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MARCH 2025

Cavusoglu: Holy Wars Will Soon Begin In Europe

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Cavusoglu: Holy Wars Will Soon Begin In Europe

If you thought that the Holy Wars were left in history then you’re wrong according to the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Speaking at a rally in Antalya, Cavusoglu warned Europe that if they continue to follow the trend of hatred towards Islam the consequences could be disastrous. His words come amid the recent diplomatic escalation between Turkey and the Netherlands and the elections in the key European state. In his words there is no difference between the Social democrats and Geert Wilders whom he calls a fascist.

It’s becoming more and more popular for European politicians to play the “Muslim card” in their elections’ campaigns. The EU countries have been torn apart amid the migrant crisis which has affected negatively the opinion of the EU citizens towards the Muslim population and Islam as a whole. Most of the candidates are taking advantage of this situation by inflicting fear and proposing bans such as one on the Koran or on certain mosques.

On the other hand, Turkey has been blackmailing and using political pressure on the EU as they can always send a few hundred thousand more or even million migrants towards Western Europe which will lead to a complete catastrophe to those countries. Nevertheless, President Erdogan is benefiting from the reaction of the Netherlands as he’s hoping to get more rights and make Turkey a presidential republic on the upcoming referendum in the country. If the citizens of Turkey vote for this change, Erdogan would have almost supreme rights and power just like the ones of the sultans in the Ottoman Empire.

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Daniel Castro

So Turkey threatens a terrorist religious war in Europe, but the enemy is Russia… I think europeans are in a comatose state…

Bernardo Morais

Lobotomized by USA

888mladen .

Turkey is bagging for containment by US and NATO. That will ease their pressure on Russian western borders with NATO.




Europeans , like Americans do not know the difference between Shia and Sunni , never mind the difference between Sunni and Wahhabi Sunni . Turkey under Erodgan has moved from Sunni into Wahhabi Sunni , this could get very ugly very fast . A lot of innocent people will die because of that ignorance on both sides , but Europeans will learn the hard way that Saudi Arabia , home of Wahhabi Islam is the problem , not Russia , Iran or China .


Well said, and this explains the vile hatred directed against the Syrian state and its mixture of religions, Christians, Druze, Shia and Sunni. The ruling Ba’ath Arab Socialist Party ideology is at least pluralist and under Hafez al-Assad tried to unite Syrians despite US-Saudi backed Muslim Brotherhood/Islamic Front terrorism from 1976, such as the massacre at the Aleppo Artillery School and the violent insurrection in Hama 1982 (Excellent account in Patrick Seale : Asad ; The Struggle for the Middle East). Why Western “liberals” continue to support a Wahhabi inspired war whose declared goal is to install sectarian Islamo- fascist rule and kill or expel all others from their homelands is beyond understanding.


Excellently well said. No argument here!

Real Anti-Racist Action

What does he means “start soon” Muslims started the invasion and wars well over 1,000 years ago. They have been continuing ever since. This is the native indigenous tribal peoples defending their ethnic groups and roots against racist-Muslim-invaders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7y2LRcf4kc


The real invaders are you racist “victim” claiming Europeans and Christians. Instead of some video, here’s real history. It was the Europeans who came to attack Middle East and North Africa with their Sea People, Greek colonizers, Alexandrian Empires and the resulting Greek states in foreign lands, Roman Empires, Aksumites and Byzantine Empires who later converted to Christianity and forced their own to do so. Whole regions became Christian including the Rus who forced their own at the sword and the situation didn’t approve much till early modern era. Ot was the Byzantines who attacked Arabs after taking sides with Ghassanids who murdered Muhammad’s messenger. It was a Christian who tried to have Byzantine Empire invade, made a mocking mosque whwre he stored weapons but failed to do so. Meanwhile non-Muslim populations though often persecuted still exist. And your still invading till this day. If Europe wants a war, then we shall have it and this time the Europen cockracoaches should be stomped out of existence.


Well, if Turkey starts the holy wars, can we then take Constantinople back? It’s about time that the Aye Sofia becomes a Christian church again. Seems only fair.

Arthur Smith

Sofia is just a building and the only way for it to become significant again is if it’s taken back peacefully, without bloodshed or provoking of hatred – only such sanctifying feat can make Sofia a holy site again, a monument of Christ’s Glory triumphant once again. Only pagans can enjoy path to their shrine drenched in blood.


We’ll make mosques in your house and take it.


It appears that the rather dull masses of the EU and their corrupt and greedy Zio Marxist leaders will only wake up to the wanton destruction of secular Arab states when the reality of terrorism on a ‘civil war’ scale hits the EU.

If a religious war is required to bring reality to the EU, so be it.

The EU has been on the Wrong Side of History for far too long.

Mr. Perfect

Put guns in the hands of Christians and Jews and I guarantee Muslims will lose.


Good. It was the Europeans who came to attack Middle East and North Africa with their Sea People, Greek colonizers, Alexandrian Empires and the rrsulting Greek states in forwogn lands, Roman Empires, Aksumites and Byzantine Empires who later converted to Christianity and forced their own to do so. Whole regions became Christian including the Rus who forced their own at the sword and the situation didn’t approve much till early modern era. Ot was the Byzantines who attacked Arabs after taking sides with Ghassanids who murdered Muhammad’s messenger. It was a Christian who tried to have Byzantine Empire invade, made a mocking mosque whwre he stored weapons but failed to do so. Meanwhile non-Muslim populations though often persecuted still exist. If Europe wants a war, then we shall have it and this time the Europen cockracoaches should be stomped out of existence.

Bill Wilson

LOL! I believe most Moslems would rather to become Southern Baptists than to start a Holy War with the West.

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