen. And, those who will move from earth will evolve and became another race. And, more likely, they will behave exactly like in Earth, repeating the process again and again.

In 200,000 years, you will have several races of human that have evolved and became their own species. Then, they will make war against each others.


Will humanity ever give up colonization? What is good about colonization? Taking something that does not belong to us? Do I smell an angloziosaxon mentality?

neil barron

So there you are speaking in the tongue of a Commie.


I am not a commie but by your logic, I get to your place and help myself with whatever I like and it’s ok. This is the way? No?


Yes I can understand why you believe that, but I think we all hope in some regard that humanity will evolve into something better. And this is just my most positive thoughts for us humans.

We will surely just get into a WW3 and thats the end of our mark in the universe. But you can still have hopes!

I’am no fan of anglo-zionist mentality, in fact I hate it with a passion! I dunno how you could think something like that of me :)


Humanity will evolve in something better when we learn to live in love and respect, when we stop looting, murdering, colonizing. This is a positive thought for us, humans. We shall not get in ww3 but there will be tough lessons for some. My response does not indicate anything personal. It is a response to the very idea of colonizing. It is not normal;it is not right and for God’s sake we live in 21-st century. Didn’t we learn something from our past?


Yes I agree, I mean colonizing should not be at the expense of others thats should be rule nr1. And like you said thats one of the dark sides of past colonizing.

But in space there is alot of SPACE duuh :) So enough for everyone hopefully!


We have enough here, on Earth. We are not managing it well. I am not against space exploration but it should not be about looting.

j. jaxson

you are already there. we are all in outer space.


That’s the big question, the weapons are evolving, but not the brains of those that condone their use for profit.

HighLord Gaz

Yup, we have smart weapons but humans remain as dumb as a box of rocks.

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Concrete Mike

Once we go into space , I dont think we can act like we do on Earth. We would probably get destroyed. Remeber were mostly violent apes.

HighLord Gaz

No chance. Neoliberal Capitalism is the West true religion, and it doesn’t have time for respect of others or their property.




Don’t call Israel and ISIS are terrorists because there is France, UK and Washington who created and protected them for their own economical and political goals.


Israel & ISIS are terrorists and you are right about who created and supports them.


As long as the Anglo-Zionists (Washingtonians and the Israeli migrants) exist in Palestine and in the Middle East countries, for so long the Middle East countries would not be able to build any heavy military industry and nuclear power plant in their own countries to secure their own nations. These Middle East nations would be insecured all the time until the dismantle of Israel and the complete removal of Israeli migrants from Palestine. ——————————————————————————————————————–


Peace will come to the Middle East when the reserve currency of the world dies and the Empire is no longer able to fund violence throughout the world. At that time, I suspect, if Israel hasn’t stopped terrorizing it’s neighbors and the people of Palestine, in other words, moved further in the evolutionary ladder than that of the ape (though I hear the ape is intelligent, so maybe I should choose something else for comparison), I suspect it will meet it’s just deserved karma.


The world currency will never die because they will print more and more currency. At this moment the US is debt is 21 trillion and their budget for 2018 is 4.1 trillion. The US debt have crossed the redline when the first Bush came in power.


Not true. It’s already in play. Why do you think Russia, China and others are stocking up on gold? Why do you think that Russia and China have a payment system that doesn’t need SWIFT? Why do you think the purchase of US securities is on the decrease? Why do you think more and more countries are trading in their own currencies?


Definitely you are right, it will decrease their currency value and when it cross the redline then that is the end of Washington.


The end of Empire.

Dissident X

Always at the forefront of pushing violations of human rights and dirty, fascist humanity-hating technologies as new, even lower precedents for treatment of citizens, including in this case, indigenous populations. Of course, if one has become familial with the history and methods of the Torah-Pharisees-Talmud myth worshipers international collective, and the fundamental separation and hatred of humanity, then such events make complete sense in the context. When are these tactics and international gangsterism going to be addressed by humanity? Any creed, which has fundamental to it’s identity, a rejection and hatred of all out-groups, and systematic secretive techniques for undermining and subverting societies needs to be outlawed on the planet! Educate yourself, see and read Douglas Reed’s “The Controversy…” book, which can be found online using a search: don’t use google! and cover your tracks as best as possible, because they are watching.

Monte George Jr

I downloaded and read Reed’s book some years ago. It’s a dated but excellent analysis of the Talmudic cult.


Somehow, depopulation will happen. Karma will not allow people to keep reproducing with no control. And, if people don’t care about that problem, karma will care and will balance everything and it will be violent.

That’s surely why lions anbd carnivorous exist. If they didn’t exist, herbivorous will reproduce very fast and destroy plants.

So, there will be something that will stop humans to reproduce with no control.


Fake Israel is the source of a whole litany of evils, but honestly, dropping tear gas canisters shouldn’t even be considered as ‘chemical weapons’ in the military sense. Using drones to deploy them is noteworthy and novel, but honestly, it doesn’t rise anywhere near the level of the nominal definition of terror.

Dispossession of Palestinians, the Gaza ghetto, aerial terrorism, fomenting wars and rebellions are all acts within the purview of Fake Israel which rise to the level of terror. Dropping tear gas isnt.


DECEPTIVE HEADLINE! Tear gas is not reguarded as chemical weapon in any venacular. Are we going to call pepper spray a chemical weapon now?


Tear gas is a chemical weapon.


Chemical weapons are lethal, tear gas isn’t. If you tell people that these are using chemical weapons they’ll assume you mean mustard gas or sarin.



I don’t give a fuck about CWC. CWC has their definitions, I got mine. Tear gases are chemical weapons that cause pain, can lead to disability, illness and even death.

CWC is useless. And only stupid people listen to them.


You’ve admitted to being a liar, because you are deliberately redifining words to suit your agenda.


What lies ? Look at the defintion. Tear gas is a chemical weapon. CWC is lying because CWC is a USA tool.


YOUR definition, not SOCIETY’S definition. It is deceptive to use yours since Joe Blow on the street defferentiates between tear gas and chemical weapons. And You Know It.


It’s the definition of OPCW.

neil barron

I just recently was charged with pepper spraying a dog. $735.00 If it was person I could have done same thing protecting myself not a problem. But will say this shoot the dog twice and no charges. Now nothing between me and the prosecutor was anything beyond the eye roll we under stood what transpired and had to do something. The fines 24hr community service and 6 month parole. Oh did I mention nothing said about using a chemical weapon.


Definition of tear gas according to wikipedia.

Tear gas, formally known as a lachrymator agent or lachrymator (from the Latin lacrima, meaning “tear”), is a chemical weapon that causes severe eye and respiratory pain, skin irritation, bleeding, and even blindness.


Who is the liar ?

“A chemical weapon (CW) is a specialized munition that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm on humans. According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), “the term chemical weapon may also be applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. Munitions or other delivery devices designed to deliver chemical weapons, whether filled or unfilled, are also considered weapons themselves.””

Hence, tear gas is a chemical weapon.


Defintion of chemical weapon according to Smaug and velociraptor : “If israel uses a chemical weapon, it’s not one”. XD.

neil barron

It’s already here and thank God for that!! The terrorist are here and the biggest one is Democrap Party.


Skripal worked directly under Christopher Steele, who authored the “Trump Dossier”. Democrats are known to have paid for it. Skripal knows too much about it. Putin is just the convenient scapegoat.

j. jaxson

trumpenstein is right there too.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The purpose of Israel and all Zionist is to gas Goyims into extinction or willing slavery. Everyone who does not agree with Israels policies against Goyim, welcome to the Resistance….


Hey, Adolf, what are you smoking now?

Monte George Jr

Real Anti-Racist Action is correct. The Talmud demands that it’s adherents wage eternal wars of deception, subversion, and violence against all outsiders until all such are enslaved or destroyed. E.g., “Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog”.


in all antions are 10-15-20% extremly nationalists. in this shit believe only the hardest jew nationalists.

Joe Dirt

You must be new

j. jaxson

the good stuff.

j. jaxson

agreed.it is taught in the Talmud. they are definitely not our friends.


It helps explain the mysterious chemical attacks against civilians in Syria.


“For the first time, Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV released new dramatic footage showing Israeli forces using a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) against a Hamas rally in the Gaza Strip”,.. Unite States UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, demand a REGIMEN CHANGE AND THE BOMBING OF THE ISRAEL TIRANY…Oh, wait, my mistake, Israel can do any thing because they CONTROL US DEEP STATE FOREIGN/ NATIONAL POLICIES, IN THEIR VASSAL U.S DEEP STATE.

j. jaxson

question is who will blow Israel of the face of the earth. they are asking for it.



j. jaxson

yahweh maybe.


this IL is not given by new prophet. therefore JHVH will destroy :))

j. jaxson

its just a name game -but i find old hebrew lore very interesting and telling. its funny how hindu-muslim-jew- buhdda and whatever else compete to win over people and have some influence. it is silly.


buddhism is atheistic religion, there is no god. only enlightment. and the enlightmented guy is called buddha.

j. jaxson

reptilians is another lore am i correct?

j. jaxson

my JV team will whip em!!


Way to go Israel, you’ve just given Palestinians a reason to acquire MANPADS.


Skull and crossbone graphics for the use of tear gas!? Hyperbole much?


I’m sure Washington will be using this technology against it’s own people next.

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