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Chaos In Armenia Ramping Up As Pashinyan Refuses To Give Up Power, Leads Country Through Facebook

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Chaos In Armenia Ramping Up As Pashinyan Refuses To Give Up Power, Leads Country Through Facebook

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The political crisis in Armenia due to the loss and presumed treason by the Yerevan government appears to be ramping up.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan – who is in hiding somewhere and gives statements over the internet – refuses to resign, together with his entire entourage.

On November 10th, Arguments and scuffles have broken out in Armenia’s parliament as protesters angry at a ceasefire deal with Azerbaijan seized control of its chamber to denounce the country’s leadership.

And citizens, who are attacking Radio Liberty offices, as well as thrashing the office of the Soros Foundation in Yerevan seem to be becoming aware that the pro-Western policy of the government actually cost the country an adequate response in Nagorno-Karabakh.

A defeat such as these could have been avoided, and the results could’ve been less severe than they are.

The Armenian opposition provided two important steps to reclaim Karabakh:

1. “Get rid of the power that ceded Karabakh”
2. “Form a government of national unity”

“This is our plan. From that moment on, the Committee for the Salvation of the Motherland has been operating, to which power in the country is transferred,” said Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a representative of the opposition Dashnaktsutyun party.

Below is an overview of the situation by Re:Artsakh, who are an extremely pro-Armenian government media which covered the conflict:

“We are trying very hard so far to adhere to a relatively non-judgmental position, but damn it, Nikol Pashinyan, as if with a drilling device, is burying himself as a politician, not to mention as a leader, in desperate attempts to justify his own failures. And naturally this is a failure, and we are convinced that it is primarily a political one, which has pulled along a military one.

Essentially, or in the bottom line, as you wish, 4 years of the most exhausting war in the 90s and the next 26 crooked, lame, oblique, but years, we held Artsakh. Yes, of course, we do not diminish the responsibility of all previous leaders of Armenia, responsibility for the result of today should be collective, including all presidents from 91 years old, defense ministers, prime ministers of both republics.

The political prerequisites that led us to the “ala-peace agreement” still require careful analysis, and first, at least to find peace, because in angry emotional outbursts, we cannot find the truth. But more on that later.

Nikol Pashinyan, with his yesterday’s today’s and we believe with subsequent statements, and probably actions, will find a justification for his (or not his, time will tell) decision in signing a “peace agreement”. For example, he does it extremely unsuccessfully, he tries to scatter all the dogs that were launched on him, either blaming Gagik Tsarukyan and his detachment for the indecision, then declaring that “the thugs of parliament, stealing his perfume and watches” would have better smashed the enemy near Shushi , then lamenting the former presidents that they left a difficult legacy (which, of course, it is difficult to disagree with), then referring to the guys recording video messages in defense of Varchapet (by the way, there are also questions about some of these videos, but maybe more about that later) …

We would like to emphasize that whoever and to what extent is not guilty or involved, but it is the leader of the Republic of Armenia, the guarantor of the security of Artsakh, which Nikol Pashinyan has been since 2018, bears full responsibility, including for the internal political situation, which, in the opinion of a considerable part of society, played a fatal role, although in our opinion the primary reason is different.”

Even the most active supporters and promoters of the Armenian course that the government had undertaken, the situation for Nikol Pashinyan and the government is quite precarious, and there is little hope for him to preserve his power, the pro-Western Soros-funded activists and now policy-makers entirely failed the population of Armenia, as well as the population of the self-proclaimed independent republic of Artsakh.


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They are still talking about reclaiming Karabakh and warmongering… this is just insane. Do they need to end up like Paraguay to learn?


Of course they are. Why? – Because it wasn’t a good fight. If they fought well and “tooth and nail” but still lost they could have at least held pride that they had a good fight. But instead it was a quarter-hearted pathetic fight where Armenia left Artsakh to fend for itself and ofc this was the result. This leads to bottled emotions and at the very least it’s a wake up call to get rid of their neo-liberal government. But still as far as NK is concerned the damage is done and I don’t see how they can now reverse the current losses…


I agree most of it. But if they want another war, it is not the right time and place to do it, they just lost one. Warmongering now, will only worsen their situation.


They have a Russian armored division deployed to N-K and Russian recognition of the Artsahk government as an isolated political entity. They also still have possession of most of the 7 buffer zone districts. With Artsahk withdrawal now in question with the fate of the Pashinyan government, which agreed to the ceasefire terms, far from certain.

So there is obviously going to be an effort to negotiate more favorable terms by a new Armenian government if one replaces the Pashinyan disaster.


30% of N-K territory is Azeri occupied that practically the entire planet defacto recognizes as Armenian.


NK defacto recognized as Armenia’s territory? Where? When? How?

Defacto means nothing when you have official borders.


The Azeris got 20% of the UNGA to vote for their claim to the Artsahk territory, which includes N-K and the 7 buffer districts. Not a single member of the UNSC P5/6 supported the resolution. Russia, the US and France voted against it.

Without the 7 buffer zone districts, suppory for the Azeri claim to N-K is almost non existent.


The Madrid Principles is what’s supported at the UN: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cfc0aa46546dcf6b2b9dbc82320309e007b6cd54bf62566f6224c1b01f367bbd.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid_Principles


Except for a little glitch. Armenia invaded and ethnically cleansed NK in the ’90s!!

I don’t like Erdogan. I don’t give a **** about Aliyev and his bitchy daughter, but history is history.

Armenians killed or forced to fly over 1 million azeris from NK. I think that such an action, invalidates everything the Madrid principles say.


The 7 buffer zone districts surrounding N-K were Azeri populated and ethnically cleansed. N-K has been Armenian for centuries.

Tommy Jensen

Actually it belongs to Genghis Khan who was invited to take legally possession of the land. But Armenia stole it from Khan illegally by tricks.

Антон С

AZ occupied 1/3 and will take another 1/3 due to the treaty, because de-jure it was AZ all the time since 1991 with ethnic armenian population. There will be road new road from Armenia to Stepanakert in 3 years to save local armenians.


What’s left of the he 7 buffer zone districts that the Artsahks still control that the Azeris are getting back, if they do, were over 90% Azeri before the Armenians siezed them and expelled the Azeris in the last war.

John Brown

Prove it.




As in the US…there is always a paid Soros opposition. It doesn’t necessarily mean ‘soldiers’, families of the fallen ‘soldiers’ or families of their dead ‘ who are saying this. I intently agree with those Armenians who wish to terminate the coup puppet & master with every thing they’ve got first, then let the wiser mind(s) prevail hopefully in unity.


To late armenians had time from 2017 when they were beateny by azeris to buy some pantsirs or other new air defences .

Random Dude


John Brown


Dick Von Dast'Ard


Random Dude

Operation Ring 2.0

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes ringing with a straw fence.


What crap! Russia saved the Islamist Turks, and their denial of their Genocides. It betrayed Artsakh and Armenia like a Mongol bandit, sealing its fate as an unChristian friend of Turko-Islamists, that no Christians outside Syria will ever look to as a friend or ally again. And it let Turko-jihad triumph in the Kavkaz, with gravest consequences to come. Despite much better options available, and against much sounder advice.


You’re making a fool of yourself with your inversion of reality, and putting yourself in the retard category in the process.


Piss off punk.


Try debating the issues mental midget. You evade that because you know that you’re a serial liar who’ll lose.


You crappy little twerp, I won’t waste time debating with serial scum like you.


That’s a dodge. You won’t debate your lies and idiocy because you’ll lose and lose badly.


Dream on clown, I debated at length here with many, and won on the facts.


You’re losing to me now.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So you are a tad disappointed that Russia managed the situation from a position of neutrality?


What neutrality? It proved itself pro-Turk.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

If it proved itself pro-Turk then more cities and territory would have changed hands such as Stepanakert.

jack duras

all territories, due to Soros Control of Armenia

John Brown

Maybe Russia should let Azer conquer Yerevan? Is that what you want?

They would be in Yerevan in 2 weeks at most.



John Brown

So should they call it Sorosland not Armenia?

You want to keep the Soros coup leaders in power?

You haven’t had enough yet, you want some more?

Do yo want Soros to stay in power so he can harvest Armenian women and children for his global sex slave businesses?? and destroy what is left of Armenia??

You appear to be really begging for it.


No scum, what I want is what I set out before: for core NK including Shushi, plus all connecting territory to Armenia, to be clear of Turko-jihadis, permanently. That was actually still the case until the last few days, but Putin waited until it wasn’t, then signs a deal to hand most of it to the Turkic dictators, to punish the regime in Yerevan, despite Artsakh being separate. If Russia had not made itself so unpopular with exactly that sort of conduct there would not be any ‘Soros coup leaders’ in Yerevan.

John Brown

Putin is not the leader or Armenia. He can’t sign for Armenia. If Putin tried to do it you would complain about that too!

Only the Soros coup leaders whom Armenians supported could sign any deal.

Putin did try to get the deal you wanted but your new god Soros and his demon Pashinyan refused as they now refuse to give up power and lead Armenia through Zio Zuckerberg face book.

They want to take Armenia straight to hell and you appear to support this.

jack duras

great correct Comment

rancilio 70

The best comment, but with his soros idols you can’t have a discussion. They have no brains, they are robots


Imbecile, I despise Sauros.


Come off it! Putin (or his servant) signed this deal, and Putin could have intervened earlier on behalf of Artsakh regardless of Pashinyan, who is not the leader of Artsakh either! You say ‘Putin did try to get the deal you wanted’- evidence please? Or you just making it up like the rest?


Like those Ukrainian Bandera assholes.

jack duras

agreed with you,it will add to 800 thousands American Children,that dissapear,yearly, for the Satanists

jack duras

The Soros work proven deadly for Armenia, because His Agents, was selected, to run Armenia and is big circus,people will be dyeing,for the Globalist,as a part od depopulation,to 2025


Fuck off retard


Russia sold Karabakh to Turkey and Azerbaijan. Then Armenia was asked to leave the area in peace. Pashinyan refused, so Azerbaijan invaded from south east and north east. Armenia not only was refused CSTO support (fact!) but also threatened (with Turkish invasion) in case of active Armenian Army involvement. This is why soldiers from Armenia that were in battle went as volunteers (fact!) and/or the Armenian Army soldiers that were already stationed there before the war. But military equipment of Armenian Army was not used at all (fact!). Pashinyan was just a pawn, maybe even installed by Sarkisyan under Russian instruction to have someone to blame for loss of territories. Basically a Scapegoat. Now lets see if Armenian people will make the same mistakes they made in 2008. Lets see how smart they are.


Considering only that Azerbaijan offensive took place almost only in the south says a lot by itself.


:)) u should see ur doctor – your brain is dis functioning..


i will. thanks


Russia sold Karabakh to Turkey and Azerbaijan.

A fatal mistake, not only materially, but spiritually. Russia is now doomed to accursed infamy and ruin.


I can’t say if it is a mistake or not, and we will not know anytime soon. But it is what it is. And will go to history as a fact


It’s definitely a mistake from the Armenian, Christian, and white Russian pov. Of course for the Turko-jihadis (and anti-Russian Globalists) it’s a boon.

John Brown

Letting Soros rule Armenia and taking and anti Russian position is definitely a mistake from the Armenian pov. Of course for the Zio Globalists it’s a boon.


Keep aping, ape, it won’t change the truth.

John Brown

Armenians realized, far too late, that by taking them away from Russia for the USA, Nikol Pachinian had bet on the wrong horse. They understand in retrospect that however corrupt the former team that led them was, it was patriotic, while Soros’ men are opposed to the very concept of nationhood, and therefore to the independence of their country.

Jihadi Colin

“Spiritually’. ?

The vodka is strong in that line.


No, the Truth.


Nah, its due to several generations of brothers and sisters “keeping it in the family”….


Every scum-crack like that just raises the price for y’all, filth.


Fair enough. You always fancied yer dad and brothers more than your sister….

Tudor Miron

Are you typing from the front lines?


Are you?

John Brown

A fatal mistake, not only materially, but spiritually. Armenia is now doomed to accursed infamy and ruin


Russia first.

John Tosh

You are not a smart person… you are dumb. Armenia is being run by Soros…. under the control of Western Intelligence…. blame Western intelligence for your failure!


It is up to Armenian’s to decide who will run their country. Not Russia nor anyone else. Armenian’s can as the Jedi to run their country. Still non of anybody’s business.


What gives a ****. The fact is that the NK charade is 90% solved and Soros has lost everything in the Caucasus. This could even be the start of an all-out war against Soros and his minions in the eastern emisphere.

Curios fact: today the chinese CCP has made a law about a “loyalty test” for all Hong Kong public officials. This has prompted the “opposition reps” to resign en masse. Another blow for Soros and his minions.


“opposition reps” or just plain compradors and traitors?

I’m looking forward to the Death of Soros. There is a broiling cauldron awaiting this jew liberal POS.


fuck russia. no respect

Lone Ranger

You spelled Armenian leadership wrong adolf…

John Brown

Hello, so should they call it Sorosland not Armenia?

You want to keep the Soros coup leaders in power?

You haven’t had enough yet, you want some more?

Maybe Russia should let Azer conquer Yerevan? Is that what you want?

They would be in Yerevan in 2 weeks at most.

Do you want Soros to stay in power so he can harvest Armenian women and children for his global sex slave businesses?? and destroy what is left of Armenia??

Soros is your god now? Have you replaced Jesus with Soros in your churches?

You know Soros says he is a god.

You appear to be really begging for it.


Its Armenian’s decision to do whatever they want with their country. And it is non of Russia’s business as Russia recognizes Armenia as a sovereign country.

John Brown

OK so Russia closes its military base and leaves and lets Azer conquer Armenia.

It will take about 2 weeks for Azer flag to fly above the parliament in Yerevan.

Chicken hawks like you will run and not lift a finger for Armenia. You want others to die in hopeless battles you are to cowardly to fight.


What kind of lawlessness do you think we live in?:))))) Not saying that everything is just and fair, but small countries don’t just walk around invading other. Big players will not allow it.

rancilio 70

Soros’s whores glared sharply from behind the keyboard.

You're all as smart as kayne


Tudor Miron

Those soros whores are hopeless…and brainless. They seem to actually enjoy being led to the slaughter by that bloody clown pashinian and his masters.

John Brown

Yes Soros treats them bad how they likes it. They like to be dominated and slapped around by Soros.

Lone Ranger

Cool Disney story…


thanks, ill shoot a movie about it

jack duras

Is more complicated ,then we all think


You’re a certifiable retard. Pashinyan is a NATO-bootlicker soros minion. Armenia turned its back on the only power in the region that would have Armenias back, but these idiots spat in Moscows face.

Lie with the (NATO) dogs and you get fleas (and lose NK).

BTW you ain’t getting yer One Ring back. Last seen by some scraggly midget climbing up a mountain…


Yeah. Russians had Armenians back alright:)))


You retards put yer faith in Soros and NATO and, as expecetd, you got yerselves completely shafted. :-)

What did you expect??

Dumb schmuck. There is one born every minute…

BTW Azeri property speculators are already looking over abandoned homes in Shusha and thinking where they will build their first mosque :-)

Jihadi Colin

The Armenian anger against Soros must be sending alarm bells up the line. This was not what was supposed to happen, the people were supposed to fall into line behind the Armeniganda trolls and blame Russia. So at this point I can see two options:

1. Find an even more craven puppet and then throw Pashinyan to the wolves or

2. Persist with Pashinyan and paint the protestors as puppets of Putin.

The latter course is far more likely.


If, or maybe when, the Pashinyan government falls. If Pashinyan is in hiding, it’s essentially fallen already. There’s a good chance that the next government may reject the ceasefire agreement in part or in total.

At which point the Russians are unlikely to cede any of what remains of N-K still in Artsahk possession to the Azeris. And the agreement will have to be reworked. Until it is, if it can be. N-K is essentially a Russian protectorate. And the N-K government an isolated political entity with Russian recognition.

This also calls into question the withdrawal of the Artsahk forces from what remains of the 7 buffer zone districts. So it’s a fluid situation and far from a done deal.

This also gives the Russians an opportunity to salvage the serious damage to their international standing from the almost complete failure of their anti aircraft systems to perform to specification.

Jihadi Colin

Russian anti aircraft systems weren’t in action.


They were when they were used as target practice on multiple occasions.


It was said, they dont functioned in north Syria, they dont funtioned in Lybia. And now we hear they dont functioned in Kharabagh…

So it seem there is probably a general realiability Problem with these AD-Systems if they dont function.


They always work when needed. Can you wonder why the americans haven’t bombed Assad or Russia’s forces?


They have been using drone swarm to attack russian base in syria, but always repelled without problem. There is big difference not export model with the export one.

John Brown


As you want to commit national suicide why not attack the Azeris, the Russian peace keepers, the Russian base in Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Georgia.


What are you talking about? Your comment is nonsensical.

John Brown

Yes your comments are nonsensical.

Armenia lost its over, get ride of the Soros coup leaders responsible, patch up relations with Russia, sign trade deals with Russia, China, Iran Turkey, Georgia and Azerbajan, crack down on rampant corruption, develop the Armenian economy and build up the countries wealth and move on.


That’s a dodge. Not a critique of my comment that you called dreaming. There’s nothing dreaming about what I wrote. It’s all rational analysis.

John Brown

At which point the Russians are unlikely to cede any of what remains of N-K still in Artsahk possession to the Azeris.

Totally wrong! Dreaming its over Armenia lost!

And the agreement will have to be reworked.

No It will never happen!

This also calls into question the withdrawal of the Artsahk forces from what remains of the 7 buffer zone districts.

No wrong again its over Armenia lost!

So it’s a fluid situation and far from a done deal.

No wrong its a done deal!

If Armenia breaks its word on the deal the war will resume immediately. Stepanarkt and all other Armenia cities in NK would have fallen within days.

Why would anyone deal with Armenia again?

Armenia is not the collapsing global superpower.

The can’t break their word showing they are not agreement capable. To do what you want will result in national suicide for the Armenia nation


“If, or maybe when, the Pashinyan government falls. If Pashinyan is in hiding, it’s essentially fallen already. There’s a good chance that the next government may reject the ceasefire agreement in part or in total.

At which point the Russians are unlikely to cede any of what remains of N-K still in Artsahk possession to the Azeris.”

This is the premise of my post and the analysis is based on it.

Non of the UNSC P5/6 members recognize Azeri sovereignty over N-K. Support in the UNGA for Azeri sovereignty in the N-K borders on non existent. A nationalist government in Armenia, if one comes to power. Is likely to want the agreement reworked along the lines of the Madrid Principals. Which is what the Russian ceasefire agreement and peace keeper force deployment is essentially based on:



It’s unlikely that a nationalist government friendly to Russia. That wants the ceasefire agreement brought into compliance with the Madrid Principals. Will be abandoned by Russia. I’m not sure if the Russians would abandon the Artsahk government and region if they balk at ceding the remaining area in the 7 district buffer zone until the Azeris withdraw from occuppied N-K.

Do you really think that the Azeris are going to resume the war with a Russian armored division with air cover, and the support of the vast majority of the Artsahk people, and many Armenians, stationed in N-K?


imo…I don’t think it’s a matter of signing trade deals because …’they’ got what they wanted from the beginning…resources and the control of it. For some reason (because it has become common practice of the soros game in the US)…I believe this whole debacle was a plan to do what it set out to do from the beginning…at the cost of soldier and civilian lives. For now the Armenians need to heal, keep cooler heads and turn their puppets over to a tribunal to be judged. Then move to the next step. The jews will cause the highest civilian casualties they can from propaganda one needs discernment for and see their fruit from past.

Me&Myself None

Yet, Russia keeps wondering why every country next to it is searching an alliance with NATO and the US? People like decisiveness, strength, trustworthiness, not excuses to back/coward out of one’s commitment. In the past they used to tell you that the reason they coward out is because they want to avoid a third world or nuclear war, now they are using that false/fake Soros narrative as an excuse for their cowardice/treachery. Always the same freaking stupid propaganda, the same childish whining whenever one of the poor countries next to it wants better relation with the west in order to improve the lives of their people.

Simply pathetic!!!

Tudor Miron

Yeah! Tell us those success stories of Ukraine since they became a nato colony. Armenia is the latest glaring example – they sided with west and now they reap what they sowed. US and their vassals helped Armenia decisively and showed strength and power (using your words). What is the name of US brigade that now defends Stepanakert from Azeri offensive?

Me&Myself None

That’s because the buffoon, orangutan, dotard Trump was a Putin’s puppet, therefore, his administration did nothing for Ukraine. With Biden in power now, expect drastic improvement in Ukraine’s economy and its people’s lives.

Tudor Miron

Will it happen before or after they (US) sort their own mess? How was Ukraine doing when Biden was removing their general prosecutor – it only took a couple of phone calls. Creature – your memory is so short that you don’t remember that Ukraine already had two years of Biden’s reign?


Looks like he got dementia just like biden.


Here to refresh your memory, just in case if you are as dementia as biden https://youtu.be/UXA–dj2-CY


[“… the pro-Western Soros-funded activists and now policy-makers entirely failed the population of Armenia, as well as the population of the self-proclaimed independent republic of Artsakh.”]

That was the plan all along. Armenians need look to what caused the ever noble Houthis of Yemen to rise up and take back what was stolen in a western israeli coup (via Saudi).

Tommy Jensen

I am Pashinyan and leading my country through Facebook accounts. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me or Georg Soros or Radio Liberty, because we could have got IMF usury loans if you guys just have followed my plans. We can still get western usury loans if all Armenians just continue their military fight against Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan and China no matter how many Armenians die. We have Israel and the liberals in US on our side, and I am leading you from outside and from behind! Pashinyan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jjy57i-xJE What really happened in NagornoKarabakh (Artsakh )


Anyone who smashes up the offices of Radio Liberty deserves some kind of award.


Turks have been killing, raping, and robbing Armenians and other Christians (including Russians) for a thousand years (see below for links to just the last century or so).

By rights, ALL of Artsakh, plus Nakhitchevan and Ararat AT LEAST should go to Armenia as even MINIMAL compensation. They were all Armenian land (whether fully independent or under Perso-Roman suzerainty) for over a thousand years before the Turks turned up, copiously established and documented in history and scholarship. The Turko-Azeri claim, based on previous dispossession by force and massacre of the Armenians, is not only countered by that key fact, but by the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh to self-determination also under international and humanitarian law, by the right of Artsakh and Armenia to a viable and secure territory, especially in face of ongoing Turkic-Islamist threats and genocide-denial, and by the fact that Azerbaijan as a nation never held lasting sovereignty over them EXCEPT as part of other empires, most recently the Russian and Soviet ones for most of the last two centuries. Therefore, if the Azeri claim is ‘valid’, then so is the prior longstanding claim of the Russians to rule Azerbaijan itself, along with eg Kars and Sarikamis in Turkey, and Ukraine, and conversely, if the Armenian ‘separatist’ claim to Artsakh is invalid, then so are the separatist claims of Russian and Turkish ‘annexations’ like South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea, Transnistria, and northern Cyprus. The fact is that this attack on Artsakh is a dirty piece of Satanic skulduggery and ‘might is right’ thuggery cooked up by crooks and thieves, and a continuation of the thouand-year long Turkic aggression against and dispossession of the Armenians and other Christians, disgracefully aided and abetted by outside ‘Judeo-Christian’ powers who never seem to learn their lesson: that whilst such evil may “succeed” and “profit” in the short term, it plants the Devil-seed and sows the Divine Destinic wind for even greater retributive evils down the track, which history provides myriad examples of, and which they most assuredly will draw upon themselves as a result of this evil upon evils.











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