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MARCH 2025

Chengdu J-10 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (Infographics)

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Chengdu J-10 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (Infographics)

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The Chengdu J-10 is a Chinese single-engine, lightweight multirole fighter aircraft. The warplane has a delta wing and canard design, with fly-by-wire flight controls. It is produced by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.


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Servet Köseoğlu

very good, only wonder how much the refueling tube affects maneuverability?

Lone Ranger

Probably not much. The Rafake has a similiar tube and it beats the raptor in close combat.

Servet Köseoğlu

hmm..then best option for pakistan to replace Dassault Mirage III

Lone Ranger

I agree.

Ivan Freely

Pakistan is working with the Chinese on the JF-17. I doubt the J-10 would be sold to them. However, there was talk of the FC-31 being pushed by China to Pakistan.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı doubt fc-31 would be sold to Pakistan…thanks..

Ivan Freely

Anything can happen. I remember seeing a photo of senior officials from CAC and Pakistani Generals with the FC-31 as a center piece.

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistan is strapped for cash and can not afford new aircraft. The JF-17 was designed primarily for them.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know they have financial problems thats why ı dont think any possible purchase of fc-31 but china-pakistan relations excellent-multi-layered..


A Turkish anime weaboo like you loves military history?

Servet Köseoğlu

yes darling….any problem with that?

Ivan Freely

Geopolitics can change that rather easily. China can gift half a squadron to them. Right now the Chinese are building Type 054/P frigates for them. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Pakistanis do get them.

Zionism = EVIL

You are right, the first 054/P frigate was delivered this month I believe. The Pakistanis are China’s all weather friends and their military has come out with open support for PLA in its stand off with India.

NEW DELHI: Pakistan has moved two divisions of troops along the LoC in Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan and Chinese officials are holding talks with senior Pakistani military leadership as per intelligence inputs, indicating clearer signs of a China-Pak collaboration on the border.

Ashok Varma

Sir, that is reason Indian and Chinese top generals are meeting and we can not afford a war with China that the US and west want, it will destroy India.

Ashok Varma

Pakistan is broke and even their Saudi masters are dumping it.

Servet Köseoğlu

broke but triple combo:china,pakistan and nepal…

Ashok Varma

Sadly, the extremist idiot Modi has been a disaster for India, he is making enemies of all our neighbours and causing internal divisions. Even the Sikhs and Christians are annoyed by Hindu extremism. India can only work as a secular society.

Servet Köseoğlu

uhh..ı wish you best,peaceful life and policies..ı dont have any hard feelings against india

Ashok Varma

India is building frigates for Turkey. We value Turkey as a rising power and economic partner. Turkish culture is very popular in India, especially with our large Muslim population. Peace to you too.

NEW DELHI: India is going ahead with a $2.3 billion (about Rs 15,000 crore) deal to manufacture fleet support vessels (FSVs) in collaboration with a Turkish shipyard following a review after questions were raised on Turkey’s links with Pakistan and the recent diplomatic tiff with the Recep Tayyip Erdogan government.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know we have collaboration with İndia..Great country..lots of cool experiences from the tourists,my friends

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid cunt Modi have even managed to piss off Bangladesh and it is improving relations with its old foe Pakistan. India is now a total Zionist patsy.

Zionism = EVIL

The Mirage III is one of the better aircraft in the Mirage family and the payload and capability was better than many of its contemporaries, just short of a the venerable F-4E. The Pakistanis are still one of the largest operators of Mirages, have acquired all sorts from Libya, Lebanon and Australia, and intend to use them well beyond 2030. Most of their Mirages have undergone ROSE1 and 2 upgrades.

detail of ROSE upgrades.


New head-up display (HUD).

New “hands on throttle and stick” (HOTAS) controls.

New multi-function displays (MFD).

New navigation systems on diaplay screen including an inertial navigation system (An Inertial Navigation System (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers) and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references. ) and GPS system.

New radar warning receiver (RWR), electronic counter-measures (ECM) suite and counter-measure dispensing system, dispensing decoy flares and chaff to confuse enemy missiles and radar.

FIAR Grifo M3 radar.

Beyond visual range (BVR) capability.

AIM-9L Sidewinder, AM39 (70–180 kilometres) etc

Add on of In-flight refuelling probes

RA’AD Cruise Missiles.


Enhanced night-time surface strike capability.

SAGEM Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) system.

ROSE II fighters the capability to fly safely in the dark at very low level to avoid radar.

Few unknown enhancements at Kamra.


New SAGEM navigation/attack avionics suite.

Mirage 5 ROSE III fighters and specialize in night-time surface strike missions.

Lone Ranger

Single engine, budget copy of the Eurofighter. Still not bad.

Servet Köseoğlu

absolutely not bad considering their other configurations with YJ-91 ARM and PL-10 SRAAM.

Albert Pike

No, not Eurofighter – the source was the Lavi. Israel sold the plans of this US/Israel Corporation on to China – even did send contractors to China, and what came out was the J-10:

‘In 2008, aviation publishing house Jane’s alleged that China’s development of the Chengdu J-10 had benefited from technical information from the Lavi project, citing Russian engineers who claim to have heard this from Chinese colleagues.’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Lavi


‘This included allegations that Israel had transferred Lavi technology for China’s program to develop a fourth-generation jet fighter. The Chengdu Aircraft Corporation had begun work on the J-10 in 1988 under engineer Song Wecong, who can be seen next to a Lavi in this photo (fourth from the right). In his book Lavi: the United States, Israel and a Controversial Fighter, John W. Golan wrote: Israeli involvement in the J-10 appears to have begun at around the same time that China first opened diplomatic relations with Israel in January 1992 . . . Israeli contractors were engaged to provide the aerodynamic and structural outlines for the J-10. The Israeli influences on the J-10’s design are unmistakable: a close-coupled, canard-delta arrangement; a single-engine fighter featuring a ventral engine inlet; twin ventral strakes; and an area-ruled fuselage.’ https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/did-israel-transfer-military-technology-help-china-build-j-10-fighter-85491

Fog of War

Very true, the Israhellis are already cozying up to the selected world power, and probably sold China way more then just this. They are parasites after all, and need to jump hosts to suck new blood.

Ivan Freely

True but they are going to sign a security trade deal with their enemy, Iran. Not sure how the Israeli parasites could get China to fight their wars for them. IMO, their next victim would be Russia.

Jens Holm

The world mainly is not like that here and for Israel as well. Its about best to the price. If a more advanced but often more expensiive version is needed, that will be done. If people need a cheeper version, it will be done.

Both are up against other producers just like Turks and their missiles. The america producers wpuld let them pay too much for the product as well as they would not give Turks the know how for Turkish coipied systems. And Turks did right according the market. They bought the cheeper and a little better S400 with no know how.

Thats no related to fightings but is pure trade and cost benefit. Sometimes we see people selling their Grandmother twice….

Fog of War

Iran is to be taken out by ZioAmerica, and possibly others, China wont be invovled at all. I dont think the parasites will jump to Russia as it doesnt have the production capacity, economic infrastructure, and the population of China. The ZioWest will atempt to break up Russia into small pieces so It could then be stripped of its natural resources. In addition, China has its eyes on Easter Russian Land and its resources. If Russia is broken up and made weaker, China will surely move in to claim ” its ” share, all with the full support of its new parasites. There is a reason why China and Russia dont seem to be coperating as fully as they should against the ZioWest.

Ashok Varma

There is very little chance of Iran being attacked by anyone, unless a global nuclear conflict is on the agenda.

Fog of War

I’m not sure about that because there is no way Israhell will allow Iran to aquire advanced, modern weapons, as that would be the end of its hegemony. ZioAmericas final mission will be to take out Hezbollah and Iran. This will most likely cause the collapse of the US, but the Khazars dont care, as this has been in the planing anyway. The dumb ‘merikans dont even know whats in store for them.

Ashok Varma

US and Israel have been barking since 1979 and Iran as the IAEA stated this week, has enriched enough uranium for two medium sized nuclear weapons. If the US had the capability, Iran would have been attacked a long time ago. Israel is largely impotent as it boasted of pushing Iran out of Syria in 2012, if you go by their bragging, but opposite has happened. I travel to Iran, quite frequently, their leaders are not concerned.

Fog of War

Fair enough, I gues we shall all see in October and afterwards.


Trump is a clown and the US military is not suicidal to start a war with Iran, China or Russia, not even North Korea as America is falling apart.

Ivan Freely

China won’t get directly involved in defending anyone but their own kind (i.e. East Asians). And since Iran isn’t East Asian, let alone their immediate neighbor, Iran is on it’s own, like it always has been. However, China will not send their military to bomb some nation for Israel’s benefit like the US have been.

Fog of War

” China will not send their military to bomb some nation for Israel’s benefit like the US have been. ”

They wont have to. By that point most of the world’s nations will be under the same control grid that China is building for its own people. This whole Covid thing is part of the process, and which country has come out on top after this scam ? China.

Which country is in the best economic form after the Covid scam ? China.

Which nation is building a worlwide trading network which will be dominated by it and its production output ? China.

Which country has a high tech surveilance and control system for its population ? China.

What political system are the Western nations being steered towards ? Socialism and Communism. Which country is authoritarian and Communist ? China.

Do you see a pattern ?

Ivan Freely

Although Western ruling elites are working towards following China’s footsteps but there’s no guarantee that they’ll succeed. People discount the effects of culture and I can’t see the proper implementation of China’s control grid onto Western nations. It’ll be a complete shitshow.

Zionism = EVIL

All true, but keep in mind “which parasitic fake country and the self-anointed chosen cunts” got the west on its knees by starting endless lost wars for insane “full spectrum domination”, that even Trump calls them suckers and losers.

Zionism = EVIL

China even let Pakistan lose half its country in 1971 and did fuckall as the idiot Niazi was waiting for “Chinese intervention” to save him before the humiliating surrenders at the Dacca racecourse. The Iranians perfectly understand Chinese mentality and are not naive, and have diversified defence ties with Russia as well.

Ivan Freely

There are no such thing as altruism in geopolitics. It’s all about managing one’s interests.

Zionism = EVIL

Absolutely, especially now in the new multi-polar Eurasian power blocks. Pepe Escobar in Asia Times has done a pretty good job in explaining how every powerful nation in the region is scrambling to gain advantage as the dumbass Americunt morons have fucked everything up.

Jens Holm

To me this sounds like innovation.


They don’t export? it will be great if the SAA Air Force could have one of those.


Chengdu J-10 is literally copy based on Israeli design blueprints of “Lavi” jet fighter. And Lavi was stolen blueprints of F-16 improved in Jew design to create domestic jet fighter. But since US was categorically against Israeli production of single engine “light” jet fighter ( not to make competition to their F-16) Israel has decided to secretly sell that design to China.

So we have today variant of F-16 that was redesigned-improved by Israel and produced by China today.

On photo 2 seater version of Lavi jet fighter.



Do all the airplanes look all the same or similar? “Stole” is such a strong word….

Ivan Freely

OP was talking about the blueprints. Believe it or not, Israel gets significant amount of access to classified data and systems from the US when they shouldn’t.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew parasites are stuck in every orifice of the dumbass lardass Americunts, they have been stealing and sabotaging all kinds of defence and security information. The Jew media never reports the number of military secret breaches besides a a few well known cases like Pollard etc.


Not all planes look similar.

US didn’t give the F-16 blueprints to IsraHell so the only adequate word for that is “stealing”! Are you Jew and the word offends you? OK we will use word “borrow” just for you, since IsraHell was stealing not only that, but just about any US know how they could put their hands on. Practically all military know how Israel has today is “borrowed” and attempted to be improved ! Are you one happy Jew now?!

Ivan Freely

This fighter (J-10) or the JF-17 could be sold to Iran once the security-trade deal is officially signed. The FC-31 is years away from ever being offered (i.e. engines). Eyes on the upcoming Zhuhai airshow. If the FC-31 static display is still there then it’s available for export.

Servet Köseoğlu

ıf ı am not wrong j-10 has russian engines ?

Zionism = EVIL

That is correct, Russian jet engines are very durable and versatile. The J-10A is powered by a single Russian Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN turbofan engine giving a maximum static thrust of 12,500 kgf (123 kN).

Ivan Freely

Earlier versions of J-10 (A variant) are still using Russian engines. However, newer ones like J-10C and even J-10B are using the WS-10 engines.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran will co-produce a jet similar to J-10 and it will be unveiled by next Nowruz, Persian spring.

Ivan Freely

What? What company will the Iranian work with? CAC or SAC? Any word on what the future fighter will be called?

Zionism = EVIL

I believe, it is CAC and Iranians have a lot of engineers working in Chengdu. It was officially announced last year.

An Iranian commander said the Air Force has started to develop a heavy fighter jet after its success in manufacturing the Kowsar warplane.

Iranian Air Force Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi said the process of manufacturing a homegrown heavy fighter jet has begun.

The general also pointed to military projects to upgrade the radar capabilities of the Air Force’s planes, saying good progress has been made in this field.

Ivan Freely

Announced via Iranian news or Chinese news?

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian official Air Force statement in Tasnim News (close to the military) and a recent interview by Air Force Chief.

However, according to other media reports earlier last month, Beijing is selling the J-10B fighter to Iran. Other media reports indicated that Iran has already signed a deal for the purchase of 36 J-10A jets was signed in 2018 after the Iranian evaluation team visited Chengdu.

Ivan Freely

Thanks. It’ll have to be the J-10B as the A variant are no longer made.

Zionism = EVIL

I understand that Iran also wants upgraded avionics and more versatile weapons systems that integrate the Iranian made long range missiles. Iranian version of AIM-54 Phoenix, Fakour 90, that has proved very effective.


Ashok Varma

Times of India has also reported that Iran has enough enriched uranium for at least 2 nuclear weapons and has gone past breakout stage. It is US insanity and failed policies that have pushed Iran. The JCPOA was good deal for everyone, but now Iran will look after its own interests.

Zionism = EVIL

Look, no disrespect, nuclear technology is over 75 years old and if poverty stricken South Asian shitholes can make nukes by eating “grass” as Bhutto said, then a rich, educated and resourceful country like Iran should have no problems. Even the South Africans tested a nuke with no problems.

Albert Pike

The South African Nuke was a co-operation between Israel, South Africa and Taiwan, payed for with a decade long ongoing export of South African Yellow Cake to Israel…

Putin Apologist

Okay, but the Chengdu J-10 is not “a heavy fighter jet” it’s a midsize jet, in the same class as a F-16 or a MiG-35. A heavy fighter would be a reverse-engineered F-14.


That would be final slap on arrogant US fat face if Iran and China cloned a F-14. Iran lent one to Russia a decade ago.


Chinese and Russian junk!Even old air defence system would shoot it down

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid dothead, make up some more stories about Chinese SU-27 being shout down ROFLMAO! Idiot, like I said before, if you keep on making up lies, no one will ever take you seriously. BTW, 90% of Indian airforce is Russian Migs and Sukhois, but your are as crappy as you and even the Chinese and Pakistani JF-17 Thunder 3rd generation jets have been knocking them out of the sky. The J-10 is a 3.5 generation fighter interceptor and has not been tested in real battle until now but I have examined them close up and they are very good quality. Let me educate you:



Enjoy your fantasy stories.According to your estimate the US should have been destroyed by now.So you can guess who is a joke

Ashok Varma

Abay chutiya pagal madar chod, tu sub Hindustani ka joke bun gaya hai. Chup kar bhonsere key :)


Mutah ki paidaish chup baith

Lone Ranger

The U.S. is pretty much destroyed as a country. Only the military is left.


Not sure about their military even, as they have lost all the wars.


Do you have Chinese made TV sets in Indian slums? US is worse than a banana republic with armed racist gangs in the streets. With a $34 trillion debt and 50 million with no food, you think US is doing better than India? Both seem to be in competition to see who can sink lower, even in Covid numbers.

People are going hungry’: pandemic effects have left 54m Americans without food and 12 million without permanent housing and over a million living rough on the streets.

Alberto Garza

chinese and good quality ? i dont think so .

Daily Beatings

Indian Air Force: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1f6c9cb0cabb44671b9a2c290ba6d9350575a323120db2be582f21850ed4042.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu


Ashok Varma

Please this Paul is an insult to all Indians. We have been buying Russian weapons since the 1950’s. He is just a child low caste troll.

Fog of War

Wow, Indians pulling the ” caste system ” card on each other. How will India ever become an advanced state while playing that ancient game ?

Ashok Varma

Our low caste are uneducated and that was my point. They live on superstitions. Caste system is eternal part of Hinduism.

Fog of War

Then they’re similar to our evangelical pro-Zionist Christians.

Ashok Varma

Yes, the Brahmins are self-anointed “chosen ones”.

Lone Ranger

U.S. has a cast system too. Its called rich and poor…


1% Bilderberg Jews and WASPS versus the rest.

Fog of War

Except their is a small chance of changing your economic fortune. Not so in the Indian caste system.

Lone Ranger

So one in 10,000 poor Americans will become rich in his/her lifetime. Yeah thats a lot better…

Fog of War

Well at least there is a tiny chance. However, whats a girl born into the ” prostitution” caste in India have to look forward to ? I think you’re just arguing just to argue. There is no way you would give up your low class live in the West, for a low caste live in India.

Lone Ranger

Both system is a fail. One is a bit more than the other.

Fog of War

I see you didnt answer the question. I’m sure you also understand that a welfare recipient in the US has a much higher standard of living then most people on the planet ( i.e. free food, housing, cell phone, HD TV and so forth ). You would never trade the West for India, just be honest.

Lone Ranger

40million Americans are facing eviction at the moment. They are probably worse off than most part of India. I wouldnt trade Europe for either.

Fog of War

” They are probably worse off than most part of India. ”

With that kind of statment we’ll have to end the conversation as its no longer rooted in reality.

Lone Ranger



They could become just like Japan did. Being very modern and respecting their tradition in the same time. But some aspects of tradition MUST adapt to the modernity and learn to accept it and not opposite.

cechas vodobenikov

racist—the reason u r so status anxious is that u worship kapusta …in civilized collectivist societies castes protect their members and insecurity/anxiety is absent….while China/India have improved conditions remarkably, economically/socially, the anglosphere is declining….Russian society is more similar to a caste than a class society and conditions have improved remarkably in the past 20 years the USA now is plagued with greater income/wealth disparities than all but a few African, 2 S amerikan nations (gini-coeffecient—not the CIA website wiki)

Fog of War

The term ” Racist ” has absloutely no power any more. Its only thrown around when one has nothing to say.


The main advantage of that jet is that BREAKS SOUND BARRIER immediately. :-)

They should work more on the wings though. For stronger engine they just need more spicy curry sauce!

Ashok Varma

Silly boy, almost all Indian planes are Soviet and Russian built. India just signed a deal for more Sukhoi and MIG 35.Under the approval, India will upgrade 59 of its MiG-29 aircraft and buy 21 more from Russia for about $1 billion. In addition, India will order 12 Russian-made Su-30MKI fighters from the local state-owned company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for $1.53 billion.


India’s is Russia’s largest export market as US and western weapons proved too expensive and not cost beneficial.


Except Mirages, Rafales, Jaguars and Tejas and Israeli drones

Lone Ranger

Salty tears detected…

Assad must stay

a solid fighter

cechas vodobenikov

while the f35 is incompetent there r many decent fighters—Russian/ Indian many produced in Goa, Chinese, US f22, f 16, eurofighter, rafael., etc… no war campaign is decided by any one weapons, but how they are used and how well they coordinate w others—infrantry navy, etc

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