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MARCH 2025

Ceasefire Fully Collapsed In Eastern Ghouta. Ahrar al-Sham Declared Start Of New ‘Battle’

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Ceasefire Fully Collapsed In Eastern Ghouta. Ahrar al-Sham Declared Start Of New 'Battle'

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On November 15, Ahrar al-Sham officially declared a start of the operation to capture the Armored Vehicle Base and the nearby area from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Eastern Ghouta near Damascus.

Ceasefire Fully Collapsed In Eastern Ghouta. Ahrar al-Sham Declared Start Of New 'Battle'

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Ahrar al-Sham, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and Faylaq al-Rahman launched their advance on November 14. Since then, an intense fighting has been ongoing in the area.

Ahrar al-Sham’s statement:

Ceasefire Fully Collapsed In Eastern Ghouta. Ahrar al-Sham Declared Start Of New 'Battle'

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However, the official Ahrar al-Sham offensive declaration means that this is not a limited effort. The ceasefire region in Eastern Ghouta collapsed.

The video below shows one of the militants’ attempts to capture the Armored Vehicle Base:

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MD Ranix

these terrorists led by the yankees are begging to be sent to hell


the sooner they oblight them the better will be for the people.


cease fires in a war time, only give the enemy the chance to regroup and counter attack and never should be implemented, but then the politicians who push for that, never been good military people or strategists. Or have a different agenda rather than win and get it over with.

Zainab Ali

these terrorists were given a chance to severe ties with the devil thru the ceasefire but blew the golden opportunity – they sold their souls long time ago


”They Sold their Souls long time ago” Ofcourse they did to Elohim but definitely not TO THE wrong person. If anyone have sold themselves out it’s you and not them. They did not betray themselves nor what they stand for.

They atleast worship elohim and are monothiests unlike you.


Monotheists unlike him???? Why those harsh words, just as ISIS and Crusaders. So, Elohim spoke throught the queen of england and permitted to khazars white turkoMongols to establish in the Holly land grabbing Muslims and Christians propreties…. MMMMM. Israelites are forbidden to return to home land until the arrival of the Messiah (Jusus peace upon him). But he came and leaved, and his followers were the Cristians.

Alejandro Bonifacio

you’re insane

Langaniso Mhlobo


Elisabeth Jenders

It gave the SAA and its allies a chance to concentrate in Daesh. Without the ceasefire, they would not even have reached Deir es-Zour.


according to you. I don’t agree.

Elisabeth Jenders

The SAA and their allies don’t have the manpower to be on all fronts the same time, so the cease-fire gave them some chance to concentrate on Daesh. Of course, the other militants could regroup too. But then again, they had time to play and attack one another – wasting manpower and equipment, which helped Syria.


You are right. it is logical


You are correct. The early years of the attack on Syria the insurgent jihadists cooperated and kept SAA running from one fight to another. It was a strategy to deplete the opponent and it was working for a while. They are still trying it, but there are less pockets to guard and the insurgents are much weaker. E-Ghouta is surrounded from all sides, I have no idea what the jihadists are trying to achieve. In the end they will be crushed. Perhaps it’s a kind of end game tactic, they are trying to get to a point where SAA cannot crush them so when they take the green bus option they can hold their heads high. The commanders are probably trying to impress someone back in the Gulf.


True from your point of view. But not for the reasons you outlining. SAA has no real problems any more concerning man power and are not alone in this war. Having a cell in their mists that is hostile to them is more important to be eliminated than what you suggesting if you consider it strategically and from a military point of view.

The reason it has not been done yet is political not if they have or not the man power. And I dont think they moved troops mean to defend Damascus to any of the areas of fighting. So logical what you saying, but not a fact.


In principle you are correct, but it cuts both ways. For a ceasefire to work, both sides will think they gain more then their enemies. Only afterwards they will know who was correct.

The longest official ceasefire I know of was 12 years in the 80year war of Dutch independence.

The ceasefire in Korea has a longer duration (as of 1954), but I do not know if it is an official cease fire or just a cessation of hostilities. The same goes for Japan and Russia, where the cessation started in 1945 once the Russians had taken the South Kuril Islands.


Spain finally decided to end the religious wars and give independence to the Netherlands so that it could engage in trade instead. Soon afterward, the Dutch began to sell African slaves to the Spaniards. The industrious Dutch made a lot of money selling slaves even exceeding their rivals the English and Portuguese. Neither the English of Portuguese would sell to the Spaniard for obvious reasons.


I do not really see the connection with the subject, ceasefires, but two remarks on this ;

Firstly in the period mentioned Portugal was part of Spain (1580 to 1640/1668), so they sold to the spanish at that time.

Secondly, slave trade at the time was (as opposed to the last two centuries) quite common and was participated in by all major powers of the time including Ottomans, Persians. Western powers got slaves from West Africa, Arabs, Ottomans and Persians from East Africa, Sudan (up to 1900) and Turkey from southern Russia and Ukraine.

So, please, spread the blame and, given your name, take some for yourself too.


It will help your education to read this I think Dutch.


” “Money was earned by Jewish communities in South America, partly through slavery, and went to Holland, where Jewish bankers handled it,” he said. “Non-Jews were also complicit, but so were we. I feel partly complicit.” Rabbi Van De Kamp


That is someone taking part of the blame but it wasn’t a solely Jewish thing as you seem to imply.


Indeed,it was slavers of many faiths that were responsible, as they always have been and are still today in supplying sex slaves and others.

Jews cannot airbrush their complicity in slavery from this reality reality.


Neither can arabs and turks and persians.

Solomon Krupacek

are you nut?! you believe to zionist shit??


You really must calm yourself Solomon, I would hate to think you are apoplectic as it could put a strain on your heart :)


So how does this differ from what I said? Your comment does not in any way educate me as this is a. general knowledge and b. does not differ in any way from the contempories in other countries. Neither the Dutch, nor jews, nor arabs nor anyone can be solely blamed for the occurencies of the time and especially not present day people.

Do present day Turks feel guilty for the 3 million slaves and a manifold of that killed by them in southern Russia and the Ukraine in a time period of some 4 to 5 centuries?

That this rabi, whom I slightly know personnally, feels personnally responsible is ludicrous. He is not.


” Neither the Dutch, nor jews, nor arabs nor anyone can be solely blamed for the occurencies of the time and especially not present day people.”

I am pleased you said that Dutch as Christians and others are rather bored of being blamed for the fable of the Holocaust by Israel.


Who is blaming Christians for the Holocaust?

It was Nazi’s doing the deed, not Christians as such, though no doubt a lot of Nazi’s were nominal christians


Perhaps this may help you with your knowledge Dutch.


” (Rabbi )Berkovits focuses on the previous centuries of Christian anti‑Jewish teachings: “Without the contempt and hatred for the Jews planted by Christianity in the hearts of the multitude of its followers, Nazism’s crime against the Jewish people could never have been conceived, much less executed.”


Actually we didn’t make a lot of money from it. That’s why the WIC went bust. We did have good connections with the Spanish colonies however because a lot of wealthy Spanish Jews had come to the Netherlands to escape prosecution in Spain.


The jewish comunity of Curacao was founded by portuguese jews from Brasil when the dutch gave up their colonies in Brasil, retreating to Curacao. One can still visit the di=utch forts in Recife and Bahia, Olinda and the governor of the time, a prince from Nassau Siegen is known even now as the first real Brasilian.


you taking something out of context with your examples. And no it does not mean both sides believe they have an advantage as politics are involved in all cease fire agreements in MA.

So slowly move on to 21st century, no I am not sarcastic and evaluate what is reality on the ground in MA whose involved in this cease fire agreements and why and then we discuss it again. Your examples and have nothing to do or any similarities with MA fighting.

Langaniso Mhlobo

As long is USA is on Syria soil terrorism won’t end.


Now they are fully reorganised and SAA preoccupied else?

Happen as Russia winding up

Richard M

Just like Kursk in 1943. Early advances by the Fascists, soon answered with crushing force. This will be Green Daesh’s last meaningful offensive of the war. Now it will be only retreat, delay, and finally Green Buses! :D


Green Busses to Europe ? :)

Richard M

LOL! Merkel will welcome her Waffen SS back to her Satanic Reich!

Solomon Krupacek

to russia. the larfgest european county. optimal destination for isis.


North East Hama terrorists getting destroyed so KSA orders E Ghouta terrorists to draw SAA & allies from that front line by launching attack .. same thing happened when Aleppo terrorists were getting hammered …. maybe it’s about time E Ghouta was raized to the ground … no prisoners.

Borna Artuković

saa didn’t manage to do nothing in eastern ghouta .. :( they only manage to lose hundreds of soldiers ! bloodiest battlefield in syria for saa .and again they left supplies and weapons .. without russian air force saa simply don’t have enough power to fight with jihadist . sad true . this war will continue forever

svenne svensk

Send in the Russian bombers and make dust out of them


Great! Give ‘en Hell, SAA!

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