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MARCH 2025

Chatham House Postulates On “Balkanisation” Of US

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Chatham House Postulates On “Balkanisation” Of US

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House, explored the possibility of a “national divorce” in the United States because of the Republicans and Democrats. This “national divorce” will be accentuated in the elections, with the author even claiming that the country is more divided today than it was during the Civil War in the 19th century. Considering its enormous influence in Anglo geopolitical decision-making, this is a major claim for the London-based think tank.

Bruce Stokes, an Associate Fellow of Chatham House, also posits that there are “two Americas,” perhaps three, due to Israel’s enormous bipartisan control of its Congress. He also questions if the US is “headed for a national divorce” since “there is a growing divide in US society and politics” that mirrors “old Civil War battle lines.”

Stokes claims there “is talk of another civil war brewing over the country’s future,” which is making the “increasingly Balkanized US […] even more inward-looking, preoccupied with internal divisions over immigration, race, inequality, and sexual and gender identity issues.”

He argues that his “self-absorption” translates into “isolationism and protectionism,” which comes at the “expense of the security and economic alliances” of the US. The associate fellow adds that “the emergent two Americas can also be seen across a range of divisive social issues that reflect deeper divisions than those that merely manifest themselves at the ballot box.”

The Chatham House article comes as Ukraine is practically defeated, which has made Europe increasingly divided. French President Emmanuel Macron wants to intervene directly, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not want his country to lose a third world war. At the same time, the Biden administration was quick to distance itself from the French president’s plans to intervene directly in Ukraine.

Macron’s bravado, despite Europe’s well-known economic issues and industrial struggle, could be because he is trying to foster support three months before the European Parliament elections or because he is now truly delusional. Nonetheless, in his most recent interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin commented almost cavalierly that Macron’s Russophobic stance is largely due to former French colonies in Africa that he controlled rebelling against him.

Beyond warning that Russia is also ready for a nuclear war if it is in an existential struggle, Putin declared that the “ball of vampires” was approaching its end, in a clear allusion to neocolonial financial globalism, which Macron and Biden serve.

Chatham House also argued that the “Balkanisation” of “two Americas” goes beyond preferences at the ballot box and, among its variety of selective statistics, there is even a great divide on the Israel-Hamas War, with 61% of liberal Democrats believing “Israel is going too far in its military operation against Hamas,” which only 8% of conservative Republicans agree with. It turns out that there is no shortage of those who disagree with Biden’s supposed distancing from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In fact, one of the persuasive pieces of evidence is that both parties in Congress are on the verge of abolishing TikTok’s presence in the US because the Netanyahu government argues that the Chinese social media platform has exacerbated criticism of Israel’s brutal massacre of Gazans, which many American youth abhor. It appears that the US is even extremely divided on Israel, perhaps more so than at any time in history, and this will influence the upcoming presidential election.

“The outcome of the 2024 US election is unlikely to resolve these differences. In fact, it may deepen them, whoever becomes president. Just as southerners never fully accepted the outcome of the civil war, Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was stolen are unlikely to gracefully accept a loss in 2024, presaging more resentment and possible renewed violence. And if Trump wins, Biden supporters may attribute it to Republican election subversion, further alienating Democrats from their fellow Americans,” Stokes argues.

“America’s friends and allies need to understand that the United States has become a Disunited States. There are effectively two Americas – and they are at war. They are fighting over social, political and constitutional issues, and over what role the US should play in the world. The 2024 US election is just another battle in this war,” he concludes.

Biden would probably lose to former president Trump if the 2024 general election were held tomorrow as the current president trails in every major swing state and in national polls. Whether Trump will maintain this advantage until November remains to be seen, but what is beyond doubt is that the US is even more divided today than it was during the Civil War when hundreds of thousands of Americans died, yet Biden has his country distracted on external issues, such as the Ukraine war.


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balkanization of the us has always been the plan and is coming sooner than you would think.


no. separation of the u.s. is not the final plan. the final plan is civil war killing as many white middle class families as possible. they (elites) don’t need educated, economically self sufficient, independent and conservative people, keeping their religion, habits, identity and culture. they need stupid, drug addicted, uneducated, illiterate, brainwashed mobs on social benefits because these can be eliminated very easily. aka illegals and black people in the slums.

Last edited 11 months ago by hlohlo

eu is the same. sweden is already lost.


you white americans are black obsessed scum brain. can you not think of anything else? we could be talking about aliens on mars and some white trash from america will be like “black people”. honestly, i hope the white american dies.


of course you do hope for that. like every other blm or antifa globalist usefull idiot.


yes i do. but not because of blm or antifa or obama or oprah winfrey or che guevara or who else but because of you whites yourselves are a bunch of massive c*nuts. and too stupid to reason why.


well, the 90% of crack addicts are black, same with heroin and fentanyl. seems you just love it. and then whites are stupid cunts? and not the ape addicts? but why involving che guevara. he wasn’t darkie. if it wasn’t for him or white guy fidel, blacks would still toil for pennies for union fruit of the usa. but stupid trockyst like you is unaware of that. you are not picking cotton currently but serve as a slaves of soros and ilk.


the balkanisation of the us would be a good thing, don’t you think? it’s probably the least bloody way the baby-brain giant will go down.


in the grand scheme of things i would not overestimate the significance of the downfall of the us. it’s just a new era but the story will not end here. empires come and go, but the saturnian cult stays the same.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny
Nunya Beezwax

we have nothing to fear of these people. what are they going to do? are they going to hurl insults at us? are they going to sic their police on us? i think when the shit hits the fan most people are going to be on the side of unity and preservation of the country. trump will be the president so the guys in dresses will have to fight the military. sure they will.


yes we are impotent hillbillies unable to think…”skepticism is profound and all pervasive in amerikuntistan and is most effecietly exploited”. geoffrey gorer


chatam house, host of round table, initiator of ww1 ww2 and parent entity to cfr which control neocons and usa foreign policy, fact they come in the open might indicate the psycho are running out of bullets in their plans.. to succeed their need the usa to get involved in ukraine which would allow to balkanize rissia at the same time.. that kind of psychos..


better to prevent split—the hillbillies might get desperate and beg tacos from mexicans

emperor bill gates

we are already split —a nation of bickering children—very submissive narcotized idiots


when india reaches 2 billions, they are going to dream of balkanisation of maybe russia (largs country, little people)

Tommy Lee

a few corrections on that map: new york, new jersey, and possibly pennsylvania would certainly go with new england. they wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the south, and vice versa. florida wouldn’t secede from a southern-dominated united states, and the midwest could go either way. utah is also a fairly conservative state full of mormons who would probably seek some kind of autonomy from liberal california.


california is not liberal but lgbtq sinkhole. any imaginable perversion of human society is a norm in that former paradise, turned into perversistan by the democrat jews.

Trust NATO

globalists want a civil war to eliminate the white race in america and confiscate their wealth for the nwo as they are too difficult to govern. globalists envision themselves as the global masters with a distinct brown race of inferiors to govern.


honestly all none white people, in other words non-anglo – support russia l. because we all want to see the end of these anglo scum.


you are either badly misinformed or being an idiot. blm and antifa jerks certainly not only hate russia (because they are the ownership of soros and rockefellers) stormtroopers of democrats, but most of the democrats (comprising great percentage of jews, latinos, blacks) heavily supported fight against russia.


what a you idiot you are. you think blm has anything at all to do with russia or even this article. out of nowhere you just suddenly brought up blm. are you stupid? have you got blacks so stuck on your tiny american mind that you cannot think of anything else? i pray to god the anglo is wiped off the face of this earth – so that everyone else can just live in peace and quiet free from you morons.


ape-man, i am not an american and not an anglo-saxon. you are full of hatred because jewish slave traders from spain, portugal and england snatched 1/3 of african population into slavery. if you hate whites so much, direct your hatred to the concrete white/semiwhite group of the “god chosen people” who imagined the worst atrocities at blacks, and still treat them as a 3rd grade citizens of “schwartza” kind.


king of belgium, himself being murderous pedofile commited horrible atrocities against people of kongo. he wasn’t anglo-saxon. learn history, not basketball, if you want to participate in important discussions, moron.


and by the way, i love black women. always being fascinated with their pink tile gap.


chatam is dreaming if they think the deep red states are going to stay part of usa.

Rabbi Glickman

you might ask yourself, “what do the jews have planned after all the chaos, destruction, suffering and death they’ve caused?” well, there is no after plan. chaos, destruction, suffering and death are the plan!

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