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Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

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UPDATE [18.08.2017]: Thanks to your invaluable support, Youtube removed a “Community Guidelines strike” from SouthFront’s channel and restored our video “The Battle for Mosul: Concept Versus Reality”.

Dear friends,

We together have once again become a target of hostile act deliberately perpetrated on SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence in order to damage our capabilities to disseminate an independent view on the military and geo-political issues of our time.

On August 17, YouTube deleted our old video analysis “The Battle for Mosul: Concept Versus Reality” released on December 12, 2016, because it allegedly includes some content “violating Youtube Community Guidelines”. [You can watch the deleted video here]

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

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This video, like all of our content, was made with informational purpose in mind and was aimed to provide independent coverage of the threats of international terrorism and the security issues of our time.

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence is one of few genuinely independent projects.

This situation is another step of the ongoing campaign aimed at downing our YouTube channel and suppressing SouthFront’s capabilities to provide independent analyses and coverage to the international audience.

This disingenuous act already impacted SouthFront’s ability to provide exclusive content. We cannot more host live streams because our Youtube channel has a Community Guidelines strike (Prof Michel Chossudovsky would likely become one of our next guests).

The previous attempt to down SouthFront’s Youtube channel was made on February 15, 2016 when Youtube deleted our video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” released on April 30, 2015 under the same far-fetched pretext: “violating Youtube Community Guidelines”.

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Click to see the full-size image

We expect that this series of hostile and disingenuous actions, as well as YouTube’s prejudicial treatment against SouthFront poses a real threat of blocking our YouTube channel. In this case, we inform our readers that you can watch all SF videos at our website, http://southfront.org

SouthFront has been growing rapidly and attracts peoples’ attention, because of the exclusive independent analysis that the project provides.

The only thing that we violated is the mainstream media’s exclusive right to provide informational coverage of world events.

On the other hand, this situation is a clear signal of the quality of our collaborative effort. The only what SouthFront’s ill-wishers can do to oppose SouthFront is to use a direct censorship. Thus, we, together, are on the right track.

Additionally, we link this incident with facts that SouthFront has recently increased coverage of the situation in the US and our later coverage of the US-Ukraine arms trading relations.

In the current situation, SouthFront especially needs your support. Without it, we won’t have resources to keep our broadcasting if the channel is downed.

SouthFront needs your support:


Account: southfront@list.ru

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

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Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)


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Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

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Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

2) Monthly subscription

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED) Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

Censorship On Youtube: SouthFront Channel Is Again Under Attack (UPDATED)

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Trustin Judeau

It seems that Youtube have changed their system and now it is easier to shut down small channels . Also they target channels that are not MSM like SF and others . This is very bad . Youtube concept is good because it allows for the people to make what kind video they want – politics,music,video games and more . Now btw they also can de monetize your videos because of something like unfriendly content which is bad for the small channels because they will have very hard time continuing .


The Jews take something good and turn it into something bad. What do you expect from a pedophile cult that rapes 3,600 cult children a year in NYC and 65,000 a year in Israel?


Yes, but probably is god idea to have evidences of these numbers (they could be higher or lower).


They’re NYC and Israeli government estimates. The real numbers may be higher.


Yea I noticed al masdar channel doesn’t work anymore :((


“YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. The service was created by three former PayPal employees — Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim — in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries.”

“Susan Diane Wojcicki (/woʊˈdʒɪtski/ woh-JIT-skee; Polish: Wójcicka pronounced [vujˈt͡ʃit͡ska]; born July 5, 1968) is an American technology executive. She is the current CEO of YouTube. …

She is the daughter of Esther Wojcicki, an educator of Russian Jewish descent,”

“Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in Stanford, California”

(who still own the controlling interest in the company)

“As of March 2017, Page is the 12th richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$40.7 billion”

“As of July 2017, Brin is the 12th richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$45 billion.”

“Brin was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, to Russian Jewish parents”


Larry Page’s mother is a Jew.


Very good information, thanks.


This explains it all, thank you very much for sharing this info.

Wahid Algiers

Jews with their roots in Poland are the worst. The Germans should have made it until 1945 for 100%, but unfortunately they did not.


What makes them worse than others?


Since you can find everything online, I’ll make long story short:

About one month ago a OUG officially funded by Soros “declared war” on alt-right media online so first they targeted Youtube by accusing them helping alt-right channels to monetize by adsense. Big companies like CocaCola, Amazon, Netflix etc. started to pull out from Youtube advertizing stated that they don’t want their ads to appear on the same pages with political incorrect media. Youtube CEO rushed to declare she is a total feminist and she, by her own decision(not!) took the decision to ‘demonetize’ the political incorrect channels by disabling adsense on their vids.

But this came together with a stupid algorithm that from 2 weeks ago started to remove any video that mention violence like ‘war’ (kind of idiocracy), hundreds of thousands of vids are taken delete, people are outraged on Reddit, and other social sites about this. I got 2 videos deleted without displaying explicit violence or graphic in any way, not something a 6 yo kid wouldn’t see at the news…

I got the same message from Youtube, you see at the beginning of this post. I didn’t make any appeal as I thought ok this is serious political issue, I bet tens of thousands of users are making appeals right now, it’s just not worth the time. But today those 2 vids are back online, weird…

It happened the exactly same thing to another video of mine, it was flagged with ‘hate speech’ by users, didn’t make appeal but was back online after few weeks.

So I hope your media will be back online soon.

Thank you for reading my comment, I hope Soros died meanwhile so your time was revenged.


Youtube is Google which is a primary propaganda tool of the US. Expect nothing better from them.

Is there another platform we can turn to – or use as well?


This is clearly censorship. For anything you always can find someone who finds it “shocking”, “sensational” , “disrespectful” = these are fully vague, relative and subjective adjectives which would not make it into the text of law. The absurd use of such wordings in their guidelines is just there for allowing worship. Shame on you Google, for having let such Censors get their way over Youtube!

Red Tick Alert

“The service was created by three former PayPal employees — Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim — in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries.”

Google are the CIA owned US IT arm.

God bless you South Front, we shall win one day.


Jews Brin and Page (Page is non practicing, his mother is a Jew) own super majority Google stock that provides them a controlling interest in the company that they founded and day to day managed for many years.

Red Tick Alert

PS use the ticks; up or down it doesn’t matter, but show some respect for people commenting.


What’s you point?

Red Tick Alert

upwards or downwards, that is my point exactly.


I know how the buttons work. Why are you bringing it up?

Red Tick Alert

Because it seems that some sites have respect for commenters and take that extra second to appreciate the feedback, but others do not.


So what does that have to do with my comment?

Red Tick Alert

Not at all. I do state up or down.

Personally I enjoy the odd down tick.


Seems this should fall under ‘antiTrust’ laws ???

Red Tick Alert

LOL – Clever one smarty pants.


The CIA doesn’t own Google, Jews Brin and Page do. Look it up.

Red Tick Alert

We must agree to disagree.



I’m not going to read a book because you can’t prove your point. Who owns Google is public record, Brin and Page have the controlling interest in Google, not the CIA:

“Even after Page and Brin sell $4.4 billion worth of shares, they’ll retain majority control of Google.”

Google’s co-founders are going to sell $4.4 billion worth of shares … http://www.businessinsider.com/googles-co-founders-are-going-to-sell-44-billion-worth-of-shares-2015-2

If you can prove otherwise, provide the proof and I’ll consider it.

Red Tick Alert

You have heard of Companies that own other Companies haven’t you, call it a sister company or whatever; who pumped in at the beginning; who are the silent partners ?, who gives the licenses out ? – 4.4 billion fiat dollars is worth what ?, which Companies does the likes of Koch own ?.

I offered a very polite “we must agree to disagree” with a link as you requested but your response tells me exactly what you are…..

As for voting power – that shows your ignorance.

Now it could have been a good conversation, but you are just another Yank troll.


Your failing to prove that the CIA owns Google, when I proved that the Jews do, makes you a loser. When you can prove your points with quality evidence that meets judicial and scientific standards, let me know. Until then, sarcasm and evasion only prove that you don’t know what you’re talking about, or are being untruthful, or both.

Red Tick Alert

Piss off now.

Troll alert o just an argumentative fool.


You’re the one leaving non nonsensical comments and saying that the CIA owns Google when Brin and Page do. So whose the fool fool?


JewTube is owned and run by Jews. I’m sure that you can find plenty of Jew pedophile cult oral suction circumcision statutory rape and kosher slaughter videos still up that are far more offensive than the deleted SF material.


…and Boycotting Youtube’s sponsors will soon become a felony….Yes?

Bloody Bill

I am surprised it did not happen sooner. Many of us have been demonitized and censored by YouTube. Good luck with your appeal. The YouTube staff consists of illiterate SJWs.


This is a quote from an email that I received today from Dr. Greer:

“Many of you have written in to let us know that the youtube.csetiweb site has been blocked by youtube. Thank you.

That site was our original youtube site. It has exclusively had our own material on it and our mission is to promote Universal Peace. How anything that was posted violated youtube terms of service we do not know. Finding someone to speak with at google/youtube is difficult to say the least.”

Justin Ryan

CECK THIS OUT… https://steem.io I invest in Alt coins (crypto coins). There is a coin called “Steemit”! apparently media can be funded. I think they have their own Vlogging site (either that or its being built) And yes, all transactions are anonymous!

ALSO…. we still have Vimeo and Metacafe! :)

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