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Chaos In Yerevan After Russian-backed Peace Agreement Signed Between Azerbaijan And Armenia

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Chaos In Yerevan After Russian-backed Peace Agreement Signed Between Azerbaijan And Armenia

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On November 9th, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia signed an agreement to end the war with Azerbaijan.

It is a three-way agreement between Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“I signed a statement with the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan on ending the Karabakh war since 01:00 (00:00 Moscow Time). The text of the published statement is inexpressibly sensitive for me personally and for our people. I made the decision after a deep analysis of the military situation and the assessment by people who know it better than anyone,” Pashinyan said, noting that he made “a very and very hard decision”.

According to Pashinyan, “this step is based on a conviction that this is the best possible solution in the current situation.”

“I will speak in detail about all this in the coming days. This is not victory, but there won’t be a defeat unless you recognize yourself as a loser. We will never recognize ourselves as losers and this should usher in our era of national unification and revival,” he said.

As per the agreement, approximately 2,000 Russian peacekeepers will be deployed in the region in order to ensure that the clashes will cease. Some of them were immediately deployed via 4 IL-76 transport aircraft flights.

As specified by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 1,970 servicemen, 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of other equipment will arrive in the region. The core of the peacekeeping contingent will be subdivisions of the 15th separate motorized rifle brigade of the Central Military District.

Immediately after the de fact surrender was signed by Armenia, after Shusha was captured, unrest began in the Armenian capital of Yerevan after a new ceasefire statement was adopted. Protesters stormed the government headquarters early on November 10th, smashing windows and furniture inside and demanding the Armenian prime minister to resign.

There was also chaos in Armenian parliament, and this is likely only the beginning.

Media reports said thousands of people gathered in the centre of the city, while other protesters forced their way into the government headquarters, smashing windows and damaging the furniture inside.

There are even reports (and a vide) showing the President of National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan was beaten up by protesters, who demanded Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation.

The agreement includes the following:

  • A complete ceasefire is announced from midnight Moscow time on November 10th. The Azerbaijani and Armenian military stops at their positions.
  • The parties undertook to exchange prisoners of war.
  • Yerevan must return the Kelbajar region to Baku by November 15, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, a five-kilometer wide opening will be left, under Armenian control in the Lachin corridor, which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia. At the same time, this doesn’t apply to the city of Shusha, which was just captured by Azerbaijan’s forces. In addition, by November 20, Armenia must transfer the Agdam region and part of the Gazakh region held by it to Azerbaijan.
  • A Russian peacekeeping contingent of 1,970 servicemen with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of automotive and special equipment is deployed along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor.
  • The peacekeepers were deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian military. Their term of stay will be limited to five years with automatic renewal for additional five-year periods, if none of the parties to the agreement decides to withdraw from it.
  • A peacekeeping center will be deployed to monitor the implementation of the agreements.
  • In the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor is to be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route. At the same time, Azerbaijan guarantees the safety of transport links along the Lachin corridor.
  • Internally displaced persons and refugees should return to Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas under the supervision of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
  • All economic and transport links in the region should be unblocked, while Armenia pledged to provide transport links between the western regions of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan autonomy. Russian border guards will control the message. In addition, it is planned to ensure the construction of new transport communications, which will connect the main territory of Azerbaijan with the Nakhichevan autonomy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a statement on the matter:

“Today, on November 9, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Aliyev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Pashinyan and the President of the Russian Federation signed a statement declaring a complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020 …

We proceed from the premise that the agreements reached will create the necessary conditions for a long-term and full-format settlement of the crisis around Nagorno-Karabakh on a just basis and in the interests of the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples.”

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that the peacekeeping would be carried out jointly by Russia and Turkey.

Currently, the situation is such, the Armenian leadership is unhappy that they lost, the Artsakh president began blaming previous leaders for the loss now.

The President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan gave a speech that covered the following points:

  • On November 7, we completely lost control of Shushа.
  • I don’t know what assessment history will give to this decision, but we did it forcibly.
  • The fighting took place 2-3 kilometers from Stepanakert. If not for this decision, we would have lost the whole of Artsakh, we would have had much more losses.
  • Recently, we managed to solve the problem of drones, but on the last day, the opponent again managed to use their UAVs and deliver heavy blows. All of us, all the leaders, must answer for the fact that we had such a problem.
  • We were forced (to make this decision) so that there would be no more losses. We fought against the forces of 8 countries.
  • Our most important problems were internal discord and panic.
  • I have spoken with representatives of the elite, including Bako Sahakyan, Arkady Ghukasyan, Vitaly Balasanyan and others, and they are all ready to cooperate and work with us. We are consulting with them.
  • Everyone said that a temporary or final truce was inevitable. Otherwise, we would have lost all of Artsakh in a matter of days. There were no resources to continue fighting.
  • We don’t need a civil war. I call for calm and joint work.
  • All the leaders of the last decades should answer for the fact that we had such problems in the army.

A likely development is even more animosity towards Russia for “losing Armenia’s conflict” for them, by not taking a more assertive part in it.

Even before the actual hostilities began, media was almost entirely blaming Moscow for the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, in order to find an excuse as to why the situation was managed so poorly.

And accusations have also began immediately after the agreement was signed on November 9th.

The signed trilateral agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh is a defeat for Russia and a betrayal of Armenia. This opinion was expressed by a political observer from Yerevan Hayk Khalatyan on the air of the radio station “Echo of Moscow”

“The agreement is a betrayal of Armenia. Most of the society is confident that the agreement signed by Pashinyan is a betrayal of the national interests of Armenia. Russia wants to extract at least something from the situation, but this was its actual defeat in the South Caucasus, because Moscow can be said to admit its defeat to Ankara and Baku, or did not want to compete with them. All over the world it will be assessed in this way – that Russia has shown its weakness, ” Khalatyan said.

According to him, the reaction may spread to other regions, where “Russia’s interests will come into contact with Turkey.” “I think that Azerbaijan is completely lost for Russia. Aliyev has repeatedly stated that a new geopolitical reality is now being created with Turkey. Now it is not clear how events will develop in other regions, because conclusions will be drawn on Russia’s policy,” he said.

In the next months, and likely years, pro-Armenian media will continue pushing the narrative that Russia lost this piece of history for Armenia, and this is likely to be strongly pushed by Pashinyan and the current Armenian leadership, in order to shift responsibility.


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It is not Russia’s job. Armenia did this to themselves by purging all Moscow-trained officers from the Army last year. You reap what you sow.

Panthera Pardus

It is not Russia’s job. Armenia did this to themselves by purging all Moscow-trained officers from the Army last year.

Interesting, do you have any link about it?

Harry Smith

After Pashinyan put Onik Gasparyan as new Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, this Onik fired most of officers who studied in USSR or in Russia. https://oc-media.org/pashinyan-fires-top-security-officials-after-wedding-party/

Harry Smith

And these also are interesting links Soros network in Armenia: http://www.moscow-post.su/in_world/soros_agents_network_in_armenia33701/ 10 colonels were retired in 2016 http://arka.am/en/news/politics/ten_armenian_colonels_retire/

Al Balog

Shameful. I can understand being upset by losing, but this to me looks like warmongering on part of these Armenian protesters. Almost as if they want an Armenian “hawk” even worse than Pashinyan, and someone who will continue a war that’s been going on since 1988, when the NES was still a thing and glam metal. That’s a 32 year war! They want it to go on still?

I myself was born in 1990, and the war is 2 years older than me. I want to see the whole mess end.

Vox Populi

A peaceful negotiated settlement as initially promoted by Russia and Iran would have been far more preferable. Pashinyan’s idiotic policies of trying to play both Russia and the west caused this disgraceful outcome.

John Brown

As I said and the president of NK stated.

Everyone said that a temporary or final truce was inevitable.

Otherwise, we would have lost all of Artsakh in a matter of days. There were no resources to continue fighting.


What’s left is hardly worth bothering with. Armenia’s future is not with Russia.

John Brown

Wishful thinking so now its all Russia’s fault??

So ungrateful.

Russia can let Azer conquer all of Armenia any time. If Armenia betrays Russia again Azer will finish the job in a couple of weeks.

Any Armenians who fell like you should apply for refugee status in the USSA when Biden declares open borders.

As for the rest the JSSA and the JU won’t exist much longer as they are bankrupt and about to totally collapse.

This will be the Russia China blocks century like last century was the century of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship


No thug-brain, Armenia is a sovereign state protected by international law, much stronger than Artsakh, and Azerbaijan has no reason to risk attacking it. What a cretin! Russia just gave Armenia every incentive to align fully with the West, including troops, along with the others I mentioned.

Russia will collapse before those others now, it sowed its own seeds of Divine Doom with this Mongol banditry and Islamist treachery. And the world is gettting sick of Commie China too.


The problem for Armenia is that it has no army left to fight. Last chance sent the volunteers to death. In 1 day Shushi fell, in 3 days the so-called capital would fall.

Vox Populi

Total withdrawal from all Azerbaijani lands is the cornerstone of this agreement and resettlement of all refugees. Armenian refugees are barely 140,000 will a million displaced Azerbaijanis will return home.

John Brown

In 14 days Yerevan and all of Armenia would fall.

Vox Populi

In any normal country the Armenian leadership would have been overthrown and tried for treason and cowardice. Armenia should be amalgamated with the Russian Federation as that is the only viable option.

Fleecing Rabbi

At least they stole his wallet and smart phone.


so this dog gave up everything they died for. i think he will be lynched

Vox Populi

If he had any self-respect he should have committed suicide, like even the Egyptian Chief of Staff did after the 1967 defeat. Armenia just lied to its people about their imaginary victories, just like Egyptians did in 1967.

According to the official Egyptian position, Amer was rushed to hospital on 13 September 1967 in an attempt to save his life after he attempted suicide by swallowing “a large amount of poison pills” upon the arrival of Egyptian officers to question him, but it is generally believed that Egyptian officers shot him for their defeat.


Egyptians are men. Sorosists are shit.

Great Khan

Great Khan told truth, Armeni Kaputenheimer,,,,Pissinyan must head chop,,,,hahhaha


it must be hard for khan to speak with so many dicks in mouth

Jens Holm




Jens Holm


Fleecing Rabbi

Even your Hitler had more self-respect.

Jens Holm

Yes, he even runned a cuntry more then 1000 days.

None can blame NWR for that :)

John Brown

Hitler was a close Zio ally and murderer of christian Europeans for his Rothchild masters.

Judiasim and Nazisim 2 sides of the same Zio coin




https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4459ebe10c59a2e488167a50332554f523c630518609e0aa116050aaee343b8b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc0b3cd563a35ba7572503591fcb6f20e75618d3e881a08a0730cd29ba9c5999.png



Most of the blame goes to Pashinyan. He is just a weak leader who sold out his people. NK was being defended with very limited resources and personnel against a massive attacking army from several nations. He could have just ordered the entire Armenian Army to fight on NK and they could last long enough for better negotiation terms. Pashinyan could have even recognized NK as part of Armenia, but he didn’t, showing weakness and cowardice. On top of that, he held the Armenian Army back and just waited for NK territories to be lost because he was a total coward or a puppet controlled by a faceless master. His whole narrative of pushing away Russia, losing NK and then attempting to blame Russia for it, is just cowardly and retarded. It’s the responsibility of Armenia to fight for its survival, nobody else’s.

Expect the Armenian people to vote into power, a war hawk who will learn from this defeat and fight back in the future to retake the lost territories.

Great Khan

Pissinyan must lose head and Great Khan play polo….hahahhaha

Genghis Gobi

You Grate Khan, where my platoon goat you runned away with? You defective to Armenistan with forty goat?


It’s the responsibility of Armenia to fight for its survival, nobody else’s.

Wrong, it’s also the responsibility of those who betrayed Armenia in the past, and who call themselves Christian, and who put Armenia in this position by helping to establish the Republic if Artsakh to begin with.

Random Dude

Awwwww, some people are upset. Bu hu hu. Hello from the other side. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c051dfa8cfdb5a5c0ba9230d5dce16f8cedf415e5786f27d472f70084595d50e.jpg

Vox Populi

Russia achieved two main goals, destroy Pashinyan who Putin never liked and secondly block NATO from the Caucasus. The removal of foreign Salafists is also now on the cards as demanded by both Iran and Russia. This may end up a loss for Turkey in the long run.

Random Dude

If you are talking about alleged Syrian mercs, Azerbaijan/Turkey have no reason or benefit from keeping them there. War is over, mission accomplished. They go home. And Turkey will be in the peacekeeping mission in Karabakh along with Russia. Last time I checked Turkey was still a member of NATO

Vox Populi

Turkey is also buying Russian weapons, so that further strengthens Russia.

Random Dude

maybe, but coming back to your comment about NATO presence in the region. Your claim is not exactly accurate.

Fleecing Rabbi

Only truth is victory for my chosen people. Mazal Tov!

Fleecing Rabbi

Russians will see the power of Harop soon.

Rhodium 10

Iran shot down all Harop which were flying close to his borders

Captain Freedom

?lol the microchips in that thing will be fried by EMP long before we get the chance to see it.

Genghis Gobi

I already seed power supply of drone aeroplane Harop. It not impressionist, more power in my four mother in laws’ slap. Maybe Abu Netanyahu al Zionistani want to employable my mother in laws to power Harop? Then I can going home in piece and quietly!

John Brown

The Haropis is garbage. Turkish drones did most of the fighting.

Fleecing Rabbi

Putin just lost another helicopter to the Turks, nothing to smile about.


Russia was clear from the start. They respect international law, sovereignty and territorial integrity. And NK is an internationally recognized Azeri territory. And that is it. Laws and rules are important, if you don’t want to be seen as a clown and pariah State internationally.

Fog of War

” And NK is an internationally recognized Azeri territory. ” So why is Russia allowing Armenia to keep any part of it ?


Russia is allowing nothing. The treaty has been signed by Azerbaijan and Armenia, and Azerbaijan is satisfied with the terms. So why Azerbaijan is allowing Armenia to keep a part of NK?

Fog of War

” So why Azerbaijan is allowing Armenia to keep a part of NK? ” Deals were made in the background. Azerbaijan would have complete control of NK in about a week or so, so obviously something else made them agree. Possibly Turkey ? Very similar to what happened in Idlib.

John Brown

Azer gets it all with some autonomy for a small part of NK under Azer rule.


Armenians are upset. But Pashinyan will be exposed upside down very soon, Mussolini-style.

Genghis Gobi

Is that being family portrait? It look to me like familiar portrait.


Next Map , The areas marked with the date will be abandoned by the Armenians and given to the Azerbaijani army. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1c4bc2cc64701cde5dbb1a6095a55f8c6280b5ac7c74b848ac848fe76c178d3.jpg


If that’s true, it’s an utterly appalling outcome, that will in fact seal Russia as a true betrayer of Armenia, which would be far better advised to turn elsewhere in future.

Alberto Garza

russia saved armenia from total military defeat if not for russia they would have taken armenia .


No, there was no basis or interest to do so. They wanted Artsakh and Russia gave it to them on a plate.

Free man

The results of the war were known from day one. Only fools did not want to admit the reality.

Vox Populi

This has strengthened Russian and Iranian positions in the Caucasus. Azerbaijan now understands very clearly who really calls the shots. Putin has achieved all his goals and strengthened Russian influence. Armenia is now totally dependent on Russia and additional Russian troops are now being deployed. Not a good omen for Turkey and its Syrian Salafist proxies.

Random Dude

You might get surprised today.

Vox Populi

Always enjoy surprises :) there are riots in Yerevan and the parliament has been overrun by protestors.

Random Dude

More of Turkish participation in peacekeeping along with Russia.

Vox Populi

That is good as Russia will ensure that no Sunni terrorists remain in the Caucasus.

Mark M. Nobelman

@disqus_c36XfkQpyr:disqus Just ignore him bro. His an indian who has some serious mental health issues. He has multiple usernames

Vox Populi

LOL, desperate now in CAPS, you are the seven moons Pakistani troll. Outed again.

Fleecing Rabbi

Indians are our friends and good people, they defeated you Pakistani terrorist dogs several times.

Mark M. Nobelman

Lmao. The only problem is that I am not Pakistani and far from that. Pakistanis have ruled Indians for 1000 year. their battle is based upon the elite vs the peasants. The Indians are mentally defeated before they even engage the Pakis aka their overlords


Ehm, your choosenite friends are on the same page as Pakistan in NK.

Random Dude

That will be in benefit of all countries in the region. And seems like they all are on the same page on that issue.

Fleecing Rabbi

All Arab terrorists must die.


All Arab are fighters

Fleecing Rabbi

Fighters for defeat. 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 plus more https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e9d864acf7b588d36b1d41b49ae5bae443a8f43223613e4c1f97592968b5952a.jpg


But not today they are getting stronger

Jens Holm

Do You put pepper on them?

Genghis Gobi

What about Uighuristani terrorist? But now Abu Donaldtrump al Twitteri declaration that Uighuristani like me not terrorist! Very simply solutioning: all Arab declaration themself Uighuristani. What Abu Netanyahu al Zionistani do then? Get slapped by four mother in laws!


Multipolar world order at work. Turkey has been identified as one of the poles of this new order. If you go on Youtube and watch videos of Zhirinovsky, you can see that he has been talking about a Russia-Turkey axis for at least 8 years. And it is a known fact that Zhirinovsky is used as a barometer to measure the people’s mood.

He was the one to say “show to the world that we have new and terrifying weapons”. 4-5 years later, Putin showed them.

Jack Brown

The Turkish army wasn’t part of the agreement for a peacekeeping force in the NK. It’s only the Russian army that will be deployed there. Turkey will only send some specialists, to monitor the joint command centre to be established in the NK.

Free man

” Armenia is now totally dependent on Russia ” – That’s the only thing I can agree with. The way Armenia lost is not good for Russia in the short term. I can’t understand how anyone could think that Turkey was weakened and Iran became stronger as a result of this war. We will see the impact of the Azeri victory on the Azeris in Iran.

Vox Populi

Too early to tell. Turkey has weakened itself with endless wars and the results from Libya to Syria are not promising.

Free man

Turkey and Israel share a resounding victory in the Caucasus. There is no other way to understand it.

Fleecing Rabbi

Mazal Tov!

Free man

Təbrik edirik!

Fleecing Rabbi

Aliyev: Pashinyan is a drunken dog and a loser

“He signs it because we forced him to do so,” Aliyev said, while showing his fist.

Thanks to this agreement, we will return our territories without any further bloodshed,” he added.

“We avenged Khojaly victims. We avenged our martyrs,” he added, boasting about delivering his promises on retaking Karabakh.

“Pashinyan should have thought of this day when he was dancing drunkenly in Shusha. I had said that we will chase them like dogs and now we did it. Everyone saw our iron fist now. And we did that awesomely.”

He said he could make Pashinyan come to Baku and sign the treaty sitting in front of him, but he doesn’t like to humiliate anyone.

Mark M. Nobelman

Turkish peacekeepers will be stationed in Nagorno together with the Russians. I say nice try but NOPE! Iran who? They have no irrelevance in this.

Not to forget Azerbaijan has a defense treaty with Turkey alot people seem to be overlooking this fact

Vox Populi

You Pakistani are strangle people, you are not from the region or understand its history of demographics. Iran and Russia since 1000 years are the kingmakers of the Caucasus. You people are Indians and need to focus on Asian issues.

Mark M. Nobelman

This is the same fuking handicap zionism is evil. Repeating the same delusional stuff again and again. You o’right or is something wrong with you?

Vox Populi

Sorry, no idea but you are posting nonsense.

Mark M. Nobelman

I know your that handicap ”Zionism is Evil” Why you using multiple usernames. You gave yourself out in your previous post

Vox Populi

Really, how is that, I outed you as a Pakistani troll and you guys have been posting the same nonsense on various websites.

Jens Holm

You are the fucking iliterate stuoidist putting in zionisme to all You dont like – and thats a lot.

Maybee You should integrate in the normal world. where the rest are and blame who is to blame.

Thes best start wold be to clean Your own stinking house and start with washing Your bed blancet and Your tiny carrot. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg

Mark M. Nobelman

Lol. You misunderstood what I meant. It was the user called ”Zionism is evil” his Zion anti not me. He hates Israel but not me I appreciate the Israelites. He is using multiple accounts and posting on the chat

Jens Holm

Im so sorry.

Im tired naming each other zionist, mongols, gypsies etc.


What King? Iran is now an exhausted country because it helps Armenians. Azerbaijani Turks love Iran, but Persians lost their right. Don’t write a Shia Sunni story.

Jens Holm

I see so many very much infected by homemade bed blanket nationalisme of the worst kind.

You are worse showing Your false oppinions beleiving false facts following the most silly flags as sheep even You know evil persons see You as spendable and eat random as they wish.

Many also plunder You as winners in the world as corrupt ones.

True Pakistan and India has its own probæems and mine too. But we have a perspective as well we at least know, how it was.


Iran is not involved in anything, nobody should tell a story. This place is full of story writers.

Turks and Russians will be in Karanbağ. Russian Interfax https://www.interfax.ru/amp/736347

Vox Populi

Great news as Russia will drive the Sunni terrorists out.

Fleecing Rabbi

Most Arabs are Sunnis, so using Boolean logical all terrorists are Sunnis and must die.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative. The ones helping them from the Russian collapse are westerns organising them better as well as investing.

..And that the sensible way.

You might be right in some of Your reflexions about influence. I think so.

cechas vodobenikov

again Jenny forgot her meds


Россия и Турция создадут мониторинговый центр в Карабахе According to the Russian Interfax agency, Turks and Russians will be in Karabakh. https://www.interfax.ru/amp/736347

Lazy Gamer

I remember the Russians fleeing saraqib after they deployed there and were subjected to attack by Turkey. So, Armenia should stay on their toes as Russian peacekeepers are not a guarantee. Especially when one remembers what an Azeri ceasefire means. lol

Jack Brown

Stop lying please, keyboard warrior.

Lazy Gamer

Hahaha. What a troll.


https://twitter.com/sputnik_TR/status/1326033506955358208 Pashinyan: My computer, watch, perfume and license were stolen :)))))))))))))))) ahahahahaha

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah loser putz! Great Victory for Khazarian brotherhood. Defeat for Russian WW2 weapons. Mazal Tov!

Black Waters

What a stupid CIA bot, both were using soviet weaponry.

The defeat it’s only due to the retard rhetoric of the chief in command, sucking NAziTO boots.

J Ramirez

How stupid can you be, that wasn’t Russia’s war. If the Terrorist state of ISISreal ever fought Russia you would lose hard and fast. Think before you speak. Now I have a question fro you.

Who was the most famous Jewish cook? Adolf Hitler ;}


Frankly, another notch for Russia. Well done.

Fleecing Rabbi

Another divine victory, Mazal Tov! Never buy Russian junk weapons, Armenian defeat like Arabs is an example, buy Harop and win.

Random Dude

What is Harop? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23cf41b59cbca5286b86700ca9c08eaf650b90c1cfe60e08cae4e32a7d8ae92d.jpg

Fleecing Rabbi

The winner is https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a5632fb4f5c3cd72d5300b59a236797759443773276b27be142833b6887a2b1.jpg


Bla..bla..bla.. Azeris won Armenians loser


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b53024e52312a81014ff060d25d35bac695011272a193d2689282b6c91425d2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/653b4704b0219fcd98c58bf3b2042029899fadab51c93863b30f8c0bc40799c1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/337ab044cf1d75aeb514f5309d9cfa5b0773b10104d2793edee27dbf9a4df269.jpg Pashinyan: “My computer, watch and perfume were stolen from my room” 10.11.2020, Computers, watches and other items were stolen from the residence of the Armenian Prime Minister after the night raid. The statement came from Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Facebook, Qaynarinfo reports. “My computer, watch, perfume, driver’s license and other belongings were stolen. All this, of course, was done” for the sake of the motherland, “Pashinyan wrote. It should be noted that protests were held in Yerevan last night in connection with the announcement of the end of the war in Karabakh. On the night of November 10, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia announced the end of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh and the signing of a peace agreement. Riots broke out in Yerevan after the declaration of peace in Karabakh. The mob broke into the government building, destroyed the meeting room and then went to Pashinyan’s residence. During the protests, blindfolded people brutally beat the speaker of the Armenian parliament Ararat Mirzoyan. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e50ffb2d9cec3b95c28879976962320278fc553ff9164312f737a8ba9b2ff379.jpg


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fdd3d1cc088cda218526816f1eeb3c558ff89d5b978d6f902b43d744b74d0995.jpg What happened, Pashinyan? – No status and will not! (VIDEO) As reported, a trilateral statement was signed today between Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia. After the statement confirming Armenia’s surrender in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation. The head of state also addressed the Prime Minister of Armenia Nicole Pashkina. The head of state called on Pashinyan, “What happened, Pashinyan, did you go to Jabrayil? You were dancing. What happened to status? He went to hell, status, he was buried. There is no status and it will not be. As long as I am president, it will not be!” He said he was eventually forced to surrender. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f7d08166510e579769a45562ecd7f921a3b2a803e466e5087713554ded422d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1ee93318d7e86da7608bef03f241e222e073091c31c0cea12e43a4864a83d86.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5ab483e953a448e0e0e2d4a1be13b22b765e298c2b061e13bd3721ef92d96fd.jpg


I see wild apes run amok in Yerevan…

Genghis Gobi

Freinds and infidels!

Spy in Armenistani capitalist Yerevanabad giving me top and also bottom and left and right secret informationing.

This riot and disturbanceing in Yerevanabad not really collapsation of law and ordering. No! It actually plan by Armenistan to find best mixed martial artist, who can beating up maximum number of people! Then Armenistan unleash these mixture martial artist horde on Azerbaijanistani position! Since unarmed it violation of ceasefire four Azerbaijanistan for to shooting at them.

On hear of plan Azerbaijanistan also planning to find best mixture martial artist to fight Armenistani invasioning! Trial already being holded four best kicker, slapper, puncher and head butter. We trying to hire Abu Miketyson al Heavyweighti four to take course in biting as in the well.


Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank.


Putin the jew. Putin the idiot. Where are the “master strategists” spitting shit against Putin day and night?

The only thing I don’t like about Putin, is his machiavellianism. It is crystal clear that the downing of the russian helicopter was a needed move to put this plan in motion. Sadly two soldiers have died for this to happen.

The Farney Fontenoy

This isn’t a ‘peace agreement’-it’s unconditional surrender, another Christian area surrendered to a bloodthirsty islamic caliphate. Every church in Artsakh will be burned to the ground, Armenians shouldn’t protest against their govt-they should just kill them, the PM & his cabinet should be shot in their parliament.


What? Azerbaijan is a secular nation hijabs are literally banned in schools and universities since 2010 and a majority of the youth are non-religious. Already almost 5% of the population is Christian and there are hundreds of churches in Azerbaijan.

The Farney Fontenoy

“secular nation”, sure like Turkey is ‘secular’, I lived for years in Turkey and they try very hard to make life as difficult as possible for non-muslims

Rhodium 10

Turks are not Trusty people…I bet that in few months somekind of islamic radical groups( included Chechens, Syrians, Daguestani) will ambush Rusian troops inside NK..for other side Pashinyan refused to help Armenian people in NK!..just using the SU-30 and its medium/long range air to air missile…no drone would flew over NK…but they thought that USA and France will help them like the last one did to support Greece in the Mediterranean.


Look. Armenians hate Russians more than they hate Azerbaijan and Turkey. They considered Russians for their loss of “Artsakh”. They may revolt and force Russia out of Armenia entirely. This is all they can do. Even it is senseless.

Harry Smith

If Armenians will force Russia out of their country it will be a great celebration here in Russia. Because even some Armenians living in Russia do not understand why Russia is spending it’s resources on these useless peoples who lives in Armenia.

Panthera Pardus

This opinion was expressed by a political observer from Yerevan Hayk Khalatyan … All over the world it will be assessed in this way – that Russia has shown its weakness, ” Khalatyan said.

Is this guy sponsored by Carnegie ? https://carnegie.ru/commentary/experts/1664 who in 2018 wrote https://carnegie.ru/commentary/77995

However, if Pashinyan fails to realize his vision of the “Armenia of the future”—one with no corruption, a thriving middle class, and good relations with both Russia and the West—he risks being left at the mercy of none other than the old ruling elite.

Read, after using NGOs and velvet revolution tools to seize power – for personal gain from what I can read in that very same article – he tried to sell his ass both to Russia and USA at the same time and in this totally neglecting the threat from Az.. why Russia should be seen as weak because did not keep this guy in power? it is a western client.


Hahahahaha watching the video of the parliament assault…no price! Ruskies have a sense of humor, for taking on stage a replica of the verkovna rada assault. Serving revenge after years is a distinctive trait of Putin’s Russia.


Armenians, literally fought alone against azerbaijan, turkey and their fifth column of syrian terrorists. Armenian never were clear enough to request any kind of direct russian support nor from other countries…in the last days they were defeated by the turkish drones and left the Artsakh forces alone to resist the most possible before an agreement was signed

Ivan Freely

Armenian PM was very clear on Russian support. Russia said to read the treaty more slowly.

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